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[Drama 2011] Bachelor's Vegetable Store 총각네 야채가게


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I really really love the main couple, they are sooo adorable and cute . I was actually hoping JS would find out first , seeing her in so much pain and not being able to tell him who she is ,is really sad . Im looking forward to TY figuring out or finding out who she is.

I do feel angry at JS for going away with crazy mum , but then it was crazy mom who took advantage of JS wanting for a mother in her life . I really hope JS realise what evil witch she is , i would have thought since living with JS all these years she would have developed some love towards her but seems as though she only cares about herself. Since the hag is pregnant i hope she has the baby , the sooner she makes JS realise what an awful human being she is the better.

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EDIT:  Thank you, sweetie.  wub.gif  I think I've aged 20 years in the past few days trying to keep up with everything.

Our uploaders here are doing their best to figure out a better approach on how to keep up with the episodes.  I know it's maddening right now, but if we all keep calm heads at present, things will get back to what passes for normal soon...  Everyone take a step back and a deep breath and remember the main reason why we're here -- FOR THESE HOTTIE BACHELORS!!!  ♥♥♥ 


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We begin by watching Our Boys watching the Professor and his assistant water the tea sprouts.  They drop their watering buckets and hustle over to the girl (who was sleeping under the plastic tarp), wanting to know why she put them through getting the well water when they have water already available?  The girl says she needed that water just in case her father couldn't get the taps working again -- Plan B!  Tae-yang asks the girl if the gentleman is her appa, to which she nods in the affirmative.  Tae-yang introduces themselves and humbly asks for his assistance, and he has the reputation of being the Sprout King (for lack of a better term).  The ajusshi watering the sprouts then turns to and asks her what is up with these boys... SUNSENGNIM?  She's the Professor Kim Yoon-soo!  The other hyungs all go ape thinking they've been duped, as Ho-jae is fuming (a GIRL that's smarter than him?!?  HA.).

Back at the Seul-woo Fitness Centre, we see Tae-in picking up used towels and water bottles, while Seul-woo is on the fly press machine, working out.  Seul-woo tells her she doesn't have to do that, to which she says that she doesn't mind because she's basically getting free room and board at Dan-bi's (and to make Tae-in look good in Seul-woo's eyes as well).  She asks Seul-woo if he might want some lunch; she'll bring something back to the fitness centre.  He says he's brought his lunch already, as she says that she has things she wants to ask him.  Tae-in wanders over to a local conbini for sushi (while checking herself out in the mirror, of course).

Arriving back at the Fitness Centre, Tae-in runs into a guy who yells out to her.  Uh oh... looks like we've got an old (or even possibly current) boyfriend to deal with now.  They bicker for awhile, as Seul-woo overhears a few steps away.  Old Boyfriend is not happy to be tossed aside and grabs Tae-in as she attempts to walk away.  Tae-in reminds him why she left, as he raises his arm to strike her.  Tae-in says something to the effect of "that's your way of solving everything?"  With Old Boyfriend's arm still up, Seul-woo comes over and pulls it behind his back.

Old Boyfriend asks who the hell he is, and Seul-woo answers that this is his business -- the Seul-woo Sports Centre.  Old Boyfriend comes out and accuses Tae-in of going after the rich guys now (or has already been after rich guys -- truth in advertising, at least).  To make his point that Tae-in is his chingu now, Seul-woo comes over and puts his arm around her (geez, he's a tall one or she's really short), basically dismissing the interloper.  Old Boyrfriend gets pissed and takes a swing at Seul-woo... which he takes down in one quick movement.

Back at the greenhouse, Our Boys are attempting to make sense out of the situation by asking tons of questions of the Professor Kim Yoon-soo.  Ho-jae is still incredulous, and Chan-sol is not happy to be put through all that watering stuff to raise his own fist against her.  Yoon-soo says that she must have received over 100 e-mails asking about her sprouts (as Ho-jae looks rather sheepish being found out), as Woo-bong asks if she ever responded to them.  She says PFFFFT! because she doesn't have that kind of time, but that the boys were the only ones that actually came out to see her.  Tae-yang then turns on the charm to ask her if there is anything she can share with just the Fresh Men because they came all the way out there and helped work hard.  She thinks about it for a second, and says... just give up.  You guys can't do it.  LOL!!

Again to the Fitness Centre!  Tae-in is following after Seul-woo, thanking him for his help.  Seul-woo turns and demands that Tae-in tell him the truth -- was she really scammed out of her old living quarters.  When Tae-in turns it back on him, saying that he can't trust her, when Seul-woo asks if that was all part of her plan -- her getting close to Dan-bi to get closer to Seul-woo.  At first she says no... but then changes that to a yes.  She doesn't know any other way than to lie in order to make a person she likes to like her back, giving up the example of her being adopted twice and given up twice.  She missed Tae-yang and even as he took care of her growing up, he still remained honest and amazing.  Seul-woo says that her amazing brother needs to come and get her out of Dan-bi's place now.  As he offers up his phone to have her call Tae-yang, she says that her brother doesn't have the ability to take care of her now because his truck has been repossessed.  So let's let this all be a secret, ne?

Dan-bi comes out of the Fitness Centre locker room and sees all this going on.  When she comes over to ask what's up, we see a huge poster of the cover of Men's Health Korea that Kim Young Kwang graced back in 2010.  LOL!!!  When Dan-bi tells Tae-in they need to speak in private, Tae-in excuses herself.  Dan-bi wants to know what happened to the Fitness Centre -- she's heard it's been sold to another owner!  Seul-woo thinks that his mom probably sold it to buy some more land, but Dan-bi orders him to go find out what exactly happened... and let's go get some lunch.  Hunh?

