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2 hours ago, irilight said:

I too was wondering what a seemingly normal girl does with this psycho, @justinew. Furthermore, I got pissed at her, because it seems that she may have been the author of the complaint to the library that caused HS to lose her job.

I think so as well, cause she looked really satisfied, when she looked at Seol in the library..

But there is also one more thing that came to my mind. I think that it's possible that YJ got some deal with InHa, cause she mentioned something to InHo about 'getting her things back" and to YJ she texted about a plan "to remove a loser", and earlier she called YG a loser, and the sexting with YG, and in the preview we see she goes to meet YG in the school and starts to fight with him in front of Da Young, so I think that maybe YJ asked her to get rid of YG and then she will get her stuff back, something like that. But I'm still not sure..

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28 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Did PHJ adlib something during the back hug scene?  KGE seems to have been flustered and didn't expect it.

I think he did and it surprised her or at least thats what my mind has made up lol

I also  think he did it too in ep 9 where they both met. When he said 'my legs cant seem to walk away' and KGE giggled.

its too weak to be an acting too natural. Its like that just came up and he shyly and feebly said that....its so cheesyyyyyy but i love it!!

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@MyNameIsM PHJ did ad lib during the backhug scene. Wasn't it said that he added some movements? He made KGE and the director fluster madly :P  I wouldn't be surprised if the 'my legs can't seem to walk away' was his idea too... it was cute/cheesy but not something I'd directly expect from YJ hahaha :D  

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7 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Instead the dad goes in on a lecture of how Jung should behave and how he should give into others and never step out of line.


I find this interesting, @MrsSoJiSub, because it is the opposite of what we see in so many other Kdrama, where the chaebol's son "can do no wrong," even if it is criminal...  How does this father expect this son to take over the business if he repeatedly crushes his self esteem?

@plappi, thank you for the OST lyrics (pg. 256)


4 hours ago, madlena said:

even if they decide to air them don't know guys..they don't air episodes those days in general cause of the ratings that are low those two days. I wouldn't want our citt to have lower ratings


@madlena, I agree.. As much as we will miss them, no point in airing it during the holiday. People in Korea will be too busy to watch.


3 hours ago, maboroshi said:

'Cheese in the Trap' Yoon Ji Won, "I get hate on SNS all the time for my character of Son Min Soo"


I find this so sad. She is not the first antagonist who does so well in her role, that viewers start hating as if she is the character. Very sad.

3 hours ago, MyNameIsM said:

1. Seol knew about Jun having a lunch without h8er and she felt down..? Think about Jung when he finds out things that she doesnt tell them

2. Seol saw a picture of Jung and In Ha (who she has never seen them talk to each other) and she couldnt help being miserable. Think about Jung when he sees and hears her interaction and spend day and night with In Ho with his own eyes and ears.


I agree with you, @MyNameIsM.   Seol needs to put herself in YJ's shoes so to speak, and see how she would have felt if the situation was reversed.

3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Honestly if she chooses Jung after this and then something we all know will pop up, pops up and her immediate reaction is to believe the other person, doubt Jung, etc (like Jung's dad did with him at the dinner table) I want Jung to dump her. Coming to him now means she should be truly, really willing to give him the benefit of doubt. To take his word. To have some faith and trust in him and believe him. I am not saying she should stay silent on things however when she approaches issues it should be coming from of wanting an explanation and understanding and not of a place of accusation. He should be innocent before guilty and not guilty, now show me you're innocent. Nah Jung we done with that LOL. Trust me and love me for me or leave me so I can find somebody who will. Love me for all of me and try as I am willing to try and want with you, or leave me and go be with easy Inho! To constantly give and give and give but never reach a point of satisfaction, never be "good enough" is damn tiring and wrecks havoc on a person's sense of self. Jung gets that enough with his father "Am I that strange? What are you nervous about?" He don't need it from Seol too.


Thank you for this offering, @MrsSoJiSub    It is so beautifully written, it brought tears to my eyes. Indeed, that is the least that partners can wish for from each other, when they make that commitment.  Seol needs to see that YJ too, has his own wounds and needs.

I agree with you that Seol is not cheating, but at the same time, I want her to be aware of the consequences of her actions, and how it might hurt YJ. That man has given his heart to her fully!

Love your thoughts above, @justinew - that In-Ha might be "working with" YJ to "punish" YG.  That would be very satisfying indeed.

I just noticed that the same actress - Hwang Suk-Jung -  plays both the professor and the fortune teller in the beginning.
I wonder if there is a special meaning or reason for that.





