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[Drama 2014] Mama 마마

Go Seung Ji

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mudaepo said: @maddymappo I'm actually glad we didn't see more of it at the beginning. It's better that we didn't spend too much time in Canada, it's always awkward watching random white people pretend to be actors, and korean actors pretend to speak english.
"Your son is here. He's been waiting for you." "Oh really, I didn't know that." :-w
I'm waiting for the moment Geu Roo impresses all of us with his mad english skills he got after living in Canada for 13 years... He speaks so well korean, I'm a little worried about his english. :-w

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mudaepo said: @maddymappo I'm actually glad we didn't see more of it at the beginning. It's better that we didn't spend too much time in Canada, it's always awkward watching random white people pretend to be actors, and korean actors pretend to speak english.
"Your son is here. He's been waiting for you." "Oh really, I didn't know that." :-w
I'm waiting for the moment Geu Roo impresses all of us with his mad english skills he got after living in Canada for 13 years... He speaks so well korean, I'm a little worried about his english. :-w

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@valsava Actually, I might have worried for nothing. I tend to be too critical too soon. :D
GR only spoke a few words, but his pronunciation wasn't bad. It felt a little awkward, but that was because of the script, not the actor.

As far as I know, the SIL was angry about 1 the slap SJE gave her last week 2 The fact that SJE opposed her marriage to SJE's brother back when  SJE was rich and th SIL was her poor friend.
But I feel like there is still a lot we don't know about the SIL and SJE. The SIL looks like the bad one for now, but there might be more to her story. SJE's mother doesn't look like a great mother-in-law, the SIL needs to be least this tough to be able to deal with her.

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valsava said:.

...................................................Also is the SIL mad because they still living in that fine house and she didn't succeed on throwing them out in the streets.. Just wait until she finds out that they also have a very wealthy son in that family..


Agree. Can't wait to see her face when they are back in the money. I think the SIL is mad because she thought she married into a well standing family and all she is doing is paying bills for them so that they can live a fancy life style they do not deserve. Maybe she had to pay off the debt when the father's business went bankrupt and now it is galling her that she is living beyond her means, and she looks down on the lot of them and is just staying married for the sake of her child and appearances. 

 I think part of the reason the mother has a hard time living within her means, is because she was used to having much more money,   (but no excuse really because lots of people lose wealth and don't over spend when they are poor again).

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maddymappo said: mudaepo said: @maddymappo I'm actually glad we didn't see more of it at the beginning. It's better that we didn't spend too much time in Canada, it's always awkward watching random white people pretend to be actors, and korean actors pretend to speak english.
"Your son is here. He's been waiting for you." "Oh really, I didn't know that." :-w
I'm waiting for the moment Geu Roo impresses all of us with his mad english skills he got after living in Canada for 13 years... He speaks so well korean, I'm a little worried about his english. :-w

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The more I watch the more I like SH. She's strong and a fighter like you guys say. I hope her her sickness won't change her much.

I thought the husband is just weak, but he will do anything for money and power. Money is power.

Talking about the female manager. Is that a new trend in the workforce? Dressing so sexy and seducing your male subordinates? How can anyone takes you seriously if you dress yourself like a call girl?

I like the wardrobe department. All the ladies look really stylish. Even Roo looks cool and Roo has a different vibe about him. Is it because he's raised overseas? He's gonna cry his eyes out once he found out his Mom's story. I'm anticipating to see the boy's acting.

I wonder how the relationship form between TJ's brother and the young man. He looks way older to be his buddy.

I'm looking forward to the love relationship as promised between SungHee and the young man (I will remember his name eventually :)). Well we got to see a bit about them. They both love motorbike and even Roo too. And they both stubborn, and they both tall...haha. Anyway, the young man could be Roo's big brother to take him riding.

I think SH and JE will bond like sisters because they share the same bad man. Even they both dress same outfits going to the massage in this episode.

What will happen if TJ's Mom finds out she actually already has a grandson? Will she brush out Bo Na aside?

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I know this is only the 3rd episode but unless there are some big changes in TJ and JE character down the road I wouldn't leave my son with neither one of them. TJ is negligent of his family and seems to do what he wants and files it under work, how could their family have been in that kind of debt and he not have a clue. When trying to collect money owed don't you contact the one who makes the money? JE doesn't appeared to have learn anything from the experience either.I would be so afraid that they would run through my son's money and then toss him off for someone else to raise, neither of these two have struck me as being someone to trust my son's life and future to.
Just spectulating but once she and JS start what ever it is they will do maybe she will let the son live with the dad but have JS control his funds.

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@TRAN I agree, HSH is a very strong woman.
We haven't seen the moment HSH discovers she is terminal on screen. But no matter how she took the news back then, she is a rock now. She has come to terms with her death and is spending her remaining time to make sure her son grows up in a nice family. She could use this time to be the mother she never was to her son, but she'd rather secure his future.

