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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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You know what, if ta hwan really have to die, let nyang die as well, since they can't be together alive, then allow them to be in heaven together.

We are kidding right? Your scenario is heartless. If that happen what's going happen to Ayu? His life we'll be in danger and well get kill as well

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Nayuki Tran said: @jiji0203 I like your idea. Then how about season two to resolve the love triangle? Like a modern sequence of Bu Bu xing quing Scarlet Heart? This time Wy will have more screentime and dankise plus Taltal will have a chance with Sn too. So maybe a love tetrangle this time. Ill watch it if its a short one like 24 eps. 

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@shesays‌ Im sorry ,I want that scenario as the ending not in the next episode, I admit I totally forgot about ayu for a moment,, my scenario might be heartless to people, but it's what I'm hoping for at the end, most likely ayu would be much older by then if ta hwan was still alive and die of an old age instead of being killed off by whoever it is. I guess I didn't specify it correctly, i wasn't meant to say it in a heartless manner. Call me selfish, call me heartless, it was only a thought that I came up with, not everyone will like it. :)

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Guest Nayuki Tran

@jiji2023 im a loyal shipper too, but it doesnt mean I want only the sweet moments. i ve been a th shipper all a long despite his terrible character development. I want all the guys in the picture to arouse the romantic love story, but I will always want sn to end up with Th. I have more fun with that raher than a boring happy love of my OTP.

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Empress ki is highly recommended to watch all actors & actress are really great, the main actors & actress and even the supporting actors are really great. The writers, directors, staff, crew and everyone give their best shot. You will be amaze how creative they are. From the costume to the setting & place are really nice. Climate did not become obstacle to give us good scene. I am super happy that I watch this from episode 1 to 49 and patiently waiting for episode 50 to 51. I can't believe that because of empress ki I stop watching other drama. I can't start for another drama only man from stars is only one that I watch during empress ki air. Next week is the last 2 episode. Whatever ending I will accept it even if it is painful. Th & Sn forever for me. I also fall inlove with Taltal. Empress ki provoke audience to become writer. Everyone want to give different scenario for empress ki drama. God bless everyone. I love and enjoy watching empress ki and reading all the comments but sometimes I skip other post because of a lot of pages have been post. Special thanks to pegster, cherkell, Chelsea, stclaus, and everyone. Sorry if I didn't wrote your name but I am thankful to all.

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@NayukiTran,.....Hello....... You said.....
omo that would be the worst of the worst ending. Th's death is bad enough, now Sn raises troops on Goryeo.  Thats a no no. She should know the rebel troop aka GT minions do the killing but not Wy, right? Otherwise it would be a real mess.

I hope they don't bring us and ending like this to bring us into the modern day ending that may come into play..  If so to me it would be the most stupidest ending because what happened in between all that time we would never know..  I think this is were this heading with Golta killing Th and some flash forward crap and into modern day society.. 

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@rinchan76 i agree with you, the spoiler can be misleading us viewer so the production team still can manage the ending perfectly a misterious for us. Since for now, they haven't post te video preview right? just Text writen. Coz  the last episode, the text preview seems different with what it shows at videp preview though it contain the same storyline.
I wonder how come a fugitive named as "goeryo king" still manage into the capitol and attend the corronation, talk to the emperor freely.Than only after that TH chased him out.I prefer TH chased WY and then SN interfere, clear the missunderstood between three of them and the continue with the corronation.Coz i'm afraid the one who's in danger is SN while TH chasing out for WY since Golta eager to ged rid of her.

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If we are going to ignore history and just make up the ending we want...

What happens in my imagination...LONG POST ahead.

TH goes after WY, Ki finds out and goes after him, TT finds out and chases after them. TH is ambushed by Golta and gang, WY sees and comes to save him.

They manage to kill Golta but WY is hurt in the process. Golta goads TH before his death that Ki and WY has always been in contact and one day, she would return to WY's side.

In anger TH goes to kill WY but is over powered by him, WY remembering all TH has done to him and his people goes to strike him, Ki comes in time and shoots WY in the shoulders. Hurt he ask if she really means to kill him to save TH, Ki begs him to let it go because she doesn't want to kill him but she will not let him kill TH, TH is her husband, the father of her son and the man that she loves.

