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Old High School Photos of Male “Cheese in the Trap” Cast Resurface

Old High School Photos of Male “Cheese in the Trap” Cast Resurface

With the continuing success and popularity of tvN’s drama adaption of popular web toon “Cheese in the Trap,” viewers have taken it upon themselves to find old school photos of the show’s lead male cast: Park Hae Jin, Seo Kang Joon, and Nam Joo Hyuk.

The photos appear to be high school graduation photos. While Nam Joo Hyuk and Seo Kang Joon look very much the same, just younger, Park Hae Jin gives off a completely different vibe.

seo kang joon high school graduation

nam joo hyuk high school graduation

Meanwhile, “Cheese in the Trap” is boasting immense success, reaching ratings of over seven percent.

Credit : http://www.soompi.com/2016/02/03/old-high-school-photos-of-male-cheese-in-the-trap-cast-resurface/

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@nubianlegalmind I actually hate how Inho keeps going after and interfering where it concerns Younggon.  He already know that the squad have a plan of recording Younggon coming after Seol and complying and turning it in to the police to build a case and be rid of the stalker good and done with. However every time they are about to get that needed piece, in runs Inho like a beheaded chicken ruining the evidence and actually making a case for Younggon who can simply say and sue Inho attacks him and violently harasses him. The videos would back up Younggon because we always see him trying to escape from an Inho who declares he will kill the boy. I wish Inho would stay behind the camera with Bora and Euntaek and trust Seol to get the evidence she needs and since she is always in a public place when they record, Seol will start screaming "fire" and run once the evidence had been gotten. If it weren't for Inho they would have had what they need by now and I really wish he would stop. Also his one action of causing a scene in the library cost Seol her job. Yeah stupid Dayoung reported this but her work place would have no legs to stand on if they had not been witness to disturbances at work twice now!

This is why you need master mind Jung and his intellect that get things done. I know Seol wants  Jung to open up and be honest with her, but honestly she needs to the same. It bothers me a lot that she never tells Jung about these things and he has to find out from a third party or not at all. Yes, he could ask, but she could easy and should tell him! If Seol had confined in Jung, they could team together and develop a plan of action to get what needs to be done, done. It's like, you have a boyfriend with such a brilliant mind for these things, why don't you use him!! She talked about her wanting him to discuss things with her first when the TA Heo situation happened, then why can't she show him the same courtesy? We are all so quick to jump on Jung or his lack of communication and opening up, but Seol is the same exact way. Too many viewers ignore these shortcomings or lay all the blame on Jung when in reality Seol is as much at fault too. I swear sometimes I want these two to not get back together because they both richard simmons me off so much LOL *kdarma gods, that is not a suggestion nor an idea*

ETA: I think PHJ looks exactly the same expect he got some contacts and knows how to style his hair. All of them were born blessed with good looks and should thank their parents or whomever in the family genes it came from. Lucky fuckers LOL. 

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15 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@nubianlegalmind I actually hate how Inho keeps going after and interfering where it concerns Younggon.  He already know that the squad have a plan of recording Younggon coming after Seol and complying and turning it in to the police to build a case and be rid of the stalker good and done with. However every time they are about to get that needed piece, in runs Inho like a beheaded chicken ruining the evidence and actually making a case for Younggon who can simply say and sue Inho attacks him and violently harasses him. The videos would back up Younggon because we always see him trying to escape from an Inho who declares he will kill the boy. I wish Inho would stay behind the camera with Bora and Euntaek and trust Seol to get the evidence she needs and since she is always in a public place when they record, Seol will start screaming "fire" and run once the evidence had been gotten. If it weren't for Inho they would have had what they need by now and I really wish he would stop. Also his one action of causing a scene in the library cost Seol her job. Yeah stupid Dayoung reported this but her work place would have no legs to stand on if they had been witness to disturbances at work twice now!

