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And for sure that lady min are just being supporting character, not as a main character in 6FD.:rolleyes:


she will be the Only queen of LBW and she is like YH quite a prominent character to the story

if to go by history LM was a big supporter and did help with the princes strifes - she is very intelligent and knows the way of  court politics much morethan BW - i think they will make her a very important figure 

it is a 50 episodes drama and to have just one strong woman in such a ling drama for me would be a miss

im here for the strong woman even more than the interesting history unfolding 

being a woman im glad we have such great female character to identify with

BY will always be prominent and i dont think YH or LM will diminish it  - IMO


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Sorry @nevill for changing my post after you liked but didn't realize you had already posted the other picture not sure how I missed that ( I need some coffee)

Credit & Thanks to original owners.....

i dont mind - the more the merrier 

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“Six Flying Dragons” Previews Byun Yo Han and Shin Se Kyung’s Reunion

by kiddy_days (soompi)
“Six Flying Dragons” Previews Byun Yo Han and Shin Se Kyung’s Reunion

Six Flying Dragons” revealed a new still of its upcoming episode.

In “Six Flying Dragons,” Ddang Sae, played by Byun Yo Han, and Boon Yi, played by Shin Se Kyung, are siblings that were separated since they were young. They live without knowing whether or not the other is alive, and the viewers have been wondering when they will finally meet.

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cute SSK & YAI

ssk saying YAI is so cute - she cant be serious 

stills from BTS

Honestly i ship them hard..


AND about BW & LW, both of them definitely dont have any romantic feelings, how could writer just gonna abandoned BoonYi as a main character? it somewhat not fair:(

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@chickpea. I'm not reading any subtitles. I'm a native Korean living in Seoul. To me, that's not a marriage proposal at all. If you think so, it's due to the mistransaltion of the subtitle you read. Actually, while watching ep 13~14, I thought Bang-Won was really irresponsible. Boon-Yi said reality, but Bang-Won guaranteed nothing.  

I agree with @ homura. BW and BY are in love and I don't think that BY was a coward. She knows how she feels. She was honest with it from the very start. She is also a smart and practical woman who is able to accept reality. BW never offered BY marriage. She is a village girl and he offers to be her lover and someone special for her. He is offering himself to be family at what cost for BY? She is a village girl she will never be good enough for him to marry because of her status. She will only be good enough to be concubine. They both know that. Yes, both of them have loved each other since they were children and now that they are grown that love has blossomed to deeper attraction. But these were the olden times and BY even though she knows BW's sincerity also had to bring BW to reality. As we can see BW in episode 14 confronts BY and tells her she is lying that she liked him and what was her reason for saying she does not like him and she tells him simply that she loved him and that stopped him from his track of thinking. He could not offer any solution and said "I love you and I don't know what to do but I will love you till the day I die." BW's statement right there is the first time he admits that the situation they are in is realistically present, unfair but undeniable. BW in questioning BY's intention for saying that she did not like him and there again BW chose to misunderstand. She never said she did not like him, what she said was she did not like it, what he offered. "I will be your lover and family and someone special for you". This was after she told him that she envies him for having a family. Was it pity? She says to BW that she is not cool or whatever BW thought of her as but that she was trying to survive and live. In those days, men were polygamous and had concubines but did not guarantee anything for the concubine. Many concubines and their children suffered. Why would BY who is smart want that? BW was a man of his times. He did not think that BY, being his concubine was a problem. He never really thought out BY's situation because he was embroiled in his own feelings of rejection. It was only after she said without ado that she loved him that he was brought to the reality of what he was offering BY. For BY, this is the first time she has ever had these feelings of being in love. She was so busy fighting for her and the villagers' survival she did not have time to fall in love nor found anyone to fall in love with. She could not even see the handsome dunce of a big warrior who followed her to Hamju. Now she immersed herself in a revolution. It was the first time she realized the fluttering in her heart when BW bought her shoes. She did not know what to make of it at first. It is so understandable that she feels conflicted. There is nothing for her to offer wealth or power to the Li family. So she knows that the only place in his life will be to become a concubine. But yet she has these feelings. This is not about them not knowing how they feel about each other because they do, they hang out together most of the time, it is about the lifestyle and the rules of their times.

