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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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angelangie said: taecnews_zpse6081793.png

recently 2pm appear in the show 'Hello' correct me if i'm wrong, and there a part in the interview that Taec admitted that recently he did feel a little lonely and the fans in weibo or many responded that maybe he is missing someone or that particular someone is his 'wife' ROFL....thought i just share it with you guys for laugh :), infact for laugh one of the fans even forwarded it to Gui Gui's weibo and ask her what she think about that lols

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mcleen said: hi all taecgui shippers ..... I'm sorry for being MIA ...hehehehe .. been busy the whole day today with my work and house chores ....@angelangie and @nalikahibar , I'll get back at you girls later with my replies ... for now , I really want to share this analysis about the love compatibility between the leo woman and capricorn man which perfectly describes taecgui respectively to a T.. it also describes their relationship 100% accurately as like what we're watching both of them interacting on WGM riight now ....I totally freaked out when I first read it coz it's no joke that this analysis is toooooo perfect , it feels like the analyst know TaecGui's personality for real ..seriously I really admire and respect the one who did the research on this ... btw , here's it is ..oh before reading , I need to remind you that there's certain part from this  analysis which is not suitable for minors to read ...ehehehe .. is there any minor in this thread ?? if it's so , you should really avoid reading the 7th paragraph .  :P

Leo and Capricorn basically have some communication differences, still they feel attracted towards each other but definitely with a different approach. Leo is insatiably expressive in love relationships, often impulsive, and very demonstrative too. On the other hand, Capricorn possesses a steadier and practical view towards relationships which is full of realistic behavior.

Capricorn man is very quiet, subdued person who is very dedicated towards his ambitions and frugal with his money. He is not much for the social life or the luxuries rather he is a simple man with simple needs. He is reserved with his feelings and chooses to keep them from the rest of the world. He has the patience needed to help him deal with controversy but generally likes to avoid such situations. He likes to see his lady in the role of woman only. He cares and protects his lady love with true devotion and loyalty but always keeps his upper hand.

Leo woman is strong, extremely independent and out going woman. She loves to be the center of attraction and always is the flavor of the parties with admirers all around her. She is impulsive and frivolous with money and luxuries are the one thing she buys for her royal taste at any cost. She expects to be worshipped but never fathoms the idea of doing so for others. A natural born leader, she is both glamorous as well as gregarious. She loves and respects her man in every possible way but expects the same from him, rather a little more admiration and command.

Capricorn man admires Leo woman for her natural poise and pride. He loves her for her graciousness. She is on her toes when it comes to the art of conversation and can manipulate her words to get what she wants and this is where the Capricorn man salutes her intellect and admires her. She seems to be on a much higher scale than her Capricorn man. Prestige and class follow her as well as envy and admiration from many others. There are a few moments when this attitude of Leo woman creates troubles for her Capricorn man as he is more an introvert and home bound person with traditional mind-set for women especially his woman. But her generous nature and willing to forgive grabs attention of Capricorn man and her warmth and courage is something he always need.

Although Leo woman and Capricorn man seem quite the opposites, they actually have qualities the other craves, which pulls them together. His laid back attitude in life and success with money make his thrifty mind envy to others around him. She needs a man who can carry her luxurious and royal temperament for her. She wants a lover who can keep her in her status and he fits well in that position. He is well equipped to gain such qualities. Capricorn man’s determination and loyalty is well favored by his Leo lady, however, she may think of him as bitter, impassive, selfish, and penny-pinching while he sees her as being vain, spoiled, self-centered and arrogant. But together they fulfill the missing part of each other, making their partner feel complete in all dimensions of life and love.

As these two very different lovers discover the magic of unconditional love, the Leo woman and Capricorn man love, learn and grow together in an exciting adventure. There is an eternal and compelling call of affection in their spirits that keep them intact. Leo woman always needs the strength and stability of her Capricorn man while he always needs her warmth and courage. They always experience thrilling moments in their relationship that make their lives a beautiful memory to be cherished till eternity. On one hand the Capricorn man promises his Leo lady a magnificent view of life from the top of success and love and on the other the Leo woman promises her Capricorn man some most amazing and lovely paths to be discovered. Their promises are sturdy and so is the essence of their unison!

