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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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To the man of our life on a daily basis our dear @Triton823, It's has been so enjoyable watching dramas with you.. Trinton you makes use laugh and look forward to your post everyday Happy New Year and lets spazz again this year  I look for certain posts everyday and it lets me no that my daily family is ok.,.

@LdyGmerm,@suchadiva42@tinsatrix236,@kdramafan469,@awsparkle@automickitty. @NewKDramaAddict,@mudaepo,@UnniSarah,@gene71632,@prettystone.@gerrytan8063,@watchamal ots,@badsmuler,@ggry.@baduty@40somethingajjuma.@Jadeclouid, @thegoldbug,@thunderman1,@carttx,@DelroyB, 

Oh this is just to name a few but you are the ones I look forward to.. Never meet you face to face but just to see your post I feel a warm embrace.. So from me to all of you Love Ya all and have happy New Year      

@valsava Same feelings here. I enjoy reading everyonE's post in soompi forum and wishing all of my Chingu's a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

You guys are the one that intrigue me to watch some of these drama's I would never try to watch. There is so much laughter from everyone of you guys that makes my day. So thank you for welcoming me to this forum.

^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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Have a safe and Happy New Years to those of you in the States waiting to count down to 2015.. To those of you that have already hit the New Year Mark HAPPY NEW Year and I hope you have an awesome day..

Yes, HB wanted JMY for his resemblance to the dead boyfriend and JMY like an idiot did not care if that was what it was as long as he could cash in. His greed will be his undoing.. not really worried about him he is like an annoying fly that you have to swat occasionally until you kill him.

HW, I think is going to do exactly like you guys have said. He is going back into that house that he never wanted to live in again! To prepare to go into that company. HB and HS made a big mistake in thinking they could control or run HW. He will play his cards close to his chest because it is the only way to best people who have played with his and JI's life..

See you guys in the New Year for lots more drama watching together :)

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valsava said: To the man of our life on a daily basis our dear @Triton823, It's has been so enjoyable watching dramas with you.. Trinton you makes use laugh and look forward to your post everyday Happy New Year and lets spazz again this year  I look for certain posts everyday and it lets me no that my daily family is ok.,.
@LdyGmerm,@suchadiva42@tinsatrix236,@kdramafan469,@awsparkle@automickitty. @NewKDramaAddict,@mudaepo,@UnniSarah,@gene71632,@prettystone.@gerrytan8063,@watchamal ots,@badsmuler,@ggry.@baduty@40somethingajjuma.@Jadeclouid, @thegoldbug,@thunderman1,@carttx,@DelroyB, 
Oh this is just to name a few but you are the ones I look forward to.. Never meet you face to face but just to see your post I feel a warm embrace.. So from me to all of you Love Ya all and have happy New Year      

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i am happy that JI has the brain now it was a good trick.  she caught HB red handed. i think the man behind JI will be JT since they met at the police station and JI may help his mother in getting better who knows she may move in the house to take care of her that will make HS, HB  grow a horn. not mention a good opportunity to HW to mend his relationship it will be fun to watch HS sends a woman to prison to separte her from his brother and at the end  they are going to live under the same roof  
in today's episode i love JI she was strong , smart and determined. she was also hard on HW she let him have it 

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ep 43

hs says today ji will be out and secretary long can't tell  hw things about ji.

ji is out and friend tells her kid has difficulty to breathe but it isn't critical, ji wants to see kid immediately.

ugly mj is dancing, hb comes to see her and says she is so pretty, mj says she is always pretty and she asks if mom has settled the matter and hb says of course, she recalls jmy said he would move kid away before ji out.

ji and friends find kid disappeared, nurse says perhaps the family moved her out, ji calls jmy, he says he didn't move kid and it's impossible she disappeared, he thinks out loud no way he will give kid to ji who has been seeing hw in jail.

hw tells hs he went to jail to help a pitiful person (it wasn't ji) because hb asked him to help and he didn't know she is kind to help others, hs is angry and he calls hb and she is at gallery.

