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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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@gnixfim @peny We'll see what Young Lady will do. However, if he wants to escape, he will have to flee into the woods, since SY's car was in front of his house and car!

But to me, this walnut tree is important and it might play a part in order to catch the killer/rapist! Like the serial killer said, this tree is uncommon. Noone knew about its existence!! Someone took a cutting and planted it on that tree so that the walnut tree was different. In Germany, there is this custom to plant a tree, when you've got a child! 

I have of that custom. It a very nice one. My x-mother-in-law parents came from Germany. Some place (can't remember where), it's a custom to plant a tree when someone dies.

Maybe you can explain why the walnut tree is so important other than connecting Young Lady to it  If Young Lady is the killer, then I can understand  after all he goes around clutching walnuts while making the clicking sound. The first time we heard it was when SY was on the bus going to the village and Young Lady was on that bus too. That when the writer made his a suspicious character. As I have said before I  really hope that Young Lady is not the killer. I just think he had a terrible childhood and hates seeing people unhappy, especially young women. I believe he is a very sick man and needs professional care in a mental hospital. He is very sad and truly hope someone else is the killer.

Well... The custom of planting a tree in celebration of a birth is not that uncommon, I suppose. In my home country, the same custom is uphold. There are even more occasions that are celebrated with planting a tree, here. Like a wedding, for instance. Only these trees are usually planted on family property (your own yard, if you have one, your parents, if you don't and they do). One does not plant a "birth-tree"/"life-tree" in the middle of a forest, since it would be considered unlucky or an ill omen if something happened to the tree while the person is alive.

About Agasshi, Id' say last episode pretty much confirmed he is the serial killer. The detective in charge of the investigation told WJ what they had discovered about the murders. How the killer always makes a post before a killing, always using a different internet cafe to do so, so the police can not just trace the killers IP-address. And then we saw Agasshi, who we do know to have very adequate computer equipment at home, along with internet access, since he would need it for his stockmarket consultation business, sit at an internet cafe, making a post very similar to the ones mentioned by the police detective. The killer is also said to use selling used books as a front - something Agasshi told the carpenter he's going to try as a supplemental income. And the killer is always using a different postal office to send off the delivery. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think those also always fall on the day of another murder. The police placed a mock order to lure out the killer and the postal worker pushed her panic button because the delivery data for Agasshi's package was the same the police had flagged as suspicious when they set up the trap. Then there's the fact that the killer makes his own drugs and Agasshi is working on his "happy-drug" in his basement laboratory. And that's only the official side of the investigation. WJ found the walnut tree and Agasshi under it. With his knowledge of the culprit's book business, WJ traced down the web site Agasshi had a business card for in his bookcase. And not to forget, There is the photo of the last victim, the one who successfully died with a smile on her face, on said web site.

As I've already said before, there are no coincidences in this drama. And even if there were, this would be a too huge pile of coincidences to not give way to only one possible answer. While I would love nothing else than see Agasshi innocent of crime, there is too much evidence against him already.

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I don't believe either that the lady gal is the killer. That he returned money to the woodworker shows he has a conscience. Serial killers have not an iota of conscience.

Just because Agasshi is using the dead girls as test persons for his "happy drug" does not mean he cannot have a conscience. He feels bad for HJ having died like that because they were... if not friends, then at least on friendly terms with each other. And, like he said, since carpenter ajusshi maintains he had nothing to do with HJ's death, Agasshi not taking the bribe money shouldn't be a problem.

What makes the difference is, Agasshi did know HJ and was fascinated by her, whereas his victims are faceless strangers to him, he does not feel the same bond with them.

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Guest my2centsworth

@gnixfim @peny We'll see what Young Lady will do. However, if he wants to escape, he will have to flee into the woods, since SY's car was in front of his house and car!

But to me, this walnut tree is important and it might play a part in order to catch the killer/rapist! Like the serial killer said, this tree is uncommon. Noone knew about its existence!! Someone took a cutting and planted it on that tree so that the walnut tree was different. In Germany, there is this custom to plant a tree, when you've got a child! 