When the earthiness of Capricorn man and fire of Leo woman match up physically, they create a pleasure ultimate oneness. His touch is gentle towards her. She may not feel the affection immediately through her vanity that becomes her, but over the time she does. He melts her heart with his gentle approach and shows her the hidden power of his sexuality. Luckily for her, he is patient enough to wait for her to realize just how wonderful lovemaking can be if she just relaxes and stops thinking about her so much. Perhaps then she is able to uncover the core of the deeply rooted passion and experience that he can truly give. He knows, his patience will pay off and he will reap the benefits of uncovering the eloquence he knows lies just below his Leo woman’s shallow surface. She is the ultimate untamed lover with strong passion and burning desires, and he just has the right qualities to unleash this from her. His extreme attraction toward her is the basis for this due to her need to feel truly enamored and desired. Through the time — they make their love making a better and wonderful experience — bringing them closer physically and emotionally.

One weak point in a Capricorn man and Leo woman relationship is his overprotective and controlling nature toward her and her need for independence. She may want to rethink being so self-governing, or at least consult him in what she wants to do. This may ease his frustrations a bit as she bounds away and into society without him. He has to learn to trust that even though she needs to roam free, she knows enough to return back to him unscathed and still as loyal as she was when she left and he has to do it with an enthusiastic tone. If she senses reluctance or unwillingness from him, it is not effective and the happy peace and harmony in their relationship is destroyed. While she needs to look for his needs and should spend much time around him sharing his dreams to make him feel secure and loved.

original source : http://www.ask-oracle.com/sign-compatibility/leo-woman-capricorn-man/

believe me , if you all read this ,i believe you'd also shocked to see how everything mentioned scream "TaecGui"  perfectly!! huhuhuh ... will be back later on ...thank you everyone for all the goodies being shared...

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Another TAECGUI's sweet moment of the preview in episode 9 ^__^

Ottokeeee!! I want FRIDAY right here right now >.< their sweet moments are too much to handle, can't get enough of it :D


ahahaha .... yeah!!
random flash mob XD Oppa Oppa ~~~~ she is not called GuiGui for nothing :P

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@angelangie *huggles back* I guess you must have seen my nick over there too right ?? it's been the longest time since I haven't post much at AF ... yeap , I'm also thankful that they pair up Gui Gui with Taec , if they pair up her with Hongki , I guess I can't imagine how would the situation be since Hongki can't  converse in English too ... Taec must have been quite shocked the first time he got to know Gui Gui coz he said before that he has never met a girl like Gui Gui ... at the beginning , although he often had mental breakdown , we can really see that he was very concerned towards Gui Gui and  then as time goes by they really got along well together ..I love the BTS that u mentioned... it's really obvious that Taec seems to enjoy himself goofing around with Gui Gui ... i love how he acted all girlish and tried all the hair ornaments ..it feels as if he didn't realize that he needs to go and get ready for the photoshoot.... ehehehe... Taec was so gentleman towards Gui Gui  even offscreen ..that's why I was dumbfounded when those fans said that TaecGui don't stick together during the bts ...what kind of nonsense is that ...  the thing is , I  feel that the bts is even much sweeter than the episode itself ... i really wonder why did the production cut out so many sweet moments of them in the actual episodes .. but then I'm thankful that they are thoughtful enough to include those cut out scenes in the bts...huhuh .. i seriously love that horoscope analysis ...  you're right ... they are picture perfect together and they complete each other beautifully .... now it reminds me of the dialogue in Jerry Maguire when Jerry said , : I LOVE YOU.. YOU COMPLETE ME..
@nalikahibar ..huhuhuh ..glad to see you right here too , dearie ...ahhh .. you should really try to watch JJ couple... they are such a beautiful couple and they are really lovey dovey together ... you can't really see the age gap between them although in actuality Junhee is 6 years older than Jinwoon ..just look at my siggy ... eehehe .. ok , sorry if I'm a bit offtopic right here..can't help it coz I fell in love with JJ first before getting to know Taecgui ...about Taec ..worry not ...like I said previously , I really think that Taec didn't really know how to express his feelings well  in the beginning , but then you can really see how he warms up to Gui Gui little by little and now it really seems as if he is attracted to Gui Gui .... you can really see from the way his crinkling eyes and he keeps on grinning blisfully being next to Gui Gui ...he really can't contain his happines being in her presence ..it's too obvious ..huhuuh ...
@Bubble AF hello dearie ... ahh .. I should have known that you're also from AF  judging from your nick ...huhhuhu ...btw , the analysis really describes TaecGui to a T ..... huhuhuh ... how I wish that Taec should have the chance to read this analysis ... I wonder if he ever gets to read it , what would his reaction be.... ekekekek...

