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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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So the dolls in Taek´s room are the red,yellow and green ones.We have the triangle here guys: JH-DS-SW. I have to say I thought in the first episode the husband might be SW or Taek because I was clueless and lots of you said so.But my heart felt JH was the one.Why?Well, they bicker a lot  and he was the only one that has been treated  differently be her. Even in the poster he is the only one with a different pose.And another detail,JH's father calls DS "his friend".She is very close to him.Writers don`t do that carelessly, they are showing us some kind of family boundary.He treats her like a daughter and in both replys, 1997 and 1994, the husband was like a son to the heroine's parents.This time is twisted but is the same clue..So that's my bet, JH.

By the way, if any of you could translate the character's description I'll be extremely happy.

Many DC gallers seem to believe that red is Taek, green is JH, and yellow is DS, and that this will be the true love triangle of this series.

They point out many instances where these colors appear.

1. In episode 1, the camera zooms in at the Chinese checkers in JH's room featuring these three colors, along with white.

2. During Taek's birthday, he wears a birthday hat with red, yellow and green polka dots.

3. In Episode 4, Taek hands the rubiks cube that he finished solving to JH. The camera zooms in on the rubik's cube, showing the red and green sides.

4. When JH gets leg cramp in Episode 4, the rubiks cube is on the floor in Taek's room. The rubiks cube shows yellow and red sides.

5. In the scene where JH's family is eating when they learn that they won the lottery, they are eating out of a pot that is yellow and green.

6. When DS's dad buys a gum from the old lady while eating at the pojangmacha, the camera zooms in on the gum. He buys two packets: yellow and green.

7. At the talent show during the field trip, the boys are dancing. If you take a look at the letters in the background, there's one in yellow with red background and another in yellow with green background.


There are many more examples they listed, but those are the ones that I remember from the top of my head.


The moment Taek cursed in ep 4 I knew for sure my gut feeling was right and he may be a contender for the husband throne. I had a feeling the whole "grow up and marry me" lines thrown by DS were not just throw away ones. I don't think he's the husband (unless he has some huge personality change which considering he's had the same temperament for 18 years is drastic and unlikely) but he is a contender. I'm about 88% sure on who the husband is but I need two more eps and one more scene to be more confident in the story I believe they been telling. I called it right in '97 and '94, I hope to get it right again cause I kind of already ship it a bit. 

I also consider Taek as a strong contender (I got my 70% bet to JH). His childhood bg was given emphasis as oppose to the previous male leads of the Reply Series. The two male leads childhood was significant to the lives of our female leads. My other two cent relies on the inconsistency of the chocolate scene, in which I have second doubts why I don't think JH is the husband and I don't think this debate with the whole chocolate scene is relevant to our hubby investigation. IDK why future Hubby needs to ask DS to whom did she give the chocolates to/ Coz it will be obvious if he really did read her diary, he wouldn't ask anymore (unless the name was not stated but I doubt it) there's an inconsistency in this scene because of his nagging statement, Hubby: "Btw, to whom did you give the chocolates to?" Me: "Wait?! I though you read the diary! You should have known it or have an idea at least!"  And if this is Jeonghwan indeed, he must know to whom did she give it to even if he persisted that he had not receive any from his wife because somewhere in the process of the past scenes, I knew that he will know who DS first love is, and in theory, it is Sunwoo. And I don't think Jeonghwan hubby future will still ask DS about the chocolates because what the heck?! Only a man outside the friendship circle of DS will only ask this kind of things. And how the hell DS forgot to whom she did gave it too. She didn't hesitate when she put the chocolates into the bad so she knew who it belongs to. And if she keeps on giving Sunwoo candies and other sweets, won't it stay inside your memory? Second time around? And so there's a possibility that Taek MIGHT be future hubby. Not 100% sure but I guess he fits the right to ask this kind of questions to future DS. Future hubby seems outdated with what happened to DS during in her teens and it seems like Taek in the 88 wouldn't know these things because he is always away with his friends and it's only logical for me if future Taek ask to whom chocolates belong to. As compared to JH that if he really fell in love first, in the process of 1988 scenes, he will soon realize that DS eyes are pursuing someone else (just like CB in 94). IDK just my two cents but I could be wrong. Future hubby smokes and JH said earlier that sunbaenim is a good example because he doesn't smoke. This will take a complete make over of his 2015 character if we live up to the theory that he is the husband because it will be inconsistent to his character again. Aissh this is frustrating me LMAO, I still need two more episodes OR a one strong scene that "CONFIRMS" who the husband is. My bet is still JH though. 

