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[Drama 2013] Advertising Genius Lee Tae-baek 광고천재 이태백

Felicia Soh

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Felicia Soh said: alovenote said: Felicia Hahaha yes! He has this playboy look that makes us think he's giving us a flirty look even when he's not even trying. :)) Can't believe he's already 33. He doesn't look like it to me.rubie Omg The Showdown. I can't believe I have forgotten they have acted in the same movie before. I've seen the movie just a month ago and JG even brutally killed KCS in the movie. Me = FAIL!ETA:
I admit I am pretty upset by the comments in dramabeans, when news of JHJ was cast, and fans of him want him to be the main lead instead of JG (it's like - who is he?). Buuuuut! Of course I know these reactions are normal, since they are a fan of him. And I kind of understand.. Because I have been there. I only found out who Jin Goo really is in 2011, even though I have been watching movies with him in it for years. I have watched Mother, A Bittersweet Life, Love Me Not and I didn't really notice him. But the way he finally took my attention was the weirdest - because of his red carpet outfit in Blue Dragon Film Awards. (That! Tie!) And the rest is history. (And when I look at his filmography, I realised he has been working hard since his debut, from very small roles in movies and dramas to this day. A lead role in a drama ^^)
OK, enough of Jin Goo.. but I do hope this drama will get popular internationally, so maybe there will be more fans for real life underdog JG. 
ANYWAY!!! 2 more days!

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February 2, 2013
2013 Spring Kdrama Lineup
by chococoffee soompi.com
It’s the start of a new month! Whew! Can you believe it’s February already? Well, it seems like February will be an exciting month for kdrama fans as there are several new series making their grand premieres! We also have a couple great dramas premiering later in the year too! Continue reading to find out what the kdrama world has in store for us this spring season! 
More at http://www.soompi.com/2013/02/02/2013-spring-kdrama-lineup/

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February 3, 2013
Zo In-Sung, Jin Goo, Kwon Sang-Woo… "Brothers came back"
Source: Innolife Korea
4870_1.jpg  'Brothers' came back in Braun Tube. In succession to an actor Zo In-Sung came back after finishing military service, Jin Goo the box office hero of the film '26 years' changed his way into TV for 4 years. Viewers are exited for comeback of actors who have left them.
The actor Zo In-Sung(32) returned being a real man, fulfilled ‘military duty’ that every men in Korea have to obey. He is ready to steal women’s heart by ‘The winter, wind blows’ (Script No Hee-Kyung, Director Kim Kyu-Tae) which will be first aired on 13rd. His return to Braun tube is for 8 years after ‘Spring Day’ on 2005. It is nothing like Zo In-Sung’s 8 years of vacuum, Jin Goo came to home after a long time. Jin Goo went drama trip after 4 years’ absence by KBS 2TV new Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Ad Genius Lee Tae-Baek’. For him Lee Tae-Baek has a lot of meaning. After debuted for ‘All In’ in 2003, it is the first main character in drama after 10 years, and also broadcast return work after 4 years, ‘Swallow the Sun’ in 2009. In the production report conference lately opened, he confessed that he has been waiting for appearing in drama, saying “It’s not true that I avoided drama. Broadcasters didn’t call me.”
Beside Kwon Sang-Woo who has been busy taking Chinese movie ‘Shadow lover’ and ‘Chinese Zodiac’, returned for ‘King of Ambition,’ and Lee Jung-Jin made a brilliant exploit in movie business like ‘Pieta’ and ‘Wonderful Radio’, is appearing in MBC ‘A Hundred Year Legacy’. The news that actors returned makes viewer smile. However whether this smile will be joy or disappointment, is on their shoulders. Stay all night is still the same, and there will be many paper script and live broadcast. Cutthroat viewer rate competition and viewers’ sharp eyes will impose a heavy burden. Even though, viewers are expecting to brothers showing brilliant act for complete drama. That is the present for fans that has long been waiting, and the secret of viewers becoming TV regulars.

