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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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No they didn't harm the baby,ET did it to put the blame on EB&TT and SN and stop the mandate and to be forced to give back TH the Royal seal...if the governors believe,if only one,the rest would follow, that they wanted to kill the royal prince they would opose again...TT&SN knew right away their plan and SN told them the best and only way for the moment is to make the first move and to see ET and confront him...in the preview she tells him she knows what he plans to do and to bring it on,she will be waiting

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lol... YEY!!! GO Emperor Puppy and SN lol...

Omo! OMo!! Today's episode os DEABAK!!! Thank you @cherkell, @ChelseaS, @kiyokotsubasa and Everybody else...

Thanks for giving us the longing eyes between Sn and WY... (bitter sweet moment awww...)

Guess Puppy Emperor is no fool nor a dumb puppy anymore... Now it's time to take charge.

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Miky88 said: No they didn't harm the baby,ET did it to put the blame on EB&TT and SN and stop the mandate and to be forced to give back TH the Royal seal...if the governors believe,if only one,the rest would follow, that they wanted to kill the royal prince they would opose again...TT&SN knew right away their plan and SN told them the best and only way for the moment is to make the first move and to see ET and confront him...in the preview she tells him she knows what he plans to do and to bring it on,she will be waiting Oh wow!! hands down to TT and SN  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

Since Sn told ET that, do you think he will back down and not go with the plan? So who has the baby, Is it with ET team or SN team?? Will baby Byul die??

We need more explanation on today's episode miky88. Come to the rescue please!!

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DK wanted to send YBS and the army inside to kill of them after the failed plan  but YBS told him they can't do it because they all die and said about Maha being gone to stop the meeting yet SN knew right away were he was and took him back from TS...She told SN that when she will be back as an Empress she will make her pay yet SN said to be more fast because soon there will be a new owner,implying ET will be gone by the time...she also told SN that she will kill herself/harm with fire(something like that) yet NS told her that she won't because she doens't know the pain...so ET thinked about a way to stop the meeting for good and put the two Hoksu falsificators to pretend they were from EB&TT&SN to harm Maha so the governors will opose them and be on ET side again for this huge crime...TH told the governors a the meeting that the cecs are false and ET is in with the Organization but those that didn'topose from the start wanted evidence and that is when TT came with the guys and the governors recognized them when they did business...TH told ET that he wants the Royal Seal back now that he can read and write and all the members were in favor seeing that TH is capable of running the country..TT asked TH when will he reveal the Vow Letter and he said that when he will capture ET for good and that every time he reads his dad's last words feels so much pain and rave...ET and EB had the discussion where he asked him why did he betrayed him and he told him all the things and that he serves TH and not him,and ET said he doesn't listen to Royal but to Heaven(something like,the heaven made him in charge)and EB told after that TT that later on ,if he is to become like ET is to kill him right away..(sadly in history he becomes the same)..ET read the letter sent from Hoksu in witch was said something about him being the oen who ruined the organization doings and he knows it was TT and send the letter abck to kill him when he comes with the prisoners...WY sees the letter and tells BS minion to send it as told to not create suspicions and thing about a way to save TT..BS asks why they care so much fos TT and one of the guys says is because of SN but Eunuch Bang stops him and pretend is nothing and WY says no reason just theyw ant the same:to eliminate ET...BS comes with the strategy plan,with the fire arrows and so they save TT and kill all the men ...
My take is that the story will focus with only ET family as the main evil and not ED and EB...

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I am loving their fur coat. In the Yuan and Goryeo, are their fur coat this fashionable?? Thought they tend to wear layer and layers of cloths to keep themselves warm. didn;t know they have fur coast at their time too lol... hahaha... Since we're in 2014, we need to change our fur coat a little to represent 2014 not 1368... that;s more than a century there lol...

Once again, thanks alot for the recaps guys... can't wait for the preview to be posted!!!

Oh and i hope all the pople that were in the building that collapse yesterday are fine. Any News update from there yet?

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You know TH could easily put an order out there to say that since the Empress committed a grave crime, and is now banished in the cold palace, she is no longer fit to raise his potential crown prince.  Instead, he passes the responsibilities on to Lady Ki.  Lady Ki will now be MaHa's mother. 
This way, people will see that Ki has no reason to harm the prince.  
Of course we know if TH tries that ET will flip and definitely oppose or even bring on war right away.
Just a thought.

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@kiyokotsubasa - TH was pure AWESOME! I was clapping like a seal the whole time and squealing~~~ He's grown so much T_T Lol He was confident, fearless.
Who would dare call him a brat now? B-)
@CherKell @ChelseaS - thank you so much for the recaps. This was an amazing episode~
We missed your screenshots, @ohoheli ;P
Edit (now that I've calmed down a bit): I was waiting for the moment everyone found out he could speak AND read for so long because I knew it would be revealed at a great timing. And, man, this show delivered. I want to take a snapshot of ET's face and use it as my desktop wallpaper.

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Guest redhazel

Poor the baby. He must be tired traveling around from one palace to another :|

Leave him alone in a comfortable place or I'm gonna make you change the diaper, ET :-L

Wait, why there's not much new from the preview? It's like half of the preview is the same like before :-??

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