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[Drama 2012] Bridal Mask 각시탈


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Guest kayana20

I am simply devastated because it seems that Kang-To will die fighting for what he believes in and leaving Mok-Dan by herself. We couldn't have him a baby with her at all or at least some memories of the love they shared like dates, memories, but we do they fought for freedom.I always read the recap and watch the clips but it's hard for me to watch this show fully. These people in this drama worked so hard and have so much courage to tell such a story. My heart hurts imagining the ending for the OTP. Please let a miracle happen and Kang-To survives while Shun-Ji dies.

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mrdimples said: I finally cried tonight. After reading what Softy wrote:  http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/bridal-mask-e26-will-be-done-live/

How many times have we seen this guy put a smile on his face that he never means?  K doesn’t do it cuz he actually feels real happiness. It’s become second nature to him to just be the one people can count on and his smile reassures people. Just like that mask he puts on, he plasters on a smile to comfort those around him or to distract his enemies. I can’t remember the last time he laughed cuz he actually meant it. More than likely we will never get a genuine laugh out of him so I guess we have to settle for these half hearted ones. I wonder what kind of emotional toll this has on an actor to feel so much for his character then have to let him go. With the finale coming up next week, when the director yells “cut” for that last scene, I think JW will break down in tears of relief. It must have been quite a burden for him to carry a whole drama on his own. 28 episodes of angst is a lot to hold in and the pressure he must have felt to do well must have been overwhelming at times. I just hope he knows that he did something worthy as an actor for his age. Years from now when his kid sits down and watches Gaksital, I hope JW swells with pride hearing his child compliment his dad. Maybe JW’s laughter then will echo in his character’s ears and somewhere out there Lee Kangto will finally have something good to smile about.

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Before I die of exhaustion, emotional breakdown.... I will have to sleep.

Good night!!! Good Morning!!! Good Afternoon!!!

Let us prepare, because this is the calm before the storm. Whatever the last two episodes will bring, let us all join our hands and hearts for applauding the greatness that Joo Won and the cast/crew/production team has given us. They deserve more than just a standing ovation. They deserve more than just awards. Heck, I don't even know what they deserve anymore because I can't think of a more greater thing that we can give them. Maybe we just have to give them our love and warm thank you and all out support. Thank You Gaksital Team!!! I love what you did guys!!! This is more than epic.

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last post before going to bed. I post this earlier but I think the link didn't work. 
The first part was really funny withKangto doing chin ups on the suspension bar in between whippings and Shunji fooling around with the mask and doing all kinds of poses with it. 
But the later part when Kangto was revealing to Shunji, OMGGGGGG!!! It was so so intense. And PKW cried more than what we saw on screen. Was he really touched by what JW said? Gaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...............I love whenever these 2 face each other. In the earlier episodes when they were playing mind games, they looked like Masters of a chess game. And these emotional scenes, DAEBAK!

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sweetkiss said: gahhh!!! soooooo sad!!! xDDD

i LOVED the scene between RIe & Shunji. i thought it was nice that they tried to explain the whole reasoning between mokdan & kangto because i think people were kinda upset that mokdan loved gakistal more than she loved kangto when she found out but the whole explanation of how Rie explains to Shunji how she didn't understand why mokdan refused to run away with lee kangto even though she was given the chance to but after seeing her kneel for his life she thinks she could understand better. Rie loved lee kangto as a japanese policeman who was ambitious and wanted to move up in the world but mokdan loved his gakistal persona who was a hero in saving the people as much as she loved lee kangto. that she loved that part of him which was why even though Rie gave her a chance to run away with money & passports, she refused it because she would be denying one part of him that she loved.

i also LOVED duksu & sunhwa! heheh how cute are they :DDD

also i liked that mokdan struggled with her father's death and that she comes to question the decisions she made as well since she was so unwavering in her beliefs. (although personally i wasn't that satisfied with jsy's acting :/ )

and it makes me sad that a shunji/kangto showdown seems inevitable T_T seriously that friendship was doomed before it started T_T and yet that just makes it sadder T__T i can't see how it could end without one of them killing the other X___X

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@mrdimples, thanks for sharing the bts... Gosh... Ki WOong! Did he being touched that much with Jo Woon's word?His heart is too soft...  lolIt seems he was not supposed to be cried in that scene? why did some crew has to erase his tears?   

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Guest sunshine4ever

@lyra_brillantez, thank you so much for your fanfic. It was so cute and beautiful. So full of hope and love.

I just read Softy's comments about episode 26 and I like it because it gives me a smack in my face to see the reality of KT's pain. Here is what Softy wrote about what SJ's family had done to KT's family. I also like what she said about Mok Dan and her dad. And when reflecting on what Softy was saying, I was thinking KT's and MD's pain seem to symbolizes the Koreans and SJ's family seems to represent the Japanese regime. It teared me up to see what war does to people.

On to Softy's comments:  (everything written in purple credits to Softy @http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/bridal-mask-e26-will-be-done-live/)

About Kangto's family and KT's pain:
Written before it aired: Just going by the preview alone, if S didn’t know all this time about what his father Taro did to K’s father, would knowing the truth sway him a little. S’s family didn’t just take K’s parents from him, they took away K’s comfortable childhood too. K wasn’t supposed to grow up so poor, his family had status and wealth. They lost it all when K’s father was betrayed. K shouldn’t have suffered so much trying to stay in the officer’s school and catering to S. They were on equal levels social status wise and S just never knew it till that moment he walked into Baek’s home and saw all the newspaper clippings. He is going to learn revenge for his mother and brother wasn’t the only thing on K’s agenda.  The bigger problem is that S is going to find that out and tell his father. When K went to Taro’s home dressed as Gaksital, he thought he had the upper hand and could sneak up on Taro, but as we already know Taro is expecting him. It’s one thing to play cat and mouse when one side is in the dark, but when both parties know, then it’s no longer a game. That’s what we call a heart stopper. Why do I suspect tonight’s finale is going to be one for the record books.

