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56 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


Okay I'm only half serious with some of this (I'm legit when I say I am Jung's ride or die chick) and I just love Cheese in the Trap so much. It's one of my 3 drama cracks right now (6 Flying Dragons and Signal being the other two).


I feel like I'm being YG, stalking your post @MrsSoJiSub ... how much I love your insight on character and drama since AM1994 days ;) and I will join you on the Jung ride all the way! I love him to death (and Park Hae Jin is doing so so fantastic with Jung - love it). Jung is such a compelling character that has so much layer to him that makes him so intriguing to analyze (makes me feel like Hae Young (from Signal) profiling him) LOL! 

Alright, back to work now! Damn it, this drama is making me too addicting that I'm sneaking off work to catch up on all the discussion, analyze, and juice on Cheese! :) #addictionofacheesedramaaddicts 

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@ditditdutdut you bring up some really good points about the potential (or is it already here?) dysfunction of their relationship and I agree theirs could easily go the way of a toxic abusive relationship if they were two people who would allow for it. I'll come back to that but here's what I want to address I know many people had a problem with Seol's "he did it for me so it's okay" line and I did/do then I thought about it and well we'll just have to see when it comes to that. Yes it seems like right now Seol is willing to forgive and accept a lot of things from/about Jung, but don't we all do that in a relationship? There are traits/details of all our partners that we may not particularly like or agree with but because we still see and like the person they are in spite of these things we choose to accept those aspects of who they are and be with them.

The things that Seol has been forgiving Jung for are they really that toxic (wait don't shot me yet ya'll) or really out of the norm of her character? What I mean is, is Seol bending herself backwards to forgive Jung because he is Jung the boy she's dating, or is she forgiving him because if he were any person who had done these things she would forgive them? What I mean is, has the things Jung has done crossed the line of Seol's own held ideas of right and wrong. Her moral codes of just and injust, good and bad behavior? An abusive toxic relationship is when you accept from your partner what you wouldn't accept of yourself or the world around you. Now with Seol accepting what Jung did to that pervert, if it had been Euntaek, her brother, or Inho who had done it, she would have forgiven them and said the same lines ([insert name her] did it for me, so it's okay. But don't do it again") which is why she was able to let it go with Jung. What I mean is she did the same thing when Inho beat up Younggone who he saw harassing her and in this situation she is showing Jung the same courtesy, understanding, accepting/forgiveness she showed Inho (and she would have shown any other person). She also saw that Jung was sorry (he admitted to crossing the line) and he himself seemed remorseful for going that far and freaking her out like he did (both him and Inho took note of how she batted him away twice), he won't do it again. I know this can easily become toxic and fall into a pattern, but how many perverted psychos are going to come and choke Seol out in front of Jung's eyes, throw her down the stairs to her hopeful death, hide and cower in hopes to fle, and then provoke/instigate reactions from Jung?  With everything we have seen of Jung is that who he truly is everyday on and off with Seol or was he in that moment a guy who lost his ever loving mind and reacted a bit more than some, but I honestly can't say I wouldn't want to beat the richard simmons out of someone who did that to someone I loved right in front of my eyes.

I guess it comes down to this, does the audience truly feel that Jung will ever hurt/abuse Seol in an emotional and physical way? Is Seol the type of girl who would stay in such a relationship? For me the answer is a big NO on both fronts. I could not ship if I thought otherwise. However I cannot pretend like the past year one did not happen. I also can't get stuck in it or get stuck in the belief that people are incapable of change (I have chosen the wrong career path if I thought this way LOL) now I have to think on all his year one antics and also throw away what I know from the webtoon. Both Jung and Seol have changed but have they changed that much? The things that Jung did how bad was it? What were his intents? Does any of that matter? Seol misunderstood and at times exaggerated things herself but that does no take from the what she experienced and what it put her through. At the same time she has gotten to know him and he has her, and are they the same people now as they were in year one? With everything that has been going on and is going on with them, could Jung ever go back to being the Jung of year one and treat Seol as he did then? The past is the past but it informs the present and future (as we are seeing now). Hmmmm....going over everything I don't think Jung is unhealthy or toxic for Seol and I don't think he would hurt her or could/would go back to treating her as he did in year one. I think they've both come far and still have got far to go. I do reserve the right to change my mind because I'm not even going to pretend that these two with the past that they do, don't have a lot of other people that they both bring in and out of each other's lives that are toxic/unhealthy for them as individuals and as a couple. So for me, Jung&Seol alone are fine. Jung&Seol and the campus of Yonyi and Inha and Inho and the past, now that's a bit tricky LOL.