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Cr @NRGchick

This scene really creeps me out if I was MS~~ haha.. Thank god he loves HS and became her boyfriend now! If he did this to HS like last year, she'll sure take a break again~~ haha

And talking about MS copying HS's style, I was fooled for so many times!!

When they showed us the preview where In Ha tripping 'HS' legs, and pulls her hair, I really thought that was HS she's bullying!! Only when the episode broadcast, I realized it was MS... :P 

And when I was recapping the opening scene where HS saw her friends together with MS acting like her, I thought that was HS!! coz while recapping I only take a glimpse on the screen and write what I heard... I got confused at first when HS said "That's not me!".. so when I take a look again, so it was MS!! hahahaha... 

And this... (the 2nd picture) cr @stargazer187


In a second I was thinking "When did MS pinned down HS??" then I recognized HS shirt.... huhu.. seriously I need to CHECK MY EYES~~

Anyway, I hope MS will be herself again... and to change for a better person..

I'm saving 2 subbed episodes of CITT for the weekend~~coz we'll need to be patient with another week later on... ^^

**This thread moves too fast.. I can only read all of comments/insights for now.... can't really post insightful post like you guys** :) 

Off to another drama date!! :blush:

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just managed to watch ep 10 with subs. so just to share my thoughts on a few things:

1) seol being angry with Jung after the minsoo incident:

a) I understand that perhaps she doesnt want Jung to interfere or run her life without discussing with her but

b ) I think she is so angry because she is too kind, so it hurts her to confront minsoo in such a manner

c) she has mix feelings because she gets that jung is helping her and her inner thought reflects that: Jung has always have to deal with such people whereas she get so work up because of one minsoo.

2) I really find Inha funny this ep and I think she might be an even more master manipulator than Jung.

a) She knows Inho likes Seol b ) when she text YG, she wonder if her phone will rot (lol) c) she started being immensely nice to HS because now she sort needs Jung's mercy and perhaps she knows Jung really likes HS? d) she jumps to the defense of Jae woo when she sees how SC is bullying him.

3) with regards to seol and inho

I dont think she meant to flirt with him. He happens to be there when she needed a friend. she is a very very kind soul and love to help people improve their lives, so when Inho said he wants to go back to school. she is genuinely happy and wants to help him.

4) Jung with father

I thought the father  was just giving him regular advise but he probably  is too stress recently breaking up with Seol that he just flare up and I understand he needs praise too, he is doing so well but his father still think he can do better. Its typical of super anxious parents who expect 100 marks for a kid who come back with 99.

so yes, seol and jung are alike, their family dont give them enuf credit when they are already very good kids.

Overall I think ep 9 and 10 is so overloaded with infor its deserving to watch over again. credits to excellent story,script and actors.

#missingUsunbae #wouldEp11evercome

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12 hours ago, NRGchick said:

In defense of Seol and In Ho - 

Seol does not know specifically why she should stay away from In Ho. YJ mentioned that he was afraid that In Ho would take the bad blood between YJ and him out on her. 

At this point, Seol does not know of In Ho's burgeoning feelings towards her. She was already insecure over In Ha (pretty yada yada yada) and the fact they grew up together. YJ has not overtly shown any signs of jealousy about In Ho to Seol (although we can see it when YJ realises In Ho has been 'rescuing' Seol) [Is it bad of me to want more of the jealous YJ?]

Seol STILL treats In Ho as a friend (and we are talking about this girl who brushed off Ah Young's declaration that sunbae liked her ) I think if she realises that In Ho has these romantic feelings, things will become awkward between Seol and In Ho. 

Have faith all Cheesy fans! I echo the sentiment that YJ was around in Ep 10 (in an hidden and omnipotent manner) He knew what was happening with MS and Seol, realised the problem with YG but he couldn't approach Seol as Seol had requested for time to think. I love how the time apart has actually made Seol ponder over their relationship and it has made her miss him even more. Even when she is walking with In Ho, she is thinking about YJ (that's a very good sign!) When YJ is apart from Seol, he's thinking about her (:wub:)

Who wouldn't fall in love with Seol who cares for her friends? I don't blame In Ho for this and I wouldn't blame Seol for In Ho's feelings. Seol has tried to help him find direction in his life and rechannel himself into his music and now he wants to get his education back on track. 

Who knows, if YJ says that he is uncomfortable with the close relationship between her and In Ho (and states why) - she might start to avoid In Ho (poor In Ho!) 


