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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest Starlitelet

I thought the writer purposely wrote it this way to not complicate things further. As we all know, Yeonwoo's heart belongs totally to Hwon. Yang Myung to her is a good friend. But he confessed his feelings to her, it was something unexpected to her. If she actually gave him more attention than needed, it will mean giving hope to Yang Myung. And with so many other things going on in the show, it will also make the whole plot more complicated. It's just my opinion after watching the whole drama so please don't hate me.:P

No worries; no one is hating you ^^.

I already know that Yeon Woo's heart belongs to Hwon. Though, protecting Yang Myung at that time was not a matter of being in love with him or not. She would be protecting Hwon too and not give him the wrong idea that Yang Myung did anything inappropriate. I thought it would have made both the brothers equal (less at each other) if she stepped in too. I mean they were initially at each other because of her. I would have found it more profound if she told Hwon about Yang Myung's situation and that there's nothing between them. Then again, I'm not the writer :P.

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Hi aisling_ ^^!

Did the last episode feel rushed for you? I'm planning on watching it after - haha.

I already knew that there would be a huge rush b/w Yeon Woo and her family reuniting. You got to be kidding me that her family only found out about her within the last two episodes.

I also hate the factor that Yeon Woo gives/pays absolutely no mind to Yang Myung throughout the whole series. I don't know about the last episode because I haven't watched it. Though, I do not like the way she treats Yang Myung. It's not the first time she has acted inconsiderately towards Yang Myung. When the King was being harsh to Yang Myung about "staying away from Yeon Woo"... like the part where Yeon Woo was at the temple where Yang Myung's mom lives? It kind of broke my heart to see her not defending Yang Myung. She could have calmed down the tension between the two brothers, but when the King told her to leave (or something like that), she just left.

From reading what other people (including you) have wrote about Yeon Woo not crying over Yang Myung... that kind of bugs me too. I'll see how it plays out. Though, she doesn't need to love Yang Myung like crazy in order to cry for him. Wasn't he also one of the closest people to her?


About Yang Myung's

death... I'd have to come back and comment on it after watching episode 20. I thought he would have died protecting Hwon, but instead... he suicides? I hate it when characters suicide. It's like they don't know what to do with the characters anymore. Yes, I understand that Yang Myung needs to somehow disappear, so there wouldn't be another rebellion/overthrow in the future. Though, couldn't he have gone far away, like he always wanted to do? I've never read the novel, so I don't know his ending in there. I see no point in him killing himself. It's not like he did some horrible past deed like the Queen. If she suicides, then I would understand why. Did Yang Myung even go to see his mother? What about his poor mother? I feel like if he just suicides, then it's more like he can't live without Yeon Woo, and he's just using Hwon as his excuse to die.

There was no anticipation for the mother/daughter reunion. I felt like it was just forced. That it was necessary for the show but they didn't put heart into it. I didn't even cry. I wonder how you'll feel about it after you watch it for yourself.

The ending wasn't that rushed. Some show's endings are way more rushed. But because they already killed off most of characters in ep. 19 and at the beginning of ep. 20 there was no angst in the latter half of the show.

When I was watching TPM final episode I constantly bit my lips because I was so so so nervous about the ending. Say - I was more emotionally invested. While I watched Moon&Sun ending live just out of respect for Jung Il Woo and cried for him. The latter half of the final was kinda boring for non Hwon/YW shippers.

Yeah I felt like slapping YW when she didn't step up and say something to Hwon when he was shouting at YM. Both brothers were pointing swords to each other and she just left without saying a word. That was one of the most WTF moments for me. I don't understand why YM should love her even after his death. Wait... I know. Because they just messed up his character.

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count me in for time travel !! :):w00t:

It's really my pleasure watching, sharing, swearing in this room...kekekek...enjoy every bits..this is my 2nd experienced watching K-Drama insanely (1st with Lie To Me)...lurking like zombie, every mins refreshing this thread just to get new info about the incoming episodes... :sweatingbullets:

I enjoyed it very much...I don't have any complains with the casts, storyline, even the wardrobe...I just enjoy it :) especially when meet same people who enjoy the drama without much criticism...

same with you 1Crazynyt, I don't expect much with the ending, as long as they not kill the OTP / cliffhanger ending...then everything just fine for me.

I'll definitely hard to say goodbye with TMETS...

cheers <_<

If there is a person who will surely be happy that TMETS has ended is my boss! hahahhaha!

My Wednesday-Thursday will be back to normal. This is the first time I've been so active in a thread and it is good to meet people like all of you!

No gutter moments but the ending is really SWEET and I am FULLY SATISFIED but sad at the same time. I hope to still see you chinggus here or in the speedo thread.. hahaha! :P:P

BTW, I love how they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. It eases the pain a little knowing that he is happy and at peace. It was so touching! tears.giftears.gif

What a great way to end the show with a sweet kiss! :wub: Is it just me or you guys also think that YW and Hwon looks EXTREMELY beautiful and gorgeous in the ending scenes????? I love how they act so natural, even the KISS!

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count me in for time travel !! :):w00t:

I enjoyed it very much...I don't have any complains with the casts, storyline, even the wardrobe...I just enjoy it :) especially when meet same people who enjoy the drama without much criticism...

I'll definitely hard to say goodbye with TMETS...

cheers <_<

my thoughts exactly .... so nice to meet you here :D

and here's one ... that makes me STIIIIILL GRINNING :D ... till now ....

the King looks totally BEWITCHED !!! :wub:


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If there is a person who will surely be happy that TMETS has ended is my boss! hahahhaha!

