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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Miky88 said: tucci said: @tieuyeunu, thanks for the pics! I don't know why, but they relieve me a bit :|
At least the Golta problem will be cleared.

At this point, I really hope WY will die an heroic death, saving TH and SN. It correspond also with historic events. TH died young, but not in a battle, i think.

I wonder what ep 51 will be about :-/

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@andy78 WY doesn't exist in history, he is a character they made up, there were going to use a real king that was a womanizer but then changed it when the public got pissy about it.

If you want to go with history, TH isn't exactly a good person and neither is Ki. Though for Ki besides attacking Korea and allowing her brother to wreck havoc in her name and even pushing him to take over the throne, I haven't really read anything else about her.

I've been reading through the History of the reign of Yuan and Mongol Empire. Don't know how accurant it was but Ki wasn't mentioned much on the Yuan side and on the Korean side they mentioned her brother a lot more and only her in passing.

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tieuyeunu said: @andy78 WY doesn't exist in history, he is a character they made up, there were going to use a real king that was a womanizer but then changed it when the public got pissy about it.

If you want to go with history, TH isn't exactly a good person and neither is Ki. Though for Ki besides attacking Korea and allowing her brother to wreck havoc in her name and even pushing him to take over the throne, I haven't really read anything else about her.

I've been reading through the History of the reign of Yuan and Mongol Empire. Don't know how accurant it was but Ki wasn't mentioned much on the Yuan side and on the Korean side they mentioned her brother a lot more and only her in passing.

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The troubled Tahwan leaves the Palace to see Lady Seo, and receives confirmation regarding Maha's identity. Wang Yoo leaves for Goryeo after seeing Seung-nyang being crowned Empress. While Seung-nyang is asleep, Tahwan leads his troops to chase after Wang Yoo...

Possible theories being floated around:

  • TH brings the sword down on WY, and whether WY dies or not is used as the cliffhanger
  • TH tries to kill WY, but the rebel groups arrive, and WY and TH end up working together.
  • SN arrives just in time to see TH kill WY or vice versa
    It will be the rebel group coming in and Wy will have to help Th again.. Th may be emperor but he's really useless to the crown he wears.. This is Golta and Ed plans with the rebel forces..
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I guess Sn nighmare will come true:TH being surronded by enemy and what we fear most die...hope he doesn't die alone,that would be cruel...@valsava Indeed,Golta will go after Th or SN to kill them ,maybe seeing Th plan to kill WY off he uses this one to attack him from behind without him suspecting a thingso sad both the royal guards were traitors :(

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Guest fantasticbaby12

Andwae. Writernim don't you dare touch TH
In real history he died at the age of 50. Don't you dare. Andwaeeeeeeee

WY, the Superman, Hongil dong, Iljimae, the immortal, please help my baby emperor  from the rebels attack.
:(( :(

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@andy78 WY didn't exist in real history at all,he is the only fictional one in the trio...they wanted first time to use a real King but the buzz was very loud about it because the real one was a  womenizer,alcoholic and rapist and other horibble things,one of the worst Goryo Kings,so they felt horrified to take his name and make him the hero WY is ...so the writers made him up....TH is real and SN was,Sn wasn't the good women they seemed to make her and i take it as SN being more practical and when Goryo abandoned her and sold her she abandon it as well,not everyone is such patriotic and we never know how the real one was...here they made her like this for the korean people to think she loved Goryo but the circumstances forced her to go against them...and her brother was quite powerful in Goryo in Gongmin period...while Th died fist before Ki because of a weak heart,like we saw hinted to us so many times in the show as well,he did die at an old age to say so at that period...the end point the real Goryo King was not the wise,smart guy WY is but a flawdeed fool while TH wasn't the useless guy the made him be...(i'm more sure they reversed most of the characteristics,not all but some)

