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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Sunday --- Jan.24,2016 ---Afternoon.   4:00 PM.

Good Afternoon!

Two things each slightly depressing or a bit of a "downer" (not sure "why?" I feel that way about one thing):

1)  Viki at 9 %  ---BUT the Eng sub begins with HK & SR sitting at a table in the coffee shop --- (@ 5:48 mins. into Epi. 40) --- HK says, "I did wrong." paraphrasing now, "I shouldn't have gone to see you at that coffee shop --should have talked to my husband --I shouldn't have knelt before you".I should have talked to my husband and said I was sorry. But I was hurt & afraid of being hurt more. "However, he said that he had to love you."  " It wasn't because you did anything to my husband"

SR said, "Why are you telling me this now"  HK answers, "Do you want to become like me?"

Now, what am I suppose to make of this turn of events?  NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, AT ALL!

2)   In the movie theater, Jin Eon said (paraphrasing), "Then I must die in your place, in order to make it right."  And where was it we got the English for his tearful words to HK:  "This is the last time I'll confess my love to you on this earth.  We'll be together & be well in the next life."

I do not need a PARALLEL suicide attempt from Jin Eon!

I can only hope that full Eng, subs will make clear where it's all heading ---BUT that last tearful scene WAS the "cliff hanger" left for next week, after all!

:confounded:       :dissapointed:        :cry:      :fearful:

EDIT: ---Too "down" with the way I feel, to make any move on the letter --- but certain my mood will lift eventually.  Sort of "numb" --- NEVER  IMAGINED the drama going in the direction of either of these two "items" I listed above!  Just left me kind of "paralyzed ...unable to think straight..."sort of"....."NOW WHAT?" kind of feeling!

 DARN YOU, WRITER BAE ---YOU ARE TOO DARNED GOOD!  Now, Do Hae Gang, I'm afraid of being "hurt" even more!

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5 minutes ago, mdj101 said:

Sunday --- Jan.24,2016 ---Afternoon.   4:00 PM.

Good Afternoon!

Two things each slightly depressing or a bit of a "downer" (not sure "why?" I feel that way about one thing):

1)  Viki at 9 %  ---BUT the Eng sub begins with HK & SR sitting at a table in the coffee shop ---HK says, "I did wrong." paraphrasing now, "I shouldn't have gone to see you at that coffee shop --should have talked to my husband --I shouldn't have knelt before you".I should have talked to my husband and said I was sorry. But I was hurt & afraid of being hurt more.  "And he said he had to love you"  It wasn't because you did anything to my husband"

SR said, "Why are you telling me this now"  HK answers, "Do you want to become like me?"

Now, what am I suppose to make of this turn of events?  NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, AT ALL!

2)   In the movie theater, Jin Eon said (paraphrasing), "Then I must die in your place, in order to make it right."  And where was it we got the English for his tearful words to HK:  "This is the last time I'll confess my love to you on this earth.  We'll be together & be well in the next life."

I do not need a PARALLEL suicide attempt from Jin Eon!

I can only hope that full Eng, subs will make clear where it's all heading ---BUT that last tearful scene WAS the "cliff hanger" left for next week, after all!

:confounded:       :dissapointed:        :cry:      :fearful:

EDIT: ---Too "down" with the way I feel, to make any move on the letter --- but certain my mood will lift eventually.  Sort of "numb" --- NEVER  IMAGINED the drama going in the direction of either of these two "items" I listed above!

@mdj101, This thought exactly was my thought and I was not prepared with the JE/HK late night conversation at the bar. I honestly don't really care about HK/SR conversation even though I disagree with what I thought HK's trying to say to SR.  I got that HK is feeling guilty for what happens to BS which somehow related to her. But,... I won't want to talk to SR.

I was wondering watching so many Kdramas, when parent(s) made mistake, the children seem to carry this over through out their lives. Is this a cultural thing? Some culture would believe that JE is not MH, he is his own person that has his own life, why can't he be together with HK if she wants to be with him (lets say she does)? He knows he can't live happily without her which the same as being dead. Is it figuratively speaking or is he planning to do something stupid?

Sadly, I am counting on MH to make this relationship possible at the end. I am counting on him that years ago in the mountain he did not kill DJH. Whether it was an accident or something else, the death was not premeditated. Fat chance? Maybe,... but I think that's the only way JE can get through this and love her again and be her husband.

