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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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11 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

so when the maid was being whipped and HS came to rescue her.

Once everyone is leaving, didn't that maid give this weird look to (don't know the number but seems like the least known actor) the prince who is known for his wealth..who was standing with prince#3 and didn't care abt the whipping??


And that prince averted her gaze?- past love story there?


Please, you may only read if you really want to, because it's a major spoiler!


He was the 9th Prince and HS's maid is his lover and spy as well. She loves him, because he saved her when she was a child, but he only admits this after her death. That maid's faith affects HS's faith too. 


What a beautiful episode again! I am in love with this version!:wub:




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2 hours ago, sweet_nara said:


Anyone watching this drama from ONE TV in Singapore? May I know whether it has English subtitle? And if yes, please also let me know which Channel. Thank you in advance.


I am watching from ONE in Singapore. Subtitles can be English or Chinese, depending on user. I prefer to read Chinese subtitles when watching Korean dramas because some of the terms used are similar to Chinese. I am on Singtel Mio, ONE would be channel 513 if I remember correctly.

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I love the korean version of Bu Bu Jing Xin. I feel the editing was a lot smoother starting from episode 4 and the episode I saw had more suitable background music too so that was pleasantly surprising. Despite the negative comments about IU's acting, I think she's nailing it. It shows in today's episode too. Its the subtle nuances of the role that she's playing that makes it for me. She exudes innocence but her modern woman antics leaks through from time to time. It's really endearing. As for the love lines, keep in mind that the c-version had time for the story to flourish whereas the k-version only has 20 episodes to work with. It might seem like its rushed but it really isn't. The 8th prince was attracted to her in the beginning because she's so different from the women of that era. It's more of a slow burn which suddenly rose to the forefront when he realized that he could've lost Hae Soo. Kang Ha Neul did an amazing job of showcasing that. As for Wang So, like many ppl have mentioned, its not love yet. It's more of curiosity and he's just naturally drawn to her because she's the first person to talk to him like a person instead of treating him like an animal. Hae Soo is literally a breath of fresh air and innocence since all Wang So has ever known was hate and blood shed. Ppl were skeptical that all of a sudden she wasn't afraid of him anymore. She has spunk which was shown in the beginning. Remember what Wook told her in first couple of episodes, that living in the world they live in, they all learned to kill at a young age in order to protect the ones they love or kill to just survive. So when she saw So all bloodied, thats exactly what she said to him. It's not a crime to want to survive. Everything is really subtle.

As for the maid that was flogged, the exchange of looks between her and the 9th prince, if the k-version is exactly like the c-version, then I have an idea of whats going on there. I won't spoil it for the ppl here, :P. Anyway, can't wait to watch ep 5 tomorrow!

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Just now, akinahana89 said:

Without having watched the 4th episode yet and only from reading the recaps and discussions, I'm realizing that So's mother isn't as intelligent as she thinks she is. The greatest power probably lies in her hands, right in front of her, and she doesn't see it. Wang So, the wolf dog already feared by many. The son who somehow got trained in martial arts when he became a Shinju hostage. The man who slayed an entire group of assassins just to try and please and protect his mother, to try and get just a small crumb of affection or approval.

In her silent struggle for power, she fails to see how Wang So could actually be an asset to her? By continuously driving a wedge the size of an elephant between them, Wang So is only going to turn the other way and bring her down. He's only going to give up on her eventually and destroy everything she's worked for. Instead, she should be seizing that opportunity. Throw him the crumb he's been pleading for and he'll be the most loyal soldier ever, doing anything and everything she asks because then she'll give him another morsel of approval - which is the only thing he wants from her.

Is she so disgusted by him and, in turn, disgusted with herself for what she did to him, that she's blind to the opportunity presented before her?

