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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@seungshin: Great insight into jondaemal vs bandaemal.  My 2 cents: I thought the writer had Dr. Min always speak in jondae to emphasize how socially awkward he is.  Actually, I'm going to go a step further and say that he's not just socially awkward, he's almost socially impaired.  It seems to be me that the only personal relationship that he has is with his brother.  He begins to feel some sympathy and responsibility towards HG's mother when she was locked in her shock and depression, but he really has no notion of how to interact with other people.

6 hours ago, sweetpeaga said:

I'm of the firm belief that this is when Hae Kang should have called it quits with Jin Uhn, but she didn't. It made me question why? Where was her self respect? This man had been treating her horribly for about a year, why was she hanging on to him?  It made me think back then that she saw him as some type of personal toy only devoted to her that she didn't want to lose; I never equated it to love for some reason.

My take on this is that HG was still dealing with the shock of her daughter's death.  Imagine that your life begins to change uncontrollably.  We see the flashbacks to how happy HG and JE were in their married life.  Then BAM! Your daughter is killed right before your eyes and you know it has something to do with you.  Moreover, you know it has something to do with what you did for your FIL, whose company you have been working for while your loser husband goes off and lives forever in the glass tower that is a university environment (I know that college can be hard and competitive but any university environment really is a glass tower that is separate from the real world).  So, I bet that a part of HG was also mad at JE and blamed him in part for their daughter's death as well.  Also, her own guilt prevents her from dealing with her loss and guilt and so she tries to lock it all away and becomes more of a robot than a person.  Then, BAM!  Not only have you lost your daughter, but now you're losing your husband as well.  I can see why she would try to cling onto the remnants of her happier life.  Should she make JE suffer?  YES.  I would want to make him suffer.  In fact, I didn't really feel bad for him when he thought HG died and later when HG pretended to have lost 4 years of her recent memory.

5 hours ago, Kfan7172 said:

@irilight I agree with your "call out" of me and the mixing of apple and oranges  - ref American vs Korean law and the fact that we are discussing a Kdrama.  I truly hope that a Korean lawyer also has a means within the legal system to protect their personal beliefs, should they wish to exercise it.

I do not have any legal professional background, but would like to believe that a lawyer is not "locked" into doing things against their basic nature, because of client privilege. I do believe that based on the rule I discussed in my postings page 520, 523 that they do, at least in American legal system.

Again, the code of ethics per the ABA is not that simple.  And, despite the recognition between any differences between the American and Korean system, differences in basic legal concepts between differing countries are not that different.  Why?  Because many legal systems are based on already existing systems.  And Korean dramas are often ridiculous and written in a vacuum.  Although IHAL is not written as a makjang, there are certainly makjang elements in every Korean drama.  One of my pet peeves with Korean dramas has always been that the writers rarely seem to conduct any research into what they are writing.  Korean dramas love to use the cellphone recording as the endgame of all mysteries and conspiracies.  In my professional opinion, good luck getting a voice recording entered as evidence, at least in an American court.

Also, I still stand by my position that we (or me, anyway) don't know what pre-divorce HG knew.  Personally, it would surprise me if she knew everything.  Lawyers often get a bad rap because it's assumed that they know everything and only work to help their clients cover up their bad deeds.  Yes, this happens, but not always.  Precisely because there is a point where we have to talk about what we know.  And the reality is that the legal system, and our own code of ethics (laugh if you will) requires us to maintain confidentiality.  I don't think it necessarily means that lawyers lose a piece of their humanity just because they maintain confidentiality.

So why does HG feel so guilty then?  Because she does.  It's human nature to feel guilt over the fact that you had any involvement in the murder of your sister's fiancee.  Does it mean she is guilty?  No.  What about the female plaintiff that committed suicide?  HG feels guilty because she's finally unlocked from her pre-divorce stasis where she felt no emotions.  Was she completely honest in her presentation of evidence?  No.  But you know what?  Her job is to defend the company, not be an advocate for the plaintiff.  The plaintiff had her own lawyer and it's not HG's fault that she's a better lawyer, who did all this research into the plaintiff's background.  The plaintiff's lawyer should have known all this information about his own client and he should have objected to the evidence, as presented, or re-examine the plaintiff to explain the evidence.  The thing is, I don't know how it is in Korea, but in the U.S., people don't go to trial.  If a civil matter goes to trial, it's because someone is being unreasonable.  Why?  Because it's too expensive to go to trial and the outcome can never be guaranteed, absent exceptional circumstances.  Hence, you settle.  Therefore, if a case goes to trial, then my attitude is that the gloves are off and it's each attorney's job to their very best.  As an attorney, every piece of evidence or precedent that you present or cite to is done with a twist that is most favorable towards your client.  And it's up to the other side to their job and counter your evidence.

