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[Drama 2012] Syndrome 신드롬


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Thank you, creidesca and Felicia for the explanation ep 7 & 8.

I also miss HJ and YW's rendezvous moment at rooftop. YW seemed so hurt when he saw HJ eyeing to Eun Hyun.

Btw, when both HJ and YW were at greenhouse but HJ only watched him from the back, kinda curious...what's YW thinking at that moment? HJ didn't even disturb him. Maybe he's thinking about his mom.

What did SJ talk to TJ? Seems SJ know something about TJ's surgery for Eun Hee.

What made Eun Hyun began to be suspicious at TJ when TJ performed brain surgery on OK Jeong Ju? It must be something before that so when he saw TJ's eye contact to his mistress, he felt something fishy.

You are most welcome, ke2. I think the writer left the rooftop scene for us to guess....maybe, when I rewatch the scene again, I can piece up the jigsaw since it could be related to how they reacted to each other before that scene. But whatever it is, it sure looks like Hae-jo intended to leave Yeo-wook alone.... ;)

From my observation there were scenes of Sung-joon talking to Tae-jin that relates to Eun-hee's surgery and also matters concerning the patient, Ok Jeong-ju.

Eun-hyun witnessed the eye-contact exchanges between Tae-jin and his mistress

and I think he is fully aware of the consequences of their actions. These two are selfish beings who are doing it for their own benefit or experiences. Actually, Eun-hee witnessed the surgery procedure at the top of the viewing glass and I wonder whether she was able to detect the subtle “malpractice”…or whatever they called it in medical term.

Sorry creidesca, I accidentally deleted your post which I wanted to quote in my reply to your post. :rolleyes:

I agree with you creidesca,

there were more opportunities of them reacting to work and emotional development right now ie between Eun-hyun and Hae-jo. However, I hope later on, Yeo-wook will have his moments to shine too (there were tell-tale signs that Hae-jo has stumbled into his heart – he worried, cared and cheered for her all the time, he even kept the chrysanthemum flower she plucked in his book (like a token of love).

I just hope the two main actors will not turn evil to win Hae-jo’s heart. I honestly like both of them but in a different way, and I get the feeling Yeo-wook has a better chance in the love battle. YW always smile at Hae-jo but it’s not the same vibes when we see Eun-hyun with Hae-jo – he tends to gaze at her without breaking into a smile. Eun-hyun is not someone who opens his heart easily to anyone (with his upbringing, family background and mother’s health condition, I can understand ….) and I think Hae-jo has melted his heart some way or another.

I am not sure of the full details of the conversation when the two friends were having their meal break but

it was Hae-jo who asked Sang-du what type of person is Kang Eun-hyun? Her friend was singing praises for Eun-hyun when he described him and he even teased Hae-jo for taking an interest in Eun-hyun. Well, she denied having any interest in him – definitely not!! Hahahaha…..don't be too sure - anyway, whether she is genuine or not, she is definitely and obviously curious about him.

Thanks creidesca for sharing the part on Tae-jin's TV appearance and

not sure of the mistress reaction but I heard Tae-jn praised her for doing a good job (maybe, referring to the surgery).

I don't know why I find the actress who played the mistress role a bit disturbing when she speaks - like she is mumbling her lines in a lazy way (maybe, that's her style). I have nothing against her as an actress or her mean role but I feel a bit unsettling whenever she delivers her dialogue - just my own opinion. :vicx:;)

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Guest zealioner

To all who posted a note of thanks, you're welcome.

What was the conversation b/w Eun-hee & Sung-joon about? Why was Tae-jin surprised about the WNS Journal. Did some other person beat him to brain-mapping?

Yeo-wook's conversation with Sung-joon?

How about the male patient that arrived, accompanied by police? What plans does Tae-jin have for him? Did the two intentionally have the patient suffer seizures? Eun-hyun and Eun-hee are catching onto their act? What info did Hae-jo extract from her friend regarding Eun-hyun? The patient's behavior...was that his reaction to learning he had paraplegia after the operation? Thumbs up to Hae-jo. I think she bewildered Eun-hyun somewhat with her quick actions in sitting him down so she could suture him up.