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WOW.... Love an Instagram on the right side of page right now:  posted by "itzailee @aileeonline":

                     Be the Kind of  WOMAN that

  when your feet hit the floor each morning,  

                       THE DEVIL SAYS,  

            "OH CRAP, SHE'S UP!".

EDIT:---  Are you listening Min Tae Seok?  Now that's the kind of woman I thought Do Hae Gang was ----I just need a little time to "re-integrate" my image of our "Warrior/Lover?Heroine"--- And replace that image with the "new " & "improved" image of the woman who is here with us now, the final edition, the fully evolved and mature woman we have today:     DOKGO  ON  GI .    :grin:   :heart:

Edited by mdj101
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On HK and SR's convo. It's something a reformed HK would do. She was thinking on hindsight after she saw how MTS was using, manipulating HK, I guess. And probably after witnessing SIS' son hatred towards her, she realized that those things happened because of her, of who she was back then. She therefore saw SR as another victim. The old HK was the one who said mean things to SR, she possibly regretted that convo because she really tore into her with BS witnessing everything. So it could be part of her reparation, penitence? It was like she threw her pride out the window.

On JE and MH's convo, things can be said at the heat of the moment. It's JE's way of saying how could you do something so horribly despicable? How could I even carry your guilt and atone for it with the person I loved the most? JE was at the end of his tether as far as MH was concerned and when MH recalled their convo, it drove him to confess everything to HK. 

The moment JE said this would be the last time I'll be saying I love you, let's finish this off. It was the big reveal, the moment JE dreaded the most. JE bravely admitted he thinks his father killed and stole from her father, he thought he was the only one in possession of the "truth." So he was surprised when she told him she knew all along. Obviously, he didn't envision that scenario. Maybe, he was hoping to tell her he would carry all the blame and HK would eventually assure him that he wasn't his father. But HK was being magnanimous towards him all along. So in JE's mind, it must have further reduced their chances to be together. Usually, in kdramas, something equally big would eventually take the place of a lifetime of atonement, like JE being near death's door perhaps? So MH and HK's convo is highly anticipated. Will MH come clean and confess to something?!? JE's statements at the theater seemed to have provided the impetus for MH's action. 

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@NitaA --- Hello!. Like your avatar picture very much. Reminds me of the one's favored by @Lmangla --- I'm very fond of Fantasy, Sci Fi, Fairy Tales, Fables, etc. ---- much like the Baek Seok we met early on and as he was in his school years!  

I agree with your observation about possible cultural differences--- sometimes just within a particular ethnic group even.  Not to blame it all on being a "homogeneous people", per the thousands of years history of Korea  ("mainly", but never actually completely & exclusively one people over the eons!).  

I will always be "on thin ice" giving my opinions about "Things Korean', I admit that right up front.  OK, Everyone?  I think you all understand me.

A whole LOT of what I find attractive in Korean dramas comes from what I think resulted from those centuries of "isolation", maintaining a "closed" culture, and a patriarchy based in good part on Buddhist and Confucian teachings.  But I would never survive "the old days".  I arrogantly want to "pick & chose" the things I like most. So being a "foreigner" will always be OK &  fine enough -- Will have to be, won't it??  For example, I like the "relatedness" that even the very Korean language acknowledges as  being an essential & important part of just being a human being in any community (family, school, workplace, country, etc.)

Yet I was born & raised in the U.S. --- emphasis on "the individual"!   Can be very lonely!  Ideally, we need ways to combine the best of both worlds. And I think "globalization", at its best ---will help that to happen. I'm very excited at the possibilities I keep discovering in my "online searches". I came upon videos that talk about $ major trends that will radically effect the globalization  that is already changing the world as we know it:


  Believe it or not (And I never would have expected to find in HERE), somewhere within the "beGLOBAL SEOUL 2015" Conference were the most surprising , at least to me, clues about the actual positive effects of "globalization" on the people of all nations. Yeah, I know, sounds like I'm "nuts" or maybe like I've been drinking a bit too much, right? But really not thinking clearly!

That Conference included much more than TV, K-Pop, etc.  Sample "agenda":


When I go to Youtube, a whole column of possibly related videos are posted on the right hand side.  Sometimes they lead me to really interesting & unexpected topics.   This was a real "eye opener" & the idea of 4 different trends that will "disrupt" the life as we know it now.