This is why you need master mind Jung and his intellect that get things done. I know Seol want Jung to open up and be honest with her, but honestly she needs to the same. It bothers me a lot that she never tells Jung about these things and he has to find out from a third party or not at al. Yes, he could ask, but she could easy and should tell him! If Seol had confined in Jung, they could team together and develop a plan of action to get what needs to be done, done. It's like  you have a boyfriend with such a brilliant mind for these things, why don't you use him!! She talked about her wanting him to discuss thins with her first when the TA Heo situation happened, then why can't she show him the same courtesy? We are all so quick to jump on Jung or his lack of communication and opening up, but Seol is the same exact way. Too many viewers ignore these shortcomings or lay all the blame on Jung when in reality Seol is as much at fault too. I swear sometimes I want these two to not get back together because they both richard simmons me off so much LOL *kdarma gods, that is not a suggestion nor an idea*


I agree with your critic! Seol doesn't confine in Yoo Jun as well. I would say, her reason is that she doesn't like the way he deals with such nuisance. But like In Ho said, I am doubting even if they got the evidence, her report to the authorities will stop the stalking! We all know that it is difficult to deal stalkers legally! Now, he is harassing her at home! It has even become worse!

She wasn't very happy how she got rid of MS thanks to YJ's intervention. Nonetheless, she seems to be too naive too. YG is as cunning as YJ!! She doesn't know that YG used MS as her toy therefore she felt pity for MS later. She is too kind towards MS and YG! YG isn't just crazy and delusional... he is as smart and manipulative as YJ! But Seol is unaware of this! She only sees his crazy side... prejudice again!

Many pages ago, I described him as the negative version of Yoo Jung since they share similarities. In the last episode, we heard that YG comes from a rich family too. Sure, not a chaebol, but he has no financial struggles! He is doing great at the university (we saw he takes his studies seriously!). 

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I'm really trying to see how or to understand...

>>> He is treating Yoo Jung as a heir and not as a son! 
... How ? What makes you think that?

>>> He has such expectations from him. Remember, he had to sneak out for the fireworks, while In Ho and In Ha could do what they wanted! Here is the proof that he has always been treated differently.
... Aren't some parents like that? I wasnt allowed quite a few things when growing up...  Is it really bad for a parent to disapprove of kids playing with fireworks? Some parents are harder on their own kids than others. I know mine wouldn't be happy if I did XYZ but wouldn't scold my best friend  for doing it.

>>> Yoo Jung has never had freedom! Then we hear from In Ho ("I won't tell your father!") meaning that the father used In Ho and In Ha to monitor YJ!! 
 ... I didn't interpret it that way. My friend did some crazy things when we were young (so did I) and I didn't report it to her parents. I interpreted that scene the same way. Or that In-Ho was just encouraging Jung and meant that it will be a secret (like, "don't worry , nobody will know"). Keep it mind that I'm interpreting this solely based on the drama story. Unlike the webtoon, there has not been any mention of the Baek siblings spying on Jung for the dad (at least , not yet)
>>> You mentioned the sign Victory he made in the elevator, I had rather the impression that his father's hand was more about "stay away from me!" 
... Interesting. I totally saw it as a cute and sincere " Hi" gesture. 

>>> To me, YJ's father is looking down on YJ, never pleased with him. telling him that he knows nothing about life, he had always got it easy in life, whereas it happened the exact opposite. YJ never took anything for granted and worked very hard. In the end, he knows the world much better than his own father thinks. 
... I am not saying it is the right parenting way to raise a child. But I can see how some parents are acting this way, especially the traditional Asian ones. It doesn't matter how hard a kid studies or how caring/good/well behaved a kid is. The parents will always expect more and will always compare them with others. Maybe I'm from an older generation that had such parents and learnt to live with it. It's stressing, it's suffocating, it's mentalling abusive, but ...  It doesn't mean that my parents didn't care for me.

 >>> The father's questions about his internship are more rhetorical. YJ can't tell him anything, since he fears to hear that he is worthless or if he complained about the worker who used him to get his work done, the father might take the worker's side. 
... But when in the drama do we get this impression (that he'll side on the worker side)? I know the webtoon might have given more clues, but webtoon story asides, where does it say so in the drama ? I thought the dad was just worried about workers creating false rumors or impression of Jung.

>>> The father believed In Ho, when the latter kept saying that YJ was the one who injured his hand!! The father has never believed one word YJ would say! 
... I must have missed this. What is it said in the drama ?

