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In episode 10, did anyone else catch the little smile on Jae Woo's face when In Ha grabs him and pulls him to her during the confrontation with Sang Chul?! I think someone isn't as indifferent to her as he'd like her to believe! 

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8 hours ago, zia28 said:


No..she didn't call jung..but he just instinctively know she needed him..yup, they miss each other alot  :bawling: :bawling: oh my monday..palliwaa..

I believe that her brother called him to know if she was with him and told him that she run away from home! That's when he goes to look for her..at least thats what it seemed to me from the preview

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@debolina hi yesi love the fight scene too. Love that citt has an ensemble cast. Too many kdramas spend a bomb on the two leads and then there are little side characters making stories flat sometimes.

Can someone tell me which ep did prof kang act as the fortune teller, i dont knw why i missed tbat and i want to watch it again. thks.

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10 hours ago, ka77 said:

We know that Seol likes (loves?) Jung, but I feel that the show failed to tell us why. Is it for no specific reason? We are told, many times, that Jung found Seol to be similar to him, and that attracted her to him. But what about Seol?

For a change, I’d like if the show to:

-- keep the male lead a bit flawed. Jung needs to grow, but I like his personality for this story. It keeps me intrigued. This is a fiction, not real life, and so, I’d love to see how he’d deal with his coworkers at work. They have no idea what they are in for!

-- keep a love triangle away. Seol and Jung seem to remain together in the drama storyline, so why not have InHo as a truly supportive friend?

I’m a bit on the fence regarding Jung’s dad. Solely based on the drama, I haven’t really seen anything negative from the dad. He’s been listening to Jung’s advice regarding the Baek siblings. He cutely showed the V sign in the elevator. And I can understand why he’s advising Jung to be careful at the company. He will not be any regular employee. Any negativity or rumor will be hard to get rid of. However, based on previous comments, it seems that the dad had something to do with labeling Jung as strange. But isn't that based on the webtoon? Is the drama following the webtoon in this aspect? If so, the drama hasnt highlighted it yet, or has failed to do so. It could take Jung's sensitivity at his dad's words as him being in a bad mood that day. 



@ka77, In regards to the father, that is one of the reasons I'm going to re-watch this drama this weekend.  Like you, I hear so many negative comments about the father, but I really haven't seen the things mentioned in this drama other that what Jung mentioned at dinner with his father.  His father seemed reflective to what Jung was saying as if realizing something about himself for the first time.

I can see his father expecting more of Jung because he's his heir. I can also see the need of not telling people on the job of their relationship. It will ensure that Jung doesn't receive special treatment.  When the father showed the "Peace" (V) sign, I took it as a good thing. However, this may not be the way the writer wants me to see it.  Others took it as the father warning him not to get on the elevator, so I definitely have to go back and watch.

I'm not sure if the writer is trying to create the same vibe of the webtoon or something new and a little different. Reminds me of all the different takes on "Mischievous Kiss/Playful Kiss/It Started with a Kiss/Kiss Me". They all had the same theme but the Thailand version took it to a new and unexpected level.  Maybe the writer is doing something similar her.  I don't see this evil side of Jung that I guess he had in the webtoon.  

Well the good thing for me is it's a drama I don't mind re-watching, so I will this weekend.

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3 hours ago, rhaps said:

@40somethingahjumma, I always love your comments and I like this one the best :P , especially the ones I marked in bold. 

I'm gonna underline this : "I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of people are watching Cheese as 1) a conventional rom com," . For me, if CITT was a conventional rom com, then :

1. I wouldn't watch it. 

2. I'd only watch it for PHJ and skip rest

The problem is, it's not just the viewers, but the drama writer, too, considered this as a conventional rom com and used the standard formula of love triangle and the 'longing stares while watching your dream girl be with another guy'. Ahh, I don't mind love triangle, really, but that's not the main theme of CITT.  So, don't push it, like what they did in episode 10. 

Other than that,  there are still a lot of stories and characters to be developed, and they can also focus more in Jung-Seol's relationship and their character development. There are also Jung's dad, Jung's childhood, Seol's family, Seol vs Jung and Jung + Jung-Seol, and Jung-Inho-Inha. 

Awww... that's so sweet. Thank you. 

I like the cast very much but PHJ was the lure that hooked me and reeled me right in. The role was tailor-made to showcase his talents.

