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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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In ep 6, another segment about 'sexual harassment' that made me go 'Huh? What happened here?"...when YK's colleague confronted her for being a busy-body whistleblower...SMH.




  • Male colleague: It's just him being drunk and making mistakes. That's all. Why do you have to expose him? It's so messy now.
  • YK: What? Mistake? Hey, he would touch her now and then. He would squeeze her now and then. How can that be considered a mistake? 
  • Male colleague: His wife has been battling an illness for 7 years, right? So he used such method to relieve himself. Has it solved any problems after you've exposed him? The office atmosphere has gone bad as a result too. On top of that, we have to cover your workload too. We are already tired to death. Because of you, one person, what's this all about?
  • YK: That pervert fella, he touched MH's breasts, touched her butt. Just because she's a contract worker, she dared not voice up for fear of being fired. That's no mistake. It's violence. It's criminal! 
  • Male colleague : I too take advantage of the company to get stickers for my son. Are you going to expose me too? Are you the only clean/righteous one while we are all dirty? Her breasts, her butt...are they more important than our rice bowls? Don't go overboard, huh? You're making everyone around you feel exhausted. Really! (and he left...)

Byeontae Boss - subject of their argument!  (Arghh! Shameful!)


And also, the same kind of reasoning (almost) is used in the other drama I'm watching, about an ajumma going back to school at 38 yo. One of the professors is also a pervert sexual harasser. But this ajumma is scolded for standing up for the junior female students, for ruining the grades and job opportunities for the students. The brave stand-up person is being shunned and blamed, not the perpetrator. Is that right? Same kind of sentiment in two dramas at the same time? Is there an effort to brainwash the viewers about sexual harassment at work or at school?  OMG...is this the SK culture about sexual harassment? Or are these just extreme examples for purposes of a good drama plot?iArhsUm.gif




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I totally agreed with @jadecloud. This is lousy culture .. it is an indencent  harrasement. So sad that most drama are highly promote this wrong moral & a bad tatste that people just let it pass by because they think their two bowl of rice is important. Imagine if it was their daughter , GF or sister trap in the sitaution.

His wi9fey is sick doesn't mean he has the right to sexual harrass other female colleages.

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In looking at the pictures of SR walking meekly behind JE like some meek, sweet, shy virgin--almost disgustingly submissive from the dark ages where women walked so many steps behind their husbands, it's hard to see the brazen young woman ready to have sex with a married man and boldly gets in his wife's face. Seeing those pictures makes me hate her character more because it comes across as an act and she doesn't mind hurting someone to take something that doesn't belong to her.

I agree...SR is shameless ,a worthless woman!!!I can't wait for HK and Baek Seok to meet ...i had enough ...SR and JE moments are so hard to watch...

Can't agreed more .... oh well the bed scene oF SR & JE ruin the interesting of watching next few episodes.

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@jadecloud i think it is their culture. they would not bring it up in the dramas if it is not. I don't think it is  exaggerated either. The victims  are under the control or have a person of authority over them, who take advantage of their position. They may be conservative but behind the conservativeness there is a perversion which some  are unable to overcome. But this also applies to  other cultures. Sexual harassers are present everywhere, and they don't stop because no one is stopping them. This drama wants to send a message (lesson) that in being silent the problem will not go away ad will continue . Everyone needs to stand up and fight if they want to have a better life but of course there will be repercussions but in the end other people in the future will benefit from the sacrifice made by another.

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Have not watched both eps yet, just following the comments.

Sexual harassments at work.. It is happening everywhere and I think its good they are putting these 'hidden silent acts' out in dramas for all to see, educate and be aware of.

Similarly what happened between SR and JE. 

Earlier on I mentioned I have witnessed something very similar. A married man with 3kids and a 17yrs old girl. As daring as SR. It broke the family unit horribly. (We need to let people see). The scars created runs deep and have negative impact not only to the wife, children and family but society as a whole.

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It won't work.  

Hae Gang begs Seol Ri to leave her husband alone....a plea woman to woman.  Instead Seol Ri calls the husband to ask how he is....

Hae Gang has a knock out drag out fight with her husband, one of the best I've ever seen btw...and he tells her he made a mistake asking her to marry him.  JERK.

Both mother-in-laws attack poor Seol Ri to make us think she is the victim?  Don't mess with Mommy.

HG floods poor SR's apartment, ruins her belongings....to make us feel sorry for her?  Fat Chance.

Husband takes SR away from all the bad, mean family who just won't leave them alone. Cheater.

