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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I wonder too what's the story behind their daughter's death?

I read comments that JE hated HK so much to the point of having a mistress, a drastic contrast to that flashback when they were at the garden yard, lying on the grass, a very loving couple.

So aside from the family issues, career and power issues...could he be blaming HK for their daughter's death.

Maybe something happened when the little girl is under her watch, or while she was so pre-occupied with work.  And that could have made her guilty somehow?

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I really can't stand Seol Ri....smiling and talking in that baby voice...Sunbae!   JE with his student backpack is also on my FF list.  

I was intrigued by HK's dream and wonder if she was the cause of her daughter's death. She kept saying a man wants to kill her so maybe the over whelming guilt she felt about her daughter's death made her become distant with her husband.  By immersing all her time into her career she wouldn't have any time to face her demons or JE, hence his animosity towards her. 

Wonder why JE & SR didn't get married already.  He's a grown man and its been 4 years since he kicked HK to the curb.  Seems to me that JE really doesn't love her like he loved HK but will eventually marry her since they have been spending all their time together.  I just don't get the LOVE vibe from their relationship.  I don't buy that its because his father is against the idea since he went ahead and married HK knowing his parents disapproved.

Same with HK and BS.  I know she's got the amnesia problem but they should have clicked romantically already and the one-sided love from BS is heartbreaking.  He's soooo sweet with her but her indifference toward him makes their relationship doomed....I hate that about this story.

So as much as I don't want to see HK fall for JE this needs to happen for HK to regain her memories so by episode 50 she can walk out on him with no regrets.  Hope BS can wait that long...lol.

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Yeah i hope for once the drama gods grant happiness this time to the 2nd male lead.  BS is sooo adorable, and over the top funny.  Episode 9 is so heavy on the drama, but that scene of him seeing ghosts along the road, cracked me up ...what the??!!...HAHAHAHHA.


And that mysterious Doctor in her Mother's place..is like wow..he's the actor with so much abs...hahaha..hot guy haha


Edited by berny
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@myonenonly, I agree that BS may be setting himself up for heartache. He thinks she's YK, not realizing she's her unknown twin sister. What I like about BS is that he's working hard to bring her out of her shell. I wish he would stop asking her to marry him, because I think that's the mistake JE made and was later disappointed in HK. 

I can understand BS not jarring her awake from her nightmares. She could wake up confused and disoriented, not to mention fighting.  Instead, he's hugging her to make her feel protected while gently singing to her to ease her out of the grip of her nightmare. I wonder if she had nightmares after the death of her daughter. It seems that in her nightmares now, she's dreaming about her daughter, drowning, and the accident all mixed together.

I also agree with you about if I were HK's mom.  Why would I care how JE felt. He was the one that was cheating with another woman on my daughter. Why would I want to protect him so he can have a clean conscience while he marry the woman he was cheating with.  Not in the real world--especially from a woman who can't speak because of the shock of her daughter's death and mistreatment by that family.

In regards to the guest that is staying with HK's mom, what is his problem? He seems very intelligent, but very different. He has to set the alarm clock that let's him know it's time for breakfast. Then he told HK's mom "It's 7:00." and she pointed to his food at the table. He couldn't see the food was prepared already? Wonder what is going on with him.

I agree about the genlly waking up someone and also she was turning around she could hurt herself and it seems this is not the first time  because he was outside her room waiting.

BS needs to get smarter. He looked at all the police stations about a child of Yong Ki dying in a car accident and he could not find one. However the nightmares are persistent. So should he not think to look outsike of the "Yong Ki" box and at all the children who died of car accident and their parents? Should he not think that maybe she is not who he thinks she is? That is why I think many details are sacrificed for the sake of a reunion. I love that he cares about her and he is a kind and happy man but please give him some brains too. Why would he not think that there is something more to the nightmares? She said  in the dream she killed a girl and the man is trying to kill her. So why does he not concentrate on finding out who this woman having this dream really is? Who is the man and who is the child? A persistent dream like that should he not ask for professional help?