What did Eun-hee have to say to Tae-jin before he showed her "compromising" photos of her and Sung-joon (can't believe Tae-jin had her followed!) Is the mistress afraid that they have been found out?

So, I'm guessing Sung-joon had Tae-jin meet him in his office? But Eun-hee arrives before Sung-joon and mistakens Tae-jin for Sung-joon. What did she have to say?

(1) Eun-hee didn't recognize Sung-joon until he spoke. If you remember, he was at the pub with her when she was drunk, just that she wasn't alerted to his presence. So suddenly being with him now seems surreal, she wonders if she's dreaming. He tells her that it's really him. He would have preferred it to be a dream, as in, if the situation that they are in is indeed just a nightmare, they wouldn't be meeting under such circumstances (as in she suffering from prosopagnosia). She starts to ask "why..." as in how come they are together now (when she didn't even meet up with him)? With a tone of blame, he cuts her off, asks why she's forcing him to re-live his memories of her, no matter how he tries to shake it away, she keeps turning up at his side. He's breaking down, steps out of his car to avoid her seeing that. She follows after, tells him that it was never her wish to put him in an unfortunate position. Be it the hospital, her late father or herself, she wishes that they are of no significance to him, "because all I wish for is just to be a woman in love with a man. Only that is (a feeling of) warmth." It's her fault for turning his life unfortunate...her words break up as she tears, moved him enough to comfort her with an embrace.

(2) As we would later find out, Tae-jin has been working on the research to publish his thesis about the subject. This would translate to world recognition which means prestige. I think the publication feature hasten his plans to publish his findings lest it's no longer a 'breakthrough'.

(3) Yeo-wook notices Sung-joon seeing off his patient on the quiet, asks why he pretended not to know them, as in not approaching them. Sung-joon in turn asks what's he doing here, accepting praise and gratitude (from the patient) when they are neither his patients nor is he their attending surgeon. Yeo-wook smiles at Sung-joon's attempt to act indifferent, tells him that he has accepted the thanks on his behalf. Noticing his concern for them, he tells him the baby's name: Hee-mang as in hope. Sung-joon shoots back, "I'm not the least curious." But strangely, his standoffish attitude isn't working on Yeo-wook, the young doctor tells him that while it did seem foolish to plead for his help then, he thought he did well to do so. In bringing hope to the patient, it sort of brought hope to himself. Sung-joon tells him never to use his own life criteria to judge if a patient can be saved or if they are beyond hope, When asked if he never made (a decision) in such a way too, Sung-joon curtly replies, "never!" As he walks off, Yeo-wook stops him with another question: how does he go about finding the meaning (of what he does) then? "Shouldn't a doctor give hope to his patients, and find hope through his patients?" It doesn't seem all that meaningless to him. Sung-joon advises him that doctors can't decide on how their patients' lives should be, "if a patient dies, does it mean a doctor loses hope then? Just do your best. Don't ever think about overstepping the boundaries of Fate."

(4) The patient is an alleged rapist. He fell down from the second storey when his victim struggled to escape. He's a 'safe' case for Tae-jin's experiment because apparently everyone thought he has no family (to sue the hospital if something goes wrong) and due to his criminal offence, no one will make a big deal out of it either. As we would later know, Tae-jin's experiment would land the patient in a state of semi-paralysis. The injured area to be operated is a distance away from where Tae-jin will cause the nerve disorder. This wouldn't allow him to operate on that area without being noticed. The plan is to cause anesthesia failure which would result in an increased blood pressure and then increased intracranial pressure. This expands the area that has to be operated in order to prevent death. The details lies in coordinating the timing for anesthesia failure that would lead to increasing the intracranial pressure, thus the silent coordination between Tae-jin and Yi-joon. Eun-hyun saw what they did and later realizing that Tae-jin is experimenting on patients for his Brain Map thesis, he drops the anonymous message to Eun-hee.

(5) Eun-hee confronts Tae-jin that negligence is reason for the patient's paralysis state - (the failed anesthesia caused) the patient to awaken during operation. Earlier on, Tae-jin asked Eun-hyun 'for his opinion' about what he thought of the hiccup, now, he regurgitates the reasoning to Eun-hee that different patients adapt differently to anesthesia. It's not uncommon for patients to awake in mid of surgery and he believes she has seen a fair share of such cases. Also, like herself, neurosurgery does has its side effects. On her insistence to bring the matter to the medical committee, he blackmails her with the picture. He doesn't want it to become public either as it wouldn't do him any good, suggests that she continues to keep her beautiful romance in the closet.

