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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@CherKell - LMAO! Jealous? You? noooway.gif
Did you see that BTS on page 84? Your precious sneezed? *kekeke* Laughed my bum off cuz I don't think it was part of the scene. (maybe it was, I don't know - we'll see) From the preview, it looked to me like he passes out on top of her so nothing happens. Gotta say - how much of a blow would that be to your self-esteem if a guy passes out on top of you on your consummation night? Ahahaha - no wonder she's cranky. giggle.gif
@Lyly - 100% agree, there's no way Ta Hwan is going to give El Temur a child that would give him more power. That's the main reason I doubt anything happens with Tana Shiri. 

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Guest redhazel

Hai everyone, I'm finally give up and decided to join with you guys after become a devoted silent lurker here. LOL

The last time I wrote a post was when secret garden aired (yes it was a very long time ago).

I'm not only love but also hate this drama. Why? Because I like this drama in very early episode which means I have to wait about 5 months to finish. Its just killing me!!

It will be easier if I know this drama in episode 40. LOL

the other reason why i hate it is because I get confused my self. When the first time I read about the cast I'm happy because I think it will be awesome to see HJW and JJM in a drama together. But after watching until episode 6 I can't decide who I'm gonna ship with. Never know JCW before but yes I have to confess that he ruin everything that I have imagine before. Although I hate him, but I can't deny that I love him! This is the first time I'm having a hard time to choose the man (as if I'm in SN shoes) :P

Oke, enough for now. I'll be waiting (im)patiently for the recap.

Thank you for everyone who posted the clips here and sorry for my bad English :)

Edit: I just realize that my posts number is only 1 because I forgot my password. it's suppose to be 6 actually (well it's not that much different).LOL

Almost 3 years since the last post but yeah I just can't ignore this drama.

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Hi guys !

Doesn t it feels like they have changed the loveline plot ?

Because we know and we can see that WY is in love with SN but I don t see anything but loyalty from SN ( same with TH )

And since they already arrived in Yuan and SN entered the palace how SN/WY going to happen ? ...

Anyway I hope that the jackals beat that maid really hard as a vengeance for herself and all those helpless heroines of sageuk that had been bullied by maids xD

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tessieroo said: @CherKell - LMAO! Jealous? You? noooway.gif
Did you see that BTS on page 84? Your precious sneezed? *kekeke* Laughed my bum off cuz I don't think it was part of the scene. (maybe it was, I don't know - we'll see) From the preview, it looked to me like he passes out on top of her so nothing happens. Gotta say - how much of a blow would that be to your self-esteem if a guy passes out on top of you on your consummation night? Ahahaha - no wonder she's cranky. giggle.gif

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Guest avocado1430291863

@yuki...i am TH-SN shipper...i have to admit that I am a little afraid of this episode which preview give me hint of romancing between WY-SN..but after I watch it...the scene not prove me enough that they are the main pairing...maybe because many of the viewer love SN-TH so they decide not to give alot of romantic scene for WY-SN..(sorry cheona...)..and i hope that the PD will not follow the spoiler that SN and WY will have kid together..oh noooo....i think many fans won't agree with it

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Hello there !!!I'm very new to this thread so this is my first comment. I read some of your posts and it seems that it's a very warm and family-like thread ^.^I just started to watch Empress Ki yesterday evening, and i couldn't stop. I watched all 6 episodes in a row.

I don't really ship any couple in particular for the moment (I like Togon and Sungnyang's personalities, though)... All I can tell is that for now, this drama is pure awesomeness in terms of plot, cast, and historical elements. Even though it's serious and sometimes tragic, there are moments which are quite fun ! In one word, it's enjoyable to watch.I don't know which direction the plot will take, but i'll keep watching. Have a nice day everyone ! 