At the Greenhouse again, Tae-yang asks Yoon-soo why her idea won't work/won't help them.  What she says kinda makes sense to Woo-bong (being the resident farmer that he is).  BTW, while all this is going on, Scruffy Guy just looks on and doesn't say anything.  Anyway, she's not in the mood to deal with them anymore, and sticks her tongue out at them as she leaves the greenhouse.  Tae-yang then asks Woo-bong hyung for his farming help...

Back at Dan-bi's house, we see her sitting in Buddah Pose, while Tae-in lazily daydreams in a side chair.  Dan-bi asks her if she's in a funk because of her oppa, which makes Tae-in startled for a nanosecond... but she then recovers and tells Dan-bi that yeah, she's worried.  Dan-bi tells her that if there is anything she can help with, to let her know... when Tae-in says that her brother did have a message for her.  Dan-bi visibly brightens up, when Tae-in says that he said for Dan-bi to not worry about him anymore.  Ooooh, burn!

Back to the gosiwon with Our Bachelors, bearing a bag of unsprouted mung beans with them.  When Ho-jae asks if they have enough time before the deadline to submit their project to experiment, Tae-yang says they'll just have to try.  Chan-sol turns around and sees that Scruffy Guy is not with the group anymore and has disappeared.  Tae-yang says to let him be -- he's just like Hong Gil Dong (the Korean equivalent of Robin Hood).  ::snort::

Next we see a montage of The Boys measuring, weighing, steeping, soaking, and finally setting aside a container covered with newspaper -- all under the direction of Woo-bong (apparently he's done this before).  Tae-yang is amazed about Woo-bong's knowledge about sprouting vegetables and tells him he's daebak!, which he waves off with an "aw shucks" to his hyungs.  Chan-sol still isn't convinced it's going to work, as he attempts to lift off the newspaper cover and gets threatened for it.  God only knows how long later, they're still sitting there -- Tae-yang reading a marketing book, Chan-sol and Ho-jae chatting in the corner, and Woo-bong now trying to lift up the newspaper cover.  Tae-yang slaps his hand away -- 

(As an aside, while the montage is unfolding, in the background we hear the real Theme Song to the "Chonggakne Yachaegage" musical that 's been steadily running in Korea for the past few years... but instead of the regular Musical Cast, it's being sung by Our Bachelors -- because I can pick out Changwoo-ssi's singing voice in the middle of a snowstorm, if need be.).

But I digress.  We now see Crazy Mom in her bedroom which now looks like a drugstore, filling syringes from various vials of hormones and fertility drugs.  She flashes back to the last time she was at the OB/GYN, who told her that she won't increase the dosage because she's showing signs of contraindications.  She basically tells the air in the room that she doesn't care -- she will have Fake Dad's real baby by any means possible and not be removed from "her position" at Mok Yeong Group.

In the next scene, we see Seul-woo running for the elevators at his Mom's corporate headquarters.  When one doesn't arrive in time, he heads to the stairs and starts running up.  Inside Imo's office are people taking books and other possessions and placing them into boxes -- oh crap!!  It's the Korean equivalent of the Internal Revenue Service -- Seul-woo Enterprises is under investigation for tax fraud!!  He yells at the people leaving, and then tries to get an answer out of Imo's assistant by shaking him, as we pan over to Imo sitting on the couch crying.

It's now the Big Day of the Survival Challenge, as a conference room is being set up accordingly.  The organizers sit at the check-in table, and as the doors to the elevators open, a huge rush of people spill out and start waiting in line to register.  An assistant pulls a cord which unfurls a banner that says the contest is now open!!

Back at the gosiwon, Our Boys are sitting around the newspaper-covered container, hands clasped all praying for something to happen.  Another montage at the contest registration desk, with the clock saying 9:00 AM...  Lots of filing and pushing of papers by the registrants... and then back at Tae-yang's, they finally pull the newspaper off a corner of the container.  They look dejected at first, because it looks like nothing had sprouted to the point they could be used.  But then Tae-yang points at the container-- we have sprouts, baby!!  They celebrate like there's no tomorrow... and then Tae-yang just happens to look at the clock.

We see our hyungs running down the street with Woo-bong carrying the container in his hands.  They are so woefully behind, as Woo-bong gets an idea, hands the container to Tae-yang, and takes off running like a marathoner!!  (This is where his 'Running Man' training comes in handy, ne?)  Woo-bong gets to the registration table just as they're taking away the paperwork, and grabs the entry bin out of the assistant's hands.  They fight over the box for a bit, as Ho-jae then arrives and pleads with them not to close the contest.  

Tae-yang finally gets there with the sprouts in hand and runs up to the table, where the contest organizers still say they're too late to enter.  The assistants start walking away, as Tae-yang sticks his arms out to stop them and says they will lie there on the ground until their entry can be accepted -- and they do that very thing!!  As one of the assistants goes to the phone to call security, she quickly hangs up and then we see Fake Dad walking down the hall with his entourage.

As his assistants run over to pick the hyungs up off the floor, Fake Dad asks what the hell is going on.  One of the assistants blurts out that they tried to enter their project after the deadline but now they're on the floor throwing a tantrum.  Fake Dad addresses Tae-yang (and I see a slight glimmer of recognition in Fake Dad's eyes) and tells him that he's too late and act with some common sense, but Tae-yang (being Tae-yang) tells him he doesn't agree because of a stupid rule and his company should give him the chance to show his spirit and passion.  Tae-yang further adds that if the Fresh Men are let inot the contest, then they will take a penalty in the second round of the competition.  Fake Dad looks at his watch, states that *his* watch says it's still 9:00 AM, and tells the contest assistants to let Tae-yang enter the contest after all.  They all bow deeply as Fake Dad leaves the room.

