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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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juju84 said: marie67 said:

Look how he is admiring ES. He is falling without knowing, he sees her as someone 'rare' like a gem in a desert and wants to possess her.

From what I gather ES will be going to different schools right? Or will they (KT's mom) request to move ES to their school? I hope so!

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Guest saranox

loved ep3 the most.more than ep 4.am not a fan of useless love triangle.on the other hand lee bona is getting less annoying. love the chemistry between kim tan&eun sang and chan yuang&lee bona.can't wait for kim won and teacher's scenes.could feel their chemistry through the unanswered phone call.kim won was buying the ring at first but changed it to the necklace.hope to see their storyline soon.i want choi jin hyuk to have a kissing scene in this drama.lol he is such a good kisser so is lee min hoo but we know he will for sure get a kissing scenes,i just hope kim won will be as lucky as his little brother and get a kiss scene too.

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saranox said: loved ep3 the most.more than ep 4.am not a fan of useless love triangle.on the other hand lee bona is getting less annoying. love the chemistry between kim tan&eun sang and chan yuang&lee bona.can't wait for kim won and teacher's scenes.could feel their chemistry through the unanswered phone call.kim won was buying the ring at first but changed it to the necklace.hope to see their storyline soon.i want choi jin hyuk to have a kissing scene in this drama.lol he is such a good kisser so is lee min hoo but we know he will for sure get a kissing scenes,i just hope kim won will be as lucky as his little brother and get a kiss scene too.

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ugh picture didn't come through!
sunset88 said: Honestly, I can't process anything but that preview right now. How am I supposed to wait a week for YD and ES scenes? I can already feel it that I am going to go crazy over those two lol Darn it. The proud smirk of his when he saw her standing up for herself with Rachel was so cute. He is captivated by her presence for sure. I'd even go back and say when he first saw her at that bike shop is when it began. *Le sigh* Why do  I torture myself with always falling for the second couple who just aren't meant to be. Tripping her intentionally to get to hold her hand LMAO. Nice move YD. "Let me introduce yourself, you are mine from now on" Oh dear. I'm sure she'll call him crazy and tell him to get his head on straight or some quick witted remark right back to him that'll leave him flabbergasted. I. Can't. Wait.. *swoon* 

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juju84 said: Claudia Ximena said: the part after ES leaves YD after the kids make all that ruckus, the friend comes in a limousine and asks YD if he got hurt... he says my heart!!!!!!!! so he is totally falling for her already and she was a walking zombie here!!!!! totally loving this wednesday can't come soon enough!!!!!!!!

MS comes back, and he jokes around with YD, asking him if he got hurt anywhere because of those kids. YD says “Heart” while he looks at Eun Sang’s disappearing figure.



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saranox said: loved ep3 the most.more than ep 4.am not a fan of useless love triangle.on the other hand lee bona is getting less annoying. love the chemistry between kim tan&eun sang and chan yuang&lee bona.can't wait for kim won and teacher's scenes.could feel their chemistry through the unanswered phone call.kim won was buying the ring at first but changed it to the necklace.hope to see their storyline soon.i want choi jin hyuk to have a kissing scene in this drama.lol he is such a good kisser so is lee min hoo but we know he will for sure get a kissing scenes,i just hope kim won will be as lucky as his little brother and get a kiss scene too.

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bluephoenix said: saranox said: loved ep3 the most.more than ep 4.am not a fan of useless love triangle.on the other hand lee bona is getting less annoying. love the chemistry between kim tan&eun sang and chan yuang&lee bona.can't wait for kim won and teacher's scenes.could feel their chemistry through the unanswered phone call.kim won was buying the ring at first but changed it to the necklace.hope to see their storyline soon.i want choi jin hyuk to have a kissing scene in this drama.lol he is such a good kisser so is lee min hoo but we know he will for sure get a kissing scenes,i just hope kim won will be as lucky as his little brother and get a kiss scene too.

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Really an insightful read from Softy so I just want to share here
class="entry-title"Reading between the lines on Heirs Oct17 by Softy

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-52-11]

There are certain scenes or lines from each episode that has me lingering over the underlining meaning behind the words and expressions. Instead of posting them on the side widget, I thought I would share them here each week.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[03-10-38]