hs goes to see hb and says hb must be crazy to go to jail with hw, she says they didn't go there for ji but for a pitiful man, he says cut the crap and she must do it for something, she says yes but she didn't mention ji to hw, hs says he won't do nothing if she continues it and he calls mj for dinner together, hb is scared, he warns hb not to touch hw again.

ji is told all cctv videos are lost because of computer virus, jmy arrives and asks what happened, ji says nobody knows where kid is and she will report it to police, he says he will do it since ji is just out of jail, friend agrees with him, ji says she will go asking around in hospital, jmy sees hw's note to kid: he likes the most the sentence "it's miracle the person i like likes me too" in the book, jmy "like?" and gets angry.

hw comes to see jt mom, jt says she is with a new nurse inside her room, jt asks what made hw change his mind and went back to study abroad, mom refuses to drink medicine and a cup is cracked, hw piggybacks her out, the nurse says she can't do the job and she leaves, hw says the medicine is bitter but it's good for mom and if she drinks it he will walk with her outside later, mom drinks it, he walks with her outside, he gives her his scarf and says it's cold outside and he recalls ji.

no a person in the hospital knows where kid is, jmy mom is with her and she calls jang and says she should come to see kid since she is kid's aunt and jang won't come because it's too far, kid gets worse, ji faints, mom calls jmy and says kid gets worse and they shouldn't move kid away and she should be with ji, he says kid will get better once she gets used to the new place, he says mom mustn't tell ji where kid is.

hb says on phone the hospital must report to her all things about sy, her mom says jmy will have difficulty to hide it from ji, hb says she knew his weakness as a man and he won't tell it to ji.

ji says a nurse must have come to work now and she will go to ask her, the nurse says she doesn't know and kid must have disappeared after she went home from work, ji says another nurse said kid disappeared when this nurse was on duty, the nurse she really doesn't know, later ji says things are strange about cctv and the nurse, she remember the camera that hw installed, the nurse has it and she calls jmy asking for money, he says he already paid her to shut up her mouth about him moving kid away, she says he must pay to get the camera.

jmy tells hb about it, hb says he didn't handle things well, he says he didn't know a camera in the room, she remembers what she and mj did there, she says she will handle it, she calls a secretary choi who's jt's man, choi tells jt he will go back to office for something, jt asks him to find a nurse who has communication skills, hb texts choi for what he should do.

ji says the nurse resigned suddenly and she is suspicious, she and friend go to find her.

nurse sees choi, choi says he came for jmy, she gives him the camera for money, hb arrives and gets the chip and drops it into coffer, she says it doesn't mean she doesn't trust choi.

nurse sees ji and friend and she wants to run away, ji says the nurse must know who took away kid and she must tell her and she has waited for kid for2 years, nurse says she really doesn't know anything, friend says they should go to police.

jmy asks about the matter, she says she has settled the nurse, she asks if he has warned his family not to tell ji, he says of course he has, he turns off ji call, he gets a call from a kim and he tells other he is out for work, ji knows jmy didn't report kid's missing to police.

hs asks long if hw knew ji was in jail, long says hw doesn't know, hw arrives and long leaves, hw asks if they talked about him, hs says it's a secret and they will have lunch together, he answers a call and hw says he will wait for him at lobby

ji arrives at the lobby and is told jmy isn't in the office, she says he is hiding from her and she wants to go up his office, jmy enters the lobby and she asks him where is the kid and why he didn't report the missing before he grabs her away, hw sees and follow them, ji asks if hb wanted him to do it and as if jailing wasn't enough for her and they even took away kid from her and he knew she was in jail because she was framed and how he can do this to her, hw hears them, he goes to hs and asks why hs did that to ji since he had promised he would saver her, ji cries how jmy can do that to her.

ji: how can you do this to me?
nurse: before handing over the camera i watched the video and found something interesting,
ji: everything is suspicious to me, either jmy or anyone in the nursing house could do it.
hw: you framed ji and put her in jail, did you do it for me?
hs: that's the reason i live for.
nurse: i am leaving this country, but if i left like this i would feel regret a bit, i left a gift to ji, she will receive it now.
hb: what? did ji receive it so soon? has she found out? 