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I'll keep persisting on this, but so far I really can't feel a SW-BR loveline going on. Like the character descriptions and all makes me think that it's a real possibility but so far I don't really see it. As for everyone saying how SW notices things belong to Bora or how he's paying attention to his appearance when he goes to the study session or how he keeps going to DS's house for stuff when it's obvious she won't have them. In my opinion SW isn't stupid, it's fairly clear that DS likes him (JH has noticed) but he isn't stoping her. I'm not saying this is the case, but is there not a possibility the SW is going to DS's house all the time and etc because he likes DS? I understand that a lot of people's argument is that he doesn't try to look good for DS normally but how do we know he doesn't? I agree that it can all be explained if he likes Bora, but I'm saying it's not exactly obvious that he likes Bora yet. 

As for Taek being a possible contender in the husband race. I agree and won't cross him off as safe (from the race) yet. Taek being so silent has so much room for growth that you can't really imagine how he'll be like as an adult. Imagine if he became DS's husband? There would be so much to say about how he became so outspoken.

In the end, I haven't changed my opinion yet, the husband is still JH. It's the most obvious choice and in my opinion a quite boring choice. I like JH a lot as a character and he's definitely growing on me. His relationship with DS is adorable, but I can't help but feel that the couple dynamics feel too similar to the previous couples. 

Just a funny idea, but what if one of the guys end up with Jin Joo? She's so adorable, I can imagine SW being murderous if any of his friends date Jin Joo when she's older. 

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Color theory:

So I did read about this color theories a few days ago in korean, and I wasn´t sure if it´s a thing yet or not. But seems more people have pointed it out so I´m gonna trans from what I understand.

- The color theory follows similarly in Reply1994, where there was 7 casts in 7 rainbow colors:


Note: husband in R94 is green.

So for Reply 1988, there´s 5 friends and they follow the 5 color of the olympic colors, in the order they´re standing in the poster.



  • Dong Ryong is blue
  • Deoksun is yellow
  • Sunwoo is black
  • Junghwan is green
  • Taek is red


The colors are pointed out again in the diamond game. Junghwan´s mom picked up the green piece, which color represent Junghwan.
The other contender on the game is Taek who is red, and Deoksun who is yellow. They also point out how Deoksun is often seen with the color yellow/orange. Like the yellow juice cup and orange juice etc. 

- Included are closeup of the color things, in pairs: 


It´s yellow (Deoksun) and green (Junghwan)

- Also in Junghwan´s profile: "The greatest goddess of the world -  Lee Mi Yeon". Junghwan´s favorite celebrity is Lee Mi Yeon, and Deoksun is a self-proclaimed Lee Mi Yeon in 1988. While her older self in 2015 is played by Lee Mi Yeon.


Also this: Green (Jungwan) + Red (Taek, not 100% confirmed) = Yellow (Deoksun)

The similar scenes: 


- Deoksun lost her camera on the trip. Junghwan lost his liqueur bottle. 
- Future husband is acted by Kim Joo Hyuk, hangul letters KJH it also fit: Kim Jung Hwan.
- Deoksun bicker scene when they watched the movie A Better Tomorrow 2 is similar to their bickering in 2015

The rest of the post, it pointing out how it´s Sunwoo-Bora who will be in the other loveline. I´m not gonna translate it, cause the theory has been posted here before.

