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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Sorry...I cannot translate each IG..but so far nothing has been in any way negative. Anybody who had left a comment says the exhibiton is great and one person says it is healing for her. Someoneone also commneted that she likes the color and items and the way everything is arranged in the room. Another one felt that the film has so many layers of meanings. A well done movie.,,,


Credit to @ZamZam for few of his finds...due to my laziness, I am just going to post my translations: Thanks ZamZam for finding the goodies.


YG sent a plant pot to congratulate Koo for the exhibtion. Very nice of them.


An overseas fan went to the Mystery Pink:

안녕하세요?어제 봤고 재현씨 실물이 정말 잘생겠어요.2016년 11욀15일 상해에서 한번 만났어요.혜선 언니가 세상에서 젤 예뻐요.혜선 인니에게 정말 잘해 주시네요.언니의 어머니도 엄청 예뻐신예요.정말 착한 사랑이예요.어머니에게 너무너무 고마워요.안구부부는 최고이예요.꼭 오래오래 건강하고 행복하세요.영원히 사랑하는 안구부부를 응원할께요.정말정말 사랑 해요.@kookoo900 @aagbanjh

Hello. I saw JaeHyun see yesterday and he is really good looking. I saw him on Nov 15 2016 in Shanghai as well. HS is the prettiest in the world. YOu are so good to HS. HS's mom is also really pretty. She is so kind. I am so grateful to her mom. AhnGoo couple is the best. Please be healthy and happy really really long time. I love AhnGoo couple forever and will always cheer for you. Love you.


구혜선 작품전시회 우연히 보게된 구혜선씨 작품들 속으로 혹시 구혜선 볼수있는건가? 했는데 입구에서 정말 수수한옷차림에 왕방울만한 눈을가진 인형같은 사람이 정말 잘생기고 훤칠한 아이돌같은 남자와 함께 걸어 들어오는게 아닌가...이게 왠일!! 사진이라도 찍고싶었지만 초등학생 딸래미들이 말려서 참고 눈만 호강하고 왔네.. #구혜선개인전 #안재현 #구혜선안재현 #가람미술관

I accidentally got to see GHS-ssi's exhibition. I wondered if I may run into them? Then suddenly, I saw her at the entrance. She was wearing any ordinary clothes yet with her big eyes, she is like a doll. Next to her was a totally good looking and tall and idol-like man..walking together. OMG! I really wanted to take a picture of them, but my two little ones would not let me. Only my eyes have been entertained. 


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I read in dc-koo that many people are attending Koo's exhibition. Right now is a vacation time for young people. Many groups of JH students visited Koo's and they had tons of questions and showed a lot of interest in Director Koo. DC fan who was there felt good too see that.

She also pointed out how innovative and clever that Koo thought of showing her short film in a museum. She saw many people watch the film over and over again at their lerisure--sometimes sitting down and sometimes sitting down. Brilliant idea...


(I would imagine short film is like reading a poetyr...sometimes reading once is not enought...to be given that comfortable time to watch it over and over gain must be just amazing!! I also heard that AJH-nim is credited in making of the film.)

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구혜선은 지난 2011년 출연한 한 드라마 제작사로부터 총 2억 6000만원의 출연료를 받지 못했다. 구혜선의 경우 뉴스1 보도로 이 사실이 알려진 후 제작사에서 해결 의사를 밝혀 밀린 돈을 갚고 있는 것으로 알려졌다. 고수와 김우빈도 수년째 광고 모델료를 받지 못하고 있다. 김우빈은 6600만원, 고수는 1억 2500만원에 해당하는 돈을 받지 못했다. Hi @cheerkoo if you have time.thanx ahead

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@Rain Song

Your posted article is about several actors and actresses, including Koo, who have not received their payment for work performed. I think Koo may not have gotten paid for her role as Go Eunbi in The Musical.(My guess) More and more actors are coming out with this problem. It seems Koo was supposed to get paid 2억 6000만원 (usd?)

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thanx @cheerkoo I thought that the production company paid her already.even it's too late I still want her be paid.

'마리 이야기 & 미스터리 핑크'를 읽고 나니...
ㅇㅇ 2018.01.18 18:07조회121댓글1




쿠  전시회에 또 가고싶다..