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Guest lalita1208

Hi everyone, first time posting here  :-h
About Wang Yoo, i've started the drama not a long time a ago, but from what i've read, they only change his name after the controversy, but the fact about him being the King Chung Hye is still there, in the novel, it's like that and in history, Wang Yoo is close yet far from Chung Hye, like Seung Nyang is for Empress Ki
Some facts : 
- King Chung Hye (CH) was a rapist and womaziner (they used that in the drama, e.g. ED & TN talked about those rumors)- In History El Temur considered CH like his son... like WY here- CH spent a lot of time in Yuan... like WY.- he loved hunting, practicing martial arts and training himself his warriors (he introduced a good training practice he adopted from his Yuan years)- he despised the aristorcracy (considered aristocrates useless and spoiled, especially those who sided with Yuan and deprived them from some privileges) and preferred the company of ordinary people (Thus his really bad image in most history books, since the majority of scholars and historians of that time were from noble families)- he fought against the corruption and one of the first things he did when he became king was to confiscate the wealth of corrupt ministers in order to fill the treasury- he tried hard to liberate Goryo from Yuan domination  
These writers are good, they are using this saying for SN/EK & WY/CH :  class="quoteText""History is written by the victors" - Winston ChurchillThey changed many facts from the real CH but they did the same for Empress Ki and Seung Nyang... Hope it helps :)

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Guest HanN1430293555

ohh no!!... can I withdraw what did I said last time that TH is one of the person that would i want to die in EK??(I said that maybe because I saw SN really hurts because of him).. thinking that it is possible to happen I cannot endure to see him dying, TH is too handsome to die. :( (%E9%81%A0%E4%BE%86%E7%9A%84%E5%92%8C%E5% (pls hit me with a bamboo I will pray for TH safety!)
and I realize SN loves TH at his worst! means that was true love, pls. make them a happy couple in the end of this drama writers!
I Hope the ending of this drama will not going into mess,
so sad that I will not see the ending of this drama next week because I will have my vacation for 1 week :( :( I can watch it after 1 week that was to long!... 
I will goin to miss u EMPRESS KI,.... my Mondays and Tuesdays will be back to my normal days again. oh no does it mean I will hating Mondays again?.. 

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Guest x1102107

the troubled TH sounds like the crazy TH too me...i never thought the coronation scene is not the end of his craziness...*sigh

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According to the preview, which may or may not be misleading, it can be inferred that this may not be the type of drama where we will see the main couple overcome their insecurities and develop a 100% trust in each other. But who knows, it may happen towards the very end, the writers just like twists.
In this drama, both TH and SN have communication issues, which is steeped in their fear of abandonment. Yes, SN did keep the truth about Maha from TH, I think with her knowledge at the time, which was Byul was dead and barely no one knew about the pregnancy, there was no reason to tell him the truth. Also it was a truth that if it were to come out to this day would put her life in danger. Actually one of the best times to have mentioned this was during their fight when he called her an empty shell and stated he knew what she lost: WY. She could then have a heart to heart with him and tell him the whole back story, but of course the evil merchant leader Golta would have found out about it. At the time, despite the fact that we saw her trying to fight back her romantic feelings for him, as we recall she was now giving him the chance to redeem himself in her eyes, focused on revenge, she was not trying to usher in a deeper relationship in that aspect ( I doubt she predicted she would fall in love with him, she just planned to be his loyal subject). At that time that bit of info about Byul was a non issue since he was dead, it would have accomplished nothing productive because TH would have probably gone into a fit of rage and drinking again. He probably might not have been able to see the situation as SN lost her child but see it as confirmation she slept with WY, and had his baby. No matter how desperate he was for her, it would not be something he could easily accept and we would have been stuck with a longer reign of the ET family. Also even if he accepted the fact he wouldn't have gotten over it, because he is still hung up on SN past relationship with WY, it was only exacerbated by the letters and drugs. There was really no good time to tell him something like this, even when she fully accepted her love for him, because by then she developed a fear of him leaving her, why take a chance digging up an old and painful wound and risk losing her hard won happiness. TH and Ayu are her life, why losing them over a child that was no longer apart of the world. In this same way, for TH, WY's existence is a point of insecurity for TH. His presence will forever be a threat in TH's mind. Of course TH could always talk to SN about those letters, but his fear of what might spring from that, for example she confesses to not loving him, or she denies feelings for WY then begins writing him behind his back. It is like the mention of WY and SN's relationship or what they had in the past increases the potential of them getting back together. For TH he doesn't even want to hear that they were connected in anyway. He probably wishes it never happened, but his abandonment issues would skew his mindset in a way in which he sees all the people who love him leave him (and in the future this will also continue). Since WY has a connection with SN he could always tap in to that connection and take her away, or with WY still being around SN can never solely be his.
Interestingly enough WY is the elephant in the room when it comes to TH-SN relationship, the normal way to handle this would be for the two to sit and talk. However with both being so afraid of losing the other over anything related to this topic, they refuse to take a chance over it. TH on the other hand has seem to find another way to get rid of that elephant in the room, by sending an army to kill his source of insecurity. Unfortunately this solution doesn't address the issue. So the effectiveness of his actions will probably only temporarily satisfy his anger, but it might not resolve anything.
In all this what I am worried about is while TH is away, I hope he took GT with him, because I am worried that he will send assassins after SN while she is sleeping. The security level would be low since the emperor is out. Then again even if GT was not left behind he could have easily sent assassins so lets hope the writers don't go that route.     