MTJ's mother's reaction might depend on whether she finds out before or after meeting GR. I can totally picture her asking MTJ and SJE why they are taking care of some foreign kid when they could have a son of their own. Either way, GR doesn't seem to react too well to friendly adults. And when she'll find out, MTJ's mother will be more friendly that anyone could imagine.
She might ignore Bo Na, but I think she already considered her as "less than a son", and her opinion doesn't really matter that much anyway. The situation makes me think of A Wife's Credentials, with the mistress next-door who had secretly been raising the brother-in-law's son. But here, the family status are very different.

The female superior aka KRY shouldn't be underestimated. She knows what she's doing; the fact that she's MTJ's superior at her age proves it. She used Director Kim to get her job, and now she looks like she is getting rid of him. She'll do the same to MTJ. She already did a background check on him and found out he left his girlfriend to marry a rich wife, that's why she targeted him I think.
Right now, she is letting him be in charge of the new brand project in exchange for him agreeing to have an affair with her. MTJ wants this project because the president (KJS's father) promised him a promotion if he does well on it. I have a feeling KRY is going to take all the credit for the project at the last minute. And it will be easy for her to keep MTJ's mouth shut. He has a family and a good reputation to protect. If she reveals they have an affair, he will lose everything.

@IBELIS HSH hasn't anyone else. And whatever faults SJE and MTJ have, they are great parents to Bo Na. I think HSH knows that, she also saw how SJE treated GR. That's why she still wants to entrust GR to them.
But HSH also knows that SJE may not be strong enough to be GR's mother. And she maybe she worries SJE might make the same mistake and be in debt again. So she is trying to change SJE into a better person and a better mother for GR. Getting her a massage at her SIL's place was the step in that direction, I believe.

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mudaepo said: @TRAN I agree, HSH is a very strong woman.
We haven't seen the moment HSH discovers she is terminal on screen. But no matter how she took the news back then, she is a rock now. She has come to terms with her death and is spending her remaining time to make sure her son grows up in a nice family. She could use this time to be the mother she never was to her son, but she'd rather secure his future.

MTJ's mother's reaction might depend on whether she finds out before or after meeting GR. I can totally picture her asking MTJ and SJE why they are taking care of some foreign kid when they could have a son of their own. Either way, GR doesn't seem to react too well to friendly adults. And when she'll find out, MTJ's mother will be more friendly that anyone could imagine.
She might ignore Bo Na, but I think she already considered her as "less than a son", and her opinion doesn't really matter that much anyway. The situation makes me think of A Wife's Credentials, with the mistress next-door who had secretly been raising the brother-in-law's son. But here, the family status are very different.

The female superior aka KRY shouldn't be underestimated. She knows what she's doing; the fact that she's MTJ's superior at her age proves it. She used Director Kim to get her job, and now she looks like she is getting rid of him. She'll do the same to MTJ. She already did a background check on him and found out he left his girlfriend to marry a rich wife, that's why she targeted him I think.
Right now, she is letting him be in charge of the new brand project in exchange for him agreeing to have an affair with her. MTJ wants this project because the president (KJS's father) promised him a promotion if he does well on it. I have a feeling KRY is going to take all the credit for the project at the last minute. And it will be easy for her to keep MTJ's mouth shut. He has a family and a good reputation to protect. If she reveals they have an affair, he will lose everything.

@IBELIS HSH hasn't anyone else. And whatever faults SJE and MTJ have, they are great parents to Bo Na. I think HSH knows that, she also saw how SJE treated GR. That's why she still wants to entrust GR to them.
But HSH also knows that SJE may not be strong enough to be GR's mother. And she maybe she worries SJE might make the same mistake and be in debt again. So she is trying to change SJE into a better person and a better mother for GR. Getting her a massage at her SIL's place was the step in that direction, I believe.
^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
@mudaepo,  I couldn't have said it better myself.. I do find something may happen Hsh may end up talking the son working for his father and before she signs any contract with that company he maybe the one to end up guardian over Hr she's going to see to that girl is fired or she will take her business else where she don't need them they need her.. So miss thing background check wasn't all that great because she didn't find out who the Ex was funny how things come in full circle to bite her and him in the azz..  I still would rather see Gr real G/Ma raise him then to be stuck with a weak stepmother and a cheating father..  Also Sje mother want to live the dowagers life but don't have the money and thinks when her son can't do it the SIL should lot of nerve to not have a home and try and belittle him in his on house..
At this point I wouldn't entrust nobody with Gr finances because they all unstable..  

