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2 hours ago, madlena said:

What is up with this discussion about whether seol will end up with jung after all? Who would she end up with?? THIS ISN'T THE REPLY SERIES YOU GUYS!!!


I Am sooooo happy I never watched any of the reply dramas, and I shall never do, but for CIIT, I really hope the writer won't forget Jung and his own feelings, because as far as I can see, she's developing In-Ho's character more than any other in the show, she's adding a love line as well ( I can't help it, I hate love triangles ) I'm happy that In- Ho is growing and learning how to take control over his life instead of the whole " you broke my hand, you ruined my dream so I'm going to stay and drown in misery " I like him as a character, but I wish he wouldn't just be in every Jung-Seol moment just so the writer can reinforce the love triangle even more. I want to see more flashbacks of Jung, more thoughts from Jung, we need more jung, and even more Jung-Seol moments, I signed up for this drama because the synopsis basically says " Seol and her relationship with Jung ", so that pretty much sums up how I feel. 

By the way, now that I've watched the next episode preview for like 100 times, are Jung and Seol having their reunion in the same place  where they broke up ? 

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8 minutes ago, yuhotarubi said:


I Am sooooo happy I never watched any of the reply dramas, and I shall never do, but for CIIT, I really hope the writer won't forget Jung and his own feelings, because as far as I can see, she's developing In-Ho's character more than any other in the show, she's adding a love line as well ( I can't help it, I hate love triangles ) I'm happy that In- Ho is growing and learning how to take control over his life instead of the whole " you broke my hand, you ruined my dream so I'm going to stay and drown in misery " I like him as a character, but I wish he wouldn't just be in every Jung-Seol moment just so the writer can reinforce the love triangle even more. I want to see more flashbacks of Jung, more thoughts from Jung, we need more jung, and even more Jung-Seol moments, I signed up for this drama because the synopsis basically says " Seol and her relationship with Jung ", so that pretty much sums up how I feel. 

By the way, now that I've watched the next episode preview for like 100 times, are Jung and Seol having their reunion in the same place  where they broke up ? 


i became interested in the drama because of Park Hae-jin being casted, reading the synopsis with a thought - hmmm how could these be interesting? - and started to read the webtoon. i, for one, always thought CiTT is about Seol and Jung dealing with things that happened around them as a couple, and the webtoon depicts their growth. slow burn relationship, should i say that? they didnt get close immediately, they have their awkward phase and that is what makes it so endearing to me, so i will never waver although in the drama it seems that the writer is going to that direction (please don't, for my sanity).

i do think it's the same place... or near to that pretty place. the lights seems the same, dont u think? :) 

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I believe, the relationship between In Ho and Seol has its purpose, not because of the typical k-drama 's ingredient (love triangle!) but to force Yoo Jung and In Ho to overcome their issue. They were very close to each other and for Yoo Jung, he was his best and closest friend he ever had. Yet he felt betrayed by In Ho twice


(in my opinion, the fact he learnt that In Ho was indeed reporting to his father which pushed YJ to treat In Ho coldly and later the hand incident since In Ho blamed him for that)

All this led YJ to mistrust people even more! Despite the feeling of betrayal, YJ has always been jealous of In Ho (he felt his friend was more loved and appreciated by his father than himself. So the animosity is the result of the resented betrayal and YJ's insecurities.


On In Ho's part, the latter saw YJ standing there, while he was getting beaten and the former didn't stop the beating therefore he resents YJ for that incident saying that YJ is responsible for that incident. Moreover, I believe YJ must have treated In Ho coldly before the hand incident therefore In Ho felt betrayed twice as well 

But the result was when they meet again, noone is willing to talk about these feelings and the past. They expect from each other that the other has to apologise. As conclusion, the painful past is swept under the mat!

Since Seol is caught in the middle, I think, YJ's insecurities (fear of losing her as In Ho has always got loved so easily) will push YJ to beat In Ho. Their fight over Seol will reveal to Seol and In Ho about YJ's insecurities and will trigger to talk about the past! Once, they have opened up and explained their feelings, both will be able to understand the point of view from each other! So far, both boys are suffering from that victim's mentality, unwilling to see from the point of view of the other side!  

I do believe, In Ho will step aside between YJ-Seol despite his feelings. We saw him in the episode 9 stopping from meddling in the quarrel between YJ and Seol which is totally different from the behaviour of the second lead in love with the main female lead. He knew the boundaries. Yet, YJ didn't see it too focused to discuss with Seol their problem! Hence YJ's jealousy will resurface and push him to fight against In Ho! 

