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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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Written Preview Ep 103

봉희는 대경을 찾아가 대경이 디자인 유출을 했다는 사실을 회장실에 알리지 않는 조건으로 매장의 가압류를 풀어주는 것과 중국 공장 피해 보상 해결을 해달라고 제안한다. 한편, 수래에게 맞는 공여자가 없다고 하자 봉국은 막막하기만 하고, 대경에게 상해에 있는 찬우의 연락처를 알려달라고 하는데


Bonghui are those that go to Daqing Daqing is released on condition that the seizure of the store informing the hoejangsil the fact that the design outflow suggests asking the Chinese plant damage compensation solutions. On the other hand, the donor not let surae is just right for bongguk makmak and asked me to Daqing to inform the contact chanwoo in Shanghai ...


Bong-hui seeks Taching Taching does do not inform fact to the president thread the fact that releases and a Chinese factory compensation for damages solution under the conditions which and temporary seizure of the shop does, proposes a design outflow. On the other hand, that about the public affairs which hits to several lay there is not character says Bong-guk desolate only be, to do, damages, in to inform the Chan-wu contact place which is to Taching, does…

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I cannot believe how selfish CYG is when she was told how sick GSR is by SBG and refused to tell PCW. There's more opportunity for redemption and forgiveness for SBG now than CYG. Quite a sad episodes these two weeks. I am looking forward to seeing PCW back to save GSR in tomorrow's episode.

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@awsparkle thanks for that preview trans... I hope that it was SBG that managed to get a message to PCW. I will have to look at the preview again with another translator to see if I can understand a bit more.

I think SBG finally saw CYK for who she really is in that moment that he ran up to tell her to contact PCW or tell him when she gets to Shanghai that GSR is sick. CYK's eyes may have gone wide at finding out exactly what GSR is sick from but she already had an inkling that the woman was seriously ill and she knew on some level that GSR let PCW go because of it. GSR talked to her and told the woman the man was sick and CYK talked to her again one last time at the company having the nerve to tell her to stay away from PCW! So the news from SBG was not a surprise at the airport. You could see her face as she realized if PCW found out what is wrong with GSR her chances of being with him were gone again. Not that she had a chance in hell to be with him anyway after what she did to the man and the death of their daughter at her cheating.

But CIS had her fooled that she could wear him down in his rebound state and he would come back to her over his spat or misunderstanding. I am sorry but cheating resulting in the death of your child when you had a loving supportive husband who was off doing something to help you is not just a spat or a misunderstanding. CIS should have been ashamed to even give CYK that hope when she already knew when he told her to leave his flat when he was sick that he did not want her anymore and never would. She herself told her father that PCW is cold towards her and does not show any signs of emotion when talking to her about anything. She said that was a sign that he would never want her again but she listened to her father instead of what she knows letting him put that hope in her head and then CIS had the nerve to be upset and cry when she was leaving.

SBG seemed to be telling her that her running after this man when he is in love with GSR perhaps and keeping this from him is selfish (I hope) but mostly she opened his eyes up to the fact she is spoiled and selfish and this is the woman he was obsessed with for so long. She ruined his career over saving herself she has held on to a man that did not want to be with her and now she is trying it again knowing once PCW knows that GSR is sick he would run back and she would never have her chance. I would like to hope that he pointed out to her that GSR let PCW go and did all this to spare him the pain of her death if it comes to that. He better than anyone would know the depth of feeling that GSR and PCW have for one another he saw it. It was more than anything he had with CYK or felt for her. (on his part, hers not so much)  But her refusal to tell the man knowing he would come back seemed to really make him see her as she is.

SBG's guilt was compounded when he saw GSR crying in the park missing PCW prolly. He realized early in the day when he talked to her and she was so Zen like in her pending possible death and the arrangements she made that what and who she needed was PCW. He finally got that the only one who could make this woman try to fight for her life is PCW. (Of course had he not had a hero complex and guilt from treating her so badly and told the man the truth when ever he ran up on him then PCW would have never left the country in the first place!)

So now PCW will find out I hope and comes running back.(prolly at the end of the episode tonight)  I want to hope from the preview above that SBG found away to get around CYK and get a message to PCW to tell him that GSR is very ill and needs him to come back. Which means CYK is about to get that hard fall her father set her up with.

She is going to be very pissed and hurt to see that reunion between GSR and PCW and experience first hand the love they have for one another. She should be seeing what true love really is like and both she and SBG will see that the two people they should have cherished love one another so much.