>>> Therefore YJ doesn't tell him that he has got a girlfriend. .    
... But do we know for sure the reason? It hasn't been mentioned in the story. Some guys take more than a few months before mentioning a girlfriend to their parents...

Again, I'm just saying that based on the drama storyline only, I didn't get many clues that the dad didn't care about Jung and found him weird. Perhaps , the story will start focusing on that , but so far, I don't get such impression.

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That KGE acting/crying in the street scene with YJ was just wow.:cry:..along wIth that scene where YJ was waiting for HS to come out from the restroom..Ep O9 so far is my favorite.. Have to slow down a bit watching ep 10 since theres no new episodes next week :)

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Now I'm curious if after finding out about the TA Heo situation, Seol purposely does not tell Jung things because she is afraid of what he'll do/how he'll react? These two kids got so much to work on....I feel like I need a  break LOL...

Interesting...during the Minsoo confortation Minsoo mentions being jealous of "grades, friends, and boyfriend" in her response  Seol says "everything I have my grades, friends...the other thing you mentioned" ouch with Jung standing there too. Girl was is pissed. However in ep 10 when confronted by Inha, she confirms that yes, she is Jung's girlfriend...why? She doesn't want to lose Jung to Inha? or she's a step closer to understanding Jung and calling off the break? Or she just wanted to mark her territory and let Inha know that Jung is hers? I notice Inho was taken aback (nice acting SKJ) by her dead ready stance and response. Seol just stood looking right at Inha (she didn't look scared) and just said the truth...queen :)

The break ups seen is so painfully beautiful  :bawling: "what do you want me to say?" boy truly really doesn't know just how to let his emotions show and is so used to having to cater to the emotions others want/expect. Seriously, screw you Jung's dad. "Sunbae, who are you?" :bawling::bawling: she's so hurt. really it's just, how could you do this to me, and then date me....Seol girl, even I'm having a hard time getting it....

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3 hours ago, chrianna said:

oh the pain of the one week pre-emption for LNY!  ok list of CITT related things to do instead:

  • watch all of the eng subbed BTS vids
  • watch bad guys
  • watch KGE movies
  • watch CITT eps 1-10 over again . . .  and maybe again
  • listen to the OST

what else to keep a sista busy until ep 11 airs?

 Find little gems from the episodes and share them with us!

27 minutes ago, plappi said:

OST making from 5urprise



 I guessed right! Kinda figured out which part SKJ was singing. 

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11 hours ago, debolina said:

Ok this thing is super random. I don't know whether this was discussed before or not. But still mentioning. I was checking out the cat fight scene again. I found it pretty amusing and funny...(the fight that is not the convo after that). I ended up observing the surroundings when they were punching and scratching each other. Haha friends n classmates reaction in the BG is a treat i must say.

So here's young gon sitting like a boss and instructing min soo to attack. So after she pounces on Seol, Bo Ra, Eun Tak, Ah Young, Jun and Da Young rush and are trying to release Seol from Min Soo's grip. Meanwhile Sang chul, Yoo jung and others come closer to the battleground.

Then Young gon rushes to record the fight and Bo Ra chases after him rofl. Then suddenly Seol pushes Min Soo to the ground, and is about to pounce on her. So Jun is abt to rush to stop her, however Bo Ra holds him back to let Seol beat MS up.then she starts cheering Seol (PFFFT HAHAHA)

Simultaneously, Yoo jung coolly snatches the phone away from Young Gon, deletes the recordings and returns him the phone. You can ses Young Gon fuming too rofl.

Finally Jun and Ah Young seperates Seol away from Min Soo.

Have to give it to the director for such detailing. And what coordination by cast n superb editing.


LOL I literally Laughed Out LOud and immediately rewatched that scene like 5 times to catch all the things you mentioned! Such detective eyes! xDDD 

Another observation to add is that I love how throughout the whole confrontation, Hong Seol didn't even shed a tear of weakness. Mah girl didn't even need to cry at all but still able to get her point across [i hope...to those dense and insane people] She was as angry/frustrated as she needed to be so that she could release all the anger/frustration that has been bottled up inside, yet she wouldn't cry one tear. Even when she met Yoo Jung later. I'm loving her character more and more!