And Seol is just the trigger for them hence the writer built up that triangle! Not that's not a real love triangle! 

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@lclarakl since the webtoon and drama are going exactly the same way, once upon a time I was where you are reading scenes between Inho and Seol playing the piano, working in the resturant and things like that while Jung was there but Seol didn't really trust him yet or he was at his internship or they were on the outs or Jung was making me question him a lot LOL and I didn't know what was going to come next. There were Inho/Seol webtoon shippers (yes they really do exist LOL)  who were taking about the comfort and ease that Inho and Seol have (which is/was true here and there) and how it is only a matter of time before Seol fell for Inho. However what I was reading was not telling me that I didn't know what was going to come, but what I was reading was two friends together that some in fandom wanted together and not going to lie would be kinda cute together; however the story wasn't going there.

What I felt then about the webtoon is what I feel now about the drama, when I watch the drama I try to forget the webtoon (even though it doesn't always work) because the writer could go any way with it and they have because some of the developments are not in the webtoon and Inho's character is so dang different and they upped the "mystery" of Jung so I've kind throw the webtoon out cause it's different now. Still watching the drama I just don't see what you see (which is completely fine) I don't think the writer is doing anything different from what any other drama do and I think the writer has made it clear as day what  Seol feels for Inho, what she feels for Jung. The different things she gets from both, and who Seol wants to be with and continues to try and be with.

I mean, Inho is standing right next to her being his puppy dog self and Seol is "there"as in a shell of herself but not there because her mind, heart if you will is on Jung. She almost walks into a pole thinking on Jung. She can't study with Inho and asks to cancel because she is thinking about Jung. I am confused about how much else clearer the writer could make it that Seol I would dare say is starting to fall in love with Jung or really really really like since I can already see people shaking their head nah. To me Seol's life cannot revolve around Jung and what he wants and what would make him happy. So I have no problem with her hanging out with Inho even though it doesn't make Jung happy and  I have no problem with her not having much time with Jung now since she s a busy college girl and he is a busy university boy who also has to intern. When the two can they make the time and effort to be with one another. Right now in the story they can't because they are on a break but once that arc is over they will spend time together again.

I don't think Seol should cut back on seeing Inho just because Jung doesn't have the time to see her equally as much. I don't think you should allow a relationship to dictate that much of other aspects of your life. I am dating you but I also have a life, friends, family, studies, work, etc, that require my time and attention as well. You are not the sun which I orbit. Seol is a nice girl and she treats Inho who she has known close to a year now as the nice friend that he is. I am really curious as to how you would like to see Inho and Seol interact with one another? Do you want her to tell Inho "today I am riding the train home at 7 and since Jung is uncomfortable with us hanging out with one another, please take the 6' train so we do not go home together" At work she shouldn't talk to Inho unless it is "table number 4 needs water" she shouldn't tutor Inho and should ask another friend to do it instead? She and Inho should have nothing more than a "hi" "hi" employer and employee relationship? I am really curious if you could state the type of relationship you would like for Seol to have with Inho and the kind you want to see her share with Jung. What specifically is Seol not doing with Inho and with Jung that you would like to see her do or not do anymore? What other than completely taking out the "love triangle" could the writer do? I think I could understand your point of view better. I hope I have not caused offense in anything I've said.

*please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes. 

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@yuhotarubi A lot of us are complaining about the Reply series, but despite it all, I think most of us can agree that we still love them to death and that they are among the best Korean shows ever made! You should at least give Reply 1997 a try.

But I do agree that CITT is pretty straight forward and I don't think it is a story about any other couple than Jung and Seol. Whether they end up together or not is another question (someone mentioned that maybe Seol would end up alone, before meeting some else later; a realist idea I am not totally against), but the drama is about them for sure!

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To reassure people, I'm honestly not that worried. I didn't watch Reply 1988 and have no intention of doing so. I was only responding to   a post that In-ho and Seol was a realistic endgame. 

All I was saying was that from a storytelling point of view, it just doesn't make any sense no matter who you're rooting for.

And it's clear to me from the last two episodes that despite spending a lot of time with In-ho in the last two episodes, that Seol doesn't think of him as anything more than a friend. I've also said repeatedly that In-ho knows that too.

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@MrsSoJiSub Right, I agree with everything you wrote. Jung turned around and did exactly what she told him not to do. 

