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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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Captain Yoo : You're very drunk. Now stop. Let's go home.
Doctor Kang : Ah!! I said I'm not drunk!! I going for third round!!
(Cr. ktranslate)









Edited by Tinkiebell
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25 minutes ago, samtimes said:

Hey guys I made a small review for this drama so far, I was kinda stumbling on my words and thougths while filming wich I kinda hate because I really like this drama, it makes me laugh with every episode and the couples are adorable:P

here it is: 


maybe some if you will like it^^ 


@samtimes fancy seeing you here, I had earlier seen your review on youtube..good work!!

I like what you said..' Waiting for richard simmons to hit the fan and currently Urk still looks like a place where one could take a vacation' ..haha

some of the fans are already worried with the level of angst currently.. But I also believe we can handle a few more curve balls, when our leads certainly capable of handling them.


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6 episodes to go and so many things left to be explained.  First, I want to know the exact relationship KMY has with the head doctor of pathology and why is she in a wheelchair.  

KJW/ YMJ already mentioned some spoilers in her interview, i.e., the second half would be the real drama, more tragedies coming up and some Skinship between the second lead coming up too - this was confirmed ny Seo DaeYoung also in his interview.  If this is true, then send lead will definitely live; they won't let the main leads die, right?

I still don't see Argus as an undercover - and I keep replaying that scene where YSJ saved him that resulted in his sunbae getting shot. I can't see clearly if the sunbae was shot from behind or the front (where Argus was seated).  Argus kills people and he'd probably die.

YMJ getting infected with the virus and SDY sticking by her side would make the commander realize that SDY is worthy of holding his daughter's hand.

late comment on real doctors' observations on what they were seeing in the drama - the doctors in DOTS are showing the possibilities when they come face to face with disaster - of course, YMJ expressed the danger of doing the procedure in such unsafe area but the message then was - KMY as a doctor - save a life.  Same goes with YSJ doing CPR on KMY - message  was there - save as fast as you can.


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3 minutes ago, bharu said:

@samtimes fancy seeing you here, I had earlier seen your review on youtube..good work!!

I like what you said..' Waiting for richard simmons to hit the fan and currently Urk still looks like a place where one could take a vacation' ..haha

some of the fans are already worried with the level of angst currently.. But I also believe we can handle a few more curve balls, when our leads certainly capable of handling them.



Haha, that's awesome, lol. I guess it really is a small world:P

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after much analyzed frame by frame the kissing truck scene i came to say that

YSJ/SJK sure was sure ready to kiss when he open his mouth esp the part where MY initiate.

you can see that the production cut the scene and paste another take of the kissing scene.

because you know they probably film so many from diff angles


ah it's been awhile since i last watch a proper passionate kissing scene in kdrama, haha

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13 hours ago, Ohsh said:

For me, the highlight of the episodes from 3 to 10 has been how MY has evolved and grown in so many ways. From a more black and white and simplistic view of the world to a more complex view of right and wrong, and a deeper appreciation of SJ's job and values as a soldier. She has also shown courage and strength in dealing with stressful and dangerous situations. SHK has embodied her character well and made her real and lovable. I love her!

On the other hand, SJ has remained largely the same, adorable to death but not much growth. I expect this to change from Ep10 onwards. Even in this week's episode, we saw how his belief that a soldier must follow all commands regardless of personal views has been shaken. Before he met MY, it as been straightforward - enemy versus country, not a difficult choice. Earlier in the operation of the Arab leader, he had already started to question it but he got away fairly lightly scathed. This time with Argus threatening the life of the ppl he loves (MY and even MJ), I am fairly certain he will have to look deep within himself and question his own value system. Like many of you predicted, the fact that his job puts his loved ones in danger will likely cause him a lot of angst. But funnily, I would like to see him try to stay away from MY. Noble idiocy some of you call it, but I think it is a necessary step for him to have some space to process his deepest thoughts and beliefs. In effect, he has to go through a similar process as what MY had before she finally accepted him. Only then will he reach the same level as MY in the relationship. Now he might like/lust after her more (notice how he has never said "love"), but he didn't seem to have put in as much thought into what exactly this relationship means/will lead to. I hope to see him struggle with it and eventually come out stronger and more mature. 

On a smaller but personally more satisfying note, maybe he will also rethink his style of using humor in most situations. We saw how his joking attitude towards his own death pissed MY off but he didn't get it. Ironically this time when MY was in danger of being infected, she tried to do the same but he didn't find it funny at all. It was exactly how she felt earlier. I really liked how the writer weave all these details in. 


