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✬ BiKim | KimBi (Jung Ji Hoon a.k.a 비 / Rain & Kim Tae Hee) ✬


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"A real man never stops trying to show a woman how much she means to him, even after he's got her."

My first thought when read this quotes is Rain.

After (approximately) 1 year, 1 month in relationship with KTH, Rain released an album on January with Marilyn Monroe song as we believed that song about how first time he meet KTH.

1 year, 2 months Feb on Guerilla Date you guys in this thread also see how Rain show us his "love eyes", how he giggle eventhough MC Kim Tae Jin wasn't say KTH's name. KTJ only asked Rain's preference with sentence A GIRL. But, who is a girl that first popped up in Rain's mind?
Exactly! KIM TAE HEE!

I think until now Rain never stops to show KTH and us how he feel about her, about their relationship.

My favorite Marilyn Monroe lyrics :

I can give you EVERYTHING
I’m need your lover, I need YOU

You keep appearing before my eyes, IT'S ONLY YOU

I’m going crazy cause I love

I think YOU ARE PERFECT for me

Don’t say that this will be the beginning

Because it will always be like the beginning

<< It always be like the beginning. Rain always feels "llike the beginning, like the first time" got KTH's heart, like the first time KTH say she accepted him as her boyfriend >>

Just like Marilyn Monroe, THE VALUABLE YOU
She’s nothing compared to you

<< how precious KTH in Rain's eyes... Valuable... >>

Maybe some of you say it's ONLY 1 year 4 months. Yeah, I know.
But, not everyone can be in relationship with same passion, same "love eyes" like Rain did after over 1 year.
Especially, if they works in entertainment industry.

They can't meet often, can't see each other often, holding hands and lovey dovey things.
It's difficult for artists to keep their relationship.

Mostly, agency told public the reason of the break up of their artist is :
"... and they couldn't meet each other very often, naturally growing apart.

I love this quotes :

" Falling in love is easy...
   But, staying in love ?
   That's challenge... "

So, I really appreciate how Rain and KTH still maintain their relationship until now.
It's not easy.

And how Rain keep showing KTH and us his "love eyes", his smile when hear KTH's name mentioned after their relationship over 1 year I still find it amazing thing.

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Guest lexus123

Kim tae hee posts selfie celebrating white day on Weibo

March 14th, one-month after Valentine's Day, is called "White Day" in Korea and it is the day that a man who has received a chocolate from a woman on Valentine's Day gives her a candy in return.

Kim tae hee took a  selfie of herself showing off rainbow candy bar she received  and posted on Weibo today.
"Today i received many candy bars from staffs, Thanks a lot guys and i wish today would be heartwarming days for all of you giving candys to someone dear to you."

She posted a picture of herself, close up. Her features and flawless skin make her look as beautiful as ever.

Netizens posted comments like, "She's flawless", "Show me the candy Rain gave to you", "She's a goddess", "I envy her skin" and more.

courtesy of jks @ KTH thread

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[HOT] Top 5 Male Stars That Will Become Fools for Their Daughters


The top five stars that are most likely to become fools for their daughters when they get married were chosen by Arirang’s viewers through the survey on their Facebook. Let’s go find out the results of the survey!

Check out the Showbiz Korea segment below to find out which male stars would become fools for their daughters!


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In Dramabeans:
Running Man: Episode 188by gummimochi | March 14, 2014


Our cast heads down under to find the four elements and track down a hidden treasure chest on a massive hunt across Australia. This first day is chock-full of adventure from start to finish, so get ready to dive into the ocean’s depths, make some unlikely friends, and explore everything this continent has to offer.

EPISODE 188. Broadcast on March 9, 2014.

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Somewhere off the Australian coast, a hidden treasure chest lies waiting to be found. Man, it looks like Running Man pulled out the big guns for this overseas adventure with those niiiiccee hi-def cameras, and I’m gonna be honest with y’all: I am SO excited.