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@angelangie ahhh ..I didn't know that Taec admits he feels a little lonely right now ... omo omo ... ehehehe .. I can't stop thinking that he must have been missing his wife badly .... furthermore Gui Gui really pampered him and spoilt him with lots of loving touches ... I'm prerry sure that  given the fact how busy he is as an idol , he must have been longing to be in a relationship and then  WGM really gave him the chance to experience being in love again ...and somehow when they have to depart , it must be quite saddening for him ...furthermore he already said that he's willing to date gui gui for real if he's given the chance .... huhuhuh .... it's soo cute and sweet of that fans to forward what taec said in the programme to gui gui .... i wonder how did gui gui react after reading it ... did she ever reply the fans' tweet ?? ehehehe ... btw , talking about this makes me remember  there's another article about taec recently .. he mentioned that he wants to get married when he's 27 (which means next year) ...remember before this in WGM he said that he has always wish of getting married when he's 27 because his parents got married at that age , but then now he got the chance to get married earlier since he got married to gui gui virtually when he's only 26 ...what makes me giddy is the fact that taec once again mentioning about this particularly even after taecgui had finished filming .....ehehehe .. what i'm meaning to say is , he must have really enjoyed his married life with gui gui that he still frankly said out  the same thing . however , he said that feels he's not going to achieve his dreams because of his busy schedule ... hhuhuh ..taec ..who knows that maybe you could really fulfill your wish  together with your make believe wife , gui gui ??? hhehee .. ok, i'm in my delusional mode right now but i don't know why it feels like he was actually hinting about his real feelings towards gui gui through this revelation ... i mean , come on .. .. doesn't it feel weird that he did this after finished shooting wgm with gui gui .i'm pretty sure that he has many dreams that he wants to achieve , but still .. he chose to talk about this . huhuh.
btw , here's the article about it ....

Taecyeon wants to get married next year?

Taecyeon's original dream was to get married next year! The 2PM members were guests at a recent recording of 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook'.


MC Yoo Hee Yeol asked them about their dreams, and Taecyeon revealed that he wanted to get married at age 27. He said, "It's my dream to get married when I'm 27. My parents married when they were 27, so it was my dream to get married at that age too. I think it'd be nice to get married young so you won't have a big generation gap with the children."


Since he turns 26 this year, he would need to get married next year to fulfill his dream. He added on, "Since I'm 27 next year, looks like my dream won't be coming true."


Taecyeon had previously mentioned that he wanted to get married when he turned 27 before, so it must be a really big dream of his! 

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ok before going to bed , I really need to share these wonderful mv's ...i really teared up when i watch these mv's because the song that was featured in these mv's is the song that Taec turned on his mp3 player for gui gui right after he played the piano before reading the sincerest letter ....the song entitled "SHE" .... seriously when I watch this MV , i just can't help feeling that taec is really confessing his feelings for gui gui sincerely .... what's more the lyric for the song is soooooo touching , here are the beautiful mv's ...

this first mv really made me cry ... perhaps i'm such a sensitive person .. but seriously  , taec's words and the lyrics of the song touched me deeply ..

let me just paste the lyric for the song right here...
May be the face I can't forget 
The trace of pleasure or regret 
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay 
May be the song that summer sings 
May be the chill that autumn brings 
May be a hundred different things 
Within the measure of a day

May be the beauty or the beast 
May be the famine or the feast 
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell 
She may be the mirror of my dreams 
The smile reflected in a stream 
She may not be what she may seem 
Inside her shell 

Who always seems so happy in a crowd 
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud 
No one's allowed to see them when they cry 
May be the love that cannot hope to last 
May come to me from shadows of the past 
That I'll remember till the day I die 

May be the reason I survive 
The why and wherefore I'm alive 
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years 
I'll take her laughter and her tears 
And make them all my souvenirs 
For where she goes I've got to be 
The meaning of my life is 