Lastly, the attorney is merely an advocate, not the judge and jury.  Therefore, a part of the code of ethics is that you represent and advocate for your client to the best of your ability and leave the judging to another party.  Maybe that sounds like a cop out to some, but this is how we maintain the system.  It's not about an individual client, it's about upholding a system that you believe in.  The system is not perfect, but what would happen if every attorney decided that their client was guilty and each time changed his or her behavior to suit their own judgment of guilt?  Attorneys are not infallible in their judgment and have prejudices of their own, and I think the American society saw what happened when attorneys allowed their own prejudices to affect the type of representation they gave their client.

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7 hours ago, zagigirl said:

She  will hold on tightly to JE but will still want both to help SR...one does not exclude the other just coz you don't like it my chingu ;)


I didn't say that HK wouldn't do both. In this drama, I do not expect there to be a reflection of reality. I expect there to be a happy ending for all and punishment for some.  Out of all the characters in this drama, SR's is the most unrealistic one of all.  Also, the way that HK dealt with JE's adultery and acceptance of it, willing to wait on him while he had his fling, and even her short term feeling of betrayal is not realistic to me--it was all sham/pretend emotions for the most part, nothing in depth or realistic. No exploring of emotions concerning her actions, instead she's willing for him to treat her badly due to her own guilt.  

When I think back to the first 9 episodes, I could never understand why HK kept holding on to JE as he kept pulling away. I was waiting for the moment when she would give him a dose of his own medicine--sadly that never came. When it did come, it was all a pretense. That is so unfulfilling and disappointing for me. BS' characters is a wonderful friend, but he's too good of a man for some woman not to have snapped him up--it's unrealistic that some woman isn't hanging around him, trying to get his attention.

@mdj101 and @sweetpeaga, YES, I'm enjoying myself a little too much on Viki. At times I feel the horns growing out of my head and curling to the floor the more I type.

@seungshin, Absolutely loved your post about formal and informal usage in this drama. So enlightening and informative. It really makes me think of things a little differently, but probably not the way the writer intended.....:lol:  Again, thanks for sharing that very interesting information and comparison between the two men.  The doctor's use of formal speech seems to come from a place of deep feelings when he's dealing with WJ and YK.

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like @qwenli said, this thread is oddly therapeutic and very philosophical. hahahaha.. but the drama has made me think about all sorts of things and the discussion here even more. :)

@deandraluv ~ like you, I have been thinking a lot about forgiveness myself and so it was fantastic to ask the question and see a variety of responses. part of my difficulty with forgiveness like many is based on my own personal experiences.


it is funny but one of the things I really learned from the discussion here (which ironically enough came from my own set of questions and me having an "aha" moment and answering myself) was "what is your primary need in a relationship" -- for me, it is self-respect and trust.

there was a period of great difficulty in our family where we as a family faced humiliation, embarrassment, financial and emotional turmoil and this wasn't caused by an outsider -- it was someone related to us. on a cold, logical mind perspective, I can accept the financial and emotional turmoil as a result of a business decision to cut my father out of the business. I can accept that business decision because business is business but what I still struggle to accept is the humiliation and embarrassment they caused us as a family with their words, actions and belittling. while the wound no longer has any pus, it is a scar that will never disappear. so I can treat that family as one would a stranger -- with a polite friendliness but I don't care about their well-being, good or bad. so does it mean that I have forgiven them because I am no longer angry or resentful? or does it mean that I am still unforgiving because I still carry the scar?

so I am often seen by people as "very cool" character -- not easily ruffled/take things lightly -- and it is true. what annoys other people doesn't get on my nerves because I can see things from a cold, logical mind BUT if someone crosses a line where I/my family feel humiliated or embarrassed (beyond what I think is reasonable), they get cut out of my life so quickly that the reaction can seem a bit extreme. I will treat them like a stranger and my weapons are silence, walls and extreme politeness. @delroyb said just because you forgive, does it mean you let them harm you again? and I agree with that wholeheartedly but I am not sure what those walls I put up mean. and it is difficult to explain to people why feeling a punch in your self-respect is such a big deal to you and not acceptable.