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ep 44

ji says so hb asked him to do it and as if being framed and jailed wasn't enough and they even took away her kid and he knew the truth then how he can do this to her, hw hears them.

hw asks why hs did that to ji since he has promised he would save her, hs says calm down and he will explain, hw says calm down for what and hs will lie again and he must go to ask ji himself.

ji asks where jmy hided kid, jmy says he didn't, ji says so why he didn't report it to police, he says he did and it must be a misunderstanding and if she become delusional after 2 years in jail, he say he is more worried about kid than her and she dares to suspect him and she must wake up and he pushes her away and leaves, she cries he has no idea how she lived in jail and she missed kid every moment in jail and now he thinks she is delusional and if it's him so who took away kid.

jmy recalls hw read the book to kid: "if you raise me we won't be separate and you will be my only and i will be your friend".
jmy says he rather dies than sees that.

friend asks if jmy confesses, ji says he said she was crazy and she got delusion after in jail for 2 years, friend says it's him who was crazy to have an affair, ji wonders if she is really crazy since she suspects him and everyone in the hospital and she asked everyone to turn her kid, friends says ji isn't crazy and it's because she lose her kid and those who said she was crazy are crazy,

long says hw must talk to hs first, hw says long lied to him too, long says he will be punished but hw must talk to hs first since hs cared about him so much, hw says hs wouldn't do that if he cared about him, hs arrives and says he will explain.

before their dad's photo hs says after dad died he promised 3 things, 1 is to protect hw and he can do anything about it, hw says so hs did that to ji to protect him, hs says ji was an obstacle in everywhere way so he had to remove her,  he says he involved in money washing to because he needs money to kick out jt and get back the company and these are his another 2 promises, he says to revenge for dad is the reason for him to live on, he says he still lives with hb who cheated to him and it isn't for love and he never loves her for once and he just needs her for his purpose, he says he didn't want hw to know such dirty things so he didn't tell him about his promises but he won't hide it from him and hw must understand him since he has only him and from now on hw must help him.

hw recalls all of lies or truths of hs.

jang asks what happened and hs was supposed to be happy since hw will work for the compnay, hs says hw is like a thorn in his throat and he is worried about him either he is near or far from him, jang says she will erase his worry and she wants to kiss him, he pushes her away.

hw says he shouldn't come if he is still conscious, he sees ji is out of the hospital, ji dreams of to be with kid and cries.

hb mom says her mouth is itch because she wants to boast hs who is a famous designer is her daughter and mj who will be an idol star soon is her granddaughter, hb says just wait for her to kick out jt and get back the company then she will allow mom to boast  to the world she is her real mom, mom asks really, hb says she never talks empty lies, mom says she gave birth to a good daughter, hb gets something by phone.

the text and photos are from the nurse, she says she watched the video and it was interesting and she recognized hb and mj because they are famous, hb calls the nurse and says she got enough money already, nurse says she only got money from kid's dad and hb should pay her too, hb says she won't giver her money because she might have made many copies, nurse says hb should trust her since this is a world people trust each other and it's her last time to ask for money and she will go abroad right after she gets it, hb says so she will trust her for once and she won't forgive her if she lies.

jang is scared seeing mom at home because mom is supposed to stay with kid, mom asks why jang didn't come home to sleep last night, jang says she overworked at gallery, mom says so jang overworked and took bath before coming home, jang says gallery has a bathroom, mom says really, jang says it's true she was busy for an exhibition and she will go to sleep now, mom says jang is weird and perhaps she has a man in hiding.

hs says sorry for his late for breakfast, jt says hs came back late and he seemed to drink a lot last night, hs says he didn't, jt says hs looks tired and hb should cook soup for his drunk, hb says sorry she forgot to ask maid to cook it, jt mom asks hs to drink a soupl.

hb says mom asked hs drink soup and if mom was sincere to him, she asks if hs drank a lot last night because of things about hw, hs says it seems she didn't sleep well last night and if was about bad things about mj, she says ok they should stop, he says right she should worry about her daughter and she shouldn't bother about hw, she says so she won't mention about hw again, he calls someone but no answer.

