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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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3 hours ago, linzer03 said:

However, the question is whether SJH started out as a Turbo fan or whether she became a KJK fan as she got to know him. After all, spartace's relationship isn't static and I don't think we can compare SJH's reaction to Turbo in 2010 to SJH's reaction to Turbo in 2012.

Actually this remind me of who came before who the egg or the chicken theory hahahhaha. Well I think when Turbo debuted SJH was a teenager and at that time Turbo was a big hit as they dominated top charts most of the time, so the people close in age like HAHA, JH, Gary would eventually know most of their songs. And I think SJH is a ballad songs lover as she loves kjk and Kim bum soo's songs. If we see Turbo's conception, it's composed of KJK as the main singer, Mikey and Jung Nam as rappers. So I think even when KJK was part of Turbo SJH was mostly a fan of KJK as she likes ballad more than raps. And KJK more than the two other members of Turbo was a big shot back then as he won 3 daesangs awards and was the legendary gentelman in KJK-YEH loveline, so he was like a dream-boy. It's hard to say whom she loved first, it's like when you ask me "what's your favorite kpop group?" I would say "Big Bang", then you ask me "which member do you love the most?" I would say "Daesand and Taeyang, because I love their voices", so me loving those two more doesn't mean I don't like the other members or that I don't like Big Bang as a whole, so for SJH it's practically the same,if she loves KJK more than the two other members, it doesn't mean she is more of a fan to KJK than to Turbo as a whole. But what I find most amuzing is that she started as a fan of KJK the singer then became a lover of KJK the person. :wink::D 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
18 hours ago, saissuspicious said:

people still think that KJK didn't go over YEH that's why he can't accept SJH. And even for me, I still think that SJH is really sensitive toward YEH topic that she goes "I want to know, I'm really curious" in the x-man episode when KJK was asked if he really dated YEH in the past. That's why I think for people, especially Korean people, to accept SJH as KJK's partner they have to see a natural and a soft lover side of KJK toward SJH. That at least would make people forget the legendary loveline between KJK-YEH and focus on the present and how caring and loving KJK is toward SJH.

I too see those clickbait videos made by ifans on YT and facepalm. Don't think they are meant to be taken that seriously. I too look forward to seeing sweet SA moments on the show, but I feel your worry about people still not getting over the KJK-YEH loveline is unfounded. From what I have heard, Koreans who know what their industry is like, don't really care for it anymore. People who still think JK is waiting for YEH to say "yes" are a few i-fans and may be some RM fans who believe whatever they see on the show. I don't think anybody with half a brain cell would think JK is still in love with YEH. She has had quite a number of memorable ships after that with popular leading men, not to mention link ups, so don't think the legendary loveline is that legendary. Whatever might have been their status at one point of time, much water has flowed under the bridge. As for JH's "I am really curious", feel she was doing that coz it was the xman episode and she had to give some reaction so as not to give things away. She might not like the YEH question being put to JK, but she also knows it is something inevitable just like how she will be asked about Gary all the time. She was the one who put that question to him in the MT race after all (possibly under the orders of the PDs) and knew how the answer would be interpreted. I think JH is the first woman most Koreans associate with JK. That has been the case for years. Even during episode 117 where JH warned JK about adding PBY's name to the list of female names being searched along with his, it seems JH's was the first name which used to come up with JK's on naver. Now that Gary is married and these two have had a marriage forecast and seem closer than ever on the show, feel it is not an exaggeration to think there won't be that many surprised faces if they do declare at some point.