About the new guy, I wonder if he was also sent by MTS to spy and make sure she does not go around talking or investigating about her daughter. He seems to not care that his landlord is in pain. It is just the first time we are meeting him so I will wait but yeah, what is with him?

Edited by zenya22
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Could someone clarify this, please...?

We know that it was Hae-gang who was to leave for China, upon the suggestion of her ex-father-in-law... Then how comes it that is Yong-gi's name that is written on the Certificate of Entry & Departure, which Min Tae-seok had found in Hae-gang's car?

I guess I either didn't get or missed someting...


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Sorry since i skipped to ep 8, why BS's house have many children, were they all siblings including SR?  

Oh dear, JE's father colluded with the brother in law hiding HK's murder because their family have done something unforgivable to HK's father, is that right?

The only one who are clueless is JE,  he even hurt and threw away his wife, he's too arrogant with the thought he's the only good and righteous person even condescending her wife telling her evil,  i can't stand him at all, i want him to know what his family had done to HK and suffer for the rest of his life, kidding , i'm not that meany lol, just hope HK would get together with BS, not JE

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Min Tae-seok's brother had such a distracted expression as he stared at the book...

It seemed as if he didn't understand a word he was reading; and he didn't even blink for once...

He rather gave the impression of a model posing for the camera and thinking of how good he looked at the given moment than that of a doctor...


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Hi all, so many questions in my mind after watching ep 10. But i guess we need to wait to have the answers.

I think its the first time that I want the female lead to end up with the 2nd male lead. I love BS for HK so much. He may not have that much of money, he may not be smart, but he loves her so much and wants to protect her. I hope she realize how much he loves her, but does it mean that she is dating him but isnt ready to get married to him yet?? because they kiss, they walk holding hands, they act like a couple. 

Its unfair that JE doesnt even know HK is dead, hope he get what he deserves soon.



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Hi all, so many questions in my mind after watching ep 10. But i guess we need to wait to have the answers.

I think its the first time that I want the female lead to end up with the 2nd male lead. I love BS for HK so much. He may not have that much of money, he may not be smart, but he loves her so much and wants to protect her. I hope she realize how much he loves her, but does it mean that she is dating him but isnt ready to get married to him yet?? because they kiss, they walk holding hands, they act like a couple. 

Its unfair that JE doesnt even know HK is dead, hope he get what he deserves soon.


Baek-seok only kissed Hae-gang on the cheek once, didn't he? I mean, as far as I remember, they haven't had a real kiss yet...

And I also believe that you can't make a good lawyer unless you're quite smart, which equally applies to Baek-seok...

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Just an observation..

HK almost drowned in Ep 7...she was unconscious and JE had to do CPR on her..but she was not even brought to the hospital afterwards?

Then she had a car accident in Ep 9...and also was not brought to a hospital to recuperate? 

Why is that??



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Really want to know if the writer will make HK a stronger woman--not codependent on her ex or his family for her happiness. JE's family has truly tried to destroy her family of women. They have been through a lot. I also, based on what the writer has shown, don't believe JE knows and has what it takes to help her become a happy person. He keeps searching for the old, young, woman that used to be HK. People change as they mature and face realities in life. However, SR still acts childlike to me. She is the better choice for JE. I was surprised that he had no photo of SR in his wallet. I want this drama to speed up, but I have to remind myself it's 50 eps remaining. Please, just no more dumping on HK and painting her as evil.

@berny, I noticed the same thing. These are both serious incidents where they should have gone to the hospital..they were still at risk of dying.

Edited by lclarakl
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Just an observation..

HK almost drowned in Ep 7...she was unconscious and JE had to do CPR on her..but she was not even brought to the hospital afterwards?

Then she had a car accident in Ep 9...and also was not brought to a hospital to recuperate? 

Why is that??



