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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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“I knew beforehand that my character wouldn’t have a romance, but when I saw everyone acting lovey-dovey, I got annoyed,” he laughs. “When I saw them trying out different ways to act out the love scenes, I thought it was too much. If I had to do it, I don’t think I could stomach it.” - Soompi: Lee Dong Hwi on Star1

*dies laughing* I dig it.

For some reason, it makes me imagine that the others were off to the center of the dance floor trying to figure out how to do their love scenes, while he scowls to the side. I know this isn't what happened.... but "I can't help [imagin]~ing". 

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5 hours ago, mojobobo said:

Has this been posted? Can I post this here?? (Please don't shoot me :tears:) If anyone is offended let me know I will edit this post. 



Fansign!!! Wonder if they will dress up in the Ssangmundong clothes or as themselves ahahah!

YAAAAY I was waiting for them to fulfill the promises they made during the live chat (because that means we get to see more of our OT5 :D). Visiting schools might be difficult but the fansign sounded reasonable so I was waiting for that!

When they made the promise they said they'd do the fansign in their Reply 1988 get-up and I'm actually hoping for that tbh :lol:

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22 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

I was trying to tidy up my laptop's folder then I stumbled upon these picts. I even made a folder for these, BWAHAHAA.

They are all so adorkable, I just wanted to share XD

Mod Edit: Do not quote pictures.

Puppies!!!  OMG, cuteness overload.  This is hazardous to your health, it should come with a warning label.

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To be fair,


I am rewatching..


Equal chances to both JH and T - JH always had the first strike

And its brilliant and b'ful how every Taike- DS scene, before they start to go out..basically those interactions that make DS realize her more than friendly feelings for Taike, ALWAYS have an exact same scene with JH and on timeline, JH's scene happened before Taike's.


And all those scenes bring out the same thing -

How Taeke never shied away from her, how he was never confused, never hesitated, and was clear about her...did not bother who thinks what.. but his feelings, thinking and actions were just as simple.. "I like her and I care for her"..


1. The first kiss scene.. well Taeke opens his eyes, sees her, she opens her eyes...and he dives in for a kiss

JH: Ep 11: they sleep on the same bed, he opens his eyes, and keeps looking at her, she opens her eyes.. and I think its a subtle way of showing how DS had to take a lead to initiate conversation other than bickering.. (but what i like is.. JH always had the first chance)

2. The photograph scene - again in comparison DS's reaction is same in both case.. but difference lies in JS and T - T is less hesitant

3. Damn the world..both of them have loved her forever without anyone else realizing anything

4. When DR and SW are making fun of DS as 'woman'.. T still confidently accepts that she is a woman .. JH has that shy lauch (you know best friends are making fun of something, in good spirit, i smile nervously)

5. Beach- DS makes fun of T and very very very confidently he tell her.. he is the man!.. (there is a subtle undertone of maybe he means man in a romantic sense..as in I am man and you are a woman sense) 

6. oh so wow .. taking DS in arm scene -  I really can;t believe the genius of this creative team

DS has fractured her leg, T comes..offers piggy ride himself..and she hesitates so lift her and runs

Ep 13: JH and DS coming back home..she sprains her ankles..he chastises her..and see how he offers his arm... and is grumpy and shy... again a stark difference and JH had the first chance..

JH gets frustrated at DS's idiocacy.. and man has quite some patience to believe..(that a woman who steps out of her door, sees its raining, runs inside to get her lunchbox, walks out..and when rain actually falls on her..does she realize that its raining..not by seeing that it is actually raining..) ... will figure it out herself



So what do I make out of it?

Q: What made JH not act? specially during the phase when DS was so smitten.. why was there always something holding him back? Once SW confusion cleared, JH did try to make his move (telling her to think why he acts the way he does, not to go on date, xmas gift) but immediately T confessed and JH took a step back


- Do we say everyone loved T more...(they kind of did).. and would make any sacrifice for him?

- Was it just wrong for someone so introvert as JH to fall for a no brain DS? Infact, had DS confessed...would he have the guts to not panic and run away?

- I understand T's sacrifice - he gave up on the girl when he realized JH's feelings. He didn't say anything to him because he would have negated the feelings. And even after 6 years...he went and took his permission..

BUT what about JH.. he always knew T liked her...then why did T not make a move with DS.. even after 6 years why were all single.. why was T going on dates... given these facts..Why did JH not approach DS .. WHY? What was stopping him..


- As far as DS is concerned.. i never felt or think she was in love with T from the beginning...all her actions are mirrored by other boys when they are taking care of T... so while he looks like this mature, powerful, genius man in public..he looks like a cute baby amongst 5 of them.. and he is literally a baby to all of them like jin woo is.. (JH wiping food off his cheek, DR helping him wear the shirt, all would always eagerly wait for his calls) .. the 4 were T's window to life..

DS got rejected twice- SW and JH.. and as we see hasn't particularly been lucky with guys... and was it because of that that T happened.. well as personalities T definitely matches her the most.. where she is not the inferior one in the relationship.. she is not the dumb one.. she is important..important enough for the other person to start having sleep problems without her..and important enough for him to not shy away from showing or saying it.. 

The only message that seems to come out, priorities in life: family, friendship, love in that order :P


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tumblr_o0n74r5Fcf1qkb8gwo4_400.gif tumblr_o0n74r5Fcf1qkb8gwo2_400.gif


Hyeri on her first kiss scene (part 2)

"When we incidentally filmed it just right, I came to understand that 'Ahh, actors think about these things when they're filmed'. It wasn't any different than other acting [we've done]. When I tried thinking about how I should do things during filming and whether I would be trembling like a teen, it felt like we acted it out just like that.

Bo Gum Oppa took the lead with me a lot," she explained.


Translation // Kiss

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I expect this to be an unpopular post, but . . . 

This is just my view on stuff, and I expect that people think very differently and that is okay.

I've said before I don't have a fan mindset, I will love a character because he/she is  the end result of a combination of acting directing and writing.  If the work is good I'll look in on the artist's next project to see if there is something that I like. After liking a series of that artist works I'll show more patience until I'm sure it just doesn't work for me, (Talking about Hyde Jekyll, Me).

In between projects I don't really care what artists wear, drink, or drive.  And I don't care about who they date. 

I think that their creative product stand alone, and interviews on interpretation or how they feel about the work adds nothing to the product itself. However interviews on their creative process can be illuminating. Unfortunately most post-production interviews are rarely substantive and are just food for fans.

Most performative arts are collaborative with everyone add a different perspective to the material. 

As much as I enjoy the script analysis on R1988, and do believe the writer's structure was deliberative, I am convinced that some of the connections that is there wasn't laid it consciously by the writer. Once a writer is immersed in a world she/he has created there are things that will be done deliberately and others that will be done subconsciously because the writer's pyche is in sync with that world.  Another person might notice the connection and only when it is brought to the writer attention he/she will see it.