Back at Seul-woo Enterprises, he is going over the paperwork and asks how the failure happened.  Imo and her assistant just sit there, saying nothing.  Seul-woo attempts to get some sort of answer out of them by yelling instead.  The assistant attempts to explain that it was all his fault, but Imo cuts him off and tells him to leave so she can talk to Seul-woo alone.  She attempts to explain that it's all her fault she fudged on the taxes, because everyone else was doing it, so she thought it was okay.  She tries to tell him not to worry, but he can only respond by yelling back at her that she might have to go to jail.  Imo attempts to make him feel better by trying to send him off to his uncle in America in order for him to not see her be humiliated by society.  When Seul-woo accuses her of making him feel like he's such a no-good son by running away and hiding, Imo just doesn't want him to be dragged through the same mud that she's getting ready to be dragged through and get hurt.  With tears running down his cheeks, Seul-woo insists that no one will ever hurt his mother, and to stop saying things that break his heart.

[Commercial Break #1 -- and in one of the commercials for the Hanhwa Energy Company, we see the Young Tae-in as a child running around in a field!]

We're back at the Market, where Tae-yang flashes back to the boys being forceably picked up off the floor by Fake Dad's toadys.  He ruffles his hair (swoon!) and asks himself why the heck did he do that and ruin his first impression (by Fake Dad, of course)?  Just then, Ga-on comes out of the office and asks if he's waited long.  With a hearty ANNYONG, he asks if she's tired from working all day, but Ga-on says nope, she's off for the next 24 hours... telling her parents that she's working overnight.  Tae-yang gets a huge grin on his face, and says that they should go out on a real date today but he hasn't prepared anything (because that's what he's heard guys should do before dating).  Ga-on says whatever, let's just go and grabs his arm to leave.  As they walk out, Tae-yang in voiceover says that he should probably wait until they pass the first round before saying that the Fresh Men have entered her Fake Dad's recipe contest...

Meanwhile, Seul-woo is sitting in the darkened Fitness Centre, commisserating with the balance balls while flashing back to when Imo was in her office with the IV drip in her arm, and telling Imo to stop working so hard to make so much money.  Next we then see Ga-on and Tae-yang entering a pool hall, and when she looks a little concerned about his choice of venues, he explains that he played a lot of pool (billiards) when he was not busy.  The owner yells out to Tae-yang and he goes over to say hello, when the owner notes that he hadn't seen Tae-yang around the hall since he stopped working there, and Tae-yang apologizes for that.  And when the owner looks over at Ga-on and asks if she's his yeojachingu, she smiles and bows and says yes... yes, she is.

The owner pulls Tae-yang over to ask him a favor, which is that he needs to run out for a bit and would Tae-yang mind watching the place until he gets back?  Tae-yang protests a wee bit... but then we see him behind the counter taking cash from another player as Ga-on sits there alone.  The room finally empties out, and she sees a boom box and decides to push play... when all of a sudden, Blink's "Kiss Me!" comes out of the speakers!!!   (And this is where I fell off my chair laughing!!)  And how funny when I watched the replay on DramaFever that another version of "Kiss Me" was used instead. LOL!!

She is mortified but when she looks back at Tae-yang, he has that look in his eye again and rolls a ball across the table to where she is sitting.  When it hits the edge of the table, Ga-on looks around and is startled to see Tae-yang standing right behind her, which makes her jump out of her chair in fright!  He backs her up against the table and leans in for what she thinks is a kiss and closes her eyes really fast... but he ends up just giving her a peck on the nose instead (and that groan you just heard were us disappointed fangirls' hearts breaking...)  When he teases her over thinking she was going to be kissed, she punches him in the chest in response.

We then see our Lunchbox Couple sitting on one of the benches sharing a ramyun meal while kinda staring at each other.  Tae-yang reaches up to push Ga-on's hair out of her face so she can eat.  Next thing, we see a bus travelling through the countryside, with Ga-on sleeping against Tae-yang's shoulder.  When he reaches over to pull the curtain to keep the sun out, she wakes up.  

When she complains about Tae-yang watching her sleep and not telling her where they're going, he says not to worry (he's not kidnapping her?) but there's a place her needs to show her...

Continued in Part 2!!

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Our Lunchbox Couple finally arrive at their destination -- the church in the town where they both grew up.  (A ha!  It must be the 15th of the month again!)  Ga-on is stunned to see it after all these years, but slowly follows Tae-yang inside.  Of course, hanging on the wall are the two signs they made for selling their vegetables.  He explains that there's something important to tell Ga-on about, and that his friend Jin-shim made the other sign to help him out.  Ga-on stammers out if that is so, as Tae-yang caresses the two signs.  Tae-yang explains how Jin-shim was his best friend and his first love.  It wasn't until now that he could even think about loving another woman... until Ga-on came into his life.  Tae-yang sits and turns the card over to write the date on the back as usual, as Ga-on does the same and starts tearing up.

Finally Tae-yang catches a clue and asks if the baring of his soul is embarrassing her too much, but she shakes her head no and says it sounds like exactly something that Tae-yang would do.  Tae-yang goes on to both apologize and tell Jin-shim that he likes another woman now and he can't keep his promise, while Ga-on sits silently weeping.  When she asks why he wanted to bring her there, he explains that Ga-on is a special person in his life now, but he wants her permission to return here on the 15th of every month.  She suddenly decides to get up and leave the rectory on the premise that she can't handle the jealousy, she runs outside and dissolves into sobs (as do I as well) next to the kimchi pots.