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How about this for a tragic ending:
* Disclaimer *
This is not a spoiler, guess, speculation, or prediction, this is just for fun

SN finds out that TH has lead an army to kill WY, so she rushes out to stop the battle.
SN reaches TH and WY just in time to see WY kill TH, SN jumps off her horse and rushes to TH.
While TH is dying in SN's arms, SN tells TH he can't die, he still has to give their unborn child a name.  Ayu and their unborn child can't be without a father, and she can't live without him.  TH takes his hands out of SN's hands and tries reach for her face, but his hands drop in mid-air as he takes his last breath.
SN sobs uncontrollably while hugging TH closer to herself as if to bind the two of them together.  As soon as she comes back to her senses, she throws a hateful look at WY as if to say 'I won't forgive you for this!'.
As WY tries to explain himself, EB, MS and JB quickly drag him away, and they return to Goryeo.
Back in Yuan, SN wants to revenge for TH, and to help TH finish his last wish to conquer Goryeo, she convinces all the governors and officials to agree to attack Goryeo.  Of course we know, the attack fails.  
SN not able to handle all these mental impacts, the lost of TH, not being able to finish his last wish, falls to the ground.  HD and PBH are both shocked and quickly rushes SN to her bed and summons the court doctor.  Court doctor announces that SN had a miscarriage due to all the stress she's been through.
Time jump, Ayu is now a grown boy.  Words flash across the screen explaining what happened in those years, how the Yuan empire had fallen.
The End.

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Guest kenneth123

@pegster.. no please not an ending like that.. i want to see ki rule the kingdom... and I don't think she's the type of woman who cries and lament for the rest of her life... I have a feeling that she will rule but won't be really happy and just waiting for death to come.. but with the white lotus faction.. I think we will see the fall of yuan.. to ming dynasty which is truly sad considering.... that th will die nonetheless... although i still don't forgive him for the reconciliation.. my anger is appease through the days passing by.... and sn loves him... i don't want to see her suffering more... it's like when th and sn were riding horse...and smiling while looking at the surroundings then dk came to spoil it... it's like one moment of happineess= a year full of enemies and disaster.. :( 

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let me take a stab at this thing.  ok, so maybe Golta will know of TH's plan of leading army to kill WY. Golta will take this golden opportunity to get rid of WY(cuz he's messing with the Eagle house)  While the battle ensues between TH and WY, Golta's men messed up and ended up shooting poison arrow at TH instead.(yes, this drama loves poisoned arrow, so why not?)  SN arrives just in time to see all that unfold. Because the poison does take time to work, this leaves some time for TH and SN to flee the scene and have a moment of heart-to-heart talk at some place safe. The couple would talk about when, where, and why they love each other, so on and so forth (lol)  Then TH dies in SN's arms contented, knowing that SN's always loved him all this time.  
TH's death will give SN all the more reason to go after Golta and finding out all the bts things Golta been doing all these years.  This is the first part i can come up with. :D

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Guest Nayuki Tran

@omg pegster thats a daebak ending for the royal couples, but I dont think it justifies Wy though. He deserves a better ending than that. I dont think Sn will misunderstand wy though, she knows him way too well. Anyway, thats not bad. If the writers go that route, the rating will suffer. Good for them *evil laugh of adesperately insane th shipper*

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Guest Nayuki Tran

@jiji0203 I like your idea. Then how about season two to resolve the love triangle? Like a modern sequence of Bu Bu xing quing Scarlet Heart? This time Wy will have more screentime and dankise plus Taltal will have a chance with Sn too. So maybe a love tetrangle this time. Ill watch it if its a short one like 24 eps. 

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