Once the writer has given the foundation all the other collaborative arts add interpretation, supporting the writer's intention, to add complexity to the product. 

After the team is done then comes the work of the audience. It is the audience's job to look at what is there and come up with a coherent interpreation.

You might notice that most artist in most mediums demur from giving interpretation of their work.  The better/more challenging  the artist the less likely they will explain their work. That is because by offering their meaning (which would be seen as definitive) they are limiting the interpretation of their work and its meaning to a variety of audiences.  The interpretation in the audience's responsibility and the  domain of PhD candidates in English, theatre, film and cultural studies.

So I think asking an writer, director, actor to share their process produces useful information, asking for interpretation is like asking for answers to the quiz.

Beyond asking artist to explain/justify their work, it seems to me the demands that certain fandom puts on artist is just humanly unbearable.

As much as I love BTS video, when I think of the artist at work trying to figure something out a moment while being film I just cringe. It makes me pity the introverts who find themselves with an immense fandom who desire for fan service can never be satisfied.

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Hi guys, Happy Monday! Here's another translation of a Hyeri interview:


"Eung-Pal's Hyeri says, 'Of course Dun-Sun's Husband was Taek From the Beginning"


There is a person who smiles brightly when someone calls her "Duk-Sun-Ah." She is Girls' Day member Hyeri who received a lot of popularity in the drama "Answer Me 1988."

Hyeri starred in that drama which concluded on the 16th. "Answer Me 1988" was a comic family drama of five family who lived on the same street in Ssang-Mun-Dong, Seoul.

Hyeri played Duk-Sun, who was crushed/squeezed by her older sister Bora, crashed into by her little brother No-Eul, the daughter of Sung Dong-Il and Lee Il-Hwa. She had many sorrows, but she was a happy and outgoing high school student.

From the beginning, she put aside her vanity and played up her unique easy-going charms which captured the viewers' hearts. Thanks to her, Eung-Pal (R88) became became a hit, and she gained popularity too. She said, "for the last 2 months, I think I slept an average of 3 hours per night." But she didn't look tired, she looked energetic.

After shooting ended, she came back from her trip to Phuket. "I really received a lot of love, so I didn't feel tired at all while shooting."

"I feel like I did my best during shooting. That's why I feel like it ended happily. Rather than feeling sorry that it ended, I felt like it ended well. So I feel fulfilled."

The show became more centered on Hyeri after the middle. It became about finding Duk-Sun's husband. The viewers were curious whether it would be Taek or Jung-Hwan. The result was Taek, and a section of the viewers were disappointed that it was not JH. Hyeri said about the husband-hunt, "It was Taek from the beginning." Why was it Taek?

"From the first episode, Duk-Sun's heart belonged to Taek. He distracted her, and she wanted to take care of him. That feeling was love."

So it was Taek from the beginning. But until it was confirmed, you couldn't conclude that it was him with 100% certainty. It was a confusing husband-hunt, and Hyeri nodded, "Yes, that could be true."

"If you ask, "Why Taek?" that must be because I didn't properly portray her feelings (towards Taek). I didn't know he was going to be my husband. The writer and the PD didn't tell me. If I had known, I wonder if I could have performed so that more viewers could understand."

After Taek was revealed to be the husband, the audience was still confused. There were some viewers who expected a final twist. Hyeri confessed that she was confused, too.

"It's true that I was confused as well. So I had a lot of talks with the writer and the PD. But my confusion was DS's as well. The way a young girl loves is different than a way that an adult loves. So I had to persuade myself."

When asked who she would pick if she had the choice between Taek and JH, she made hand-motions and answered, "I will never pick one." When asked to pick one from the Ssang-Mun-Dong Eagle boys, she answered, "It changes from time to time."

"I really can't pick one. I wish I can mix 1/2 Taek and 1/2 JH, then I will become totally smitten. I've been asked this many times, and I really can't pick. It's agonizing."

When Hyeri was first cast, there were some who were worried. There are strong prejudices towards idols who become actors. Despite that, Shin PD cast Hyeri anyway. She said she had no idea she would be picked.

"I auditioned for this part. The PD remembered me from 'Real Men: Female Edition.' I think he looked at whether I was faking it in front of the cameras or not. He even told me, "I haven't thought about anyone else being Duk-Sun but you." But I still didn't know I would really be cast in this series. It's a project with a lot of issues, so I auditioned without expecting to be picked. I think that was an advantage for me. I was happy."


My thoughts: well, she basically says the same stuff in about 5 other interviews of hers I read. She's being a pro and good for her. I do believe her when she says she was surprised to learn that Taek was the husband.

I think there will always be a segment of the viewers who aren't happy with the way R88 ended. The typical K-Drama formula is that there are big arrows pointing out who the OTP are, and the enjoyment comes from the anticipation of seeing them get together, while they overcome obstacles (nasty mother-in-law, wealth/class disparity, unworthy interlopers, amnesia, etc.) And once the OTP get together, we need confirmation. Marriage or babies or both. Definitely one or the other.

We got neither. DS and Taek almost immediately became an old married couple once they got together. Holding hands and walking around the block. Sitting in his car. Bickering about money or drinking. He gave her a gold turtle! That's a retirement gift for Grandpas.

So R88 didn't give us the typical formula, and I honestly think that's what makes it special. There's no villain, secret chaebol heir, and no one beat anyone up. (Well, there was that awesome fight in the episode with No-Eul's girlfriend, but that was more funny than bloody. Oh, and Taek did cold-c0ck Duk-Sun that one time. Ha ha.)

I don't think they defied the formula just to spite viewers, I think they simply wanted to tell a different story. I think Jung-Hwan's story is one of the greatest bildungsromans ever (evolution from dog-to-man). He suffers great heartbreak, but accepts it with grace. That is an incredibly mature storyline that I don't feel like has been given enough credit, because everyone is so focused on why this drama didn't end in the typical K-Drama way. And I think the relationship between Jung-Hwan and Taek one of the greatest bromances ever. You can call both guys' sacrifice "noble idiocy," but I'll just call it "noble."

I think Ryu Joon-Yeol's reaction, "I am sad JH was not the husband. I personally would have confessed to DS faster and made her mine" totally natural. Of course he feels that way. He played a boy in love with a girl, of course he wants to have her in the end. He is being true to his character.

The same goes for Ra Miran - she felt like she was really JH's mom, so when his heart is broken, hers broke, too. That's how a real mom would feel. She doesn't care if they're not the right couple, all she's gonna know is that somebody hurt her baby. I think it's cool that she feels that way.