Source blog post: http://m.blog.naver.com/areon_bang/220538670581

- A similar scene between Sunwoo and Bora 




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I was able to edit in my pics now and it took me 5-6 retry.... Everytime I edited in new pic, other pic disappeared! Seriously it was so I almost wanted to give up soompi :angry: But yeah I finished the trans of the color theory above, I didn´t trans everything though.


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Other doll appearances:

For some reason... is that the red doll sitting on Noeul's teacher's desk?????
Does anyone have any theories about this? Could it be because Taek is red and DS's dad favors Taek as son-in-law? Taek is coming back to school?

And later we see that three of the dolls are still on Taek's shelf, but no longer in the basket.


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I actually didn't like Park Bo Gum at all in his previous drama (I Remember You). IMHO, he was overacting. But every time Taek appears on screen it feels like being punched in the gut. He is just so sad. I can only hope that he won't be a part of 'guess the husband' theme, because Jung Hwan is the husband and I don't  want to see Taek even more depressed than he already is. That would be too heartbreaking.

I would tend to agree with you even though there were some special moments in "I Remember You(/Hello Monster)" in which you could totally see the potential. All in the eyes and in the silences... He definitely has a special talent for acting without much communication. I want to see more of Taek, even if it means heartbreak: maybe that will bring him out of his shell a bit more? In order to suffer to have to experience something meaningful... No? That said, I don't want him to suffer too much either!!!

I don't mind as long as the scripwriter doesn't overdo it. For example in AM 1997 Joonhee's one-sided love was bittersweet, while in 1994 Chilbong's story was just brutal (on top of not getting the girl his parents didn't love him and his 'friends' wouldn't even remeber his birthday).

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Other doll appearances:

For some reason... is that the red doll sitting on Noeul's teacher's desk?????
Does anyone have any theories about this? Could it be because Taek is red and DS's dad favors Taek as son-in-law? Taek is coming back to school?

And later we see that three of the dolls are still on Taek's shelf, but no longer in the basket.

Korean's are speculating that green (Junghwan), yellow (Deoksun) and red (Taek) are the major people involved in the loveline, and I just noticed but in Taek's room the dolls are yellow, green and red.

More emphasize on red green and yellow:







And it seems Koreans had their own color theory for Reply1994 where the husband is green (Trash). But I don't know about that one cause I didn't follow R94.



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Taek, Deok-Sun and Junghwan would be sooo good.  People are set on Junghwan right now (myself included),  but Taek is such a lonely little puppy with the ability to move people that he could really throw a wrench in the husband plans. I hope the color theories are right.  Sunwoo and DS just don't fit to me and the Bora crush seems obvious.  I also think Deok-sun's crush for Sunwoo will be more about the sisters and their dynamic together than about anything else.  Deok-Sun doesn't ever get anything she wants, while her sister gets everything and having her "crush" like her sister is bound to lead to some hurt feelings.  It could also lead to some growth for the sisters as well so they can get along better. 

Anyway, I also get the feeling Taek is going back to school and will be changing some. 

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Guest beastrbae

Wow, thanks for all those insightful clues and opinions guys. Damn those theories are interesting.. If it is really going to be a JH-DS-TK triangle, I'm going to be so conflicted but in a good way of course ( just like in Sassy Go Go ). After all we have 16 episodes left to go, plenty more of drama to ensue. 

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Taek, Deok-Sun and Junghwan would be sooo good.  People are set on Junghwan right now (myself included),  but Taek is such a lonely little puppy with the ability to move people that he could really throw a wrench in the husband plans. I hope the color theories are right.  Sunwoo and DS just don't fit to me and the Bora crush seems obvious.  I also think Deok-sun's crush for Sunwoo will be more about the sisters and their dynamic together than about anything else.  Deok-Sun doesn't ever get anything she wants, while her sister gets everything and having her "crush" like her sister is bound to lead to some hurt feelings.  It could also lead to some growth for the sisters as well so they can get along better. 