When you don’t have much, the little things become a bigger deal. Tan has been alone for so long that I don’t think he even realized how miserable he had been all those years. It took a complete stranger to make him open his eyes and face his loneliness. If you think about it, I don’t think he is in love with Eun Sang yet. He is infatuated with her presence and what she made him feel. It’s like she walked into his dark world and turned on the lights and showed him what living really is. You fight with your sister sometimes and hate her. You resent the world for making you suffer so much, but you can still turn around and find joy in things like eating pancakes with orange juice. You can hurt your mother’s feelings by running off and abandoning her, but if you sincerely apologize and make it up to her, she will forgive you. This is what having family means and he started to understand that from observing her for those few days. Her emotions are real cuz she feels them. He hasn’t allowed himself to feel cuz he has been afraid that it would engulf him. Since he is all alone, if he drowns in them, no one would be there to reach out a hand to help him out.  I think that is why he turned in his essay. ”He who wears the crown must endure its weight” in his case means that if he wants to go home, he has to deal with the repercussions such as alienating his older brother even more and taking up the burden of his legacy down the line. Even though he keeps insisting to Won that nothing Won fears will ever happen, Tan is saying that from a mindset of a teenager. Won knows better cuz he doesn’t see Tan as just a kid – the threat Tan poses to his current position is inevitable so that’s why it’s hard for Won to take Tan’s reassurances to heart. Tan has years before he can even be considered a rival for Won, but Tan’s mere presence in the household again will threaten to topple everything Won has worked so hard to build up. In Won’s defense, it really does seem like their dad is rooting for Tan to succeed and even Secretary Yoon seems to be on Tan’s side. It must feel so lonely for Won not to have a single person on his side. Tan may have felt alone in California, but it’s worse for Won since he felt the same way surrounded by his father and two stepmothers.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-48-39] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-48-51] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-49-30] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-49-46] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-50-13] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-08-17] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-08-56] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-51-25] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-29-56] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-31-46]

I love those scenes when Tan imagined what he wanted to say to his parents and his brother. The words were simple and honest: ”I want to come home father” “I miss you mom” “after sending me off that rudely, I trust that you hurt just once,” but it carried the weight of all his repressed emotions over the years. Little does he know that Won actually felt that. I was so relieved to see Won have a flicker of remorse when he glanced down at the photo of his younger brother- hopefully the look on his face was a bit of regret about how he mistreated his younger brother when they met. There just has to be some residual brotherly affection towards Tan. I still don’t get why Won feels so much resentment towards Tan over something he has no control over. I bet when they were younger, Won wasn’t this cold to him since Tan posed no threat as a little kid. It’s just now as Tan gets older that Won is feeling more territorial. He lives in a home with parents he doesn’t even seem that close to so you would think he would welcome an ally like Tan, but I guess greed and ambition is dictating all his actions and emotions. It’s too bad cuz you can tell that Won could’ve been a great older brother to Tan. If any sibling could look more eager to try and make their relationship work, Tan would be at the head of the line. You just know that one kind word from Won would make him break down in tears out of gratitude.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-45-51]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-25-37]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-26-17]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-47-07]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-46-21]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[00-46-41]

So many dramas lately have scenes like this – no words are spoken, but the clear message is longing. In this case, it’s not all one sided either. Tan seems to be pining for Eun Sang more than she is for him, but she is having her own little moments of regret too for not giving him her phone number. She might keep referring to her trip as a midsummer night’s dream, but the fact that she keeps thinking about it means her dream isn’t over. If you hold onto it and cherish it as much as she has, no wonder fate is making it come true little by little.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-16-04] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-17-31]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-20-59]

I am hoping and praying that Young Do doesn’t fall for Eun Sang just because Tan likes her. It’s hard to tell from preview clips, but they seem to have run into each other a lot before he even learns about Tan’s interest in her. I bet watching her being so bossy and bullying Rachel around was what sparked his interest even more than their run in at the convenience store. I get that Tan and Young Do are supposed to be attracted to her looks at first, but I want to believe these two guys saw more than a pretty face from the start. I have a feeling Young Do is going to appreciate her feistiness cuz she doesn’t seem like the type to back down from a fight she believes in. A quality he would like a lot. After all the bullying Young Do has been doing, he would be an expert at recognizing weakness. He probably saw the same types of shallow girls all his life so he is going to find her unique just for the fact that she guards her pride like a lioness. Having such an overbearing father himself, I bet Won is going to see a part of himself in her – how she won’t let life get her down no matter how many curve balls are thrown her way. I can’t help but root for these two to have a connection that goes beyond her being the object of a petty rivalry between Tan and Young Do for her. Just like she was able to give Tan the courage to go back home, I want her to influence some change in Young Do so he doesn’t bully people around anymore. If she could make Tan snap out of his apathy, then maybe she can root out a softer side of Young Do.  Someone more in tune with his emotions who doesn’t let his anger get away from him. I want Young Do to feel good about himself for a change. No matter how many negative things his father says, if Young Do has someone like Eun Sang, I bet it would be easier to drown out his father’s hurtful words.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-20-28]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-16-54] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-17-05] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-18-19]

