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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@tessiero I figured it was because of a shipping preference, that's why I haven't really been responding to a lot of those posts.  Getting a bit tired of it.
Maybe WY will eventually have a child of his own with his wife or Yeon Bi Soo :)

For me, I don't care who SN ends up with as long as is the person she is in love with at that moment.
Sure she loves WY now, but if she's able to fall in love with TH in the end, why can't she live a happy marriage life with TH? 
I would rather she live a happy life with the person she loves, and loves her very much, then to die with the person she loves.
If she will eventually have a child with TH, wouldn't it be harder for her to leave him now that they have a child together? The child she has with WY is important, what about the child she has with TH?
This circles back TT telling SN that a person does not change, but situations will change the person.

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@CherKell - I hope your friend is okay? You're in my prayers, hon and don't worry about anything here.  >:D<
@pegster - Exactly. I understand there are a few WY/SN shippers who are VERY angry right now. Angry that WY got married and even more angry that SN entered the Palace to be a concubine. They want her punished (ie -she doesn't deserve WY or their baby so take it away from her!) It's all shipping nonsense but we did have our TH/SN shipper who went a bit insane too. At least we're not being called "immoral"? *kekeke* 
I'm more thinking about if Tana will even be punished or not. Let's say that everything she did comes out in the open - would they announce it or just keep it all under wraps in order to not embarrass the Royal family, upset the country or have any affect on the baby? In other words, she's just deposed and sent into exile but that's it. I have a one-track mind right now and want her head on a platter. >:)

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Ep 24 has just been ended,and Yang Ya just entered the palace .There is nothing about love here is all about revenge and about the help that she wants to give to the future King of Goryeo .SN's understood very well why WY where he married ElTemur niece and became member of the family,to get back the  Goryo throne.So She will become a concubine and then Empress of Yoan to make it easier WY's  way to successbesides that can avenge the death of her parents and her friends.
God, what a painful joke for TaHwanalways someone to play with his life   TaHwan Togon Emperor Temur Huyzong you will be forever a toy in their hands?

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@petria - I could totally see her yelling "Wait!" and asking for a mirror along with one of those red papers to put on some lipstick first before they chop her head off.  8-|
I want her to die by that method of having each limb tied to an ox and then pulled apart. Yes, I'm that evil. [-(

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Guest murkynight

Recently caught up with this drama. Everything was so go good until all the pregnancy and children issues started. Even forgetting illogical moments and big changes in real history (it’s drama, after all), a survived child makes the plot much more complicated. It’s no good making him the prince of Yuan, nor getting rid of him now. I hope there will be some compromise.

Also I do hope that writers will develop a love line between SN and TH, otherwise it would be too cruel for all sides. I don’t want her to use him only for revenge and power, so that TH stays a puppet, but now in her hands. It’s frustrating enough seeing her marrying one man in the first episode, and then developing her love for another. Why to show us so many romantic moments between SN and TH, and her thinking about TH even after the king proposed to her, if not to set the ground for future episodes?

Btw, I don’t know, if it was discussed, but when I was watching the moment with horse-riding in 4 episode it looked very symbolic for me. Doesn’t it describe their relationship? TH, chasing and clinging to SN and their fight at the coast is what it is now. And in the end, when the king arrives, SN chooses to ride with TH. Even before her decision I thought, that it may be significant for her final choice. Although I don’t know if this detail was intentional, or I was delusional.

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@Ding Lin I think it was you who mentioned it... but yes, as soon as WY told DK "we're family" I thought oh boy, you're dead meat now... and like you said, I recalled ep 1 scene and figured... ohhh so that's why SN ended up saving WY' skin... Bingo!
How long will it be for SN to get pregnant from TH... will she really be able to handle such pregnancy and delivery...  strong woman...
From now on, it will be hard for the screenwriters to come up with great death scenes that would satisfy our hunger from ET's clan blood... I still wish DK for a chance of redemption...Tanashiri has been presented to us as a very maniac, delusional brat... will they make her go more insane than what she already is... there's going to be a point where all her scheming will go back to bite her... maybe WY will pretend he likes her very much to the point where she can not contain herself anymore; and on the night she is to become his... WAHM! He'll expose her to the world... oh no wait... there's no recording devices in this era... damn!

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So after watching E24 with english subs, i have a few comments to make :

- Firstly, the relationship between TT and SN is really fascinating and refreshing, it seems the first time for him to acknowledge a person who is equally or even better than him (intellectually speaking) even though she's not from his clan, she shares the same insights as him, i think it's because of that he will be by her side later.

- Secondly, I have to give my kudos for BaGan's character, like i said back then, when he acknowledged that he didn't deserve alone the victory in the West Frontier, well, even now, he's a man of principles, he knows that he will not be there if not for SN, he just spend a large some of money 'cos her... i love him :x

- Thirdly, i will talk about that wedding controversy, WY and TH are easy to understand, their emotions are palpable, so there is not ambiguity for these characters, the problem lies for SN, she doesn't talk much and when she talks, she seems to always control herself like she has a canned speech, but, let me put my insight on it : When SN heard that WY was getting married, she was shocked but she perfectly knows that it's not for love or something like that, so when she was thinking the same night, she seems to tell herself that WY is a brave man, he's able to sacrifice himself for a greater good, this is a kind of shame on her, so she comes back of her sense and she decides also to sacrifice herself (with misunderstandings of course). She sees WY as an ideal, not as a man with defaults and qualities which is false, she wants to be like him, with pure emotions and it's because of that she decided to get a revenge for him, her baby and Goryo (she's lying to herself goryo is not her top priority, we can see in her eyes) it's because of that she wipped off her tears :D she wants to erase that human emotions of her.