However, there is still sometime to go before the ending of Goryeo and BW and BY will be thrown together and we shall see what comes next. BW is the BW who will become King Taejong and he is not one to give up or be denied. In Ep 11 when BY went to visit BW, she first confessed her feeling for him. She said she liked him and that she knows he will never leave her and he said I will not die, I will be out of here, just you wait. There will be many more encounters for these two and I think it will be inevitable they will end up together in some way. He endured the torture and kept himself alive in that prison, he promised her that and told her to wait. What can he not do for her and what can he not do to make her his concubine? This is BW we are talking about, the one who placed his father's seal on the ABC plan without his father knowing, the one who will marry for political reasons to gain advantage and be on the winning side, the one who endured the torture chamber and the one who marked BY as his and let everyone know about it. ( I also think and this is just me, that there is more to the story of BY and DS family wise)

General Choi is itching to take out HIB and I hope he will. HIB is a menace to his country. He is a dumb mobster who rides the wings of chaos or turbulent times by cheating, stealing and murder and made many enemies. BW and JDJ have some reckoning with HIB. Can't wait for today....

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cute SSK & YAI

ssk saying YAI is so cute - she cant be serious 

stills from BTS

Honestly i ship them hard..


AND about BW & LW, both of them definitely dont have any romantic feelings, how could writer just gonna abandoned BoonYi as a main character? it somewhat not fair:(

BY is and always will be a main character - not only the woman BW loves till he dies but a fighting dragons

she has the most respect of all other dragons and they treat her as equal she IS part of the creation of Joseon  - and i love her to bits 

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@homura - "

"First, Yi Bang-Won never asked Boon-Yi to marry him... and following"


Yes, I can see your perspective and maybe we're reading different subtitles, but for me, saying he wanted to give her the comfort of family (since she is technically an orphan without siblings at this point) is, for me, the same thing as saying, he wants TO BE her family.  Stating his intention without actually proposing.  One of the things YBW admired most about BY is the fact that she never let things like unjust laws stand in her way in the past... not when she cultivated that field that didn't belong to her town, not when they tried to hide the product of that field instead of submitting it for taes and not when she burned the storehouse to the ground.  Her courage in refusing to abide by blatantly unjust laws is one of the things that made her attractive to him; I think he even calls her the strongest woman he knows.  I, therefore, find it difficult to believe that she would let the unjust cultural mores of a Goryeo they are trying to overthrow control matters of her heart.  This is a woman who courageously acts on her heart and what she knows to be right.  And I don't see the connection with her brother, I know she mentions it, but I think it's an ecuse.  I do understand her not wanting to be a concubine; that is the only thing she said that makes any sense and fits with her character... she's in it for all or nothing.  Yes, perhaps YBW's older brother could have been a marriage partner for--Ms. Min?--but he didn't present himself, not that I'm aware of, so YBW in what I agree is an immature act of trying to "get back" at BY for refusing him, offers himself as a groom.  Anyway, that's how I see it...

And, yes, as @valentvcd correctly points out below, what happens in the drama must reflect what actually happened in history...  I think the original question was whether YBW's intention in offering marriage with Ms. Min was a political move... my response was that it was and it wasn't, had BY agreed to marry him, stand by his side, allow him to be her family, whatever you think he meant with his offer, I do not believe he would have offered to marry into the Min family.  It is only because BY had just rejected him so definitively he saw a way to perhaps hurt her and do something to help his father and the cause.  Had BY accepted him, I don't think he would have made the offer and then we would have a drama that didn't fit the history...


Morning Dragons, Ready for another awesome episode this writer has never miss a beat..


@chickpea,  Marrying Lady Min is his way to get back at BY period.. He will find some kind of way to make her regret her choice of not accepting him if she would have agreed he wouldn't have married anyone but her or stuck to her even if they couldn't marry.. 


Hi @nevill,   You never PM me the title to the song in that MV if you find time today can you please PM it to me Thanks..

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BY is and always will be a main character - not only the woman BW loves till he dies but a fighting dragons

she has the most respect of all other dragons and they treat her as equal she IS part of the creation of Joseon  - and i love her to bits 

How i wish he endup happily together with her.. :(


What can he not do for her and what can he not do to make her his concubine? This is BW we are talking about, the one who placed his father's seal on the ABC plan without his father knowing, the one who will marry for political reasons to gain advantage and be on the winning side, the one who endured the torture chamber and the one who marked BY as his and let everyone know about it. ( I also think and this is just me, that there is more to the story of BY and DS family wise)

I really enjoyed read ur long post thou LOL 

anyway I really wish she become a concubine.. but somehow her character looks somewhat similar like Jang Ok Jung, Isit only me?:rolleyes:


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cute SSK & YAI

ssk saying YAI is so cute - she cant be serious 

stills from BTS

Honestly i ship them hard..