Lets stop with the constant stream of poor us....its getting disgusting.  I also feel like skipping this drama until HG wakes up and lives another life.  She is not blameless in how her marriage deteriorated but her husband is acting all honorable and conflicted about his feelings for SR....makes me sick.

At this point he doesn't deserve HG.  She is fighting to save them, at times doing it in a petty way but fighting nonetheless.  When you want to preserve the thing that means the most to you, you will do the unthinkable.  HG is desperate now and it pains me to see her this way.  Pride?  What is that?  She threw her pride away when she got down on her knees to beg.  That was heartbreaking.

So if the writer is trying to portray Seol Ri in a sympathetic light...It Won't Work.  I deliberately have not mentioned the husband's name because to me he is dead meat.  

Just call me petty.



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It won't work.  

Hae Gang begs Seol Ri to leave her husband alone....a plea woman to woman.  Instead Seol Ri calls the husband to ask how he is....

Hae Gang has a knock out drag out fight with her husband, one of the best I've ever seen btw...and he tells her he made a mistake asking her to marry him.  JERK.

Both mother-in-laws attack poor Seol Ri to make us think she is the victim?  Don't mess with Mommy.

HG floods poor SR's apartment, ruins her belongings....to make us feel sorry for her?  Fat Chance.

Husband takes SR away from all the bad, mean family who just won't leave them alone. Cheater.

Lets stop with the constant stream of poor us....its getting disgusting.  I also feel like skipping this drama until HG wakes up and lives another life.  She is not blameless in how her marriage deteriorated but her husband is acting all honorable and conflicted about his feelings for SR....makes me sick.

At this point he doesn't deserve HG.  She is fighting to save them, at times doing it in a petty way but fighting nonetheless.  When you want to preserve the thing that means the most to you, you will do the unthinkable.  HG is desperate now and it pains me to see her this way.  Pride?  What is that?  She threw her pride away when she got down on her knees to beg.  That was heartbreaking.

So if the writer is trying to portray Seol Ri in a sympathetic light...It Won't Work.  I deliberately have not mentioned the husband's name because to me he is dead meat.  

Just call me petty.



i can't  call you petty!I totally agree with you!!!Everything you say is so true...i can't wait for HG to forget everything and meet Baek Seok...i have the feeling he will make her smille...from  Hk character description his warmath and love slowly washed away the painful scars of the past...I already love him for that!!!

Edited by andy78
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It won't work.  

Hae Gang begs Seol Ri to leave her husband alone....a plea woman to woman.  Instead Seol Ri calls the husband to ask how he is....

Hae Gang has a knock out drag out fight with her husband, one of the best I've ever seen btw...and he tells her he made a mistake asking her to marry him.  JERK.

Both mother-in-laws attack poor Seol Ri to make us think she is the victim?  Don't mess with Mommy.

HG floods poor SR's apartment, ruins her belongings....to make us feel sorry for her?  Fat Chance.

Husband takes SR away from all the bad, mean family who just won't leave them alone. Cheater.

Lets stop with the constant stream of poor us....its getting disgusting.  I also feel like skipping this drama until HG wakes up and lives another life.  She is not blameless in how her marriage deteriorated but her husband is acting all honorable and conflicted about his feelings for SR....makes me sick.

At this point he doesn't deserve HG.  She is fighting to save them, at times doing it in a petty way but fighting nonetheless.  When you want to preserve the thing that means the most to you, you will do the unthinkable.  HG is desperate now and it pains me to see her this way.  Pride?  What is that?  She threw her pride away when she got down on her knees to beg.  That was heartbreaking.

So if the writer is trying to portray Seol Ri in a sympathetic light...It Won't Work.  I deliberately have not mentioned the husband's name because to me he is dead meat.  

Just call me petty.


@mcdc, I noticed the writer trying to paint SR in this pitiful light as well. In one of the clips when she's walking in the rain and her shoes are falling apart. JE buys her shoes and puts them on her feet. When her apartment was flooded and had the note from her mother showing she was abandoned. The way she's constantly trying to be portrayed with her head bowed submissively and the frighten expression when she's caught. Also in how the writer is trying to romanticize her affair with JE.  Only thing I can say is the writer failed miserable in that category for me because it's all about JE and SR's attitude. SR who feels she has the right to do what she wants. I'm hoping the writer will teach her a life lesson that what "goes around, comes around". 

I'm sure the writer is going to rekindle a romantic relationship between JE and HK/HG when she loses her memory, but I'm hoping with the regaining of her memory, she remembers all the dirt he has dished out to her.