 1)  https://storify.com/LSEpublicevents/no-ordinary-disruption-the-four-global-forces-brea



 2)  http://www.slideshare.net/McKinseyCompany/no-ordinary-disruption-the-four-forces






And now I see the dilemma an individual like the fictitious character, Choi Jin Eon, may face! Writer Bae is using this fiction to stimulate discussion of "second chances", recognizing our mistakes, and talking about how what must we do to make those important changes in our lives.  And because she is writing for Korean TV  and for the global audience that likes the very dramas she writes, I will need to see Jin Eon think in terms of his deepest cultural beliefs.  BUT I think I need to make "adjustments" to fit within the framework of  "the world I live in" and my beliefs, too!

Final Message: --- DON'T YOU DO IT, Jin Eon.  Pull yourself together.  You are being  WAY TOO EMOTIONAL!  No one expects that of you today!

EDIT: --- I tend to ramble on when the forums are quiet like this --- being the week-end in most of the world, I think. I'll cut back & won't "hog the whole forum".   I'll be looking forward to hearing from all of you as the day goes on. Thank you for always treating me and each other each other so kindly & gently here!       ^_^

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17 hours ago, mdj101 said:

Sunday --- Jan.24,2016 ---Afternoon.   4:00 PM.

Good Afternoon!

Two things each slightly depressing or a bit of a "downer" (not sure "why?" I feel that way about one thing):

1)  Viki at 9 %  ---BUT the Eng sub begins with HK & SR sitting at a table in the coffee shop --- (@ 5:48 mins. into Epi. 40) --- HK says, "I did wrong." paraphrasing now, "I shouldn't have gone to see you at that coffee shop --should have talked to my husband --I shouldn't have knelt before you".I should have talked to my husband and said I was sorry. But I was hurt & afraid of being hurt more. "However, he said that he had to love you." "And he said he had to love you"  It wasn't because you did anything to my husband"

SR said, "Why are you telling me this now"  HK answers, "Do you want to become like me?"

Now, what am I suppose to make of this turn of events?  NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, AT ALL!

2)   In the movie theater, Jin Eon said (paraphrasing), "Then I must die in your place, in order to make it right."  And where was it we got the English for his tearful words to HK:  "This is the last time I'll confess my love to you on this earth.  We'll be together & be well in the next life."

I do not need a PARALLEL suicide attempt from Jin Eon!

I can only hope that full Eng, subs will make clear where it's all heading ---BUT that last tearful scene WAS the "cliff hanger" left for next week, after all!

:confounded:       :dissapointed:        :cry:      :fearful:

EDIT: ---Too "down" with the way I feel, to make any move on the letter --- but certain my mood will lift eventually.  Sort of "numb" --- NEVER  IMAGINED the drama going in the direction of either of these two "items" I listed above!  Just left me kind of "paralyzed ...unable to think straight..."sort of"....."NOW WHAT?" kind of feeling!

 DARN YOU, WRITER BAE ---YOU ARE TOO DARNED GOOD!  Now, Do Hae Gang, I'm afraid of being "hurt" even more!


@mdj101, I really dropped out of this drama and got sucked into other dramas I've been waiting to watch and several new ones.  Today, I decided to check in and see what was going on and your post was the first one I read.

I have to say that I'm not surprised that HG is 'symbolically' kneeing before SR again.  Maybe in Korea the wife doesn't call out the other woman, but there is a song I heard the other day on an oldies channel that immediately came to mind when I read your post, "Woman to Woman" (a wife calling out the other woman her husband was having an affair with).  Sorry, but if another woman is trying to step into a marriage, I think the wife has the right to arrogantly tell her to step out of it AND also talk to her husband------all of which HG did.

The main reason I dropped this drama was because I didn't agree with the message the writer was sending in this drama and from what you mentioned in your comment, I still don't agree with her message.  HG going to SR and telling her that she (HG) wronged her (SR)?  Apologizing to the woman who had an affair with her husband? A woman who doesn't think she did anything wrong by having an affair with a married man at that.  HG told the other woman (SR) to step away from her husband before things really got too deep and she also talked to JE and both of them ignored her.  I have to wonder if the writer realizes how much craziness she had HG doing and saying in order to hold on to JE and how much resistance JE put up in fighting against HG. I always thought HG accepted JE's affair as if it was no big deal. Her nonchalant, too cool for school attitude during the first 9 episodes in dealing with his affair made me wonder at the time if it was really him she didn't want to lose or the entitlement that came from being apart of the company.  