Still inside, Tae-yang apologizes over and over to Jin-shim and sits there with tears running down his cheeks.  But then we see the bus pulling away from the village to return to Seoul  He attempts to take her hand, but she pulls it away much to his discomfort... only to replace it in a different position which makes him happy and smile again.  (Another song is playing in the background with a female singer, which I'm going to assume will be OST Part e when that gets released next week.)

Back at Mok Yeong Group HQ, the assistants are all going through the presentations and recipes sent in response to the contest.  As the lady assistant (the one who was giving Woo-bong a hard time about being late) walks off with a stack of submissions, she suddenly stops and grabs a water sprayer to give Our Bachelors' sprouts a spritzing.  She flashes back to Woo-bong explaining that they need to stay moist and shows her the little cartoon that shows the watering instructions ("We don't want to die!  Please keep us watered to make tasty Green Tea Sprouts!")  Woo-bong shoves the container into her hands, and he runs off leaving her there smiling.   But everyone else that works in the office has the same idea, so the sprouts are getting extra severe watering sessions.  (That may be a plot point later, so I hope you're taking notes.)

We then see Crazy Mom sitting at her OB/GYN Office waiting for something or someone with a smirky grin on her face.  Secretary Yang then runs up with a bag, where he pulls out a pair of walking shoes.  Crazy Mom takes off her kill-hell boots, as Yang helps her and asks why she needed (low?) shoes.  She barks at him to not ask so many questions.  Later on, she's pacing in front of the (fake) windows holding her belly and flashing back to the moment the doctor congratulated her on being pregnant.  (OH CRAP AGAIN!!!)  Sounds like she's only two weeks along, but that still brings tears to Crazy Mom's eyes.

She clasps her hands together to pray to protect her and the baby, that maybe she can forgive Jin-shim now, and then flashes back to all the stuff she did to Jin-shim to turn her into Ga-on, and maybe she can be free of that sin once she has a blood baby with Fake Dad.  Fake Dad runs in after he's heard the good news and asks if it's really true and tells her thanks.  Crazy Mom asks if he's not embarrassed to have a baby at his "advanced age," and he says he feels he's been reborn.

Seul-woo still has that chip on his shoulder while he's yelling at their lawyer (the best that their money could buy!) over why he can't help his mom out of her tax evasion situation.  When he disses his mom because there's no way they can afford the interest and penalties (not to mention the snowball effect this is going to have on the other tax evasion stunts), Seul-woo grabs him by the collar and pulls him out of his chair so hard it almost makes his glasses fly off his head.  He then runs off to the tax office, but finds it closed. Seul-woo must have done some investigation of his own, because we see him leaving the City Hall with a stack of papers.  Later we see him sitting on a concrete bench contemplating the events and calling himself a worthless bastard.

Back at the Contest Headquarters, the workers pull off the lid to the sprouts container, and everyone has a taste.  And another taste.  And yet another taste...

The hyungs are back at the gosiwon, attempting to get online to find out if they've made the first cut, but are running up against a blocked screen.  Finally, Ho-jae works his computer magic and he reads the names of the teams that made it ("Go-Go," "I'm A Winner," "Infinite Challenge" [LOL!!!] "Survivor" [LOL again!!], "Sea of Scallions," "Ooh-La-La?"  Yeesh.) ... and at the end... are The Fresh Men!  They made it to the second round!!  Much dancing and rejoicing abounds!!  Ga-on is also reading the finalist list as well, and smiles big time that she knew Tae-yang would succeed.  But then she voiceovers to wondering if Crazy Mom will find out that he's finalist, but her fears shouldn't get in the way of his dreams.  Goofy Guy #2 answers the phone, and stands up to receive an order.  He then turns to Ga-on and tells her that the Tosa Jung wants to see her?  Her?

[Commercial Break #2, and they run the Micky Yoochun ramyun commercial again... where the theme music is a cover of the Blink "Kiss Me" song that played earlier in the Pool Hall Scene.  And yes, my brain has just exploded again...]

In the Tosa Jung's office, where he waves her in to sit down and peppers her with questions about how she came to work there.  Ga-on does say that she came to the Market not because she is Mok In Beom's daughter, but to learn for herself the business on her own accord.  Then Tosa asks her why her parents are so inquiring about that Han Tae-yang person.  When Ga-on says that she doesn't understand...  oh poopie, he's just spilled the beans about Crazy Mom trying to drive Tae-yang out of the Market by taking the truck away from him and banning him from the Market.   Tosa asks what exactly is the relationship between her and Tae-yang, as she apologizes and says she needs to leave, Tosa throws out a "how well do you know your mother" at her, to which Ga-on answers to leave Tae-yang out of this... as the Tosa asks her even to the extent of seeing Tae-yang permanently banned from the Market?  Ga-on says... yes.  This situation will not be a bother to the Tosa again.  She then bows and leaves, as Tosa flashes back to Crazy Mom telling him to get rid of Tae-yang... and pay more attention to his own wife.  Tosa wonders what the heck she meant by that?