Back in Seoul, we meet our two special agents looking as dapper as ever: actor Kim Woo-bin (Heirs) and Rain (or Jung Ji-hoon), the Hallyu star who needs no introduction.

They join our regular cast members on the dock (sans Ji-hyo, who’s probably on her crazy drama-filming schedule for Emergency Couple) and Woo-bin gets teased for already tearing up.

Are you sad Jong-seokie couldn’t make it? Darn that swine flu! (And no worries, his eyes are stinging from the sea breeze.)


Time to divide into teams, which are as follows: Rain and Kwang-soo, Woo-bin and Jae-suk, Jong-kook and Haha, and last but not least, Suk-jin and Gary. I love how Gary offers to be paired up with Rain to give us our first pun of the day: “How about bigae [pillow]?”

Jo PD introduces the mission to our team of special agents: to recover the lost treasure chest, which can only be found when the four elements (wind, water, earth, and fire) are aligned. Luckily for them, they’re informed of the chest’s location: Tagalooma Island Resort in Brisbane.

One last thing: the agents pick a card that points to one of the aforementioned elements, but we have yet to see how those will come into play.

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Then without further ado, it’s off to Brisbane, Australia, where they’re warmly greeted by a sea of screaming fans. Another helicopter ride takes them along the coastline—a fun experience for some whereas others are gripped with fear.

It’s time to run as soon as they land and they hop on ATVs to drive to the ship wreckage off the shore. As Woo-bin and Rain speed down the seashore, Gary cries out to Suk-jin in alarm: “We’re heading to the sea!” HA.

Rain pulls ahead of Jong-kook for the lead, and then the agents are promptly told they must dive underwater to recover the treasure chest. So they change and climb into a boat, and Kwang-soo asks the staff if the ship is real (versus built by the staff) Caption: Does that even make any sense?

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Between an airplane, helicopter, ATV, and boat in such a short span of time, Woo-bin is left awestruck and says it’s the first time he’s ever done all these things. It really is chaotic because it’s run-run-run at the start—here, they must find the right key to open the treasure chest.

Everyone’s motivated today, but then both Suk-jin and Gary admit that neither of them are good divers. Suk-jin: “I was in the Navy, but I didn’t dive.”

Thankfully the water doesn’t look too deep, and it’s Rain who spots the first treasure chest. He grabs all the available keys (smart) before taking a minute to catch his breath. Haha dives down, but then knocks his head on the wreckage. Owwww, that sounded like it hurt.

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Diving below turns out to be harder than it looks, but Jae-suk fights his fears to try a key. It doesn’t work, and while Kwang-soo tries one of his keys, Jae-suk grabs onto him like the prankster he is.

There are a lot of keys and the agents grow frustrated that this mission is too hard. And then, Rain unlocks a chest and swims back first. Kwang-soo drags his Easy Brother hyung Suk-jin back with him to the boat, which leaves Gary wondering where his teammate has gone.

So while Suk-jin grabs another lifevest, Gary tirelessly does the work for the both of them. Serious props to Gary to dive again and again, but it’s Woo-bin who unlocks their chest first.


Back on shore, Rain remains humble about his lucky find whereas Kwang-soo sings his praises. All that hard work was to recover a bottle, which contains a map to their next location: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

That means another helicopter ride (Kwang-soo’s jaw drops), and Kwang-soo and Rain are given a chance to ask which element card they chose. Neither of them knows that they both chose “wind,” and while they decide on who gets to ask, the captions tell us that they can both ask. Hahaha.

Rain allows Kwang-soo to ask on the condition that he’s told what card Kwang-soo has “because I hate being betrayed.” So when Kwang-soo tries to spin it a different way, Rain asks if he intends to betray him later. Is that really a question?

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They spend a good few minutes arguing about it some more until they both agree to ask. Rain guesses wrong, and then Kwang-soo jumps through hoops to dance around the question, concerned that they’ll both know if he guesses correctly.

With Rain’s looming threat that he’ll chase Kwang-soo relentlessly if he betrays him later, Kwang-soo finally asks and guesses wrong. Jae-suk and Woo-bin learns that one of them is “fire” (it’s Jae-suk), and then it’s back to the helicopter.

