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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Hyun Soo said to Eun Dong "I love you" but i'm waiting for her reply *____* I think that there'll be an happy ending 'cause at the moment The Familiy writernim described in this SCRIPT is not reunited...The plot will make sense once Hyun Soo, Eun Dong and Ra Il are going to form a real family!

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From seungshin's translation:


EH I will go and come back

ED yes

ED hurry and go

ED shakes of something off his shoulder

ED even if you are late, eat properly

ED don’t eat snacks like gimbap

ED don’t eat only sweet things, need to eat sour things too

ED go, hurry

EH I’m scared this is a dream

ED it’s not a dream, I pinched myself earlier

EH you eat properly too, chew slowly

EH you’ve been rained on so avoid cold wind

ED yes

EH I will go

EH hugs ED

EH please don’t disappear again, ok?

ED yes

EH I will go now

ED oppa, be careful driving ok?

EH ok

ED please please be careful

EH ok I will be very very careful

ED don’t answer calls while driving never never

EH ok I will never never answer calls

ED waves goodbye

EH tells her to go in

EH gets in the van

EH drives off

---- Oh my God this is too sweet :wub: 



ED EH was here

MS from Namhae to here he came in all that rain?

ED I will live for him from now

ED I will do only do what makes him happy

ED I’m only going to think that way

MS RI and his father is not that simple

ED Everything I have to return everything back to their rightful places


---- Go Eun Dong that's my girl! Bring everything back to their rightful places! Show them what they deserve! Lol!

Goodnight chingus! 





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July 3, 2015

@seugshin:   Thank You!  Your recap is amazing! (p.235). And thank everyone for the videos and additional comments.  I don't think I have enough patience to wait for the Subbed version.  :)

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What a great episode: 

[spoiler alert]

. ED got all her memories back including what happened in the accident

. ED is/was honest and forthright as ever

. in the accident car, JH asks her if she slept with him and she says yes and that JH could have any girl he wants

. and JH says 'you and I, we end it here' so it was a bit of a suicide mission

. later when ED comes back from pension and tells JH she remembers everything that happened in the accident, JH still claims he was trying to protect her and the unborn child (so is this true or is he delusional?) and how did he know she was pregnant?  she would have been no more than a week (JH is delusional about the whole thing but that's been his defence and he will stick with it).

. their dreamy love night, what can I say?   the van was perfect

. ED tells MS that she will live for EH from now on

. EH tells ED (when he called the night after their night) he loves her and that he couldn't say it before they separated and it's been killing him for 10 years wanting to say it, that was just so romantic

I re-watched it without having to re-cap:

Hyun Bal and Eun Ho

. I think HB was all prepared to betray EH for more money with the new company CEO Jo set up

. that's what he was going to announce in that emergency meeting until his wife walked in and ended the meeting with the kick and a rip

. HB says to EH when 'they are in bed' I think we are fated. I think it's way of saying he will not be able to betray him

. I don't know if HB will leave his wife for the piano girl but I think the importance here is HB's relationship with EH

Jae Ho and Hyun Ah:

. we've heard JH tell HA he feels EH will take JE away from him and he needs something to bind JE to him which he doesn't have now

. that made HA suspicious of RI's parentage but it's when JH says 'I want to kill him' that HA comes to her senses, that scared her which it should

. I trust HA will reveal the DNA evidence at the appropriate time

Jae Ho and Eun Dong

. I truly believe JH believes himself without a doubt that he broke himself into pieces to save ED and the baby - he is delusional, yes, but that's his reality

. when they are arguing at the end ED tells him she remembers everything and he asks if she remembers what he did to save her and the baby

. then he says you probably don't remember that because 'it lives in my memory only.'

Eun Dong and Eun Ho

. Eun Ho tells ED he loves her

. ED says to MS, she will now live for Eun Ho, she will do whatever makes him happy

. I trust they will stay true to each other till the end, whether they get their happy ending or not will depend on JH and SR

. JH tells ED in that 'broken mirror' conversation 'he may (not will) kill Eun Ho if she sees him again'


. We talked at lengths about the frequency in use and meaning of the word death in Korean language.

. but watching EP 11, I am now thinking about 'death' in a different light for this drama

. I feel now we will have some kind of 'death' or 'attempted death' in this drama before it ends

. I recall SR saying to EH at a bar, after he confirms JE is ED, about Bermuda Triangle, 

. SR said, it will end when one of us dies (ED, EH or SR?)

. when EH said to ED, 'let's go till the end until someone dies' I interpreted that to mean 'until forever' between ED and EH

. now I wonder if EH was referring to someone dying or almost dying as in someone between EH, ED or JH or SR?