She, oh she

ok now , read through the lyrics and you would know that it feels like Taec is really pouring his heart in doing all these ... those words really sounds like his real feelings for Gui Gui .... before this , when I read that some people commenting about him choosing this song to present to Gui Gui , I didn't really pay much attention but then now after reading the lyrics , I just can't help feeling so giddy and feels that Taec is really falling in love for real with Gui Gui .... furthermore , why did he ask Gui Gui again about her answer in the Yes/No game ..... ahhhhh .... seriously , I'm really getting crazy right now.. yes, I know that WGM is scripted but from what I know all their actions and words are not scripted ,. the only scripted thing is the mission that they have to do ..but then everything else they had to act according to their real feelings. huhuhuh... ok , I don't know how I'm going to sleep right now ... really having bad panda eyes and tomorrow i still need to wake up early for work.. ok .. really need to sleep now. 

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mcleen said:
@Bubble AF hello dearie ... ahh .. I should have known that you're also from AF  judging from your nick ...huhhuhu ...btw , the analysis really describes TaecGui to a T ..... huhuhuh ... how I wish that Taec should have the chance to read this analysis ... I wonder if he ever gets to read it , what would his reaction be.... ekekekek...

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Guest sshevolkth




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lolzz, I just enjoy posting all of those TaecGui's sweet moments ....  and I know other TaecGui's shippers also feel the same XDD not to mention that all of us are melting by Taec's love letter to Emma/GuiGui ^_^  hahaa .... I meant who wouldn't?? the confession is simple but yet it's sincere, I can really feel it :) 


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I couldn’t resist.  I usually post the long ones after each new episode but Today, as I was in class, my thoughts were just on these two.  And to fuel my growing fascination, interest and love, every couple of minutes as I checked our forum, new goodies are posted.  I could not NOT post something.  Our late bloomer has finally bloomed!  I must say, Taecyeon seems to be genuinely fall for GuiGui.  Or maybe it is just my imagination!  But it can’t be!  It feels so real!  It’s so confusing!  It’s like the more time they spend together the more they grow ‘into’ each other and the more they exude ‘realness’.  Episode 9 preview leaves me WANTING….. literally… for MORE MORE MORE!!!  @angelangie, loving those stills of these two.  Its one the sweetest and most memorable moments in both their lives....@Bubble-AF, THAT picture right there, holds so much meaning.  like you said, actions speak louder then words.   We will definitely not be disappointed tomorrow. :)

"Bubble-AF said: 12-TaecGui_zpsea2ce21d.gif"

I will admit one thing,  Taec Oppa did seem pretty distant in the first couple of episodes ( keyword 'seem'), and his interviews weren’t that of what we had all hoped it could be.  But I kept holding on to what 'seemed' like a burning out candle, waiting for that spark to ignite.  He has definitely changed, to an extraordinary extent! AT first I was like, IS THIS TAECYEON??!!  Like he said in episode 8, during his proposal ‘Little by little, you have changed me’.  Furthermore, he said in his interview ‘I feel like I have gotten to know who she really is’.  

@mcleen.  I love that love compatibility analysis between Leo and Capricorn.  Thanks so much for posting that up.  Everything is making so much more sense, and gives meaning to the less obvious things that we do not really put thoughts into.  Even if TaecGui did not start off like Hongmina couple, their love was/is a gradual process which I’d prefer over ‘love at first sight’.  There were some past paired couples that just didn’t click, take for example, one of WGM’s first pairings - Hwanhee and Hwayobi.  Others were more of a gradual development of feelings and sweetness like the Lettuce couple- Joongbo (one of my personal favorites). 

Gradual love is like, falling for someone you would never have thought you’d fall for.  It builds from time spent together, the growing and nurturing of that attraction and the more you see of that person the more you think about them, the more you think them beautiful as well– inside and out, the more you feel that ‘connection’, the more they just ‘pop’ into your mind so randomly – like ‘flashmob’ - lol Taecyeon indeed.  :)) what a pleasant surprise!

It’s really amazing how far TaeGui have come.  They started out awkward with everyone thinking there was ‘no’ future for them.  But we have seen changes.  They gradually became closer, becoming friends, building trust from that angle.   After exchanging what they like and dislike about each other, they have finally found enough grounds to build a stronger relationship, transitioning from awkwardness into a more firmly grounded couple.  having a better understanding with one another is one of the many keys to a successful relationship.  Taec Oppa mentioned that ‘the more time he spent with her, he gets to see a different side of her, and the more he accepts her the way she is’ *paraphrased*.