@irilight ~ am glad you enjoy my questions. :) am still puzzled by SR's obsession over the hurt caused by HK giving her shoes. did she feel like an idiot because she was an orphan and people often made fun of her for lack of shoes or clothes? did she feel ashamed of her desire because people told her that as an orphan, she should not aim high. while I can understand her pride being hit, what exactly HK did that was so bad is still a mystery. SR was also humiliated by GN, JR, MH and mama choi. but she is not gunning for them. so it is all a bit weird.. hope the writer explains a bit about SR so that we can put it into perspective.

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1 hour ago, ymiss said:

Hello, @irilight! Thank you for the welcoming! I see that you're more active since I left, I haven't been posting!

The reasons why I'm still watching are Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo, their connection, chemistry and for the fact that I could forgive Jin Eun was because he cheated after he told Hae Kang that it's better they both go their own way, he wanted to divorce her, he wanted out of their marriage! Also, the storyline is not bad, it's decent and the rest of the cast is awesome!

I love how the writer is portraying Seok! I would love to see Lee Gyu Han as the male lead soon! I love his sad, depressing face expressions the most! Handsome!

The drama still have several episodes to go so I'm not surprise that the writer is taking the so call revenge route with Seol Ri! She may probably redeem at the end like all, most second female leads, villains! Besides being in the affair with Jin Eun and/or as the other woman at a point in time to Jin Eun, I find her character kind of pointless! I think this drama could do without Seol Ri! In other words, Park Han Byul is kind of being wasted in here!

No matter how bad, desperate the other woman is, Seol Ri in this case, Jin Eun as the married man has all control whether to go ahead with the affair or not! And he let it happened! They're both at fault but I blame it on Jin Eun!


@ymiss, See and this is why I can't forgive him, because he started cheating before he told her he wanted a divorce. He kissed SR before he told her and spent the night at SR's place before telling HK.  As a matter of fact he told HK after spending the night at SR's place and coming home around noon after eating a late breakfast with SR, that he had cheated on her and he wanted a divorce. He also told HK that he had SR in his heart.  So I can't stand the man and we talk about SR being bold in her pursuit of JE, he was bold in his infidelity and very much in your face with HK. I'm to believe this man loved her, not likely.

Okay, off my soapbox.

In regards to Lee Gyu Han, I would love, love, love to see him as male lead. 

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8 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

am still puzzled by SR's obsession over the hurt caused by HK giving her shoes. did she feel like an idiot because she was an orphan and people often made fun of her for lack of shoes or clothes? did she feel ashamed of her desire because people told her that as an orphan, she should not aim high. while I can understand her pride being hit, what exactly HK did that was so bad is still a mystery. SR was also humiliated by GN, JR, MH and mama choi. but she is not gunning for them. so it is all a bit weird.. hope the writer explains a bit about SR so that we can put it into perspective.

Yes!  What is the obsession behind shoes in this drama?  I thought I missed it because I fast-forwarded through the earlier episodes, but JE is also rather obsessed with shoes, shoelaces, and feet.  Can anyone explain?

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Guest airgelaal
1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

@irilight ~ am glad you enjoy my questions. :) am still puzzled by SR's obsession over the hurt caused by HK giving her shoes. did she feel like an idiot because she was an orphan and people often made fun of her for lack of shoes or clothes? did she feel ashamed of her desire because people told her that as an orphan, she should not aim high. while I can understand her pride being hit, what exactly HK did that was so bad is still a mystery. SR was also humiliated by GN, JR, MH and mama choi. but she is not gunning for them. so it is all a bit weird.. hope the writer explains a bit about SR so that we can put it into perspective.

It was JE shoes. And he gave it to her by his own will. To protect her. From the person she loved. It was her treasure. But HK came and asked them back. It wasn't important how she acted. The only thing that matters was that HK wanted that shoes back. HK asked to return SR treasure. How dare? If SR wasn't in love, she wouldn't see anything wrong in HK behavior. She saw wrong sign because she was in love. So she decided not only get that shoes back, but man himself.