And big news !!!!!!!! Tal Tal is the first character in Empress Ki to make it in the top 5 most searched characters !!!!!!!!!! he's now 4th CONGRATULATIONS, you have to be Tal Tal for being just below Kim So Hyun and Jeon Ji Hyun !!! :D :D :D

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@tessiero Oh how immoral of SN for giving up her love to avenge the deaths her parents, her child, and her friends who tried to protect her and her unborn baby :P
They don't have to pin DS for faking her pregnancy, or brining in a random child to fake as royal blood to kill her.  DS was the one who ordered to have LP, the unborn crown prince, and the musaris slaughtered, that enough for TH to order 'Off with the head!!!'
@petria @chrissydiva remember in episode 23 SN said that she would rip off DS' limbs with her own hands to avenge her child and her friends?  Well I sure hope SN won't dirty her hands with DS, have someone else do it, and she watch.
I've said before, I don't want just a simple death for all of the ET clan.  I want them to suffer so much that they wish they were never born!
It might not be so bad to put them all on exile and have them treated like how the Goryeo people were treated on the battle field.  Break all their legs/arms and throw them onto the streets and let them be tortured by random people who they have once wronged.  
@Ding Lin @suwan About WY marrying ET's niece with the intention of dying with the ET clan, I really don't think he's that dumb.  He is part of the Goryeo royal family, either him or his father would be the Goryeo king, so Yuan can't just kill him along with the ET clan without causing some sort of a war.  
What about his people and his country if he was to be convicted with the ET family?  It just doesn't make sense.
Of course if the writers want to make it appear that he's so in love with SN that he's willing to risk his country just to revenge her death, then so be it.

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BTS photos from episode 23
Somone on Baidu said that the script did not require HJW to go into the water, it was HJW's idea to go in.  She said there isn't a mother in the world who would just stand at the shore knowing her child is in the water (I believe it's translated from an article)


Credit: HJW DC 

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I think that by the time that SN becomes Empress Ki, all of ET's family will be either dead or gone from the scene.  For sure, Tanishiri is dead. Otherwise, SN could never  be given the 'empress' title.  (Can't have two empresses at the same time.) And, by then, the Empress Dowager should also be dead. 

SN becoming empress is not a quick event after becoming a concubine.  Becoming concubine is only her first step to climb the ladder, while making  alliances and also enemies to further her climb to becoming empress.  The reason she wants to be empress is so that she will have all the power because TH will definitely listen to her.  She's going to trounce all the people that gave her so much misery in their quest for power.  That's her payback to everyone. 

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Auntie Mame said: I think that by the time that SN becomes Empress Ki, all of ET's family will be either dead or gone from the scene.  For sure, Tanishiri is dead. Otherwise, SN could never  be given the 'empress' title.  (Can't have two empresses at the same time.) And, by then, the Empress Dowager should also be dead. 

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Guest adjani1430293095

Ok, yes historical, punishment can extend to 9 generations and that also includes entire clans but note, punishment in dynasties vary and are oft arbitrary, laws are also written up as and when. Officials also moot to change laws (driven by politics, power and influence), so when a powerful official is in the court (e.g El Terror, their relations and family will be in favour and given tons of lee-way, they will also draft laws to "kill"
As for TH and WY and shipping, revenge was always on the agenda for SN. TH just happened to love her even knowing that she blamed him for her father's death. All too oft in drama, the characters cannot help themselves (as in history as well) and still love a character or person even if they know they aint their most beloved. 
2 Empresses are also possible, it really just depends on the Emperor's power in court, though it is a rarer occurrence. Even the last Emperor as a child had plenty of women in his harem, in spite of a failing empire. (shrug). I think the writers will pay more attention to the novel and a bit of attention to historical events but a drama will be a drama and how it plays out... well .. we shall see. 
I still adhere to the fact that this drama is about Empress Ki, and the men that surround her and her circumstances to her rise to power. I think we should not pin too much hopes on the shipping of either character, everyone is a means to an end, doesn't mean she doesnt love them at all but I think its just different degrees, she can grow to respect TH and understand his love for her just as she can retain her first love and most love for WY. She can also understand and make use of the admiration from others like TT to achieve her aims. Nothing wrong with a strong, driven woman beloved by many men :P 

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I am really surprised about Bayan's character. At the beginning I thought he was just as ruthless as ET, but the past episodes showed that is actually honorable. He has also shown genuine care for TH.

I am just guessing, but maybe he will go against SN in the future not be because he wants to have absolute power, but maybe because he would need to choose whether to align himself with his niece (who might be empress after TN?) or SN.

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