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Felicia and BoAFriend - Your views on the casting has given me a new perception. I have certainly never thought much about how the process of casting goes but your thoughts are very interesting and definitely make sense. I remember Shin Hyun-joon said he was offered the lead role in Stairway to Heaven. Instead, he chose to be the second lead after reading the script. If I did not rmb wrongly, Jo Hyun-jae also mentioned that he would like to try out different kind of roles so he chose 'Addie Kang'.

In Korea, it's 4th Feb now! Which means it's D-DAY! Haha. I rarely get THIS excited for a drama premiere and I don't always post in soompi (just lurking around everyday...) so it's very odd for me, I mean.. I'm thrilled. LOL!

Oh yes, I do believe and hope all 4 actors are main leads (they did mention, right?) partly because I do not want some love triangle.. IMO, most of the time they are just useless. I'd rather see each of their own love story being developed nicely and slowly than all of them being stuck in a rivalrous triangle which is just silly. Let's just say.. I'm not a fan. I would like to see some friendship too (SEE: BROMANCE. LOL) hahaha. I know they are all rivals and we've already seen one huge tight slap in the preview, but c'monnn, I'm just gonna *wish*. [-O<

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Since Lee Tae-baek is loosely based on an internationally renowned advertising designer and social activist Lee Je-seok, who wrote the 2010 book Ad Genius Lee Je-seok (taken from wikipedia), I was curious and decided to do some quick search about him. Through the help of Google, I found one interesting interview about him.

(cr: naver news)

Yi Je-seok (이제석), birth 01/10/1982, Advertising designer

* Currently pursuing a master of fine arts at Yale University School of Art
* Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts, New York
* Bachelor of Fine Arts in visual design from Keimyung University

Major awards
* Grand prix winner (outdoor) from New York festivals in 2009
* Red Dot Award (German) Communication design best of the best in 2009
* Gold medal from Clio in 2009
* Gold award from One Show in the college competition in 2007
id="sTitle_a"Ad man makes social advocacy his life’s work20230435.jpg
Yi Je-seok, widely known as Jeski overseas, is probably the most sought-after ad man in Korea. He has gained widespread acclaim for designs that reflect on social ills or poke fun at inequities.

Most recently, he received the ad man of the year award from the Seoul Advertising and Public Relations Club in December and was named an ambassador for the National Police Agency, an honor usually reserved for celebrities, last August.

But Yi has said he started out a loser. After majoring in visual design and graduating with honors from Keimyung University in 2005, Yi was confident that he could land a job at a decent ad agency with his high GPA. But when he knocked on doors at local ad agencies, he couldn’t even get an interview. In order to build his resume, he applied for many local ad competitions but failed to win one. In his book, “Ad Genius Yi Je-seok” (2010), he says his misfortune may have been because he went to a college in Daegu and not in Seoul.

Eventually Yi stopped sending applications and opened a small printing company in his hometown of Daegu, where he mostly made banners and leaflets for local shops. Yi recalled in the book that he took pride in what he did until he was humiliated by a middle-aged man who worked for a competing shop. When the man criticized Yi’s creations, he decided he wanted to broaden his education in the United States.

After working for a time on a U.S. Army base to improve his English, the plucky young man was admitted to New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) in 2006.

Though he told his long-time girlfriend that he would return soon, he said that at the time he regarded his home country as a “dirty society that only thinks highly of elites” and vowed that he “wouldn’t even pee in the direction of Korea.” He was a desperate young man full of venom and rage and it would be a long time before he could keep his promise.

About a year into his study at SVA, some of the rage dissipated and Yi began to distinguish himself. He won the Gold Award in the innovative marketing category, the highest award, from The One Show advertising awards in 2007 for an environmental awareness poster that depicted a smokestack as a gun firing towards the sky.

With the now-famous image, Yi became the first SVA student, as well as the first Korean, to receive the prestigious award. He also swept other prestigious ad awards including the Clios.

“Creating something new is almost like squeezing toothpaste. You need pressure if you want to get something,” Yi said during a recent phone interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily. He is currently living in New York, where he is pursuing a master of fine arts at the Yale University School of Art. “I think I was able to come up with works like that because I was angry and desperate.”