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Thursday ---Jan. 7, 2016 --- Afternoon

Soompi seems to be having "instability" issues (could be my PC)., so I'm going to revert to a list again --- easy way out for me! Avoids having to make write a coherent "essay".

  • @yunra89 --- Love you BTS video.  And again I see the main colors being the rich maroon dress KHJ wears and the aqua in the painting directly behind them --- a water scene --- Venice? or a little fishing village  or coastal city in Korea?   I've noticed the aquacolor in a picture in HK/JE' Buamdong house, too. I guessed it to be a water lily pond. So the only meaning I can pull out of the color scheme comes down to whatever we see in "water" --- cleansing? blessing? nourishing & lifegiving?   But I see "shades of aqua" recurring in paintings throughout the drama.(I feel much like a petulant kid --- If  I throw a tantrum big enough, will that reviewer appear who can explain it all to me? NO?  Then I'll try on my own ---sure to miss the "bigger picture"!
  • @irilight --- I'm definitely going to watch that film, "A Reason to Live".  The link to the Asian Wiki site led to a\the transcript of a Press Conference Interview with the director and the actors that was very insightful! Director Lee Jeong Hyang said he first heard the idea, "forgiveness is sometimes a sin", in a Readers Digest article he clipped and saved when he was still a college student. As a Catholic, that was a very different and  intriguing way to think about forgiveness.

    The transcript of the interview is below the film "trailer":  http://asianwiki.com/A_Reason_To_Live

    The director modestly mentions that he wrote "a few scenarios" prior to becoming a director.  WOW!

    1)  https://www.wikiwand.com/en/The_Way_Home_(2002_film)  Introduced Yoo Seung Ho, "the little So Ji Sub"!

          (  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPrCRC9wCpc   ) 

    2) https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Art_Museum_by_the_Zoo

          (  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shduWQoPeBU   ) 




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2 hours ago, ymiss said:

Hello, @irilight! Thank you for the welcoming! I see that you're more active since I left, I haven't been posting!

The reasons why I'm still watching are Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo, their connection, chemistry and for the fact that I could forgive Jin Eun was because he cheated after he told Hae Kang that it's better they both go their own way, he wanted to divorce her, he wanted out of their marriage! Also, the storyline is not bad, it's decent and the rest of the cast is awesome!

I love how the writer is portraying Seok! I would love to see Lee Gyu Han as the male lead soon! I love his sad, depressing face expressions the most! Handsome!

The drama still have several episodes to go so I'm not surprise that the writer is taking the so call revenge route with Seol Ri! She may probably redeem at the end like all, most second female leads, villains! Besides being in the affair with Jin Eun and/or as the other woman at a point in time to Jin Eun, I find her character kind of pointless! I think this drama could do without Seol Ri! In other words, Park Han Byul is kind of being wasted in here!

No matter how bad, desperate the other woman is, Seol Ri in this case, Jin Eun as the married man has all control whether to go ahead with the affair or not! And he let it happened! They're both at fault but I blame it on Jin Eun!

I blame it on both of them. On Jin Eun because as you said he let the affair happen and he gave false hope to Seol Ri. But i also blame SR because when a man is married you just can't get involved with him. That is a common knowledge, but many women because they are in love they just decide to ignore that the man is already taken and they start blaming the wife for every single thing that does not work in their marriage life. In this case, we saw that Hae Kang begged her to stay put and to lend them fix their problem, but Seol Ri decided to continue because he deserved better.

I also loveee Seok. I was afraid that he would go to the dark side but I m happy that he didn't. I really like the scene when he saw Hae Kang hesitating if she should came back and to help her he just decided to write her that he can t pick her up. He's such a sweetheart:wub:.

Edited by mtm89
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2 hours ago, lclarakl said:


I didn't say that HK wouldn't do both. In this drama, I do not expect there to be a reflection of reality. I expect there to be a happy ending for all and punishment for some.  Out of all the characters in this drama, SR's is the most unrealistic one of all.  Also, the way that HK dealt with JE's adultery and acceptance of it, willing to wait on him while he had his fling, and even her short term feeling of betrayal is not realistic to me--it was all sham/pretend emotions for the most part, nothing in depth or realistic. No exploring of emotions concerning her actions, instead she's willing for him to treat her badly due to her own guilt.  