I won't even make a comment on JE talking about killing himself (roll eyes).  Their whole conflict of whether to get back together or not is ridiculous to me. It's okay for TS's brother to want to marry YK, although TS killed YK's fiancé and WJ's father, but not for JE and HG to be together because his father 'killed' her father and stole his company is ridiculous and a double standard (although I'm not an advocate for them as a couple as you all know).

Then JE and BS having bromance?!?  Poor BS is still the sacrificial lamb in this drama.

Okay, got that off my chest.


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8 hours ago, jyfan88 said:


Yes we need another eunsol~  :wub: Honestly although the recent events do not seem like it, but i believe MH did not directly kill DKJH. Maybe there is a secret behind his death or something that DKJH wanted to hide from everyone, which MH is sort of helping to protect. Cause it seems like in this point in time, if MH confesses that he killed DKJH, it won't cause any uproar or twist in events, since everyone already perceive it to be the truth. But in the event that there is an underlying matter, then it can cause a plot twist. That's what writers tend to do right? :sweatingbullets: 

As to MH going to jail, that part kind of bothers me though. Got a feeling he might die in the end, such that all vengeance is put to an end? Like the lawsuit towards Mido Pharmacy? If not it is likely he will have to go to jail which is honestly weird considering his age :confounded: Anyways, yes i think we are all looking forward to a happy ending!! :) Maybe SIS drops the lawsuit afterall and in return, CNP help fund SIS to start up a new company, or aid his family financially etc.      

It will be a lovely ending if the writer really goes on with that plot. Nooo, he shouldn't die or HaeGang and JinEon will feel guilty to reunite in the end. But, if he confesses the truth behing the climbing incident, will the others still believe him? Everyone seems not being able to believe him anymore because his statement always changes.

Actually I do also think that JinEon was so emotional in handling his father's deeds. He should get himself together. But I do also think he must be in dilemma like how can he force HaeGang to do what he wants like getting back together while he already did awful things such an affair and moreover (he believes) now his father also did awful things to her and her family. So, HaeGang should dig more about this case and get some evidence herself. Hope that Manho will really confess what happened during the incident to HaeGang in the next episode continuing the last scene of ep 40. I hope his visit not regarding the stocks.

In my honest opinion, I do feel that the Manho killed JiHoon plot to be kinda makjang. The writer has been writing plots which not following the makjang trend or going overboard with her story therefore I do expect her to write a different twist like ManHo didn't kill his friend. This drama has been an addictive, beautiful, and smart drama so far for me and also for us here :rolleyes: no way the writer will come to disappoint us.

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I think the ratings went down again after My daughter geum sa wol went on air again yesterday. I just checked the AGB nielsen report, there was no trace of our drama in the top 20 :( even in the 20th, the ratings only reached 7%, then how was the ratings for our drama? 

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20 hours ago, iamtaken said:

Folks, Here is the first draft of the letter. Please send me your suggestions and I will try to get out a version 2 by mid - week. Thanks!

Dear Writer, Director, Cast and Crew of I Have a Lover,

We want to write a few lines to convey the joy and fun the drama that you have created together has brought to so many of us across the world. We are the community of the IHAL English language forum on Soompi. Together we have generated 597 pages worth of discussion on the writing, direction, acting, character motives and events of IHAL.

I have a lover, the drama that you all bring forth with your hard work and effort is the glue that holds all of us together. We live in different parts of the world, have different work places and most of us have never met one another and yet we know a great deal about each other because we share our reactions to IHAL with each other. 

Writer Bae, this is easily your best writing. The greyness that you have given to each one of the main - not just leading - characters, makes the viewer be invested in what will happen to that character since you can see a part of yourself in that character. Your writing is nuanced and you use suspense really well in a story in which suspense is hard to maintain for what is so far 38 episode. I do wish you had not made the first 9 episodes, what we privately in our forum call,  the episodes from hell,  but you had a method to your madness. We do congratulate you for bucking the trend of easy watchability that many K dramas choose to take. 

Director Choi, IHAL has easily the best performances of JJH, KHJ and BS. For extracting them from these fine actors and for creating the atmosphere that keeps all of us tied in and engaged with the drama, Thank you! The forum has had multiple posts about your use of music and great handling of scenes without dialogues in this drama.

