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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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euraka said: i know right now JI can not trust anyone who blame her but all i am asking is to use her brain there is a lot of way to find  where her kid is.
i think the entire gang should go to jail , JMY, HB, her mother, her daughter and HS for all the illegal things they done. HS thinks his brother will cover for him that is why he wanted him to be a lawyer and to be in the legal department but once HW find out what his brother done i really doubt he will help me  i can see his plan back fire at him

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@suchadiva42,@NewKDramaAddict‌,  Maybe JmY is banking on that wife can't testify against the husband policy..  

@valsava" Well it's not gonna work for JMY in which he can try anything he wants, but we'll all get a chance to see when his azz go straight to hell and nobody 2 turn to 8-|

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Video from the last episode:

It is so nice that she plays with her.. It is sad to see that woman like that all due to HB and her mother.. I can't wait until they get theirs.

This was completely stupid! HB thinks she is so slick.. JT should know that she was up to something wanting him to come home and check on his mother being so concerned for her.


JT would have had to be a fool not to see how messed up his desk was or his drawers... I do have to wonder what JI said to him and HB does not know when to sit down and shut up. Her constant actions against JI and being greedy is what is going to get her caught eventually. I want to fast forward whenever I see her , her mother and HS! She should never be saying anything to HW.

Video Credit MBCDrama Channel on YouTube.
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So TJ had video or something and saw she searched his office perhaps... I wonder if she even told him why she was looking around?

She gave the USB back after he said something to her. I guess she thought that it had evidence on it to support her being framed perhaps. I hope she did not quit, TJ did not give her a chance to really say anything.. but then JI would prolly not talk about it at all when she should.

HW looked like he was going to either confess who he was or that he tried to help her or both but HS got to him first.

From the preview it looks like HS made some kind of a deal with HW to get JI's kid back if he either stays away from her or does not tell her anything. HB does not look happy about it.  I could care less as long as she gets her kid back! It will prolly be the cliff hanger on Thursday's episode.  I wonder what TJ said to her and if it was her on the phone with him.

Guys I swear every time that HB is on I keep praying for a white truck of doom to hit her. I keep thinking about Deathrace (the 1975 ver. with David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone and I wonder how many points she would fetch if they hit her and hit her hard.. I say extra for her mother too!!) She makes me so mad every time I see her on that screen.

LOL at JMY's sister.. she day dreamed that HS would come in and grab her and kiss her pulling her away from her date (which was not attractive at all.. what is her mother thinking must be well off.) only to have reality show her that HS never even noticed her. Her flash back of them in bed you can even tell that he does not care for her he gets up and does not look back.. Such a foolish girl. She has not got it yet. But desperation will start to set in soon for her and she will do something stupid and then prolly squeal on HS for what he and HB had her do to JI when she finds out she has been used and that he does not want her at all.

Video Credit MBCdrama channel on YouTube..
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@suchadiva42,  Don't be to happy about touching that stupid it may rub off on you.. I mean I couldn't even wrap my head around JI mentality..8-}

@valsava" JI is just too damn weak and if she's gonna beat HB at her own game. then her azz better go and borrow Popeye Spinach because (DAMMIT) she's really are going to need it for those devilish people's 8-|

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She didn't give herself time enough to make JT trust her she just was going to take the usb and leave not knowing what was on it.. Her birdbrain only had to think to have her friend to bring a laptop to her and she could have download what was on there.. Or she could have watch what was on there at least she could have been weary of HB setting traps for her I mean she was in jail did she not go to the classes on committing crimes 101... And how to tell a believable lie 101 did she read the manual crimes for dummies..   [-X   Just what was she doing in prison she didn't ask for people to tell her they story just how did she survive.. Was prison for JI at the Hilton... 

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So what happens that you guys want to spank JI azz.that house is not a good house,the house is place where anger and hate duels among the people who lives on it,if JT has a video set in the study room that shows he is not honest too.JI is a mother who they look down on because she's poor.no matter what happens it is very hard to believe people around you when almost everyone has betrayed you.

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So what happens that you guys want to spank JI azz.that house is not a good house,the house is place where anger and hate duels among the people who lives on it,if JT has a video set in the study room that shows he is not honest too.JI is a mother who they look down on because she's poor.no matter what happens it is very hard to believe people around you when almost everyone has betrayed you.

@joyblack4" Well i can understand JT having a camera in the house or study, TBH" who wouldn't with so much happening these days, and I feel JT will come along to trust JI. but JT also thinking about what he heard from others about JI. so he's taking precaution as to where his mother life is really in JI's hand when he's gone IMO.

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JI has no mean bone  in her body , most of people change after going to jail  but in her case going to jail doesn't have an effect at all on her in order  to beat this evil people at their on game there should be something big to happen to her or a revelation,  for instant finding the cause of her mother death or to learn what happen to her kid that will drive in to range 
if TJ has camera all over the house that means he knew everything that is going on in the house including  the secretary working with HB. does it means the secretry is a double agent ?

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euraka said: JI has no mean bone  in her body , most of people change after going to jail  but in her case going to jail doesn't have an effect at all on her in order  to beat this evil people at their on game there should be something big to happen to her or a revelation,  for instant finding the cause of her mother death or to learn what happen to her kid that will drive in to range 
if TJ has camera all over the house that means he knew everything that is going on in the house including  the secretary working with HB. does it means the secretry is a double agent ?

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I believe what you are saying but JT is also greedy,he too want to continue his father reign after his father took. over what does not belong to him,revenge is a very bad thing,it does not spare an innocent person who comes in the cross fire,this is where HW is exception from all them in that house,he moved out to get away from their greed,JT knows how his father. took over someone possession and claim it to be his ,if JT wanted to live in peace when his father dead he could have hand over the position back the HS and live with his mother in other house that is how you correct wrongs he knows HB and her mother is responsible for what happens to his own mother,he can't do anything about,plus he saw HB searching in his mother safe reading his mother will,did he do any thing about it no,only himself knows why.

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may be HW will be the one to discover all the dirty deeds that going on in that house and the company that is when he will move out of that house 
by the way JI is in the will of JT is mother did HS know that ? i think the moment he knew he will change sides may be persuade his brother to be with her

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