@MrsSoJiSub  and @NRGchick, this is the problem I have with Seol and her interactions with In Ho, she had just met him when Jung had asked her not to hang out with In Ho. I always felt that Seol rebelled against Jung in this regard because she really didn't trust Jung and thought the problem was him. Also, Seol is not stupid. She knows that she doesn't like the idea that Jung may have dated In Ha and likes it even less that he may be still associating with her.  If she saw her mother or father hanging around another man or woman and interacting with them the same way she has been with In Ho, she would be suspicious of their relationship because she knows the behavior is not appropriate for people in a relationship.  

In Ho isn't like Seol's other male friend who she has known for years, he is some new man in her life that she just met.  In Ho in his own way has been combative with her boyfriend (Jung) where she's concerned--trying to protect her from Jung when he was taking her home; to make sure Jung didn't try anything with his OWN girlfriend.  He forced himself into her life. She questioned why Jung wanted to eat with her and tried to avoid him,  and yet when In Ho would tell her to buy him something to eat after causing her to fall and break her laptop, she just does it--never questioning why is he constantly hounding her.

I also think the reason YJ is hesitant to show his jealousy is because of the fact that Seol is always, always believing the worst  of him. He's probably afraid that if he shows his jealousy, Seol will again see him in a negative light. I'm happy that in the upcoming episode he's going to just let her see how her actions are being viewed by him.  I truly think in this relationship, she's failed him many times, he's done some things too but I begin to see hers over and over in several episodes.  I like Seol, but she's allowed herself to be influence by the people around her and their view of Jung.

That's why I'm happy that in the recent episode she's finally beginning to try and understand him.  No boyfriend or girlfriend wants their significant other constantly hanging around with another man or woman where romantic feelings can develop.  It's nice that Seol is trying to help In Ho redirect his life, but she has a boyfriend who needs her influence and she also needs to focus on her own life

Sorry to keep rambling....


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Gomawo @qwenli @pinkpopink....! It's frustrating but at least, a hope, like a light at the end of the tunnel.... That there will be more of them together the coming episode...!  Yey!!! :);):P 

@sillyvivian_yo89 this will be a verry looonnggg two weeks, right...? :(

Just thinking, that scene in the car..in the preview...when he said.."i wont rush you"...are they actually going to a motel or something? 

Does someone knows here which chapter is it now in the webtoon...? I am really holding up not to spoil my self and see what will happen but this two weeks is like a marshmalllow test...dont think i can wait that long... Huhuhu so please, chaebal..... Let me know where are we now in the webtoon? :) 

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Ep 10...The pain, the raw, naked pain [I confess I was sobbing at this point :tears:]


Aigooo.. how can you not wish the best for the two of them. The different feels when you see him playing with her bangs. This is the hallmark of YJ's affection for her and it's like a promise that he is still there for her. 

Side note: I love him in pink ! :wub:

Another side note: Was I mistaken or did In Ha say that her 'loser plan' is in action as per her deal with YJ? [When YJ received a text from In Ha at his workplace]

50 minutes ago, MyNameIsM said:

I think he did and it surprised her or at least thats what my mind has made up lol

I also  think he did it too in ep 9 where they both met. When he said 'my legs cant seem to walk away' and KGE giggled.

its too weak to be an acting too natural. Its like that just came up and he shyly and feebly said that....its so cheesyyyyyy but i love it!!

I agree!! 

It was a very un-Seol like giggle when he said those words to her. I also never expected YJ sunbae to say something like that. So I also think it was ad-libbed.

Now I am also scrutinising the BTS for the back hug to figure out what unexpected movement that PHJ did. :lol::w00t:

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2 hours ago, NRGchick said:



Thanks to sushi subs! Very cute and again the PD's laughter. 


In the BTS, I think PHJ deliberately teases KGE to make a movement beyond of the director instruction. He loves to make her laugh and enjoys her protest about what he has done. He clearly shows his affection on her, on the contrary she is spoiled on him.

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The only reason why we're even having this discussion about whether or not Seol is "cheating" or being somewhat hypocritical is because the writer is hell bent on setting up this love triangle. This is why I detest love triangles with a passion. The end result is that someone ends up looking wishy-washy.

The problem with the current situation is that the main pairing have agreed tacitly to a cooling off period, in order to think about whether they should continue to have a relationship and what that looks like. It's not a bad idea because they've hit a rough patch in the context of the storyline.