Kim Hyun Joo, what can we say? You should have won the Daesang. You are playing 2 characters and to this day many of us do not believe that you are actually Yong Gi. But even within the character of HG, there is so much subtle yet believable shift. What both you and JJH have been able to do with body language and facial expressions is amazing. We are not going to go on about how beautiful you are since God makes faces. Thank you for keeping yours in such great shape though, so all of us take pleasure in looking at it. 

Ji Jin Hee,  Your portrayal of Choi Jin Eon who is not an entirely sympathetic leading man in such a way that many of us love him more because he is flawed is quite a remarkable feat. The fact that you are very handsome makes it somewhat easier but it is mostly the kindness that you have been able convey via this role that has allowed many of us to forgive CJE for what he did to wife and marriage in the early part of the drama. You do not need us to tell you your chemistry with KHJ is scintillating. The slow yet steady growth you have been able to portray as CJE evolves from someone who loves DHG but is not entirely comfortable with the dark places either in the woman he loves or himself to a man who says in episode 35 to Kang Seoli, “Yes that is the kind of woman I love and yes it scares me, ” is unmatched in your previous body of work and has a prominent place in the top tier of acting in Korean drama world. 

Lee Gyu Han  (BS)  Many of us knew you from “My name is Kim Sam Soon”. How can you look better now than what you did 10 years ago?  Thank you for playing BS with such panache. Thank you for imbuing him with goodness that we can see he has to work for. He is a good man who is human. We see the struggle in him when he is afraid of losing to JE and then the grace with which he lets HG go. 

Park Han Byul: The best compliment we can offer your acting is that most of us can not stand Kang Seoli. We recognize how beautiful she is and yet we still hate her. Negative characters are hard to play and you have done a great job with this one. 

Baek Ji Won (JR) I love what you have done the role of Jin Ri in IHAL. You carry the not so great wardrobe assigned to you to make you look awkward with great ease. You are funny. You are unashamedly evil and yet you somehow convey who the character of JR, a little girl who was not loved enough and whose mother probably left her a legacy of hate that she can not help carrying forwards. I hope we get to see the character with her boys so that there is more nuanced sense of who JR is. Strong work!

Gong Hyung Jin (MTS)  We hate MTS. If we met him in a dark alley and we had a club, Iwe would hit him. You give most of us nausea just by being on the screen. Most of us have never seen you in a grey role where you are evil most of the time so it is treat to watch you being evil. The curl of your lips that you do so effectively makes our stomachs roil. Thank you for being so deliciously evil. 

Lee Jae Yoon (Doctor Min Tae Seok) It is so easy to over or under play an near autistic medical genius and yet you have managed the hit the right note. You are physically very apt for the role. Thank you for your fine work. 

Kim Ha Yoo ( Woo Joo) - You are adorable and your acting is so mature. Congratulations on doing such a fine job. 

Dokgo Young Jae( Choi Man Ho) For keeping us guessing if Man Ho is evil or not, Thank you!

Choi Jung Woo ( Papa Baek)  You are the only solidly good man in this drama and we all like you role. 

Seo Dong Won ( Hyun Woo): Your comic timing is amazing. We all love the scene by the elevator in episode 35. 

Na Young Hee  (Song See Hee) - Your portrayal of Song See Hee  has to be the most elegantly dressed dementia patient ever!

All other actors: Thank you all for doing your respective roles so sincerely. 

Music: You guys probably already know how effectively you have created mood and atmosphere for this drama with the superb original sound track for this drama.  

Wardrobe design:  The clothes, JE, HG in her various avatars, YG, Woo Joo, MKS fit their characters so well. We have only one complaint. Does JR have to look this fashion awkward? I guess that is part of her persona. She is clumsy and awkward. Well if that was your intent, you have succeeded beyond measure. I hate her clothes. 

Lighting: The lighting for the most part has been great. Many of us wish that there was more light in the pension in episode 34 when JE switches off the lights. But I guess the point of the production team is to make the audience want more and you are very successful in doing that. 

All other crew: Thank you!

We know the way ratings are currently measured in South Korea does not reflect the size, diversity  and engagement IHAL has for produced for its fans. Thank you very much all for creating this amazing drama. We are all hopeful for a fitting  and satisfying last 10 episodes. 

@iamtaken, very, very nice letter:heart:. i wonder if this fb account "https://www.facebook.com/sbsAeinitseoyo/" of IHAL is the official one. If it is,  then we can ask the administrator if we can post or send the letter to her/him and he/she can show it to the IHAL cast members and production crews.