He's the reason I was wandering around this thread even when I wasn't watching it. :lol:

20 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Was it you who said it? That this was only making Inho look like a sad puppy? I can't remember but I agree. Although I found Inho kind of annoying in the webtoon I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him work towards his rehabilitation and growth character-wise. Earlier I wrote about his identity and how he was going to take a hold of it again. I was thrilled to see Inho grow/mature and do something for himself. Unfortunately, this love triangle is taking away from that. I know they'll probably switch gears later on and bring the focus back on his piano and what not, but these two episodes just threw it to the backseat. :(

Nah... it wasn't me. I wish I'd said it though. :P It's probably true. They're piling it on a little too much. Why focus on In-ho in that way? I'd rather watch him practise scales and arpeggios quite frankly.

19 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Honestly, I don't! Because even in the end, she didn't realise about her wrongdoings. She said, she prefered her situation now than the one before! But like I mentioned it before, she never tried to work hard to get good grades and a friend. She wanted Seol as friend because she had thought, Seol would take care of her: good grades aso. Sure, she has a lack of confidence, but her lack of confidence isn't the only reason. She never tried to change anything. She lied to Seol about the work for the presentation. Just like she blamed Seol for failing at the test! She is no different than SC or NJY or YG who always blame others for their misdeeds! MS isn't just a liar... she reminds me a lot of NJY. NJY would blame Seol for everything, just like MS blamed Seol for using her boyfriend to ruin her presentation! But actually, NJY and MS are only projecting their own twisted behaviour into Seol. Who did the tricks? IT was NJY all the time and MS did exactly the same!

MS is greedy and her attempt to approach Seol weren't selfless, the exact opposite. IF you look carefully, YJ and MS tried to get closer to seol at the same time! YJ succeeded because he never gave up! He tried it over and over again!

The only thing that I'm sorry about in that debacle is that nobody took her aside on the first day and asked her what brought it on. That may have saved a lot of people a lot of angst. As a teacher that's the question I would've asked.

16 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:


Here too, if In Ho would have met Seol first, would she have fallen for YJ?

For want of a better way to put this, I would say that that's the wrong question. ;)

This assumes that it's all about timing. Timing may be part of the equation but there are variables like personal and general circumstances, character traits, feelings of connection. 

I think the question that the show puts to us is much more in line with reality: how far are you willing to go to make a relationship work? Where would you draw the line? Can love really overcome all obstacles and how? 

From my own experience relationships are hard and we make choices every single day about how we maintain love once we've found it.

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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I disagree. Just because he seems to care for the siblings Baek, people shouldn't jump to the conclusion, he cares for his son as well! He is treating Yoo Jung as a heir and not as a son! He has such expectations from him. Remember, he had to sneak out for the fireworks, while In Ho and In Ha could do what they wanted! Here is the proof that he has always been treated differently. Yoo Jung has never had freedom! Then we hear from In Ho ("I won't tell your father!") meaning that the father used In Ho and In Ha to monitor YJ!! 

I have always said that YJ's father was a bad father. Striking is that his father is shown smiling in the elevator, but it is only his appearance. Actually, I have the impression that YJ's father is behaving the exact opposite from his son. He appears as a warm-hearted person, but deep down, he is even colder than YJ seems to be, while YJ gives a different vibe: cold, distant, but deep down, he is a very sensitive person! You mentioned the sign Victory he made in the elevator, I had rather the impression that his father's hand was more about "stay away from me!" 

To me, YJ's father is looking down on YJ, never pleased with him. telling him that he knows nothing about life, he had always got it easy in life, whereas it happened the exact opposite. YJ never took anything for granted and worked very hard. In the end, he knows the world much better than his own father thinks. The latter is such a perfectionist too! No wonder if YJ is suffocating from the pressure, although the father has nothing to be proud of. He raised In Ho and In Ha in such a way that they were selfish, self-centered, rude, ruthless and arrogant, while he neglected his own son (emotional support!!).

No wonder if Jung is sensitive to get revenged for the wrongs he suffered because he can't do it against his father in the open. If he had complained about something, the father would have support the other party! 

He feels wronged by his father, but he has always suppressed it! That's why he developped his manipulative ways to get justice for the wrongdoings he suffered! For example, when YJ saw that assistent Heo stole his credit card, he didn't report it. I have always said that he never wanted to destroy people's life but punish them so that they would live a decent life. However, there is another reason for his manipulative behaviour: he avoids to deal with real authorities, just like he is avoiding his father's authority. If things were left in the open, the father would blame the son no matter what! I mean. It has become his habit, since he is avoiding to confront his dad and since he will be blamed for the wrongdoings of others! It's his father who made him like that, although that's why I like YJ very much! He isn't behaving like a whining child who will yell because he has felt wronged by someone waiting that his father takes this matter into his own hands.   

