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[Drama 2015] KBS - Bluebird's House 파랑새의 집


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Guest beanshpy

I come in peace :) 

I don't mean to create a heated argument here but allow me to defend YJ a little bit...:) I   also wouldn't even try to change ur take on her coz i do respect ur opinions.  i understand where the annoyance is coming from ... but If we look at the bigger picture...YJ's behaviour is not at all unreasonable.  She is someone who tries so hard just to get what she has been dreaming of...and I personally don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see her stepping on anyone else's toes in order to pursue her dream. Quiting a job and deciding to do what you think ur good at is never wrong i guess. It just happen that we audiences know something that she isn't aware of...that she was being just protected by her parents of their real situation. That's why she seemed  selfish and insensitive to us. She just wanted to try everything  she could  for her not to regret doing nothing. Has she been aware earlier of her parents suffering...it would have been a diff.story. Now with JW...i was and still is on their ship...but honestly I stopped caring about them since MJ happened. The writer made her look so.pathethic with her one sided love. That made me lose interest in their love line and focused on HD and ES. But in all fairness...she gave up when she had the confirmation of the guy she wanted was already taken. The same with her passion in writing....she was willing to put her dream at the backseat and go back to the job that she wasn't happy about to financially support the family.

 If JW and YJ ship will sail again I would want the guy to be the one to run after her this time. But if YJ will just take advantage of MJ's absence ... nah I wouldn't support it. I like minjin...but not as Jw's love interest though. :) 

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i  just  finished  ep 32  and  can't  help but  think  that  lawyers  are  not  present  when  contracts  are  signed  and  they  don't  read  it  in  detail.  no  wonder  so  many  are  conned.  no  wonder  yj  is  easily  duped.

what's  the  big  deal  if  eun  su  is  found  to  be  not  sangjun's  daughter.  she  isn't registered in  their  family  registry  anyway.  the  grandmother  and  the  aunt  did  not help  in  her  financial  needs.  the  adoptive  mother  is  the  one  spending  for  all  their  needs/.

if  mj is  indeed  leaving  jiwan to  pursue  further  studies  i hope  they  get  together  in  the  end.  i  like  thier  pairing  more than  yj jiwan.  i  don't  know  i  get  irritated  by  the  antics  of  the  actress  playing yj.  she  is  not winsome    and  she  is  the  female  replica  of  lee  sang  yoon.  how  can  you  be  sympathetic  to a  selfish girl  who thinks  nothing  of  her self  and  closes  her  eyes  that  she should  be independent  and  self  sufficient  at  her  age.  she  already  finished  schooling,  had a  teaching  job  which she  hated  and  pursued  her  dreams of  becoming a  writer.  maybe  she's  really  not  good  and  overrated .  i'll  take  mj  anytime.

@lauren2b2,  You dislike her here you should have seen her (Yj) in the Tv novel Eun Hee you want to talk about brain dead and they dressed her so awful and she always wore her hair in one ponytail.. So I have to say I like her character here it's sure a big drastic change from what I seen her play as the lead in that drama..        

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Quite an episode today (Ep36).  This JiWan fellow is such a frustrating guy, but his idiotic plan actually worked here 9even if he didn't expect it to!)...  I think all of you probably got the details of what happened with JW, stepmom, the chairman and Mr.Sin, as far as the Taehu Industries' accounts ledge is concerned. In case you missed some details,

Stepmom tells JW that if anybody made her and grandma have a life like this by stealing her husband's money, he will never forgive that person (and of course she seems to suspect Tae Su).  She asked JW to meet Sin Yeonghwan, which did.

Mr.Sin asked JW if he knew why he was being sent abroad by Tae Su.  Idiot JW says it must be to give him an opportunity. "You are a staffmember who allowed a design leak to happen.  In normal Tae Su style, you would be fired.  Instead he gives you an opportunity?" He also told JW that TS covered up whatever happened in the design-leak matter only because of damage from investors hearing of it (I'm not sure if he said he knew TS orchestrated that whole thing.  I don't think he did, and I doubt if he knows more on it).

JW, the blockhead that he is, goes straight to the chairman and tells him what Mr.Sin told him - that Mr. Sin thinks the chairman has some other reason behind clearing up the design-leak issue and transferring him to the US.  Chairman does his classic job of acting.  gave him the spiel about how he doesn't know why everybody always suspects him, including JW's stepmom, and about doing it out of his debt to his beloved friend Sang Jun and all that usual blah blah. 

Later the chairman tells his secretary that JW saw Mr. Sin.  When the secretary asks if he should do something, the chairman tells him that the more important thing is to do something about the bank matter (that YJ's dad Jae Cheol knows about).  We saw YJ's dad walking in the Best Global corridor.  TS asks his secretary in the elevator "did you handle it?".  He says "yes" [I think I heard him say that "I've made sure that it will be explained away", but I'm not sure].  Anyway, TS says, "then, now there is no evidence on the borrowed-name bank accounts matter, right?".  They have done something to handle Jae Cheol, but I am not sure what they did.

