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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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My first post regarding the Heirs~ After watching 10 episodes, the whole drama certainly feels very high school~ doesn't it remind you how many silly/amusing things you would do for your first love/crush XD I Lol'ed so hard when I watch CY protect BN from getting shoot from his teammate during the paintball session. It was so... dramatic and funny! XD I really really love MS cheerful, direct and honest character~ So happily stalking people with his camera. CY & BN & MS is certainly my fav characters in the drama cause they amuse me so.
Now that the drama have 10 episodes left, I hope it is enough to resolve the conflict in KT's family (his mom, his brother, his father) and most of the supporting character's storyline. First 10 episodes is still on KT and ES while the drama focus very little on the other elements. At least now can see ES's character trying to progress much further. I wonder if ES's sister will come back to Korea some time later in the drama to at least explain the reason why ES's sis left the family.
Looking forward to see YD being more honest even with KT around and less of poking KT by using ES. I believe YD really wants to be good pals with KT again just that his pride and ego is too strong. The force is strong in this young one! XD
Hope the writer and the director will be able to give us a satisfying story progress and ending! Aja Aja Fighting! *o*
p/s: They can reduce the amount of camera focus on actor's face in different angle to have more time for other things... XD

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Guest prosperity

Naver 실시간검색어(2013.11.07) #상속자들 11회 예고 #박신혜 #ParkShinhye #TheHeirs #차은상 http://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&query=%EC%83%81%EC%86%8D%EC%9E%90%EB%93%A4%2011%ED%9A%8C%20%EC%98%88%EA%B3%A0&ie=utf8&sm=tab_lve 


Spring Andrew


:-O PSH is on a roll.. EVERYWEEK she trends. with Heirs n sometimes Woobin too..Y MINHO NO TREND? 

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Yeah,i know it's kinda late but does anyone know the name of the song and who is the artist of the one that plays in the Cafe when ES&YD talk when he comes for the first time?when he says he was lonely...
and for those that wanted the plot to move from school to an adult time jump i don't think it will be,maybe in the last episode but i guess the writer has the high school as the main plot and doesn't make them deal with life as adults...i would have liked them to be in college and not high school but i guess it's more appeling...

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Guest Spring Andrew

Dunno if CYD even like CES. OR HE is just after KT

 He told Bona before she was prettyHe ask RH if she wanna date N now hes after CES
ALL KT women

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Guest branwen

People, seriously. How can some people want YD to kiss ES at this stage? How do you actually want YD to do it when he only knows how to bug, bully, annoy, and bother the hell out of ES. Can you at least wish for a kiss when ES at least shows some sympathy or empathy to him, or maybe a little feeling for him? When YD becomes more humane? When he becomes surer of his feelings for ES? When he does things sincerely for her without thinking of KT or himself first? Because, I swear, if he ever forces her or bullies her for a kiss, that will just kill every ounce of sympathy I have for him at this point.

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What, KT's character is boring? Give me a break.

though he placed the last on the rank, but we can see that he is smart. In a war, I call that his strategy is smart. The way he made YD pay for his insult towards his mother by visiting YD's dad is "daebak". Instead of hitting him directly, he used YD's dad to do it for him.

Yesterday episode he dare YD to use his one and only weapon to attack him, and clearly told him that he is ready.

He rarely lose the argument and we know how YD often left being speechless.

He also reported YD's bike to the police. We could see how pissed YD was. If you watch City Hall, KT is just like CSW's role. Clever and smart and always win because he can patiently wait for the right timing then attack!

On earlier episodes we also can see how he is also playful and free.

so he is not boring at all!

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Alright people. This YD-ES ship is not good ,yes we all have a right to our opinion. In this part of the drama it is highly unlikely YD can win over ES especially since we already know that ES likes KT. YD is not a good person, there is a difference between jerk and evil and YD is straight up evil! I understand it was his upbringing that has made him like this,but that does not justify his methods in trying to court ES! I am sorry ,but those shipping these two I don't understand the logic. Coming from a girl that was inlove with an evil guy like YD and dealt with years of abuse,know that a man like him in reality don't change and if they do its not because of a girl its when they hit rock bottom and they completely are alone that they realize they're oppressive and manipulative methods won't work.