I just want to say that I completely agree with your post, especially at the part of YSJ needing to show more growth regarding the relationship he just started with MY. I found myself thinking and wondering about this too, as you mentioned, KMY has already accepted the fact that he is soldier and does a dangerous job, she doesn't like it but her feelings for him weigh more so she decided to give them a chance. Also, she has shown so much courage and growth as a person since she went to Uruk, so overall as a character she has reached that place where we can relate and understand her, also there has been some negative comments about her not accepting YSJ's feelings, I think most of the audience understood her reasons because one thing I love about her is that she is very honest. She wasn't afraid to admit to him when they had a meal in her house back in Seoul, (the time she washes her hair with cold water) she admitted to him that yes, she has been thinking about him, also at the scene where she admits he charms her and makes her feel special but the uncertainty, the doubts, the fear regarding his job makes her reject him. Also in the truck, she confesses to him so unexpectedly after saying non-stop "it wasn't my voice in the phone", "it wasn't me", that you cannot help but love her, she is a fresh breath of air in the stream of doormat, submissive, weak heroines that drive me mad in K-dramas.

As you already stated, I love YSJ to death, but I still haven't seen that emotional growth in him regarding the relationship with MY, yes he likes her, finds her cute and beautiful, has saved her life many times, couldn't stop thinking about her but I still need to see him come to terms of how serious he is for MY and come to realize that he loves her, which I am hoping we will see it in the next episodes, as I presume a lot of angst and action will happen, MYwill get abducted and he will surely do whatever in his power to save her.

I love KES, she really knows what she is doing, as someone already posted earlier, I love that a lot of quotes, gestures, words during the drama are not just fillers but have a purpose and will serve to makes us understand the plot and characters better.

Let's see how will things unfold from now on, until now the journey has been great I hope also the destination will be a satisfying one! 

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hello everyone i'm new to this forum , just want to say i'm a biigggg fan of DoTS it's one of the best k_drama i ever watched as many said it makes me cry and laugh and fear all in the same time really great job for all the production the actors and the writers everyone of them made this drama a HUGE success in the whole world 

and i cried soooo hard in the last scene on ep 10 so emotional i even feel teary remembering it :tears:

Edited by life good
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1 hour ago, Sesame Chew said:

I was kinda annoyed with YSJ for dating other girls. It must have been either before he was sent to Urk (after breaking up with KMY) or during the short time he returned after his 8-month stint. No wonder KMY kept insisting he has dated a truckload of girls, especially because of his smooth and flirty lines. Noticed he told her to "let it go" and he was very glib-tongued throughout the argument. I didn't appreciate that as a female audience.

But then I thought about it again, and I think based on the story, the dating could have happened during the short time he returned to Seoul after his 8-month stint. Remember he confessed to KMY that he tried everything to forget her? I think the dating was part of that effort to forget her. Okay, I'll take it as that and I'm satisfed for now. :phew:


First of all, sorry for cutting your post but I wanted to address just the topic you're discussing in these two paragraphs. Secondly, please understand that I fully respect and welcome your opinion even if it's different than mine. To be honest, I too chose to let the entire scene go as it was clearly played for laughs and, as such, it did it's job at making me chuckle. However, if I were to take it seriously, what I would find annoying are two things, one of which is the opposite of what you said above.

I feel that while Myeong-joo's reaction was somewhat justified, after all she and Dae-young have been in an on-and-off relationship for probably years, and even if they were in one of their off periods, it would still annoy anyone to see your boyfriend hanging out with another girl in what seemed to be, for all intents and purposes, a double date. But what I don't think is justifiable in any way is Mo-yeon's jealous reaction to the point that she's asking Myeong-joo to go and get her gun. I'm sorry to say this but I think she's got zero rights to judge Shi-jin for what he did while he was a free agent. Whether this 'double date' happened right after she broke up with him the first time at the coffee shop or if it was after Shi-jin's 8-month mission in Uruk, she had made sure he was not in a relationship with her so if he decided to try and see other girls, for whatever reason even if it was just to try and distract himself, he had every right to do it.

Another issue is the clear violation of privacy from Myeong-joo's side which I can only somehow justify if this is something allowed within the army regulations, maybe she, as a superior officer, can inspect the mail received by Dae-young. I doubt that's the case but it's the only reason I could find acceptable. Otherwise, she had no right to open the parcel, much less check the contents of the envelope. I am a fierce protector of my own privacy and I would find it unacceptable if my husband browsed through my things, opened my mail or checked my mobile phone without my permission. Just like I wouldn't do it to him. And we've been together for nearly twenty years!

But anyway, the entire scene was just meant to be a comedy gag which, considering what came after that, I feel was very much necessary. :tears:

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The way they staring into each other eyes! omg.. the feelssss it give me!




Captain Yoo Shi Jin & Doctor Kang Mo Yeon, Please just get married already!



anyway, that reaction video of the idols is totally me when i watched the wine kiss! DOTS fever totally sweep everyone off their feet even the guys idol.. hahaha! and i'm so happy that one of the ost get to be perform in a music show! Kwill performance is awesome! even the fanchants for the song are quite strong! daebak! hehehe..

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