Anyway, I also get the feeling Taek is going back to school and will be changing some. 

so true..people are focusing more on JH and SW forgetting that TK is in the race. Haha..i actually think TK is gonna be the hubby. So glad he's going back to school.

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Honestly for the husband game of throne, I don't rely so much on clues (it's a lot of work, sometimes a headache, and I legit don't notice production things unless it's flashing with neon lights saying "look at me" also this years dollies terrify me. I still do enjoy reading theories and seeing other people's detective work). I think on what I've learn about basic methodology of good storytelling. All stories have 3 basic arcs, Setup/beginning, climax/conflict/confrontation, and resolution with a whole bunch of incidents and obstacles thrown in each part. R97, setup: character(s) and place intro, basic fundamental story arc is laid; meet girl and boy and all their friends. Boy and girl have been friends for years. Boy likes girl but girl is undecided, will or hero ever win our heroine's heart? (major events: the kiss, should I date her or not?). Ccc: boy is going to confess and make girl his but conflict, a third party has come into play. Boy admits his feelings but goes away. Who will girl choose? Will time and distance allow for a change of heart? (major event: d-day, puppy, birthday party confession). Resolution: kdrama fate brings boy and girl into same coffee shop. Feelings have not changed, said feels are admitted, kisses and sex, and they lived happily ever after (major events: no longer necessary but still there brother drama, stairway kiss and confession).  Basically the same thing happens in '94 but that time it was the girl who fell first. Before everyone goes "the writers are repetitive" this be the formula for basically every rom-com ever (and this includes the bickering or opposite attract trope and friends to lovers one too. I can name a thousand dramas, films, shows, and plays since Shakespeare that do this). I also look at the amount of and type of development each character and relationships are given. No writer spends pages and pages or scene after scene allowing you to get to know certain characters, see their dynamic, and basically try to evoke some kind of feelings, response,or understanding, only to drop it completely and switch focus to character, person(s)or situation b. Even with assemble shows we have characters that are in the forefront. They are central and things somehow includes or comes back to them or in someways revolves around them. The setup lets you know who these people are within like 10-20 minutes of the pilot/first episode (Lost, Jack and Kate). Also foreshadowing. 

Parents of Rseries relationships are important giveaways of the husband endgame and relationships to come. Shiwon and Yoonjae as well as Najeong and Trash dynamics were similar to our DongIlHwa parents. Episode 4 was all about "grass is greener on the other side" but seeing/appreciating what's right in front of you as the best. DS's mom was basically jealous of JH's dad (and any guy who seemingly treated their significant other better than she felt she was) who is loving and doting towards his wife and kids. The grass is greener on the upstairs side and she doesn't see or appreciate the just right for her husband in front of her. She takes the seemingly perfect but turns out to be broken umbrella. Just when she thinks all is lost with seemingly negligent husband (as he had been all ep) who has left her behind so a soaking walk in the rain awaits her; he comes back to share his umbrella. His gesture shows he's always mindful of her and is there when she truly needs him. The grass may or may not be greener on the other side  but what she needs and suits her is right in front of her. She need only to see/appreciate his sprinkled gestures. The same is true of DS and Junghwan this ep. DS is only looking at Sunwoo (her greener pastures) and doesn't seem to see Junghwan and the little things he does. Like their umbrella scene (umbrella, umbrella major event). Junghwan is waiting for her (even if he says he's not) but she only sees/stays waiting for Sunwoo. She leaves when she's informed he's left eons ago. Had she stayed with Junghwa and left together with him she wouldn't have needed her umbrella (stayed dry like dad did for mom). The whole parallel is much more clear with the bus scene. All ep Junghwan had seen DS tumbling and falling time and time again. She even reaches out for Junghwan (like mom wanting to be feed) but he's neglectful and let's her fall. It isn't until the end that he strains with all his might to keep them both standing and DS is not aware/can't appreciate who it is until she looks back at who's been there. The order the writers had that scene is important. It could have come at any time before (twice actually) but came after mom and dad's rain scene to hopefully drive home a point. Then again their are dramas frakin Minrae's Indecision where writers throw out good story telling along with stories setup, progression, and development all to please a few loud and vocal fans!!! (Yeah I'm still not over the potential the story had and how it all went to waste. You can't throw out your stories premises the last 6 eps!! It's called Minrae's Decision. She cannot not make a decision!) 