Honolulu, Hawaii USA


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17 hours ago, sunshinefate said:

In my honest opinion, I do feel that the Manho killed JiHoon plot to be kinda makjang. The writer has been writing plots which not following the makjang trend or going overboard with her story therefore I do expect her to write a different twist like ManHo didn't kill his friend. This drama has been an addictive, beautiful, and smart drama so far for me and also for us here :rolleyes: no way the writer will come to disappoint us

i second your opinion....ever since MTS accusing him of killing his friend and took the patent of ssanghwasan and transfer in his name...he never deny nor accept what MTS  said...now even JE when he told his father that he killed DHK father; instead of explaining to JE what really happen that day he just told JE that he knows nothing about.

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@lclarakl --- Good to hear from & hope you're enjoying some of the other dramas. I look forward to meeting up with you in future forums, &/or "comment sections" ---I've started to brave some of the comments areas to hear others' ideas.  I'm finding it's lots better than it once was, several years ago.  I liked hearing your opinions --- always well written and well reasoned out, too. 

I've finally remembered the name of someone who wrote some posts about Jin Eon's need to "protect" the people he loves --- like a basic need for men, sort of --- I always thought it made a lot of sense and I'd never considered that this matter that much to men.  I may still not have the whole Soompi ID correct, because it won't turn "blue".

 But I think it was @DelroyB ---OMG...There it is! Hello & thank you!  I thought of this need or strong desire to protect, because  Writer Bae put the dialogue right into Jin Eon's mouth!  How could I NOT notice?  It connected some "dots" in my picture of "What makes this character tick?". I wrote a short post about and kept "losing it" to the crazy acting PC pages!  But I'd like to write it again in a little bit.  I notice that "theme" of protecting" in so many dramas now --- I used to simply pass over it as just an ordinary part of the "things the stronger guy does", because he is able to do it.  Now I look closer --- Is there another reason?  Still curious!


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38 minutes ago, trust71 said:

i second your opinion....ever since MTS accusing him of killing his friend and took the patent of ssanghwasan and transfer in his name...he never deny nor accept what MTS  said...now even JE when he told his father that he killed DHK father; instead of explaining to JE what really happen that day he just told JE that he knows nothing about.

Yeah, he never explains anything and just says that no one would understand the situation therefore he should be the one to tell them honestly though they might not easily believe him. The only thing now that I find him to be so evil is that he let his friend's daughter to be involved in crimes by being the hunting dog of his company. How can he be like that towards his best friend's daughter? He turned her to be a cold and ruthless person. Somehow I feel that he's the one that makes all the root reason of this drama. I always find this drama to be smart in handling things unlike some dramas. This drama is much much better than the other 16-20 episodes dramas which often turn dull and boring in the half way. Ah, no words can describe my love to this drama.

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@jyfan88 @sunshinefate

I think the chauffeur will be the key of the mountain incident.  I thought that MH took a good care of his family as bribery to cover up his sin, but I think I was wrong.  It could be that the chauffeur saved MH's life and MH felt indebted to him.  MH employed him because he was the key witness of the incident, since no one would believe him/his story.  This is what I imagine:  Perhaps both DGJH and MH fell hanging on the rope, both almost died,  DGJH was at the bottom and MH was at the top and DGJH cut the rope to save MH (rather than making both of them fell).

 It's hard for JE to believe his own father, because he is never close to him and he does have trust issue with him.  In ep 39, JE had bitterness with his dad when he remembered vividly his dad beat him up because he was playing with the ice pick.  (It must have hurt JE so much that he still remembered it after so many years).

@mdj101Like you, I do hope JE would calm down soon.  I don't think he plans to take his own life though, I think he is preparing for the battle. He confronted TS and he knew what TS is capable of.  He is going all out to fight the enemy (just like HG).  He can't plan to end his life because he knows he needs to be by her side to protect and help her.  He saved her from being stabbed by TS minion.  In JE' mind, he perhaps senses he will be one of TS's targets.  If TS could do such thing to BS, JE knows TS could do the same thing to him.  


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@lclarakl Hello there! I do have to wait for the subs, but it seemed l like BS' convo with MTS was enough to make the latter doubt himself. (I remember making a mental note of that scene because TS was all twitchy) So maybe the writer was making him look clueless but he's actually all knowing? It's kinda unfair for him to be made to play knight in waiting, I agree. 