I agree SBG has set him self up for redemption and finally realizing what he did wrong and lost. CYK not so much because she is going to blame everything on GSR yet again as to why she lost out again on being back with PCW and she may even blame SBG as well. She will not take the responsibility of why that man does not want her back and why she never had a chance in hell to ever be with him again anyway. Who she should blame is her father for getting her to go along with this plan of hers and filling her head up on nonsense. One thing is for certain she will go back to drinking and may harm herself and another person possibly SBG. The payment for SB's death has not been done yet.

**I have added the video to the recap for episode 102 if anyone wants to see that scene of SBG telling CYK at the airport to contact PCW or tell him about GSR and her refusing and GSR missing PCW so much crying in the park imagining hearing his voice.

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As we all have speculated CYK will start drinking again she will try at least once more to say something to PCW and he will shut her down. Her selfish issues over his helping GSR (she has nothing to say about it anyway they are divorced and been over) and drinking will mean nothing to him in light of GSR being so ill. She will get that final blow from him that she means nothing to him and never will again.  He will be consumed with saving the woman he loves life and CYK will not make a dent in his focus on that.

It will be a big blow to someone who has always thought she was better than GSR and that she deserved to have PCW.  Especially at how she thinks all men want her...

Once she finally gets that then the tantrums will happen and then her reckless behavior yet again. I expect her to get behind the wheel of a car or take an overdose.. either one. If it is behind the wheel of a car then I can see her crashing that car hurting herself or someone else (SBG) if she does not kill him or her or both.

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@Ldy Gmerm,  I want her stuck with SBG for her all mighty self so her accidentally running him over and her and dad get caught trying to cover it up will be so fitting.. She needs to be stuck with someone like IYO nasty mouth for a MIL for what she did to her son.. 

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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap and videos

@awsparkle - thank you for the previews.

@viyra - That scene with the parents got me too, and I'm definitely not a crier. So sad. :(

My guess at the ep. 103 preview translation:

SBH visits CDG, and offers not to reveal the fact that he leaked designs under the conditions that he removes the property seizure order on her store and settles damage compensation for the factory in China. SBG is forlorn after telling GSR that there is no matching donor, and he asks CDG for PCW's contact information in Shanghai...
(Not sure about the first part of the last sentence - whether SBG tells that to GSR, or is told that about GSR.)

I'm with all of you on CYG. I keep saying that this woman's selfishness won't surprise me the next time, and then it does. Putting GSR-PCW issue aside for a moment, how could she leave her father in that condition to go chase after a man that doesn't want her? She has cried bitterly about being the one at fault for her father's condition, and now she's just taking off? Would it kill her to wait until her father recovered some more, thereby giving PCW some time to heal too? Of course it wouldn't, but she has to follow her heart, everything else be damned, including the people she supposedly loves. She was so upset and suspicious of her oppa and onni, yet she's fine leaving her disabled father alone with them and a con-artist? It's mind boggling.

I was also blown away by the fact that SBH never shared with SBG that PCW gave her money for (his) surgery. Now that SBG got money too, is she planning to use PCW's money for herself? (The checkbook she's looking at in the preview shows PCW's deposit.) That would be unforgivable. When NJB asked her to get tested too, she told her that she's been diagnosed with fatty liver and couldn't be a donor. I should give her the benefit of the doubt, but I can't help but think that she's lying. And then in the next episode, instead of trying to fix the trouble caused by her brother, she will try to use this situation to her own advantage. It seems so distasteful and uncaring. I hope that Yuna ends up finding out about all of it. 

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Thanks for the translation.. PCW still thought enough to give her money to help SBG who he mistakenly thought was the sick one. Just wait until he finds out that it was not SBG but GSR. I doubt he will want the money back since he will be busy trying to save GSR but this woman really needs to go down hard for what she has done. She has stolen from PCW on a misunderstanding and is lying I bet about getting tested. She would not want GSR to survive so she can have that girl call her mother and take the woman's place and if she can get CDG to take off the property seizure then she will be her same stuck up self all over again. SBH going to him about those leaked designs is what has CDG yelling at LJA to hurry and do It possibly because SBH now has him over a barrel about it.