So let's pretend Jung and Seol talked it out and Seol had agreed to his 'plan' (yeah I know I know very unlikely but just pretending). Would the Joon-Minsoo setup still be seen as something wrong/questionable on Jung's behalf by viewers? (I probably didn't word my initial question correctly otl).


Loved his outfit here. :wub:




cr. WM Company

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@bebebisous33 i really hope they will talk about it, but these two boys... i swear,... we should abduct them and put them in a locked room for them to talk about their issues. that few lines of dialog in ep 6 further convinced me they do each other wrong, and yet they havent talked about it.

Inho: By the way... do you really... have nothing you are sorry about me?

Jung: What about you?

[they shared an intense stare down (lol)] and Inho said.. "Fine, I wont ask anymore either. No more."

from Inho personality and temper, if he didnt do Jung any wrong, he will surely pressed Jung by saying he definitely do nothing wrong bla bla bla, but in this case, he just agreed not to say anything. sigh. if only i live in their mind. i really want to know what happened. we only get crumbs, like a little bit of scraps but never the real thing, until the recent chapters :( 


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Hi everyone!  I just found some free time to post but as always I've been reading all your comments and analysis. Thankfully we have this thread so we can let out some of our inner energy that we posses from the drama, be it a positive or negative one, as long as we are respectful and don't cross the line I think it's healthy to express ourselves like this.

First, let me say that I love the progression the drama is showing, I too think it would be better if it was 20 episodes because there's just too much to be shown but I know that's out of the question now. I did like the last episodes, especially the 9th episode, I got sad about Jung/Seol separation but I think it is crucial to their relationship, I agree with those of you who said that it had purpose, it wasn't one of those break ups that "needs" to happen because of the dramatic purposes, to hype the drama and the viewers, it needed to happen because honestly speaking Seol has to get over her trust issues with Jung, she's been struggling with whether to trust him or not and all the confusion of his honest feelings toward her that it had to have a breaking point, I don't like it but Jung had it coming, he has to somehow endure the consequences of his previous actions (during the time he disliked Seol), whether he did them with malice or not is open to interpretation, I do think he has a dark side but who doesn't?? Comparing to other bad characters in the show who've done truly bad deeds, he has the approach of being cunning, manipulative but only when they require and deserve it, he doesn't go around hurting people just for pleasure, to me Jung is flawed yes, but that what makes him human, he is not perfect but he is learning to love and truly care for someone (Seol) without having the doubt standing like a cloud on top of him that she is using him too like others.

I have to confess that I truly hate love triangles in dramas, that is the reason I avoided "the one that shall not be named" and some other dramas too, I know it's done for dramatic effect and all that but I hate having to go through the indecision and confusion the lead characters go through, I know it can happen in real life too but to me it's not something I prefer to be watching, I like clarity, when you know you know, kind of story line is the one I prefer.   I also remember that when the news of CITT came out, I read one description of it along the lines of a love triangle happening, meaning Jung/Seol/Inho and I said to myself, well it's not my kind of drama, but as I started reading some of the webtoon, I noticed that there is no such thing being hinted there, at least at the early seasons, so I am glad I gave it a chance. I know this is a drama and things like this are ought to happen but in my opinion it all goes down to who Seol likes? To whom she goes for emotional support? To whom she jumps to hug and say she missed him? To whom she gifted her first kiss and first real relationship? Yes, Inho is cute and cares for her and she also Seol takes care of him but I think it's crystal clear that she sees him as ONLY a friend, I think she pities him for having to give up his dream to play piano and tries to engage him in pursuing it again but there's nothing more to it.

So let's just wait and see how it will all turn out, I don't know how I will be able to wait this upcoming week without new episodes but I guess I'll just hang out here and pass the time :) 

ETA: I just have to say how much I LOVE KGE/PHJ chemistry and acting, the scene where they break up and she tells him "I want to get closer to you but I can't" made me tear up, what an amazing, emotional delivery from KGE, the way her voice trembles, she truly is very talented. Also PHJ and the way he looks at her is so sweet and tender, I believe him when he said that it was not acting but truly how he saw her, being all pretty, cute and sweet, I thing you can tell from the honesty and tenderness that drops from the eyes that it's true.

So let's enjoy the rest of the ride ahead of us together and hope for the best. 

