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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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SongMira said:  For the one who loves,yes,it's enough(stay by my side).Because SN knows how TH loves her,and that smth must have happened for he behave likethat.Such things happen very often in Seaguk dramas,and this is normal.It would be very funny if SN han't forgive him,that would be really stupid thing(this is only my opinian),and thanks to God, she isn't like that.How can she not forgive him,only because he was misunderstood,that wouldn't be love!
Yea! her love for TH must be that great that in my PoV as if she is more than willing to die out of misery just to be with TH or maybe shall I say she desired so much to keep her newly found family intact regardless if in the future the same thing might happen or even worse.

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@chaudinh1609‌ ough what a harsh word coming from your hatred toward TH.

Though you don`t like him, please keep it for yourself. I think this is a thread where we can discuss freely toward any character and don`t bash the other.

It`s true he`s just a puppet but he`s not a villain like YBS ED DK and etc.

Sorry though i`m a tanyang shipper but i still want to join a not tanyang shipper in this MT.

So please not to say those kind of word again. Thanks

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@critics,......Hello stranger ,...How are you these days...
SongMira said:  For the one who loves,yes,it's enough(stay by my side).Because SN knows how TH loves her,and that smth must have happened for he behave likethat.Such things happen very often in Seaguk dramas,and this is normal.It would be very funny if SN han't forgive him,that would be really stupid thing(this is only my opinian),and thanks to God, she isn't like that.How can she not forgive him,only because he was misunderstood,that wouldn't be love!
Yea! her love for TH must be that great that in my PoV as if she is more than willing to die out of misery just to be with TH or maybe shall I say she desired so much to keep her newly found family intact regardless if in the future the same thing might happen or even worse.
Some were upset about how Sn forgave Th so quickly but I kind of understands it's due to Ayu also that she went back so soon her child is left in the palace unprotected and Sn knows that Th not being in his right frame of mind can't protect Ayu..  

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@valsava said:  Some were upset about how Sn forgave Th so quickly but I kind of understands it's due to Ayu also that she went back so soon her child is left in the palace unprotected and Sn knows that Th not being in his right frame of mind can't protect Ayu.
Yea and I admit I am one of those who were carried away by emotions but after reading all your posts, I was somewhat enlightened and found myself slowly accepting of her predicament.  Though I am well aware that in the future those pains will keep recurring unless otherwise they will agree and spend sometime to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk, resolving each issue that brought them to this current family crisis.

Hi chingu!  long time no hear.  Glad that when I'm back you're still the same, always friendly and alive to talk with and I'm so super miss your warm friendship.

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Guest hunterdd

SamShop Watch said: @chaudinh1609‌ ough what a harsh word coming from your hatred toward TH. Though you don`t like him, please keep it for yourself. I think this is a thread where we can discuss freely toward any character and don`t bash the other. It`s true he`s just a puppet but he`s not a villain like YBS ED DK and etc. Sorry though i`m a tanyang shipper but i still want to join a not tanyang shipper in this MT. So please not to say those kind of word again. Thanks

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I re-watched ep 1 last night and then watched the previews just now and to me it looked like the 1st few scenes of ep 1 is the perfect ending to an otherwise distorted historical novel. I guess to make Empress Ki's story more interesting, her love life was embellished to the hilt to recruit more viewers. To that we can surely say that the writers succeeded. It seemed like the biggest concern for the viewers (especially the ones who've taken to the social media like this forum) is that Empress Ki needs to express the intensity of her feelings and make evident her undying love for the Emperor, which I find a bit of an overkill. I am still trying to keep an open mind about the ending of this drama to make it worth going back to even after the series has ended. If the focus would have been just about the lovelife of Sungnyang then maybe we should have been forewarned and the title changed to the love story of Empress Ki. It was a very good idea that the palace intrigues, the political jostling within the court were shown to give the viewers a feel of how things were back then in their time. I love a good story, not because it suits my personal preferences. I tend to appreciate how stories are weaved and told, and how characters are portrayed. I love good writing, especially an independent minded writer who writes not according to what others want to hear or see, but according to the writer's own judgement, so I can learn from other's thinking process and points of view. I get more entertainment from that. but then, maybe it's just me. It doesn't take away the fact that I have my own preferences too. But for the most part, I always try to keep an open mind and try to appreciate other people's take on things.