@princeye0l the chocolate, I'm going with what has been shown/explained on that. DS left the chocolate for Sunwoo her crush. Her husband doesn't know about it because she didn't give it to him, because he's not her first love/crush. He's the one rembering things right while she and her carbon monoxide inhaled brain is either remembering wrong (it had been some 27 years) or is blatantly lying as to diffuse a potential argument/fit of jealousy cause I notice guys get pretty hung up on significant others and their significant first (kdrama especially enjoys the theme of the almighty first loves). Husband doesn't know who the first crush/love is because DS never wrote his name in her diary. After her sister reads her entry on giving said first the chocolates, DS sees the easy way anyone in the household but especially her sister could read her diary and gain potential blackmail material or secrets they threaten to tell or do tell. To be safe rather than sorry DS doesn't name names or uses secret code or initial or something in her entries. Perhaps her husband read one juicy page, ain't had the time or desire to read his wife's 18 year old thoughts and learn things he can never unsee/read so he read no more after the romance novel chocolate to crush entry. Why doesn't hubby still know who the candy was for if he is one of the core 4? Sunwoo never told the for 4 about that or other chocolate deliveries from his secret admirer or even that he has or had an admirer, just as he's yet to share with them his supposed crush on Bong. Ooooorrr, I been watching the drama wrong and got things all twisted. 

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More empathize on colors. Again see the mirror (coincidence much?):



The cube Taek completed 


Human traffic light hyung 



I also saw some theories about the date and timeline for our drama. Not sure if I'll understand the post with my limited Korean or not. But the post has hundred of upvotes which is a lot for a DC post. 

- And I agree with the post above that DS is too fixated on the grass on the other side (SW), that she can't see JH is right in front of her and always taking care of her, even if it's the small things like the umbrella or making sure she's not falling on the bus.

But so far I love how all the families and other characters are giving as much thought and care, not just the main couple and loveline. I think this drama will be a really heartwarming one about family and friends, not just romance.

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I don't mind as long as the scripwriter doesn't overdo it. For example in AM 1997 Joonhee's one-sided love was bittersweet, while in 1994 Chilbong's story was just brutal (on top of not getting the girl his parents didn't love him and his 'friends' wouldn't even remeber his birthday).

Yeah, the whole CB thing got really out of hands and I do think the writers realized the mistakes they made. I was quite traumatized with the whole thing I must say... But he whole emphasis on family and friends of R1988 is certainly a way to attenuate the love line a bit. Good call I say.

Wow, all those hints... I am looking forward to seeing how it is all going to play out! I am a little wary of signs though. Again, trauma of R1994 ;) ha ha

I am quite curious about what a love line Between DS and Taek would be to be honest. The DS-JH one is pretty obvious but with Taek there is something quite mysterious there...

Oh did you notice that all husbands smoke in the Reply series? I can't help thinking that this is a little sign indicating that it is not SW afterall. Ciggies were found in his room but there were not his, they were JH's mother. I think it might come back to play a role in all of it.



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While the dolls theory is interesting. They look scary as heck :sweatingbullets:

I am interested to see if Taek is indeed the real competitor to Jung Hwan. So far while I like his character like it is without any love angle, it would be interesting to see Taek develop to become more normal if he is the husband like in the future.

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