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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Hi guys, so I've just been following this thread since it first started and after watching ep 18 (w/o subs), I've decided to just make an account and post my thoughts.I am a TH/SN shipper, but recently I have become increasingly annoyed at the focus of the love triangle. 
Seriously, it took 18 episodes for WY/SN to confess their love for each other? What is more, is that it has taken more than 10 episodes since TH has become emperor (which translates to probably years) to actually start doing something abut ET. And even that is partly because he wants SN to look up to him, I mean come on, before you try and prove yourself to your love interest, shouldn't your main motivation be to prove to YOURSELF you can do something right first? Urgh. Another thing, with exception to ep 16 ending which was amazing, I am getting tired of having the last scene be of the three leads staring at each competitively/out of jealousy/whatever/etc. Especially ep 17 ending which was just childish and ep 18 was better, but I would have preferred it ending on ET about to kill TH or whatever just for a bit of variety in the ending other than the romance.I know people are saying the Empress Ki is a fast-paced drama, and while I do agree time does fly by quickly and there is a lot of action when watching, but if you actually analyse the basic development, it is slow. Ep 18 made me reminisce the times when SN and TH were hanging out together all carefree in the first few episodes but it also reminded me that the characters TH,SN,WY have not changed that much despite time passing.  Okay, so now TH is emperor, SN is a maid, and WY is a deposed king, but character-wise I haven't seen much improvement; SN and WY are very much the bad-richard simmons people they were, if not slightly more mature and TH well..... I am most disappointed with TH, yes okay, he has made a TEENY WEENY change but not much - this was proven when he was screaming for Golta to find SN in ep 18 but was eventually dragged away. In that scene, I was literally like, "TH, this is your time to prove to me that you have changed and that you will stand your ground and save SN  for the DKS" but nope he got dragged away and I was just left face-palming. In the last scene I was hoping for TH to redeem himself by finding SN first but unfortunately WY got there first, sigh.On the upside though, I think this next arc will be about how SN becomes empress - although I didn't watch ep 18 w/subs, I gather from this thread that WY made a deal with ET to do his bidding? In that case, perhaps ET will tell WY to do something bad and somehow through all this SN begins her ascent to empress because remember - in the first ep, we saw TH saying something about how SN spared WY's life, so I am guessing WY did something wrong but SN managed to persuade TH to let WY go. Just a thought.
Have a happy christmas eve everyone!

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Guest minnie0103

petria said: @tessieroo
My thoughts exactly. But, both of them lost their childhood and that`s what was connecting them so closely all this time. Nyang was tough from the beginning, but she wasn`t an adult person either:-B That`s why he knows and understands her so surprisingly well.
Wang Yoo is now making a woman out of her. :D

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I think this is why both characters' interactions are interesting to me :)
TH brings out her funny playful and the old tomboyish side :x
WY brings out the romantic girly feminine side :x
so both bring out the best in her some how :)
as a hug today from TH is adorable and cute
the hug from WY today was more romantic and emotional

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larabn said: I think this is why both characters' interactions are interesting to me :)
TH brings out her funny playful and the old tomboyish side :x
WY brings out the romantic girly feminine side :x
so both bring out the best in her some how :)
as a hug today from TH is adorable and cute
the hug from WY today was more romantic and emotional

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When I give my opinion in this show I never look at it from an idealistic view, far from it in fact I'm too absorb into the story & character that I feel the pain of SN wud feel when this & that happen. You can say that i hallucinating myself as being SN :D which is why its hard for me to accept TH ridiculity. If in other instances just for the scene I wud find TH antics amusing but for this storyline I cant...feeling angry abt his betrayal & all the hardship SN has to endure then on...The journey she has to endure from Goryo to Yuan, being drag here & there, not to mention almost brutally rape by DK, if not for what-his-name greedy plague soldier (cant believe I actually thank him for being greedy that time, not wanting SN to become DK's concubine), not to mention her dad death wasted on him, thus whatever TH did is an eye sore to me. Wud he have at least apologize or justify his action to SN , I might be more accepting of him but as it is just as much as SN wants kill him when she first enter the palace, I feel the same, however after spending more time with seeing how naive & pitiful he really is, just like SN, I might not want to kill him anymore...however for SN to fall in love with him just becos she was force to spend most of the time with him & put up with his riduculity wudnt be a reason enuf for her to fall in love with him & erase all the betrayal she felt...