Seeing how intense and well-done the confrontation scene of Minsoo had come down.. Now I'm waiting for how the crazy Young Gon is gonna finally get what he deserves. That B has been manipulating everything/everyone everywhere :crazy:


8 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

idk, I've rewatched this scene counless time. LOL. am I going crazy?? Okay, a pain-killer for you to survive in the whole long weekdays.

The way he let his hands as her arm-pillow and then slowly tunr her face to him and kyaaaa... he's just sooooo great...  *PACmodeon* :D


WHYYYYYY MUST YOU TORMENT ME MORE WITH THE SCREENCAPPPPPP?!?!?!?!?! lol :lol::wub: I was sooo excited to see it on ep 10 preview... then got shot down when i noticed the ep 10 storyline going nowhere near the physical bed... >.> then i went on youtube to rewatch this scene like.. million times... and now I see the screencap too! TWO WEEKS ARE SOOOOO LONGGG!!!!! xD


Edit: This is why i love these soompi drama threads so much!!! There are so many insights from a vast audience that are shared with each other, be excited about the same characters, hate the same characters, fall in love with them, and spazz about them alll day!! OF course those long and detailed analyses too. Thank you for all the analyses/observations/comments/pics/BTS pics/articles/etc. that have made this drama so much more enjoyable to me!!  You guys are the best! :blush::blush::blush:

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With 6 episodes left I just hope they will show us some quiet moments between HS and YJ.My favorite bit so far is the 20 minutes from episode 6th(when YJ picked HS from the Academy and stayed at her place).It has everything to calm me down after all the cancers and heartbreak.It is sweet,funny a little bit sad and very touching.....I am a guy,not a shipper,kind of new to KDrama but Cheese got me.I will be mad if this two won't end up together.If they will break up then yeah,they can meet someone new but for me what they have is the real deal,once in a lifetime opportunity.HS and YJ fighting !

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@ka77 Has he ever asked his son how he is feeling? What has he been doing? No, he never asked such questions! (How is your internship is different from how are you doing?) Since he has been raising the siblings, why did he treat him differently? He acted their father... but he allowed them to do what they wanted! It would have been different, if he had been more strict with the siblings. Double standards!!

In the episode 3, the father told In Ho: "  I know you feel hurt by us!!! Forget the past!!" Sure, he didn't say Yoo Jung! he used the pronoun "us". But actually, YJ's father used it because he feels responsible for YJ's wrongdoing! Remember in the episode 5, YJ said, he kept plaiding for his innocence but In Ho didn't believe him! And if you put the pieces together, it is pretty clear that the father believed In Ho's words rather than his son. So when he mentioned "I know, you feel hurt by us", he admitted that they were responsible for In Ho's misery. Moreover, we see definitely from In Ho's flashback that he witnessed YJ being there, while he was being hurt! But he wasn't the one who used the bat! When he told Seol about his hand, In Ho said that YJ did it which leads her to imagine that he really hurt In Ho physically! When she heard how YJ treated the pervert with the hand, she connected it to In Ho's comment and really believed that YJ is behind the incident! However, In Ho's words aren't describing the truth... only his perception! And YJ's father believed In Ho and not YJ!

I can understand why he can't express himself and is suffocating! His father will never believe him!

But I see, we'll never agree. And my observations that I made were only refering to the drama and not the webtoon! So far, until season 2, chapter 40... the father doesn't appear much!! Besides, I try to analyse and interprete the comments and actions of the people. Just seeing something isn't enough! 


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50 minutes ago, manji said:

With 6 episodes left I just hope they will show us some quiet moments between HS and YJ.My favorite bit so far is the 20 minutes from episode 6th(when YJ picked HS from the Academy and stayed at her place).It has everything to calm me down after all the cancers and heartbreak.It is sweet,funny a little bit sad and very touching.....I am a guy,not a shipper,kind of new to KDrama but Cheese got me.I will be mad if this two won't end up together.If they will break up then yeah,they can meet someone new but for me what they have is the real deal,once in a lifetime opportunity.HS and YJ fighting !