Baek-seok said that Hae-hang/Yong-gi had been sleeping for two days since they came from the hospital, so he did take her there...

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@berny yeah BS did bring her to the hospital. 

about the new guy, mother-in-law mentioned that he is MTS's brother. Would he be his brother private spy? who is spying on HK's mom? I hope he doesnt like his brother,hope he will be a warm docter, who helped YK and her baby.

Hope JE would be crazy shocked that he wouldnt take anymore when he learns about HK's death. I am so sad for HK's mother, my herat is breaking for her. HK was her dream, her light, her hope, her life. I havent seen HK saying that she loves her mom and thank you her mom. I hope HK reunite with her mother soon. huhuhu.



btw, what is HK's job? I heard one of the female worker at the firm calls her manager? does BS owns his own law firm? 

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The new guy sitting in the terrace deck with a book and then going inside having breakfast with some spanish song in the background..with HK's shocked and numb mom just pointing to the table that the food is ready..it all gave me a creepy vibe somehow...Also the guy looked like a JE version to me lol..he has the same hair cut and  same dressing style.I thought he was here to save real Yong Ki and would appear to help her during the state of labor pain..but that's not the case I guess.

After last two episodes, I feel like jin eon is kind of oblivious to his surroundings..whining all the time and complaining...while HK is acting like a man in their household..taking care of house and the family.It just felt weird to see him suppressing his feeling while signing the divorce paper,getting sad while HK was inside the car panting,after giving her consent to divorce,walking out with HK in the background..It does feel like there''s a part of story that we don't know yet.Maybe there's a reason why HK is readily bending down to jin eon and persuaded him rigorously all this time.But still jin eon had so much proximity with SR,when he was yet married to HK,and she had to bear all that,he does not have any moral obligation.Having physical relationship,while you still have a wife just does not have any significance to him ,is that it? I just can't forgive him for that.Unless the writer is trying to say all that we saw with jin eon and SR getting close and all was just HK's imagination...Is the writer trying to say men are mostly polygamous and it's okay? Even the ending of ep 10 had SR talking to jin eon over vid chat..and he was acting as if this was the normal thing to do..I have conflicting attitude towards jin eon lol..as at times I find something honest in his behavior ...concerning the death of his child...then he goes acting as a lover with SR...and it's just so wrong and repelling.

Contrast to that,BS is like the safe harbor to the hurt and damaged HK,when he was trying to put her back to sleep from the nightmare,I thought guys like him would be more balancing to a strong woman like HK,also he's caring and supportive.As someone sed,he dint get backed down from HK's cold attitude when she was reading book.He tried to make her laugh and changed her...we see a more happy and peaceful HK after the time lapse.But it seemed that BS doesn't know that yong ki is halmoni's grand daughter? If he knew her from school time,he's supposed to know her background right? Also,what happened to real Yong Ki? Is her child all safe and at good health?

Another thing which I find the writer is trying to establish beforehand,as everyone kept mentioning the fact that jin eon would be devastated if he gets to know that HK's dead. He'd be feeling guilty about it.If he's divorced her already and wanted to move on then why her death would be such a big concern to him right.He's moved on and already seems happy and stressfree after the time gap.

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@andy78 yeah I think HK has feelings for BS too( maybe her love for BS is not that deep that she has for JE) but she does like him. I also think she is afraid of her past that is why she cant answere BS, but I think once she regains her memory she will get revenge and in the end BS will wait for her to come to him. 

JE doesnt deserve her, like someone said that instead of helping HK to change. JE chose to run away from her.

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@andy78 yeah I think HK has feelings for BS too( maybe her love for BS is not that deep that she has for JE) but she does like him. I also think she is afraid of her past that is why she cant answere BS, but I think once she regains her memory she will get revenge and in the end BS will wait for her to come to him. 

JE doesnt deserve her, like someone said that instead of helping HK to change. JE chose to run away from her.


