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[Drama 2014] Gabdong - Memories of Murder / Gap Dong 갑동이


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I've read the recap of the 1st episode at Dramabeans and it really made me want to watch it...but I can't find it anywhere...
I've seen some people here suggested Kdrama but it's not available in my region... 
Does anyone know a site where's possible to watch from Europe?
Pretty please let me know :)

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'Kap Dong" Lee Joon Eery Clown Makeup

Actor/singer Lee Joon's clown makeup was captured.
On April 11th, tvN Friday/Saturday drama "Kap Dong" released a picture of the filming set featuring Lee Joon who will make a drastic transformation with clown makeup.
In the released picture, Lee Joon is wearing a clown costume and showing a scary vibe and  his look and smile is attracting the attention of everyone.  It's interesting to see why he is making a creepy smile and why he is dressed like a clown.
In the drama, Lee Joon looks like an ordinary barista and is hiding the tendencies of a psychopath and plays the role of Ryu Tae Oh, a dangerous person as he is making another attempt as an actor.
Voice group M-Blaq member Lee Joon is showing his acting skills as he won the new rookie actor award in the Field Flower Film Festival.  Lee Joon said, "It's not an easy character but I'm thinking it's a challenge towards new acting. If you're looking into the acting of someone else, you can just imitate so I'm reading the script a lot and imagining as I'm acting," as he expressed his determination.
Producer Kang Hee Jun who is taking care of "Kap Dong" said, "At the time I filmed this scene, Lee Joon showed an intense focus and attention that a better cut was possible than expected.  On the filming set, the staff and older actors continued to give advice and asked questions as they poured in their passion."
Meanwhile, "Kap Dong" is a 20 episode mystery thriller based on a serial killing in a top city Il Tan.  It is centered on the detective Ha Moo Yeom who is chasing after Kap Dong who is a suspect in a serial murder 17 ago and it shows the stories of the characters surrounding him.

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'Kap Dong" Yoon Sang Hyun, Showing An Angry Man

Actor Yoon Sang Hyun uploaded a picture with his remarks as he is looking forward to the first episode of tvN Friday/Saturday drama "Kap Dong".
On "Kap Dong" that will be broadcast on April 11th, Yoon Sang Hyun becomes a detective Ha Moo Hyum for his father who was framed as the suspet of a serial murder as he shows a rough charisma and rids himself of the comical image.
WIth this, Yoon Sang Hyuk released a picture.  In the picture, Yoon Sang Hyun wrote, "The first episode, must watch live" and was holding a script as if he left the scene of an accident and is bleeding from the head.  This brought out curiosity.
Yoon Sang Hyun said, "Ha Moo Yeom is a character with a bit of craziness, hurt, anger, and solitude.  I am trying my best to folow the emotional lines of Moo Yeom.  Especially as he has a lot of hurtful stories in his heart, I want to draw out the burden in his heart towards the world, Kap Dong, and for himself as well as the angry feelings in a persuasive way" as he expressed his feelings before the first episode.
Moreover, he added, "Please look forward to Moo Yeom's endless urge to catch Kap Dong and to end the burden".
Moreover, Yoon Sang Hyun's International fan association sent about 1.1tons of rice to the production presentation to support him.
The rice was from fans In countries such as Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, SIngapore and Thailand and it will be donated to the underprivileged including children's centers and the Kwang Joo Homeless Elderly Center following the intentions of Yoon Sang Hyun's fans.
Meanwhile, "Kap Dong" is about a serial murder that happens in Il Tan, a great city and is a 20 episode mystery emotional thriller.  It centers on detective Ha Moo Yeom who follows Kap Dong who is the alias for the suspect of a serial murder that happens 17 years ago as it draws on the complex stories of the people around him.

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He was scary before,because of the smile&eyes, now with the clown make-up he is even more creppy for real :| i guess the thing we learn :don't trust so easy handsome guys because they might be psychopaths,or good looking guys are also twisted in our case ;))

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Wow. Ok, that first episode had me richard simmons bricks. We were just into the first ten seconds of the drama and I was hugging my pillow, quivering. I felt like Scooby Doo. Ok, so this drama definitely catched my interest. I love Sung Dong Il, and I can't find any ground to hate him. Love the chemistry between Ji Wool and Mu Yeom. Gap Dong, rock on!