Welcome to the thread! Not sure how many male fans of Cheese are there but we would love to hear all thoughts and perspectives ^^



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@ka77 I think that dinner scene and Jung's response says it all about how awful his father is and how this doubt, fear, demands, restrictions, etc on Jung is not the first time nor will it be the last time it happens. Jung is someone who controls his emotions very very well and rarely if ever gets angry or has some sort of outburst. For him to get mad at his dad like that and stop eating and leave, you got to know that it's bad. We should be wondering, wait that wasn't so bad right? Or is it more than it seems, and why is Jung that put off about it all? To get the full context of that conversation and why it irks Jung so much and all that it harkens back to (and so much more) you got to go back to the office scene before this. Not the elevator one but the one with the co-worker. Some co-worker comes up and gives some false platitudes to Jung and his work (flattering in order to get something), He then basically tells Jung to do his work for him by giving Jung some one page powerpoint and expecting Jung to turn that into a 30 page proposal which Jung will get no recognition or praise for because again it is not his work it's the guys.

Now, I know how office politics work, but thing is, this guy is not some higher up. He's not even in the same department as Jung. He's in a whole different department and not that high on the rung, taking advantage of an intern. Basically he was pulling a San Chul. He is using Jung and Jung knows this. Instead of getting angry or reasonably telling the worker to richard simmons off and do his own work especially since it is last minute and how the heck does one turn a one page slide into a 30 page proposal...However Jung accepts and does this why? Because he knows his father and this is his father's company. If he were to say no his father would take the side of the worker and make Jung feel the strange, wrong, bad guy because he is always supposed to give into others and keep a certain image to himself. Jung held himself in and back (for now).

After doing this, he comes to the dinner and is veiled being accused of doing something. His father asks after work not in a manner of his being concerned and wanting to know, but in a manner of like accusation and wanting to keep tabs on Jung and making sure he is staying in the confines of the expectations of his behavior and attitude that his father has set for him. Jung at that table conversation was being accused of something he has yet to do "oh you're getting along with your co-workers right? You are not acting strange and bring attention to yourself and doing something that others will talk about right? You are not being weird and scary right? You are not giving other people something to talk about right?" Jung's father has no faith in him and treats him like a freak that always must be watched and be on guard about. Jung said some very telling things in his response "I don't know what people you would have watching me" this implies that the dad has had people watch Jung his behavior his life, etc and report back to him. Maybe he had even used people Jung thought his friends and he could trust only to find out they were in his life per his father's request and solely there to be watch guards who report back to his father and gain something from him for doing so (betrayal). This points to Jung's trust issues and why he always keeps a front in front of everyone. He has no idea who is being sincere and who is using him or has been sent by his father.

"Am I that strange?"  "What are you so nervous about?" "I try to do everything you want and it's still not good enough." This implies that Jung knows his father thinks of him as some odd strange other and stain that one must be in constant anxiety over what they will do. Sucks to think your own father sees/thinks of you as some kind of monster. The second quote implies he knows his father has little faith in him and is fearful of him. The third is so obvious and is seen in how Jung interacts with almost everyone and the constant mask he wears. Jung's father has a strict code of behavior and emotions his son is allowed to feel and not feel (episode 6 he talks about never being able to express himself how he wants because of his father and feeling suffocated because of this) he has been taught to suppress his emotions and be the pushover that gives into others. This is why during the break up when Seol asks for honesty Jung asks "what do you want me to say?" Jung is so use to having to give into the emotions of others and doing what the other person wants and giving way to the other. Basically don't feel for yourself or if you do deny what you feel to an extent. He lies and says what the other wants to hear. That he has these emotions, but he has no clue how to be honest about them or appropriately express them. I.E, the basketball confrontation with Younggon and his reaction after (false niceness, it's okay). Jung can't be openly angry so he manipulates in the background.