Yeppers, you hit the nail on the head - she's blinded by her disgust. When she's talking in private with her favorite son (3rd prince?) she outright says they need to suss So out in order to determine if he's a liability, where his loyalties are and whether they can/should turn him to their side. In one fell, murderous swoop, So shows his hand without them having to lift a finger - his loyalties are tied to her; he's willing to remove liabilities, not be one and he can be swayed. Yet, once she's in his presence she instantly lashes out at him, unable to suppress her worst instincts even for the sake of self-preservation or her plans for the throne. She is quite plainly irrational when it comes to So. I wouldn't be surprised if she moves to actively hurting him because right now, as awful as she is, she isn't actively trying to destroy him - she doesn't think of him enough to devote that kind of energy; this is casual abuse at its worst. But when So begins to catch her attention, maybe through politics (the king not sending him back to Shinju, the Crown Prince, etc.) or because he has the audacity to try to be happy, I suspect she'll make him her special little cruelty project.

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2 hours ago, heartforkdrama said:

Do you all think that whether it is easier to get used to life in the old era present time people or easier for people with past era transferred to the present day? 

Oh, that's a good question. Hmmm... Ok I think it's easier to get used to old area for present time ppl. We have history books, we can learn and prepare. Or at least we had history lessons in school so more or less we know how was it back then. People from past era have the difficulty that there's no chance to prepare and the difference between their times and our times is too big. I'm not talking only about cars, mobile, Internet, computers, streets, lights at night, clothes etc. but also about behaviour that is acceptable nowadays (no, your majesty, you can't have this man hanged just because he was rude to you / yes, we are all equal / what do you mean you need a horse?!). It's like making a baby behave like an adult withouth the time of growing up. 

I love those pix! Thanks for sharing @Mau_Cherry!

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22 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


My Guess is even when he ask her to marry him (after his Wife died) she will turn him down - because she will not meddle with History. So she prefers to go in the Palace as a Maid. Wang Wook will be hurted and he can´t understand it too...

The death of his wife will change the relationship between them, Haesoo sees her as she was her older sister or mother and I don't think she feels good to be with Wang Wook after this. It may be that something happens to hasten the death of his wife and Haesoo will feel guilty.

The acting of Lee Joon Ki in this episode is amazing, his lips and face were trembling in the part his mother rejects him, showing the emotional pain due to her harsh words. It is at the same level of Oscar-winning actors, which act with their body to express an emotion.

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14 minutes ago, Irisz said:

Please, you may only read if you really want to, because it's a major spoiler!

Are you referring to the original? I'm not sure about that in this version though. After all, everything is kinda different now.

About the relationship between WS and his mom, I don't think it's anything important about his scar. She just hates him. Even in the original, 4th's mom also hates him so much comparing to his younger brother, 14th. And he doesn't have any scar at all. She just hates him. No reason (or I don't remember). That's why in the C version 4th makes a lot of revenges on 14th (the throne was originally for 14th, but 4th rewrote the king's words and became the king, 14th couldn't see his father for the last time, when their mom died 14th couldn't see her either, Rouxi was made 14th's wife by his father but 4th prevented that, after Rouxi died 4th had 14th lived in their mom's palace, imagine a warrior living in a concubine's place). Well, I think they are just recreate the situation where 4th being hated by his mom. Don't dive too deep into this.

Edited by shizukatsukiko
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for me, queen Yoo's action was kinda understandable? as in her character. she was not out of character. because she was sleeping then woken up by Wang So. she's not exactly in the state to think clearly. and what's the first thing she sees? BLOODY So. then he tells her he killed all these people who were her underlings. and to be fair, So didn't exactly explain well to her. and i don't think she really want to hear anyway. So himself is sign of her failure and bad memories, so she doesn't want to see him. therefore, when that So comes to her in middle of night with sword in hand and covered by blood, she instinctively feels disgusted and scared. and i guess that's why she was angry and afraid of So when she saw 14th prince Jung getting slapped because yesterday, she saw bloody So and heard him saying he killed all these mercenaries.

Edited by louisawatson
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2 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:

I need to know what Jung said to make So slap him... was it for his own good... or hit he really a weak point... I need the subs...

But I was badly in tears here... and Jung could not understand what was going on. I so hope that he can see the real face from his mother and that So was always treated wrong and badly.