After winning numerous awards, he had internships at four major ad agencies in New York including JWT, BBDO and Foote Cone & Belding - but he declined all of their job offers and returned home. He established another advertising company that he named Jeski Social Campaign in 2009, focusing on public ad campaigns rather than lucrative commercials.

The Korea JoongAng Daily talked to Yi over the phone and asked him about his rise to fame, the philosophy behind his work and his ultimate goals.

Q. What have you been up to?

A. I spend most of my time in the States these days [for study]. I often go to Korea for business but my coworkers are working on projects in Seoul. What I mostly do here is plan projects or add the final touches to existing projects.

You are sometimes called an “advertising genius.” Does that bother you?

I don’t think people really think of me as a genius. I got the nickname from the Korean media after I won the award [from The One Show]. I like it because most of the public is unaware of the advertising industry and it kind of narrows the distance between the public and people like me.

You turned down offers from high-profile ad agencies in New York and decided to work on ads for social justice campaigns. Why was that?

My extreme experiences probably affected me as I was making that decision. I once stayed for a month in Africa and saw people who basically lived on grass. They were dying. Some traded their organs for a few coins. I’ve also stayed with people who live in the lap of luxury in New York. I experienced extremes and then I realized that life isn’t fair. I wouldn’t call myself an activist, but I made up my mind to work for people like myself, ones who are angry and disappointed. When you stay true to yourself, you have better outcomes. I want to make ad campaigns that can help needy people get out of poverty. Doing this makes me feel excited, instead of working for greedy people who think they can buy anything with money. I prefer to work with people who appreciate my work even if they can’t afford to pay me. We once had a client who paid us in eight USB flash drives and another who delivered us a pizza - but I was happy while working with them.

What made you start your own company?

I can’t make certain ad campaigns if I belong to a company that’s not mine because every company has to make a profit. For this reason, they do silly things because everything they do is focused on producing. I’m interested in things that other people are not.

The mission of Jeski Social Campaign is research and study, rather than making a profit. We sometimes work on commercial ad campaigns but we are very selective about what we do, which is very different from other ad agencies that almost beg for work.

My motto is that life is short and I don’t want to do crappy work. I consider corporate ethics and work philosophy when I receive orders. If they don’t think of ad campaigns as part of art or culture, I can’t work with them. Three commercial ad campaigns a year are enough to sustain the company.

You’ve shown many creative and witty works in Seoul over the years. For example, when the statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin was relocated from Gwanghwamun to Icheon, Gyeonggi, for repair in 2010, you and your company filled the void left by the statue with an installation that replicated a fitting room with a sign that read “Undressing.” It was awe-inspiring and surprising that such a creative installation could replace the statue of an authority figure, especially because governmental organizations are still stiff and conservative in many ways. How do you view this kind of work?

You need intensive energy when you work with public officials but I do take pride in doing this type of work for governmental organizations. It’s not surprising at all to see creative ad campaigns from Nike and Coca Cola because they are private companies, but I think we’re changing the society bit by bit [though these ad campaigns]. If we want to see changes in society, we first need to change conservative public organizations.

[The installation was nominated for, but did not win, the 2011 New York Festivals International Advertising Awards. It was the first time a Korean government project had been nominated for an award.]

Looking back on your life, do you still think you were a loser in your early 20s?

I was at a disadvantage in many ways and I was full of anger and dissatisfaction. But those things later became a kind of motivation for me.

Do you have any tips for those who want to work in advertising?

Many Koreans tend to follow society’s rules and they have low self-esteem, maybe because of our educational system, I guess. I would advise people to spend a lot of time thinking about what they want.

What is your ultimate goal?

I’m not interested in easy money. I’d rather work slowly and steadily. If you asked me to choose between money and fame, I would pick fame. I want to become the world’s best ad man. I also believe that people like me can change the world for the better because ad campaigns can change the way people think. Ad campaigns can’t make you taller but they can make you think that you’re not short. There are many things we can change just by changing our perspective and ad campaigns play a decisive role in doing that.

When typing your name into a search engine, one of the key phrases that comes up is “Yi Je-seok marriage,” meaning that many people must be interested in you whether you’re single or not. Did you keep your promise to propose to your long-time girlfriend?

Yes I did. We got married last July.