. with all that said, I hate to say this because I think this drama is not going to get so dark, but there will be dark moments before the bright light comes and there will be some kind of attempted death or attempted killing between EH and JH or SR and ED and I think JH or SR will end up being the victim  (I don't think he or she will necessarily die but at least she or he will injured and exited from the show)

. their emotions are too raw and this is a zero sum love game.  Something will have to give to take ease the built up tension in this hot pressure cooker.

. at the end I believe there will be happy ending for ED and EH because if not, the whole premise of the story 'fated love' will not be able to stand.

. ED and EH have had to go through the separation and pain to find and keep their love, if they don't end up together intact then there will be no fated love story, I truly believe that and I believe the writer-nim sees that too.  She will not go makjang.


I love that already in Preview for EP 12, EH has gone to the house and brought ED to his house. She's wearing same clothes from when she was arguing and cut her finger with JH, including when the MIL comes and slaps her, it's the same clothes.

What a great episode !!!!!!!!!!!!

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@oyeleyeolusina,  Now I remember if JH seeks to take custody of RA II he would loose either way it goes.. I just was thinking about the movie Madonna did with Rupert Everette The next best thing.. In this case Abbey had sex with her gay friend after she was dump by her longtime boyfriend.. She end up pregnant thinking it was the gay guy's because he was the last one..

He went threw the whole pregnancy ordeal plus the birth of the baby and they all lived as a family about the length of time as ED and JH same thing goes for he was listed as the father on the birth certificate. Once it was discovered he wasn't the fathered the birth certificated becomes nothing but trash it's not usable no more in his favor in this case against him because he knew and when the real father showed up his rights to the child was established.. But any judge in they right mind would ask why wasn't the real father contacted about his child.. JH can't say because he was bad because he would have to explain how he was bad from his point of view which is stupid because she have the right to choose any man she wants god or bad it's her choice not for him to make that choice for her by trying to kill her..               

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Question for my native Koreans. What's more important marriage loyalty or blood loyalty. When the Korean public finds out that JEH is dating a married woman, I know they will be outraged, buy how do you think they will react if it comes out that RI is JEH's son? Will they sympathize with JEH?

Of course if they find out RI is JEH's son, it's game over for JH.  Blood is thicker than anything I believe, not just in Korea but every where.  Korea has higher divorce rates than most western countries but no one condones extra marital affairs I don't think.  Until the smoke clears EH will go through some public humiliation and ED will be a victim of that I'm sure.  SR will make sure of it.

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JH is truly delusional deranged crazy man. ED having her memory back JH  knows she knows exact what happen in that accident. What I think JH's meaning to ED was he saved ED and her unborn child and gave them a better life then EH would have. . As I said before JH thinks of himself as the better man compared to EH. To justify his actions and deceit he believes he saved ED and her unborn child because he gave them what he considers a better life.

ED  has two men who love her. EH's love is pure and JH's love is sick and dangerous. Only a mentally unstable person would do the things he's done and doing. JH's crazy side has been dormant for 10 years because he had what he wanted and considered was his.. Now that EH is back in the picture his undercover crazy side is emerging.. JH will do whatever it takes and use whatever means it  takes to keep ED and RA with him. Even if it mean using RA to do it. 



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Hello chingus... it has been a while since I came to Soompi and a lot has changed but I still see the familiar names posting. Life caught up with me plus a new job that kept me busy. I finally found time to check the drama lists and saw this one and I was hooked again!

Anyways, I just want to drop by and share my thoughts

- On their kissing scene, I was looking at how comfortable ED was kissing HS without tip toeing. I was thinking, "wow! ED grew so much taller after giving birth! All I got after giving birth was BIGGER FEET and about 75lbs!!" LOL

- Their sweet night in the van, I have to keep telling myself it was not JH wild imagination, but something that really happened.

- I think JH is in so much stress about ED leaving him that he did not realize he was revealing his thoughts out loud to HS sister. I am glad RI inherited so much of HS that even his parents are noticing it. My father left when my brother was 1 year old and they never saw each other, but they are so much alike, not just physically, but mannerisms and preferences. So I guess it does run in the genes

- Do you think they sent JH and ED to the US right away after the accident? Did ED woke up in the US if that is the only place she remembers being at after the accident? ED should look for a marriage registration in Korea or a marriage license in the US. Maybe they have these things because they would need to process RI passport and stuff. Their marriage is not valid anyway and can be annulled since they never copulate, ED had a son with another man (can be proven with DNA testing), she was kidnapped and was told a lot of lies. ED only slaved for JH, taking care of him.

