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[Variety] Shinhwa Broadcast

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Guest quynhn

Today's episode is hilarious (just like the others).  Jun Jin duel with Hye Sung is hilarious.  I was laughing so hard when Jun Jin was chasing after the balloon. His straight face made me laughed so hard (I think I replayed that scene at least 5x).   Andy is so sweet during the role playing scene...he's truly a gentleman.  I was cringing like Dong Wan (lol at his expression) and going 'no-no-no' when Andy ate the leftover cream from the actress (ewwww :D).  Lol, Andy's expression when the actress fed him the leftover cream is priceless.  I really want to see what Eric would have done in that situation...too bad the scene got interrupted (Eric got lucky...lol).  Jun Jin reaction at the end of his role playing scene is epic.  I was laughing so loud when he took off his shoes and started to strip-off...kekeke...His exit is the best among the six..he left with one shoe and the toy horse...wth...ROFLOL.

For anyone who understand Korean, could you be kindly and do recap/summary of the role playing scenes?  Thank you in advance.  I can't wait to see the subs for this episode. 

Subbers & Translators...thank you for all your hard work. 

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I will try to translate and sub the role-playing scenes if i have time. Currently I am doing the horse fighting (pardon the videos quality because I finally figured out how to do it). Its on my tumblr if you wish to see them. I wont posting them here so feel free to share it here. Its taking some time to post because I have to upload it on Vimeo (which is SLOW) because of tumblr's restriction of 5 minute video a day. So be patient! Thanks.....

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Guest sorcy79au

OMG I nearly wet myself during the duel when Jinnie smacked Hyesung with the sword.I swear I replayed it so many times and I still can't remember seeing anything that happened directly after that because I was just cracking up too much  =))

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Guest Lil.Miss.A

where do you guys download ep 7 & 8 raw files to sync with orangebox's subs?
or does it sync with Khai as well?

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Guest sorcy79au

I have a software that I use to download the full hardsubbed episode from youtube, so I can't help you I'm afraid.

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Wish I knew but I'll still need to re-sync the subs of episode 5-8 720p, though. Although I'm hoping for someone to do it first. :D

Yesterday's episode was TOO HILARIOUS! My friend and I laughed really hard, even ROFL literally! We cried and our stomach hurts. My mother was coming in my room, went O_o on us and stared at my laptop, didn't understand a single thing then called us crazy girls. Haha! Totally looking forward to next weekend. I think we'll go even crazier because in the preview, it looks even more funnier. It got us curious even discussing on how will each individual protect the girl for hours at the party forgetting my relatives being there, lol. Good times, yeah. :P

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Watching Minwoo's and Dongwan's matchmaking skit trough @axerine_1 tumblr with sub.  Wuaaa...The culture difference shocked me.  In my daily life, it's consider rude to ask about age in the first meeting. Well , my blabbering  .  
Here's the link of @axerine_1 vimeo account.  http://vimeo.com/user12358528Thanks @axerine_1 to do the sub. 

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I'm going to pick up my friend to watch a subbed episode 17 and raw 18 before going to my nephew's girl's 1st birthday party. Great plan for us so we can chat all night at the party about our beloved Shinhwa, haha! And I might not be able to upload it in MF anytime soon because I'm sure you've read my lj post that I got a strike, actually several now. I thought I'm going to do Nekaka but it only gives me 10GB space to hold which isn't enough to store everything.


Anyone knows which host has unlimited space and good speed for both uploads/downloads?

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I'm aware that FF and RS are good but as free user, it's pain in the as* (downloads will take HOURS at least a day worth for any hundred megabytes files). I'm looking for a free account which is pretty much hard to find a good host, though (I miss Megaupload!). I've considered filecloud (former ifile) but I would need to test it out first before choosing it officially, though.

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Guest shaghayegh_song

guys I haven't watched A gentleman's dignity,I don't even know anything about the storyline,will I be able to understand this episode?
should I watch the series before watching it ?

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Guest margaux

lol.. i don't know how many times i've seen ep.18. they're so adorkable. can't stop watching Andy and Minwoo's battle. they look like little kids playing with their swords and horse bikes.
notice how eric took care of his "horse"? haha! 4D leader is 4D
tumblr_m761dzdTG21qciizwo3_250.gif tumblr_m761dzdTG21qciizwo4_250.gifcr: orange-empress' tumblr
and he's so cute here. he's like.. "no, no, no!" when dongwan started to attack him.. and ran off like a kid..
tumblr_m76l4btyra1qbmi0lo3_250.gif tumblr_m76l4btyra1qbmi0lo4_250.gifcr: janeytee's tumblr

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[subbed] Shinhwa Broadcast - Episode 18

For those who can't wait for the full subbed (like me!)

Eric's proposal (I just melted when he said 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?')Andy's proposalMinwoo's dateDongwan's dateBest & worst gentlemanHyesung is the real gentleman?Junjin vs. HyesungEric vs. DongwanAndy vs. MinwooThe usual Shinhwacredit: axerine (@axerine_1)

This is far from parodying A Gentleman's Dignity lol Shinhwa really has their own world XD

compiled by: 062518

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I'm aware that FF and RS are good but as free user, it's pain in the as* (downloads will take HOURS at least a day worth for any hundred megabytes files). I'm looking for a free account which is pretty much hard to find a good host, though

(I miss Megaupload!)

. I've considered filecloud (former ifile) but I would need to test it out first before choosing it officially, though.

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Guest Lil.Miss.A

omg nosebleed
this is one of those eps you have to watch in HD lol...
I think Jin and Eric should've been in separate teams though.
Would've been better if the teams are split by blood types (A,B,O).

btw anyone know what song is playing at around 52.15 minute?
it starts with something like 그만하자 잘 지내라 넌 내게 했던 말 (I don't know if that's the right words coz I can't find it in google)

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Guest Bellatina

lol.. i don't know how many times i've seen ep.18. they're so adorkable. can't stop watching Andy and Minwoo's battle. they look like little kids playing with their swords and horse bikes.

notice how eric took care of his "horse"? haha! 4D leader is 4D

cr: orange-empress' tumblr

and he's so cute here. he's like.. "no, no, no!" when dongwan started to attack him.. and ran off like a kid..

cr: janeytee's tumblr

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Guest margaux

LOL at the placement of the balloons. if dongwan sees these.. i guess he'll get excited again. haha!
20120716_164935_3956.JPG.tn580.jpgcr: JTBC site
btw.. Yoonpyo (Junjin's manager) posted on his facebook that they're filming ShinBang and it's gonna be a pajama theme. not sure if i understand it correctly but i think it'll be NC19. haha!

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