Apologies first but could you explain what you mean by this comment? I might have understood it the wrong way but I personally believe it depends what type of person the spouse is for them to accept the cheat back in. There are many reasons why ppl cheat on their spouses and I actually find it realistic in this story. JE wanted to get out of the marriage whether or not SR appeared and luckily for him this 'excuse' appeared. There are famous couples that got back after cheating e.g. David and Victoria Beckham.

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@mtm89   @the3maples   @viktoria   welcome chingu  enjoy the ride in the discussion on this forum ...just share what's on your mind about this drama were glad to hear and read it.


Let's forget for the time being  about JE's cheating and be considerate to him, it's really amusing to see how he keep teasing DHK. The scene during the  CHRISTMAS EVE when they stop at the rest house and when he told DHK that in his eye she's like a dead tree and a plastic doll that only blink:lol::lol:  

then at ep.35  asking DHK what to erase and delete first; when you kissed me or was it that it was hard for you to be in the same place that you ran away then come back..:blush::heart:...pouring some oil to the lamp HW add some teasing....:dizzy:

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@seungshin When I first started watching KDs I used to get confused at how different some of the words sounded when reading subs. I really enjoyed your explanation. I have some Korean students in my class so I practice with them. A student texted me a question and I jokingly asked if he was using informal speech with me. He asked the question again and ended it with "yo" lol

I know there's a huge debate about who is at fault with the affair. Do you think writer-nim has already completed all the episodes for this drama or has the writer tweaked some of the writing to appease some of the audience? My knowledge on the KD process is limited with some pieces taken from the show Lord/King of Drama. I only ask this because I noticed lots of questions about how the synopsis initially mentioned that JE marries Seol Ri. 

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4 hours ago, jechoi1 said:

Yes!  What is the obsession behind shoes in this drama?  I thought I missed it because I fast-forwarded through the earlier episodes, but JE is also rather obsessed with shoes, shoelaces, and feet.  Can anyone explain?

@jechoi1 The 'shoes' factor was discussed on pg 253 ... with a pinch of salt. :) 

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11 hours ago, Tiggie2 said:

Apologies first but could you explain what you mean by this comment? I might have understood it the wrong way but I personally believe it depends what type of person the spouse is for them to accept the cheat back in. There are many reasons why ppl cheat on their spouses and I actually find it realistic in this story. JE wanted to get out of the marriage whether or not SR appeared and luckily for him this 'excuse' appeared. There are famous couples that got back after cheating e.g. David and Victoria Beckham.


Let me explain, the first 9 episodes of JE's cheating is very realistic to me. The hatred and disdain that JE felt towards HK was very realistic to me. That JE found SR attractive and was happy with her was realistic to me. However, starting around episode 10, it became less believable to me and very fantasy. To say that this man took his lover who he had been intimate with, kissing SR passionately on the beach 2 or 3 months later after his divorce had been finalized took this woman to America and their romance didn't progress much is extremely unrealistic. For the writer to say that JE loved HK and missed her the entire time he was in the U.S., but not once inquired on her health, is beyond belief to me.

For JR to tell SR on her return that JE doesn't know her body the way he knows HK's, moles and all, was a please give me a break moment--was SR in the bedroom with them? Also, the way SR and JE were tracing each other's face before making love, I refuse to believe that type of slow love, JE didn't notice things about her body. For the writer to say that JE didn't really take an interest in SR body....?   SR, who wouldn't go to Stanford because she didn't want to leave her crush JE behind (this was before their affair) would leave JE for 2 years to go to London to further her studies?!? Clingy SR who is always saying that JE only loved HK would leave him for two years is totally unbelievable.  

I'm among the minority that believes the writer changed the plot of this drama to accommodate Ji Jin Hee. That's why I think his character and SR's are the most inconsistent in actions and what they say. Some of the things that both of them say shows a lack of understanding of their actions, lack of humility--especially JE in my opinion. I personally wish the writer had stayed with her original plot.

I also think it's possible for couples that have a spouse that cheats on them, can get back together. However, JE is the most un-humble cheater wanting to get back with his wife in my opinion. His constant pulling and yanking of HK grated on my last nerve. He saw a happy HK and wanted her back for himself.  No respect for her feelings or anger, which for the most part was just an act. The writer to me, didn't develop this well at all. She used a lot of drama distractions to move their story alone without exploring their issues or history.