Geez all of these selfish people around GSR and PCW. Not one realizes how their actions are hurting her and themselves. SBG deserves it you can't schedule a surgery with no donor. This is why he should have told PCW to be tested even if GSR is pissed off about it. Did they think a donor was going to fall out the sky? None of the people in the family his and hers and their friends are worth a damn. They could have appealed to the public to see if anyone would step up and volunteer to be tested to see if they are a match and would donate. IT is just a shame that they lost so much time and let that man leave the country when he could be a possible match and have all the money they need to help pay.

SBH is going to get it for what she has taken from PCW. I really have to hope she does..He needs to sue her azz taking everything from her.

As for CYK she cares about no one but her own selfish feelings and CIS deserves it for filling her head up. It would serve them both right if LJA and CDG killed that man.. Why do I get the feeling that SJ has been telling CIS about the design leek and that is why LJA is in a panic and wants MJ to spy again?

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As we all have speculated CYK will start drinking again she will try at least once more to say something to PCW and he will shut her down. Her selfish issues over his helping GSR (she has nothing to say about it anyway they are divorced and been over) and drinking will mean nothing to him in light of GSR being so ill. She will get that final blow from him that she means nothing to him and never will again.  He will be consumed with saving the woman he loves life and CYK will not make a dent in his focus on that.

It will be a big blow to someone who has always thought she was better than GSR and that she deserved to have PCW.  Especially at how she thinks all men want her...

Once she finally gets that then the tantrums will happen and then her reckless behavior yet again. I expect her to get behind the wheel of a car or take an overdose.. either one. If it is behind the wheel of a car then I can see her crashing that car hurting herself or someone else (SBG) if she does not kill him or her or both.

​- and this drinking habit would probably be the key to exposing GSR's disease to PCW.  I am guessing she started drinking after  getting rejected by PCW again and started running her mouth about GSR.  I don't want to dwell too much on this theory because that's a lot of wasted time in letting PCW the truth about GSR. 

I  believe SBG is beginning to redeem himself - thinking about GSR dying is eating  him up.  If his purpose in leaking the designs is to save GSR, then I can grant him a little leniency.

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Thank you for the translations.

I thought SBH was really trying to help GSR and felt some guilt for the way she has treated her. She took PCW's money under false pretenses to benefit herself. What SBH and CDG have forgotten is PCW is a lawyer and what they've done are crimes of theft. They both used someone's illness for their own gain. 

There won't be anything CIS can do to cover up CDG's theft this time.  CDG got away with stealing from the company by them keeping it within the company. .This time he leaked those designs which took his thievery outside that company. All this is going to fall right back into CIS's lap for always putting band aides on the people in household wrong doings. CIS himself doesn't own up to any wrong he himself as done. He has taught these selfish people they don't have to because they are all above being taken to task for any wrong they have done. 

SBG does not get a pass for stealing GSR's designs. He had two choices to help save GSR but he made the choice to be the one who had to save her. He now sees what he's done was not the right choice and he should have told PCW. GSR is suffering more from the lost of PCW then she is from the disease. 

What I think GSR is trying to do is recreate a new fall line to combat the stolen ones. SBG gets mad and frustrated with her because she's not concerned about her health but instead those designs. He comes to realize just what they mean to her and the one thing she had left he took away. . 

@Ldy Gmerm,

In the preview CYK looks surprised to see PCW running and she sets out trying to run behind him. She probably only came back because she thought it was too soon to woe this man. Not understanding there was no possible way she would ever get this man back. She knew PCW no longer had any feelings for her but she let her father convince her other wise. The great CYK can get and have whatever she wants. She is going to come to know her father was dead wrong on this one. Their blatant disregard of how that child's death came about is not being disregarded and forgotten by PCW. 

SBH is cold heartless woman and doesn't give two cents about anyone but herself. When she falls it will be due to PCW making sure she does. He is not going to let this go when that money could have helped save GSR's life without him even knowing it. Instead she takes it and uses it for her own gain. Then there's also the fact she didn't think GSR's life was worth her being tested as a possible match. 

IYO's tears of blood will be coming when it's known her children's part in these thefts.. She deserves every heartbreaking, embarrassing moment that's coming her way. There won't be anyone to place blame on because they did this of their own free will. She's going to be ticked off when PCW shows back up to help GSR. Her nastiness is going to come out thinking her son was doing something so great for GSR. When all he did was make things worst and enabled his sister to try and gain from GSR's illness. 

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Where do we find the preview?  Does this mean PCW hasn't left the country?  From the last recap, CYK is setting up to follow him in Shanghai, and then all of a sudden he was rushing out of the arrival area with CYK looking surprised.