hw recalls things: hs says he needs money to kick out jt and get the company and revenge for dad who was betrayed and this is his reason to stay alive, he says he has hw only and he must understand him.

hw ask when hs wants him to start working for the company, hs says so hw agrees to help him, hw says he didn't come to understand and forgive hs and they (hs/bh) have destroyed the life of a woman who has nothing to do with them, he says what they did isn't different to what jt did to his dad, he says he came because he can't forgive himself for allowing hs to do that and he won't help hs to get back the company and he wants to stop hs doing bad things because he wants to protect hs and he wants to stop hs destroying himself.

nurse says she knows nothing so why ji came again, ji says nurse must think her crazy but somehow she feels nurse knows and she is her last straw, nurse says she has an appointment, ji says she will wait for her and please tell her anything she knows.

nurse says she didn't think a famous person would come, hb says she won't like to talk to her and just take out the thing, nurse says so where is her money, hb throws an envelop to floor and says it's the money, nurse picks it up and throws an usb to floor and says pick it up, hb calls in a thug and says either the nurse herself picks it up or is forced to pick it up, nurse picks it up and gives it to hb, hb throws in on floor and steps on it and says next time the nurse should know who to deal with first, she says if the nurse appears before her again she won't forgive her.

hb calls someone to spy on the nurse until she goes abroad because she can't trust her, she sees hw and hw just ignores her, hw says he wants to live in the house, jt asks if it isn't temporary and hw will stay for long, hw says yes if he is allowed, jt mom says yes and she is happy.

hw says hs shouldn't be surprised since he told him he would stay with him, hs says he didn't think hw would come in and what about his bad childhood memory, hw says compared to that he feels more painful of hs has became a bad man and he will stick with him either at home or at the company, hs says it doesn't matter as long as hw stays with him and they are brothers and hw will understand him and obey him.

hb asks why hw changed his mind and moved in the house and it's strange, hs says hw just came back to his room, hb says hw moves out of the house for so long, hs says the room's master hasn't changed, hb gets a call from nurse and says she is crazy to call her again, nurse says she is leaving and she felt pity so she sent a gift to ji because ji didn't stop begging her and she send it by speed post so ji will receive it soon, hb calls ji and asks for talk, ji says she has no time to see her, hb says it's about kid, ji asks so she will go to see her, she gets the post and opens it and inside a note says if ji watches it she will know who took her kid away.

ji: please come out, mom, you know where kid is hided, please come out fast!
ji: what are you doing?
hw: didn't you say kid has disappeared? to find her is urgent.
ji: aren't you with hb? what are you planning again?
hb: it seems ji misunderstood hw entirely, ah, so heartbreaking.
ji: did you entrusted hb to do that? did you do that for taking kid away from me?
ji: where did you hide my daughter? you return my daughter back!

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@prettystone thanks for the translations..

A few things have me thinking this morning...

From this below we can say with certainly that HS will not have that company nor will HB (but that is a different story).

" hw says so hs did that to ji to protect him, hs says ji was an obstacle in everywhere way so he had to remove her,  he says he involved in money washing to because he needs money to kick out jt and get back the company and these are his another 2 promises, he says to revenge for dad is the reason for him to live on, he says he still lives with hb who cheated to him and it isn't for love and he never loves her for once and he just needs her for his purpose, he says he didn't want hw to know such dirty things so he didn't tell him about his promises but he won't hide it from him and hw must understand him since he has only him and from now on hw must help him."

Why? Because of that which is highligted. Sending her to jail to get her out of the way was not the only option if he felt she was in the way of his plans he wanted HW to help with! He could have had her transferred and had her daughter moved as well to go with her. What he did in going along with her frame and helping to make sure she stayed in jail just to get her out of the way of causing issues does not wash.. His real reasons were to get her out the way of HW so that he could have HW do what he wanted him to.  He ruined her life all because of his misguided plans.

