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And w00t! for another win! :D I'll edit the main post in a bit :)

@phikyl Seems like "Blood" will take me day or two longer since I've not watched a thing today and also need to watch EP3 for R88 :) Wednesday at the latest.
I don't mind the old vs young relationships. Korean women always look incredibly young (apart from Tzuyu in Twice's new "Cheer Up" MV. But she's from Taiwan so... oh... And amazingly georgous! :o ) so that kinda feels natural to me.

I talked to my wife yesterday about starting Dr. Who. She looked at me like I was insane: "What?! That's 40 years!" She was a bit reluctant even after I suggested we'd start a bit later lol :) Ah well, who knows. Perhaps she'll come around later (can't watch it alone as that would disintegrate the time I've got for K-Drama's :P ).

Yup. It's one of the biggest, if not THE biggest online battle ever seen. It takes about a year or so to fly one of the Titans (biggest ship), and a few months to build one. Considering there were over 70 Titans destroyed in that fight... The difference with most other games is that it's not gametime that counts, but real time. You set a skill to learn and it takes, for instance 30 days. You don't have to log in for those 30 days, but it will still take that long to learn that skill. It's all in real time. 30 days is really 30 days. Don't worry though. The first skills take minutes to complete. 30 days (and longer...) are the final skills for massive ships. You can already play competitively in PvP within a month. Quicker if you've got the backing up a decent corporation (similar to guilds).

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@CamelKnight Blood is on my ptw list, is it any good? I started DotS last night so I'm sure I'll be hung up on that for a few days. 

Lol! Start with just the re-boot! You don't have to watch all 40 years. I think the re-boot is on season 8 right now? Maybe 9? Not completely sure as I'm a bit behind myself. 

I'd have the alliance backup if I played since my friend has been in the same alliance for years with our mutual friends. Do you have to re-learn skills to make a new ship or does it just equate to more build time if the ship is lost?

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@phikyl I'm loving Blood! Considering the main leads are about to get married in real life because of this series, it makes it a bit more special :). So far their chemistry is really good, the story is nice and the jokes are entertaining :)

Not a bad idea lol :P Would take too long to get up to speed otherwise!

Corporations work together in Alliances. I used to be in CVA alliance, corporation was Imperial Dreams. 
No, you don't need to learn new skills. Well... unless.. If your ship get's destroyed, you're jettisoned out in an escape pod. If that get's killed as well you wake up as a clone. As long as your clone has been up to date, there's no problem. But if you haven't upgraded it, you will lose skill points. Painfull and costly :)
By the way, you can even insure your ship so that you get (some) cash back when it's destroyed. However, the payout almost always isn't worth insuring it. Updating your clone is much more important. You can buy a new ship, or build it yourself if you want, that will only set you back ISK (the currency). It's the loss of implants that's expensive (you learn faster or get better in certain skills with implants) and experience that really hurt. Implants are pricey, experience lost takes time to regain and might even mean you're unable to fly a ship you were doing fine in before :)  

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@CamelKnight So many dramas, so little time! We're not even 1/4 of the way through the Reply 88 rewatch either.  And of course now the sun has decided to join the party so work is hectic instead of slow. Just my luck. :lol:

Yeah, I feel you. I was reluctant to pick it up myself because of how many years it had been airing but the re-boot is good for newcomers too. You don’t need to have background knowledge of the show to start there and if you like it, you can always go back and watch the original seasons!

If/when I play, keep clone up to date. Noted!

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@phikyl yeah I know :) We've been slacking a bit lol :D 

Starting from reboot might be an option. Will have to see if I can find it somewhere :) I doubt that will be a big problem though. Dr. Who is pretty popular hehehe

Ah... so many things I could teach you about EVE lol :D I've played it fairly long and had a great corporation as back up. I've played everything in that game. From doing quests and instances to mining, building, trading... that game is so deep it's mindboggling :)

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@CamelKnight Scheduling stuff from opposite sides of the world is difficult. Lol!

It's on Netflix for sure; both old and new are. The reboot started in 2009 so that's the one you should look for if it has the year listed.

You're really making me want to play it! Unfortunately for me, my gaming rig is in storage for a while and I'm stuck with a laptop that can't handle the most basic of games, let alone a popular MMO like EVE. 

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@phikyl Eventhough I hardly sleep, I still need to work. That kinda cuts my waking time in half lol 

Depends on the region. I don't know if it's available on the Dutch Netflix. I'd need to check that.
2009. Copy that :)

Lol :D I really enjoyed it and if you want a space MMORPG, it's certainly EVE Online to fit the bill. EVE doesn't require a whole lot of computing power. Unless you're in a massive battle. In that case, a low ping, low latency and good computing power are very welcome lol :)

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@CamelKnightOh that's right. I always forget Netflix has the region blocking. 

I'm spoiled with my gaming computer. I would get so irritated trying to play on the laptop. Lol!

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@phikyl Netflix does now, unfortunately. I used to be able to watch US shows just by altering the DNS. No more though. They've blocked that :( And no K-Drama's on the Dutch version of Netflix either! 

Lol I know about that :D I always bought expensive computers (well, hardware. I build them myselves). The computer I'm on now is the first I've not spent so much on. I've actually spent more on my wife's computer this time. She loves me for it :D 

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