Also think from SN POV,,,she has be taking care of herself, living a hard, difficult life from young, & now she still needs to take care of TH, mothering him...wudnt it be very unfair to SN, she shud have a man to protect her instead not the other way around

As for Kise's brother, remember that he found out SN is woman for just a bit before he took another route with WY to Camp of Hell. He lived there for several months, thus SN being a woman is least in his mind, never mind if he recognize her even if they rub shoulder, for most he probably think his brother has taken care of her, however brother has other interest & plan for SN that even he wud hide the truth from his father.

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petria said: And now, important stuff: who do you think will slay Dang Ki See? :D
Wang Yoo, for sure.
And how will El Terror die? 8-X
Will Ta Hwan give him a poison, like he did to his father?

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@muffyn welcome to our thread, we really appreciate it when people come out of their lurking spots and contribute with more thoughts and insights ^^I get your frustration especially reagrding TH's character. I was & still am very interested in him because out of the three main characters, TH is the one with more possibilities and more room for development & growth but we still haven't seen much of that while WY and SN are already mature and their personalities forgedthe way I see it is all this is a sort of build up leading to that boiling point where our three characters will have to make the big decision and that is, as you said, the moment when SN will become a concubine & ascend the throne as empress. I think this will be a turning point and I expect by that time TH would have completed his character growth (and if not, well, I'd be really disappointed)
and don't worry about the Richard Simmons thing, that's a sort of autocorrect because we're supposed to watch our language loland when we do not, the 'bad' word automatically becomes Richard Simmons (if you wanna avoid this, write your word replacing some letters with *** but we usually get the meaning anyway)

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Wow... I really need to keep on working my korean skills... it bugs me to miss sooooo much info watching the raw.... So many things happening on Episode 18... I haven't even read your most recent posts... anyway...
A few thoughts first... (I can't get my thoughts organized on my brain, I'm still high on Adrenaline-my apologies)
About Ki Se... I like this character very much... he's been transitioning slowly from a 100% evil evil dude, to a bit more human... I've always wondered why being so rude and capable of anything, he hasn't attempted to do something else to SN... really, it would be so easy for him to sneak into her room, he can trace her scent anywhere in the Palace, right? But he's restrained himself... - that's the point of his piggy braid right? sort of like his chastity belt?- but really, he's been watching her from the distance...
I can't take Lord Zhang seriously. His stylist, I don't know... was he inspired by Kid's look from House Party, or just wanted to make an amalgamation of some sort of Boy George and Last of the Mohicans... I don't know, it's distracting!!!! Please costume director do something!
SN-WY scenes AWESOME!!! Finaly we get to see our King happy again, he's opening up, he's allowing his feelings to show. Scene with Tanasiri and the rats was Epic, her face, priceless; background music, everything was just great... I had fun with that one... He totally knows she's hot for him and he's taking her for a ride... SN rescue from torture... soooo heroic... BUT I hated he's new wardrobe... I think for this episode they are using Costume Team #3, the bicolor sleeves of his clothing... Mazzinger Z came to mind... so I had to work hard at not getting distracted by that and concentrate on his emotions.
SN Yes!!!! The Jackal was back, at least for a few minutes. I miss her in this persona, SN-Maid is so boring, SN Jackal is another world. She nails this character every time... I want to see more of her like this.
TalTal, yes definetly he'll be my lifeboat if my WY-SN ship sinks. He looks sooooo manly with his warrior outfit, and THE VOICE...
Enough said I guess for now... now I have to wait for the subs... which by the way, I read on a post that you consider the MBC ones a joke...? I'm doing Spanish fansubbing for this show... and trust me, at least the MBC ones make some sense... some phrases from the other team are totally google translator property... Yeah I know, I better speed up with my Korean classes... it sucks to be able to read Hangul but have no idea what I'm reading... so sad...