But fortunately, YJ started expressing his feelings to his father and confronted him about his behaviour. He really doesn't trust his son. People tend to judge him positively because he isn't a father who

- didn't abuse his child

- doesn't yell at him

- doesn't hurt him

Nevertheless, he shows no affection, no warmth, no concern about YJ. The only subjects between them are:

- In Ho and In Ha

- the company

- life and how to deal with people... as if YJ was someone who would misbehave the whole time

The father's questions about his internship are more rhetorical. YJ can't tell him anything, since he fears to hear that he is worthless or if he complained about the worker who used him to get his work done, the father might take the worker's side. The father believed In Ho, when the latter kept saying that YJ was the one who injured his hand!! The father has never believed one word YJ would say! 

Therefore YJ doesn't tell him that he has got a girlfriend. He doesn't trust his father. How could he, when his father keeps seeing him as an anormal child and never believes him!!! The father seems to see the worst in YJ, but he is overlooking that he raised two spoiled kids: In Ho and In Ha!!

It really annoys me that people judge the father based on his external behaviour.    

Couldnt agree more! It's not a father/son relationship... it's way to cold and distant! There's no love there... And Jung seems lost and craving for that feeling...

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14 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

I believe that her brother called him to know if she was with him and told him that she run away from home! That's when he goes to look for her..at least thats what it seemed to me from the preview


Joon calls Inho..not Jung.. it's 'hyung' he uses.. 

He calls Jung 'Mae-hyung' aka bro-in-law  :phew:

Jung was there by chance... 

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50 minutes ago, NRGchick said:


Maybe we (or some of us) were like Seol in the beginning, having the first impression and judging ; when we saw his smirk after the beer spilled on JY, the way he ignored Seol when he got his drink and then suddenly giving her the other drink in front of Joo Yeon. I admit I was one person who went 'Mwo-ya' (No idea about YJ's character from the webtoon) and I thought PHJ was channeling his Jung Moon persona from Bad Guys. 

We also slowly understood how he is, that he is one persistent man (lunch, dinner, lunch - oh ya, you don't eat - LOL) and his attempts to get to know Seol better, his cute attempts at unravelling the triangle kimbap (is it really that difficult?) and slowly but surely we fell in love with him (maybe quicker than Seol!). We also contemplated his dark side, how he can be so cold to people he disliked, how he can plan how to get back at a person without that person knowing. 

Now he is a man in love and he is not shy in showing it. His display of affection - the back hug, the hand holding, the confession to Seol on the bench and the reunion in Ep 10 (I swear I was humming Whitney Houston's 'Run to You' at that point) Who can doubt it's going to be Yoo Jung and Seol no matter what (Boyzone - yup).


@NRGchick, I love your post and that was exactly my experience with Jung. I didn't know what to think at first, but when I could see that he really liked Seol and would even smile at her rejections, he began to win my heart over.  I also love his quite power. He seems like he can make so many things happen even when standing still.

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@MrsSoJiSub  Reading your posts always makes me fall for jung even more, and I am so done with all the Jung hate, people are now making assumptions of what kind of mental disease he has, like are you all psychologists ? Can't he be just different ? I actually read a comment somewhere that basically said " Jung creeps me out when he's being romantic with Seol " you don't like him that's fine, but to go that far ? What do they think he will do to her ? What do they mean by that ? Ever since they started dating, everything went with her choice, he never forced anything on her, he let her make her decision and respected her space, he never even forcefully kissed her the way many drama leads do. Can't they appreciate this at least ?

For me, seeing the way Seol interacts with In Ho right from the beginning with comfort and ease and no awkwardness at all, was the evidence that she would  ever fall for him, and their chemistry never implicated anything above friendship.  Even with a love triangle looming above our heads, I hope it will stay as a one-sided crush from In-Ho to Seol and nothing more. 


Two weeks is a long time, and those previews are not helping at all, on one hand I'm happy that Seol and Jung's reunion/ reconciliation will be just as I imagined, ( running towards each other for a hug ) on the other hand, I wanted it to be their moment with no one on the sidelines, but In Ho will witness it and so one heart break while two others will finally reunite. Galah, I just hate love triangles. 

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

I never saw Yoo Jung as bad. Well, in the episode 1, he was filmed as quite cold and mysterious but to me, it stroke me that it was the director's intention! He wanted the viewers to see YJ as intriguing, dark and bad. Nonetheless, it was more from Seol's perspective. I sensed the manipulation from the director with the music. The music used wanted us to feel Yoo Jung as dark and bad.