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 So I finally managed to MacGuyver my way onto the only site that seems to have a sub for this series and I'm ready to share my opinion on the first ep but seeing that very few people in this thread managed to watch the subbed ep I'll put it in a spoiler :)

 Well I hate to be the guy that goes ITYS but this isn't nearly as dark as the teasers made it out to be. This kind of story should have a certain level of intensity both in the action and in the acting and unfortunately this isn't the case, at least in the first ep. Starting with the bubbly comic writing school girl character who has "future victim" written all over it continuing with the weird "idol Gap Dong" guy who just makes me smile (I'm sorry Lee Joon fans but he's not that scary) and ending with the "poop DNA" bit that had me laughing out loud what should have been a dark story turned into a Kdrama watered down version, granted one of the better ones.
 What really saved the first ep for me was Sung Dong Il's performance - his Scary Tiger character was simply brilliant and easily out-staged the lead character in their little back and forth towards the end of the ep. If the writer knows his stuff he should get some more screen time because this guy can get the job done.
 I'm still on the fence about the sketchy shrink lady because I liked her until the last 10 min of the ep when it all got a little wonky but that was mostly the director's fault since everything after the 56 min mark seemed like an unnecessary addition to an otherwise pretty coherent story complete with a cliffhanger when we all think Mad Monk just might try and cut off Scary Tiger's finger.
 I'm probably going to spoil a great film for some people but I have to point out that at least two scenes in the first ep looked pretty familiar if you get my drift, so maybe the people from HanCinema were on to something when they gave the second name for this series :D.
 All in all despite all my rather harsh remarks about it not being dark enough I have to admit the series is making an effort to do something different with this genre and I can only hope they have enough courage and support from the network to go even further because we really don't need to see yet another thriller get the old Kdrama twist (God's Gift  has that covered already :)) ).

P.S. If any Greek-Finn fans based in Europe are still having trouble accessing the site which is subbing this I'm a PM away for useful tricks to get around the zone restrictions :D

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Guest kdramafanfan

Ep 1 was pretty awesome. I actually like the fact that is wasn't as gruesome. I've seen enough shows like that. Loved Sung Dong Il as jerk head detective guy. Certainly different from his role in AM1994. Clearly he has a great range as an actor.


I agree with you about the guy being bullied with the bread. That's my guess of GapDong right now. Though, it'd be more interesting if its someone as the police station or something. Got to agree with DB that the mystery aspect isn't that compelling yet, but I like all the potential conflict between the characters.I don't get why all those kids are at the Buddhist? temple. Is it an orphanage.Hopefully more people will get to watch soon


I keep seeing references to God's Gift. Is that any good?

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Guest cindyyyin

Not sure if I should start watching this drama - the premise sounds amazing cause I love crime / serial killer / profiling type shows (SERIOUS Criminal Minds fans right here) but I'm iffy on the actors. Only seen YSH in I Can Hear Your Voice and Secret Garden and I thought he was only alright. Haven't seen KMJ in anything except for Running Man! TvN has rarely failed me but I'm already following GG:14D and honestly that show is intently and detailed already. What do you guys suggest? :)

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cindyyyin said: Not sure if I should start watching this drama - the premise sounds amazing cause I love crime / serial killer / profiling type shows (SERIOUS Criminal Minds fans right here) but I'm iffy on the actors. Only seen YSH in I Can Hear Your Voice and Secret Garden and I thought he was only alright. Haven't seen KMJ in anything except for Running Man! TvN has rarely failed me but I'm already following GG:14D and honestly that show is intently and detailed already. What do you guys suggest? :)

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Lee Joon chills spines with his portrayal of a psychopath in 'Gabdongi'

Lee Joon sent chills down viewers' spines in 'Gabdongi'!
Lee Joon plays the serial killer Ryu Tae Oh in the drama. In the 2nd episode, he had a cast on one arm and he tried to pull his motorcycle back upright again. A woman passed by him and hesitated, unsure of whether to help him or not. In the end, she decided to help him, and even led him to her workshop (because he was so charming).
However, when they were alone, his warm smile turned into a frigid smirk and he said, "Let's play the zombie game." He started unwrapping his cast, and told her, "Choose. Would you like to be the zombie, or the person running away?". She chose the person, he smiled and said, "Too bad. You chose the wrong thing. It would've been easier if you said you wanted to be the zombie."

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