AND about BW & LW, both of them definitely dont have any romantic feelings, how could writer just gonna abandoned BoonYi as a main character? it somewhat not fair:(

looking as the future queen and king

GSY looking very beautiful 

i wonder why they wear crowns 

That pic already posted at the previous page, you never saw that??

And for sure that lady min are just being supporting character, not as a main character in 6FD.:rolleyes:


@MiAmour, the main plot is ultimately be the plotting and fighting leading to the founding of Joseon and the different political views and philosophies which will become more evident as time goes by, romance will always be secondary, thus if history and examples from previous shows is followed, Lady min will probably have significant screen time and a greater role to play even if she is a supporting character. In addition, it is hard to believe that a couple with no affection can have 11 children together despite the fact that the man has 17 other concubines, historically there are many queens in Korea and China with no offspring due to the fact that they were in a political marriage. Thus, perhaps, the way forward for this drama is a more subtle romance between BW and BY in the midst of their operations.

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i wonder why JDJ havent yet revealed YH - does he not trust the others? that they can give her in as a double spy? 

i wonder when she will come to live in that camp also - i hope that now that DS & BY are reunited she will also reunite with them

after all she was practically BY sister bf 

and BY was very attached to her as we know she wanted her own brother to die bc he couldnt protect YH 

YH is a spy and the most important thing in that line of work is discretion. The more people know about her existence the higher the possibiity is for her to get exposed. JDJ still needs her and she's one of his main & most valuable information source so it's not time yet to reveal her identity and present her to the rest of the "comrades".

Hi @eunsuhae,  Glad to have you joining us to, Just what you have mention might be the cause of DS dying trying to help and protect her in the shadows because of the past..  

@valsava i just sent you - did you get it?

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No need to send it I bookmark the youtube link

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@nevill I think JDJ is smart and knows that there is always a possibility of double spies infiltrating his organisation especially now that his plan has started and that the rest of the world, including enemies, know about its existence so it's the more reason to keep YH hidden since the situation is becoming more critical by every day.

About the BY/BW issue, I think BW brought up in episode 13 (I think?) when he was trying to figure out why she rejected him that maybe she was upset she would become the second wife (or at least that's what the translation said). Keep in mind, he said this even before Lady Min appeared in the picture. He said this even when the idea of marrying someone else didn't exist so BW was fairly aware of custom and social rules and that even if he loved BY he could never make her his legal/first wife and didn't hint at him wanting to change that. The way I see it, it's a matter of mostly emotions on BW's part while for BY it's about pride and priorities (reconciling with her borther & dedicating herself to the greater cause of building a new world instead of leisurely indulging in love and feelings).

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@homura - "

"First, Yi Bang-Won never asked Boon-Yi to marry him... and following"


Yes, I can see your perspective and maybe we're reading different subtitles, but for me, saying he wanted to give her the comfort of family (since she is technically an orphan without siblings at this point) is, for me, the same thing as saying, he wants TO BE her family.  Stating his intention without actually proposing.  One of the things YBW admired most about BY is the fact that she never let things like unjust laws stand in her way in the past... not when she cultivated that field that didn't belong to her town, not when they tried to hide the product of that field instead of submitting it for taes and not when she burned the storehouse to the ground.  Her courage in refusing to abide by blatantly unjust laws is one of the things that made her attractive to him; I think he even calls her the strongest woman he knows.  I, therefore, find it difficult to believe that she would let the unjust cultural mores of a Goryeo they are trying to overthrow control matters of her heart.  This is a woman who courageously acts on her heart and what she knows to be right.  And I don't see the connection with her brother, I know she mentions it, but I think it's an ecuse.  I do understand her not wanting to be a concubine; that is the only thing she said that makes any sense and fits with her character... she's in it for all or nothing.  Yes, perhaps YBW's older brother could have been a marriage partner for--Ms. Min?--but he didn't present himself, not that I'm aware of, so YBW in what I agree is an immature act of trying to "get back" at BY for refusing him, offers himself as a groom.  Anyway, that's how I see it...

And, yes, as @valentvcd correctly points out below, what happens in the drama must reflect what actually happened in history...  I think the original question was whether YBW's intention in offering marriage with Ms. Min was a political move... my response was that it was and it wasn't, had BY agreed to marry him, stand by his side, allow him to be her family, whatever you think he meant with his offer, I do not believe he would have offered to marry into the Min family.  It is only because BY had just rejected him so definitively he saw a way to perhaps hurt her and do something to help his father and the cause.  Had BY accepted him, I don't think he would have made the offer and then we would have a drama that didn't fit the history...