I have of that custom. It a very nice one. My x-mother-in-law parents came from Germany. Some place (can't remember where), it's a custom to plant a tree when someone dies.

Maybe you can explain why the walnut tree is so important other than connecting Young Lady to it  If Young Lady is the killer, then I can understand  after all he goes around clutching walnuts while making the clicking sound. The first time we heard it was when SY was on the bus going to the village and Young Lady was on that bus too. That when the writer made his a suspicious character. As I have said before I  really hope that Young Lady is not the killer. I just think he had a terrible childhood and hates seeing people unhappy, especially young women. I believe he is a very sick man and needs professional care in a mental hospital. He is very sad and truly hope someone else is the killer.

Well... The custom of planting a tree in celebration of a birth is not that uncommon, I suppose. In my home country, the same custom is uphold. There are even more occasions that are celebrated with planting a tree, here. Like a wedding, for instance. Only these trees are usually planted on family property (your own yard, if you have one, your parents, if you don't and they do). One does not plant a "birth-tree"/"life-tree" in the middle of a forest, since it would be considered unlucky or an ill omen if something happened to the tree while the person is alive.

About Agasshi, Id' say last episode pretty much confirmed he is the serial killer. The detective in charge of the investigation told WJ what they had discovered about the murders. How the killer always makes a post before a killing, always using a different internet cafe to do so, so the police can not just trace the killers IP-address. And then we saw Agasshi, who we do know to have very adequate computer equipment at home, along with internet access, since he would need it for his stockmarket consultation business, sit at an internet cafe, making a post very similar to the ones mentioned by the police detective. The killer is also said to use selling used books as a front - something Agasshi told the carpenter he's going to try as a supplemental income. And the killer is always using a different postal office to send off the delivery. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think those also always fall on the day of another murder. The police placed a mock order to lure out the killer and the postal worker pushed her panic button because the delivery data for Agasshi's package was the same the police had flagged as suspicious when they set up the trap. Then there's the fact that the killer makes his own drugs and Agasshi is working on his "happy-drug" in his basement laboratory. And that's only the official side of the investigation. WJ found the walnut tree and Agasshi under it. With his knowledge of the culprit's book business, WJ traced down the web site Agasshi had a business card for in his bookcase. And not to forget, There is the photo of the last victim, the one who successfully died with a smile on her face, on said web site.

As I've already said before, there are no coincidences in this drama. And even if there were, this would be a too huge pile of coincidences to not give way to only one possible answer. While I would love nothing else than see Agasshi innocent of crime, there is too much evidence against him already.

The cards are most definitely stacked against him. I still have hope though. Only a few esps left and all out questions will have answers. Thanks for your input.

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@gnixfim In my home country, there is a ttadition like this too. Plant a tree as a symbol of new life. But in this drama, I still dont have any idea what the connection between this walnut tree, Agasshi and serial killing. Do his parent who plant this walnut tree? Or himself? Or another? The only thing I know, this walnut was indible and able to prohibit the decomposition of the corpse.

@monalisa Its hard to believe Agasshi is not the serial killer. Just like @gnixfim said all the evidences against him. Im sure he was the killer of 6 victims. Det Choi already said 6 of 8 victims injected by drug and the place where the corpse are found matching with Agasshi movement (ip address and post office), cctv at post office and fingerprint. Such a valid evidence. So there is no doubt he was the serial killer of 6 victims. But we still have a questions about 2 victims, who killed them? Do he did the killing to Hye jin? I dont know. But maybe because of Hye jin's death make him more interested to develop his happy drug and did serial killing as the experiment.

This week we will get one episode only, right? So frustrated. Someone here who knows Korean, please translate the preview? Im dying to know. Thankyou.

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 But in this drama, I still dont have any idea what the connection between this walnut tree, Agasshi and serial killing. Do his parent who plant this walnut tree? Or himself? Or another? The only thing I know, this walnut was indible and able to prohibit the decomposition of the corpse.