So my conclusion is: I think R88 was a very narratively satisfying show to watch. It may not have been satisfying to those who expected a specific result. But I truly feel that they simply told a good story and followed through on their vision from the beginning without compromising. I think that makes it a special show and one of the best I've seen.

One other thing I wanted to mention was that in a love-triangle with a girl and two boys, how the girl feels is always the determining factor, a concept that I feel is often overlooked when discussing this type of love-triangle which are a staple of K-Dramas. We can talk forever about why JH or Taek did make moves (or didn't), but it was Duk-Sun who called the shots every time.

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7 hours ago, chickfactor said:

My thoughts: well, she basically says the same stuff in about 5 other interviews of hers I read. She's being a pro and good for her. I do believe her when she says she was surprised to learn that Taek was the husband.

I think there will always be a segment of the viewers who aren't happy with the way R88 ended. The typical K-Drama formula is that there are big arrows pointing out who the OTP are, and the enjoyment comes from the anticipation of seeing them get together, while they overcome obstacles (nasty mother-in-law, wealth/class disparity, unworthy interlopers, amnesia, etc.) And once the OTP get together, we need confirmation. Marriage or babies or both. Definitely one or the other.

We got neither. DS and Taek almost immediately became an old married couple once they got together. Holding hands and walking around the block. Sitting in his car. Bickering about money or drinking. He gave her a gold turtle! That's a retirement gift for Grandpas.

So R88 didn't give us the typical formula, and I honestly think that's what makes it special. There's no villain, secret chaebol heir, and no one beat anyone up. (Well, there was that awesome fight in the episode with No-Eul's girlfriend, but that was more funny than bloody.)

I don't think they defied the formula just to spite viewers, I think they simply wanted to tell a different story. I think Jung-Hwan's story is one of the greatest bildungsromans ever (evolution from dog-to-man). He suffers great heartbreak, but accepts it with grace. That is an incredibly mature storyline that I don't feel like has been given enough credit, because everyone is so focused on why this drama didn't end in the typical K-Drama way. And I think the relationship between Jung-Hwan and Taek one of the greatest bromances ever. You can call both guys' sacrifice "noble idiocy," but I'll just call it "noble."

Thanks for sharing your interpretation.

 Hyeri said about the husband-hunt, "It was Taek from the beginning." Why was it Taek?

"From the first episode, Duk-Sun's heart belonged to Taek. He distracted her, and she wanted to take care of him. That feeling was love."

Of course it was Taek from the start and it will always be Taek into the far future.  Social science research supports the writer's outcome.   The key to a happy long-lasting relationship is not a square jawline, or hot body. It is communication skills, kindness and generosity.  Communication skills go well beyond what your partner is saying to what your partner is meaning.  It is about understanding your partner's needs and fullfilling them. JH never pick up on, or responded to DS needs for affirmation as an overlooked middle-child. When she made bids for attention, JH never once responded.  

Taek on the other hand always met DS needs in a way that did not lower her self-esteem. 

He followed her to the restaurant bathroom twice, 

-the flasher was a known entity, so he followed her just in case the first time

-even after they and sent the flasher running DS was still nervous about going to the bathroom alone (who could have missed the table shaking from her nervous legs) he followed her even though logically she had no reason to be afraid, but she needed protection and he could see hat.

-Whenever he did something for her, he never insisted she surrender her pride to get what she needed.  When it was clear she needed his jacket and was afraid/uncertain to ask he gave it to her and framed it as a favor to himself so that she could get what she needed and keep her pride intact. 

-Additionally, DS's ability to take care of Taek was a great part of she sense of competency.  That is one of the reason Taek allowed her to do it. A lot of people have mentioned the first China trip and how DS got to see Taek as a titan in his profession. (the titan is my language, but you get the idea)

-Fewer people have mentioned how we also got to see DS at the peak of her competency. Her gnawing on the duck head like a chicken leg came up, but few mention how effectively she packed to take care of Taek's needs.  I'm sure Taek's father didn't give her any instructions but DS brought all the necessity she need from Taek's home and her own to make sure he was taken care of.  She happily sorted his clothes so that it was easy for him to dress presentably, and in a foreign country where she didn't speak the language she was able to forage for all Taek would need to do his job well.  That sense of accomplishment would have increased her sense of worth.  Being with and doing for Taek increases DS well-being.    

The research on compatibility for success in long term relationships.


Some sections that explains why, despite JH's deep crush on DS, why Taek not JH was the healthy long-lasting choice for DS.

The bid is an initiation of interaction (Driver and Gottman 2004). It is the way a person expresses “I want to feel connected to you,” although it may have an endless variety of forms and content. That is, bids are often not a literal request for attention and connection but may be ostensibly about something else.  The bid may be verbal or nonverbal. A bid may be extended nonverbally, for example with a touch (maybe playful or flirty), a facial expression (a smile, a roll of the eyes, or cocked eyebrows), or a sound (a laugh, sigh, or snort). If the person chooses to connect by verbal means, the form might be a question, a simple statement of perceived fact, an explicit invitation, or a fragment of a thought or feeling. A bid can be laced with an emotional overtone using tone of voice, word choice, or expression.

The response is how the other person handles the bid. Besides the specific content, a response can communicate that the respondent is paying attention to and cares about the bidder. Intimate partners generally expect their bids to be met with understanding and empathy.   Responses can be characterized as turning toward, turning away from, or turning against the bidder (Driver and Gottman 2004). A partner who turns toward may acknowledge the other’s statement, make eye contact, or touch the other’s hand. A partner who ignores the other’s statement or averts eye contact is turning away. Turning against the other may involve active negative responses such as responding contemptuously to a statement.

Taek always turned towards DS's bids and DS always turned towards Taek's bids. --coffee, water, warm water:blush:

JH never turned towards DS bids in ways she understood. When he did respond to her requests (McD and the gloves), it was unsuccessful because they did not have a shared language and JH never explained what he was doing. DS was disinclined to make assumptions because she had been wrong about SW action previously. For instance she saw SW as someone who was interested in her and assumed that it would be a no brainer to get him to join the boys in the dance contest. SW participated because they were friends and the other boys were doing it.  DS was once bitten and left shy about assuming a guys unstated interests.

Below characterize some of JH's way of interacting with DS which are deadly for relationships:

Put downs. At times, negative interpretations can devolve into verbalized insults, such as if Jim had said “You did not take out the trash because you are lazy.” Now, he has not only made a negative assumption, but he has also verbalized it into a full-fledged insult. Contemptuous put-downs are destructive to emotional connection and are linked to the failure of relationships (Gottman et al. 1998). These can be plain or indirect but often involve ridicule or sarcasm. Just like “sticks and stones,” words can hurt. Couples can avoid this by taking a moment to calm down and think, and trying to reframe the situation before they allow themselves to say things they may later regret.