  Reveal hidden contents


That was awful - she first checkt if there is any bruise on his Face.... there can´t be any...



And I believe Jung tried to speak up for So - who in fact rescued his life today...

but Mother don´t care ... she only hurts So more and more ... and I hate her more and more... if that even is possible.



Poor Jung looked shooked and kinda in emotional pain


he looks like he just wish to cry -- like he is asking himself who this woman je just witnessed can be his mother... who loves him so much





... [/ spoiler]




If I recall correctly, Jung sort of taunted So. So was trying to tell Jung to note his status (hinting that his actions have consequences, in view of the fact that the bad guy's arm was cut off by the Queen because Jung lost to him in a previous fight and that was why he wanted revenge by cutting Jung's arm) but Jung was unhappy that So "reprimanded" him like a big brother, and asked him why he was doing that and whether it was because the Queen doted on him and So was afraid this would elevate his status to above So, or something along the line. Then So slapped Jung.

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29 minutes ago, junee22 said:

I don't think the development of the love triangle is too fast though..WW already had interest on haesoo since she made the glue..another interest when haesoo cried at the forest..and another one when they talked in HS room,about the feeling WW have after his first time killed someone..its her sympathy that made WW even more like her,and I think the love blossom from there?just getting deeper for him

As for Wang So..not that fast either..he started to have interest at HS when WS say her name (one of my favorite tones of LJG's voice) "Hae Soo?" and he didn't really mean to kill her..its just his anger,frustration,shame of scars..but I don't think WS had real intention to kill HS.

Hae Soo..her character is that she's nosy..she like to be involved in others life,and that's why HS is full of affection and sympathy towards others (trust me,I know..since I'm a bit nosy myself..haha) so this far HS's feelings for the two princes?Sympathy & understandings for 4th/WS..respect,admiration&adore for 8th/WW (and maybe like him a little bit),but there are no deep love yet..maybe at the next episodes?

It's just my opinion..oh no..its 00.47 at my place,I need beauty sleep :P Good night all

I agree with you. I don't think, it is too fast. HS' quality is that she is very warmhearted. Her warmth and her behaviour (she doesn't care about rank but values integrity /justice) have been noticed by Wang Wook and Wang So:

- HS said, she never wanted to rely on Wang Wook (something totally new for WW)

- She asked for an apology from WS and talked back to him, although he kept threatening her.

We shouldn't forget that at the beginning of the drama, she said to the homeless man that she thought, if she didn't change, people around her wouldn't change. In my opinion, she was not only talking about the bad experiences with her last boyfriend and her friend. I had the impression that she had been hurt before (betrayed aso) but she always thought that if she keeps being nice and warmhearted, then this wouldn't happen again. But it never did. Then she added, from bad it had gone worse so from my point of view, HS has always been friendly to people, nonetheless she was always the loser. Therefore she is similar to Wang So. Although Wang So has experienced exclusion, rejection and abandonment from his family, he had never given up that his mother or his family would come to accept him and start showing affection. Both are similar in their thinking. Just like HS experienced the worst before travelling back in time, Wang So experienced the same with his mother after killing the monks in her name.

So that's in her nature to overlook the bad experiences because she is really open-minded. Besides, the scene with the beating makes WS realise that HS really doesn't care about rank or social status. HS stood up for Chae R. and for Wang So, it is really refreshing and new. Wang So gets aware that HS doesn't care about his bad reputation at all. He is feared and is seen as ruthless and violent, yet she talks to him and doesn't avoid him. She is the only one who sees him as equal.  