Unfortunately the writer is using this period to build up the love triangle which means the main pairing aren't spending time together but the third party is brought in as a de facto boyfriend wannabe alternative.

The writer is careful to show that the female lead is all about real the boyfriend but she tantalises the audience with the alternative by dressing him very attractively, and giving him these nice moments with the female lead to show him as a viable alternative. A possible threat to an already precarious situation.


Except that he isn't a real threat. But the fantasy remains. What girl wouldn't want two men being so lovely and protective of her? Oh she's a lucky thing.

The downside with being this lucky is that it looks like she's trying to have two bites of the cherry. To have your cake and eat it too. When you and your boyfriend have a lovers' spat, you can find yourself a more amenable substitute while you're doing your thinking time. A nice cuddly teddy bear to play with while you're stressing about your life.

The worse part is that the boyfriend has no cuddly teddy bear to play with while he's stressing about his life.

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@irilight....I thought I was the only one who saw YJ's dad was repeatedly crushing his self esteem.  Even in the flashbacks , YJ TOLD IN HO HOW LUCKY HE IS HE COULD DO WHATEVER HE WANTS, OR LIKE THE TIME YJ WAS BEING BULLIED IN HO TOLD HIM TO FIGHT BACK AND HE WON'T TELNHIS FATHER. When I saw that , I though In Ho knew YJ dad had YJ on a leash and yet he still tries to make him rebell agains his dad.

i wonder if one day YJ did rebell and In Ho ratted him out not out of spite but by accident and that was when YJ lost all respect for him. We still don't know what In Ho did to step out of line yet.  Smh smh smh 

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Image result for cheese in the trap episode 10th?id=OIP.M6e30e13847a671082d3ed7d05a909Image result for cheese in the trap episode 10hearts.gif

CiTT is the perfect name for this drama when you think about it there are so many traps being set by more than one person.  I realize I write a lot from Jung's point of view maybe because I want to understand his thoughts & actions or maybe it's because of all the characters I feel most sorry for him.  Just thinking about his life and what we know about it reminded me of what it would be like to lose Seol for him.  He is like a little boy wondering in a dessert always looking for water to quench his thirst.  Finally he sees it, runs to it and the taste is so wonderful like nothing he has ever had.  But then he wakes up in the dessert only to realize it was a dream and the water is gone... Being loved by Soel and being able to love Seol is like never thirsting again.....

Even while watching Jung and his Dad at dinner I was like some people shouldn't have kids:angry: Not to mention it brought back to mind Jung at his new job once again doing someone else's work because it's easier.   His Dad never realizes that he himself is the scary one!  Dang I could write a book it makes me so upset!!! But at least Jung made an attempt to let his Dad see just a glimpse of what he was feeling.  It's true the way Jung handles people is different but for him it was survival learning to push back but with little notice.  As in Seol's case just a way to protect her the only way he knows how.

Fight scene seemed perfect that is until the writers gave me a good punch by reminding me how Minsoo was someone who was invisible to everyone and we have all known people like that.  How cruel we can be even when we don't realize it.  How people are suffering around us, that even a small act of kindness can give someone else hope....

Meeting on the bridge, Seol knows what Jung did but moves past that frustration to see that Jung has faced this kind of pain & hurt all his life.  While Jung tells her I know we are different but I am working on myself too and shows his love not forceful but gently brushing her hair with his hand.  Without words it's like this is who I am the one who loves you.....

Maybe because as I said before I haven't read the Webtoon but In Ho is such a sweet soul his hand was crushed but his heart remains to be more loving & caring not only for Seol but for all those around him.  He is honest and giving, protective and sensitive and so much more.  Who couldn't or wouldn't fall in love with someone like this?  That is unless your Seol and your heart is already taken by someone who makes you believe you're his whole world......

Trust, my last thought was it always comes back to this.  Is Soel willing to trust Jung even with everything Gon is throwing her way and is she willing to understand and trust the Jung she can see with her heart instead of the Jung she sees with her eyes..... And in turn he will have to reveal even more of who he truly is.  That moment, that the production team was kind enough to share a little early in the preview only as a tease sure did work.  They gave new meaning to leaving an audience wanting more!!!!!:P But next time it might work better if you  leave out the view of Seol running towards Jung!  Not to mention that stare they gave each other that said  I have missed you & want you!!!  That only fuels us Chessy Fans giving us something to imagine & dream about till next week!  So be sure and give us a kiss and words worth waiting for:w00t:  Have a great day Cheesy family:wub:

credit & thanks to original owners pictures & quote.....


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