Did Jong-kook use his strength to rip the lock off of the chest? It’s hard to tell, but he open it regardless. After Gary manages to unlock the last chest, he insists that they both worked hard before conceding that he pulled it off. But then they have to double back for the bottle.

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Here at the wildlife sanctuary, the teams must high jump a combined 3 meters… wearing kangaroo suits. They look ADORABLE in them, and ha, Woo-bin pops on a pair of shades.

Rain attempts to jump 1.8m and falls on his butt. Woo-bin attempts the same height from the springboard… and then faceplants onto the pad. Rain and Kwang-soo resort to taping their pouches onto their bodies. Is that against the rules?

What’s more hilarious is how the others gripe that the athletic world star can’t resort to cheats, but Rain presses that he’ll do it this way, Ninja Assassin be damned. He does remove the tape though and easily jumps over 1.5m.

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The small troop of kangaroos hop away when Kwang-soo tries to get the crowd riled up, but then they oddly stop to watch when he calls out to them. Ack, I hear kangaroos are deceptively aggressive—don’t get them worked up!

Jae-suk and Woo-bin succeed first and are instructed to feed the baby kangaroos. The little ones eat willingly and even allow the Running Man roos to pet them. After overcoming their fears and making some new friends, they’re sent to take a picture of a koala. Gulp, I hear they aren’t naturally friendly either.

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Things just aren’t going in Gary’s way today as Suk-jin accidentally headbutts the pole. Rain and Kwang-soo clear their mission and stop to feed the kangaroos.

Jae-suk and Woo-bin chat while they explore the wildlife exhibits, talking about all the things Woo-bin has done for the first time today. Woo-bin acknowledges that this show brought out his inner heodangness and comments on how everything looks so easy as a viewer when the reality is far from it.

Aww, the koalas look cute as they sleep on, but will they be able to find the right one? Also, do I have to worry for their safety a little bit?


All the teams eventually move on to search for their respective koalas, but it doesn’t help when most of them sleep for the majority of the day. Jae-suk’s first guess is incorrect, but it’s funny how he tries to pry information out of the trainer anyway with his limited English. She doesn’t budge, hee.

Jae-suk picks up on her body language for clues and gets lucky the second time around. The next chest contains more clues: buy groceries and a picture of a license plate.

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They drive to the market in an open jeep (which Woo-bin says it’s his first time riding in one) in order to buy groceries. Their list is written in English, however, and while resident cook Haha makes some educated guesses, the language barrier lies in his pronunciation. (And also, the employees can’t give them any answers.)

A kind resident understands him though, and even recognizes him, which is pretty cool. Everyone does a fair job of acquiring their necessary ingredients, and it’s Rain and Kwang-soo who succeed first.


They arrive at their accommodations for tonight, which is this huugggeee luxury house. Kwang-soo asks why Rain doesn’t seem surprised, and Rain jokes that it looks exactly like his own house. Heyyy there, we’ve seen your place before!

Wow, it opens up right in front of the beach and the boys stretch out like they own the place. Rain warns Kwang-soo again against betraying him, but while everyone is busy looking at the view, Rain quietly asks the staff if he’s “fire.”

Then Rain totally feigns ignorance when Kwang-soo returns, and tells him the half-truth instead. Kwang-soo gets caught asking Jo PD but doesn’t initially get to hear an answer. He promises to tell Rain what he heard, but something tells me it won’t be that easy.

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I love how everyone is thrown off by the fact that they can wear shoes indoors, simply because you don’t in Korea. Once everyone’s gathered together, they’re told that they can switch teammates in order to help deduce who picked what element.

That makes them wonder what the final mission and Jong-kook guesses that it might be nametag ripping where no one knows each other’s identities. The mention brings up sour memories from the You From Another Star parody episode, to which Jong-kook asks that Jae-suk allows him to beat him.

Then Gary jumps on that bandwagon and asks that Suk-jin do the same for him, yunno, for all the hard work he put in today. Ha.