In episode 1, before I realized this was going to be a hard watch for me and decided to read the thread instead, HK made a comment to JE after he started arguing with her about killing the locust bug. She told him now they are finally having a real conversation. She said it a little arrogantly as if she was the one who had done wrong and he was the one that had been hurt and didn't want to discuss whatever it was that happen. So I'm sure the writer may have some surprises in store for us regarding HK/HG, but at the moment, I only have sympathy for her being a strong woman trying to save her marriage to this worthless man, disrespectful man who is dating a woman at least 13 to 20 years younger than him.

If SR wasn't so brazen and acknowledge how wrong her actions are and showed remorse, I could have an inkling of sympathy for her plight, but as it is I have absolutely none for her.


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I just wish this drama would fast forward to couple of episodes because watching jin eun each time on screen is too painstaking.I can't believe he went this far with the girl..also no point calling this a love..as it's clear that he's just looking for a way out from his marriage.He can blame HK all he wants..but stating he had no share in this is too much.The way HK is now is because of her past I agree but that's not just any reason for claiming...she 's the one to destroy their marriage.I can guess why there is this romantic background whenever jin eun and the marriage  breaker are onscreen as the writer is just trying to show their story from their side..as in any fiction we read chapters from each character's pov. 

Also I can understand where HK comes from but she needs to take a break from this mess to grab a clear picture of her husband..As he's really hit the low.I can't even understand how can she feel anything for him..as he just seems like a man without any remorse to me.I doubt he even helped her at all when their daughter died,Maybe more backstory would make us more attending towards him.Maybe the amnesia would be a good time out for HK..as she'd be in her sister's shoe and also would know how she'd helped the evil brother-in-law in his scheming of torturing the poor pregnant girl.Karma would strike back for sure.

I love how this drama does not leave any dark nasty unforgivable acts out of the screen..to make it look all pretty for us..As all these affairs do happen.And cheater husbands or sexual harassment are the cold reality of this society.I loved when HK says to jin eun 'you think this is love ..but this is not..all you two are doing is having an irredeemable affair'.Only if this was not a 50 ep drama..waiting for the episodes to come each week is just too much lol.

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@jadecloud i think it is their culture. they would not bring it up in the dramas if it is not. I don't think it is  exaggerated either. The victims  are under the control or have a person of authority over them, who take advantage of their position. They may be conservative but behind the conservativeness there is a perversion which some  are unable to overcome. But this also applies to  other cultures. Sexual harassers are present everywhere, and they don't stop because no one is stopping them. This drama wants to send a message (lesson) that in being silent the problem will not go away ad will continue . Everyone needs to stand up and fight if they want to have a better life but of course there will be repercussions but in the end other people in the future will benefit from the sacrifice made by another.

I agree, maybe the reasons these are being brought up in dramas is to hearken and raise awareness that these are problems occurring and ignored and the dramas are a means to bring about consciousness. Every culture have the same problems and every culture had to fight their way to bring about change. People like Yonki and generations of women who lived before us have sacrificed many things for changes. So in looking at these dramas I also try and consider the setting of the drama.

And for me I am loving YK here. Both twins Hae Kang and Yong Ki are strong minded women. I am just worried about Yong Ki being pregnant and have to confront this alone. I hope she made several copies of the USB because now the video of her husband is erased. I am hoping that husband did not die, that he faked his death is in hiding somewhere and somehow will make his way back to Yongki. That is whom I would like Yongki to end up with and Hae Kang to end up with Baek Suk. I hope the writer will not have HK end up with JE. He is a weak irresponsible man. As for SE, if she is trying to gain sympathy for SR and JE, too late, she is already painted as a fatally attracted psycho and him as a weak and needy man.



Edited by zenya22
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The writer is raising our blood preasure.. Imagine thise hving to go thru these situations..really hurting. Then they will twist our hearts. Someone here sure is going to die.

The meds YK's late husband was trying to expose may link to JE and SR. JE may be the person who created the meds. Father sold them hiding the flaws. Maybe SR a user, died due to these meds?


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i can't  call petty!I totally agree with you!!!Everything you say is so true...i can't wait for HG to forget everything and meet Baek Seok...i have the feeling he will make her smille...from  Hk character description his warmath and love slowly washed away the painful scars of the past...I already love him for that!!!

@andy78, not only will he make her smile but he will be the strong person to hold her and let her cry and she will trust him and I am talking Baek Suk yes

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I agree sexual harassment happens everywhere, in every country, in every culture. What I have personally seen and heard, are instances that are covert, not so blatant like YK's byeontae boss, or like the byeontae professor in STTYO drama. These two perverts 'harass' in the open, in bright daylight, and under the noses of fellow colleagues/students. That's what's shocking to me. :blink:Either they (the perverts) are shamelessly bold, or they are just downright silly, leaving themselves at the mercy of repercussions like termination followed by lawsuits . :crazy:

Sooo looking forward to ep 7 where we will finally get to see some flashbacks.

