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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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Ep 11 was so sad. :( PHY pitied the serial killer, as someone here has mentioned, and that just made it sadder. The "memento" from the last victim, her song, was very interesting. It seemed like many of the victims listened to music, but the killer kept only hers, the one he loved. It's so symbolical... a song is not "tangible" but it can touch hearts. Uwaaahh... And the last scene when the last victim (but now alive) passed by the killer... I guess they're just not meant to be. ;_; I can't imagine they'll have a future. Okay what am I even thinking, that guy is a serial killer LOL. 

I also always feel a sense of loss when the past changes the future. PHY and the team actually solve a lot of cases, but many of them are forgotten. Still, the overall tone is not lost. When we look at two different realities, the killer caught in the present versus caught in the past, either way he's still an incredibly lonely and messed up person. T-T

Anyways, excellent episode! 

@Mico Ricco Haha, I guess that culprit was really just for laughs. XD The way the other officers gossiped behind CSH and LJH's back was pretty funny. :) 

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1 hour ago, Lawyerh said:

i believe the last victim do have a future with the serial killer.. Their path surely will cross as shes the new volunteer there. Either it will be bad fate or healing one we will never know.

i agree, they will sure will come across with each other since she's volunteering there. i think it will be healing one. the way that the scene was taken was in a fated hopeful tone. even the thought monologue of PHY was of hopeful one. i think the writer wanted to give them their own way of "happy" ending.

the writer pointed out that the things could have turned out different if someone gave him a helping hand. and i think LJH was "helpful" justice hand where LJH put him in jail before he goes too far down the road of murder. he is currently getting treatment in the prison for prisoners with psychiatric disorders. then we see girl volunteering where he is. they have eye contact. and i think their eye contact is foreshadowing of them fated to meeting each other again. she could be the helping hand who connects with him and teach him emotions and how to form a relationship. 

they have great chemistry T.T

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Is it even possible to go through one episode without tears? And yet, there I was again, wiping tears as we are finally privy to the fateful night Kim Jin Woo killed Yoo Seung Yeon before being hit with the sickening realisation of what he has done, and his days leading to his attempted suicide. Yoo Seung Yeon's final moments, struggling against him, even as she held on to his coat in futile supplication hit me with waves of helpless terror and heartbreak for her... dying at the hand of the man she liked, one so broken that he could not even recognise that he did care for her until it was too late. For the first time in this drama, there are equal parts of pity and horror for our perpetrator, himself as much a victim as those he killed, and I reacted very much similar to PHY, when hearing him written off as trash. It begets the age old question of nature vs nurture (@drmjs- sounds reminiscent of the discussions on the IRY thread, right?)... but in the case of KJW, I think it can be definitely concluded that he falls in the latter category, originating in the ongoing abuse from ages 7 all the way to his mother's death at 19, upon which he snapped and started killing. And the environment in which he spent those terrible years - a neighbourhood that was so uncaring that no one noticed, or wanted to see the problems beyond their own sphere - was just as guilty in fostering the seeds that led to his killing spree, and the undetected kidnapping and disposal of his victims. This time though, this time, we see redemption, both for the subsequent 9 victims as well as himself, when LJH arrested him in Jan 1998, putting a stop to his rampage, and enabling him to get the help he needs to hopefully undo, if even a little, the damage to his psyche. I cannot express my elation as we trace PHY's footsteps and see the victims alive in the here and now, and KJW, while incarcerated, but at least getting help at long last, proof being when he instinctively turns and is drawn to the very much alive but not depressed Yoo Seung Yeon in present day. PHY's thoughts, as he finally acknowledges that while he does not know if others are suffering due to their tampering with fate, but the fact that the victims they could save are alive due to their intervention, means there is hope for the future - is indicative of his resolute frame of mind now, as they approach the case that is closest to his heart.


Miss Lee, coffee lady! What a wonderful comedic breather for both our team and the viewers! Not to mention seeing CSH so fierce two years hence, already on the way to becoming the tough, no-nonsense team leader of today, yet still a blushing, uncertain girl at the core when faced with her feelings for the grouchy, clueless bear she is in love with. I love that the rest of the team are all in the know, and fully rooting for her, affirming the fact that the team, aside from KBJ, are a close-knit bunch.