On the bus ride home, Ga-on is wondering what to do now -- maybe she should have just passed him by, and mulling over the Tosa's words in finding out her mom was trying to get rid of Tae-yang.  When she returns home, Crazy Mom is there to greet her rather overly, I might add.  Ga-on tells her that she really needs to talk to her about something, when Crazy Mom says she needs to talk to Ga-on too.  They enter the living room to see Fake Dad already there on the couch.  As Crazy Mom cannot stifle her giggles, she tells Fake Dad to say something, but he defers as Crazy Mom says that Ga-on is going to have a dongsaeng soon... and when Ga-on says what, Crazy Mom says that she's pregnant.  Ga-on is mortified, and then Fake Dad asks if she's deserving of congratulations and Ga-on finally stammering out a chugha hayeo to Crazy Mom-to-Be.

Fake Dad tries to apologize to Ga-on, saying he's sorry she's not going to be the only child in the house anymore.  (Does anyone else think it's stupid to have children 25 years apart like I do?)  When Ga-on places her teacup a little too forcefully upon its saucer, Fake Dad asks if there's anything wrong and not to worry.  She says nope, nothing wrong with having a sibling.  Fake Dad and Crazy Mom yammer back and forth a bit longer about whether or not a boy or girl is more preferred, while Ga-on just sits there are stares at them and conveniently forgets what she wanted to talk to Crazy Mom-to-Be about...

Later at the Contest Heaqdquarters, The Fresh Men check in with the strangest looking team uniforms I have seen on a bunch of guys in forever!!  They are given a basket to check their cell phones, as the boys worry about the task ahead of them.  Woo-bong seems particularly worried, as Tae-yang gives him a HYUNG! and reminds them to focus because THEY'RE THE BEST!!  Tae-yang wants the boys to join him in a big cheer before they head out, so they put out one... two... three... four... FIVE HANDS?  It's Scruffy Guy there to help, which pleases Tae-yang to no end, and with a FIGHTING!!, they're off to their assignments.

Inside the Contest Room, one of the assistants explains the rules of the first assignment is to test them on their selling skills, as the assistants rolls out carts of cases of what looks like apples and parks one cart in front of each team.  Tae-yang smiles big time (and tells his halmoni that he's made it there).  They will get 300 apples to be sold at $1.00 each, and depending on how many they sell within the time that they've been given (with 80% of the total score based on the number of apples, and the other 20% of the total score on the amount of publicity given to the Mok Yeong Group), will determine the winner of the Survival Challenge.

But there are two instructions to follow:  First, you cannot sell more than one apple to a person at a time, as we see Woo-bong passing off a case of apples to Ho-jae.  That's an immediate disqualification -- OUT!  Next we see Chan-sol on his phone ordering a relative to come over and buy up all their apples (and that's why they took their cell phones).  Nope, that's another immediate disqualification -- OUT!!

The hyungs are concerned that they need to sell to 300 customers now, and since Scruffy Guy is not a professional businessman, the other three turn to Scruffy Guy to ask if he would join another team, and as Scruffy Guy glares back at them, they shuffle back in line still scared of him.  Scruffy Guy looks over at Tae-yang, and...

At a local coffeeshop (it's the same one that Tae-yang sang Happy Birthday to Ga-on), Seul-woo is looking miserable when Ga-on comes in and sits across from him.  Seul-woo tells her thanks for coming to meet him, and she's wondering what's wrong with him and asks how his mother is after her fainting spell the other day.  He says she's physically fine, but he apologizes for even thinking about calling her at a time like this.  Seul-woo basically spills his guts to her, and asks for her help.  Ga-on asks with what?

The Boys open their cases of apples, to find out that most of them are rotten and spoiled.  Woo-bong and Chan-sol call the examiner over to complain, and she tells them that they received some ugly apples as a penalty for being late to the registration!  Tae-yang turns around with a WTF?!? look on his face... because he was the one that told Fake Dad that he'll take a penalty on the second challenge if he would allow them into the contest.  And there we end Episode 11!

PREVIEW:  As what I'm going to call the "Chonggakne Yachaegage March" plays in the background, the teams race through the streets with their carts of apples in the rain.  Secretary Yang finally brings the envelope that contains Tae-yang's investigative report to Crazy Mom and she sees his name on his CV and mutters Tae-yang-ni?  Seul-woo is at Mok Yeong Group's headquarters, getting on his knees to ask a favor from Fake Dad.  Tae-yang and Ga-on hug and twirl around the Market.  Crazy Mom yells and accuses Ga-on of meeting Tae-yang and not telling her.  Tae-yang tries to figure out what to do with the apples.

Well, it looks like Our Hotties are on their way to bigger and better things, especially now that Sung Ha is playing a more prominent role.  And Episode 12 is gonna be a doozy, so see you all here tomorrow -- remember to eat all your vegetables!!  tongue.gif


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Thanks guys for your updates.... I watched it raw and since I don't fully understand their conversations I skipped scenes that has no Ji Chang Wook eeerrr I mean Taeyang on it ....and I got all giddy and I just giggle at how he teased Ga On for a kiss only to kiss her nose, how cute was that? hahaha such a tease! the scene at the church made me sad but all the scenes with the bachelors made me laugh.

and yeah I have to add Ji Chang Wook just killed me with that signature smile of his....

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We're back, basically repeating the last three minutes of Episode 11 -- the hyungs are at the Supreme Challenge staging area where they've received their cart full of apple crates.  The boys look at all their apples, and note that most of them are either spoiled or blemished.  Woo-bong calls over the lady assistant to tell her there must have been some mistake, but she tells them too bad, so sad, there is no mistake.  When Tae-yang told Fake Dad that he would accept a penalty in one of the rounds if he let the Fresh Men enter the contest, this round turns out to be the penalty one after all.  Tae-yang says he understands -- they will accept these apples, with the other boys going HYUNG!!