- Why is ED's adoptive father approaching a reporter to say that the book was all lies? What does he have anything to do with book? Does it mean he is admitting that ED is ED? Is ED the only ED in korea??? That only shows he is admitting his crimes.

I really like this drama, the writer is a genius. The pace is awesome.

Hi to all my soompi chingus. I will try to visit once in  a while. Take care everyone.


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Question for my native Koreans. What's more important marriage loyalty or blood loyalty. When the Korean public finds out that JEH is dating a married woman, I know they will be outraged, buy how do you think they will react if it comes out that RI is JEH's son? Will they sympathize with JEH?

Of course if they find out RI is JEH's son, it's game over for JH.  Blood is thicker than anything I believe, not just in Korea but every where.  Korea has higher divorce rates than most western countries but no one condones extra marital affairs I don't think.  Until the smoke clears EH will go through some public humiliation and ED will be a victim of that I'm sure.  SR will make sure of it.


@seungshin,  This is why we need her to go public and tells what happen this will help her and EH and my adopted parents I don't think I wouldn't talk to anymore if mom don't come to my side she forget all about the child she adopted but I think the woman will do the right thing.. Her and her husband may fall out behind but this is her way of ridding her guilt..  

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@seungshin,Thanks for the translation,and the revised preview

I knew it that JH is out to destroy PHS he feels that PHS destroyed his life he will destroy his if ED leaves and SR is no better EH never lead her on she's is no different then JH she wants to destroy the mans company and having him removed from the lead.. I guess her and JH didn't listen well at all because PHS said he was never interested in movies or dramas in got into it to find ED..  He will give up everything he have for her.....      

@valsava, yes after EP 11, I'm convinced both JH and SR are delusional in serious mental health way which makes them very dangerous.  They live in their own realities and make decisions based on what they believe to be real.  EH will have to do something and quick.  I hope he, ED or RI do not get hurt.  I'm think HA, DG, MS and HB will be big help.  Writer-him made those four integral part of ED EH RI and JH's life for purpose I have to believe.  

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Question for my native Koreans. What's more important marriage loyalty or blood loyalty. When the Korean public finds out that JEH is dating a married woman, I know they will be outraged, buy how do you think they will react if it comes out that RI is JEH's son? Will they sympathize with JEH?

Of course if they find out RI is JEH's son, it's game over for JH.  Blood is thicker than anything I believe, not just in Korea but every where.  Korea has higher divorce rates than most western countries but no one condones extra marital affairs I don't think.  Until the smoke clears EH will go through some public humiliation and ED will be a victim of that I'm sure.  SR will make sure of it.

@seungshin,  This is why we need her to go public and tells what happen this will help her and EH and my adopted parents I don't think I would talk to anymore of mom to come to my side she forget all about the child she adopted nut I think the woman will do the right thing.. Her and her husband may fall out behind but this is her way of ridding her guilt..  

Not sure they need to do anything public, in fact the threat of going public with their misdeeds may have better effect for both CJH and JSR who care about their reputation and status in life.

ED and EH don't care about the public opinion, they just want their little private life.  Though going public may find ED's mom.  I want that to happen for her.  Otherwise, EH has to quash JH and SR in a big way whatever it takes, private or public.  I think EH can do it on his own.  He has hutzpa.

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I love that already in Preview for EP 12, EH has gone to the house and brought ED to his house. She's wearing same clothes from when she was arguing and cut her finger with JH, including when the MIL comes and slaps her, same clothes

What a great episode !!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if ED told him she was leaving and he called his mom over to try and stop her

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I think, the father's attempt going public might backfire on him and JH. JH said, it was a mistake to use the sponsor event... so it doesn't serve JH's interests if this matter is revealed. He knows, EH's paternity could be revealed. Morever, ED has first recollected her past.

By the way, did the stepfather mistreat ED in the past?   

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Ok someone was saying ED could have only been a week pregnant when they found out I don't think so I think ED was maybe a month going into her second.. ED and PHS first time was the night of the phone booth kiss the date night.. The 3D2N trip was a month later.. Come on didn't you see how they was looking at each other when she was testing the elders that was they first time..        

I thought EH said they went on that 2N3D trip 3 days after the phone booth kiss/first night during the 'we loved to death' conversation in the car.  May be I am recalling wrong.  May be the car accident was 3 days after the 2N3D trip :)


Okay it makes me wonder just why that evil MIL is slapping ED?  I can't wait to hear that part - perhaps ED tells her where to stick her evil self - like in the back-end of a donkey maybe?  

I have misgivings now that we know the real colors of JH.  He intentionally caused the crash thinking that if he can't have her, nobody can.  Jeez, I hope he ends up in jail for it....I really do.  How can she leave RI with him?  If it was me, I'd grab my kid and walk out the door straight to EH "Hasta la vista creep - my lawyer will be calling you!"