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@LHRCN  I wonder what would have happened if BS was in jin eon's shoe...maybe this marriage would be in a better place then...but yeah the world is not full of better people...Also is it by default that people tend to fall for weak/faulty people rather than the one who are less complex/complicated.. =/

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Just an observation..

HK almost drowned in Ep 7...she was unconscious and JE had to do CPR on her..but she was not even brought to the hospital afterwards?

Then she had a car accident in Ep 9...and also was not brought to a hospital to recuperate? 

Why is that??



Baek-seok said that Hae-hang/Yong-gi had been sleeping for two days since they came from the hospital, so he did take her there...

Thanks for the clarification. It's nice to know that BS ensured she received medical attention.

Unfortunately for me, I can't help but compare BS to JE. It's not fair to do so because their experiences and perspectives are different. I think it's important in life, regardless of whether it's a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, marriage mate, etc, it is extremely important to be with someone who can bring out that best in you.  With HK's marriage to JE and being brought into his family, it only brought out the worst in HK.  So far, her interactions with BS have been more positive. She's caring for the children and smiling more. She's doing things to help others while feeling disdain for those taking advantage of others.  I found it very telling when they were playing with the water guns that she looked liked someone who had never played before, as if she didn't really know what to do. She could have been this way with JE, but it must have been a long time ago.  Her nightmares are very telling in that she's truly mourning for her child. Listening to her crying in her sleep, she sound as if she was in severe pain.  More than that, she seems content at the moment; not striving for riches or power.  While with JE, she wasn't content and wanted more.

I don't like the thought of her getting back involved with JE and SR, but that's the way this story is meant to be. I want to see HK's romance and not that of JE and SR. I also want to see smart sisters taking revenge on this family....including JE's mother. I'm more interested to know how they will take back what was stolen from them and revenge their father's death.

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@dramadilla ~ thanks for sharing your story. we are seeing so many different viewpoints and experiences here that it makes me think that there is no one shoe fits all kind of reaction in the first place to something like infidelity. as @ayselluna noted, TS and Jin Ri don't care about the cheating and so we viewers are not bothered either by what's happening in that marriage either and yet with JE and HK, the reactions are different. why? think we would mostly agree that infidelity hurts a marriage and the spouse and it is not good behaviour but what folks differ on is how should a spouse respond to the cheating. should one forgive? should one move on? should one bite one's tongue and pretend it didn't happen? should one take revenge? should one try to find answers for what happened? should one wait and hope for things to change? the responses vary and would depend on the individual as well as the situation it seems... 

watched ep 9 and 10 and it was much lighter but made me think of who exactly is HK now? she told BS that she was trying to be the YK that he remembered but found it difficult and wonders what will happen when she puts her memory blanket together... makes me wonder if YK personality of cheerful feels kind of alien to her. is she pushing herself to be someone she is not because others are telling her?

thought BS knew that grandmother's connection to YK and so is confused why he hasn't connected both of them. and grandmother told him about her granddaughter's pregnancy and wanted to introduce him. didn't he know that was YK? can someone explain? and if HK's mom can't speak, how did she get a tenant? how did he end up living in that house? wonder if we will get a revenge route like temptation of wife once HK gets her memory back -- will she purposely tease and make JE fall in love with her for revenge and then walk away? wonder what role MS' brother, the doctor, will play. will he play a romantic interest to one of the sisters? somehow, he seems a more intriguing fit to HK. BS is way too cheerful for her and not sure if he can soothe her nightmares -- sometimes it takes one to know one and he looks like the type who has his own sadness. and why were the kids wondering if YK had a husband and baby somewhere -- are they wondering what happened as well?

but did anyone find SR's apology weird? like why did she all of a sudden grow a conscience. she broke the vase herself and there's no way to put it together and now she says sorry? did she feel guilty because of the look of disappointment on dad and BS' face? it seems like this weird change from her callously defending her right to love and then apologizing to HK.

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