I've always liked him too because I'm not an idealist. ;) How can I be after 2 decades of teaching? Besides, despite all his Machiavellian tendencies, his good qualities were always on display. And you can't really manipulate an ajumma who watches too much tv into thinking the worst of someone just from pasty lighting and spooky music. :P In the same way I refuse to be manipulated into feeling sorry for the piano boy because they give him pink pastel cheeks and diffused lighting. :P 

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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I've always liked him too because I'm not an idealist. ;) How can I be after 2 decades of teaching? Besides, despite all his Machiavellian tendencies, his good qualities were always on display. And you can't really manipulate an ajumma who watches too much tv into thinking the worst of someone just from pasty lighting and spooky music. :P In the same way I refuse to be manipulated into feeling sorry for the piano boy because they give him pink pastel cheeks and nice lighting. :P 

LOL!:P Your comments are so funny! Interesting is your reference with the piano scene! No, I didn't feel sorry for In Ho, when he realised that he loved Seol! He knows that Seol loves Yoo Jung and he has already accepted it! Moreover, that's how life is! You can't get everything you want!

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I always wondered how a pushover could make truckloads of girls cry a Han River. :blink: Anyways....

Just a bit of Rambling as to why/how/when Seol fell for Jung.

I guess i had written a few pages before that why should one need a reason to fall in love. Rather all the reasoning fail to answer that question. you ask that to someone in real life and he/she'd be blank. It's a complicated question to be answered.

"sunbae when did you start having feelings towards me?" "i don't know"

Haha although he knew, it was difficult to explain. When he thought they were very similar and hence fell for her....it turned out that they very different in many other cases after all. Yeah so very difficult.

For Seol, it was least of her agendas to date. Oh how annoyed she got when Bo Ra set her up with a loser for a blind date. She couldn't make out Jung having feelings for her. Such a girl - how and when did she fall for Jung?

To see the episode wise progression. Just after have a tough 1st year with Sunbae, where both didn't care about each other, and maybe he was giving her a tough time (NAM JOO YEON ugh)

First it was suspicion for her :

He gives up his scholarship for her. Later he starts asking out for lunches. another one of his schemes?. She gets to know that he had no hands in messing up her classes from the CCTV footage? He ends up taking classes she is in. He bought her drinks? Why is he being so caring? Is he working on getting back at her?

Second it was a state of utter confusion for her.

He changes his classes for her. He just wants to eat with her (lol what?) He even buys her drinks and apologizes for pestering her with lunch requests (what exactly is happening?)

Third, she started seeing him from a clear prism without prejudice.

He helps her out when she was completing her assignment in class, taking out printouts etc, even re-submitting her assignment, when joo yeon messes with her. Tends to her wounds caringly when get injured.  She gets to know that he did not expose SC. was she wrong about him all this time? Was there more to it than it seems?

Fourth, was a stage of denial

She ends up hurting him going on a date with someone else. what was there to get hurt? He keeps on helping her despite that, rescuing her from that leech sunbae who got her drunk. why? She was in denial that he liked her, she was in denial that she didn't like it when he ignored her that way.

Fifth, was acceptance

When everyone seemed upset from her, him including, he still gave her silent support (inserting coin in the wending machine scene). She then started being more accepting...of her prejudices, her denials. He asks her out to date. She accepts his sincerity at that moment. She's all fidgety about it, but she's up for it

Later there was communication, uncertainties about their compatibility, lots of misunderstanding. But she spent time with him. And through all this...he was there for her

When her best friend was in trouble, he was with her and her friends, despite them fighting a moment ago. He was there to tell her that she was doing a good job with her life, he was there to protect her all the time, heck he was there all night waiting for her in the hospital after she freaked out seeing him violent (so called violent). And even now when they are on break, he'll continue to be out there.

He just became a part of her life, with their never ending messaging, kimbap dates, all the time they spent during their break. Like i said before, spending time with someone you don't even realize when you reached a point where you cannot do without the person. There is some weird charm in it, which just bonds you to the person.

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1 hour ago, phikyl said:

In episode 10, did anyone else catch the little smile on Jae Woo's face when In Ha grabs him and pulls him to her during the confrontation with Sang Chul?! I think someone isn't as indifferent to her as he'd like her to believe! 

I'm definitely shipping those two. "My Jae Woo. You mustn't play with someone like that." :lol:

Watch out, I am really going to have fun with these two. 