The 1st scene in the 1st episode is very poignant. It truly sets the tone for the culmination of Empress Ki's journey. What stood out for me was the scene where Toghon or Tahwan saw Wang Yu standing on the bridge just looking out into the horizon. TaHwan approaches him, and asks him why isn't he staying for the coronation, when it is such an honor bestowed on  Goryeo to have a Goryeo concubine crowned a Yuan Empress. Wang Yu directly stares him in the eye and matter of factly tells him that as the King of Goryeo  he is the one who bestows honor to his country or something to that effect. Then, TaHwan  says" if not for her grace you would be dead by now, she saved your worthless skin". and Wang Yu just stood there quietly,  holding back his tears  and perhaps holding back much like he was trying to keep his dignity intact by not socking him in the face. He then walks away and asks Wang Yu if  he still loves her and if he's still holding that torch for her? to which Wang Yu walks away quietly with tears in his eyes. TaHwan, the ever insecure and still uncertain of Sungnyang's love for him, screams at Wang Yu's back that he was never meant for her, that she is everything to him, that Sungnyang is not for him, and screams some more that Wang Yu should know it by now . Wang Yu just walks on without looking back, while Toghon cries like a someone who knows he can't win even if he's got everything he wants. I guess, TaHwan's dialogue "if not for her grace you would be dead......." would pretty much be answered on the coming episode 50. I've always wondered what made TaHwan say that.

The next scene that  is also profoundly moving is the coronation, where Sungnyang from the corner of her eye spots Wang Yu standing in the back just looking on, and Sungnyang gazes back at him with all the pain, shame, apology, a trace of love and longing still evident but  mostly it was a look that says goodbye. Wang Yu's eyes on the other hand spoke volumes, his pain from losing the one woman he trusted and loved and  for most of his life he protected and served, his grief for the son he lost, that he didn't even know existed, and only found out his existence before his son was taken away from him and from the world. Perhaps pain from having to live his life after losing so many people he cared about,  his son, his friend Bisou, his love Sungnyang, and also pain from his failure in keeping them all safe and not being able to do much for them. Such profound pain that speaks of things that could have been, but accepting the reality that it will never be. Jun Ji mo says it all without saying a word. I cannot not mention this actor's method of acting. He just hooks you in and brings you into his world and makes you feel  his pain. His chemistry with Ha ji Won on screen is enviable. Even when Wang Yu and Sungnyang weren't a couple, their presence together just explodes on screen.  Truly I am mesmerized.   With that kind of acting no words needed to be said, because those two just said it all. Reminds me of a verse from an old song "Are you going away with no word of farewell?, will there be no trace left behind?, I could've loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind. You know that was the last thing on my mind".

I can't wait to see what the writers have in store for us this Monday,  will the final episode correlate to ep 1 or will they come up with a new ending, succumbing to pressure from viewers? one more day, can't wait to watch it without subs.

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Guest chaudinh1609

SamShop Watch

said: @chaudinh1609‌ ough what a harsh word coming from your hatred toward TH. Though you don`t like him, please keep it for yourself. I think this is a thread where we can discuss freely toward any character and don`t bash the other. It`s true he`s just a puppet but he`s not a villain like YBS ED DK and etc. Sorry though i`m a tanyang shipper but i still want to join a not tanyang shipper in this MT. So please not to say those kind of word again. Thanks

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@tieuyeunu & @pegster:  You are both good in conceptualizing a happy ending for EK.  I hope the writers/pdnim would adopt 50/50 of your ideas so EK drama ends as happy as we want it all to be.  Maybe in the future both of you will decide to write/create your own drama and for as long as it is written at the back of the page of that book that your drama is inspired by & dedicated to "all EK Soompi Forum" then I can guarantee you to be one of your avid fans and will volunteer to promote it for free.   ;;)   :D

Joke set aside:
I wish that the Ep. 50's preview is only one of those TH's horrible dreams.  I can no longer stomach it if another tragedy would lead to this drama's ending.

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serg8.. Your post is not only well thought through, but right on the money.  Wang Yu did love Sungnyang so much so that he was letting her go.  That is true love. The lost he experience was painful but nothing compared to losing his son that he knew briefly, but the women who bore him, whom he loved most of his life.  Soooo very sad. And yes, he is such a good actor that words need not be said to express his thoughts...

I too can't wait to see how the writer finally ends this drama.  We all know that the opinions of the viewers weigh heavy on the writer...