Morning Dragons, Ready for another awesome episode this writer has never miss a beat..


@chickpea,  Marrying Lady Min is his way to get back at BY period.. He will find some kind of way to make her regret her choice of not accepting him if she would have agreed he wouldn't have married anyone but her or stuck to her even if they couldn't marry.. 


Hi @nevill,   You never PM me the title to the song in that MV if you find time today can you please PM it to me Thanks..

Marrying Min was for his father to win nothing to get back at BY. He knows he offered her concubine status, the number 2. These the Goryeo times where men married and had mistresses but women were killed for doing the same. The concubines became dependent on the generosity of the man and his wife and family. Most first wives will not be generous especially if they are in love with their husband. I saw an excellent Chinese movie " The Womens' Pavilion" where the wife who did not want the "attentions" of her husband brought a young lady to be her husband's concubine. The opposite of this drama where the young wife will fall in love with her husband and also is a woman who is a daughter of an elite noble and powerful family. Will she be of accepting of the woman her husband is crazy in love with? What will BY regret that she did not become his concubine? I think she made a very brave although painful decision.

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@nevill I think JDJ is smart and knows that there is always a possibility of double spies infiltrating his organisation especially now that his plan has started and that the rest of the world, including enemies, know about its existence so it's the more reason to keep YH hidden since the situation is becoming more critical by every day.

About the BY/BW issue, I think BW brought up in episode 13 (I think?) when he was trying to figure out why she rejected him that maybe she was upset she would become the second wife (or at least that's what the translation said). Keep in mind, he said this even before Lady Min appeared in the picture. He said this even when the idea of marrying someone else didn't exist so BW was fairly aware of custum and social rules and that even if he loved BY he could never make her his legal/first wife and didn't hint at him wanting to change that. The way I see it, it's a matter of mostly emotions on BW's part while for BY it's about pride and priorities (reconciling her borther & dedicating herself to the greater cause of building a new world instead of leisurely indulging in love and feelings).

i agree i think that BW as a noble have the privilege of choosing emotions bf anything elso or alongside it

as DS told him he sees the present and the future through the eyes of a privileged person

about JDJ protecting YH i was wondering if the writers have more surprises for us - hence JDJ not revealing YH identity - just wondering thought  

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@nevill I think JDJ is smart and knows that there is always a possibility of double spies infiltrating his organisation especially now that his plan has started and that the rest of the world, including enemies, know about its existence so it's the more reason to keep YH hidden since the situation is becoming more critical by every day.

About the BY/BW issue, I think BW brought up in episode 13 (I think?) when he was trying to figure out why she rejected him that maybe she was upset she would become the second wife (or at least that's what the translation said). Keep in mind, he said this even before Lady Min appeared in the picture. He said this even when the idea of marrying someone else didn't exist so BW was fairly aware of custum and social rules and that even if he loved BY he could never make her his legal/first wife and didn't hint at him wanting to change that. The way I see it, it's a matter of mostly emotions on BW's part while for BY it's about pride and priorities (reconciling her borther & dedicating herself to the greater cause of building a new world instead of leisurely indulging in love and feelings).

I agree, JDJ will protect YH by not revealing who she is. Too many people already know of her. I also think there is more to them than just revolutionary comrades. He said she pushed him to do this and that and she did not feed him until he made a decision. I laughed at that. He described her like a nagging wife. I thought these women were tough boy.... they inspired their men, helped them do what they had to do, saved then when they had to but also drove them crazy. Even Madame CY and Monk JR have some male/female thing going on. I just love these characters.

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I agree, JDJ will protect YH by not revealing who she is. Too many people already know of her. I also think there is more to them than just revolutionary comrades. He said she pushed him to do this and that and she did not feed him until he made a decision. I laughed at that. He described her like a nagging wife. I thought these women were tough boy.... they inspired their men, helped them do what they had to do, saved then when they had to but also drove them crazy. Even Madame CY and Monk JR have some male/female thing going on. I just love these characters.

There's an arabic saying in my culture that goes along the lines of "behind every great man there's a woman". Women are not always in the spotlight but their role in shaping humanity's history since the dawn of time is undeniable. I'm glad this show is giving them the opportunity to shine through different characters and diverse personalities.

Oh and I was happy to see you mention Women's Pavillion in your previous post. I read the original book by Pearl Buck a few years ago and it's still one of my favourite books.

@valsava thank you unnie :) I'm happy to join all the amazing people in here

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