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Guest athoughtcloud1


@saissuspicious I  too feel the same way as @linzer03 and @Adines Nugraha. Don't think JH was particularly a fan of JK's singing to begin with. She grew up in the 90s, so must have heard of JK. But you can't compare her with Gary who is in the music industry and LKS who used to be pretty addicted to music programmes when he was in the army.  If she was such a JK fan girl, we would have gotten to see her fangirling over him on FO itself. Even in RM episode 7, when JK does Black Cat on stage, JH cringes like the rest of the cast since all they can see is how awkward it looks from the back. LOL  Again, I am not sure whether she was a fan of XMan since she seemed pretty clueless about the cast when they appeared for the reunion episode unlike say KS who was a devoted xman fan and hater of the JK of cheesy lovelines. LOL She must have heard of JK a lot since he was a well-known singer, but I think her admiration of JK came after getting to know him on RM. I always feel she became a sparta fangirl first and then a Turbo fangirl. As to when she became a Sparta fangirl, I can point out the exact minute and second. It was after the 10 m dive! LOL

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34 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


@saissuspicious I  too feel the same way as @linzer03 and @Adines Nugraha. Don't think JH was particularly a fan of JK's singing to begin with. She grew up in the 90s, so must have heard of JK. But you can't compare her with Gary who is in the music industry and LKS who used to be pretty addicted to music programmes when he was in the army.  If she was such a JK fan girl, we would have gotten to see her fangirling over him on FO itself. Even in RM episode 7, when JK does Black Cat on stage, JH cringes like the rest of the cast since all they can see is how awkward it looks from the back. LOL  Again, I am not sure whether she was a fan of XMan since she seemed pretty clueless about the cast when they appeared for the reunion episode unlike say KS who was a devoted xman fan and hater of the JK of cheesy lovelines. LOL She must have heard of JK a lot since he was a well-known singer, but I think her admiration of JK came after getting to know him on RM. I always feel she became a sparta fangirl first and then a Turbo fangirl. As to when she became a Sparta fangirl, I can point out the exact minute and second. It was after the 10 m dive! LOL

I totally agree!. I wish I knew how to insert a clip of that here, though it's been done previously and can easily be searched. I missed it at first, then rewatched the moment and I swear if stars, hearts, and puppies could have flown out of her eyes, they would have! When he came back from the dive, the look of pure awe and admiration in her eyes was unmistakable. She may not have fallen in love with him at that moment, but who knows? Let me go out on a delulu limb here and say that she definitely fell a bit in like with him. :) 

Great posts, everyone. I've been a bit busy so have not contributed lately, but have enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts. I do want to add to one little thing that, at least for me, is very significant. Forgive me but I forgot who posted it, the fact that for the restaurant openings, the first time Byul showed up and the second time SJH showed up. No other celebrity ladies, just those two. I totally agree that the symbolism is obvious - HH's wife  and KJK's GF. How beautiful is that? 

Also, let me add my hopes to SA being the two being punished this time around. If that happens, please do not send anyone with them. Give Kook Jong and Jihyo-ah a well deserved break, RM cast and crew, please.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
On 2017-6-21 at 11:18 PM, Adines Nugraha said:

yup, those sad moments, those bitter and forced smile, those look away, etc. they really deserve a happy ending after all of those moments............remember when KJK doing an interview (i don't remember what show, which episode, or the exact question was) and he said "JH belong to Gary" and then he tried to smile, but you could clearly i was a forced and bitter smile, the smile when you have to said your precious one is belong to other person. but i saw some comment about that scene and they really throwing harsh words to him, saying like "if you love her, you wouldn't say like that" or "how dare KJK like that about SJH". i was angry but pity those people at the same time. what should KJK said anyway ? that SJH was his ? that they are a real life couple ? that he loves her ? imagine what would happened to RM if he did it.


I have been guilty of that as well. It was hard for me too to understand JK in the beginning. That was a time before I became a Soompier. I had taken my time checking and cross-checking things, going from SA may be real to this is all nonsense and then back to they are real. I had watched plenty of fanmeet videos to see a pattern in them - the line up will begin with JH standing far from Gary (at times near JK), then the MC topic will be brought in and JH may be asked by the MC or one of the RM men, usually SJ, to go stand beside Gary, her Monday BF. JK will then stop paying attention to the questions and will start playing with whoever would be standing near him - usually KS or Haha. So I knew the fanmeets were hard things for JK too to endure (after watching that video where JH's face goes all sour when JK forces Gary to stand beside her, I knew where she stood on the matter). Even then I was in for a shock once the 2016 Taiwan fanmeet started. Initially, I could catch parts of the fanmeet only through random insta clips. There was one where Gary was forcefully hugging JH and JK and the rest were laughing. I got really annoyed with JK then coz I thought he was doing something JH doesn't like. And then came his insta post where he wrote something like 'JH and Gary stayed behind'. At that time, I threw my hands in the air and said to myself " This ship is not for me. I feel SA are real, but JK is such a frustrating man!' LOL. Of course, then that article with their marriage rumours came and I was happy that however hard they might try to pretend to be just colleagues, the truth was gonna come out one day. That is how I joined Soompi SA thread coz at that time there were people scolding SA fans saying they were the ones who were starting baseless rumours about SA and I wanted to say I didn't think it was all baseless. Hehe