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Just a thought.
What if everything Ki has done in the last few episodes has been a plan to regain TH's trust?  Although she loves him, but she can't trust that he will always love her, nor can she trust that he'll be able to be a good ruler.
Ki realizes that the only way to guarantee her and Ayu's safety, and for TH not to leave her is to have TH's trust.  Once she gets TH's trust back, she can use her influence to have TH make decisions based on what she believes to be right.
No matter how much Ki does for TH, if it's not in line with what he wants, it's wrong, and everything that Ki has done would be a waste.
Could the scene in EP 49 be a set up?  Ki knew that TH would come see her so she deliberately made those prayers for him so he can hear her?
Ki returning all the administration back to TH as if she doesn't want all those powers anymore was just a move to show TH that she doesn't want to control anything, but really it's just to have him trust her more?
Obviously if that's her plan, it did work as we see near the end of EP 49 TH started to listen to her again and introduced a currency reform.

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pegster said: Just a thought.
What if everything Ki has done in the last few episodes has been a plan to regain TH's trust?  Although she loves him, but she can't trust that he will always love her, nor can she trust that he'll be able to be a good ruler.
Ki realizes that the only way to guarantee her and Ayu's safety, and for TH not to leave her is to have TH's trust.  Once she gets TH's trust back, she can use her influence to have TH make decisions based on what she wants.
No matter how much Ki does for TH, if it's not in line with what he wants, it's wrong, and everything that Ki has done would be a waste.
Could the scene in EP 49 be a set up, Ki knew that TH would come see her so she deliberately made those prayers for him so he can hear her?
Ki returning all the administration back to TH as if she doesn't want all those powers anymore was just a move to show TH that she doesn't want to control anything, but really it's just to have him trust her more?
Obviously if that's her plan, it did work as we see near the end of EP 49 TH started to listen to her again and introduced a currency reform.

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Guest geilbladder

@pegster somehow this is your only post that i cant agree. >-) i hope that was not a plan. When she dreamed about TH being surounded by evil she immediately kneeled and prayed. So i thought she was sincere when timely TH heard her. She told the servants not to interupt her while praying because this is so important to her. She wants to sincerely talk to buddha so that her prayers will be granted. That's what i see. :)>-

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@pegster I understand what your trying to say but I don't think Ki will do that, her relationship with TH had always been built on truth, she may omit some things but had never outwardly lied to him. I don't think she would lie now. Like when TH asked her not to get involved with the war effort, she didn't answer, Ki technically never betrayed her promise to TH because she never gave it. Same as how TH had never promised to stop the tributes even though she asked.

@tiki_sg Those videos are not TT centric vids, they are Ji Han centric vids, especially the 2nd one. Although I'm a TalNyang shipper and adore JJH  I don't think it belongs here. Same way as why we don't post JJM, HJW or JCW vids here.

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Ok, let me clarify about the thought of Ki scheming to gain TH's trust.
Just because Ki may have plotted for TH to see her pray for him doesn't mean she didn't mean it.  We all know she cares for him, and has always worried about his health, and wants to help him become a good Emperor.  
Arranging for TH to hear her pray for him does not mean that she's lying to him.
I'm not saying that's what Ki did.  I was just thinking to myself, the worst that could happen, coming from these writers, so it's just something to consider.
I don't think Ki would do something like that to TH.  It's almost impossible looking at all the things she has done for him in the last few episodes. All those thoughts she had to herself, how she confessed to TH while he was unconscious.
The issue is, I'm worried sick about what the writers will do in the next episode, so I'm preparing myself for the worst.
To be honest though, in a way, I kind of what this to happen only because then it'll make me feel better about that whole reconciliation scene, as to why Ki agreed to return to the palace so easily.

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Guest geilbladder

@pegster‌ i understand how you feel. I too feel the same towards the writters. But well thats how it is. [-(

Going back to the topic, when you pray sincerely you wouldnt include plans in it so the Lord will see your heart. That is just my point. :)>-

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@pegster‌ i ever think about that scheming thing once. I admit it. But scheming or not, she love him and he love him back. Thats not a big deal to regain trust from the one you love when you almost lost it. It`s just my thought.

But i`m TaNyang shipper or mot, i believe SN deserve happines. If she afraid to loose TH, we should praise her though he`s not cappable enough as we viewer saw it.

I believe a couple meant to complete each other half. No need both of them to be perfect.

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