From what I know, this walnut tree is of a rare kind, and not supposed to be found in Achiara. The walnut is inedible and has a very hard outer shell that will not decompose, even after the corpse decomposed. Not that the walnut is able to prevent decomposition of corpses. We are not told who planted the walnut tree, but Agasshi pointed out to WJ when found under the tree that he didn't know the origin of that tree himself and that someone had grafted it actually. What I'm not clear about is whether the walnut was found inside the body, or on the body? Appreciate if anyone can clarify this.

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@gnixfim In my home country, there is a ttadition like this too. Plant a tree as a symbol of new life. But in this drama, I still dont have any idea what the connection between this walnut tree, Agasshi and serial killing. Do his parent who plant this walnut tree? Or himself? Or another? The only thing I know, this walnut was indible and able to prohibit the decomposition of the corpse.

@ bebebisous33 introduced this line of thinking to the thread that the walnut tree could be important, as someone had to plant and graft the tree, mentioning the practice of planting a tree when a baby is born. I was just pointing out that, at least in the context I know the practice, such a tree would be planted somewhere where it's growth was easy to observe and where there would be no risk of someone cutting the tree - in the middle of a forest does not seem like the ideal place.

If we can trust agasshi's word on this matter, he does not know who planted the tree.

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I still have my doubts. The victims were injected with a drug but did the drug cause their deaths? Just because he was shown injecting something into the lady, doesn't mean he is the serial killer. That would be too obvious because based on the writer's many twists in the plot, I believe that there will be a surprise to who the real killer is. Anyway, we're close to having all my questions answered, so we'll see.

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I still have my doubts. The victims were injected with a drug but did the drug cause their deaths? Just because he was shown injecting something into the lady, doesn't mean he is the serial killer. That would be too obvious because based on the writer's many twists in the plot, I believe that there will be a surprise to who the real killer is. Anyway, we're close to having all my questions answered, so we'll see.

Sadly for you, it actually was confirmed in episode 11 that the cause of death is the drug, the killer is experimenting with the dosage to get the desired facial expression while the victim is passing away. The latest victim was smiling so the detective concluded the killer is trying to make them die with a smile.

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@Mayyes I can't help much with korean from what i know SY asked agasshi did HJ died the same way too? and GY said sorry to her mom (please GY not die, right? sounds like a last words to me..omma mianhae? sorry for what? for not being able to continue to fight for her disease?? :crazy: ) GW told his father to go out, but I can't figure out what he said after..LOL my ability to understand korean is so poor....did nam ahjusshi refuse GW? not understand if nam ahjusshi said its not him?? nan ije aniya? or not now?

if only someone with a better korean can help us..please... :sweatingbullets:

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Hi all, silent lurker here. I can't help but also want to share my speculation. I think no one killed Hye Jin. Probably, she got the symptom attack like what happened to Gayong  that night. When her head was spinning, she accidentally fell like what happened to So Yoon (when So Yoon was catching the naughty boys).


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Hi all, silent lurker here. I can't help but also want to share my speculation. I think no one killed Hye Jin. Probably, she got the symptom attack like what happened to Gayong  that night. When her head was spinning, she accidentally fell like what happened to So Yoon (when So Yoon was catching the naughty boys).


I think quite a few of us think that HJ most likely died in the same way GY might have died had she not been found and taken to ?safety? by Nam Ajosshi, namely collapsed through the effect of wet and cold to which those with her disease (we've  been repeatedly reminded in the script)  are especially vunerable and died of exposure while unconscious. BUT what happened to her personal  belongings which were never found in the vicinity of her body, despite a painstaking search?  It looks like someone found her body and concealed it while taking away any items likely to have allowed her to be identified  (which is in iteself a criminal offense offen regarded as tantamount to aiding and abetting murder,  since it prevents any investigation which might have led to the discovery of a murder and the prevention of further crime). So who did that?  If that bag in the shack really is hers, that points the finger at the Young Lady, but if his alibi is correct, then he couldn't have found the body immediately after HJ died. There's also the evidence from the autopsy that the cervical vertebrae show possible signs of strangulation (although that line of inquiry isn't pursued because of the pressure to declare the death an accident for political reasons). And of course, suicide by hanging produces the same sort of damage, as does an earlier attempt at strangulation by a third parry which wasn't the actual cause of death.