My Wednesday-Thursday will be back to normal. This is the first time I've been so active in a thread and it is good to meet people like all of you!

No gutter moments but the ending is really SWEET and I am FULLY SATISFIED but sad at the same time. I hope to still see you chinggus here or in the speedo thread.. hahaha! :P:P

BTW, I love how they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. It eases the pain a little knowing that he is happy and at peace. It was so touching! tears.giftears.gif

What a great way to end the show with a sweet kiss! :wub:

hahahaha...I'm cracking up in the middle of the nite... your boss definitely feels overly joyful !! maybe in his/her mind... YES!!! it's ended...it's time for you to payback my work time...!!!

1000% agree with you ..the ending SWEET and FULLY SATISFIED... besides what do you expect more when you see the OTP smiling, kissing at the end even the kiss lame (not for me...it's sweet actually, if u want a passionate one, then watch or read erotic movie..hahahaha...)

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my thoughts exactly .... so nice to meet you here :D

and here's one ... that makes me STIIIIILL GRINNING :D ... till now ....

the King looks totally BEWITCHED !!! :wub:

*quoted image**quoted image*

hey kelcy,

it's a very nice to meet you as well... hope we can meet the other thread... hmm..let me give you a clue about the new thread we're lurking now... it's ...SPEEDO... hahahaha... ask gabjumz where is it...

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hey kelcy,

it's a very nice to meet you as well... hope we can meet the other thread... hmm..let me give you a clue about the new thread we're lurking now... it's ...SPEEDO... hahahaha... ask gabjumz where is it...

I will tell her but I think, we should give her some briefing first to make sure that she on the same side.. hahhaha!

One good thing about the speedo thread I guess is that, we don't have to feel guilty over our boy toy cause they are MEN! kekekke!

Kelcy dear, just send me a PM if you are interested.. kekeek!


I totally agree with you regarding the kiss. I don't have any complaint whatsoever and I am happy that they didn't conclude it with an open ending!

CAn't wait for a director's cut dvd!!!

BTW, do you have any news regarding the farewell party????

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BTW, do you have any news regarding the farewell party????

don't ask me about it... am such a lame researcher... I'm a very lame person to find it... hahahaha....

besides...i don't know about the wrap party will be held or not, since KSH and JIW is very super duper packed schedules shooting for CF... usually they have wrap party as soon as they finished the shooting...

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Annyeonghaseyo my dear MoonSun chingus

For the last few months, I have been coming in here and read everyone's postings and have enjoyed the conversations between Azuwaza and her seobang :).

Thanks to semifly for all the torrents and Psycho for the cuts of vids. I will miss you all too and I hope we are able to meet again at other drama threads. I'm now looking forward to Fashion King, Love Rain, Rooftop Prince and many more, so hope to see anyone of you there too.

I have not watched the Finale Episode 20 but just by reading the recap, I cant help shedding tears at Yangmyung's death. Yup please dont blame Yeonwoon for not having a screentime to be sad and cried over Yangmyung's death cos i think thats the way the script goes.

Can't wait to see the Finale, once I finished downloading, just to see the kiss :).

Annyeonghigaseyo everyone!!!! Take care chingus!!!!

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If you still have tears to cry,visit this page!its during the last day of filming for the respective actors and them receiving bouquets :tears:

TMTES Actors's Last filming

thanks for the recap,screnecaps and everything !

aww.. thanks for the link i've just watched their bts scene.. the 3 of them ( HS, hwon and woon) hugged and cried together..i guess they really work hard for the filming. I always saw them ( the S3) having an enjoyable time working together and having fun at the same time. i will miss them dearly and all of you here in this thread who contributed everything for tmtets drama. I would like to say a big Thank you to all of you.

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great ending! sweet king! hehehehe I'll never forget you, Kim Soo Hyun! 

Han Ga In was very pretty! I've only seen her in Witch yoohee then in this, she was always that pretty. I love the actors and all. I love the costume! especially the king's costumessss

I hope I'll find another king like Lee Hwon in another sageuk later...  

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No worries; no one is hating you ^^.

I already know that Yeon Woo's heart belongs to Hwon. Though, protecting Yang Myung at that time was not a matter of being in love with him or not. She would be protecting Hwon too and not give him the wrong idea that Yang Myung did anything inappropriate. I thought it would have made both the brothers equal (less at each other) if she stepped in too. I mean they were initially at each other because of her. I would have found it more profound if she told Hwon about Yang Myung's situation and that there's nothing between them. Then again, I'm not the writer :P.

Hehe~ I think it all boils down to what the writer was thinking when he/she was writing the script. We all have our own thoughts about the plot and how the characters are being developed but we still have to accept what the writer has written cos we are just viewers.:P

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What makes me angry (yeah, angry) and dissatisfied with the ending is that YM's death scene was so EPIC - even in the last moment of his life, he thinks of YW, but then we didn't see any grief or even sympathy from YW (I guess there's not so much time for this). That makes me think YM's death isn't worth for what YW treats him. That's why I wished there could be 2 extended episodes, so that they didn't need to rush everything.

I don't understand why they didn't follow the book from the beginning, why should have they followed its ending?

We saw the happy ending between the main character after a short time we saw many others die. The happy ending isn't so meaningful anymore and this drama just left me with emptiness. However, somehow I think it's a good thing. As the PD said, this drama is like a dream, I felt lost in the reality when the drama ended. I spent two month doing some silly things and couldn't concentrate on anything just because of it. Now I know it's already ended. I'm glad.

Thank you for everyone in this thread, especially the wife-husband who gave us lots of laughs with their thoughtful conversations.

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