My anger cooled off after that article came out and I started watching the entire video of the fanmeet. Then I started noticing that JK was faking his enthusiasm and that when he was not clapping during the hug, JS was sort of nudging him to be more proactive and JK obliged. So that gave me the realisation that if the insta post had upset me so much, then it must not have been that easy for JK to write it as well. So I do get SA fans who sometimes may get frustrated with JK. For one thing, for female SA fans, it may be easier to identify with JH than JK since many tend to see themselves in the woman than in the man. For another, while JH is more of an open book when it comes to her emotions (not saying she can't act like she is happy when she isn't), JK is harder to read coz he has experience of doing variety for a longer time and he is a cautious man in general. Since he has been in the industry for a longer period, there are certain expectations from him, like he doesn't need to be told anymore that what happens in front of the camera is meant to be taken lightly and that one shouldn't get upset about things like that. I think he knows that quite well and there have been many an instance where he has taken MC for what it is and just laughed along with the rest. But it has also not been easy down the years, especially when MC became too big a thing coz of the ever-growing i-fandom. Since he is such a big part of the show and MC has been the official couple, wherever he used to go, he would be asked about it. His Healing Camp interview was supposed to be about him, yet even there, he was asked what advice he would give MC and JK obliged with "if they date, it will be good for the show". Later when WAIL started, he was asked who he thought would suit JH better - Gary or CBL and JK replied, "CBL is handsome, but she knows Gary for a long time". I sometimes admire the man's patience. 

Whenever he has tried to bring his real life equation with JH on to the show, like that time he suddenly carried JH in his arms in the Big bang episode, think it had its consequences. Gary then had to (or was asked to) do something to re-establish his Monday BF status and that led to the Monday Couple kiss (to be celebrated in fanmeets and asked about in interviews ever since). 

IIn the case of JH, she rarely had to support JK's lovelines, so she could choose to not participate in the teasing and the change in her facial expressions and non-participation are usually indicators of how she is feeling when a particular loveline is going. With JK, since MC was part of the show, he had to participate in the teasing whether he liked it or not and had to act out the enthusiastic supporter. So it may seem like he is laughing along with the rest at an MC moment, but that may not turn out to be the case on a closer observation. He looks pretty excited like the rest during the MC kiss in the Bigbang episode, but you have to look closely to notice that he is faking it.

There are several instances like that when one may misjudge him. For instance, there is that 2016 Taiwan press conference where JK avoids skinship with JH when she tries to stand near him and doesn't look at her as she turns towards him and says something (he does give an answer in a hurry). Later, in the fanmeet performance, there was another moment where JH wanted him to join her for some performance and he just carried on with whatever he was doing and didn't join her. I remember how JK's reactions in that fanmeet had upset quite a number of SA fans since it looked like JH wanted to get his attention, but he was keeping away from her. But if you think about it, it was the fanmeet in Taiwan after JH had started shooting for WAIL with CBL who was Taiwanese and the questions in the fanmeet were all about who JH would choose between Gary and CBL. So, it was a pretty precarious situation since JH was doing another dating show and had to appear as single in public plus the half-buried MC loveline was being pushed again at the fanmeet and later on the show. It was a fanmeet where the feelings of the disappointed MC fans had to be assuaged  to some extent by giving them some fan service moments. So there was a lot going on and I don't think it would have been an easy position for JK to be in. I believe JH joined WAIL since SA thought a new dating show for JH was going to be the only way to end MC on the show. JK may have been quite supportive of her doing WAIL (he was among, if not, the first to promote it on the show), but still having to go through a press conference where JH would be asked to choose between her new and old loveline partners may have been difficult. I have watched that press conference video quite a number of times and what I used to get out of it before was that JK was keeping his distance from JH and that JH was kind of low (I presumed coz JK was not really interacting with her) It was only when I re-watched it recently that I got the feeling that JK was also low and that the others including JH were trying to cheer him up. I guess JH would have wanted to assure him that nothing changed whether WAIL was on or MC, that he was the only guy on her mind. Hence, I started seeing those moments differently as moments where she may have wanted to comfort him by talking to him or dancing with him.