In regards to power couples, such as the Beckhams, I can't speak of their marriage. However I will say that a lot of power couples don't necessarily get back together or stay together out of love after affairs, again, I'm not saying this is the came with the Beckhams, but a lot of these power marriages have to do with status, money, business deals--not out of love do they get back together. Also, they are good at putting on a front in public to protect the 'brand', but that doesn't mean all is happy behind closed doors.  From what I Googled, it's alleged that David had a number of affairs.

When you have a spouse, in the case of JE and HK, that cheats on you, treats you horribly in the process, chooses the other woman over you and remains with them a number of years, it's fantasy in my opinion for YK/HK--a strong independant woman, who hated cheaters, would be in a romance with JE a month after meeting him knowing that he was SR's boyfriend. To say that HK doesn't feel some deep seated resentment towards JE, but easily accepts him back after remembering everything that he did to her, is not realistic to me.  JE said some really hateful things to her, which she remembered and repeated them back to him, but she really didn't mean any of it. He deserted her, again in my opinion, when she needed him most. He left her completely alone with no one other than her mother (don't get me started on her)--this woman didn't even have friends.

Again, I'm not saying people don't get back together, but the writer didn't really deal with any of this effectively in my opinion. I was looking forward to seeing how the writer was going to win us over, but good 'chemistry' was not the answer for me.

Sorry for the long response.

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10 hours ago, irilight said:

@macaronsandsakuratea, thank you for the wonderful run down/thoughts on our main characters. I feel similarly to you about them.

Here lies the difference between HK and her love for JE, vs. SR and her love for JE. When HK believed that JE really did not want her anymore, she gave him what he said he wanted - the divorce, and set him free to find his way.  SR, would rather have JE next to her, even knowing he does not love her, but she cannot stand the thought of him going back to the wife she knew he loved all along. She would rather destroy the both of them, even conspire to murder them!


Thanks for the kind words, chingu @irilight. The recent episodes have illustrated well our little chit-chat a few days ago involving a biblical passage (1 Cor. 13:4-8) on love and how this was of relation to the main characters. In one of my earliest posts, I mentioned Kahlil Gibran's quote in relation to HK's love, but I didn't spell it out. To amplify what you've astutely observed, I'll be quoting him now.

''If you love somebody, let them go,

for if they return, they were always yours...''

Thanks to you, as well, and to everyone else for sharing your wonderful insights about this drama. I'm learning a lot. I hope you all are having a great day or evening wherever you may be.

Take Care! Happy Watching!

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38 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


Let me explain, the first 9 episodes of JE's cheating is very realistic to me. The hatred and disdain that JE felt towards HK was very realistic to me. That JE found SR attractive and was happy with her was realistic to me. However, starting around episode 10, it became less believable to me and very fantasy. To say that this man took his lover who he had been intimate with, kissing SR passionately on the beach 2 or 3 months later after his divorce had been finalized took this woman to America and their romance didn't progress much is extremely unrealistic. For the writer to say that JE loved her and missed her the entire time he was in the U.S., but not once inquired on her health, is beyond belief to me.

For JR to tell SR on her return that JE doesn't know her body the way he knows HK's, moles in all, was a please give me a break moment--was SR in the bedroom with them? Also, the way SR and JE were tracing each other's face before making love, I refuse to believe that type of slow love, JE didn't notice things about her body. For the writer to say that JE didn't really take an interest in SR body....?   SR, who wouldn't go to Stanford because she didn't want to leave her crush JE behind (this was before their affair) would leave JE for 2 years to go to London to further her studies?!? Clingy SR who is always saying that JE only loved HK would leave him for two years is totally unbelievable.  

I'm among the minority that believes the writer changed the plot of this drama to accommodate Ji Jin Hee. That's why I think his character and SR's are the most in consistent in actions and what they say. Some of the things that both of them say shows a lack of understanding of their actions, lack of humility--especially JE in my opinion. I personally wish the writer had stayed with her original plot.

I also think it's possible for couples that have a spouse that cheats on them, get back together. However, JE is the most un-humble cheater wanting to get back with his wife in my opinion. His constant pulling and yanking of HK grated on my last nerve. He saw a happy HK and wanted her back for himself.  No respect for her feelings or angry, which for the most part was just an act. The writer to me, didn't develop this well at all. She used a lot of drama distractions to move their story alone without exploring their issues or history.