WY knowing he has no way left since his throne has been given to someone else and TH had already released orders for him to be killed if he ever set foot in Korea again, goes to strike TH, Ki shoots him and he smiles as his life slowly ebbs from him, memories of the good times with Ki flashes before his eyes..

to their last good bye...


ending with the last image of her waving him goodbye...the last time he still had a right to love her.

Shocked at what she had done, Ki goes over to the dying WY. Trying to usher her tears she looks down at him.

With the last of his strength he smiles and tells her "Don't blame yourself, this is the path I have choose."

Allowing his tears to fall he continues "I...regretted leaving you behind."

Ki watches as WY finally succumbs to his injuries and leaves the world.

Unable to cry for him, Ki stands shell shock. TH having witness what she has done, comes over to embrace her, finally accepting that Ki had chosen him over WY.

TT arrives and sees the scene, he orders the rest of WY's men to take his body and never come back.

Ki and TH returns to the palace, TH is in a happy mood but he realizes Ki is upset. He questions her if she regrets her actions, she tells him truthfully that she would have done the same thing again if she was in the same position but is disappointed that he had forced her into such a position.

"WY wasn't just a man I had once loved or a King to me. He was a friend, a comrade and my savior, he had saved me as a child from prostitution, as a woman from the lecherous hands of DK. It was I that had turned my back on him first, what I owed him was more than what I could repay in this life, but your mistrust has forced me to kill that man."

TH hugs her tight, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was so afraid of losing you, so afraid of being left behind, being left out that I couldn't see your sincerity. Since young, all those around me only loved me because of my position, I knew that, I knew that very well, and I was okay with it, I could live with that lie, because I was someone not worth loving if I wasn't the crowned prince. When I was exiled, I was abandoned by all of them, but I met you, for the first time in my life, I knew what being truly cared for meant. You were my first and only true friend and the only person I wanted to be sincerely loved by. I selfishly wanted to be the only person in your eyes, your thoughts, your heart that everything you cared for outside of me tormented me. I wanted to rid them all, I didn't realized in my quest I had neglected you see you standing before me. I will never doubt you again."

Ki now crying hugs him back.

One year later, ED has been removed from the palace due to her hand in assisting Golta. Ki goes to the temple where Byul's tablet is kept, she meets Bang again, whom although angered has come to accept the fate, he tells her he has come for Byul's ashes to be returned to Korea to be buried with WY. Today is the 1st death anniversary for WY. Taking out the hairpin from long ago, she returns it to Bang and ask for it to be buried with WY and Byul.

"What I owed him in this life, if there is reincarnation, I will repay him in the next."

Watching him leave, Ki allowed herself to cry for WY, Byul and the life she could have had for the last time. With this, she will finally say good bye to a man she once loved, a child she treasured and a love that she had buried deep inside.

Years pass, TH is now sick and on his death bed. Ki sits besides him, when everyone has left and only the two of them where left, TH took the courage to ask the question he never dared to.

"In all the years we were together, did you once, even for a moment, loved me?"

Taking his hand in hers, she smiled through tears.

"I love you. I never meant to love you, when I returned to the palace that first time, I was driven by revenge, my heart had turned to stone and shattered, there was a hole where my heart was suppose to be, I don't know how or when it started but you had somehow filled up that void with your warmth and came into my cold heart and gave it life. I love you, I've been loving you for so long."

TH smiles at her, squeezing her hand tight.

"I'm sorry I didn't see it. Thank you for loving me."

Ki rest her head on his shoulders, TH stroke her cheek as they lay there, bath in their mutual love for each other. With that TH passes away, finally happy and assured he was someone that was loved in his life.

Years pass, Ayu has taken the throne and proven himself to be a capable leader, TT had left the courts due to internal fighting, the young King was more then capable of handling the issue and TT didn't want to be a burden on his king.

The war had broken out and their forces are being pushed back. Ayu urges Ki to retreat with him back to the North, Ki refused and told him she will only slow him down, she asked him to leave without her, there was some place she needed to be. Leaving HD and Eunuch Park with her, Ayu takes his troops and retreats to the North.