Scruffy Guy takes one of the apples out of the box and chomps down on it, as Chan-sol asks him what the hell he's doing!  Tae-yang then grabs an apple himself, and when Woo-bong protests to him, Tae-yang just shoves the apple in his mouth instead.  Tae-yang asks him isn't it good, to which Woo-bong has to agree.  He then pushes what's left of the apple into Chan-sol's mouth to shut him up.  Tae-yang just stands there thinking (and watching this scene with JCW wrapped in a head scarf, he sure looks a lot like Baek Dong Soo at that moment... )

The teams are then bussed to an area where the carts of apples are waiting.  In matching jackets, the boys are the last ones off the bus, and Woo-bong asks where are they?  Chan-sol says that they're in Hongdae (the entertainment area of Seoul where a lot of students hang out), and Woo-bong mentions so this is Hongdae -- he's never been here before.  Chan-sol is still complaining that his face only sells to ahjummas, not young girls.  Woo-bong says he has a hard time even talking to girls... as Tae-yang says that all ahjummas were once young girls and not to worry.

The leader of the Supreme Challenge pulls out a bullhorn and tells the teams the premise of their next challenge -- sell all the apples by any means necessary by a certain amount of time and they can walk anywhere they want around the Hongdae area, but they must return by 6:00 PM or be disqualified.  Also, they are going to be watched by members of the Challenge Team, and if they are caught breaking the rules, they will be disqualified on the spot!  Tae-yang asks Chan-sol if there is a 'best spot' in Hongdae, and when Chan-sol says to follow him because he knows Hongdae like the back of his hand, Tae-yang grabs him in a big hug and an OKAY!!  Ho-jae says the Pretty Boy is finally becoming useful!  ::snort::

Just then, a taxi pulls up and a shadowy figure in sunglasses gets out.  It's Chan-sol's sister Jung-ah, there to help I'm guessing...

The teams lined up waiting for the signal -- the whistle blows, and everyone is off and running!  Our Bachelors push out from the middle of the pack towards their destination.

Back at the coffeehouse where we left Seul-woo and Ga-on talking, Seul-woo is still going on about hesitating to even call her in the first place and not having her see him this way, but he really needs her help.  Eventually he gets around to his point -- please have her arrange to meet Ga-on's father.

Our Boys finally arrive at the best spot Chan-sol suggested in Hongdae where they're going to sell their apples.  When a rival team sets down their own cart right across from them, the boys protest as the other team tells them they're within their rights to sell where they want to -- nothing in the rules say that they can't (boo free enterprise system!!).  Tae-yang stands there thinking, but catches the label affixed to the side of one of the crates of apples.  He suddenly goes over and tells the Rival Team to BRING IT!

When Woo-bong says that capitulating to the Rival Team is basically the same as suicide, Tae-yang explains to the hyungs that there's something special about the apples they were given.  They're from Kang Ki Tae, and the rumour is that anyone who knows that their product is from that Orchard, they'll buy them sight unseen.  Tae-yang still thinks it's strange that their team would receive such a special apple, when Chan-sol says that it would have been a waste to just throw them away.  BINGO!  

Tae-yang waxes poetic about the Orchard the apples came from was the one that was hit hard by a hurricane over the past summer.  These are special apples that the Contest Organizers must have chosen for them to sell to test their marketing abilities -- yeah, they may be ugly, but when they bit into one back in the Conference Room, it still tasted great!  They just need to figure out how to tell their customers that very thing...

At Mok Yeong Group, Ga-on is there to see Fake Dad.  She apologizes for dropping in like that without calling first, but formalities aside, he's happy to see her.  But she's not really there to see him, as Ga-on beckons Seul-woo into Fake Dad's office.  He enters and respectfully bows to him and introduces himself.  Fake Dad is wondering why he's there...

Back in Hongdae, the Apple Sell-Off begins!  Our boys on the left side of the street, and the Rival Team on the right.  Oh lookie there, the Rival Team has just sold their first apple... and their second... when our boys haven't sold a single one.  Then Jung-ah sneaks up and buys an apple from Chan-sol... when Chan-sol pulls her hood down to see it's his sister!!  He pushes the money back into her hand and tells her not to do that or else they're going to get disqualified and pushes her over to the Rival Team, who takes the money out of her hand and replaces it with an apple.  Rival Team is ahead by a long shot now.

Back at Fake Dad's office, Seul-woo is asked the reason why he is there.  Seul-woo explains that he's there at Mok Yeong Group without his mother knowing and hopefully she will never know.  He asks appa to help keep his mom away from jail, which shocks Ga-on and Fake Dad.  Seul-woo goes on to ask for the loan of one of its best attorneys to help their situation.  It doesn't sound like Fake Dad is wanting to help out the Seul-woo Group, and basically dismisses him... until Seul-woo falls down on his knees for reconsideration to help save his mother.  He doesn't know what to do to help his mother out of this mess, so this is the only way he can think of right now... pride be damned.  Fake Dad looks over at Ga-on, who attempts to help him up off the floor.  Fake Dad then says he will take this all under advisement, and see if there is a way to help.  Seul-woo and Ga-on thank him and leave.

Back again to Hongdae, where Our Boys are not doing well with their apple sellings.  The Rival Team is still servicing to the crowd standing around them, and suddenly they are down to their last carton!  The hyungs stand around all dejected and trying to figure out how to unload their apples, when Tae-yang tells them AJA AJA AJA and not to worry, that there will be a miracle.  Ho-jae says that normal marketing of their apples won't work; they need some trick to disguise the apples or something.  Tae-yang thinks for a bit, and says that they have to make their customers see only THEIR apples and not anyone else's for sale.  Tae-yang then suddenly grabs Chan-sol and says he's perfect for what Tae-yang has in mind.  As Scruffy Guy and Chan-sol then take off running, Our Boys are still trying to unload their apples... as we see Chan-sol and Scruffy Guy running back to the apple spot with suitcases in their hands.