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yuukisnow said: Hi guys ! Doesn t it feels like they have changed the loveline plot ? Because we know and we can see that WY is in love with SN but I don t see anything but loyalty from SN ( same with TH ) And since they already arrived in Yuan and SN entered the palace how SN/WY going to happen ? ... Anyway I hope that the jackals beat that maid really hard as a vengeance for herself and all those helpless heroines of sageuk that had been bullied by maids xD

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kiyokotsubasa said: Hello there !!!I'm very new to this thread so this is my first comment. I read some of your posts and it seems that it's a very warm and family-like thread ^.^I just started to watch Empress Ki yesterday evening, and i couldn't stop. I watched all 6 episodes in a row.
Here are some links if you want to watch episode 7 RAW : [sNIP]And this one too : [sNIP]

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It looks like it is going to take some time until TH will find out that SN is a woman. It does not look like he is finding out in the next episode yet! That should be pretty exciting, but it is probably going to drag until this happens!

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let's give some tingling captured moments of SN and WY, though I enjoyed SN and TH relationship but I still longed for SN-WY moments that can make your hearts flutters
:x I wonder as well how will the writer develop their love feelings and both of their character because it's like more focus about TH as of the moment but yeah there are still 43 episodes left...

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To tell the truth, a part of me so worry when there are so many TH-SN shippers, and being a SN-WY shipper, I'm afraid that writer-nim will change the novel's storyline because of fans. It's too cruel to Wang Yoo if he can't get Seung Nyang's heart. He is a true hero, a true man that a girl like Seung Nyang, who went through lots of pain, can rely. To protect a strong woman, it must be a man who stronger than her. Maybe it's too early to be worry, but I see that Seung Nyang still see Wang Yoo as her king, not a man making her heart flutter at the begining. Writer-nim! Please have some pity for Wang Yoo - Seung Nyang shippers TT.TT

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Guest Lyly1430292245

aroma83 said: Yep, definitely. WY feels like a second lead now. I think TH is more popular then expected and the writers are changing the love line? I would love for that to happen. WY is too typical of a character for my taste, i admire his determination but really, he doesn't pull me in. On the other hand, despite his flaws, TH is truly fascinating, he and SN make a more interesting paring for the long run of the drama.

Guys, did i get it right? TH and Danashiri's conversation in the garden, she loves flowers so later TH orders his eunuch to get rid of all the flowers???

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Is it just me, or is there an excessive amount of 'stripping' for the female lead in this drama?  
I swear, I don't think HJW has had to strip down this many times in any of her other dramas/movies (well she's stripped down more clothes in movies, but not this many times).  She's stripped down an average of at least once in each episode, is that going to continue on?
I'm surprised there hasn't been more talk about her stripping considering this is a sageuk, how can there be more so many skin scenes.  
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I don't really care, but is just an observation.

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Guest Jarolin Peralta Gerardino

I am in favor of TH and SN that are different and complete each other, but WY and SN are similar both have nothing to offer the other. TH like that underneath all that cowardice is a very smart man, who knows what is convenient and not left to fill for his hatred and anger towards the tumer. I know TH is preparing the ground for the battle for intellectual and strategic level. SN and WY are very apacionados which the impulse has been acting so you are in this situation is not at analyzing his enemy. can not fight against someone who is bigger and stronger than you ...I'm 100% with TH knows how to navigate the tide brave and fine that won the game for his tenacity and his ability to play the fool in front of his enemies ....

Not all wars are won by the sword, TH I love his way of hiding his feelings after an apparent stupidity, as to SN not think I'll have to love TH but maybe feel something I do not expect to love him though I would like ....

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misstear said: To tell the truth, a part of me so worry when there are so many TH-SN shippers, and being a SN-WY shipper, I'm afraid that writer-nim will change the novel's storyline because of fans. It's too cruel to Wang Yoo if he can't get Seung Nyang's heart. He is a true hero, a true man that a girl like Seung Nyang, who went through lots of pain, can rely. To protect a strong woman, it must be a man who stronger than her. Maybe it's too early to be worry, but I see that Seung Nyang still see Wang Yoo as her king, not a man making her heart flutter at the begining. Writer-nim! Please have some pity for Wang Yoo - Seung Nyang shippers TT.TT

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