(6) It was assumed that the patient was agitated because of his handicap but Eun-hyun decides that it could be more than just an emotional reaction as the patient has shown signs of increased degree of agitation. This is why he called for a CT scan.

(7) After viewing the recordings of Eun-hee's surgery, Sung-joon has his suspicions about it. He calls Tae-jin, telling him he has questions. Tae-jin offers to meet him at his office and while waiting, Eun-hee enters the room. Earlier on, Sung-joon mentioned to her about a clinical drug trial for prosopagnosia. The findings are optimistic but also having its side effects. Her brain tumor may relapse among other things. Now, 'mistaking' Tae-jin for Sung-joon, she tells him to get her the drugs. She doesn't care if it can't cure her prosopagnosia or that it has side effects. She just doesn't want to waste her life like an invalid and doing nothing about it. She later reveals to Sung-joon that she did it on purpose - she knows that she was speaking to Tae-jin. She wants herself to be a joke before Tae-jin as she now realizes that she has to hide the real her and have him believe that she's a weakling.

(8) Hae-jo asks Sang-do about the kind of person Eun-hyun is. He tells her that there are many rumors circulating about him. Some said his father works for the Government, some said his father even served under the President. But because no one can verify that, it makes everyone more curious about him. By the look of his résumé, he does seem to be a somebody. Sang-do asks if she's interested in Eun-hyun, she repeatedly denies it and he teases her for blushing all over. He lets on that many female staff professed their love but he cares for none, apparently, he's a man of high standards when it comes to women, adding that they have a nickname for him - 아찔남 (a-tchil-nam). Hae-jo asks if it's as in 아찔자(a-tchi-ran namja) as in being a man who's dizzy/faintish. No it isn't that. It means no matter how (무리) you poke (리다) at him, the man (자) wouldn't fall (for you). (Note: my listening may be off here, if it should be corrected, please do so)

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(8) Hae-jo asks Sang-do about the kind of person Eun-hyun is. He tells her that there are many rumors circulating about him. Some said his father works for the Government, some said his father even served under the President. But because no one can verify that, it makes everyone more curious about him. By the look of his résumé, he does seem to be a somebody. Sang-do asks if she's interested in Eun-hyun, she repeatedly denies it and he teases her for blushing all over. He lets on that many female staff professed their love but he cares for none, apparently, he's a man of high standards when it comes to women, adding that they have a nickname for him - 아찔남 (a-tchil-nam). Hae-jo asks if it's as in 아찔자(a-tchi-ran namja) as in being a man who's dizzy/faintish. No it isn't that. It means no matter how (무리) you poke (리다) at him, the man (자) wouldn't fall (for you). (Note: my listening may be off here, if it should be corrected, please do so)

Many thanks, zealioner! I'll respond to this part first due to my time constraint: I don't think you heard wrong? Especially after watching the ending to EP 8.

That explains why she was poking at his chest! In her drunken state, she tested out her friend's theory. Can't wait to read your recap of this scene!

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Guest zealioner

Btw, when both HJ and YW were at greenhouse but HJ only watched him from the back, kinda curious...what's YW thinking at that moment? HJ didn't even disturb him. Maybe he's thinking about his mom.

What did SJ talk to TJ? Seems SJ know something about TJ's surgery for Eun Hee.

What made Eun Hyun began to be suspicious at TJ when TJ performed brain surgery on OK Jeong Ju? It must be something before that so when he saw TJ's eye contact to his mistress, he felt something fishy.

(1) The scene at the greenhouse was when Yeo-wook had just spoken to his mother. She gathered he must have been shocked by what happened yesterday - when she spoke to Tae-jin about using the clinical drugs. She reveals that she wants to try the drugs which supposedly could cure her prosopagnosia. She assures him that the risk of side-effects is low and confirms that Sung-joon will be helping her to obtain the drugs. She wants to do it because "I want to recognize my son." So I guess he must be worried about the real risk of the prescription since what he heard yesterday obviously sounded more serious than what his mother put across to him.