Back at Mok Yeong Group, Ga-on and Seul-woo are leaving Fake Dad's office.  Seul-woo is convinced that he's basically poison now, and that no one can ever be by his side because of the corporation failing.  They converse on the elevator ride down, as Ga-on says that the 'old her' would have just passed him on by.  But because it's his mother, so feels compelled to help and how they'd do anything for them... and that his mom had told Seul-woo that he and Ga-on were very alike be a good wife for him?)  Ga-on sends him off with an 'it's gonna be okay' and tells him to keep his chin up.  Seul-woo wanders off, thinking "chingu?"

We're back in Hongdae again, where... HOLY CRAP THEY'RE DRESSED IN COSTUMES AND DOING THE SHUFFLE DANCE!!!  (And I have just wet my pants from laughing so hard!!)  A crowd swarms around them (I think I see some familiar faces from the JCW DayRock Fan Cafe there!!) as Our Boys do a quite respectable job of dancing and getting the crowd worked up (Sung Ha really busting a move himself!!).  Suddenly, they stop and Woo-bong comes out with a title card that says "Our Show -- Snow White."  We then see a figure all dressed in black come up to Chan-sol (dressed as Snow White) selling apples.  When Snow White tells the figure that the apples it has brought are too ugly to eat, the black figure throws off the cape and it is... Tae-yang dressed as the Evil Queen!  (And huge screams from the crowd!!)  Commence scenery-chewing.... now!  (Dammit!!  I would have paid good money to see JCW dancing!!!)

With a large group of schoolgirls in the front row (LUCKY GIRLS!!), the Evil Queen tells Snow White how manner-less she is -- because she only picks perfect apples that turn out to be poisoned... YOU BEEYOTCH!  Evil Queen starts explaining the special way their ugly apples have been picked and presented for sale.  Tae-yang explains that why do people buy watermelons with the tail still on -- do they think it's the freshest because of that?  Crowd says NOOOO!!  (I'm just staring at Changwook-ssi doing his best girlie impression -- gah, his guyliner is PERFECT!!)  The Rival Team is looking over at them with disgust in their eyes.  The boys finish up their little play, introduce themselves as The Fresh Men and say they've got ugly organic apples to sell, as the crowd swarms around them and throws $1,000 won ($1.00 USD) bills at them.  Looking on from a distance are the Challenge Team Leaders, who are taking notes and smiling.

The hyungs need to return to the meeting point by 6:00 PM, and as the other teams have already arrived, we see the boys hustle butt up the street with their cart and boxes.  Woo-bong asks one of the leaders how heavy the other carts are.  As the leaders walk away with the teams' paperwork, the Rival Team's head comes over to remind Tae-yang about the side bet they made before the competition started.  Tae-yang (still in costume, mind you) reports back that he sure as hell hasn't... and they have a stare-off right in the middle of the street.

We return to Courtyard by Crazyhouse, where Fake Dad returns home and Crazy Mom greets him, to which he gets all super-attentive and rushes her to the couch to sit ('cause she's all pregnant and delicate and stuff).  They talk for a bit on how this is going to affect Ga-on in the long run, and how Crazy Mom-to-Be felt bad about when she was pregnant with (the real) Ga-on, how she cried all the time.  Next at dinner, there's a nice spread set out for those two.  Fake Dad asks if there's any chance that she might be dating.  Crazy Mom-to-Be tells him there's no freakin' way that she would be dating, because she can only date men that Crazy Mom-to-Be chooses for her.  Fake Dad says whatever man Ga-on chooses will be a good man, and tells her to stop getting all worked up, just drop it and eat.

[Commercial Break #1]

Our Bachelors are back at the pochmajang where they got drunker-than-drunk, actually having a meal with their drinks.  And they're still in full makeup from the Snow White scene -- HOW PRECIOUS!!!  Tae-yang wonders how Woo-bong could possibly be a dwarf with his height, when he says that hey, he used to be short... when he was little!  Tae-yang suggests a toast amongst the hyungs for all their hard work, and they all raise their glasses in a loud HWAITING!!... except for Scruffy Guy, who puts his down and gets up to walk away.  When Woo-bong asks where he's going, Chan-sol says he's Robin Hood and he's going to disappear again.  Tae-yang gets up and drags Scruffy Guy back down into his seat.  Tae-yang then pulls out his wallet like he's going to pay Scruffy Guy for his bus fare, when Woo-bong says that nope, he's got it covered and to put your wallet away.

Instead of money, Tae-yang pulls out one of the cards he received when he won that small prize in Episode 5 (after the night of drinking and they woke up on the ground in front of the 7-11) and puts it in front of Scruffy Guy.  Then how cute is it that the other boys all pull out their cards as well... except for Chan-sol, who claims he doesn't have it on himself.  Tae-yang gets up as Woo-bong and Ho-jae grab Chan-sol, and Tae-yang frisks the poor boy to find the card in his wallet after all (he was just too embarrassed to say so).  Scruffy Guy is watching all of this with a curious eye.  They all place their respective cards in the middle of the table, and Tae-yang nudges Scruffy Guy to do the same, which he does.  Tae-yang exclaims that now Scruffy Guy is one of them, and raises his glass for another toast!  HWAITING!!!  And Scruffy Guy finally joins in with a drink (but still not saying anything).  Tae-yang picks up his chopsticks and bangs them on the table to lead Our Hotties in the Chonggakne Yacheagage March again, as we pan away from the pojangmacha with them not having a care in the world.