I believe JK is also pretty emotional as a person, just that his gender, age and public image all make demands on him to act tough all the time. So feel that his strategy during situations where he was at his wit's end and yet had to do emotionally difficult things (which included playing the role of the supportive colleague and promoter of MC) may have been to keep his distance from JH coz it may have been impossible for him otherwise. Also, he may have thought it would be easier for JH and Gary to play their roles when he was not around or looking at them. For instance, JK had to be sent off somewhere for the Monday Couple "I want you Kang Gary" moment to take place and he is at the very back in the pocha pic that re-started the MC rumours.

So in JK's case, I think one has to look a bit more closely since he is such a variety veteran that even when he does something painful, he would mask it with a loud laugh or a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. If you don't take in the little details, it is easy to misjudge JK and think of him as indifferent or not loving enough. Finally, handsome is what handsome does. I see so many stupid comments like the ones you mentioned above even now which allege JK has changed, or that he is ignoring JH , but hey, JH looks so happy with him no matter what he does or doesn't do. She surely knows him better than any of the shippers and knows what kind of a guy he is. JK is not the first person who comes to one's mind when one thinks of a broadminded guy (JS calls him narrow-minded ), but if JH who wants a broadminded partner has chosen him, it sure speaks a lot about how far he has gone or is willing to go for her sake. 

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@Adines Nugraha -- I also didn't know your gender, but that's the beauty of shipping SA, I think. Gender doesn't matter. We arrive at this shipping thing from various directions, but the destination is the same. I have male friends and one brother who also watch RM. Though I'm not sure that they focus as much on the lovelines in the show (or any other romantic, non-loveline, aka SA, possibilities), most of my male acquaintances really admire KJK. Since joining this forum, I've discussed SA with my brother a few times. Though he's not an active shipper, he also doesn't reject the possibility. For him, that's a big thing to not do since his favorite was KG and he did like MC. :) I think all it takes is to like someone (KJK in this case) and not rejecting SA (as with my brother) even when someone preferred MC. I have never joined another forum, so don't really know how it is elsewhere, but I'm glad that I joined this one. Though our focus is SA, we all feel perfectly safe expressing our thoughts regardless of topic and even gender. This is really heartening.

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1 hour ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I always feel she became a sparta fangirl first and then a Turbo fangirl. As to when she became a Sparta fangirl, I can point out the exact minute and second. It was after the 10 m dive! LOL

I was reading attentively and then I read this, you really killed me hahahahha. Yeah for sure she became a sparta fangirl after the 10m dive :wink: 

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The 10m dive is so cute!!! I became a sparta fangirl then too lol. They're both such impressice people, and even though the other RM members have grown bolder and more fearless, KJK and SJH still stand out to me.

This forum is the only place I discuss spartace because I think for the most part everyone here is open-minded and willing to hear different points of view. I'm glad we're getting new people, and I love hearing what drew people into spartace. I hope no one ever feels hesitant to express their opinion, and while others may disagree, different perspectives is so helpful. I've changed my mind multiple times because people here expressed their viewpoints so well! If you ever have an episode you want to discss (no matter how old), feel free to bring it up. We're all spartace fans here!

Also, everyone's been so on top with the recent episode that I don't have anything to add. Some of the episodes with what seem like few spartace moments can actually be the most revealing. 