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@shizukatsukiko I feel that in the C-version she didn't hate him. She only had favoritism for the younger. There was an scene in which she was happy the two of them were requesting the same thing for Rouxi's sake, maybe a sign that they will get closer...and she felt good for that. Her hate for 4th at the end was justified for me, because...BIG SPOILER (warning XD):


what he did wasn't right...she suffers for that...14th really was the one closest to the king and the one that deserved the title...she even ask 4th to tell her the truth directly but he only coldly lied to her saying she was acting like that because of favoritism (which in that case she wasn't). She sensed the truth. She knew that he killed the servant that was about to tell her all the details...it was so obvious. That servant felt guilty of not respecting the King's last will, and she (as the wife of the king) cried and felt guilty of not telling the world what 4th did. So, she grew apart from 4th and he was no longer a son for her. Yeah, we know why 4th decided to act that way...but that's not something her mother knew. I felt bad for her and 14th.


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41 minutes ago, chubbz said:


If I recall correctly, Jung sort of taunted So. So was trying to tell Jung to note his status (hinting that his actions have consequences, in view of the fact that the bad guy's arm was cut off by the Queen because Jung lost to him in a previous fight and that was why he wanted revenge by cutting Jung's arm) but Jung was unhappy that So "reprimanded" him like a big brother, and asked him why he was doing that and whether it was because the Queen doted on him and So was afraid this would elevate his status to above So, or something along the line. Then So slapped Jung.

yeah this is it, but the final big hit was Jung telling So that "Yo hyungnim was right, i feel embarrassed to be called as your full-brother." well, he actually said the brother who came from same mother, but in this situation that means full-brother. and this kinda shows how 14th prince Jung was raised. i don't think he is mean or evil in nature. but he was simply raised to enjoy his statue and was loved by all the people. also, his older brother prince Yo always talked bad of prince So. his mother also looked down on prince So. therefore, when prince So, who Jung is not close to and probably deep inside looked down on, try to teach him a lesson, he felt annoyed, and ended up saying bad things that Jung always used to hear from both his brother Yo and his mother about So. but i guess Jung didn't feel right when he actually saw how his mother treated So, and when he remembered that his mother cut a person's arm and ruin that person's clan without Jung knowing about just because Jung lost in a fight to that person. i bet his mind is confused and in deep chaos. 

Edited by louisawatson
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6 minutes ago, shizukatsukiko said:

Are you referring to the original? I'm not sure about that in this version though. After all, everything is kinda different now.


Yes, but after seeing that look from both, it's obvious that they've left that story line in it, don't you think so?  



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19 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

@akinahana89 @theseasasleep could it be the appearance of Wang So being a scar face also contribute as part of her disgust towards her own son, not discounting her despise because of her frustrated plan to make him a hostage when the King aimed to have a concubine aside from the Queen. Subtle scenes were shown all throughtout since episode 1 to 4 when , as observed by some of our Eclipses here ( Love the term too hihi)

  • Wang So's collection of masks like he is having a collection of sun glasses in his closet :w00t: . Sorry , maybe because Im staring at LJK 's face i failed to observe his masks 
  • Chae Ryeong 's comment about the importance of Beauty and Appearance in Songak of which Hae Soo scuffs that period or time have no bearing when it comes to "perfection"
  • When Hae Soo's unnie was delighted to see her face after the make over, and she was confident to go public and help Wook in their charity work.
  • The hairpin. When the princess saw it in the maid's hands, there 's a connotation of discrimination of who should be pretty and who shouldn't. Also, when Jung gave that gold hairpin versus the Wang So;s. And,
  • The Queen narcissism is no joke  


  • photo scapped by dramatroll


Ah yes, the scar! Yeah, I think you are right, it is certainly an important piece to the whole "treat So like crap" puzzle. I think my modern sensibilities are getting in the way there because to me it's not on the level of anyone kicking him like this (no physical flaw should be) but for them, he is an embarrassment for that reason. The whole monarchy thing is quite abstract to me, I think partially because my nation's primary development never relied upon the structure but I need to remember how strange monarchies of all nations are/were - a lot of them had strict rules about who could touch them, if at all; rules about what fabrics or colors were restricted to royal use only, etc. Of course, there's also the pervading idea they are nearly, if not totally, divine and the divine is without flaw. With that mindset, I suppose a very visibly, physically flawed prince presents as a figurative vulnerability.