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guys I guess dangkise meant it literally when he told her not to cry because of others that she should only cry because of him
he gets frustrated when she cried because of other men
so today he wasn't bothered not one bit when she cried because of him at all!!!!!!!!!

OMO  what a freak indeed

as of the preview
I think MBC might release it  after the madness of the awards finishes so they will focus on attracting attention to the awards first
then after it they will show the preview to make viewers crazy for the next ep (maybe)

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@lxands - 
At this point, SN has seen for herself that any decisions made or orders given are not from TH so I'm sure she knows what happened to her Father wasn't his fault. I fully believe that explains her softening attitude towards him. If she still blamed him for her Father's death, that would show in her actions towards him. She's not an idiot and can clearly see who has the power in the Palace and who doesn't. She also knows who is in charge of the military and who the military takes orders from - she learned that even more so when she, TH, Gol-ta and the bodyguards were surrounded by swords in the main hall with El Terror sitting on the throne. The military takes orders only from El Terror and Ki-Se. We can see how impatient SN gets with having to "mother" TH but there are also times she laughs and/or smiles at him. (which mirrors their relationship in Goryeo) 
I don't see SN in love with TH at all but there's a long ways to go. 
@muffyn - Welcome to the thread! 
I agree with everyone that SN should be the one to kill Ki-Se. AND Byung-Soo - for what he did to her Father. :-L

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I can't take Lord Zhang seriously. His stylist, I don't know... was he inspired by Kid's look from House Party, or just wanted to make an amalgamation of some sort of Boy George and Last of the Mohicans... I don't know, it's distracting!!!! Please costume director do something!
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@muffyn welcome to our thread, we really appreciate it when people come out of their lurking spots and contribute with more thoughts and insights ^^

I get your frustration especially reagrding TH's character. I was & still am very interested in him because out of the three main characters, TH is the one with more possibilities and more room for development & growth but we still haven't seen much of that while WY and SN are already mature and their personalities forged
the way I see it is all this is a sort of build up leading to that boiling point where our three characters will have to make the big decision and that is, as you said, the moment when SN will become a concubine & ascend the throne as empress. I think this will be a turning point and I expect by that time TH would have completed his character growth (and if not, well, I'd be really disappointed)

and don't worry about the Richard Simmons thing, that's a sort of autocorrect because we're supposed to watch our language lol
and when we do not, the 'bad' word automatically becomes Richard Simmons (if you wanna avoid this, write your word replacing some letters with *** but we usually get the meaning anyway)
yes thanks I worked out I could edit my original post without having to put up separate posts to correct myself.... Lol I was wondering why it kept on insisting to autocorrect to Richard Simmons... Anyways yeah I realise that TH will eventually have his character development complete but I was just pointing out that at 18 episodes it is going too slow for me to appreciate. Also hi @tessieroo !!! A bit random but I always see your comments on various drama blogs these days so just wanted to say hi back! Also thanks for that person who kept on posting the ek ep 17 screen caps yesterday you had no idea how many times I refreshed the page to see more screen caps of th-sn scenes lol (even if it not much was happening in that ep)


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Episode 18 Ratings:

AGB Nielsen:  Nationwide 17.5% (3rd; +.2%) / Seoul 19.9% (2nd; -.2%)
TNmS:  Nationwide 17.3% (3rd; -.0%) / Seoul 20.5% (2nd; -.0%) no change since yesterday!

Still Number One... but I screamed just as loud as Ta Hwan upon seeing the ratings drop below 20%! X_X


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