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Thank you @awsparkle - will do that now!!  From the looks of it, SBG was holding his phone - probably calling PCW???  Hope so - can't wait for tomorrow's episode.

Funny how I always check on FB as soon as I wake up in the morning - now I check on this forum  first to find out what is happening with PCW and GSR.  Thank you all for the recaps!

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 103

Opening Scene SBG shakes his head and walks up like is not phased saying something to her and SBG sits down beside her saying something and GSR replies back to him and SBG says something else to her and GSR looks at him and replies back and SBG says something else and GSR cries saying something and SBG runs his mouth so more and GSR fires back and SBG says something and GSR replies back and SBG say something else and GSR asks him something and SBG replies back and GSR calls his name upset and SBG says why and something to her about Yuna trying to get her to think of Yuna and GSR puts her hands over her hears not wanting to hear it and SBG says something about PCW and continues to rant on about PCW and GSR says something and SBG says something else to her and GSR says something and SBG says something else and gets up saying something walking off leaving her sitting and crying and she wipes her face.

SBG drags GSR into the building and GSR pulls away saying something and SBG runs his mouth some more and NJB comes out with a bag and GSR asks about it and SBG says something and NJB goes over to put the code into the flat and GSR tries to stop her and NJB tells them that PCW gave that flat to them and she pulls GSR with her and takes her inside leaving SBG standing out there.

GMJ and GSG are packing up their things to move and SBG comes in to sit and says something asking about the fat and GSG says something and SBG replies about PCW giving them that flat and GSR says something and SBG thinks.

NJB says something to GSR about PCW and GSR asks something and NJB says something about where she will sleep and NJB tells her to sleep in PCW’s room perhaps and GSR says something and thinks as NJB says something else.



GSR is in PCW’s room and touches the wall paper as she remembers wall papering it with PCW and he caught her when she fell and she looks at the bed and thinks about when she helped him pick out the linens for the bed and she lays her head down and cries on it missing him.(she did this to herself.. she should have told him! Taking away his right to decide to stay or go..)

GMJ is sitting on the couch out of it and NJB comes out to say something to him and calls out to ask who is it and SBG calls out and she opens the door and he comes in with food and says something and sits down and NJB says something and SBG asks about if she is in the room resting and her mother says yes and he goes in.

GSR is asleep in PCW's bed (she looks worn down) and SBG comes in and looks at her saying something and then he sits on the bed touching her face and she wakes up saying something and SBG runs his mouth and GSR says something SBG runs his mouth some more to her and GSR says something back to him and SBG says something and GSR replies and SBG starts running his mouth about PCW and GSR says something and SBG asks something and he touches his stomach asking about if she is hurting or something and she touches her side as well and he touches her head and sees she is sweating and says something and GSR just looks at him and SBG says something and GSR says something back SBG tells her something about Yuna and GSR asks something and he tells her that SBH has her or something and GSR looks at him.

Yuna is doing work in her room and SBH says something and Yuna replies and SBH says something else to her and leaves and Yuna sits there.

SBH comes out of the flat and meets SBG in the hall coming from PCW’s flat and he says something and SBH replies and SBG says something else about PCW and SBH hurries away looking uncomfortable and SBG is wondering what is going on.

SBH gets outside looking back and says something and looks at her bank book at the money that PCW deposited and says something and walks off putting it back in her bag.

GSR says something to the Team Leader and the Team Leader tells her lets go out to talk and GSR looks around at the other girls before following.

GSR is outside with the Team Leader and tells her something and the Team Leader seems surprised and GSR says something else and the Team Leader replies back and GSR asks something and the Team Leader replies back.

SBH has gone to see CDG and he says something and SBH says something back to him as he is straightening his tie and CDG says something and SBH replies back and CDG says something else and SBH replies about his having leaked those designs and CDG says something and SBH says she will not leak it if he removes the lein on her shop and other things and CDG says something looking scared.

CDG is on the phone with LJA and told her what SBH said and LJA is shocked and CDG tells her to hurry and do something and he is upset.

GSR is walking in the hall and meets SBH and she is surprised to see her there asking what she is doing there and SBH tells her something and GSR asks something and SBH says something else.

IYO is laying her head on the table and OHD wakes her up saying something and IYO sits up and JES says something and IYO replies back only thinking of her son and OHD says something and JES says something else and IYO starts yelling and JES gets a call and she answers and she seems to be told something and she looks sad and OHD asks what it is and JES says something to go to the back.