Rain is given first pick, and despite the cast’s suggestions that he choose Suk-jin, he goes with Jong-kook. Damn, it’s game over tomorrow, isn’t it?

After some initial griping over the dangerous combo, Jae-suk jokes that Woo-bin’s revenge towards Jong-kook (for easily throwing him into the pool one time) is long gone. And then Haha says that it’d be hilarious if Woo-bin and Kwang-soo were paired up. You’re putting ideas into Kwang-soo’s head!

Kwang-soo pairs up with Woo-bin as planned, which leaves the mat-hyungs stuck together and Gary with Haha.

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The boys are feeling mischievous as they cook dinner, and silently crowd around Suk-jin to throw the mat-hyung into the pool. And then Kwang-soo jokingly pushes Jong-kook in afterwards. Ohhh you are soooo going to pay for that.

So Jong-kook pushes both Kwang-soo and Haha in as payback, and then they’re kicking and pushing each other into the pool left and right. I love how it turns into this big celebratory thing between them where no one is safe, and Rain tries his best to literally keep his head down.

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It’s scary-funny how they tap on the glass like a trio of water zombies and then disappear before Rain sees just to freak him out. They eventually corner him to throw him in anyway, shirtless. Best. Episode. Ending. Ever.

And oh yay, Ji-hyo will join the others starting from the Melbourne leg of the trip next week!



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said: i can not quote @Nancyzak post because using mobile phone


refering @Nancyzak posted lyric of Marilyn Monroe song, i want to add lyric which missing in rap part... the lastest lyric in rap part is "때로는 꽃들처럼 / daeroneun kkochdeul cheoreom / sometimes like a flower" :x i'm really like Rain's Marilyn Monroe, because the song is easy listening, sweet song

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Guest lexus123

Wow @Nancyzak , again a very profound insight of this song... LUV it! I really like this song. Idk, I just think this song is full of meaning. Thank you.

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Rain spotted filming for his Chinese film 'Hong Yan Lu Shui'

March 15, 2014 @ 6:46 am


Rain was spotted filming for his upcoming Chinese film 'Hong Yan Lu Shui' (working title)!

SEE ALSO: Rain to star alongside Chinese actress Liu Yifei in new Chinese film 'Hong Yan Lu Shui'

According to netizens who were on set, Rain was helping out Sing Ru (Liu Yifei) who he meets at a cafe. Fans on set also said that due to the fact that it hasn't been long since filming started and the language barrier between the two stars,  the atmosphere on set was a bit awkward but the onscreen couple seemed happy to be there.

As previously mentioned, Rain is starring as the male lead Shui Chung Shuin in the film directed by Xixi Gao, one of China's most well-known directors. Rain's character Shui Chung Shuin is the passionate and artistic successor of the largest company in Southeast Asia who experiences the greatness of true love.

Stay tuned for Rain's upcoming Chinese film debut!



The same report also appeared in Dramarecap. I therefore just post the link here. Note: The picture in this report is not fully loaded though. 


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Sometimes it takes awhile for lead actor and actress to warm up to each other in their acting. After all, they were total strangers before that. KTH said it was into half of her movie, 'Grand Prix' that she begin to feel comfortable with JDG in their acting.
I am sure Rain and Crystal will feel more comfortable with each's presence and acting as the filming proceeds.Or maybe it is not so awkward as reported? Sometimes things can get out of context as we know. Nonetheless, we wish Rain a smooth filming and a superb delivery of his character!  :-bd =D>   

class="at_title" style="padding: 0px 17px; margin: 0px; font-size: 32px; list-style: none; line-height: 38px; letter-spacing: -0.04em; clear: both; text-align: center; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: 'Noto Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Rain Started Filming His Chinese Movie 'Hong Yan Lu Shui'

By Hei Ryung | March 15, 2014 08:10 PM EDT


Rain has another project to showcase to his fans as he was spotted filming his upcoming Chinese film "Hong Yan Lu Shui"(working title).