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Been lurking here for quite sometime now and it really amazed me and makes me happy knowing that i'm not the only one thinking that SA is quite bold and revealing in the latest eps. It has been said and i definitely agree that they are like testing the water and see how people react.  It has been said over and over again that both have been like siblings,  but seeing them and latest episodes makes me really think otherwise! And it would really be nice if the two of them will be the one going in this rm 2nd project without anybody with them.  I wanna see how they would react and interact with each other.  Seeing how JH act with the "catch me" scene in the japan tour, i wanna see how will she be if there is only 2 of them.  

Its also nice to read how all of us here came to be an SA fan,  and i guess most of us became one after seeing how they naturally interact and being touchy with each other.  I was never a fan or a shipper of any couple before 'coz i only see them as part of their work,  but seeing this two makes me ship for the first time. I know most people see and like KG 'coz they can see how he cares towards JH on the show (can't blame MC)  but if you look at it and analyze eveything is within the scope or the scene with camera on,  'coz if you really look beyond the camera,  it is JK who cares the most to JH next to YJS.  People may tend to ignore this bcoz they are focus on MC but if you just really observe it is always JK or YJS.  When JH is in bad mood look closely coz you will see it will be YJS that will coax her but if he cannot do it anymore they will eventually turn to JK.  Its like he is the last resort knowing he can handle her more than anybody else. And when JH is in need look who she would always run to her "big muscle brother". Thats why even if i like MC at early years of rm i never did ship them coz i know everything was just for the show. 

I'm blabbering too much now, bit i really hope and wish that SA will indeed be the one to go on tour this time!  Happy Shipping everyone,  ship is sailing smoothly! 

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55 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

JK is not the first person who comes to one's mind when one thinks of a broadminded guy (JS calls him narrow-minded ), but if JH who wants a broadminded partner has chosen him, it sure speaks a lot about how far he has gone or is willing to go for her sake. 

Honestly, I'm not sure that I can describe KJK as "broadminded" myself.  Most people see him as strict, a bit old-fashioned, and definitely set in his ways. Yet, those aspects of his nature are what allowed him to achieve the level of success that he has. He's almost inhumanly goal oriented, disciplined to an insane level, and hard working enough to succeed against the odds, given his health issues, the tough industry he's in, and, yes, his "weird" voice when judged against his Hulkish body. To be able to do those things is admirable, but I think I will have a hard time spending my life with someone like that. If we're right, and SJH is willing to do so, I agree that he fits her definition of "broadminded." Then again, if we're right again and he's stood by her all these years and not only supported but also promoted her work, setting aside his personal feelings, a girl would be crazy not to appreciate this level of loyalty and see it for what it is, the type of love that should not be cast aside, but instead cherished. Even though her guy has all these strange quirks. If I recall correctly, that's what the fortune teller predicted about her choice in men, right? They're a bit strange. LOL

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This is not directly related to SA, so forgive me for asking, but I’ve always wondered. Why don’t Korean celebrity couples attend events together? While their western counterparts go to award shows and other events hand in hand, Korean celebrity couples are very careful even when they’re married. I can understand if a couple is secretly dating, or a husband and wife work for different networks and have to go to different events at conflicting times. But, I’ve noticed that even for family events like weddings, only male friends and colleagues attend. They don’t bring their wives. At least, the wives don’t show up at the usual celebrity lineup of well wishers. For example, I’ve seen YJS, KJK, LKS and other male entertainers attend weddings together, but the women are nowhere in sight. Also, when one of the dragon brothers got married, KJK and the other two dragon bros showed up at the wedding, but not the wives. Everyone may very well be there, but if so why stay BTS even at the wedding of someone close? Do they value their privacy this much? Once SA marries (we hope), will they attend weddings separately, as well? My western mind is genuinely curious. 

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@mn0096 yeah i notice that too! Even on special event i can rarely see the other half (usually the woman)  with their partner.  Rare occasions only that you can see husband and wife attending the event!  I saw taeyang (bigbang)  gf watch their show before,  byul attending HaHa's event and if you consider SA an official couple,  well jk once attended jh premiere and the latest was the busan resto opening!