We are now on to the new case... with what is evidently cover-ups from way up already in motion, instigated by Congressman Jang. It was poignant, seeing how PHY begged LJH to investigate that case, even before it was highlighted, desperately hoping that, just as with the Hongwon-dong case, perhaps they would see a miracle and the real perpetrators brought to light, and hopefully, hopefully his brother cleared of complicity. And we finally see Chief Ahn's backstory, one that paints him to be more than just a lackey... but with his own difficult cross to bear. During LJH's first meeting with the then-Detective Ahn, while appearing effusive and eager, he already seems to be party to the cover-up, or at least under very specific instructions. Chief Ahn admitted as much to PHY in present day, that he was the one who tampered with the case, and I wonder what his motivations were for doing so. Was his daughter, even then, already in need of medical attention, which he could not afford with his detective's salary? Was that the reason he chose to kill LJH in 2000, so that his daughter would have a lease on life? His daughter now being beyond help, compounded with his own conscience which he has forcibly buried all these years, is the impetus for him to finally come clean and reveal the unconscionable truth to PHY. 


So many questions yet unanswered for now, among which:

Why is it that Chief Ahn could not have told PHY the facts immediately, but had to postpone it by two hours, a move that proved fatal for him? Could he have left some clue for PHY, or did the killer take whatever incriminating evidence there was with him? If not, does it now fall on LJH to get down to the truth in his timeline, and perhaps get through to Detective Ahn in the process, thus preventing all the subsequent tragedy?


Why was the rape case of such immense interest to those in power, that they would exercise their authority to ensure that it was handled the way they wanted? Does it again have to do with the fact that many of these boys who were named are from influential families?


The identity of the whistleblower who posted that damning post which opened up the can of worms. Was it PSW, or the boy with the red scarf at the hospital? The previews indicate that the rape victim appears to follow PSW around... so could it be that she opened up about her traumatic experience to him, and he posted in an attempt to put a stop to her abuse?


We are on an unforgettable roller coaster ride every single episode, and are now set hurtling down the hardest case, one that has far-reaching consequences for our team. Knowing now the real case that this arc is based on, I can only brace myself that the details to be revealed would be harsh and painful... for the viewers and even more so, PHY and LJH. Previews indicate that LJH meets the younger PHY, and now, with him knowing that he is communicating with the older version, I wonder if he would play a hand in shaping PHY's future, particularly his determination to enter the police force? We shall see.

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2 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:

credit : FB - tvn10thsignal










HAHAHAHAHAAHA. This totally describes me.

(rough trans of what's in the pic)
Friday! Signal Day! Eureka!
HY: Smile that you cannot hide JH: Haaa.. A smile just comes out SH: Deeply moved

Waiting for Signal
After watching the Saturday episode of Signal: What? It's only been 10 minutes. Why did it end?? How to wait another week
Sunday: Restless... It's a weekend but I'm not enjoying it
Monday: Sudden rage(?)... It's hell day in so many ways.
Tuesday: Patience Let's endure [this]... trembling...
Wednesday: Can smile again D-2
Thursday: Just have to endure one more day! I keep on smiling

Anyway, ahhh this episode. At first, I didn't want Jaehan to change anything but things actually worked out. They all got a second chance. I'm not saying that I pity the killer because he deserves every punishment that would go his way but his situation was just extremely sad. I discussed it with my mom and we both agreed that the guy just didn't know what love is or how to express it. As a child, all the "love" received from his mom was abuse as she tells him that she will make him feel comfortable and that she would save him. I think that he sincerely wants to help those people he has killed but the only way of comforting he knows is what he learned from his mom. Watching the scene where he killed the last victim, it seemed like he was trying to hug her but eventually ended her life It's just too tragic. Haeyoung is right. Would he have done it if someone offered a hand to help him?

Reading about the real gang rape case was just disturbing. Our world is really messed up. I hope that Signal opens people's eyes for change or at least comfort victims who are still waiting for justice. Somewhere out there, I bet there's a Jaehan who would risk his life to catch the bad guys. Or at least I hope so.

Ahhh. My emotional levels are on high because of Signal. Upcoming withdrawal scares me so much. 5 episodes left.

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I thought the serial murderer got SH when she entered his hse, luckily it was PHY...phew.. At least the serial murderer finally comes to his senses after his last murder and decided to end his life but he should pay for his crimes. 

Another great episode and the case I've bn waiting for, the Injoo gang rape case.....