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@ktcjdrama Thank you very much for your clarification about this walnut, I have misunderstood this part. The walnut was found inside the body or on body, I dont know certainly. But my random thought, it was on the body. If it was found inside the body, should the killer forced the victims to swallow? After injected by drug, i think the victim will be unconsious or didnt have left energy to swallow anything even by forced. But if it was on the body, why the culprit left a trace? It will be a clue for police to indentify him. Or we have to believe this saying "All the culprits always leave a trace". I dont know anymore about this. Now is a time to wait patiently. Hope wednesday come quickly.

@peny Same here. The only thing i know, Ga young said sorry to her mom. I also hope she will not die. Thank you you have tried to translate this preview.

@illay Just like i said on my previous post, Hye jin's death can be caused by 3 possibilities : homicide (but, who kill her?), suicide (hopeless because no one wants to help her) or natural death (because her disease). Lets wait what will our writer do with this mystery.

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I think that bag inside agasshi labs. indeed HJs bag. The shape is the same and both have long strap. Only the color of the bag from agasshi lab. is like its covered with dried soil or mud. Probably agasshi found the bag months after he come back from jejudo, but why didn't he report it to the police, is it because he doesn't want HJs corpse to be found in a rotten condition (it makes HJ look ugly and not happy?) this Agasshi what is going on inside his mind, what is his trigger to start being the serial killer?

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Just that I will be disappointed if the lady boy does turn out to be the killer.  I'd prefer a surprise ending instead of one where everyone has guessed (correctly?) the serial killer's identity.

The-Village-E04_333600_zpssvjmzv4p.jpgthis is enough proof that agasshi is the serial killer , he admit it himself :lol:

because i care with you @monalisa , my advise is you better be prepared for the ending, if agasshi arrested and prisoned for being serial killer, dont hope to much for a surprise ending at this point , i think its too late to make him into an innocent soul. If this drama decided to go darker, the worst maybe agasshi will kill himself by injecting the happy drug to his body and died while smiling to us. :crazy: well just my imagination... :w00t:

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 ga young is going to die?...:tears: i feel nam ajusshi is not lying maybe he is really not the rapist ...and ga young dad ...the way he is denying everything i feel he is innocent and wrongly accused! ....arghhh we only have one episode this week :sweatingbullets: 

the only person we haven't suspected in this entire series is sergeant han....what if he is the one:P:sweatingbullets:

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Ep 14 text preview

 "So he's the monster. But is he the only one?"
 When the identity of the serial killer is revealed, the village is plunged into fear and the police embark on emergency procedures to track the missing woman.
 Despite being gripped by fear, Soyun sees a pattern in the Young Lady's killings that gives her a clue about how Hye Jin died, and she continues her solitary struggle to get to the truth about Hye Jin's death. But the closer she gets, the more dangerous and obsessive Young Lady's behavior towards her becomes.
 Meanwhile Ji Suk, performing a memorial rite [祭] for a "person unknown" on her mother-in-law's orders, discovers a shocking truth in that place and,  overcome by extreme terror, falls into a panic.

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 ga young is going to die?...:tears: i feel nam ajusshi is not lying maybe he is really not the rapist ...and ga young dad ...the way he is denying everything i feel he is innocent and wrongly accused! ....arghhh we only have one episode this week :sweatingbullets: 

Do you remember why GY panicked and took off into the rain after she regained consciousness? Because her mother had always told her that hearing that particular song whistled (the one Nam ajusshi is always whistling). While she did not tell her daughter the reason for this, we know it's because it's something she associates with her rapist. Then there's also the fact that the genetic disorder happens to be a rare one, one that a shared father would pass down to all his daughters, and one that is in this village shared between HJ, GY, Nam ajusshi and his little daughter.

A little advise to GW: you can always pull a HJ/SY - where there is suspicion, you can always run a DNA test :D (GW wouldn't even have to raid his father for a DNA sample, he cab just provide his and GY's and let them test for sibling relationship).

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