Avoidance or withdrawal. Avoidance or withdrawal occurs when one partner shows they are unwilling to start or continue an interaction. This pattern is also called “stonewalling” (Gottman and Levenson 1992) and occurs when one partner just “checks out” of the conflict while the other remains or wants to remain engaged.  

While Taek excelled at these skills that nurture and grow relationships.

Keep it soft. Partners who master the ability to communicate “softly,” without being highly aggressive, contemptuous, or insulting, are more likely to get positive rather than negative responses. Those who use gentle humor and playfulness in their efforts and liberally sprinkle it throughout their interactions are more likely to have quality relationships that last (Driver and Gottman 2004). When most of a couple’s interactions can be characterized as having a soft-start up and using humor, their connection is generally strong even if they also are high in conflicts (Gottman 1993). This can provide a solid foundation for difficult times.

Keep it safe. The ways in which partners interact contributes to the emotional environment of the relationship. Healthy relationships require creating an environment of mutual care and validation (Coyne and Smith 1994). For example, being mostly engaged (as opposed to withdrawing), validating feelings and intentions, soothing, and unjudgemental in couple interactions are likely to create a safe environment where intimacy can flourish (Gottman 1994a). Honest, loving communication should be framed positively, without contemptuousness, blame, or sarcasm. Contemptuousness and criticism are highly predictive of relationship instability (Gottman 1994).

Keep it positive. A predominance of positive interactions is important if communication is to connect rather than isolate and alienate. A pattern of positive emotional interaction is built up over time (Fredrickson 2001). The amount of positive affect partners show one another, especially during conflict situations, is highly predictive of happy and stable relationships (Gottman et al. 1998). The emotional tone of everyday interactions seems to build a foundation for how positive couples will be during conflict (Driver and Gottman 2004). Generally, positive individuals care about how their partner’s day went and how they are feeling. They try to make their partner feel good about themselves. They try to be romantic and fun with their partner. When having disagreements, they attempt to be patient and understanding with their spouse and cooperative when resolving disputes. A positive response does not always mean saying “yes” or agreeing. But it does mean responding in an attentive way that is respectful of the other’s basic need for connection.

This of course is western social science research.  Maybe Korean long term partner relationship require less support.  I wouldn't want to make assumptions either was since I am not of that culture--nor would I want to impose my cultural norms or ideas on anyone.

On a different note.

The actors did their work and as the use to say, "it's in the can." Feel bad that some members of the creative team feel pressured to explain, justify, apologize or share their dissatisfaction with the public after they  spent, ". . . the last 2 months [and] . . . slept an average of 3 hours per night" creating a wonderful piece of television.

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This is my first time posting here coz this series ruined my peaceful life :bawling:. Is it just me who keeps on watching this drama over and over again. Its been a while that i have been addicted to drama all thanks to R88. I really cant get over it. I was not interested with this series before but R88 made me hooked for it. Its really a heart warming drama, being nostalgic and all. It brings back my childhood memories and this series gave me a roller coaster of emotions. Because of this series i tried to watch R97 but for me i prefer R88 may be because im older now. Can someone tell me how can i deal with my drama withdrawal. :bawling::bawling::bawling:

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@moonkeeper OMG Moon thanks so much for bringing this up

The title of Ep 17 : The Irony of Life - Part 2



What are those boxes? Our genius @moonkeeper had a wild guess: "I think they are match boxes..." and Moon you are CORRECT!!!



These are match boxes in the old times







The name of these match box is "아리랑 쓰리랑 아리아", which is "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA"


When I first saw the word "Arirang", I thought of this okay? HAHAHA. My uncle has it and on every Chinese New Year, it will be on full use =))

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Cre: owners


Jokes aside, Arirang is a traditional Korean folk song. "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA" is in the lyric of the song. 


From Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

"The heroine of the story from which the Arirang Song originated was a fair maid of Miryang. In fact, she was a modest woman killed by an unrequited lover. But as time went on, the tragic story changed to that of an unrequited lady-love who complained of her unfeeling lover. The tune is sweet and appealing. The story is recounted in "Miss Arirang" in Folk Tales of Old Korea (Korean Cultural Series, Vol. VI)."


---> So the irony here points to DS and her love for TK. DS thought it was a one-sided love and hid her feelings for 6 years, that's part 2 of the irony. In ep 16, we saw part 1 of the irony which pointed to TK and his hidden love for DS.



From https://kuiwon.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/what-does-arirang-mean-the-theories-on-the-etymology-of-arirang/

3. 我離娘(아리랑) or 我離郞(아리랑) – A-ri-rang (“I Part from My Dear”)

"This theory proposes that the song dates to 19th century Chosun during the reign of Regent Heungseon (興宣大院君, 흥선대원군, 1829-1898, r. 1863-1873). The Regent is widely remembered as a tyrant who increased burdens on peasants by imposing compulsory labor, forcing families to leave their villages and live apart from one another. As these peasants parted from their families and villages, they expressed their angst in song, crying “A-ri-rang” a phrase coined from Classical Chinese (漢文, 한문). Here, “a” (我, 아) means “I”, “ri” (離, 리) means “to part from”, and “rang” (娘 or 郞, 랑) means either “dear wife” or “dear husband.” Together, Arirang would mean “I part from my dear wife” or “I part from my dear husband.” (Surprisingly, even though this would make “Arirang” a Sino-Korean word, it is the theory most favored among North Korean historians.)"


---> True enough, ep 17 was full of break-ups and partings. MO broke up with JB, BR broke up with SW, DS and TK hid their feelings towards each other. And not to forget, the gang grew up and moved away. The irony was that THEY WISHED TO PART FROM THEIR LOVES (*white lies detected*) , of course painfully. 


Below are the song and the lyric translation

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Miryang Arirang

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

Look on me! Look on me! Look on me!
In midwinter, when you see a flower, please think of me!
Ari-arirang! Ssuri-Ssurirang! Arariga nanne!   <--- on the match boxes
O'er Arirang Pass I long to cross today.
Moonkyung weak Bird has too many curves
Winding up, winding down, in tears I go.
Carry me, carry me, carry me and go!
When flowers bloom in Hanyang, carry me and go.



Say "Hi" to Binggeure!!! The song is from the beginning to 3:50 mark 






Bonus: Actually this song has a political context. 