If Seol were in my in real life friend coming to me with all of this :blink::o "how rich is he? He got a brother?" (I am a poor graduate student okay LOL) Nah, for real...I'm a romantic and a realist so a part of me would want to tell her to try with Jung see how far they can go together. See how much they can overcome (she's really thinks he's changed right? She really likes him right? He treats her well right? Without all them people and when it's just them it's fine right? It feels right?) and she can always dump him if it get to be more than it's worth, if she cries too much more than she laughts, is happy, and enjoys being in the relationship/being with him. The realist in me: Girl pack you bags, dump your phone, move out your home, change schools. And stay the richard simmons away from me cause I ain't dying with your richard simmons when all these crazies come for you LOL. How the richard simmons does one girl attract so much insanity!! For real...how hard should love be? Is love worth all of this? Nah, girl it'll hurt but I think you should let him go and wait for someone maybe more "normal" to come along. I don't know, it's your life. Is he and what you have together and what you feel you can build truly really worth it? Really think on everything, is he and all that worth it? It's worth all the possibilities and outcomes (the good? the bad? the ugly? the hurtful?)? You may have regrets but will the regrets be worth it? Can you see yourself with him 2 or 3 years from now? Really, really, really think on things and come to a decision *passes card* also here a good psychologist I know. Get you and all them the help ya'll need LOL.

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This drama makes Single White Female and Twelve Monkeys seem normal. With so many crazies in the uni, it's more like an asylum tone down a bit just so normal people can enter without being afraid. Are there no psychology check before they enter there? Or my normal is not so normal anymore and this is the normal one? 

The kiss is good. Keep it up Jung! I know you can do it! You are not a psycho babe, just an extreme black and white kind of person and it's ok. With your charming good look and your best behaviour unleash I swear you are a worthy candidate of a saint (if not to other people, to me at least). Don't be jealous of IHo. He just wants YOUR attention not your girl. 

But I guess next ep will turn your world dark again, huh? The past just don't want to let you go. I pray for you and for my sanity (which slowly loosen while I'm watching this drama).

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

Actually with regards to into n Jung's relationship, I don't like that Seol keep asking them to reconcile.

i mean only the two of them know what happened between them and if they don't want to reconcile, how is she a fairly new comer to their lives to say they should get together.  I know she is nice and wants world peace but life doesn't work that way. Am sorry, I am so totally in team Jung B)

I am also team YJ but I have to disagree in this. Seol is right: they need to reconcile. First, In Ho was interested to get closer to YJ again but YJ pushed him back. Moreover, YJ is so jealous of In Ho (he witnessed how comfortable Seol was with In Ho) and we know that YJ's father cares more for In Ho than his own son. So YJ's (natural) jealousy can only disappear if they work it out. In Ho doesn't know the real YJ in the end. He only has in his head the guy who hurt his hand and acted so coldly! 

Actually, I am quite sure, neither YJ nor IH knows the true story. They only have in their head one side of the story. We know (from the quick flashback) when IH was beaten up, YJ appeared! So I can understand why in IH's eyes, he is to be blamed because he never saw his friend intervening. But In Ho doesn't know really if his friend didn't do anything (just like in Seol's case with the drunk man!). Moreover, he doesn't see that YJ has always been suffering from being "neglected" by his own father! He feels that he isn't loved and In Ho has never thought it from YJ's perspective.

We witnessed how cruel In Ho can be... especially towards his sister and her drawing! And yet, he is able to describe YJ as cruel and badass!

The episode 7 was interesting for me because I felt even more YJ's loneliness than before. To me, the climax was the baseball game!!! I really pitied YJ. YJ was asked to play because he is a better player!! So here again, all the students are cheering, but it is not because they really admire YJ. They only need him in order to win. Then SC has the impudence to ask YG to give up and if he does, he will order anything YG wants. But we all know that SC doesn't have the money. In the end, YJ will pay for their meal! So here again, YJ is used again. But the peak of this "quarrel" is when YG hit YJ and when the latter answers, he isn't mad and advices him to go to the hospital. YG starts insulting YJ for being fake and acting as a nice guy, although he doesn't care for others and he is only looking down on all of them. You see in that moment that Seol really thinks like that. What she forgets is that actually it is more the other way around. People are using YJ the whole time (acting nice and approaching him with intentions!), but deep down, they don't care for him at all. So they are faking their concern for him! I have always said that YJ is person who is like a mirror. He reflects the feelings people have about him! He is actually looked down too and at this time, although HS never approached YJ, she kind of looked down on him as well because he was acting nice but deep down, he wasn't! Nevertheless, people around YJ are acting like that the whole time. So why blame YJ?