Then the secretary asks if doctoring the ledger would be found out.  TS recalls his accountant asking "should this be for an expert or a layman" and himself answering "for a layman" from a past episode (and I patted myself on my back for talking of that little scene from many many episodes ago just yesterday here! :)) .. Then he tells his secretary, "nah, there is no way JW will figure it out" (but he looked a tad bit concerned too).

Then JW called Mr. Sin and asked if he could be excused for asking him to come to the company.  Now, this part was a bit interesting.  We didn't see what reason he gave to call him over.  JW did have a plan, though I am not sure he expected to trap Tae Su with that. It was more like trying to prove to him that TS was NOT the culprit here.  I think the idiot just expected that he could convince Mr. Sin by giving a silly reason like "see, the chairman is not here; so he is not the one".  Anyway, he gave some reason to make him come. It couldn't have been just to get the ledger (because Mr. Sin had already seen it and knows it's doctored).  Anyway, JW was shown to call TS immediately to tell him that he was meeting Mr.Sin. Again, we didn't hear what exactly he told TS who was at home by then and was shown asking "why are you meeting him?". We saw in a flashback when Mr. Sin was at the company, JW telling TS that Mr. Sin wanted to see that ledger. That there is proof in that ledger on who stole Taehu Industries' money (The chairman peed in his pants, I am sure.  he changed into a suit to run back to the company!).  I still think JW didn't expect TS to come, but had set it up as a test to see if he would.  The chairman asked "when are you meeting him" and JW said some day later (not immediately).  The he told him "so I have kept it on my desk". So he clearly did plan something here,  Not sure if he had told Mr. Sin such a plan over the phone, because he's shown to be explaining it to him only after he got to the company.  Perhaps he hinted something.

Once Mr. Sin got there, JW asked, "Didn't you say that the person who doctored the ledger must be the one who stole Taehu Industries' money?  The one who had the ledger with you, was you, Mr. Sin.  My mother had given it you".   Directly accusing Mr. Sin that he himself doctored the ledger.  "Then, are you suspecting me now? Then what about Charman Jang?".  JW deadpans - "I trust him".  Then Mr. Sin got upset and got up to leave saying "Think whatever you want".  Then JW says.  "There is proof that the Chairman has no culpability in this.  The mere fact that  he is not here is the proof for that".  Mr. Sin asks, "what if he comes" and JW says, 'he won't".  Mr. Sin says, "you are just like your dad. Trust somebody once and you trust him till the end. But what do we do? Just as much as you trust he won't come, I trust he will".... Me. Sin was right of course, as thety see through the window blinds the Chairman running in and rummaging through JW's desk.

So they caught him red-handed, and confronted him.  Everything is out in the open now.  The chairman basically acted out some rage at JW, for suspecting him - "Do I mean only that, to you, for everything I did for you" blah blah.  JW still said he trusted the chairman and that he wanted to trust him.  But JW also directly asked TS, "Did you do it? Is that why you are sending me abroad and are against Eun Su?" etc.  Lot of talk there, but there was nothing significant.   Then TS says, "you need some proof to say all this.  Without any proof, you are accusing me, Best Global's chairman, to be a thief?".  I think Mr. Sin said, "well, if we are talking of evidence, it's enough to look for it, starting now. . Though it's 25 years now, surely there must be some proof remaining there"


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Guest falafala123

Quite an episode today (Ep36).  This JiWan fellow is such a frustrating guy, but his idiotic plan actually worked here 9even if he didn't expect it to!)...  I think all of you probably got the details of what happened with JW, stepmom, the chairman and Mr.Sin, as far as the Taehu Industries' accounts ledge is concerned. In case you missed some details,

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excuse me, why i have the feeling that the comment on JW is kind of personal and bias, it is irritating!

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@jayakris,  I look forward to you comments on bluebird house every week, I must say as much as JW don't want to believe but the facts are slapping him dead in the face..  I thought blockhead had more sense then to run to Ts after what Mr.Shin had talk to him but he believes it because the way he exited the building he knows it's trued and if he really think back to many people ha told him Ts wouldn't have had that kind of money to bail a company out of debt.  Now the thing to do is start finding and freeze all Ts assets including wife people around him everything to track down all his dad money..        

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Yep, it does look like the JW-MJ is over just like that... As @Sallyxueli explained and @valsava celebrated with a  ce la vie to the shippers :)

On Yeonju and the tie clip...

Damn, even after they suddenly torpedoed the other ship, the drama is refusing to let any JW-YJ ship set sail... The nitwit, JW, did not even hear YJ who has lately been saying things openly.  He asked her what she was doing on the road, and she said she was waiting to meet him.  The man didn't acknowledge it and just ran away saying he had an urgent matter.  That he did have, as he was meeting Mr. Sin, but damn it, dude!  He said "see you another time". Yeong Ju says, "there is no next time, you know. This is the last time, isn't it?" ... Once I again let me repeat the broken record... Poor girl!