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On 03/09/2016 at 8:09 AM, ChewyChocolate said:

Now I get it why the prince was sitting there when HS walked past, I thought it was a random thing.... the significance of that new added scene has so much impact on the next scene, the massacre of the monks. Without this scene, I wouldn't have known about the conflict 4th is facing inside...it makes him so much more human and vulnerable. 

I have a fear this drama is going to be so sadd later on, watched the mvs on youtube and there are scenes of an older, sadder Hae Su, and I think it's going to make me very very sad, but I love a show that makes me feel all these emotions. The scenes between HS and 8th Prince are lovely, and I think KHN is perfect for the role...those beautiful, heavy-lidded eyes, that slow intimate way he speaks to her, those pauses as he gazes at her, that smile, those sensual lips, that low, caressing voice...I'm as shaken as HS, and to think I didn't even bother about KHN coming into this show, it was all LJK for me, so I guess I'm feeling much like HS is feeling, the quiet charm of this man that just tugs at you and pulls you in, slowly,subtelly...what a great actor KHN is...


SAME friend! SAME!

I have a feeling this drama is going to rip our hearts out and since I'm a sucker for melo and I love to suffer, I'm kinda looking forward to it haha ... the only thing is that I wish for a happy ending for WS ( If it follows history I think that he is going to be king but will marry his step sister..... then what about HS in his life?...) and a happy ending for WW cuz I've fallen hard form him, or is it that I'm just amazed by KHN's performance?... ( but then WS and WW are bound to become rivals right? ugh I just want my two babies to find a way to be both happy *cries*) 

I'm not even gonna talk about LJK's amazing performance of the complex multilayered WS...he is brilliant! But I'm afraid that romance wise he won't outshine KHN's performance: the longing, the conflict, the soft gazes, the low caressing voice and sensual lips...as you said.

Also I'm not familiar with history so I have no idea what will happen to WW ( don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me lalalalalalalalalalala) but I'm looking forward to discover his other sides ( and quite scared of it ) ... obsessive WW, manipulative WW, jealous WW, dark Wang Wook, and if KHN nails it as he did with conveying romantic feelings... I think I might just fall for him even harder.



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2 hours ago, MiamMiam said:

Episode 4 with subs is OUT !!!! 

 Chingu ah where?????

EDIT: Got it! Thanks a lot! Having been watching and I don't know in the end if WW saw the scene of WS and HS in snow? And I haven't seen the scene WW-HS walking in snow field. Hope to see it tomorrow!

Edited by shizukatsukiko
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51 minutes ago, shizukatsukiko said:

Very well said. With a love like that, if WW is the main lead, their love would be very very warm, loyal and romantic, even more than most couples in our modern world. They will love each other passionately till the second they die. Just like the oath "Only death do us separate". Yet he is just the second lead. I can't help crying a river everytime I am reminded that he is only a second lead. Because, look, their affection is so beautiful!

Edit: By the way, does anyone have the translation of the new OST sung by DAVICHI's lyrics? Please share~~~ I will love you forever!!!!


Yes, it's indeed will be a faithful kind of love. Wook will never love anyone but Soo. In a way, if given chance, I agree it would be super warm and romantic even hot as hell. Wook is a very romantic and caring man if he wants to. Look at the way he treated his wife. He doesn't even love her (his wife admitted it). With Soo that kind of care would be triple. He would be the kind of guy who call 100 times a day and skipped lunch just to see you, shower you with flowers, making you dinner,  talk to you and watched you sleep. 

But it would be an obsessive possesive chaining kind of love. That kind of love was maddening. Not everybody can handle huge feeling like that. No surprise he was shaking in anger and fear on the way home after the fight. He was angry because 14th and worried to death of the chirpful girl behind her. He was so mad he ditched Soo but come back because Soo said she was hurt. He knew it was a lie but come back anyway. He can't help it. From this moment on that girl is the only light he wants to see in his life. 

And it's just the beginning. They don't have a love relationship here. Imagine when they are in one. Imagine further down the eps. 

It. Would. Be. Crazy.

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