In Ho was rude to HS in the first place aso but In Ho is easily forgiven. It is because he shows emotions and since YJ is more the quiet guy, HS is afraid she might discover more darkness?!  

I was really upset because it seems that people have their double standards!    

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28 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

Girl, this is TVN ...them lips have to move.lol.


Ha ha, true, but I can think of a few exemples of tvN dramas where lips don't move... Also because Seol was so embarassed the other times, it was a pleasant surprise!!

Ahhh kiss heaven indeed!...... ;)


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Seol-ah imma need you to go in for the kiss with him at least once before this drama ends or I will weep.

Yass *runs around in a happy circle* Seol and Jung are going to go on a break (please let no "we were on a break" incidents happen). That was one of my favorite arcs in the webtoon (and it better last more than one episode). I agree with @honeywell that this break up is needed. Seol needs to learn to either trust or drop Jung (yeah dude does not make it easy but it's tiring to always have to defend yourself as it is to always be in doubt of the dude you dating and kissing and being happy giddy over) and in the end it'll make them stronger. Also feel were are not getting the full story on the whole texting "Yoo Jung" fiasco..

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Second lead syndrome kicking in!!!! WHY they gotta end that ep like that???? And can I just say...i have been bracing myself for the angst cause i genuinely want Seol to find out abt Jung's past.

BUT I want more kisses heh ;) So hopefully their issues get sorted out soon! And can Jung and Inho just make up already?? I wanna know the REAL story behind their hatred for each other too...I wonder if Jung (or IH) will admit to anything?? hmmmm....


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YG in this episode reminds me of smeagol re: LOTR....talking and interacting alone to his brilliant ideas....yes brilliant because what he did to ET is so wise on his part...plus he got a girlfriend who dance well with him. I want to have gandalph's baton to give a good smash to YG's head for good. :angry:

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@Ahpheng with "h" fancy meeting you here chingu. I was just lurking and I saw you and your comics and I was like oh! I missed those strips lol! 

Oh! Where are my manners, hello everyone, I started the drama when I heard from chingus from another thread how good this one is, so I'm on episode 5 right now and here I am lurking and so happy to see familiar names from other threads and fellow healerites :D

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Oh my gosh drama why you do me this way. They better not mess up their break up and judging from the preview they do. Jung is already dark richard simmons enough they don't have to add up more!! Jung actually missed Seol during their break up and shows it!!! She missed him too and showed it!! And that break up better last more than one episode!! Why do they insist on building a triangle that was never in the freaking webtoon...I swear if feels like they want people to SLS *side eyeing them so hard*

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@MrsSoJiSub I agree with you that they glossing over some of Inho's personality traits to make him a better "rival" to YJ.

I was fearing this as this a kdrama and usually a kdrama is not complete without a love triangle. Let's just hope they will not make any drastic changes.
As for for the "breakup", i think the scene in the preview is the one where YJ will buy hot coffee (?) for Seol, back hug her and leave her alone. which is exactly how i remember it from the webtoon.

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3 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

@MrsSoJiSub I agree with you that they glossing over some of Inho's personality traits to make him a better "rival" to YJ.

I was fearing this as this a kdrama and usually a kdrama is not complete without a love triangle. Let's just hope they will not make any drastic changes.
As for for the "breakup", i think the scene in the preview is the one where YJ will buy hot coffee (?) for Seol, back hug her and leave her alone. which is exactly how i remember it from the webtoon.

Knowing this drama watch them have him toss it at her head or something LOL. I am pressed that after car cheek kiss from Seol they didn't have Jung break out into the cute laughter at her and her antics. They are purposely making him less adorkable human qualities he had in the webtoon and making Inho waaaay too sad little puppy for my liking now. It's all done to build a triangle that didn't and shouldn't be (it wasn't till like season 3 ending that you saw Inho likes Seol. Inho truthfully wants Jung's attention most of the webtoon lol) and it's starting to grate on my nerves...

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Yeah, I agree that the characterization is definitely becoming different. I am starting to get really attached to InHo, when I was way less in the webtoon. His character is a bit aloof and is a bit crazier in the webtoon; he is a bit too "nice" in the drama. But I like the fact that Jung's aura is a bit darker :P I find that side of him so interesting that it does not matter if it is emphasized more I think. There are enough cute moments for us to still feel connected.

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