Rain was helping out Sing Ru (Liu Yifei) whom he met in a cafe. According to the fans who were also there, while there may be moments during filming that can be a little awkward because of the language barrier between the two stars, but the professionalism is said to be shining through the two stars who are happy to be doing the film despite the potential communication issues.

It has also been revealed that Rain will take on the male lead Shui Chung Shuin, which will be directed by Xixi Gao, one of China's most well-known directors. Rain's portrayal of Shui Chung Shuin is a passionate and artistic successor of the largest company in Southeast Asia and will portray true love can give. 

Are you excited for Rain's latest film?



Rain and Crystal Liu looking like a couple during their movie taking scenes!


Rain’s first Chinese movie ‘Noh Su Hong An’ photo was released.

On March 14th, the photo of Rain and Crystal Liu taking the movie was posted in a Chinese online fan community. The scene of the two taking movie together is the first time ever.


Looking at the photo, Rain and Crystal Liu is sitting in front of a cafe’s table. With the background of modern cafe, the two actors’ beautiful visual is making an amazing atmosphere.

According to the person who saw the movie taking situation, it is said that the scene is about Rain helping outCrystal Liu who accirdentally met in the cafe. However the two is heard to be very awkward since they can’t communicate well enough.


After seeing the photo fans responded “The two of them matches well with each other!” “The movie actor casting was great” “I want to see more pictures of them” and “Hurry up and be friends!”


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Headline that grabs the attention.
I am sure KTH gets her very special White Day candy/candies from Rain but not for share with public, huh? Can I read a lot into her Weibo White Candy picture like, she is indirectly telling us that she is very happy with her celebration of White Day, even though Rain may not be there since he is busy filming his movie in China, and that she now has someone very special, that is Rain, to celebrate with, and wants to rest to celebrate such joy? Ooohhhh, I like very much! :x :-bd \:D/ <:-P   

Kim Tae-Hee, shows White Day candy…from her lover Rain?

On the 14th, Kim Tae-Hee celebrated White Day on her Weibo(Chinese Twitter) posting, "Picture I took to boast after receiving a candy from staff. Hope today becomes a warm day where you give at least a lollipop to a thankful person!!"

Along with the words, she posted a self camera of herself holding a rainbow colored lollipop. In the picture, Kim Tae-Hee is smiling beautifully showing off her white and clean skin with nearly no makeup.

The fans responded, "beauty of goddess" "do show the candy that Rain gave you" "so pretty" "you must have received lots of candies" "such a good skin"[picture=Kim Tae-Hee Weibo]


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Yay, Rain won! Congrats Rain; Congrats Team BiKwang; Congrats Team BiKook!!!    :-bd \:D/ =D>
LOL! Did the boys purposely hang Marilyn Monroe's picture in BiKook's room?     ;):)
Hahaha, boys will always be boys. They are having so much fun while trying to outdo, outrun and outsmart each other!     \:D/ :))


140316 Running Man Ep.189 (1/3)


140316 Running Man Ep.189 (2/3)


140316 Running Man Ep.189 (3/3)


Cr all videos above : ThanhnamKorean TV

Parts of Running Man in Australia, Episode 189 (Part 2), in Nate News:















Cr all pictures above : As tagged/Owners, at Nate News

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The Youtube video in the article does not work in some countries.All videos embedded in the pictures do not appear here. Check them out in the original article, of which the link is provided right after the article below.

class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 26px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Woo Bin Make a Clumsy Cheating Pair on “Running Man”crystalcove March 16, 2014 


Many fans of “Running Man” suspected that permanent member Lee Kwang Soo and guest Kim Woo Bin would have great chemistry if they were to pair up during the show’s current overseas special, “Adventures in Australia.” They were right, as this week’s episode proved. 

Last week, Kim Woo Bin was paired with Yoo Jae Suk, and Lee Kwang Soo with Rain, but this week, partners were switched to turn things up a notch. Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Woo Bin teamed up, while Kim Jong Kook and Rain made another team. Yoo Jae Suk was paired with Ji Suk Jin, and Haha and Gary became another team. 