(2) Sung-joon asks if Tae-jin is certain nothing went wrong during the operation. Tae-jin answers that Eun-hee monitored the entire procedure - is he now seeking responsibility from him (for her side effects)? It was a 3 x 4 cm meningioma that posed a risk on her language and motor skills but it wasn't serious, moreover, there were constant checks during the surgery to ensure that her language and motor skills weren't affected, and her vitals was stabilized throughout. He did his best for her, "this is her fate. Surely I needn't be responsible for it?" Sung-joon reminds him that there's no surgery with a 100% certainty, even a patient with a grim prognosis would miraculously live to walk out of the hospital. Tae-jin mocks his theory - of all people, who would think he would be the one to say such things? "You're not questioning my responsibility as a surgeon, you're questioning it as a loser who's unable to accept (the reality) of fate. If you're indeed questioning me as a surgeon, then give me precise questions for me to give you proper answers." (Note: This is the scene at the beginning of EP 08)

(3) I think Eun-hyun has always kept tabs on Tae-jin which is why he's 'auto-tuned' to his actions.

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Guest zealioner

What did Hae-jo & Yeo-wook have to say about Hae-jo's injury? She was very pleased of her accomplishment.

Hae-jo ouch in pain as Yeo-wook tends to her injury. He chides her for being intolerant of pain when she's a surgeon, on top of that, doesn't she know that the human teeth is sharper than that of animals? He adds, "what kind of a surgeon are you? Don't you know you should treasure your hands?" She (knows she shouldn't have done that) but there wasn't anything she could use as a substitute, "surely I can't let the patient die?" He finishes off the treatment, teases her for still not being able to perform intubation and she makes an act to hit him for the embarrassment. He tells her that it's a joke, then sincerely praises her for doing a good job with the tracheostomy. It's her first time but she performed it with rapid success. Pleased with both the praise and herself, she shares her what she experienced then, "when my hand was in there, it didn't feel as if it was mine. It moved (without prodding) like when I'm eating or I'm writing." Yeo-wook smiles, tells her that's what a surgeon is (would experience).

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Guest zealioner

I am curious to know what’s Tae-jin’s intention when he performed the brain surgery on Ok Jeong-ju? And the conversation of Sung-joon and Eun-hee at the café and why is she leaving for the States?

Yeo-wook and Hae-jo were both given a day rest...

(1) I can't be sure why I'm thinking Ok Jeong-ju is the conclusive study to his years of research? I can't be certain too if he's even telling Yi-joon the truth when (in EP 07), he told her that it's an experiment of motor skills impairment. In the scene during the last 20 minutes of EP 08, Sung-joon noted that in Tae-jin's thesis, in 4 out of 5 case studies, the patients developed semi-paralysis (waist down) due to damage of the central area of the arcuate fasciculus (as usual, I may be a little off here). Tae-jin reveals that he discovered that by chance. Sung-joon agrees that it's by chance, "it's often by chance we stumble onto something that can alter the life of Man." He startles Tae-jin when he mentions Ok Jeong-ju, a similar case to his findings. Why didn't he include him in the thesis for if he did, it would certainly hold more weight. Tae-jin answers that he only publishes those findings are of a direct injury ( to the central area of the arcuate fasciculus wheres Ok Jeong-ju is a side effect from anesthesia failure).

(2) Much as it was Sung-joon who suggested the idea of the clinical drugs, still, he's having reservations about Eun-hee using it but she's firm about her decision. Eun-hee isn't leaving for the States. She's entrusting Yeo-wook to Sung-joon should anything happen to her (because of the clinical drugs). In that event, she wants Sung-joon to bring him to the States, emphasizes that she's not wanting him to be responsible for Yeo-wook (as a father). She wants him to be his mentor and guides him till his strong enough to stand on his own.

(3) The dinner gathering is their official admission ceremony which also spells the end of their 100 days of jampong menu. Apparently, the Neurosurgery Department holds its admission ceremony on days when they are no emergency patients which explains why they did not have the welcome party when they started work on the first day.

To all, I'm on a schedule tomorrow so I may be a little late in answering the rest of the questions but I will get it done before the new week.