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Guest 999hearts

Did anyone think that Jung was into some sort of sorcery while watching ep. 1?? Prior to watching this drama, I read a summary that says the male lead has a dark secret. Now that I think of it, it's so funny cos these things made me assume that Jung is a dark wizard hahahaha

I was like, "What kind of drama did I get myself into???"




1. He purposely locked the door using his telepathic ability to prevent the lecturer from coming in (and I thought Jung poisoned the lecturer as well lol)



2. He made Seol fell off the stairs by using "magic" after she had ignored him



3. He "telepathically" changed Seol's schedule to make her miserable





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10 hours ago, rottenxtears said:

I wonder what was PHJ's reaction when he knew that KGE will be her co-lead in CITT. Referring to her as his ideal type way back in 2014, I want an interview from him regarding this issue. :blush:

And I also wonder if KGE is aware that she's his ideal. I wonder if they have ever discussed about it.

OMG I have lots of questions in mind because I'm already not just shipping Seol and Jung but I'm starting to ship PHJ and KGE irl. Omo~ I think I'm drowning with this ship....save me plssss!!!! Lol

Mianhe for the rant!!!! I should've just released all these in the shipping forum. :grimace:

Come join us in JungSeol couple thread. :)

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@999hearts  awesome theories! Yes ep1 and 2 Seol thinks the worst of Jung. :D:D


ok, I went to google and realise the fortune telling by Prof kang is a teaser. 

Reposting a vid with chinese subs here. PHJ's chinese fans are daebak


And here are the translations in English


0:00 text – Cheese in the trap,  the trap that carries cheese

0:06 text – implies an fatal attraction

0:19 Words on brochure: Fortune telling

Love, career, marriage, health all 30,000 one time

0:20 you come to consult on your relationship?

0:23 Oh mine, how can there be such a handsome and pure looking guy

0:28 Daebak

0:29 you don’t know right? The darkness and arrogance in you

0:33 oh its coming, its coming, its already here

0:34 the darkness and nonchalance, the girl that will unrevel everything is here

0:37 its here, its here, its fate


Calling @coffeeboy not sure if you have time to sub this video?:)

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You guys are forgetting a very important ship! Inho×Piano!! <3 if all else fails this one shall sail! :D

@999hearts A dark secret? I can totally see how you'd interpret the scenes like that. The 'creepy' music for Jung probably didn't help your assumptions. Cute~

Speaking of creepy music. I loved the scene in episode 10 where Jung is walking up to Minsoo. One look at Jung's face and you know the gears in his head are churning up a master plan. And then he goes into that sweet Jung smile in the span of a second. Ahaha I love him. You guys also mentioned the spilling of drink scene from episode one. Idk what this says about me, but when I first read that scene in the webtoon I really loved it. I laughed at NJY and thought Jung was slick. I didn't find it weird or creepy. :phew:

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It's so tiring to read some comments that stated Jung has mental disease blah blah blah. I know he is fictional character, but even fictional character doesn't deserve to be bullied with those "labelling" I'm psychologist to be and I've been studying psychology for 6 years now, and in the process to get my post graduate degree. So I know what I''m gonna talking about.

People who have mental disease tend to can't get along well with their environment (their peers, their school, work, even their family member) and let's say that he is bipolar (because I've read some comments like this,Jung bipolar bcs he has different personalities). Bipolar? Really? No, he is not bipolar. Bipolar related with not having emotions under control, like a ticking bomb. Sometime they could calm as water, but if something trigger their consciousness they will black out and go ape richard simmons. That is bipolar. And psychopat or sociopat? He is far from those. Psychopat or sociopat most likely doesn't have significant others. Why? Because they only think about theirself. For their sake. For their benefit. They dont care what people must go through or suffer or for the worst case die, as long as they get benefit or they in the upper position. That's why psychopat  or sociopat have one significance trait, that is narcisistic. Jung never does harm to people if those people don't do harm at first. And Jung likes to help. Such as the guy with the glasses who gets bullied by SC. Yes, Jung helped him with his own way, manipulative and smooth. Jung just simply be the man he knows will be survive in this cruel world (for him, this world is cruel bcs there are so many people with bad intentions). He takes something with the mindset "It is what it is" That's why he often ignore people's feelings, bcs it makes everything easier. That's why Jung finally met Seul, with her he will learn a lot about life and everything.

And that also explain why Jung is cold with InHo even just walked by when he saw Inho in pain. I think something happened and made him to think "better I dont care with him anymore"

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