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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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I think that JI needs a lot of coldness in her heart and mind now. She definitely needs to seek vengeance on these people who thought it was ok to mess with her life and the life of her child. I just do not want her child to die in order for her to get into that cold place in her mind.


That is exactly it about JMY he is a selfish man who thinks for some reason he is the head of a family.  He also thinks that he would have a chance with his wife again with the excuse that he slept with someone, divorced his wife and moved their child all to protect his family and the wife he thinks is still his on some level. The sad thing is once he touched HB he lost all rights to ever have JI back next to him to slave for him and his family. He should think again if he thinks he will have anything to show for what he has done. His sister is the same way.

It will serve her right to be shamed for her behavior in messing around with a married man and her mother as well for raising her to be that way. All of them will not be able to hold their heads up and then will be looking to JI again to take care of them but will find out that JI will no longer be the free slave labor and bread winner supporting their selfish needs.

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I think that JI needs a lot of coldness in her heart and mind now. She definitely needs to seek vengeance on these people who thought it was ok to mess with her life and the life of her child. I just do not want her child to die in order for her to get into that cold place in her mind.


That is exactly it about JMY he is a selfish man who thinks for some reason he is the head of a family.  He also thinks that he would have a chance with his wife again with the excuse that he slept with someone, divorced his wife and moved their child all to protect his family and the wife he thinks is still his on some level. The sad thing is once he touched HB he lost all rights to ever have JI back next to him to slave for him and his family. He should think again if he thinks he will have anything to show for what he has done. His sister is the same way.

It will serve her right to be shamed for her behavior in messing around with a married man and her mother as well for raising her to be that way. All of them will not be able to hold their heads up and then will be looking to JI again to take care of them but will find out that JI will no longer be the free slave labor and bread winner supporting their selfish needs.

You. know what I think of JMY he and his family take JI as a fool because she is kind and always forgiving to them So they took her for granted no respect for her at all that why he is still claiming right where JI is.I just wish when JI start her revenge she start from JMY by putting him in his place and shut his wide mouth up. for him.

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Thanks again@Hibiscus23,I will try it,I am despirate to find something in case stormy woman break my heart,but I will start watching the legendary  witches to see where it leads me to.


@joyblack4 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU too & all our fellow LOTS fans here! You're more than welcome, i really enjoy the LW drama so i might see u on that thread too :)

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I think when ji daughter dies...that will be the end. The drama clearly states in the description that she would lose her daughter meaning death awaits her. I want ji to wreck holy hell on the rat bastards! Hw as normal hasn't learned a damn thing...the preview shows hs feels something for his brother, but screw him...its all about hs and his obsession with his own crap. Ive officially labeled hw character as the most useless of all...he needs to go back to his weed selling or something...if he can't protect his woman he should go get castrated because lord knows we don't need more useless men like him...harsh as it is its truth.

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JMY will get his in the end. They always do.In his case something really wrong health wise that he can not recover from and HB will have cut him off so he can't pay for it either.

 He will continue to be a pest until he finds out the truth about the woman and her daughter then he will want to run back to JI and says he is sorry and that he is coming back to her or never left her in his heart. At that point JI will be looking at him crazy thinking he has lost his mind. Hopefully this is around the same time that she is fully aware of how his sister and JMY let her go to jail for the crime she did not commit. 

JI will have moved on and moved up from him.. As you guys said he and his family had no respect for JI and they looked down on her seeing her as holding them back from greatness. Not realizing it was never JI that was holding them back it was them holding her back. They took her kindness for her being a fool and thought that it should not matter what they have said or did to her she would forgive them all and understand taking them back but they will find out later that there is no going back when all they coveted is taken away or cut off.

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@Ldy Gmerm,
HB wanted JMY because he looked like her dead boyfriend. JMY cashed in on the cow giving the milk. They destroyed a woman's life because of the own selfishness and greedy.  The most befitting thing for JMY and HB is an accident caused by HB that disfigures JMY's face. 