I suspect that what he remembers happen is a bit skewed due to a childs perception of events. I am not saying that JT"s dad could not have done something shady but I do not think HS looked into this situation fully and is running on his own memory and what he THINKS happen. JT is not the cause of this as he was a kid as well. If he really thought his company and house were stolen from him then he should have investigated it fully and got documentation to back it up.  He has been involved now in framing an innocent person. Money Laundering , accomplice to the crime of her daughter being hurt all because he did not want this woman near his brother or to have inherited anything from his MIL. So I do not think he will get this company in the end. If he manages to take it then it will be short lived because I see JT getting it back and with the help of HW. HS thinks that just because HW is close to him by living in that house and coming to work in that company that because he is his brother he should understand what he has done but I do not think that HW will ever understand ruining a woman's life the way he has or the lies he told to get HW to finish school. I still think that HS has poked a sleeping tiger and that he underestimates HW and his brother love. HW has already said he will not help him with that company but will try to get him to do right.. We know that is a loosing battle because HS is going to loose all that he thinks was stolen from him in the first place for going along and hurting JI. It is karma.. and it will come for him.

Now, HB wants the company because she and her greedy mother feel they should have it since the father was suppose to divorce JT's mom and marry her bio mother making her the legal wife. But what they both fail to realize is that JT is the first born son of that family and HB would never have inherited the company at all anyway. The father from what I have heard seems to been a**hole so I can't see him having left anything to HB. They have visions of grander and being legitimate when they should have been happy with what they got just as @awsparkle said.  They could have been out with nothing not acknowledge at all and living poor. But they are selfish and think they should be acknowledged more and have it all. Never thinking that a. her mother slept with a married man and ruining a family(HB is the apple that did not fall far from the tree in that regard, look at what she did to JI's family) and having a kid and that no one had to even acknowledge their existence especially HB's as a child of that man's or sister to JT. (Not that JT's father was not responsible as well for his own behavior. Because he was in cheating on his wife and thinking he was going to divorce her.) Now they have hurt the woman because she found out what they did to JI and with her paintings and they have the nerve to blame her for not divorcing that man and because she did not treat HB better. But in my opinion she treated HB a hell of a lot better then she should and more then warranted given how HB has treated her. One min she did not want to be the mistress daughter and have her blood but then she is telling her mother when she takes the company she will be happy to say she is her real mother..But just because they take a company does not make her legit.. her mother will still be the mistress as on paper JT's mother is still the legal wife and JT the first son.  So HB has a full plate of Karma coming for her.. just like her mother does.

"hw ask when hs wants him to start working for the company, hs says so hw agrees to help him, hw says he didn't come to understand and forgive hs and they (hs/bh) have destroyed the life of a woman who has nothing to do with them, he says what they did isn't different to what jt did to his dad, he says he came because he can't forgive himself for allowing hs to do that and he won't help hs to get back the company and he wants to stop hs doing bad things because he wants to protect hs and he wants to stop hs destroying himself."

HW is so right JI had nothing to do with the inner squabble of these people but she became expendable and they ruined her life all for selfish reasons. There was other ways to move her out the way without hurting her or letting others hurt her or ruin her life and her kids but they chose the ways that would benefit them the most and give them some satisfaction in seeing her suffer.  Spitefulness at its best. It is too late to stop HS and he will destroy himself because he has come too far and will do more to get what he thinks belongs to him. He already ruined his life the min he sent JI to prison for something that she did not do and continued to look down on her because his brother cared for her.

What makes me laugh is JMY's sister is all over him trying to comfort him and he pushes her away.. you see the more things get hot for him the more he will not want to deal with her and she will have nothing later to show for loving a married man that used her the same with HB did her brother. The min HB may think she has that company she will not want JMY any more and he will find out all she did and he will look at her in horror and then try to go running back to JI.

"jmy recalls hw read the book to kid: "if you raise me we won't be separate and you will be my only and i will be your friend".
jmy says he rather dies than sees that."

So he not only is in on or has knowledge of the frame of JI but he has the nerve to say she is delusional and worried about the kid and all of this is driven because he saw HW read a story to the kid as a friend scared he would replace her as the father she needs. If he was a good father in the beginning he would not be scared of something simple as that. But given what he has done that his kid found out about he is afraid someone else would take his place not realizing no one could take his place. HW has been checking on the girl and reading to her way before he left for 2 years, something that JMY never did. He is a selfish petty man who thinks his family (the wife and kid) are still his own when they are not. I look forward to hopefully the girl waking up and telling her dad that.