Btw regarding the collab of jk&hh resto i can see that the first event which byul attended was more like HaHa's own branch so its byul that was present and the busan branch was more like jk's own branch thats why we saw JH there,  you know what i mean (pardon delulu mode)  but whether the reason was just to support a coworker or a friend or whatever,  JH being there and Jk doing some skinship is really something! 


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11 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

@Nina Negru Sorry, I don't have any idea which mail id to use, just know you have to register on the SBS site. If you are on insta, you can perhaps ask the Korean fan if this is the right mail id. Best of luck! Hope yours gets chosen! Since Canada is popular in Korea coz of the Goblin craze, think it will be a good idea for a k-variety show to show another side of the country. I don't think the projects will end any time soon, so even if you don't succeed in this one, keep applying for the next ones. 

@twinlovers I checked the part you mentioned. I thought JH looked a bit upset when KMS slapped JK on the mouth. She is protective of him so perhaps she didn't really enjoy the slap? LOL

Welcome to the forum and thanks for the article. This part really caught my attention coz I feel there may have been many times on RM where the production team made JK or JH do something which was quite uncharacteristic of them and so the other person may have had to figure out what was happening through gestures or eye-contact since they couldn't openly ask each other in front of the camera. 

I am reminded of the recent JK-So Min double spy episode, 'Minkook's choice'. I am not saying JH was imitating JK's gestures, but it was definitely a situation which would have confused JH since JK, uncharacteristically, was suddenly acting close with SM and even initiating skinship with her and JK is not the kind of man who puts his arm around any woman's shoulder just like that. The companion to that episode is the Secret Couple episode where Lee Jong Suk guested and JH had to initiate skinship with him. Think that puzzled JK also a bit since he does say at the end that he wondered whether LJS liked JH for real since they were always together during the shoot.


Did i miss something? when did this happen

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Guest athoughtcloud1
11 hours ago, mn0096 said:

This is not directly related to SA, so forgive me for asking, but I’ve always wondered. Why don’t Korean celebrity couples attend events together? While their western counterparts go to award shows and other events hand in hand, Korean celebrity couples are very careful even when they’re married. I can understand if a couple is secretly dating, or a husband and wife work for different networks and have to go to different events at conflicting times. But, I’ve noticed that even for family events like weddings, only male friends and colleagues attend. They don’t bring their wives. At least, the wives don’t show up at the usual celebrity lineup of well wishers. For example, I’ve seen YJS, KJK, LKS and other male entertainers attend weddings together, but the women are nowhere in sight. Also, when one of the dragon brothers got married, KJK and the other two dragon bros showed up at the wedding, but not the wives. Everyone may very well be there, but if so why stay BTS even at the wedding of someone close? Do they value their privacy this much? Once SA marries (we hope), will they attend weddings separately, as well? My western mind is genuinely curious. 


Hmm...  interesting question. Since I am not a Korean, I can only speculate. I think there is a difference between celeb partners and non-celeb partners. For instance, in the case of male celebs with non-celeb wives, feel the rule about respecting the privacy of the non-celebs operates. So my hunch is that even when male celebs attend weddings with their non-celeb partners, their partners may not get photographed. I believe most of the married Dragon brothers have non-celebs as their wives which may be the reason one rarely gets to see their partners at public events. In the case of YJS, he did marry a celeb, but she quit her job and became a homemaker (so at the moment, she is a non-celeb). Since he is so popular and there are more chances of people bothering his family in case their pics are freely accessible, I feel he takes utmost care to guard his privacy. I have read that he doesn't even take his son to amusement parks. He also doesn't speak that often about his wife in public (I remember how upset some YJS fans got when Kim Hee Ae, when she guested on RM, questioned him at length about his wife since they felt she was being disrespectful of his privacy). Since the fan and anti culture is pretty strong there and Seoul is densely populated, feel that the celebs may be quite protective of the privacy of their non-celeb partners. Again, when your non-celeb partner is more visible in the public, there are more opportunities for netizens to latch on to something or the other (like say their partners not following the rules or being disrespectful in some way) which can land the celeb in trouble. The Korean industry works on image management and netizen opinion matters quite a lot. So I guess it is better for celebs to keep their non-celeb partners away from the public. 