"Yet even during this occupation period, Arirang” was far more than simply an expression of Korean National identity. The song actually became a major pop music hit among audiences in mainland Japan during 1931, eight years before the onset of World War II. To the Japanese, “Arirang” both a statement of pan-East Asian identity and a reminder of a more simplistic past. During this time period, many Japanese associated Korean culture with a sense of melancholy or despondency, thus it was not difficult for them to connect “Arirang” with a sense of sadness and nostalgia for simpler times. Though the reasons for this cultural appropriation are highly complex, it is partially due to an appreciation for a musical aesthetic that transcends cultural boundaries. A similar trend can be seen today in North Korea with their choice to use Arirang as the name for the new smartphone. Evidently, “Arirang” is considered symbolic of Korean identity and is therefore a powerful symbol in both North and South Korea, despite the political tensions between those two countries."

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Seriously, one can write a paper on this series.


Another observation:

Ep 16: DS thinks indigestion, T gives her medicine..


Beautiful placement:  DS drinks medicine...she realizes she is gonna burp.. and the rare..ladylike behavior.. l=knows abt to burp, looks at T.. turns around..and tries to burp without the noise..


She is conscious of Taeke's presence.. otherwise we are talking about the girl who used to say and behave whichever way in front of all these four..

Post the pink shirt incident..she has totally given up on JH..and started to get conscious of taeke..because at the same time... Mr. Choi has actuallly started to woo her..by making his 'manly' presence more..



Ep 16: end scene

T has called and canceled the movie date.. takes pills and sleeps... zoom in.. on be next to his pilow lies a photo album.. best i can make out is there are kids in some pics..

Did he spend time going through pics.. has he always been carrying the photographs with him..album for that matter



ep 17" why did bo ra break up?

becuse read abt same surname law? - but that they must hv known since childhood..


or was the relatonship taking too much time and she had to study?

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2 hours ago, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:

@moonkeeper OMG Moon thanks so much for bringing this up

The title of Ep 17 : The Irony of Life - Part 2


What are those boxes? Our genius @moonkeeper had a wild guess: "I think they are match boxes..." and Moon you are CORRECT!!!



These are match boxes in the old times




The name of these match box is "아리랑 쓰리랑 아리아", which is "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA"


When I first saw the word "Arirang", I thought of this okay? HAHAHA. My uncle has it and on every Chinese New Year, it will be on full use =))

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Cre: owners


Jokes aside, Arirang is a traditional Korean folk song. "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA" is in the lyric of the song. 


From Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

"The heroine of the story from which the Arirang Song originated was a fair maid of Miryang. In fact, she was a modest woman killed by an unrequited lover. But as time went on, the tragic story changed to that of an unrequited lady-love who complained of her unfeeling lover. The tune is sweet and appealing. The story is recounted in "Miss Arirang" in Folk Tales of Old Korea (Korean Cultural Series, Vol. VI)."


---> So the irony here points to DS and her love for TK. DS thought it was a one-sided love and hid her feelings for 6 years, that's part 2 of the irony. In ep 16, we saw part 1 of the irony which pointed to TK and his hidden love for DS.



From https://kuiwon.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/what-does-arirang-mean-the-theories-on-the-etymology-of-arirang/

3. 我離娘(아리랑) or 我離郞(아리랑) – A-ri-rang (“I Part from My Dear”)

"This theory proposes that the song dates to 19th century Chosun during the reign of Regent Heungseon (興宣大院君, 흥선대원군, 1829-1898, r. 1863-1873). The Regent is widely remembered as a tyrant who increased burdens on peasants by imposing compulsory labor, forcing families to leave their villages and live apart from one another. As these peasants parted from their families and villages, they expressed their angst in song, crying “A-ri-rang” a phrase coined from Classical Chinese (漢文, 한문). Here, “a” (我, 아) means “I”, “ri” (離, 리) means “to part from”, and “rang” (娘 or 郞, 랑) means either “dear wife” or “dear husband.” Together, Arirang would mean “I part from my dear wife” or “I part from my dear husband.” (Surprisingly, even though this would make “Arirang” a Sino-Korean word, it is the theory most favored among North Korean historians.)"


---> True enough, ep 17 was full of break-ups and partings. MO broke up with JB, BR broke up with SW, DS and TK hid their feelings towards each other. And not to forget, the gang grew up and moved away. The irony was that THEY WISHED TO PART FROM THEIR LOVES (*white lies detected*) , of course painfully. 


Below are the song and the lyric translation

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Miryang Arirang

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

Look on me! Look on me! Look on me!
In midwinter, when you see a flower, please think of me!
Ari-arirang! Ssuri-Ssurirang! Arariga nanne!   <--- on the match boxes
O'er Arirang Pass I long to cross today.
Moonkyung weak Bird has too many curves
Winding up, winding down, in tears I go.
Carry me, carry me, carry me and go!
When flowers bloom in Hanyang, carry me and go.



Say "Hi" to Binggeure!!! The song is from the beginning to 3:50 mark 






Bonus: Actually this song has a political context. 


"Yet even during this occupation period, Arirang” was far more than simply an expression of Korean National identity. The song actually became a major pop music hit among audiences in mainland Japan during 1931, eight years before the onset of World War II. To the Japanese, “Arirang” both a statement of pan-East Asian identity and a reminder of a more simplistic past. During this time period, many Japanese associated Korean culture with a sense of melancholy or despondency, thus it was not difficult for them to connect “Arirang” with a sense of sadness and nostalgia for simpler times. Though the reasons for this cultural appropriation are highly complex, it is partially due to an appreciation for a musical aesthetic that transcends cultural boundaries. A similar trend can be seen today in North Korea with their choice to use Arirang as the name for the new smartphone. Evidently, “Arirang” is considered symbolic of Korean identity and is therefore a powerful symbol in both North and South Korea, despite the political tensions between those two countries."


Sorry Tam to cut some of your post (removed photo) Wow Tam your CSI skills is truly daebak and on the top! Thank you very much for putting an effort and looking into that....Another remarkable findings...Hahahahahah ^_____^

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Warning: This post will discuss characters as if they are flawed human being created by a writer who is interested in showing fully human characters and not perfect gods.

This is my interpretation.  I don’t expect every- or anyone to agree with me.  I actually expect there to be a fair amount of disagreement, but to quote a former professor, "Learning takes place in the space of community and disagreement" And we certainly have both on this thread.

I watched Episode 3 this weekend, and seeing it knowing the end game it has been interesting to see how the writer treat a variety of couples. Episode 3 gave us the Kim family’s backstory and offered insight into Kim Appa and Ran Omma’s relationship.

@Packmule3  did a lovely analysis earlier that identified DS as Kim Appa’s spiritual daughter that I think has great merit. I would also say that Ra Omma is not only JH biological mother but JH also resembles her psychologically. In some ways the relationship between Ra Omma and Kim Appa can be seen as a projection of a possible relationship between JH and DS.  I'm not saying that this is the writer's intent, but she has laid enough information into the script to support that extrapolation.

Both Ra Omma and JH are presented as tsundere character. Though I have no idea how long Ra Omma is going to stay in that phase before she show a softer more supportive side to her husband.