I am of two minds. If that kid dies while hidden JMY will never be able to deal with JI when she finds out that her child died and he hid her from her. He can't make it up.  On the other hand I want that kid to survive so she can look JMY in the face and let him have it for his treatment of her mother and breaking up their family over an affair causing her mother to have to divorce him and then tell him that HB's daughter was the one that hurt her and that they found her and moved her to stop her from waking up and talking about it. He needs to be confronted by his kid to see his foolishness and jealousy over HW is what caused his down fall and the loss of respect from his kid.

So JI will end up in a holding cell for grabbing HB again.. she should have squeezed her neck harder. But it gives JI a chance it seems to see JT and his mother at the station after she wonders off alone in her confused state.

I am hoping you guys are right that JT's mother recognizes JI and gets better. I would love for her to move in that house to take care of her per JT's orders. I think JT should be her financial backer because she will need something and JT needs to get his head back into that company.

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@Ldy Gmerm,
From the preview of the way JI stands and looks at that house looks like she ready to jump into the storm. Because of HB she has ended up in jail again because she knows HB had something to do with her child being taken away. These people are living comfortable in that house with no care of how they ruined her life. I hope she does go into that house which would unnerve HB and HS. Everyday they would have to look in the face of the woman they ruined for their own selfish agendas. HS gets to see the kind unselfish caring woman he helped to ruin. The guilt HS will experience will bite him really bad. It's going to drive HB crazy and she's going to do something stupid to out herself. 
That USB will never see the light of day and I'm wondering if HW had the images from the camera set up to automatically upload to his computer. . 

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without sub is very hard to predict where the story might be going,or who is right or wrong in their quest of revenge,excerpt JI and HW who is a victim of lies, this is what I think the story is going ,JI should focus for now how to recover her daughter also to know where she been taken to,JMY sister is going to get pregnant,when she do,she will get more ambitious wanting HS to divorce HB,and HS will be reluctant to do so,as the gold digging girl will become impatient,there by starting a fight with HB,HB might push her,exactly what Korean dramas usually show,push her,she will  then lose the baby and blame HB for it,HS angry will want revenge against HB daughter,HS  will go and publicize what  HB daughter has done to JI daughter, who know maybe the USB might end up in his hands,from there, things will get messy,all the crime partners will start fighting themselves,and JI will be cheering them up too by using them against each other,HW will be the one to take over the company,because he said it itself, he is going to save his brother this time,meaning he is going to end every dirt thing they have been doing in that company,I like his thinking,he is not doing any for himself but stoping them from using the company to punish innocent people.

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I have posted earlier my spectulation that hs will see ji and realize that what he has done and knows has been grossly misplaced. Unfortunately for hs he will lose not only the company but hw as well because blind ambition hurts those closest to them...which you already seen it on ji but it will get worse...far worse!
Im also changing my prediction from hw helping ji to it being jt and his mom. Jt mom is going to recover and both her and her son are going to drive hb out as well as hs.
Hs will lose the company because we don't know jt side of the story but from i call tell hs anger is misplaced in that he thinks the company is his.

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@Ldy Gmerm

I agree, HW finally sees what his brother is and will not forgive him for what he has done. In today's episode HW was remembering everything that was done to JI and it just pissed him off more. He is just finally grasping the reality that HS is obsessed in taking the company back and willing to do anything to accomplish it. He know what his brother said was also richard simmons. How can you destroy someone like that and not think of the consequences that will follow.

I understand why everyone thinks HW is useless that is only because his brother never let him see the bad side of him. HW loves his brother and worshipped him it will take time for him to get his bearings and to make a decision on who's side he will be on. You can't expect him to just turn on his bro in a snap because of all the bad stuff his bro has been and will continue to do. He will mourn the loss of a brother that was all in his imagination and then go after him to right all the wrongs that was done to JI. HW knows the difference between right and wrong , so he will choose to do the right thing.

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