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Wow, thumbs up for the team at darksmurf. Translations are in the works for EP 6-8, close to catching up with the Korean broadcast! Still no sign of EP 5 though.

edit: Updates to the drama's hp!

Preview clip for EP 9 can be seen here <=== oh!

Yeo-wook gets a chance to steal a kiss too! What happened the night before? Hae-jo looks to be in the same clothes from the party, but she's sleeping in a hospital bed...Yeo-wook placed her there? Felicia Soh, you may be right! And has Eun-hyun's mother gone missing?

The written EP 9 preview (in Korean):

성준은 은희의 튜머 수술에 어시스트를 했던 은현에게 다가가 할 말이 있다고 한다.

"수술 중에 별다른 문젠 없었나?" 성준의 말을 들은 은현은 흔들림 하나 없는 얼굴로

없었다고 대답하는데

은현의 말을 믿지 않는 성준은 계속 의심스러운 눈초리로 은현을 떠보는데...

한편 술에 취해 잠든 여욱은 드리워지는 햇살에 잠에서 깨어난다.

하지만 병실 일인 침대에는 혼자가 아닌 해조가 딱 붙어 같이 누워있는데

설상가상으로 여욱의 팔은 해조를 끌어안고 있다.

과연 간밤에 두 사람에게 무슨 일이 생긴 것일까? 페이스북

Also NG clips here

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Can someone tell me to which release (arigaTo or KaRot or Khai) are darksmurfs subtitles?

I would like to download 720p version.

for EP 1-4, the subtitles match the TOP release (but I haven't seen TOP torrents for this drama release except for EP 7). However, EP 1-2 is also synced to the 720p Spider release. When you download the subtitle for EP 1-2, there is the option in the pull down to select which release (TOP or Spider).

You can also sync the subtitles yourself, as there is this option when you go to download the subtitle. You just need to know when the 1st subtitle line (usually the episode #) should appear in the version you download and input that in to create your synced subtitle.

The 720p CF cut Khai release includes the OP/intro clip that the other releases do not seem to have, in case anyone is wondering. The regular HDTV Khai does not have the OP.

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Guest zealioner

So besides being paraplegic (?), Ok Jeung-ju has another complication. Is Tae-jin's mistress chickening out?

(1) According to Sung-joon (in the scene with Tae-jin at end of EP 08), the arcuate fasciculus is the nerve fibre connecting the frontal and temporal lobes. To my knowledge, damage to both the frontal and temporal lobes do cause epilepsy and frontal lobe damage causes mood change (amongst others). So I'm thinking yes. Ok Jeung-jo's agitation and seizures are complications from the surgery.

(2) Yi-joon isn't chickening out yet but it seems she isn't in complete knowing of Tae-jin's plans, whatever they really are and despite her alliance to him, she isn't foolish. I feel she's giving him the benefit of doubt. With his latest surgical experiment, she's questioning if he's trying to play God with the Brain Map - as the surgery proved, he's able to induce complications out of an uninjured area. It's understandable that he would be pursuing the prestige and power that follows his research breakthrough with the Brain Map, however, it's totally another matter if he's manipulating Man's life. Why else would he do that on Ok Jeong-ju - it's the first time ever since (his research) that he attempted something of this degree. He dismisses her theory, insists that (as his past research), he's experimenting on another impairment which is motor skills in this case, moreover, he sees this as a win-win situation. He gets his research and Ok Jeong-ju is likely to avoid prison sentence (if he's a paraplegic).

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Guest zealioner

Desperately would love to know the conversations b/w Hae-jo and Eun-hyun in EP 8, especially the one when she goes to wake him up and the one at the end of the episode!

(1) It's Hae-jo's duty to wake Eun-hyun but she's somewhat transfixed looking at his sleeping form. He awakens on his own, she looks up in embarrassment. He asks about the time. she tells him, then asks why he's sleeping here (in his office which makes me think he probably gave up his room to her) but no answer. She turns to leave and he asks what's up with her (less than usual lively) expression? When she brushes it off as nothing, he insists she speaks up. She relates that when she was keeping Ok Jeong-ju's airway open (by slipping in her hand), his mother begged her not to save him and she can't forget her (torn) expression - how she pleaded by grabbing her arm and shaking her head. Eun-hyun reminds her to always remember that as doctors they can't judge if patients should or should not be saved (as in they should do by their professional duty). He asks what went through her mind when the patient's mother asked that of her? Hae-jo answers, "she's likely to regret it." For family is always a burden; like a rock on your shoulders, like a sponge buckled down by salt water, "it's so heavy you wish you could ditch them. It's likely we would even hope they would just die off. But family is such that you've to carry them with you to the end regardless of how much you wish to throw them away." It's a moment of enlightenment for Eun-hyun as he stills in realization. He stands, he claps her on the shoulder as if a praise for her sensibility, as if a thanks for showing him the light...