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Just to give some clarifications on the time line. Episode 3 is after the Ah-young incident and the semester final project for witch Kang's class. It's only the third episode for us, but my show standards Jung has been asking and being reject by Seol to have lunch, dinner, a snack. a spit of what LOL for close to 4 months now (I don't know how long semesters are in Korea but here in the US they are 4 months each expect for summer which is 1 month at my uni) holly molly that boy was persistent and really like Seol it seems. So her change of mind about Yoo Jung and their dating wasn't sudden. For a long time he did nice things for her and was persistent in trying to get her to change her mind about him (which he had aided in her making in the first place LOL this boy). Jung's asking to date comes from months of interactions both shown and not shown. 

Maybe it would have benefitted the show to do like the R-series and put the month at the beginning of each episode. I think a lot of viewers are thinking they are seeing day to day life (which for some episodes and scene we are) but over all we are periodically viewing months and I believe at the end of the drama would have gone through a whole one or two years with Seol and Jung and all the rest. 

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Hi all! It's one of those moments when i randomly chime in again! :w00t: Just in case anyone may be interested, our trusty weibo C-netz have translated the bench kiss BTS Instagram captions, so I'm translating them here.

The captions say: Preparing very seriously even for the kiss scene~ The coordination between actors has to be good in order to present a beautiful image. 

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Actually this relationship is not out of the blue. He continuously asked her to eat for weeks if not up to a month. He did nice things for her over time and finally because of his consistent niceness and helping her. Seol began to warm up to him, see him in a new light, and agreed to date (which honestly if she didn't like him or wants to be with him up until now she could have dumped him). I have read the webtoon (and continue to read it now) and although some of the scenes shared between Jung and Seol was cut, the time span and length are the same as in the webtoon. Viewers have to be on careful look for that because I think many are confused by the time line and think episodes are going by days, when in fact they are going bay weeks and sometimes even months. In the span of ep 1 to 3 we sent from the beginning of the fall semester to the end of it. We saw the class registration of ep 1 though 2 and then by the end of ep 3 (the episode where Seol wears the white skirt and Jung follows her) we are already at the end of the semester because they gave the end of semester group projects which Seol got a D in. 

Jung and Seol have been dating about 3 or maybe 3 and close to a half months now.They started dating during semester break which someone informed us is 2 months long, Jung also informed her mother that they  had been dating for  2 and a half months when he net the parents. Now we are in their spring semester and they have already taken their midterms. We are close to have spent one full year with these characters. Seol had now known Inho for close to a year as well and been dating Jung for that long. I follow the time line by looking at witch Kang's class projects and such. So while we may think things are moving fast or didn't take time and progress, it actually did. what was days to us were really weeks and months in the show time line.



It's not out of the blue for webtoon readers/viewers who are aware of the timeline.. But if you just watch the drama and are not really aware of the timeline (a term has passed in one episode:phew:).. a confession in episode 3 and dating in episode 4 are pretty much 'out of the blue'..like "WOWOWOWOWOW WAIT..WHAT'S HAPPENING??" :w00t: 

At least that's the sentiment I get from reading various comments/reviews/posts on various portals /stalks everywhere/ :P Someone even mentioned that because Jung confessed too early, she kinda lost interest on JungxSeol ship and wished he confesses later after they dealt with his (shady) past lmao

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9 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Got home from work today and wowww such awesome posts. I spent like 40 minutes backtracking 8 or so pages. Some arguments I agree with, some arguments I disagree with, but it was a great read seeing differing opinions.

Amongst a lot of thoughts one question in particular occured to me. Was there anything wrong with Jung's involvement in the Minsoo showdown? If you look at it objectively he just made a lunch appointment. I know he was well aware of the domino effect Joon's presence would bring.... Jung knew what he was doing, yet, was it really 'wrong?'

I'm asking because I myself don't know. No, actually I had an opinion but I don't know if I'm losing focus and excusing (?) Jung on this one. I understand why Seol feels confused and frustrated with how Jung goes at it again, but just objectively speaking I wanna know what was so wrong about his actions in this particular scenario.

The only thing I can think of is Jung could tell Seol first(they really have to learn communicating).Later when they talked I wished HS would act more like Bora.She yells at ET,kicks his richard simmons and after that they go for lunch together.

