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[Drama 2014] Repentance / A New Leaf 改过迁善 개과천선

Guest yeohweping

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Hi to fellow a new leaf members..:).. this is the first drama that i actually didnt want male lead ended up with female lead. It's didnt even started from the beginning, and actually have been enjoying the way it is.. 

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I figure this on topic because (a) KSJ could really use some relaxation therapy from JS, and (B) there are literally thousands of new leaves in the photo. :)okwhynot.jpg

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“A New Leaf” Kim Myeong-min and Jin I-han compete

Cha yeong woo (kim sang joong) was trying to shake up seok joo and the middle sized companies. The injunction had been accepted. On the thirteenth episode of the.

Kim Myeong-min and Jin I-han have started a legal competition.

On the thirteenth episode of the MBC drama “A New Leaf“, Kim Seok-joo (Kim Myeong-min) set out as the attorney for a smaller enterprise to help out his father Kim Sin-il’s (Choi Il-hwa) people.

They had enrolled in an unreasonable currency exchange product and were now at risk of bankruptcy, so Seok-joo submitted an injunction for suspension of efficiency. Seok-joo was full of justice ever since he left the Cha Yeong-woo firm and stood against Jeon Ji-won (Jin I-han), who was now their ace.

Seok-Joo Won the first round. The injunction had been accepted. However, it was advantageous. Cha Yeong-woo (Kim Sang-joong) was trying to shake up Seok-joo and the middle sized companies.

Based on network and wealth, who will win the battle? the Cha Yeong-woo firm or single, yet outstanding lawyer Seok-joo? Will justice or power prevail?

Source : www.osen.co.kr/articl…

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“A New Leaf” Episode 13

The focus this time is less on the legality and more on the amnesia- though not Seok-joo's, exactly, but rather that of his father, whose medical condition reaches.


The focus this time is less on the legality and more on the amnesia- though not Seok-joo’s, exactly, but rather that of his father, whose medical condition reaches a greater state of debilitation. We get more stories about hopes and dreams from the old days here, as Seok-joo asks Sin-il basic questions, and the older man gives full honest answers. Unsurprisingly, Seok-joo does not like the answers.

I found myself wondering how this situation might have gone down if Seok-joo hadn’t got hit with amnesia back in the second episode. One might expect that he would have been more hurt by his conversation with Sin-il if Seok-joo had a very clear idea of what the terrible things that he did actually were. But then, it might be Sin-il’s exceptionally calm tone that bothers Seok-joo more than what the man is actually saying. Seok-joo is quite literally talking to a ghost here- that means there’s no more chance for a reconciliation.

This limits Seok-joo’s ability to do much in regards to the legal case. He’s too busy being emotional. And that much is definitely hard to see coming from Seok-joo pre-amnesia. That Seok-joo was too preoccupied with work and legal sociopathy to bother with his father. I could easily see this encounter as having happened years down the line- with the damage Seok-joo has done to his spiritual sense of ethics much more permanent than the current situation, which may yet turn around.

For now, though, the turnaround remains centered around Seon-hee, who’s the one actually running the investigation and making decent progress. As usual, the drama’s take on legal and corporate ethics is a very cynical one, so she’s only able to make it so far. While Seok-joo is a pretty big help at the beginning, it’s unclear how much he could do in the future. Even if the breakdown with his father finally gets Seok-joo to turn over “A New Leaf“, the practical issues this drama brought up still haven’t gone away.

Now, the bad news- aside from Seok-joo, Seon-hee, and Sin-il, there’s not really anybody here that can be reasonably called a character. Writer Choi Hee-ra appears to have just given up on doing anything interesting with Ji-yoon at all. We do get a callback to the watch, which is nice, but it really only draws attention to how pointless her character has become. Still, I can accept some plot threads falling by the wayside in exchange for these kinds of plot developments. Although it almost certainly means the drama’s going to have a lot of loose ends by the final episode.

Review by William Schwartz

A New Leaf” is directed by Park Jae-beom-I, written by Choi Hee-ra and features Kim Myeong-min, Park Min-yeong, Kim Sang-joong and Ahn Seon-yeong

Cr. hancinema.net

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 "…it almost certainly means the drama’s going to have a lot of loose ends by the final episode."  As quoted from the above article, if this happens, it is going to be so sad.  Even with the reduction of episodes, I hate to see this drama end on an incomplete note.  

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