I also feel traditionally, there is this general Korean distaste towards celebrities flaunting their couple status in public, which perhaps has got something to do with the belief in many Asian societies that displays of affection should take place behind closed doors where it won't make the onlookers uncomfortable. The celeb couple may support each other by visiting each other's sets or sending coffee trucks, but they will rarely make any SNS posts about it. Also, for high profile couples, part of their high profileness may lie in their private life being inaccessible to the public. Again, there might be some differences between actor couples and entertainer couples in this matter too. Haha and Byul are much more open about showing their affection before the public on their SNS. I can imagine few actor couples willing to do that since part of their aura lies in keeping their private lives away from the public eye. I bet they would get a lot more hate too since the rules of propriety are in some ways more relaxed for entertainers. I bet there are entertainer couples we don't know of like gag artists who are slightly more casual about talking about each other or attending events together. Even so, I think some things are changing especially with new gen celeb couples like the AhnGoo couple who did "Newlywed's Diary". JH and JK have both attended the weddings of their colleagues like those of the RM crew, so in case they get married, I hope we will get to see them together at weddings at least .

Edited by athoughtcloud1
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15 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

As to when she became a Sparta fangirl, I can point out the exact minute and second. It was after the 10 m dive! LOL


14 hours ago, mn0096 said:

I missed it at first, then rewatched the moment and I swear if stars, hearts, and puppies could have flown out of her eyes, they would have! When he came back from the dive, the look of pure awe and admiration in her eyes was unmistakable. She may not have fallen in love with him at that moment, but who knows? Let me go out on a delulu limb here and say that she definitely fell a bit in like with him. :) 


13 hours ago, saissuspicious said:

I was reading attentively and then I read this, you really killed me hahahahha. Yeah for sure she became a sparta fangirl after the 10m dive :wink: 


13 hours ago, linzer03 said:

The 10m dive is so cute!!! I became a sparta fangirl then too lol. They're both such impressice people, and even though the other RM members have grown bolder and more fearless, KJK and SJH still stand out to me.



that jump was very impressive indeed. a total of 15 meters height (10 m jumping board + 5 m pool depth) if you look down from the top is just like looking down from the top of 5 stories building. took alot of courage to jump and KJK did it :D

14 hours ago, mn0096 said:

Great posts, everyone. I've been a bit busy so have not contributed lately, but have enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts. I do want to add to one little thing that, at least for me, is very significant. Forgive me but I forgot who posted it, the fact that for the restaurant openings, the first time Byul showed up and the second time SJH showed up. No other celebrity ladies, just those two. I totally agree that the symbolism is obvious - HH's wife  and KJK's GF. How beautiful is that? 

Running Man WAGs (Wives And Girlfriends), right ?

14 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Whenever he has tried to bring his real life equation with JH on to the show, like that time he suddenly carried JH in his arms in the Big bang episode, think it had its consequences. Gary then had to (or was asked to) do something to re-establish his Monday BF status and that led to the Monday Couple kiss (to be celebrated in fanmeets and asked about in interviews ever since). 

it's unfair how KG's team given a second chance to perform in front of JH, and JH knowing the intention was forced to choose KG's team.  i just love JH reaction when KJK put her down after carrying her bridal style. she cover her eyes and touch her chest, trying not smile too widely, and i guess her heartbeat beat was going crazy, LoL :D and when she announce that daesung team won the chalenge, she look really happy


anyway, i'm curious about episode 149 the gumiho episode. when the ladies get their chance to choose their partner, Song Eun-yi who was head over heel for KJK (as seen in episode 24, and even kinda "mark" him at the beginning of the said episode), choose HH as her partner instead. but in the end kim suk choose KJK as her partner. 

how i wish that KJK could be partnered with SJH at that episode, and SJH look really beautiful too

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Lol there is so many thing to talk about.

I watched ep 163 again, i got really excited watching this part again.

It was always clearer back then, he would always turn to look at her in a line.

I think JK thought it was a couple race at first so he got a little excited when it wasn't about MC again.

and in some eps, when it had something relate to JH, he got all hyper over it =))

*read previous comment* oh wait, you guys are talking about it =))))))))))) we all think about the same thing lol 


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1 hour ago, julia147 said:

Lol there is so many thing to talk about.