This show really does a great job with their preview clips – they always choose the best ones that have us anticipating every single moment. It seems unusually cruel for this production cuz there were so many characters to introduce so we are just now getting to the meat of things, but we have to wait another week. As much as I looked forward to Young Do and Eun Sang meeting, I have been waiting for this showdown between the two former friends even more. I’m so curious what broke up their friendship. I don’t think it’s just cuz Tan decided to stop bullying kids with Young Do. There seems to be so much bitterness and hurt cloaked in animosity and it’s really evident in their greeting.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-16-58]


왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[03-37-44]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[02-50-59]왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[02-50-49]

Eun Sang: even if it looks close if we go it will probably be far huh?

Tan: it’s far away just from looking. let’s go home and wash up and take the car and go (there) -cant get there by walking.

Eun Sang: I’m not going to go there

Tan: why? I will take you there.

Eun Sang: no what you did up to now was plenty and i’m grateful.  I don’t want to impose on you anymore. let’s go home – my trunk is at your home. which way do we go?

They aren’t really talking about the Hollywood sign in this scene. Hollywood represents the fairytale she saw in movies. He is offering to take her there, but she is reluctant to see it up close cuz Eun Sang knows her limits. By now she gets how wealthy he is and knows his fiancé is the kind of girl he needs to be with – not someone like herself. That kind of wealthy lifestyle will always be beyond her reach and even if she gets there, she won’t know what to do. She won’t get to be herself. Tan is willing to take her there cuz he doesn’t see reality the way she does. By suffering all her life to earn a living, her eyes are clearer and she can easily recognize what’s beyond her grasp.  So without actually having that conversation about how different their lives are, they sort of had it indirectly here.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-15-31]

Just from watching her sleep, it’s like he discovered what it feels like to love for the first time – to want to keep her close and not let her leave.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-20-11] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-20-38] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-32-06] 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-34-44]

Bet his house felt more empty than ever before. Even though she stayed a short time, he already has so many memories of her. He is just now getting what real loneliness feels like.

That’s why she avoided returning his call later. Eun Sang  just wants to keep him as someone she will never see again once she leaves and goes back to Korea. It’s funny that someone she thought she could brush off so easily is actually trying his best to keep her around. When he rattled off all the legitimate reasons for why she should stay with him instead of her friend, Tan didn’t hesitate at all. His desperation to keep her here was more urgent than looking cool and aloof in front of Chan Young. Then at the airport, when Rachel asked “don’t you have any plans to come to Korea, Tan confided “I always planned to, but I just don’t have the courage.”  It looks like he found that courage from Eun Sang.

왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E03.131016.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-25-02]

I kept wondering why Tan fell in love with Eun Sang so quickly and loneliness isn’t the only factor.  While he was exiled away from his family for the past three years, during all that time his heart yearned to love someone again. He had been building up all those repressed emotions of wanting to care and be thoughtful and the moment he saw Eun Sang crying on that sidewalk, a recognition was triggered. She was a textbook damsel in distress, but what he really saw was someone he could reach out and connect with on a personal level. She didn’t know who he was or his family. She was a fresh slate he could start over with and just be himself. It’s not ego that makes him feel entitled to her attention and interest, but pure hope that she will reciprocate his feelings. So many things in life came easily to him, but Eun Sang is proving to be difficult by avoiding and deflecting his affection. I don’t think he sees this as a game or challenge to his pride. It’s a genuine desire to be loved back unconditionally for the first time in his life.

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LovelyJM said: bluephoenix said: saranox said: loved ep3 the most.more than ep 4.am not a fan of useless love triangle.on the other hand lee bona is getting less annoying. love the chemistry between kim tan&eun sang and chan yuang&lee bona.can't wait for kim won and teacher's scenes.could feel their chemistry through the unanswered phone call.kim won was buying the ring at first but changed it to the necklace.hope to see their storyline soon.i want choi jin hyuk to have a kissing scene in this drama.lol he is such a good kisser so is lee min hoo but we know he will for sure get a kissing scenes,i just hope kim won will be as lucky as his little brother and get a kiss scene too.

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Guest saranox

i read the recap when the drama was live streaming and again in softy recap as well,all thought kim won was looking at kim tan's picture in his room.that's not true. the picture kim won was looking at was his own picture in the exact same position as kim tan is/was at that moment. i think kim won went through the same thing when he was kim tan's age and that's why he sent kim tan's to los angeles. maybe deep down he wants to make a man out of kim tan like he became a one.

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