Chingu, as to the message, well we're not there yet imo, okay the writing is practically on the wall with this one, but with a solid 11 more episodes? There's still room for surprises. Lol. But thank you for pointing out the double standard with MTS, Dr. Min and YK's situation versus MH, JE and HK's. I was actually wondering why YK's current situation with Dr. Min placed at the back burner, they also have that Romeo and Juliet vibe going. 

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Dramaland is really really crazy and scary place. I seriously could not marry into the family that caused my husband's death and tried with all their might to cause my own. I also could not call father-in-law the man who indavertingly killed my father and is tries to pay me off. Ugh I just could not with all of this!

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"What happened with the stock market?HK looked so worried...Did she canceled the transaction?Why?WHO can tell us more?"

The Cheon Nyeon Pharm shares on the stock market have taken 1.13% drop in price (high is 743.200, low 734.200, selling at market is 743.100) & HK had asked her "remisier" to buy the share at the current pricing

Her judgment is buying the share at the current market is that the 52 week high/low (stock that was traded in previous year) was high at 752.800 while the low was 728.500, the previous 50 days performance of the share remain unchanged at 743.200

Of course as all "remisier" who is looking at the board said that the price will drop further to its low to buy...but HK tells him that she is not buying the shares for profits...HK will not wait for the price to drop...as she is sure that MTS is also buying up the same pool of shares....investors will most probably throw in the share into the market to reap profits gain......HK is relieve when the share in market is bought up

MTS is on the phone angrily looking at the board seeing the share to buy dwindling as MTS instructed that they will have to buy up whatever share at whatever cost. 

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44 minutes ago, gerrytan8063 said:


The Cheon Nyeon Pharm shares on the stock market have taken 1.13% drop in price (high is 743.200, low 734.200, selling at market is 743.100) & HK had asked her "remisier" to buy the share at the current pricing

Her judgment is buying the share at the current market is that the 52 week high/low (stock that was traded in previous year) was high at 752.800 while the low was 728.500, the previous 50 days performance of the share remain unchanged at 743.200


Thank you @gerrytan8063 for the explanation regarding the stocks. I just hope that the person that HG is dealing with doesn't have any connection with MTS. 

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Episode 40

HK sincere advice to SR

SR: What do you think you are trying to do...now?.....are you playing a prank...or are you trying to interrogate...you have forcibly asked me to sit down, then you should say what is needed to be say...say it

HK: It is my wrongdoing (I am at fault).....from the very beginning (at that time), I shouldn't have did what I done, probably I should have spoken to you...just the like as you...I also really loathe myself to what I was back then...it is not as though that I was a child who lacks distinctive qualities in character as a person...at that time I was inflicted with hurt.....& not to allow myself to be hurt any further therefore I decide in turn to brandish my razor edge claw at others...in the likes like a monster....I shouldn't have seek you out at the cafe moreover I should had talk matters with my husband (nampyeon. 남편)...shouldn't have knelt down begging before you, moreover that I should have done that to my husband...to tell him that I was wronged & to asked for his forgiveness.....moreover most probably I should have said to him that I love him...it is not because of what you did with my husband, moreover it is because of what I had done to my husband that had left me always feeling restive & fearful

SR: Why the sudden.....are you in this manner?

HK: As evil will become a part of daily life....to commit a wrong with intent malice is the most dreadful...I am gravely concern that you will in turn become the same as to what I am...I am afraid that it is my fault to have force you to become another me...just take a close look at me...do you wish to see yourself the likes like me...just the likes like me that I had choose to hurt & disappoint the people that I cherished, then after cause their death..wish to recompense...wish to amend...but then the wrongs that I had done in the past is now coming out restraining (grab a hold) my path...although I have change...wish change for the better...wishing to start afresh in life...but my past is strangling my neck & telling me that I had no rights to do so that it is impossible for me to seek happiness.then push me down into despair....it seems that you may had forgotten...you were once an envy of other in your resplendent beauty...even if you were wearing a measly t-shirt, wearing a worn torn sneakers...even if you are bare footed but you appear upright & healthy (youthful)...at that time...I really envy you...if there is a possibility for you to return to "that times"....return to it...return to where you once were...if there is a possibility when a time for you to recompense then recompense, Kang Seo Ri...don't be like me to use your 30s to go all out seeking vengeance & put others in harm ways...not all wounds can be heal, you need to safeguard your life...safeguard yourself...I beg you...to safeguard yourself...Kang Seo Ri...Don't live the life as I had done...hmmm

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