To my mind Mi-Ran and JH are emotionally withholding characters, who won’t address their partners’ needs. This in no way means that they don’t love that partner, but for whatever reason they won’t give anything when the person they care for ask for their attention, affection or affirmation.  Ra Omma won’t play along with Kim Appa’s jokes and even discourage folks from joining him for fear it will encourage him to continue.

Although she loves him, Ra Omma is continually dissatisfied with her husband.  All the mother complain, but Ra Omma has what the other’s lack. She has the money Omma Lee needs and the life-partner Sun-Young lacks, yet she is dissatisfied. She is sexually unfulfilled by her husband and unhappy with his slow adjustment to their (relatively) newly found wealth. The scene where Ra Omma berates her husband for failing to meet her expectation by buying a knock-off instead of a brand name jacket is particularly painful to watch.  It made me think of the scene later in the series when he explains that even though Mi-Ran did not go to college she was one of the smartest people he knew.

I see the dynamics of the Kim-Ra marriage as problematic although most people seem to see it as successful. I feel awful for Kim Sung-Kyun who is emotionally needy and lives within an environment where two of his close family members are emotionally withholding and the third is otherwise engaged.

Considering how similar Kim Sung-Kyun and Ra Mi-Ran’s personalities are to DS and JH, I see a marriage between the younger pair as one where JH continues to be withholding and DS trapped in a relationship where her emotional needs are never met.

Thank goodness that the writer made DS was smart enough to choose the emotionally generous Taekie.

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8 hours ago, hushhh said:

Both Ra Omma and JH are presented as tsundere character. Though I have no idea how long Ra Omma is going to stay in that phase before she show a softer more supportive side to her husband.

To my mind Mi-Ran and JH are emotionally withholding characters, who won’t address their partners’ needs. This in no way means that they don’t love that partner, but for whatever reason they won’t give anything when the person they care for ask for their attention, affection or affirmation.  Ra Omma won’t play along with Kim Appa’s jokes and even discourage folks from joining him for fear it will encourage him to continue.

Although she loves him, Ra Omma is continually dissatisfied with her husband.  All the mother complain, but Ra Omma has what the other’s lack. She has the money Omma Lee needs and the life-partner Sun-Young lacks, yet she is dissatisfied. She is sexually unfulfilled by her husband and unhappy with his slow adjustment to their (relatively) newly found wealth. The scene where Ra Omma berates her husband for failing to meet her expectation by buying a knock-off instead of a brand name jacket is particularly painful to watch.  It made me think of the scene later in the series when he explains that even though Mi-Ran did not go to college she was one of the smartest people he knew.

I see the dynamics of the Kim-Ra marriage as problematic although most people seem to see it as successful. I feel awful for Kim Sung-Kyun who is emotionally needy and lives within an environment where two of his close family members are emotionally withholding and the third is otherwise engaged.



I see what you're saying, but I also think that her "bark is worse than her bite" so to speak. We've seen moments of her softer side and I'm sure that after years of being married KSK sees it readily. Her tough exterior is her defense mechanism and she seems the type of person that one should worry about only when she stops complaining - lol. What I mean is that her complaints aren't necessarily "complaints" in the classical sense, but the way she expresses herself. A dry, sarcastic wit wrapped up in sarcasm if you will. JH has frequently been described as "a marshmallow inside" and I think the same would apply to Mi-Ran as well. The problem with being a marshmallow inside is that one is easily hurt and crushed, so that tsundere exterior (and I mean tsundere in the original use*, not the exaggerated flip-flopping hot and cold type") is developed almost as a means of protection - if one can keep another outside of ones guards and not immediately reveal one's true feelings they always have "plausible deniability" and that keeps them from being hurt.

The trade offs being, it takes some time to get to know a person like Mi-Ran and how to "read between the lines" and a lot of the time, it takes a person like KSK to do that as he doesn't accept what she throws out at "face value" but obviously took the time to dig and see the real her in their earlier years. Once one does that, the "tsundere" guard doesn't have the same impact because he knows where its coming from and he knows it's just a reflection - her way of expressing what she feels - and thus he knows what she really means, and what she really feels. After so long of being together, he can read her like a book. She won't express in clear words - because she can't. She expresses in action.

Thus, I'd almost argue that they're perfect for each other. It takes someone fairly emotionally sophisticated (of emotional insight/maturity might be better words) to correctly interpret those "complaints" of a person like Mi-Ran and to realize that their "rants of criticism" aren't really meant to be mean or harsh, but it really is a way of showing affection to a certain extent (I mean, you wouldn't see Mi-Ran "go off" on someone she didn't care for like the way she does with KSK) and he takes it exactly as she means it. Yeah, she really does mean that she thinks he's a little cheap and really needs to adjust to their life now, but she's not really trying to put him down, belittle him or make him feel badly about himself. It's just easier for her to express it "gruffly" instead of having a serious, emotional, heart-to-heart. Those kind of expressions are difficult for her, because her emotions are actually quite strong and she's learned that for her, that's a liability that people can take advantage off (without necessarily realizing it). So she keeps a rather tight lid on them, only allowing herself to feel certain things, at certain times, where she can either control the output - or process them logically. She's more a thinker than a feeler and spends way too much time analyzing herself and the situations around her - she lives "in her head." And for people like that, processing and expressing "raw" emotion is rather difficult, and KSK knows that.

He is the opposite. He "freely feels" and expresses whatever he happens to be feeling at the time with no need to attempt to logically process and compartmentalize (Think of the expression "wears his heart on his sleeve"). That's something that Mi-Ran could never do, but she absolutely needs someone like him in her life to balance her out. It takes someone like KSK to understand the real Mi-Ran - he's been with her long enough to see through the guards to the marshmallow inside. He never takes anything she says personally because he knows its not - and he often throws it right back at her. He knows that his jokes and "feely" attitude are going to get a response from her and he knows exactly what that response is going to be. . .it's his way of "going off" on her. He'll never tear off on a famous Mi-Ran style rant (because that's just not his way of expressing himself), but he'll tell joke after joke, gag after gag to bounce of her guard because Mi-Ran knows the real him. She knows what's behind the jokes and gags.

They know each other better than they know themselves -Sung-Kyun's comment of her being the smartest person he knows; When JB was in the hospital and everyone was saying how strong Mi-Ran was being -SK knew what she was going through and that she HAD to present that tough face to everyone - but let her tears out by herself where she could keep them contained (remember he was standing outside the waiting room when she was crying and talking to the doctor, but he didn't go in? He KNEW she needed that time by herself to process and that she NEEDED to present her strong face to him and the kids). And when he was depressed on his birthday - Mi-Ran knew why (about his mom) long before he knew it himself. They complete and balance each other in a way that neither is capable of on their own (She being the logical one to balance his emotion, he being the emotional one to balance her logic). So rather than seeing it as problematic where one never meets the needs of the other, I see it in the exact opposite way. They absolutely meet each others needs, but it's on a much subtler level. They're two halves of one whole that have moved passed the need to explicitly state every little thing out loud. They just know.