The dinner conversation that seemed simply a father's concern was so damn loaded. I think even the dad's response of surprise and asking Jung why he's "being sensitive" says a lot. Every time Jung hears this or has to experience something similar he stays silent and takes it (as he did in the elevator just smiling and nodding his head as his father wants). However, since meeting and being with Seol and her telling him she wants honesty from him, she wants to know what he feels/thinks Jung has been slowly trying as he's said, to do that. The changes in Jung that viewers are seeking is happening. Yes it's slow and small but it's happening (because his personality and who he is  -some cunning and manipulation I mean- will never change. However the boy has been making and continues to make emotional strides). During the car ride he picks up his phone and looks at the picture of him and Seol. Perhaps in that moment he wanted to call her and maybe tell her about the dinner he's had with his father, and the comments and slight confrontation that came out of it. In the end he couldn't make that call, but the fact that he's thinking about it, is a step up from before where he just swallows it all down and let's his heart suffocate. It also shows that he does want to do what she asks of meeting her half way and letting her see him.

Another step forward is the phone text scene of ep 9. Past Jung doesn't text first. He erases them. But this time he texted first and although he ended up not sending them, it's a step forward that his first few ones were his honest and not surface neutral feelings. He texted "I miss you, about yesterday" and "Last night". He's being honest and is thinking thoughts on things, and may have actually wanted a chance to talk about it together. Again, he didn't send them, but it's still progress (especially for someone like Jung) and maybe next time he will. Another small step forward was the back hug and bangs play. Jung approached Seol first in that back hug when usually it's Seol who has to try with the first move (she text first, she asks questions). With the back hug Jung does what he couldn't with the text and let's Seol know that he misses her. The same message is with the bangs play. Playing with the bangs to me says that he still wants her and misses her. Like, I'm going to respect your wishes and keep away and think like you said but * touches bangs, his thing with her* I miss you and how we usually are.

Jung has made some strides and is actually feeling his feelings and allowing himself to express the sincerity in is own way instead of holding back/in. Now he still got plenty to work on. But I am happy whenever he shows any bit of emotion because yay for my ElisaJung letting go, forgetting what the being locked in a room by their parents was supposed to do (Jung has been emotionally locked by his father for a variety of reasons) and saying that "the cold never bothered me any ways". Jung is getting closer to opening the door and building a snowman with Seol. LOL, I am never letting this Jung is Elisa Disney comparison go. 

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@MrsSoJiSub What a comment!! cheerleader pink mousecheetah I really loved your analysis of the dinner scene! crazy monkey

It is simpler to notice the huge flaws of Seol's father than the ones of YJ's father because the latter appears so calm and is always smiling!

Seol's father is lazy, mysoginic (how he values women), arrogant and it is really striking, while the flaws of YJ's father are well kept hidden. Even In Ho doesn't realise it! He has never thought about YJ's life from YJ's perspective! In Ho benefited from the chairman's generosity and since In Ho was self-centered, selfish and spoiled, why should he notice it?   

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8 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


Yes, she never really realised how hard she fell for him

- because he is her first love!

- because he was always there and she was the one in control of their relationship. Yet, it is really different now, since In Ha's medlding! In Ha whom Seol has always considered as a thread, but In Ho and Yoo Jung kept reassuring her. Seeing them together is totally different. For Seol, In Ha is beautiful and she was very close to YJ in that picture! 


Clearly he's her first love and it's probably also true that despite all her introspection and misgivings she is much more in love with him than she realises. But my feeling about Seol is that she doesn't realise many things because there's a part of her that still doesn't believe that a guy like Jung could even want to be with her. I think it comes from her deep-seated insecurities because she's never felt loved by her family. I wouldn't say that they don't love her (the dad might be another matter) but they've taken her for granted for far too long expecting her to jump whenever they ask her to.

Sometimes I forget how new Seol is to all of this. Her first serious relationship and it's with the university hottie that she was contemptuous about. It's no wonder she didn't see it sooner. But it's interesting that he was the one who did all the chasing. The guy apparently who had truckloads of women hanging off his arm, whose tears would fill the Han River... he was looking for every opportunity to have meals with her, to help make her life easier. Jung thought he had found a female version of himself -- the woman of his dreams. :lol:


I'm constantly revising my assessment of Jung. :D Yesterday I saw a stifled kid who's just had enough with the way the world around him operates. I think he's completely fed-up with playing the nice guy because he has no freedom to say "no". Social niceties is one thing but when people around you constantly throw their weight around and then pretend to flatter you to get you to do their hard work for them, it must be soul destroying on so many levels. Where's the incentive in doing a good job if you're constantly being taken advantage of? Short of violence, the only thing to do is to outmaneouvre your tormentors. It's a form of bullying I think.