I was hoping that while watching Chief Ahn n what he' s trying to do, will not be killed but...aishhh....and why must he wait 2 hrs to tell PHY? I think Sun woo might know who are responsible for the gang rape since he passed the pix to LJH. Maybe. The 7 students are involved but becoz they r frm a good fmly, it will be twisted n another person will be sacrificed(Sun woo). I really hope they will scceed in finding the truth for this case, get the corrupt cops n  mastermind n PSW alive again?.... So heartbreaking to see PHY pleading to LJH to investigate and find the truth of the actual perpetrator of the gang rape case. Pls don't die yet Chief Ahn, give PHY some info.

On a side note, I really love CSH's mom, she's funny and obsessed with pink to get CSH married. Can't wait for tonite's episode....

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27 minutes ago, earthna30 said:

HAHAHAHAHAAHA. This totally describes me.

(rough trans of what's in the pic)
Friday! Signal Day! Eureka!
HY: Smile that you cannot hide JH: Haaa.. A smile just comes out SH: Deeply moved

Waiting for Signal
After watching the Saturday episode of Signal: What? It's only been 10 minutes. Why did it end?? How to wait another week
Sunday: Restless... It's a weekend but I'm not enjoying it
Monday: Sudden rage(?)... It's hell day in so many ways.
Tuesday: Patience Let's endure [this]... trembling...
Wednesday: Can smile again D-2
Thursday: Just have to endure one more day! I keep on smiling



That's right; these FB pics really reflect our mood each day before and after from Friday to next Thursday.:)

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Oh my everything about this hongwon dong case is just so so sad :( . How unfortunate for JW to have killed the women who liked him and the one he liked too. He did not even understand why he was so moved and affected the instance SY died . its just so tragic to imagine what he must have gone through listening to her song the whole time (btw , does anyone know what song is that ? ). 

Its also very interesting how despite the change in the past , they still are brought together by fate , its like even if certain events change, what's meant to be will always happen :)  . 

What an impact-full case this has been *thumbs up*.

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This drama is just too too riveting and thanks to friends here for all the keen observed information to make my watching even more interesting and meaningful!

How could CSH not be smitten with LJH? He might scold her and told her not to show her big beautiful eyes with a smile (violent crime department, so your eyes must be steely! LOL) but he became the `tea lady' to spare her! The whole unit noticed the dropped pink box of chocolates she had intended to give to him on valentine's day! (haha).

I am glad for these light moments as my heart ached for the hongwon dong case; and I am horrified by the school girl gang rape case (especially now knowing that there was a similar case in the past where the victim's alcoholic father received compensation from the perpetrators to close the case!)

Congressman Jang's cold look was just scary! 

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Now, I have managed to watch it with subtitles and I have the impression that I I have figured it out what happened back then. This is my theory:

The real culprits are the one on that picture.



So the victim was raped by this student council leaders. But I believe, someone among these 7 persons felt guilty and couldn't live with that huge remorse and decided to post it. However, the parents from the one who posted it must have found it out. His parents must have been rich, I suspect an official. However, KBJ was asked for help. Since the police in In Joo hadn't been able to hide it from the media, KBJ decided to use the media for his own advantage. The conversation between KBJ and the police Chief from In Joo is really important because he has two goals in mind:

- He said, he wanted to find out who wrote this post and his attitude wasn't heartwarmed. Either he doesn't know who it is and wants to punish him for his involvement (denunciation) or he knows who it is but he is more interested to find a scapegoat. This post can be used as an evidence that he was one among the rapists. 

- The other point is that KBJ decided to release the content to the media, but before releasing it, he falsified/changed the content of the post.  

I believe, the content from the post on the website had been changed. Words were erased as if the author had written 7 persons, while in the original he had written Injoo High school Student Council Leaders. LJH noticed that the words 7 people weren't written in the original post.






PWS will be the scapegoat as he was close to the victim. However, the whistleblower is a different person. We saw that he had a huge desk and his own computer hence his parents are rich. Still, the parents from that council decided to pay off the father's victim as a compensation but in return she had to stay quiet. ACS was the one who tried to hide it from LJH. He intervened that LJH didn't interview the victim and he was the one who gave him the list of the suspect. The signature is falsified as well. 

Since the Injoo gang rape had been in the center of the media, KBJ had to find scapegoats for that scandal and derive the attention from the real culprits. To me, it is pretty clear that there is some corruption as well there. Injoo seems to be under developpement (we were shown twice placards about Welcome in Injoo and this is no coincidence).

That's why ACS mentioned to PHY that this is dangerous. Many officials and wealthy people are involved: huge corruption case and KBJ has been the one who hid it from the public.

So what do you think?

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