*"Tsundere in the Original use" - meaning a gruff exterior where the softer inside is revealed over time and not the exaggerated version where the character flips between two extremes with almost no provocation*

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@JCM I agree with you. Nicely said :)

I think people have different ways of showing their love. Some of you keep analyzing the ways the characters love and which one seems to be better, but I think that is definitely going against the show. The show is about showing the different types of love, without judging.

I keep thinking back to Papa Sung and his daughters. Bora is rough, does not show her love. DS is sweet, shows her love and Papa Sung responds to her openly. Does that mean Bora loves her dad less? Does it mean Papa Sung loves Bora less? Like we have seen in the last episode, not at all. It's just that people have different ways of showing they care and love is also about accepting that.


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Another interview translation.  This one is pretty interesting since she talks about specific scenes. 

[Interview] Hye Ri gives it straight on scenes from ‘Answer Me 1988’


[SBS funEㅣ Reporter Kang Kyeong Yoon] It doesn’t matter whether you saw that tvN’s ‘Answer Me 1988’ began with Hye Ri and ended with Hye Ri. Before the drama even began, Hye Ri’s casting as the lead became a big topic in society. The reality was that, in those days, there were a lot of worries accompanying the expectations. Since broadcasting began for ‘Answer Me 1988’, we were inclined towards Hye Ri’s ‘Deok Seon’. Deok Seon, who conceded sunny-side up eggs to her siblings and ate boiled beans instead, is stronger-willed than anyone. Deok Seon, who goes along with Sung Kyun’s popular phrase, 'Nice to see you, nice to see you’, is kinder and more compassionate than anyone. Deok Seon, who seems to have taken a time machine and landed in a scene leading to the entry to Sangmundong, sufficiently called forth a faint scent [nostalgia] to the viewers.  We exchanged some stories with Hye Ri regarding the scenes in the drama.

# Scene 1) Jeong Hwanie and Deok Seonie’s umbrella

Jeong Hwan (Ryoo Joon Yeol) and Deok Seonie are always crossing each other. They were really close to sharing mutual feelings, but they were also really bad at making the other aware of it. When Jeong Hwanie slowly came to know of his feelings towards Deok Seonie, Deok Seonie had her sights set on Seon Woo (Go Kyeong Pyo). The scene when the brusque Jeong Hwan grabbed an umbrella and waited for Deok Seon was the moment when his inner feelings were exposed. Jeong Hwan’s gaze towards the wary Deok Seon was intense.

* This scene in Hye Ri’s words

“It was memorable scene that came out beautifully. There was a scene when, on a rainy day, Jeong Hwanie waited for Deok Seon in front of the house. When Deok Seon asked, 'Are you waiting for me?’, Jeong Hwanie responded, 'No, I’m waiting for Seon Woo.’ It was the image of the two of them waiting for a good friend. Even watching it again, that scene really was pretty. Jeong Hwanie’s heart was right there in the open. When I watched the scene again, it felt good seeing how much more beautifully it turned out than while we were filming it.”

# Scene 2) The hotel kiss that broke a friendship

There was a huge wash of loneliness within Deok Seon who had come to be in a hotel with Taekie. The two who had lived a very long time under the guise of friendship were actually closer to being friends than lovers. Taekie came to learn the truth that Deok Seon had pretended not to know about the dream kiss although Taekie himself remembered it, because [Deok Seon] 'was scared it would break our friendship,’ and kissed her.

* This scene in Hye Ri’s words

“It was Bo Gum Oppa’s first kiss scene, and it was my first as well. 'How do we do this,’ I worried a lot. But even so, because Bo Gum Oppa was the man, he took the lead like a man. The kiss scene took a long time. It took about 2~3 hours? Keeping it going without breaking the mood was hard. Later, there was also a kiss scene filmed inside the car, and we also took a long time filming that. There’s a lot of talk about those scenes from the viewers. (laugh)“

# Scene 3) “Let me have my own birthday cake”

Deok Seon, the second child, between Bo Ra and No Eul. Deok Seon concedes the usual sunny-side up eggs to her brother and sister and eats boiled beans instead, but there is one thing she doesn’t want to give up. Specifically, a birthday cake. To Deok Seon, sorrow itself is when her birthday party includes recycling a birthday cake used for her sister Bora. Deok Seon, who had bottled up her grief of being second, blew up in front of what seconds ago was Bora’s birthday cake.

* This scene in Hye Ri’s words

“I also flared up during that scene. I’m the oldest, so I didn’t know the sadness of being second very well. I asked a few people before the drama started, and they said that this is how it really was. Even though there was a scene where I asked to have a separate birthday party from my sister, even though there was a scene when I cried and screamed, when I watch those scenes again, I remember bearing in mind to really put in effort to represent [those feelings] without fail. As unhappy as I was with the cake, I had immersed myself to the point of tears. Because it was such a difficult scene, I still have a great impression of that scene even now.”

# Scene 4) Sweatingly continuous NG, Spanish song

In order not to lose to her model student sister, Bora, who was tutoring her, Deok Seon fought back with Spanish songs. Although she didn’t understand the words, Deok Seon’s unfamiliar Spanish song was suitable for expressing the pleasantness of Sangmundong. Dong Ryong got in on the pleasure of the song and continued with the singing, eliciting laughter.

* This scene in Hye Ri’s words

“There was a scene when Bo Ra Eonni was tutoring us and we started singing in Spanish. I actually had a hard time memorizing that song. I definitely knew the script really well, but, just this time, I really couldn’t do it. I had to sing the entire song, but I kept getting NG. I was so nervous that I was sweating all over. We had to do the take so many times that, in the end, they just edited it to come out with this scene. Editing technology is so awesome that even though I made mistakes, it didn’t all come out that badly.”
[t/l note: loose translation on last sentence…]

# Scene 5) “Why are you guys here?”

The final scene in Sangmundong was the farewell scene for Deok Seon. In one take, the camera swept through the Sangmundong alley and arrived in Taekie’s room. Deok Seon, through tear-filled eyes, gazes at the group of guys, Jeong Hwan, Dong Ryong, and Seon Woo. And, then, saying, “Why are you guys here?”, her tears overflowed.