I agree KWB and PSH do have amazing chemistry I am not in denial of that,but let's be sane about this, there nothing erotic nor swoon worthy of a man that trips a girl to get her attention, coerce her into seeing him at his hotel just to eat and force her to sit with him and provoking fear in her that simply paralizes her. I see what is KES reason for this love triangle, I think she is stepping out of dramaland and in to real life in that a man like YD does exist ,but most of the time alot of women fall for  this type of guy thinking they can remedy his wounded heart and turn him into prince charming,but they fail miserably. With KT she shows that a man can only change in his own time and terms. Let's not forget that KT was just like YD if not worse and when ES came into his life he wasn't that horrible person, it took complete isolation from his loved one's to realize that such evilness is simply not tolerated and not the way to be in life if you want people to love you genuinely. In other words good guy ( or in my translation bad guy turned good in his own terms,renewed man) is the best option , bad guy girl wanting to change him, worst idea ever. Been there done that , never again!! People don't change at least not that easily and its not cause of another person, that person that enters they're life just so happen to be there when a person is trying to better themselves at the right time.

Also I dont understand how YD and GJP are similar they're not. Once GJP fell for GJD he changed and his so called bullying tactics minimized to mischevious tricks such as putting recyclables in the pool. YD is still arrogant and selfish, he may like ES but the glare YD makes to KT at the end of episode 10 clearly show , he is doing it more to hurt KT.

Honestly I dont think KT will misunderstand the situation, given ES confession and that she called him,but I do think that ES will think that he indeed did misunderstand and feel horrible and try to mend things for the better . Loved how ES told RH that she will do something to deserve that slap. Thems fighting words,me like! Given all this I think this love triangle is over and well it really never began, its was just symbolic in terms of rivalry for the KT and YD. I think YD trying hard to separate and KT and ES to no avail and them fighting they're love against all odds,maybe the key to change YD and make him realize that love is what heals and changes all.

I do feel sympathy for him and now have a clear understanding of why YD sees KT with such disdain, its that his view of mistress is what it is, he views them with disgust and contempt given that his dad had so many of them and what may have been the reason why his mom left. To YD its a mistress that took his mom away and anyone son of mistress is just as vile and denigrating just as her. YD seriously needs a healthier way to cope with this fact and his pain. His methods up to now,don't work, although he does think it works cuz his dad has used them and its worked for him,so far.

If the role were switched in that KWB played KT then I'd seriously root him with PSH. These two do need to do a drama together as leads.

Now I can say that ES is not putting barriers for KT just cuz of their social status but to protect him in reality. She knows he is illegitimate and if he loses what little he has , she feels it can be the end of him. KT has always been rich, yes under neglect and oppression but he hasn't had to deal with a debt, working various jobs to make ends meet, have lack of sleep or not eat because of financial burden. ES had dealt with that and is a survivor,but who know about KT if faced with the same situation. If KT leaves RH for ES and its made public, this will affect KT more than ES and ES knows that. However, I think KT will find a way to overcome any obstacle even if it include his dad, and not be like KW that had to leave HJ , sure he has not left her ,but she isn't with her either. I think HJ reason to not be with KW isnt just because of the burden of gratitude but maybe because KW gave up fighting or probably didn't even try to begin with. KT may be different and seeing KT fighting for her, ES just may fight too. I mean that if KT is willing to leave home,get a part time job and support himself and ultimately support her ,ES will rest assured that everything will be okay. Not perfect peaches,most likely in survival mode ,but she isn't doing it alone. Now to get KT to actually do this is the real question! I think his real reason to not go full on in defiance towards his dad, is due to his mother.

Can't wait for next week.Let see how this goes

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Heirs ep 10 - I'm watching it right now. I wish the hatred some people have for YD would be directed to his dad instead (who is 100X worst): What a disgusting and sick bastard! He doesn't respect anyone, family, women or anyone else. I'll dance on his grave!

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Guest Nur Hanapi

Hopefully KT doesn't misunderstand the situation. If he does, he really needs a smack at the back of his head. ES wouldn't have called if that were to supposedly happen. Please dear writer. We get the point. Next Point!  But it'll be nice if KT throws a punch or two at YD for that. 
What surprises me KT sudden presence, appears right after ES try to call him. Aww u missed her too, you simply can't be away from her for too long can't you. I bet he's been camping somewhere nearby waiting for ES to call and tadaa! 
I guess by KT playing it hard (instead of his usual way of stalking  following  ES around) sent a strong message to ES that he truly means it. I understand his frustration (who wouldn't). You're trying your best but the party doesn't want to pull their weight in the matter, even though they already come to terms of their personal feeling. He's doing everything he can. So she should do the same. ES give the guy a break will ya and some credit to him.

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