(2) A tipsy Hae-jo stands outside the pavement barricade, flagging down cabs. Eun-hyun notices her perilous position, asks what she's doing there? She smiles at seeing him, says she's wanting to return to the hospital first but she can't get a cab. He pauses to think as if deciding if he should let her be. He then tells her to wait for a while and he'll see her back to the hospital. As he turns away, she grabs on to the tail of his coat to stop him. He turns back; a look of puzzlement turning into light curiosity. She continues to act weird, stabs a finger into his chest. One. Then two. As she sways forward for the third time to repeat her action, he catches her hand to stop her midway. Clearly, Eun-hyun's expression says he hasn't the least patience for drunken oddity, especially one that leaves him clueless, he wants to know what she's doing? As in what she's doing that for? "Poking you," she answers then goes on to tell him how she recently learned that he has a nickname - what it is and why he's nicknamed that. Now he's amused, either by the nickname or finally getting it why she's poking him - to prove a point. I think more the latter.

She wonders if he's indeed that great (for him to ignore his admirers)? He swings over the barricade, likely wanting to bring her along with him rather than leave her drunkard self waiting while he returns. (Or more like a scene necessity?) Anyway, that sleek swing-over sort of convinced her that he's great (because I think she muttered 너무하네...as in 'isn't that a little too much, it's unfair' [that you are indeed this great] - feel free to correct it.) She's incoherent so she's entitled to be inconsistent in her route of thoughts for suddenly she decides that he looks cold, so she removes her coat to put it over him. That done but then she realizes her hands are caught in the cold - surely that can't do. So she moves towards him and slips it into the sleeves of her coat, "I've to treasure my hands. I may be a rookie now but still, I'm a surgeon..." Spent, she begins to drowse off, head falling against his chest. Eun-hyun holds her away from him, she peers at him with barely opened lids and he looks as if he's lowering down for a kiss... (Nah. I think Eun-hyun is too level-headed and cautious with his actions to be swayed by a 'in the moment'. Perhaps later ^_^ )

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Guest zealioner

Preview clip for EP 9 can be seen here <=== oh!

Yeo-wook gets a chance to steal a kiss too! What happened the night before? Hae-jo looks to be in the same clothes from the party, but she's sleeping in a hospital bed...Yeo-wook placed her there? Felicia Soh, you may be right! And has Eun-hyun's mother gone missing?

The written EP 9 preview (in Korean):

성준은 은희의 튜머 수술에 어시스트를 했던 은현에게 다가가 할 말이 있다고 한다.

"수술 중에 별다른 문젠 없었나?" 성준의 말을 들은 은현은 흔들림 하나 없는 얼굴로

없었다고 대답하는데

은현의 말을 믿지 않는 성준은 계속 의심스러운 눈초리로 은현을 떠보는데...

한편 술에 취해 잠든 여욱은 드리워지는 햇살에 잠에서 깨어난다.

하지만 병실 일인 침대에는 혼자가 아닌 해조가 딱 붙어 같이 누워있는데

설상가상으로 여욱의 팔은 해조를 끌어안고 있다.

과연 간밤에 두 사람에게 무슨 일이 생긴 것일까? 페이스북

EP 09 Preview Clip:

Yeo-wook's voice-over: "I'll be responsible for her (as in I'll take care of her). Because we're contemporaries..."

Sung-joon: (it's either to Tae-jin or a voice-over of his thoughts) "I'm totally going out of my mind! You deserve to die...!"

Tae-jin: (to Sung-joon) "Min Sun-joon, you've completely lost your mind."

Hae-jo: (on the phone) "What?"

Eun-hyun: What is it?