Ki returned to the mountainside where the Korean maids were buried, where her fate had changed. HD and Eunuch Park asked her where they should go now, Ki smiled sadly.

"Where can we go? We are no longer Korean, we are not Yuan and not Han. We are people of the wind, we will go where the wind takes us."

"Then let me walk this last journey with you."

A deep voice rang from behind, Ki turned around, TT was standing behind him, dressed as a simply scholar. TT smiled that mysterious smile of his.

"I knew you would one day come here, when you have tire and assured of his majesty's position, you would leave and come here. I...have been waiting."

"Master, I'm glad you waited"

Ki gave him a warm smile as she turned to head down the mountains, HD and Eunuch Park following closely behind, with TT walking besides Ki.


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@tieuyeunu this is the best ending for me. I like this one. Even it is painful. I want the ending like this or similar to this. I will miss empress ki and people here in soompi forum when empress ki ended. Happy weekend everyone.

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I will really hate this Drama if TH kills WY!! I think it was Iris 1 where just few minutes before ending the MAIN CAST was shot dead alone in the middle of nowhere.. hate that kind of ending.
DK's last few words may be a hint.. TH will always be 2nd for SN, which is a no no for TH, I am highly suspicious they will KILL WY.. grrrrrrrrr I just don't like this! Then again as someone earlier mentioned this going after WY could well be before the coronation ceremony. 
ED must have earlier plotted together with late DK to kill off TH/SN and Ayu so ED is caught here with Al Plague. Goltha is out to kill SN and WY saved her somehow and probably this is what the favor is all about.. SN pleading to TH to let WY go?

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How about this for a happy ending.
** Disclaimer **  This is for fun only. Not a spoiler, prediction, or whatever you want to call it
Seems like spoiler tag isn't working for me again.  Read on if you're interested.