GMJ is on the phone talking to someone and JES comes in and GMJ breaks down on the phone and JES asks something and GMJ tells her something and he asks her something and JES replies both not a match perhaps.

SBG is with the doctor and he says something and the doctor replies about there not being a donor maybe and SBG says something else and the doctor replies and SBG say something else and the doctor replies back and SBG thinks.

SBG is in the hall as NJB and IYO come out from being tested and he asks something and IYO and NJB say something and SBG replies and NJB says something else and SBG asks something and NJB replies and SBG and IYO walk off and NJB looks at the business card of PCW lawyer friend who handled the transfer of the flat and she thinks.

SBG, IYO and NJB pass a church and NJB says something about going in and IYO asks something and NJB say something going in and IYO says something to SBG and follows.



NJB is on her knees at the altar praying and IYO comes to sit behind her in a pew and she prays and SBG stands at the back looking uncomfy and he notices the confessionals and he walks over.

SBG does in to sit down and starts talking about how awful he was to her and how no matter what she was still there and he can’t see her leave like this and he cries and bangs his head on that confessional door.

GSR is still at work and it is late and she ignores a call from SBG and continues to work and the door opens and it looks like PCW in the dark and she stands calling out for him but it is SBG and he comes in saying hey and GSR says something and SBG says something and GSR fires back at him and SBG says something else about her prolly working so late and GSR replies about needing to finish that and SBG takes the work and throws it on the floor and GSR calls his name telling him something and SBG asks something and GSR tells him something and SBG says something and grabs her shoulder saying something about PCW and GSR cries and SBG says something else about PCW and GSR wipes her tears saying something and SBG replies back and turns to go and GSR replies and SBG says something else mad and GSR says something back to him and SBG replies and picks up her work and turns to leave as GSR does not look at him.

The next morning MJ is sitting on the couch and gets down on the floor to massage his arm and CIS wants to know what she is doing and MJ say something being creepy as she touches his arm and CIS says something and SJ comes in and calls out and CIS pushes MJ off him making her hit the floor and she gets up and runs out and SJ tells CIS that someone is there to talk to him and she calls the Team Leader in and she greets him.

SBG is taking to the doctor again and is told that none of them are a match and they do not have a donor and SBG hits the desk and says something to the doctor.



SBG goes out in the hall and calls CDG to get PCW’s contact information and CDG asks why to put in a SOS and SBG asks him to hurry and get him that information and CDG says something to him and then CDG hangs up on him.

PCW comes running out of the arrivals gate past CYK and he never sees her as she tries to run after him but has to stop as she is tripping over her feet and suitcase and she is calling his name but he runs out of the airport leaving her as she is mad. (LMAO)

PCW is outside the airport waiting on transportation and looks around and thinks and decides not to wait and runs off trying to get to GSR.

The End




JES is at the chicken shop and PCW comes in and says something to her about her lying to him I bet and JES looks at him open mouthed. GMJ comes out from the back and says something to him as NJB is standing near. PCW is sitting with NJB and GMJ in the back of the shop and PCW say something to them. SBG is meeting with CYK and he asks her about PCW being back perhaps and CYK looks at him. CYK is crying to her father who is also crying about PCW not wanting her anymore and CIS looks at her as she has the ugly cry face. GSR is walking outside at the company and PCW is watching her and sees her sit down. PCW and SBG are at the hospital and SBG say something as he gets up and PCW alls his name telling him something looking at him.

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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@Ldy Gmerm @awsparkle,  Thanks for all your hard work 


I tell you I got the best laugh from this drama in today's episodes Just seeing PCW blow past her (CYK) like she was a total stranger makes me laugh every time I think of it LMAO and she calling after him he never heard a word he said she is physically gone from his heart and mind I hope she realize this and stop her nonsense and and papa dearest both.. CIS crying like PCW ignored him I hope he's thinking on the line with those tears how wrong he raised his daughter the S-L-U-T    

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Written Preview Ep 104

수래가 간암이란 사실을 알게 된 찬우는 수래를 만나려고 하지만, 마중은 찬우에게 수래의 뜻을 존중해주자면서 찬우가 알게 된 걸 수래에게 비밀로 해달라고 부탁한다. 한편, 찬우를 따라 돌아온 이경은 인섭 앞에서 찬우에 대한 욕심이 버려지지 않는다며 돌이킬 수 없는 관계로 인해 슬퍼하는데... 