Hae-jo: "sonsaeng-nim Something happened...your mother..."

EP 09 Written Preview:

Sung-joon approaches Eun-hyun, asks if anything in particular happened during Eun-hee's tumor surgery? Unperturbed, Eun-hyun says no but Sung-joon disbelieves him, glances at Eun-hyun suspiciously...

Meanwhile, Yeo-wook awakens from his drunken stupor in the sick bay, suddenly realizes that he's not alone, he's lying together with Hae-jo. To make matters worse, Hae-jo is cuddled in his arms. So what happened to the two people last night?

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...and he looks as if he's lowering down for a kiss... (Nah. I think Eun-hyun is too level-headed and cautious with his actions to be swayed by a 'in the moment'. Perhaps later ^_^ )

zealioner, I completely forgot about that! Eun-hyun just might check himself in time.

Going back to EP 7, I don't think we've seen Tae-jin spooked like he did in the opening scene. The appearance of Kang Hee Youn brings out a different side of Tae-jin. His "nightmare" may be an omen, as Ok Jeong-ju is admitted to HanKuk University Hospital the following day. I have a feeling Eun-hyun's mom will appear before Tae-jin very soon.

I sincerely hope Yeo-wook takes into consideration his sunbaes' words of advice (Eun-hyun's, Sung-joon's). I recall in EP 1 Heo Jo-gang mentioning Yeo-wook went AWOL for 3 days (?), and that was while he was still an intern. The two cases he was involved with recently--the 12 year old child and the mother--might make him a tad too confident. The shower scene for instance. It's as if he wants to prove that he's right (and to himself as well that he's chosen the right path by joining NS).

from article from asian-drama.org: Song Chang Ui Can Perform Real Surgery After End of Syndrome

Also, Darksmurf has transcribed EP 5, however, it is not available for the translation process yet?

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Found this newsarticle that was posted just 2hrs ago on daum...stills from an upcoming scene b/w Hae-jo and Eun-hyun!

article in Korean, here

and stills below (these have not been posted to the drama's hp):


hmm, Hae-jo's outfit looks like the one Han Hye Jin posted of only herself to twitter 1-2 days ago, so we might be seeing this scene in this week's worth of epis?

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The writer decided to give us both! 1. Yeo-wook witnesses Eun-hyun going for the "kiss". 2. However, had he stayed a little longer he would have seen that Eun-hyun stopped himself in time. Then he wouldn't have went back in a huff, ready to get himself seriously drunk. While trying to keep Hae-jo upright, Eun-hyun gets a call from Sung-joon. What to do with Hae-jo? He gives Jo-gang, who is inside the bar, a call. Yeo-wook offers to take Hae-jo home. I thought it was a rather nice scene as a sleeping Hae-jo has her head resting on Eun-hyun's shoulder while the two wait for Jo-gang to come. Eun-hyun sees Yeo-wook arrive and after a bit of silence gets chastised by Yeo-wook (I'm guessing for not keeping Hae-jo warm enough). If that wasn't enough, Yeo-wook picks her up and carries her on his back. Really? All the way back to the hospital in that manner? Can't be that late to call a taxi? Nonetheless, Yeo-wook is deliriously happy. I couldn't help but grin and chuckle at his attempt at singing. Wait, how come that song sounds so familiar...it sounds a lot like a Korean cover of Harlem Yu's Qing Fei De Yi (theme song for Meteor Garden), feel free to correct me. If it is, were the lyrics changed?

I'm confused why Sung-joon would question Eun-hyun on Eun-hee's surgery. Wasn't he replaced so he could perform surgery on the 12-yr old boy?

Well, Yeo-wook's coat wasn't enough. Hae-jo is running a fever. Maybe if he had gotten a taxi instead of trying to show how he's better than Eun-hyun, this wouldn't have happened? So he attentively tends to her. And unlike, Eun-hyun who showed much more restraint, Yeo-wook slowly plants a kiss on Hae-jo's forehead.

Uh oh! Upon waking up, Hae-jo remembers most of last night, except for everything that happened after she started poking Eun-hyun. But then she recalls a dark figure leaning down to give her a kiss while she had been sleeping on the bed. She assumes it is Eun-hyun.

more later...

edit: the team at Darksmurf is currently translating EP 5!

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