(source: koreajoongangdaily)

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Lee Je-seok's works

The ad campaign for the National Resources Defense Council, which aims to raise awareness about air pollution, brought creator Yi Je-seok the highest award from The One Show advertising awards in 2007. The text reads: “Air pollution kills 60,000 people a year.”

When the statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin was temporarily relocated from Gwanghawmun, central Seoul, to Icheon, Gyeonggi, for repairs in 2010, Jeski Social Campaign filled the void with an installation of a fitting room with the sign “undressing” on the door.

Yi created this image for an anti-smoking campaign when he was a student at SVA. The text reads: “The more you celebrate, the less you celebrate.”

Jeski Social Campaign made this mural for the wall of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea while it was being renovated last year.

[Provided by Jeski Social Campaign]
(source: koreajoongangdaily)


Newspaper spread ad to promote Red Cross Korea, realistic actual size blanket is printed on newspaper page and there’s line underneath: "Tonight, this paper is going to be used as someone’s blanket."

(source: standinginbetween)

The ad above is actual candles designed as the earth and it shows that as our earth is getting warmer, the earth will melt away.

(source - image: jeski text: lucajinisys)

There is another English translated interview about him HERE but it involves a sensitive issue so I won't be putting up here. Check out his non-profit/commercial works at his official website too - click here. :D

All I could say is, wow! Young, ambitious and talented man who has achieved and given out so much. His intention in starting a campaign to help the world with his non-profit works is truly admirable and inspiring. Kudos to Yi Je-seok, such an amazing man!
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February 4, 2013
SECRET's Sunhwa urges fans to watch her new drama
by MountainMadman AllKPop l Nate
SECRET‘s Sunhwa implored her followers to watch her new drama, ‘Advertisement Genius Lee Tae Baek‘.
Posting a picture of her posing with a well-annotated copy of the script for the upcoming drama, she urged her fans to watch her acting debut. “Finally tomorrow!!” she posted excitedly. “First broadcast of ‘Advertisement Genius Lee Tae Baek’!! Don’t forget to watch!!”
Sunhwa will play the role of Lee Tae Baek’s younger sister, Lee So Ran, a narrator model who dreams of becoming an actress.

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Source : KBS Global
Written By: Park Jae Hwan

  • [*]
[MON/TUE Drama ‘Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek’] The Fun Story of “Ad-Mongers”[*][2013-02-04]

Lee Tae Baek, “A crumpled piece of paper can fly further!”
The fun and unusual story of “ad-mongers”!

The new KBS drama “Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek” is throwing a direct shot at young men and women who are tired of their weary lives.

If the previous drama, “School 2013” left a lasting impression on the audience through the heartfelt and relevant issues that go on among students within a school, “Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek” will portray Lee Tae Baek’s growth as an advertiser who starts out without a cent to his name. Lee’s struggle for success is expected to give the audience and others who do not have money, connections or educational background encouragement and hope. 


Lee Tae Baek is drawn as a young man who left a small community college without any connections or money who starts working at a small signboard company. He realized the power of ads during his school days and starts throwing himself into the ad world. Although he fails at every single attempt to land a job, he never gives up.

In a society where educational background rather than passion or personality has become the only standard looked at by employers, Lee Tae Baek vows to create a new mold if he can’t break the old one and goes at all of life’s missions given to him with fervor.

Related officials said, “We hope the audience sees Lee Tae Baek’s attitude in trying to change societal norms and barriers and think they can do it, too”.  The official added, “We hope Lee Tae Baek reaching for his dreams will give hope to youngsters living in this day and age that anyone can become a genius”.

“Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek” that delves deep into the lives of ad executives will premiere on Feb. 4th at 10 p.m.

