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Add and Subtract Game


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Hello team add and team subtract,


You are all sad to hear that our @CatchMine_ID is gone. I'm sad too, and I can't believe it.


I told her I wanted to hug her and I told her to ship herself to me through the mail. I'm sorry if that sounds creepy, but she makes me so happy. She's my spirit animal. 


I know a lot of you think she's in a better place. I agree, but I feel like someone took her from me. And it hurts because I don't think it was her time to go, and I feel selfish. I think we all knew she was sick, but I think we all hoped she'd get better.


It's just so unfair.


I still can't believe it. I can't stop crying.


I don't remember if she was on team add or subtract, but I don't think that matters. I think we were all on her team @CatchMine_ID.


I think we were all praying for her. And she touched all our lives in so many ways.


I miss her so much.



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Sorry I haven't been around guys! 

Had some things happen at work that require me to come in early/stay late/never go home. :lol: And it's going to stay that way for the next couple of weeks. 

So if you don't see me, I'm ok. Just going to be super busy for the next few weeks and may not be able to get on Soompi. 

Go Team Add! 


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