* This scene in Hye Ri’s words

“I was really sad. That scene was practically the last one we shot, but just thinking that this is already the end as Deok Seon made me cry a lot. I was supposed to cry according to the script, but saying, “Why are you guys here?” made it feel like it really was the end and I ended up crying for a long time before I even realized it. It really felt like it was the end to this person and to this alley, so my tears wouldn’t stop all the more.”

posted: horafuki@lj


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Do you guys know what effect this drama had on me and how painful it is to just be a silent lurker all this time that I just need to make an account to post here?! But yeah! finally made one because I just need to join the discussion in this thread. I won't be the first nor the last one to say that this drama was just beautifully crafted; from the script, props, make-up, symbols, episode title, all the parallels scenes, hidden clues, even the small gesture that the actors made mean something! I love how they also incorporate the right advertisement and background song to enhance the scene. The world of R88 feels so real that I still haven't really moved on from it:/ When people said that they can make a paper out of this drama, I vouch to read it if someone ever post one!

I would also say that I enjoy reading all the analysis that people made here and in all the shipping paradise thread. You guys are like, part of Ssangmundong '88 that just didn't get into the TV lol. I would like to praise the writer and the producer for their ability to produce a drama that just hits home for its realness. I laugh and cry at the same time for almost all the episodes. The story makes you feel warm and it just exudes love constantly from beginning till the end. Every relationship just feels genuine (the family, friendship, and love) I really wish the casts can stay close even after the drama ends. The writer makes me love everyone in this drama: Ssangmundong 5, Ajumma TaeTiseo, all the siblings and the dads; that even with their flaw, they deserved to be loved for who they are. 

I don't know what I actually wanna say lol just want to express what I feel about the drama because I learn so much just from watching it. I'm glad I give this drama a chance because I haven't seen a drama like this in a while. Keep all the analysis and news coming guys! That way, it would feel like Ssangmundong stays the same :")



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6 hours ago, JCM said:

I see what you're saying, but I also think that her "bark is worse than her bite" so to speak. We've seen moments of her softer side and I'm sure that after years of being married KSK sees it readily. Her tough exterior is her defense mechanism and she seems the type of person that one should worry about only when she stops complaining - lol. What I mean is that her complaints aren't necessarily "complaints" in the classical sense, but the way she expresses herself. A dry, sarcastic wit wrapped up in sarcasm if you will. JH has frequently been described as "a marshmallow inside" and I think the same would apply to Mi-Ran as well. The problem with being a marshmallow inside is that one is easily hurt and crushed, so that tsundere exterior (and I mean tsundere in the original use*, not the exaggerated flip-flopping hot and cold type") is developed almost as a means of protection - if one can keep another outside of ones guards and not immediately reveal one's true feelings they always have "plausible deniability" and that keeps them from being hurt.

The trade offs being, it takes some time to get to know a person like Mi-Ran and how to "read between the lines" and a lot of the time, it takes a person like KSK to do that as he doesn't accept what she throws out at "face value" but obviously took the time to dig and see the real her in their earlier years. Once one does that, the "tsundere" guard doesn't have the same impact because he knows where its coming from and he knows it's just a reflection - her way of expressing what she feels - and thus he knows what she really means, and what she really feels. After so long of being together, he can read her like a book. She won't express in clear words - because she can't. She expresses in action.

Thus, I'd almost argue that they're perfect for each other. It takes someone fairly emotionally sophisticated (of emotional insight/maturity might be better words) to correctly interpret those "complaints" of a person like Mi-Ran and to realize that their "rants of criticism" aren't really meant to be mean or harsh, but it really is a way of showing affection to a certain extent (I mean, you wouldn't see Mi-Ran "go off" on someone she didn't care for like the way she does with KSK) and he takes it exactly as she means it. Yeah, she really does mean that she thinks he's a little cheap and really needs to adjust to their life now, but she's not really trying to put him down, belittle him or make him feel badly about himself. It's just easier for her to express it "gruffly" instead of having a serious, emotional, heart-to-heart. Those kind of expressions are difficult for her, because her emotions are actually quite strong and she's learned that for her, that's a liability that people can take advantage off (without necessarily realizing it). So she keeps a rather tight lid on them, only allowing herself to feel certain things, at certain times, where she can either control the output - or process them logically. She's more a thinker than a feeler and spends way too much time analyzing herself and the situations around her - she lives "in her head." And for people like that, processing and expressing "raw" emotion is rather difficult, and KSK knows that.

He is the opposite. He "freely feels" and expresses whatever he happens to be feeling at the time with no need to attempt to logically process and compartmentalize (Think of the expression "wears his heart on his sleeve"). That's something that Mi-Ran could never do, but she absolutely needs someone like him in her life to balance her out. It takes someone like KSK to understand the real Mi-Ran - he's been with her long enough to see through the guards to the marshmallow inside. He never takes anything she says personally because he knows its not - and he often throws it right back at her. He knows that his jokes and "feely" attitude are going to get a response from her and he knows exactly what that response is going to be. . .it's his way of "going off" on her. He'll never tear off on a famous Mi-Ran style rant (because that's just not his way of expressing himself), but he'll tell joke after joke, gag after gag to bounce of her guard because Mi-Ran knows the real him. She knows what's behind the jokes and gags.

They know each other better than they know themselves -Sung-Kyun's comment of her being the smartest person he knows; When JB was in the hospital and everyone was saying how strong Mi-Ran was being -SK knew what she was going through and that she HAD to present that tough face to everyone - but let her tears out by herself where she could keep them contained (remember he was standing outside the waiting room when she was crying and talking to the doctor, but he didn't go in? He KNEW she needed that time by herself to process and that she NEEDED to present her strong face to him and the kids). And when he was depressed on his birthday - Mi-Ran knew why (about his mom) long before he knew it himself. They complete and balance each other in a way that neither is capable of on their own (She being the logical one to balance his emotion, he being the emotional one to balance her logic). So rather than seeing it as problematic where one never meets the needs of the other, I see it in the exact opposite way. They absolutely meet each others needs, but it's on a much subtler level. They're two halves of one whole that have moved passed the need to explicitly state every little thing out loud. They just know.

*"Tsundere in the Original use" - meaning a gruff exterior where the softer inside is revealed over time and not the exaggerated version where the character flips between two extremes with almost no provocation*

I was also using tsundere in the original  sense, which is why I was wondering how long Mi-Ran would be in the tougher state. . . waiting for her to melt and stay melted.

Your analysis is the one most people in the forum would agree with, and that is fine with me.   

I am just trouble by KSK living in a house with no one to "play" with.  To me (and perhaps only to me) he seems like a plant in need of sunlight (familial affection) that is instead kept in a dark corner.  

I also found RMR slapping the video camera back into his face disturbing. Were he to have done that to her I think some people in the forum might have been outraged.

But they are presented happy together. Well, he is presented as happy to be married to her, prizing her as his wife, and being supportive. She less so of him. However I just wouldn't want to spend time with both of them at once. 

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