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So excited anticipating the first episode tonight! :)
Another drama description, also at KBS Global
Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek Go to Website (Korean)
Channel 2TV Showtime Park Ki-ho, Lee So-yeonWriters Seol Joon-sok, Lee Jae-han, Lee Yun-jong
A moving success story about a hopeless loser who throws himself into the advertising world without a penny to his name and comes out on top.
Lee Tae- baek, the leading figure in this drama, is typical of the jobless so-called “88 generation” Korean youth. This drama tells Lee's story, a person tagged as a loser who enters into the ad world -regarded as the core of the capitalism and one of the most competitive fields - as an intern in an ad firm and, with his unique enthusiasm and positivity, and his genius for promotion, succeeds as a professional.
The dramatic journey of Lee Tae-baek from penniless youth to winner in the ad world is like a hero epic in which the protagonist beats all to became king of the fighters. It tells a cathartic tale full of thrills and fun.
The drama is aimed at those who need healing and hope, who might be inspired by Lee Tae-baek and his bid to improve everyday life by producing public campaign advertisement.
Drama featuring the vivid lives of chic ad professionals
Advertising is called the flower of capitalism and modern cities are full of advertising flowers.
The drama features the lives of professionals in the cutthroat world of advertising, where admen and women engage in bloodless wars of brainstorming and researchi to create the perfect commercial. It depicts the characteristic ad professionals clashes with each other, but when 'the master appears', a magical synergy is aroused and attractive commercials and copy are made.
An introduction to advertising, which is funnier than that of architecture
Tae-baek and Ji-yoon, the male and female protagonists, work as interns in an ad firm.
The reckless and energetic Taebaek and bright Ji-yoon learn about advertising, but frequently tangle.
Tae-baek is strong on image and Ji-yoon is good at copy. They will present romantic melody to the viewers with good harmony. The love line between Tae-yun, Ji-yoon, Eddie Kang and Arid will form a front of emotional tension and the colorful romance of the supporting cast will add fun to this drama.

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KBS Ad Genius on FB is hosting a contest for fans of Ad Genius stars:

Here is the link to the picture: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=563938810284985&set=a.219259884752881.69717.212102055468664&type=1&theater
All you have to do is click on that link, then write in the comments section your guess as to what rating the drama will receive tonight.  If your guess is very near the actual rating, then you could be one of the winners of the autographed posters.
Application period is until 10 pm tonight (Monday, February 4)
Winners will be announced tomorrow, Tuesday, February 5 at 11 am
Names of winners will be posted on KBS' FB and twitter account  (@ mylovekbs)

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I don't know if this has been posted here already....02459734

Cameo by Actress Yoo in Ad Genius

Since Ad Genius is set in the world of advertising, a lot of people are expecting there will be a lot of cameos by Korean celebrities.  It seems the parade of cameos will be started off by actress 유인영 (Google Translate: Yuin Yeong/Yoo).  I think she is an actress who appears more in Korean movies than in Korean dramas that’s why I am not that familiar with her.

In the drama she will play Han Byul, a former top-favoured actress known for her beauty.  It will be the task of JHJ’s character, Addie (Addy/Eddie) Kang, who is known as the “PT wizard” of the advertising world to revive her career. (Editor’s note: PT stands for PresenTation).

Addie Kang will do this by carefully presenting information about her to increase viewers curiosity about her, thus increasing viewers curiosity about her advertisements/commercials.

Han Byul (actress Yoo) will be stylish and gorgeous but with an easygoing personality and a saucy way of talking.

It seems that the scenes with actress Yoo was also the first scene JHJ shot with the Ad Genius crew.  According to the production staff the presence of the 2 gorgeous people at the set brightened the mood considerably and brought smiles to the faces of the filming crew.

JHJ’s first appearance will be set inside an airplane.  Here is a BTS shot of that scene.  Maybe the girl seated next to JHJ is this actress Yoo and not Han Chae Young as I originally thought!

Ad Genius BTS -01

Oh, I wonder who else they will get to cameo.  Looking forward to the cameos!


Article link: http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1359765162459734002

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Appreciate all the latest update, prissymom.

The actress name is Yoo In-young/Yoo In-yeong and she has quite a number of projects under KBS previously.  I remember her in "I hate you but it's fine", "My Precious Child" and most recently in SBS, "Dummy Mother".  Hope more cameo appearance by other actors to join the upcoming episode.

Hope rating will be in the region of 8% to 10% - we are up against Yawang, Horse Healer and Flower Boy Next Door (quite a tough battle...).  FIGHTING!

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