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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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At last.

And East of Eden fiasco everyone, only those long enough in kdramaland knew about it. Wookie sure knows what he is doing. There were flying chairs during the script reading and analysis 


Coincidence DH's boyfriend name in East of Eden is Lee Dong Wook.



And who started the hand gestures?


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On 10/31/2022 at 2:52 PM, samzz said:

18th Oct, Now I know why DH had dinner with President and Vice President of Blow Cheongdam, 

Miss Park (blow_tnim_minti) and blow Boryeon respectively.


 Seems like she can resume or got her license as Wang Hong again. Probably she managed to convince the CCP that her relationship with massage parlor guys just as friends.


I saw she uses another hair salon for SBS Beautiful show, but for Wang Hong activities she uses Blow Cheongdam. Meaning she pays more for Wookie's salon, because her income as Wang Hong can be millions in just few hours.


DH wore this black and white dress for Wang Hong activity in Oct last month. Blow Broyeon was with her in another Wang Hong activities in the past. So most likely the black and white styling is from Blow Cheongdam too.



Coincidence the Blow Cheongdam major shareholder also choosing black and white theme for his latest project with fans 


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Actually not coincidence, the major shareholder has been used in the previous Wang Hong activity.

Last April, DH and of course from the Holy clan instructions, used Wookie for e-commerce sales. The caption clearly asked to watch her e-commerce live.



So the reason why DH posted the black and white dress yesterday is to create couple looks. Of course for future Wang Hong activities because Donghae/My Girl fandom still strong in China.

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Rumbling episode...

The standard replies, couldn't differentiate between an escort, or massage parlor etc, and most of the wifey and girlfriends believe in that excuses. Their men just couldn't differentiate it especially at 2am.


As always involves Golf. The career of many men who can have "fun" and at the same time showing to people how loyal they are to their wifey and girlfriends. Good luck to the women for having Holy heart like that.



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Aigoo, because of money money money, many relationship/friendship are broken, many CEOs becoming like this, etc.

One the best example why someone still loyal to toxic relationship. Ehmm, sometimes they know too much. Blackmailing is common.


LSG is one of Blow Cheongdam loyal customer, sometimes sharing Wookie's stylists, and DH is good friend with him. I remembered he always visited DH's neighbor aka Lee Min Ho.

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DH connection with Hook ENT and LSG, Mr Kang? of course through her Holy Moonie man/boyfriend. He is very close with Sung Yo Ri's husband and introduced DH into the clan.

But still, why they love scooping these type of people, especially the Hook's CEO circle of friends. The type of people so easy saying "I will kill you."

The latest inclusion is a Playboy model and photographer.


The connection. 



Bonus video.

Old but germ, Wookie sang My Girl OST, Love Must be Difficult.



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After 8 years, all that I know about them (the clan) and only talk with my DM group in here, finally exposed.

I wonder what other fans are thinking if their bias or favorite actor/actress are introduced by their respective partners to this type of people. The type that so easily said "I will kill you". The type who think they are untouchable and can do whatever they want. Then their bias cut ties with everyone and becoming so obsessed with that new people.


On the surface or on Socmedia this group always complimenting each other, as the best friends, Holy people, good people etc, but in reality?


Here LSG's controversial CEO with one of DH's favorite "SISTER". DH spent lots of time with her sister or her favorite clan. 

No wonder LSG sometimes hang out at DH's house because his CEO is close with DH's "sister". Yes DH's sister is the most famous in her foodie department, huge social network too, but seems LSG's controversial CEO is her best friend.



DH's "sister" follows Wookie's IG too. That the scary part.

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Laughing to the bank again, but deep inside I'm a bit worries if Wookie is forced to work non stop by the agency. There are many types of abuse practiced by the Ent agencies. Wookie did mention few of his dramas were under recommendation of his agency.


Re to upcoming drama as posted in DC forum few months ago, now it's confirmed.

Could be the reason why DH changed agencies 7 times in 10 years, for many unknown reasons too.

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Seeing Wookie non stop projects, I'm not surprised some Knets asking about DH hiatus from dramaland, because both are well known drama partners until now. Adding with their history too.


In our DM group we know so well the reasons she is not allowed to act anymore or asking for temporary or involuntary retirement. In here we are not allowed to discuss but one snippet, just look at the circle of the clan especially the latest, The Hook Ent's CEO.


She was a Daesang winner for Miss Ripley, Baeksang award for Lotus Flower Fairis, Hallyu star, big fans in China but not allowed to act. Do the math etc.



But she is a Wang Hong, she can earn 10x higher per year than any Top Korean celebrities. Recently Wookie's CF Dermafirm also using a Wang Hong for huge sale through e-commerce. You can see how much profit Dermafirm gained from e-commerce and Wang Hong.


Plus her jewelries she wore in SBS Beautiful show gaining highlights from Knet. Another business for her.


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Endless connection, one of Wookie main hair stylist who was also a stylist of DH's ex boyfriend (Yi Feng), and good friend LSG.



Another DH's former hair stylist and now Wookie's stylist used to work with Hyun Bin too. Easy job for him in the upcoming project Harbin.


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First of all, Congratulations to Binjin for their first baby. Still lucky as both of them already 40s with first child.


Wookie is mentioned in Running Man, featuring his best friend Seho and former costar KJE.


If we want to know more about Wookie, ask his best friends, here Seho said Wookie praised KJE a lot during Stranger from Hell.

Seho said he likes tall woman, which is very common, look at DH case whereby she seems to like man shorter than her (Yi Feng and Wilbur Pan).

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Fuh, maybe the statement "I stayed in this relationship because of his family." Now after surveying the clan connection for 8 years, "family", which family actually DHshii. 


Here, the YouTuber that said DH going to get married after the Omniscient show last January is talking about LSG's powerful CEO. He said LSG is struggling and nervous right now because he is facing not ordinary woman, a very powerful woman in Korean Entertainment. Poor him. The danger and consequences is ....



Hopefully Wookie and DH remain as underground pipelines forever.

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