I watched ep 163 again, i got really excited watching this part again.

It was always clearer back then, he would always turn to look at her in a line.

I think JK thought it was a couple race at first so he got a little excited when it wasn't about MC again.

and in some eps, when it had something relate to JH, he got all hyper over it =))

*read previous comment* oh wait, you guys are talking about it =))))))))))) we all think about the same thing lol 



I'm watching it as of the moment. Then I just checked here if there are new posts. Hahahahahaha :D 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Heard the RM PDs are planning the seventh anniversary special and that Gary and SJK may guest. Seems possible that any SA move on the show will come only after that. Every RM fan will be looking forward to seeing the 7 of them re-unite on the show. I think Gary will attend coz it will give him a platform to talk about leaving the members in the lurch with his sudden marriage announcement. He is active on SNS once again, so it seems pretty likely. On that Hyolyn episode, JS had even asked Gary to contact them. Guess it must have been for some special like this. Think it will also give Gary a chance to finally talk about his wedding and reestablish his image which has taken a beating among the RM fans. There will definitely be focus on how JH reacts to seeing Gary again (since the show has always milked that), so don't see them openly promoting SA till then. On the bright side, will he ask JH too to get married or ask SA to date like the rest of the members? He did like a few SA posts before his wedding, so that is a possibility. Hopefully, the "I go" tour finale will come afterwards and we will get to see SA go on that tour. So let's be patient and keep our hopes low for now. I wish they would invite Lizzy too!

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9 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Heard the RM PDs are planning the seventh anniversary special and that Gary and SJK may guest.

I heard about KG guesting on RM in the future, I doubted it because he wasn't active on his SNS back then. But seeing how he is back again with a concert and I suppose a new album soon, then it makes sense especially if it's for RM's 7th year anniversary. Well actually it will be good for KG if he wants to redeem his image, as he was bashed by some RM fans after his sudden disappearance and with all the hate comments we saw on social media. As much as I want to see him again in RM, I have many worries. We all know how RM makes things complicated with those cheesy captions, bgm , blushing faces and slow motions of SJH and KG's smiling faces after a MC moment. I really hope they don't make it uncomfortable for KJK and SJH with much teasing, be it with SA as the new loveline or MC as the old loveline. And more than anything I really don't want to hear this again, when KG told SJH that even when she gets married she will still be his girlfriend on Mondays. Even when he said it to show that MC is just for the show and it has nothing to do with their real lifes, it pretty much hurt me inside. Remember when KG came back for his memeber's week, even when it was a brief moment, they tried to bring up the MC again. And I really wish that it doesn't turn out to be a couple race with MC as one of the couples. If it was the old running man with KG as a permanent member, I would accept it as I have always done even when the PDs pushed it too far or when sometimes KG made it uncomfortable for SJH. They have gone too far with the brain test to finish MC, KG is a married man now, so please they need to stop with all this MC once and for all. It won't bring any good to neither SJH, KG or the show as a whole. If he is really going to guest on RM, I hope he ends MC in a beautiful way, shows his support to the new members as the #9012, show how happy he is to be a married man, I think that would help angry fans to gradually accept KG's new life and be happy for him. Like you said have to be patient till then and see how it would turn. Hope it turns out for the best. Yeah I wish Lizzy would be there too, miss her in RM.  

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@saissuspicious yeah i agree, i hope he ends MC nicely.  And i hope PD wouldn't push MC too hard 'coz it would be very disrespectful to KG's wife.  Seeing how fans reacted after his marriage announcement saying that they don't care if he is married coz he is only for JH,  would just add to the insult and would fuel the fire of some ssaesang fans to continue bashing KG's wife.  And i think JH also wouldn't like that as she is a woman herself and knows how would it feel if she were on the wifes shoes.  I hope they would just reminisce the old times as it would be great after all the chaos that happened late last year.  Hope it would be a wonderful episode not just for the members but all rm fans around the globe looking back how rm started and still going despite the ups and down until now.  And yes it would be nice if Lizzy would also be invited. 

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