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15 minutes ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:


It's not out of the blue for webtoon readers/viewers who are aware of the timeline.. But if you just watch the drama and are not really aware of the timeline (a term has passed in one episode:phew:).. a confession in episode 3 and dating in episode 4 are pretty much 'out of the blue'..like "WOWOWOWOWOW WAIT..WHAT'S HAPPENING??" :w00t: 

At least that's the sentiment I get from reading various comments/reviews/posts on various portals /stalks everywhere/ :P Someone even mentioned that because Jung confessed too early, she kinda lost interest on JungxSeol ship and wished he confesses later after they dealt with his (shady) past lmao

Yeah, I am a webtoon reader and I was shocked at first at how fast the drama progresses lol. It's spacecraft speed!! haha. And the emotion buildups are so abrupt compared with the webtoon, where you have to read 3-4 chapters for something big to happen xDD. But I did re-read the webtoon and re-watch first few episodes of the drama, and I think now the progression in the drama does make sense since in the webtoon, the present scenes and flashback scenes are interlaced and sometimes it's confusing. So the drama is more straight-forward. I guess in following episodes they'll show more flashbacks :D 


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3 hours ago, carolinedl said:

@qwenli I perceived the MS issue with the doll as a bit more complicated than that. She could not return the doll right away, and it became a way to get to hang out with her. I think the fact that she did not text Seol was because she could use it as a way to connect to her face to face. And she only started wearing the doll openly after she was accused of stealing it. Before she kept it hidden because I truly believe she wanted to give it back: it was too good of an excuse to talk to Seol directly. The mistake she made was getting offended when Bora accused her of stealing it and lying. It was her defense mechanism but it made things worse for her and definitely drove Seol away. As for my comments on Jung, if you read all my messages, you see I do mention that I LOVE Jung and that if I sound like I am judging him, then it came out wrong. I still think he lacks empathy (showing empathy to only the ones you love is too restraining for me, especially since he kinda only likes Seol!), or at least he does not consider the emotional consequences of his actions on others. I was mainly saying that because I think that's the part that Seol is focusing on and it is where she wants him to meet her in the middle.

What I am getting really unconfortable at are the comparisons people keep making. For instance SC and Seol: yes, they are in similar situations. If Seol can take it and still be nice, why can't SC do the same thing? Well, that is the thing: people react differently to different situations. My way of dealing with a problem will be different than your way, and that's only natural. People are sensitive to different things, people have different levels of resilience. Isn't it what the show is trying to show us?... We believe that Jung and Seol are similar, Jung believes so, but he then realizes that they are different because they react to things differently! And for me that's what is so great about CITT: you often find people in the same situations but the outcome is always different: InHa and InHo both had a dream shattered and their reactions is different (it was not at first but then they choose different paths), MS and Seol are similar but Seol worked hard whereas MS was lazy and got blinded along the way, etc., etc. 


There are two stages we are discussing here 1) when she pick the doll up and cannot return 2) yes when she was questioned by Bora and her defense mechanism kicks in.

It seems to me, you are saying at stage 1 she can be forgiven and it is only at stage 2 that she is guilty of the crime. 

I am sorry, my moral upbringing just tells me that if you pick up something and knows who it belongs to, then you should return it even if you have to trip, fall, run in the rain, please return the item. No excuses. MS knows the doll was from Seol, even if she couldnt return it, however long it takes her to, she should have. What I am saying is, she was guilty from stage 1 onwards.

For example, a guy pull out a gun = stage 1, fire the shot = stage 2. At which point is he guilty from? To me, it is from stage 1, when he has the intention to harm by pulling out the gun. As to the gravity of this person's sentence it will depends if the shot hit the target. 

I understand sort of where you are coming from, perhaps some concern for MS, with her sorry background and character. I do feel quite sorry for her too, but its like can we forgive a thief for stealing because his family is poor and he has to feed his family? Yes we feel sorry for the thief but the act of stealing will have repercussions and one wonders if he could have use other options.


As for SC vs Seol. Its hard not compare. We compare and choose in all parts of our life. Do we want coffee or tea, Should we skip our meals to lose weight or go climb a 100 flight of stairs. Of course, we should respect everyone's choice, but when a certain person's lifestyle such as SC start affecting others negatively, then its a big no no. His actions and his non-actions had indeed affected the project work of several others. How long is he going to live like that? We know he is really setting himself up for trouble especially since he does not come from a privilege background in the first place.


As for seol/inho's relationship, I am not sure why there is still such a heated debate when we are already in ep 10, more than half way thru the drama. like @40somethingahjumma I refuse to buy into the triangle that the production team is pushing to me, please find another way to make the drama interesting. There is so much of Jung that is not yet explored. I believed PHJ is easily the highest paid actor in this drama, so just give him more airtime please. Thank you.

@madlena i believe the vid is of him leaving the school of the event he did. where he fulfill the wish of a student for him to appear in school. My golly, he was totally mobbed! LOL


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