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@mudaepo  The young female boss I agree should not be underestimated, but she made a comment to the effect that it is the ruthless people who always win in life. I think her games will eventually backfire and she will lose, I got the feeling the writers had her say that to build her up but eventually show that evil will be its own downfall. But I am speculating.
@IBELIS  I agree, scary to leave the son with these two people. But Stella Han has been cleaning up the wife's life and perhaps she will set the husband straight too to fix their marriage. The wife certainly loves and adores her husband and he also loves his family except he is being used as a sex slave ( I can't believe I just wrote that) :))  
Current observations: Stella Han has been the stealth do gooder, righting all wrongs during these last days of her life, to smooth the way for her son's transition into his new family.    The wife's mother is loathsome, I cannot believe she trashed her son in law  like that because he doesn't give her bragging points to tell her golfing "friends" (aka rivals in Korea), even though it appears that her own husband  somehow must have lost the business.
I realize my ideas about the SIL were wrong. I thought she paid off all their debts (well that could still be true because she does have a spa) but seems like she despises the wife because when they were friends, the wife told her she wasn't good enough to marry her brother. Some friend. Can't help but sympathize with her for that, but foreclosing on the house and slapping her, and putting her down, well in regard to her behavior, not her financial  or social status, perhaps she really wasn't good enough for the brother. I have noticed that Korean ladies who have large dressing rooms, display their shoes like in a department store.  :))

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I normally would not touch this type of drama and am watching it only because it is Yoona's comeback drama.  Well, I will just have to watch this with plenty of doses from the feel good drama GD just to balance it off.

After 3 episodes, SJE seems like a good hearted soul.  She may be hopeless in managing finances and a pushover but so far has shown no malice and is doing everything to please everyone around her.  MTJ on the other hand has turned out to be one sleazeball.  There are 21 more episodes to go but I hope SJE will be strong enough to dump that rotten husband of hers.  I know this is impossible right now as she is penniless but perhaps HSH will set her up for life to take care of both kids.  HSH should not entrust her son to MTJ unless she wants her son to turn out like his dad.

That sleezeball MTJ dumped HSH because of her poor status but look at her now!  I found delight that he is the one who is penniless and still fighting up the corporate ladder but she has the fame and fortune. 

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I finally managed to watch it live, atleast partly. It's truly heartbreaking to watch, especially when HSH was being called by her son because of the blackout but couldn't come bacause of her pain. The preview makes it even worse. I want her son to find out about her condition soon.

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Oh no...and will be more drama next week. Can I say I like this drama that I don't have to wait for the preview...hehe.

I know Stella wants to make thing wrongs to right. But is that the best way she knows how. Will those hit man come back at her?

Roo can plays emotional too...we can see he has a traumatic experience as young boy...And gonna be too much misunderstandings...

@maddymappo‌ ... About the shoes...not just Korean ladies...All ladies...I've seen many...hehe.

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Poor Geu Roo! He thinks his mother wants to go away with her young lover and leave him behind... :(
And since he doesn't know his mother is ill, there is no better explanation for him. I wonder if HSH will pretend that what he thinks is true, in order to push him into the arms of SJE. I can see her asking KJS to act as her boyfriend in exchange for letting him stay at her studio.
HSH has one great quality, she doesn't care what others think about her. And the fact that she's going to die soon makes her care even less about the consequences of her actions.

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@valsava The thing is, I learned korean by watching dramas, so I kinda skipped the learning how to read hangul part. :D

But I was curious too, so I looked it up with google translate. As far as I can tell, it spells 불륜 남차.
불륜 reads bullyun which means adultery and  남차 reads namcha which doesn't mean anything, but I 'm pretty sure it's a wordplay: cha means car and namja means man.
You could use bullyun namja to speak of a man who is cheating, so bullyun namcha is like a car (of a man) who is cheating, :D

SJE didn't find out about the affaire, thanks to HSH distracting her and MTJ ending the date quickly. But according to the preview, she'll have doubts starting next week...

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@mudaepo,  Thanks,  It was written on her car and not his so I haven't watch todays ep yet waiting for the site to put it up.. Sje is going to be devastated when she finds out her hubby is having and affair..

I just want to know when Hsh will meet him and tell him he's Gr father but at this rate she may never tell him.. I think he do have a right to know who his dad id but his lil heart will be crushed after learning the girl he likes is his step sister..  

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valsava said:

@mudaepo,  Thanks,  It was written on her car and not his so I haven't watch todays ep yet waiting for the site to put it up.. Sje is going to be devastated when she finds out her hubby is having and affair..

I just want to know when Hsh will meet him and tell him he's Gr father but at this rate she may never tell him.. I think he do have a right to know who his dad id but his lil heart will be crushed after learning the girl he likes is his step sister..  

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I'm starting to like this drama, it seems that SH is more interested in JE than TJ. It's as if she knows that TJ is no good but JE is to weak, if she is choosing them she intend's to make JE strong so she can take charge of her life and be the kind of mother she wants for her son. Right now SH is not liking how JE let's everyone walk all over her and use her.
The only thing I could come up with for her son is that she want's him to be independent and strong but her way may backfire. GR wants a parent who will be there and pay attention when he needs it,SH actions basically makes him angry and resentful. She needs to first repair her relationship with him.

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