About Mok Dan and dad:
* I have to admit, DS’s death got to me. Not just cuz how noble and proud be was about it, but all the way till the end, he didnt let them get their way. he took charge of his own death and wouldnt give them the satisfaction of getting any info from him. the minute he offered to be the decoy for yang, I feared for his safety. that’s why I was glad D was there and got to say goodbye. it would have been terrible for him if he didnt get to see his daughter one last time. now D is alone in this world like K. they are going to need each other more than ever. when she let K go and supported him even though she wanted to be selfish and hold him back so he could be safe even a day longer, I was proud of her character.  her father would have been proud of her too. I’m glad his influence about sacrifice for the good of the country is not lost on her. he taught his daughter well. that’s the kind of legacy that matters and lasts even through all the pain and loss.

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I think the reason why I feel frustrated with Mok Dan (and it's not her fault) is because when I see a face that looks like this, I just want to smoulder it with kisses all over, know what I mean? 

And that collar bone......I need to find the buttons....

@mrdimples u need an antidote of sexy collarbone? I has prescribed a dose in Joo Won thread bef i went bed las nite for anyone who might needs it aft watchg ep26... It will bring back to u fond memories of our fav OTP in OB. If u rem the scene where our dearie playing basketball bef he first met Kim Jae. JW in black tank top :x

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I haven't  watched the last 2 episodes because I'm waiting for the Eng sub. But reading all your comments and the pictures made me cry already. However, I'm keeping my finger cross that the writer will give us a happy ending. 
Pls lets request or email the writer to give us a happy ending wherein KT and MD is alive and lives together. Their sufferings is too much that they should be rewarded in this way.
Although, I dont know where to contact the writer but I am sending my email always at KBS WORLD.  

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Guest crazy lulu

trying..... to breathe....

i thought i wasn't going to be okay with it, but now, um, i guess we'll see.

damsari might've spoken the drama's future in his last words.

finale next week.

let's see if we can tame the nail biting, screams, and tears.





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Guest serendipity8989

PKW is SUPER hot.... I mean, I used to only have eyes for Joo Won, but DAMN. PKW is looking hotter and hotter each episode. Maybe I'm just drawn to the "bad" boys? LOL no, but I really enjoy PKW as an actor. I think he plays the villain better than the nice ole' elementary teacher.

I was frustrated because SJ didn't ask his dad WHY Lee Young would be after him. SJ has completely transformed into a lap dog / hunting dog for the empire, Kishokai, and ultimately his father. Why is he doing this? It can't possibly be to avenge his brother's death. I mean WTF your brother killed KT's mom, and your father killed KT's dad. I think you can CALL IT EVEN at the VERY LEAST, not the mention the atrocities the Japanese are inflicting on the Koreans... Don't you think you're taking it a lil too far SJ? You used to be able to THINK for yourself, and make decisions based on what you believed were right. That's why you chose to be a school teacher instead of an officer. Now, you're just a bully without a backbone, or an opinion of your own. BOO, SJ. BOO.

I just had a really scary/ unsettling thought: What if SJ kills KT and then later, SJ takes on the role of BM??

.... But then no, that would be totally unrealistic. And I would be pissed off if they killed off ONLY KT. If KT has to die, they better kill of SJ too!!

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I think Joo Won stands a good chance at Baeksang awards. I felt the reason why Kim Soo Hyun won over actors better than him last year was because he could sing. They are always on the look out for potentially exportable Hallyu stars who can ACT, SING and DANCE. I was really rooting for Park Si Hoo last year who did wrath and angst emotions so well with the Princess Man. Moreover the ratings for Princess Man hit nearly 25%. I hope Gaksital would do like wise.

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hi, i'm new here and (already) having Gaksital withdrawal syndromes. sigh.  hope you all let me seek comfort here :)
i wasn't really interested in this at first but then i saw a very angry Joo Won in the first episode and the rest as they is history.  i'm hooked, or more aptly i'm obsessed.
i'm all praises for the actors and actresses here but just want to specially mention the one playing Taro and, wait for it, the Countess :)  she's annoying and all but that means she's really doing a great job in being the flirtatious and manipulative woman that her role is.  i guess i'm just seeing it on how, if i can, do it if i were that actress.
last thought, and kind of crazy one, about ep 26.  what if Taro is the one to kill Shunji (accidentally):-/

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Guest sunshine4ever

mrdimples said: OMI I got to run an errand and there's an article on Joo Won. @mojobobo or @sunshine4ever, are you able to translate it? This piece has many difficult chinese words which I am not certain. Otherwise, i will attempt later when I am back. 
In any case, the gist is the producer of Bridal Mask said that many actors should learn from Joo Won. And in his opinion, among the latest generation of actors, Joo Won stands out the most. 

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sunshine4ever said: mrdimples said: OMI I got to run an errand and there's an article on Joo Won. @mojobobo or @sunshine4ever, are you able to translate it? This piece has many difficult chinese words which I am not certain. Otherwise, i will attempt later when I am back. 
In any case, the gist is the producer of Bridal Mask said that many actors should learn from Joo Won. And in his opinion, among the latest generation of actors, Joo Won stands out the most. 

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