TH is determined to kill WY.  In his mind now, WY has taken SN away from him.  Not only has he taken her heart from him, but he's also taken SN's body.
While SN is still sleeping, TH quietly gets out of bed and takes his army to go after WY who has left on his way back to Goryeo.
PBH and HD finds out what TH plans on doing and HD rushes into SN's quarters to tell her about.  SN quickly orders HD to inform TT to come to them as she takes PBH and all her guards along with her to go after TH.
Just as SN arrives, she sees WY walking toward TH with his sword at TH, at this time TH is already injured and on the ground.  Out of instinct SN takes her bow and arrow and shoots at arrow at WY's shoulders just as he is about to take his sword at TH.  SN immediately rushes over to check on TH.
Everyone stops fighting, MS, EB, JB, and JK all right to WY's side to keep guard of him.
At this point TH is already on the verge of losing his mind.  As soon as SN tries to help him up, he pushes her away and angrily yells:
TH: Why are here?  Are you here to save the only person in your heart?  You're here to save WY!!!
SN: Paeha!  I'm here for you!  I don't want you to do something you would regret...
TH: Do you really think I don't know what you two have done behind my back?  Do you think I don't know about MaHa!  Do you think I don't know about all the letters he's been sending you all these years!  
* By this time TT has arrived and is watching from the side *
WY: Letters...
SN: Paeha...please let me explain, I'm sorry...
TH: You've never loved me! I was always just a tool for your revenge, a stepping stone to get your power.  What am I to you??  
* TH breaks down sobbing *
SN runs over and grabs TH's hands, trying in vain to calm him down.
SN: Paeha, that's not true, that's not true!  Please trust me!  I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
* Tears rolling down SN's cheeks *
TH: Why, why can't you love?  What is it that WY has that I don't have?  Why do you have to do this to me?
* SN grabs onto TH and hugs him * 
SN: Why can't you understand me?  I'm sorry!  I couldn't tell you about Byul because I was afraid of what you would think of me.  I was afraid you'd leave me if you found out about Byul.  You don't understand, I'm afraid you will abandon me!  There's no one more important in my life then you and Ayu.  I can't live without you.  
* WY listening to SN confess her love for TH finally realizes that she's no longer the Seung Nyang that he had once loved.  Finally he drops is sword on the ground, just now how he has determined now completely put down his love for SN *
* Hearing this from SN, TH starts to calm down and slowly pulls away from SN and looks at her face to face *
TH: Those letters...those letters WY has been writing to you all these years...
WY: What letters are you talking about?  I never sent any letters to Hwanghu mama...
TH: It's you!  You've been trying to steal SN away from me by seducing her with all those letters!
* Once again TH is enraged hearing WY's voice again *
TT: Paeha...who did you get those letters from?  Is it possible that someone has deliberately been sending those letters to you so you would suspect Hwanghu mama, and to split you up?
TH: GT...GT said he's been intercepting those letters before they are delivered and bringing them to me...
SN: I never received any such letters...
WY: I never sent any letters like those
TT: Paeha we need to investigate this.  
All of them return to the palace.   
With TT's help, TH takes out one of the letters that he kept and compared the writing in that letter with WY's writing and confirms that the writing is different.
TT and WY both team up to investigate, after a couple months they find out that it was someone from the Eagle Group who had been sending those letters.  From those leads, and with the help of Bi-Soo's man, they find out that GT is the ML, and one of TH's guard is also part of this.
TT also finds evidence that ED had allied with Eagle Group to kill TH and replace him with Boland Temur.
TT and WY lead an attack on the Eagle Group and succeeds in taking them down, at the same time they capture all three of the main people.  GT, guard, and El Plague.
El Plague confesses that he was the one who wrote those letters.  He curses at SN for killing El Maid, and this is when SN tells him it was KT who killed El Maid not her.  Now El Plague realizes he had helped the person who killed El Maid instead of revenging for her.  
TH is devastated that GT had betrayed him all these years.  With his eyes closed to hide his pain, TH orders to have all of them executed in the market place for all the people to see, these are the people who have been taking advantage of them all these years.  SN requests to not execute El Plague.  Instead, SN orders to have El Plague turned into a blind (poke out his eyes), mute (rip out his tongue), and deaf (burst his eardrums), pay him back with what he did to her father, then to throw him back onto the streets to die a slow death.
TH orders to have ED banished from the palace forever, and never to allow for her return regardless of any reason.  ED is sent to be locked up as a prisoner to a monastery far away from the capital.  Jang...well TH just had him executed.
TH puts an order to return WY's throne back to him and for him to return to Goryeo immediately and banish him from ever returning to Yuan again.
TH goes to see SN at her quarters.  SN is teaching Ayu, TH orders to have HD take Ayu away.  Both TH and SN are feeling a little awkward being alone together.  
TH: Nyangyi-ah...
SN: Paeha...about Byul...
TH: No, I know...you don't have to tell me anything about it.  I know...I'm sorry.  I'm sorry I've treated you this way all these years...I let those letters get in between us, I'm sorry I didn't trust you, I'm sorry I couldn't see your sincerity.  I never dared to you ask you because I was too afraid of losing you!  
SN: Paeha...
* TH quickly hugs SN *
TH: You're my everything, I can't live with you!
SN: Paeha...Thank you, thank you!  Now do you understand my heart?  Do you know that you're the only person in my heart?
TH: Yes, yes!
10 months later SN gives birth to their second child, a princess.
Words across the screen explaining that TH with the help of TT and SN rules Yuan for 30 years with some affective administration...then some blurbs on what happens based on historical facts.
The End.


To those of you who lol'ed at my tragic ending, you are all heartless people, heartless I tell ya! [-(

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This is why we shouldn't depend on the written preview, it can be misleading. Who knows what really is gunna happen until ep 50/51 is actually out. So as of right now, I will not believe in what the written preview says lol.

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                                                     1473352.jpg When Empress Ki ends:1473383.jpg
  Then:                                 3436678.jpg
                                                                                   Yap, it could all end  like this. Hehe!

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@tieuyeunu I feel touch when i read your fic then i burst my laugh at the end of your ending story prediction. 
@pegster i wonder how the writer canmanage such a fun and happy story for EK ending since saeguk always stick at sad ending with one of the OTP died

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Guest linhcao

in my opinion, GT will be eliminated before the coronation because WY has investigated GT for a long time, so he will not give up easily. if not, at least he will continue and do it in silent after the coronation although TH ordered him to go back to Goryo. about the scense of batlle, may be TH took his army to helf WY who is being invested by GT. Hope it's true

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