With only 14 remaining episodes, will they build up this YJ-JW ship and make it sail? Who knows...

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JW the blockhead sums it up.  First: terrible actor.  Second: terrible character.  So frustrating to watch him do the zombie walk with no expression on his face.  I keep watching because I just do.  :rolleyes:

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Yep, it does look like the JW-MJ is over just like that... As @Sallyxueli explained and @valsava celebrated with a  ce la vie to the shippers :)

On Yeonju and the tie clip...

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With only 14 remaining episodes, will they build up this YJ-JW ship and make it sail? Who knows...

@jayakris,  TBH I think Jw knew Yj liked him but was afraid to act on considering the backlash between the parents might come about Jw knew him Yj mom have high expectations in a SIL for her daughter that he didn't quite fit the bill now if he get's they money returned to them yes her mom will consider it.. I want Yj to ignore him and push him to the back burner but it will boil down to who he would choose between Mj and Yj because I do think she will return once things starts to get to hot and heavy with the both of them..     

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@jayakris,  I thought blockhead had more sense then to run to Ts after what Mr.Shin had talk to him ..        

Yeah, I was so upset at that point when we saw him calling TS right after meeting SYH. I thought JW was going to screw the whole thing up.  Luckily, his plan failed (or didn't work the way he expected). I am sure his plan was to show SYH that TS was innocent and accuse SYH to have done the doctoring. But JW got lucky there, and looks like a genius.

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@jayakris,  I thought blockhead had more sense then to run to Ts after what Mr.Shin had talk to him ..        

Yeah, I was so upset at that point when we saw him calling TS right after meeting SYH. I thought JW was going to screw the whole thing up.  Luckily, his plan failed (or didn't work the way he expected). I am sure his plan was to show SYH that TS was innocent and accuse SYH to have done the doctoring. But JW got lucky there, and looks like a genius.

@jayakris,  He got lucky shock and disappointment he can try and fool himself all he wants but he knows all things are leading up to TS if he was so close to his dad why avoid Halmoni or never calling to check just to even say hi.  Jw should realize Ts rob him of his life his wealth and what is he going to do about it.. 

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i don't think JW-MJ ship sank completely.  She might just submerge for the time being and still have the chancearrow-10x10.png to rise again, remember the mailing box one year later,  that would be the time for JW and MJ seeing each other again, though no one knows what would happen, and who knows if JW -YJ ship is still there somewhere in the sea, i think the love relationship of the three of them is written pretty good in the way that the story can go on in many different ways and no one really know or guess what would happen next,

mailing box...

i'm in deep hope for that :(

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Guest falafala123

i think the reason why the JW-MJ ship sails much longer than most of us expected is because the couple are very welcomed back at the scene in episode 25 when JW confessed to her. MJ seems got more screen time than what a supporting role usually gets, i like YJ and fine with MJ, and I do look forward to JW-YJ ship, but seeing that JW-MJ sails to such an extent i really doubt how can the JW-YJ ship get her engine starts again!!!

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Guest falafala123

very obvious JW set TS up deliberately, not only by luck,  just that TS turned up a bit later than expected,  Mr Shin actually mentioned JW lured TS with a bait  though JW has struggled to believe that TS is the one who made changes to ledger book,

 the scene YJ bought the clip for JW has a lot emotions...@@,  but writernim do you know that when a ship sails too far away it is difficult to turn around

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i kind of think that YJ and JW might get together in the end and then one yr later, they will receive their letter and if MJ will still appear in the final episode, she will only look at the letter with sadness

But it's okay, find a better and capable guy as compare to JW. He don't deserve your love as he is too busy with his family.

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:(Sad, JW-MJ couple is over no matter how you look at it.

In TV land, anything can happen, but in real life MJ would not have much of a chance if JWs family knew about YJ's feelings.  They have old friendship and relationship, they will surely prefer YJ. 

I am going to catch love on the rooftop, another loooong show and a self sacrificing heroine but i hope to catch her do some butt kicking soon. Au revoir until the last episode, don't forget to recap it @valsava:)

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:(Sad, JW-MJ couple is over no matter how you look at it.

In TV land, anything can happen, but in real life MJ would not have much of a chance if JWs family knew about YJ's feelings.  They have old friendship and relationship, they will surely prefer YJ. 

I am going to catch love on the rooftop, another loooong show and a self sacrificing heroine but i hope to catch her do some butt kicking soon. Au revoir until the last episode, don't forget to recap it @valsava:)

@maribella,  I can give you a summary of what going on but I'm not re-capping because this drama is being subbed.. Dramas that get's subbed you may find someone that will recap but our good friend @jayakris, gives us the update on the current episodes so just look for her post it will explain a lot of what's going on..  

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