Being honest ED that she is always no matter what, ED probably told mother in law truth whatever the question. she doesn't love her husband?  she's leaving him?  she loves someone else?  That ED I think the only time she ever lied is for HS at the police station and the juvenile court.


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@seungshin,Thanks for the translation,and the revised preview

I knew it that JH is out to destroy PHS he feels that PHS destroyed his life he will destroy his if ED leaves and SR is no better EH never lead her on she's is no different then JH she wants to destroy the mans company and having him removed from the lead.. I guess her and JH didn't listen well at all because PHS said he was never interested in movies or dramas in got into it to find ED..  He will give up everything he have for her.....      

@valsava, yes after EP 11, I'm convinced both JH and SR are delusional in serious mental health way which makes them very dangerous.  They live in their own realities and make decisions based on what they believe to be real.  EH will have to do something and quick.  I hope he, ED or RI do not get hurt.  I'm think HA, DG, MS and HB will be big help.  Writer-him made those four integral part of ED EH RI and JH's life for purpose I have to believe.  

@seungshin,  We need the two cousins to do some quick thinking because right now EH really don't see all the evil forces around him all he sees is ED and SR will try and have him sent to China to get rid of ED and RA II this were we need the cousins to think of some place safe to hide them if they can't hideout at EH's parents and ED can't go home because her ignorant father really believe that she's that cause of JH being in that chair when he did it to himself..  Yes but SR and JH have lived as these privilege kids and thinks they world is all that matters and everyone evolves around them..   

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HB wife is just a gangster, the kick on the balls but what I found most funny about that scene is that in K-drama, we always hear some character threatening another character when they are talking richard simmons that they would rip/tear their mouth  but HB's wife was literally going to do that to HB if she wasn't stopped by HS. 

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I think, the father's attempt going public might backfire on him and JH. JH said, it was a mistake to use the sponsor event... so it doesn't serve JH's interests if this matter is revealed. He knows, EH's paternity could be revealed. Morever, ED has first recollected her past.

By the way, did the stepfather mistreat ED in the past?   

It's interesting how every time SR and JH (evil) try to do something it turns out in favour of the good (ED and EH).  So once again I have to put faith in the dad's accusation of the book being a lie (evil) will work in favour of the good as well.

ED's father is neglectful and unloving to ED, I don't believe he's abused her in other ways.  Yes she's scared of him, in the way a child who gets reprimanded all the time without affection can become.

But I do realize people have differing views about the level of abuse by ED's father toward her.  

He just totally is convinced JH was and is the right guy for ED.  No matter what.  He's the biggest defender and protector of JH at the biggest expense of ED.

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JH is truly delusional deranged crazy man. ED having her memory back JH  knows she knows exact what happen in that accident. What I think JH's meaning to ED was he saved ED and her unborn child and gave them a better life then EH would have. . As I said before JH thinks of himself as the better man compared to EH. To justify his actions and deceit he believes he saved ED and her unborn child because he gave them what he considers a better life.

ED  has two men who love her. EH's love is pure and JH's love is sick and dangerous. Only a mentally unstable person would do the things he's done and doing. JH's crazy side has been dormant for 10 years because he had what he wanted and considered was his.. Now that EH is back in the picture his undercover crazy side is emerging.. JH will do whatever it takes and use whatever means it  takes to keep ED and RA with him. Even if it mean using RA to do it. 



@awsparkle,  This why we don't need the sister sitting on those DNA results granted she may get in trouble but she saving the live of three people that JH lies have rip apart because of his sick and crazy love.. I hope HA can be of help to ED and have her filing some kind of protective order against JH because he's capable of trying to kill and he has threaten her and the child father he has already told her he wants to destroy him.. Next is to the nearest lawyer office. 


What do you think about the adopted dad going to a reporter claiming the book is all lies.. You can tell he knows nothing about ED but was very abusive towards her.. I think Ed was abused by her adopted dad JH and JH mom especially since she had no memory of what her life was like before.. I took JH breaking that mirror isn't the first time the nut job have displayed his anger and scared the hell out of her.. He may be one of those types that was watching her sleep and woke her up threatening if you leave me I kill you an nobody would believe you because what can I do I'm in a chair..  JH is sick and twisted like that..       

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The rain reunion and dreamy love-scene (it's not just JH's imagination,- it's true, right?, pls let me know)..it;s kinda too perfect and textbook-like to me, I admit.


But seeing a half-naked JJM and his tender/passionate kissing..it's always welcome :phew::phew::phew::phew:


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