Surae is the fact that liver cancer has been found to meet the chanwoo is surae, but is asking you to pick surae sleeping Respect the will of the surae chanwoo have learned to chanwoo confidential. On the other hand, to yigyeongeun back along the front chanwoo inseop sad because of the relationships irreversible anneundamyeo not abandoned greed for chanwoo ...


Several lay the liver cancer the fact know be and as for Chan-wu in order to meet several lay but, meeting from the respect Haeju character side Chan-wu several lay intentions know to Chan-wu, the fact that, to several lay with secret, requests. On the other hand, follows Chan-wu and Lee Kyung-eun who returns before In-seop about Chan-wu the avarice is thrown away, because of the relationship which is not the possibility of turning round feels sad…

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Thank you once again for the recap @Ldy Gmerm and for the preview @awsparkle - it is getting exciting now.  And looks like SBG is beginning to feel sorry on how he treated GSR.  Seeing him cry while talking to CYK begging where to find PCW makes me realize he is ready to redeem himself.   The mother must have gotten in contact with the attorney of PCW - and that's how PCW found out.  Reading the recap is just like watching it live on tv - blood is rushing!

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@awsparkle thanks for the preview trans..


The video of PCW running past CYK is awesome that small scene seems to have given everyone happiness. It is epic and I just wished it was a flight of stairs she tripped down and the luggage came tumbling after her! . It is posted above but who can resist me posting it again along with the preview..

CYK has finally gotten that message after a ton of bricks and a building fell on her that this man does not want her anymore will never think of wanting her eve if he has to be the last man standing. I am sure he told her and then finding out about GSR he just forgot her she is not in his mind anymore. Her father did this to her she knew that man was done with her and yet she listened to him and allowed herself to hope that his rebound state would allow him to let her slip in. That man is not that out of it that he does not see through her. Had she just accepted that it was her fault as to why her marriage ended that she hurt this man and accepted the responsibility for all the things she said and did to him to try and hold him and be nasty to GSR maybe she could have gain his respect and trust. AS it stands he only tolerates her and for sure did not want her following him to Shanghai! Especially not with his bruised heart over GSR!

There are still a whole slew of selfish people in this drama that need to get it before this is over.

The Preview:

PCW should be letting JES have it the nerve of her to stand there with her mouth open when he shows up to say something to her as many times as he asked her for the truth. Honestly GMJ should not be saying anything at all to this man either as he gave them that flat. I am sure that PCW will want everyone to respect her wishes in his not knowing but he will do what he wants to to help save her life. JES should have told that man that GSR loves him and was trying to spare him. If she kept her mouth closed after seeing he knows I need a big white truck to come through and run her over a few times. That man needs to know that GSR loves him and was trying to protect him even if it was foolish and selfish of her to take his right to decide from him.

Now she calls SBG to come out to find out if he has talked to or seen PCW.. Since I doubt PCW is answering her calls.. Just shameful her and her father crying after all she has said and done to this man and his family that they would ever think this man could forgive or excuse the cheating and vehicular homicide of their daughter. Not to mention his hurting his mother.. I am honestly done with her and just want them to focus on his saving GSR's life and them getting back together.

Video Credit:DramaSBS channel on YouTube.

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Thanks @Ldy Gmerm,  I love the video that's a keeper I'm still trying to figure out where she think she was going trying to keep up with him.. Do she really think it's wise to pop up with him now she know she is out so my guess is she will work on GSR..  

Ldy how is somebody like you and love sick.. ? I need something different 

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I am sure she went there and had an earful from PCW about showing up there with her excuses and he saw right through what she was trying to do. Then he gets the call from his friend about GSR and he booked a ticked right then and there. I really hope they show us what happen in a flash back.. I don't know if he was just unlucky to get on the same flight as her coming back or she followed him back either way he ran off and left her just as he should have.

As for the T-drama Someone Like you and the Thai Drama Love Sick.. I will pm you..

As I put that clip on repeat (you guys know which one) it tickles me every time I see it. She honestly thought he should have waited for her as she tripped over her feet and rolled that big azz suitcase behind her trying to catch up to him.. Her calling his name a couple of times made no dent as he left her in the dust and ran out of the airport. It was just priceless. That man owes her nothing and she got what she deserved in my opinion. How ever she came to be on that flight with him.. she sure got her eyes opened yet again to where she stands in his mind, heart or life!

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