In regards to power couples, such as the Beckhams, I can't speak of their marriage. However I will say that a lot of power couples don't necessarily get back together or stay together out of love after affairs, again, I'm not saying this is the came with the Beckhams, but a lot of these power marriages have to do with status, money, business deals--not out of love do they get back together. Also, they are good at putting on a front in public to protect the 'brand', but that doesn't mean all is happy behind closed doors.  From what I Googled, it's alleged that David had a number of affairs.

When you have a spouse, in the case of JE and HK, that cheats on you, treats you horribly in the process, chooses the other woman over you and with with them a number of years, it's fantasy in my opinion for YK/HK--a strong undefended woman, who hated cheaters, would be in a romance with JE a month after meeting him knowing that he was SR's boyfriend. To say that HK doesn't feel some deep seated resentment towards JE, but easily accepts him back after remembering everything that he did to her, is not realistic to me.  JE said some really hateful things to her, which she remembered and repeated them back to him, but she really didn't mean any of it. He deserted her, again in my opinion, when she needed him most. He left her completely alone with no one other than her mother (don't get me started on her)--this woman didn't even have friends.

Again, I'm not saying people don't get back together, but the writer didn't really deal with any of this effectively in my opinion. I was looking forward to seeing how the writer was going to win us over, but good 'chemistry' was not the answer for me.

Sorry for the long response.


Damn. I totally see your point. I was a bit confused as well and wondered if the writer changed things up a bit because of that beach scene. I mean, YK even saw them displaying all their new found love and affection. I just surprised that after YK honked the horn JE didn't notice that it was HG's car. 

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@jadecloud thanks for sharing those photo

@lclarakl   good your back...i read your post in VIKI .

.@macaronandsakuratea.....like reading you insight..continue to share

@Lmangla say; What exactly HK did that was so bad to KSL is still a mystery:glasses:....just my opinion....

like KSL say to JE in that car scene...that DHK looked down and mocked on her.But that just an excuse on her side. i think the real deal why KSL is so richard simmons off towards DHK is that even though she took away her husband JE still love her for all the time they stay together. In her sight DHK is like tornado that difficult to beat even you hide underground it will pull out.


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@Kfan7172 --- Really interesting possibility you've raised!  I can just see where TS would do his beat to try to have HK put on trial!  WOW! 

6 hours ago, Kfan7172 said:


Episode 34 TS JR discussion at @40 and TS MH discussion @45 -- in both both discussions TS talks about ES killer wanting to put HK in jail.

--I think at some point, there will be an episode where HK faces trial for her past actions, about ES killer company courts case.  It should be very interesting, if that trial  occurs, what we discover about the Korean legal system, OR at least in how it is portrayed in the Drama World of IHAL.

--Also as I mentioned in previous post, page 520 - based on TS MH discussion @45 it appears to me that HK was not aware of MH deceitful illegal actions at time of the trial, but become aware of them after the fact.  Just noticed in Reviewing this discussion that TS says 5 years ago about HK keeping quiet about MH actions.  That makes me think, that she discovered MH actions after ES had been killed - therefore this could likely be the reason she was willing to keep quiet at that point and may have been the start of her gathering evidence about CNP corrupt actions.




I completely agree with everything posted on P.524 by @sweetpeaga,   @deandraluv,   and @airgelaal (JE & SR are jointly and separately guilty for the "affair" --- so much so that it is impossible to say one is more gui;ty than the other!)  And @iamtaken --- Your explorations of possible ways the MH & DJH "rope cutting" plus the promises made make so much sense!  Love the entire post! Thank you.

@zagigirl --- When a TV Station "pulls"  everything like that it makes me think they've realized they have something of great value and want to protect it.  And keep it for their own future use.  A DVD/CD Director's set maybe?

And @Lmangla ---( I hope I've got that right!)--- Thank you for suggesting that Hyun Woo got the extravagant Christmas Eve package at the hotel for giving JE his own house for his last minute change of plans!  Who else but that airhead would buy real estate so close to North Korea and the DMZ? He may be smart, a research scientist, and a good friend to JE, but somethings just not quite right with that man!

I'm goping to post this ASAP --- I've been "writing" posts and "Losing them" all afternoon! Must be me & my computer.  Here goes!

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