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Wikipedia states that that HK 's realname is Dokgo Ohn Ki, it means warm, like her mother said in ep 5, she wanted to name her that name so she would be a warm person. HK used to be a very nice girl, but she changed in to a cold woman after she married into JE's family.

I was wondering if Mommy knew about the twin's father's death? Does grandma know about HK , that YK has a twin sister? I just wants that their father didnt die after the accident with Choi Man Ho, it would be interesting that father would come back and get his revenge together with HK. Or HK and YK would get their revenge together. Please i dont want YK to die. Seems like HK took all the good and YK had to live poorly together with grandma. I have the feeling that HK would end up raising YK's baby. YK is going to have a baby's girl and the girl would be 4 years in the year 2015( same age as Eun Sol when she died).

About Kim Guy Nam and Beak Soek's father, I wonder if we would get some romance of these 2. Would BS take HK home after saving her? or he would find grandma for HK? wouldnt grandma find it strange when HK/YK is not pregnant anymore? would HK continue to work as a laywer or she has to work in that office of YK?


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So what you want is not a lawsuit but just to scare the late Kim Sun Yeong's girlfriend with the law, right?

Scare her with summons and with how much the lawsuit will cost that she will give up.

- That's right.- First, we should get the woman who filed for sexual harassment with her on our side.

And tell the assailant to file a defamation suit against her.

Once she gets her summons,everyone knows about the lawsuit,and finds out that her trusted colleague has also abandoned her, then she will lose all fighting power.

But in which department does she work at?

She's an assistant managerof General Affairs.

That's nice. We should sue her for embezzlement under Article 55 of the Constitution.


If a mildly important company file is found in her purse or at her house,then we can transform that into a classified document and sue her under the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act.

Ah, jeez.



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Great points from every poster!  I haven't been so frustrated with watching a Kdrama in such a long time prompting the urge to air my grievances.  With 46 more episodes to go I wonder if I can last.

The future for HK/YK is limitless once the amnesia phase kicks in but I can't see where her husband and his girlfriend fit into the picture.  He isn't close to his father, has no ambition to take over the pharmaceutical business, wants out of his marriage and intends to stay with his sidekick.  Why in the world would HK fall back in love with him???   I'm all for side lining him for most of the remaining drama.  He is ruined in my eyes and I just don't care what happens to him from now on.  

HK has been portrayed as this unsympathetic, ruthless attorney, who is insensitive to her husband and the loss of her child....but with Kim Hyun Joo as HK the subtle undertones of her personality do shine through.  We Feel the pain she keeps to herself, we understand the absolute desperation and helplessness she is experiencing, and we know her facade of a woman in charge is far from reality.  

These first episodes have been very woe is me for SR.  Am I supposed to see this affair as romantic and justified? If that's what the writer is going for then to me it's an epic Fail. They played this soft, romantic music at the end of episode 4 showing the two cheaters longing for each other with a shot to HK all alone sitting in the rain.....almost saying to us....you deserve to be alone.  

There is a fine line for any writer to keep the audience caring about the characters, good or bad without alienating them to the point of wishing they would disappear from the storyline.   I've gotten to that point already with the cheater husband and the fake innocent sidekick and we are only at episode 4! 

If the story ever gets to HK in her amnesia state trying to break up husband's possible new marriage I'm outta here....



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haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?

Edited by Lmangla
am a zombie!
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HK is very smart, she is like a perfect woman in my eyes, who woudnt want her as a wife ? Btw brother-in-law is so scary, i bet he was the one who likes killing people. Wouldnt HK be in danger living as YK??

Btw love it when grandma mentioned YK as her granddaughter and wants to matchmake YK for BS, haha. So sad that grandma is going to die, she said she wouldnt be there when the baby is 100 days old. huhuh

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grr  I  dislike  this  girl personality,acting all sweet and poor and  innocent  and such   ,when she is  brave enough to  stand up  to the mans   wife/mother  and his MIL.. nothing innocent  about  that  girl  at  all. what a silly  man. they  both going through  pain  of losing a   child, he handles it  by  cheating on his  wife..


whats  up  with   him buying her shoes? she  is working  and  not naked she have  money  to  buy herself  shoes. this  pity  line  on this  stupid   girl have barely  started and i can't stand  such  females.

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