Falling in love at first sight is GREAT but most times it fades away, the gradual process to love has a much greater potential to lead to something lasting.  Who wants to be just lovers when you can do better: become SOULMATES!

PS:  In the last interview of episode 7, GUIGUI said ‘He is ‘my darling’ who’s like a man and also like a boy’.  *sigh* I swear I paused, squealed, press play, paused some more, squealed much louder, as I re-watched that favorite part of the interview.  LOVE THESE two.

And now i feel so much better after spilling out my thoughts.  keep them pictures coming... these two have made it as my screen saver on all my devices... :)

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*give me 5 darling* haha.... look at you^^ you are spamming TaecGui's everywhere, lolzz XD

here and there, anywhere I go I always see your rambling comments about TaecGui :P I should give you a trophy lolz^^

Well, I am not in a good condition either hahaha .... here I go!! keep sneaking here and there about TaecGui non-stop

Gosh!!!! living as a fangirl is not easy :L  jk jk ...... (erase it all @.@)  maybe it's hard bcoz as much as I want to talk more about TaecGui, but time constrain is always a big problem pffff!!




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NI SHI WO DE CHOCOLATE<3 (kekekeke off topic, I miss my GL<3)

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@angelangie.... LOL... we're crazily addicted! i've never been so addicted to two individuals in forever.  And frankly, putting them as my screensaver on my phone and laptop just gives me the chance to tell everyone who sees it about them...:)  let's spread the love..:) 

i was watching the interviews, and several other talk shows of GuiGui and i find her very mature like and sophisticated when she's speaking in tongues.  I've concluded, like most of you, that her babytalk may be due to her speaking a foreign language, English.  I love the back interviews of her when she speaks in chinese.  its like a totally different GuiGui and i do hope Taecyeon watches these episodes.  I find GuiGui's babytalk quite cute tho. LOL - especially when she wants something. 

kekeke...i agree, for two individuals who have not crossed paths before, or have never met up, their gradual onscreen chemistry is just sizzling!  Who needs kisses, when they have so much hand holding and hugs...Yet... lol... i'm pretty happy as well with their gradual progress. 

They may not be on the kissing stage like the other couple, but they have brought us to tears on occasions and melted our insides with their gestures. And have taken so many swoon worthy scenes. If they ever do have a kiss... i'm so sure it'll make up for any loss time.  After all if Taec oppa can execute such a romantic proposal by using such simple ways to win GuiGui and our hearts, how much more will we squeal and spazz when he finally does give her a kiss.. or maybe Gui Gui will be the one to execute it this time...:P :x

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Guest pandachuu

ahhh i've always loved gui gui even before WGM~ she was just so cute and lovable.. and I always found her absolutely compatible with whoever she acted with whether it be aaron or wang zi or xiao gui or george hu i think she matches with them all!so obviously i would find her and taecyeon a lovely couple not to mention taecyeon is my fav along with nickhun in 2pm~
I'll just like to share some comments from the WGM global fb page made by others that really spoke volumes~
BabyRn: i get a feeling that taecyeon wont meet guigui this type of girl anymore , no matter he likes it or not , he will never meet her again and cant meet the second girl who likes guigui too , whole his life wont happen again.. 有一種感覺,澤演這輩子再也遇不到鬼鬼這種女孩了,或許這就是一輩子了,不管他喜不喜歡,他再也遇不到她,也遇不到第二個這種類型的女孩 ..

In reply to that Ingrid: Indeed, I don't think Taec will meet another girl like GuiGui either. She's not only cute & bubbly, but also considerate. Most importantly, she's not artificial at all. That's also why I love her so much.  She's got all the lovable characteristics that even the female audiences are fond of as well.  She's truly a unique girl!   的確,我也覺得澤演不會再遇到像鬼鬼那樣的女孩了。她不僅很可愛、活潑有活力,而且很貼心。最重要的是,她一點都不矯揉做作,這也是為什麼我會這麼喜歡她的原因。  她擁有所有令人喜歡的特質,甚至是女性觀眾們也會很喜歡。  她真的是獨一無二的女孩! 

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