It's a double-edged sword treating Jung like a crime puzzle and peeling his layers ever so slowly like a whodunnit. It makes it hard for some people to root for him (not me) and feeds the fear surrounding his intentions. I suppose they're wanting to build it all up and then like Hercule Poirot, gather everyone in the room and reveal all. ;)


I like In-ho and the way he's maturing through the way he's dealing with the fundamentals of life but I can't really bring myself to feel all that sorry for him in the romance department. :P Until recently things have always come easy for him. Just blurting out what's on his mind, having a gift and being liked despite his hot headedness. Now that he's discovering reality, he's finally entered the University of Hard Knocks. It's already been good for him.


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11 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


I'm constantly revising my assessment of Jung. :D Yesterday I saw a stifled kid who's just had enough with the way the world around him operates. I think he's completely fed-up with playing the nice guy because he has no freedom to say "no". Social niceties is one thing but when people around you constantly throw their weight around and then pretend to flatter you to get you to do their hard work for them, it must be soul destroying on so many levels. Where's the incentive in doing a good job if you're constantly being taken advantage of? Short of violence, the only thing to do is to outmaneouvre your tormentors. It's a form of bullying I think.

It's a double-edged sword treating Jung like a crime puzzle and peeling his layers ever so slowly like a whodunnit. It makes it hard for some people to root for him (not me) and feeds the fear surrounding his intentions. I suppose they're wanting to build it all up and then like Hercule Poirot, gather everyone in the room and reveal all. ;)


I never saw Yoo Jung as bad. Well, in the episode 1, he was filmed as quite cold and mysterious but to me, it stroke me that it was the director's intention! He wanted the viewers to see YJ as intriguing, dark and bad. Nonetheless, it was more from Seol's perspective. I sensed the manipulation from the director with the music. The music used wanted us to feel Yoo Jung as dark and bad.

Therefore I felt that Yoo Jung was already misjudged and I tend to defend people who have a bad reputation! While I was younger, I was often described as a too serious and stubborn person so that each time I met a new relative, they had already heard about it! This reputation followed me for a long time! It really took a long time to get rid of it... the thing is that I have always been a strong-willed but hardworking person who took her studies very seriously! I knew what I wanted to become aso... and I achieved it!

When you see Yoo Jung's flat, you can sense the lack of love and warmth in his life. There is no picture of his father or mother... it feels empty, quite the opposite to Seol who is also suffocating from her family, but in a different way. She is literally drowing due to her family's behaviour. They don't give her the freedom and the support she needs! They mess up her life, just like her flat that was so messed up, when her brother lived there!


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Maybe we (or some of us) were like Seol in the beginning, having the first impression and judging ; when we saw his smirk after the beer spilled on JY, the way he ignored Seol when he got his drink and then suddenly giving her the other drink in front of Joo Yeon. I admit I was one person who went 'Mwo-ya' (No idea about YJ's character from the webtoon) and I thought PHJ was channeling his Jung Moon persona from Bad Guys. 

We also slowly understood how he is, that he is one persistent man (lunch, dinner, lunch - oh ya, you don't eat - LOL) and his attempts to get to know Seol better, his cute attempts at unravelling the triangle kimbap (is it really that difficult?) and slowly but surely we fell in love with him (maybe quicker than Seol!). We also contemplated his dark side, how he can be so cold to people he disliked, how he can plan how to get back at a person without that person knowing. 

Now he is a man in love and he is not shy in showing it. His display of affection - the back hug, the hand holding, the confession to Seol on the bench and the reunion in Ep 10 (I swear I was humming Whitney Houston's 'Run to You' at that point) Who can doubt it's going to be Yoo Jung and Seol no matter what (Boyzone - yup).

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