'마리  이야기'는 좀 슬프다.
쿠의 관점에서가 아니더라도 가만 읽다보면 몰입하게 되더라구.
결국엔 마리를 어느정도 이해하게 된달까, 뭐 그런...

'미스터리 핑크'는
한 줄 한 줄 읽을 때마다
전시회장에서 본 장면이 떠오르는거야.
목소리가 들리는 것 같고.. 그 얼굴이 생각나고 그러네..
시간내서 한 번 더 가보려구..

쿠, 애썼어.
언제나 힘내, 쿠..! Wish you could translate this one.thanx
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쿠  전시회에 또 가고싶다..I want to go to Koo's exhibition again.

'마리  이야기'는 좀 슬프다. "Marie's Story" is a bit sad.
쿠의 관점에서가 아니더라도 가만 읽다보면 몰입하게 되더라구. Even if it is not Koo's work, I feel myself getting absorbed while reading.
결국엔 마리를 어느정도 이해하게 된달까, 뭐 그런...Eventually, I feel like I kind of understand Marie.

'미스터리 핑크'는 "Mystery Pink" is
한 줄 한 줄 읽을 때마다 whenever I read one line at a time
전시회장에서 본 장면이 떠오르는거야. all the items and images that I saw at the exhibiton come up.
목소리가 들리는 것 같고.. 그 얼굴이 생각나고 그러네..I almost feel like I hear the voices..and I remember the faces..
시간내서 한 번 더 가보려구..I am planning to make time to visit the exhibition again.

쿠, 애썼어. Koo, you did good.
언제나 힘내, 쿠 Always, be strong, Koo.


(I also ordered the Scenarios. I am very looking forward to it. I enjoy Koo's writing. I am not sure what it would be like to read a scenario as oppose to a novel. I hope we overseas fans also get a chance to see Mystery Pink, when the exhibiiton is over. Koo Fighting!!!)

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Thanks @Rain Song for bringing goodies.

A person posted above went to see Mystery Pink as it was free.

In the ending credit, she saw AJH's name in it. He cannot be missed.

She saw Seo HJ in the movie and was wowed by how beautiful she looks. (Koo once said long ago how she works really hard to bring out the best in the actors whom she works with.)

Yang DG's expressions are DAEBOK. Be prepared that it is a story of someone's death and that it openes up so many questions about it. She is not going to reveal whose death it is but if people don't get it, she says look at all the items and images around and we will get it. 


[I read in dc-koo~A dc fan wonders, besides AJH, if one of many whom Koo credits for her movie includes the 2 pd's from the wedding diary. I do not remember their names now. ke I am guessing that one of ther names might be the last name listed on the screen that Rain Song posted. Lee wooyoung....I am even more curious about where Mango is sitting down and sunning herself. What a glorious spot to get some sun. Lucky Mango!! I want to get a tour of AhnGoo's home. I would imagine it to be simple with just the necessities. Looking forward to the next book, AhnGoo Home. ]

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"오늘 더 사랑해"..구혜선♥안재현, 달달한 부부

본문듣기 설정
구혜선 인스타

[헤럴드POP=배재련 기자]구혜선 안재현 부부가 달달 부부 셀카를 공개했다.

배우 구혜선은 21일 자신의 인스타그램을 통해 "#kuhyesun #ahnjaehyun"이라는 글과 함께 셀카 사진을 공개했다.

공개된 사진 속 구혜선은 남편 안재현과 스마트폰을 이용해 셀카를 찍고 있는 모습. 얼굴을 맞대고 다정하게 셀카를 찍고 있는 모습이 무척 달달해 보인다. 동안 부부의 완벽 비주얼 역시 시선을 끈다.

한편 구혜선은 배우 안재현과 2016년 5월 결혼, 신혼생활을 즐기고 있다. tvN '신혼일기'에도 출연, 달달한 신혼 생활을 자랑하기도 했다.

▶ '이 화질 실화냐' 방탄 워너원 트와이스 설리 리얼 직캠[헤럴드팝 네이버TV]

saw this one.its trending in naver.
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