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Im done bashing hws...im afraid if i go further might get hell by a few in here who stalk him...ep 40-50 are generally the ones that po everyone...its the lowest point for the heroine...
I hope in the preview hs sees what he has done to his brother because the look he gave to hs if hs isn't stupid...its the sign of one po dog about to bite his sorry rear!

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Triton823 said: Im done bashing hws...im afraid if i go further might get hell by a few in here who stalk him...ep 40-50 are generally the ones that po everyone...its the lowest point for the heroine...
I hope in the preview hs sees what he has done to his brother because the look he gave to hs if hs isn't stupid...its the sign of one po dog about to bite his sorry rear!

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I think HW moved in to house is to pay the way for him to start working in the company not because of his brother because he has a purpose,and that is JI,now I see the more JI rejects him the more he will want to help JI to destroy HB,revenge take time

one have to have a plan in place to be able to take revenge,him going into the company is a good idea,even JI too has to come back into that company too,this time HB is the one going to jail.HW will bring back JI to start work again.

HW doesn't like what is going on with his life right now,he see his brother as the one that destroy his happiness before now he doesn't like the politics play in that company that made him to stay away but there is always a purpose for a change of heart so let see what happens now,it is getting interesting.

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NewKDramaAddict said: Triton823 said: Im done bashing hws...im afraid if i go further might get hell by a few in here who stalk him...ep 40-50 are generally the ones that po everyone...its the lowest point for the heroine...
I hope in the preview hs sees what he has done to his brother because the look he gave to hs if hs isn't stupid...its the sign of one po dog about to bite his sorry rear!

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Triton823 said: NewKDramaAddict said: Triton823 said: Im done bashing hws...im afraid if i go further might get hell by a few in here who stalk him...ep 40-50 are generally the ones that po everyone...its the lowest point for the heroine...
I hope in the preview hs sees what he has done to his brother because the look he gave to hs if hs isn't stupid...its the sign of one po dog about to bite his sorry rear!

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Now the ugly truth about me Watching Korean drama is that I started many but few I complete watching because my heart can't take it anymore,especially when I start getting emotional into it,I look the other way.other drama to start watching,this is just entertainment nothing else let enjoy it.

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To the man of our life on a daily basis our dear @Triton823, It's has been so enjoyable watching dramas with you.. Trinton you makes use laugh and look forward to your post everyday Happy New Year and lets spazz again this year  I look for certain posts everyday and it lets me no that my daily family is ok.,.
@LdyGmerm,@suchadiva42@tinsatrix236,@kdramafan469,@awsparkle@automickitty. @NewKDramaAddict,@mudaepo,@UnniSarah,@gene71632,@prettystone.@gerrytan8063,@watchamal ots,@badsmuler,@ggry.@baduty@40somethingajjuma.@Jadeclouid, @thegoldbug,@thunderman1,@carttx,@DelroyB, 
Oh this is just to name a few but you are the ones I look forward to.. Never meet you face to face but just to see your post I feel a warm embrace.. So from me to all of you Love Ya all and have happy New Year      

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joyblack4 said: Now the ugly truth about me Watching Korean drama is that I started many but few I complete watching because my heart can't take it anymore,especially when I start getting emotional into it,I look the other way.other drama to start watching,this is just entertainment nothing else let enjoy it.

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i wish her daughter will not die that is the one reason she keep on living. if she dies and JI get her revenge still she will not be happy i want her daughter to wake up and tell her mother who did this to her that is the reason enough to get her revenge . HW what can i say about him he is so weak i know HS is the only family he has and he has to be on his side but he has to draw a line between right and wrong no matter what his brother plan is it is dead wrong to send someone to prison who has been hurt and do nothing to harm him just because HW fall in love with her that is not the reason to hurt someone i think from the preview HW  and HS relationship going to the drain 

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