For one of the missions, the pairs were required to protect the water in their cups from spilling. Kim Woo Bin and Lee Kwang Soo tried to cheat by drinking water from another source and holding it within their mouths, intending to add it to their cups when no one was looking if some water spilled on the trip. Unfortunately, Rain caught Lee Kwang Soo’s eye before he could drink the extra water, preventing the “icon of betrayal” from fulfilling his character.

Lee Kwang Soo then thought of another clever plan to protect his water. He decided to drink the water in his cup and retain it in his mouth during the trip. He then spit it back out into the cup at the end, adding his spit to the water level. Once again his plan was foiled by Rain, who noticed that there was more water now in the cup than what Lee Kwang Soo started with.

The staff  also questioned Kim Woo Bin, since there was too much water. Kim Woo Bin paused for a minute before he indirectly admitted he cheated with, “Let’s do this over.” Lee Kwang Soo immediately told on Kim Woo Bin, saying Kim Woo Bin was the “dirty” one, acting like he just wanted a drink of water at the beginning of the race. Kim Woo Bin also tattled on his partner, confessing that Lee Kwang Soo also tried to cheat in the beginning but was stopped in his tracks by Rain.

*Press the little blue play button on the top right of the screencaps to watch the clip.



Kim Woo Bin and Lee Kwang Soo also filmed a mini music video to Rain’s “La Song  between their missions since the latter loves to pose. Kim Woo Bin sheepishly followed along, even trying to dance in his spot along with his partner. But Lee Kwang Soo’s “confident” moves proved too much for the shy actor, who couldn’t complete the music video. Watch the scene below.



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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 26px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Set Picture Released of Rain Filming Chinese Movie with Actress Liu Yifeimeltedd March 15, 2014 


A picture from the set of Rain’s first Chinese film “Hong Yan Lu Shui” has been released, featuring the two leads Rain and Chinese actress Liu Yifei.

The picture appeared on Chinese online fan community Tieba on March 14, and gives fans a glimpse of the two celebrities filming together for the first time. Rain and Liu Yifei appear to be seated behind the bar counter of a modern café.

According to the netizen who was at the filming location, the scene being filmed was one where Xu Cheng Xun (Rain) meets Xing Lu (Liu Yifei) at a café and ends up helping her out. Rain seemed very affable and smiled brightly at everyone. However, the atmosphere on set was slightly awkward because the two had just started filming and had a language barrier between them.

Rain and Liu Yifei play the lead characters in the melodramatic film adaptation of the novel “Hong Yan Lu Shui” and is being directed by Gao Xixi. Filming is currently taking place in Shanghai, China.

Rain will also be staging a special performance at the Chinese “QQ Music Awards” on March 27.



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Kim Tae Hee shows off her White Day candy in a beautiful bare-face selca

March 16, 2014 @ 11:43 am


Kim Tae Hee showed off more than just her candy but her undeniable beauty in a bare-face selca!

SEE ALSO: Kim Tae Hee looks fresh and bright for 'InStyle'

Kim Tae Hee shared on her Weibo on the 14th, "I received candy from staff so I took a selca to show it off~~^^ May it be a sweet day when you hand out a lollipop, even just one, to those around you who you're thankful for...!!", along with a proof shot of her lollipop on White Day.

Fans also suspect that Rain must have gotten candy for his girlfriend as well and Kim Tae Hee looked like she had a happy White Day thanks to her staff and fans. Meanwhile, Rain is in China to film his movie 'Hong Yan Lu Shui'.


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Guest sheel28

Is it the lastest episode of RM in Australia? because i can't find ep.190 preview...

if it's true that ep.189 is the lastest of RM Australia, where scene when they wear cowboy outfit? :-/

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they didn't show us the part with antique cars and with cowbows and with girls on the beach T_T WTF! we are going to miss the really fun parts :-( maybe they filmed 3 parts of the ep. with rain but due to low ratings decided not showing one of the parts...damn ratings T_T

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