Back at the Market, the two Goofy Guys are watching a fan-cam video on the Internet Tubes.  Who else, but our Intrepid Bachelors dancing and hooting up a storm in Hongdae.  They converse for a bit about what might happen to the Market if the Mok Yeong Group ends up taking all their business away when their new venture opens, with Ga-on hanging back and giggling over their comments.  When Tae-yang's face as the Evil Queen comes up on screen, she pushes the two Goofy Guys aside to watch with the biggest poop-eating grin on her face.  The two guys just stare at her, when she realizes what she's done... but just doesn't care and continues to watch anyway.

Watching on an iPad is Fake Dad, who says "ah, that's Ga-on's chingu" as he's watching him cavort around as the Evil Queen.  He flashes back to the time at the registration for the Supreme Challenge, where Tae-yang told him he was making a big mistake by not seeing his product and passion, and that he'll take a penalty if the hyungs are allowed to compete.  Fake Dad says that Tae-yang is definitely not an average guy...

Back at the Survival Challenge HQ, the teams are milling around waiting for the results of the second round to arrive.  Woo-bong wonders why it's taking so long, when Ho-jae tells them they've only sold 264 apples.  Tae-yang just tells them all he's proud of them, and if they don't make it through, to hold their heads up and smile as they leave the room.  Then the Contest Leader arrives and takes the podium.  He speechifies a bit, as Our Boys all hold up each other for strength.  And the banner is unfurled... but our boys didn't win -- the jerks on the Rival Team win, but by only selling 23 more apples than Our Heroes!  Tae-yang tells the dejected boys oh well, they tried.

BUT WAIT, there's more!  The Contest Leader says that he's not done yet... that he has something else to say for the final result because of the 80%/20% balancing... and the boys wait to hear what it is...

Ga-on is pacing nervously in the Market Office waiting for the results as well.  She gets impatient and picks up the phone to call and find out rom the Event Team, but when the person on the other end can't tell her the results, she thinks about pulling rank to drag it out of her.  She thinks better and hangs up the phone instead, and resumes pacing again as the two Goofy Guys order her to leave if she's gonna be like that.  When she refuses, they more emphatically tell her to LEAVE and she goes out onto the floor to resume working.  The Goofy Guys laugh over the fact that they know she's dating and things at the office are much more relaxed now.

Back at the Contest Results Centre, the results the Leader actually unfurled were only the ones who sold the most apples, and the REAL winner was yet yet to be announced!  (Ooooh, BURN!)  The Leader looks at Our Boys, and then tells everyone that because of their unique marketing skills with the skit and the special way they came up with to promote the apples... that the Chonggakne Yachaegage Team gathered the most points overall and is the GRAND PRIZE WINNER!!  Our Fresh Men stand there for a second or two, and then it sinks in that THEY WON!!  (Of course they would -- we wouldn't have a a show if they didn't!)  They all jump around and start crying, when Ho-jae in his exuberance jumps over to the Rival Team and hugs them as well.  (LOL!!)  As they all dance around, Tae-yang catches the sight of Chan-sol standing off to the side soaking it all in.  When he asks Chan-sol if he's okay, he says that he's so proud that he's part of the hyungs, and when Tae-yang says that he knew Chan-sol had it in himself to be an integral part of the group, Chan-sol starts crying in Tae-yang's arms.  Awwww, he truly is the maknae of the group, ne?

And now I need to wipe up a bucket of tears from that last scene myself.  See you in Part 2!

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EPISODE 12, RECAP, Part 2:

Back at the Market, we see Ga-on taking inventory of the veggies and trying to keep her mind on her work.. but ends up pulling out her phone instead to call Tae-yang.  It rings not 20 feet away from her, as Tae-yang is already there to meet up with her.  He picks her up and twirls her around in a big bear hug, and as she tells him that there's people watching, he says he doesn't care.  Tae-yang keeps looking around like they're going to get caught or something... but then resumes hugging the breath out of Ga-on.

Later at dinner, they're chowing down at the same place Tae-yang met Seul-woo a few weeks prior.  Tae-yang asks her if she knows why he's in such a good mood, when she says she never ever doubted that he wouldn't win.  Tae-yang is aghast that she already knew and why didn't she say something earlier?  Ga-on says back why didn't *he* say that he was entering the contest earlier?  Tae-yang mutters that he didn't want to be humiliated in front of her... and she mutters that the reason why she didn't ask him if he entered was because he would be humiliated if he didn't win.  Giggles all around!!

Ga-on knew he'd do well, but she didn't realize how well he'd do, so he must be pretty awesome!  Tae-yang agrees with her that he's a pretty awesome guy for sure (and humble too).  Tae-yang then decides to tell her that he met her dad at the Headquarters, but he didn't greet him properly at that time.  Next time he sees her appa, he will make sure to be a better gentleman at that meeting and introduce himself as her boyfriend.

Ga-on's face goes blank, and says that's probably not a good idea.  Tae-yang makes a lame joke about her being worried he would get slapped instead... or does she think he's not proper to be presented in front of The Chairman.  Ga-on says no, don't... never ask to meet him.   Now it's time for Tae-yang's face to go dark when he asks why he will never be told that he is Ga-on's boyfriend.  She tells him it's not that fact; it's because she's afraid it will hurt the business in the long run.  The boyfriend of the only daughter of the Chairman of the Mok Yeong Group?  People will talk...

Tae-yang sort of agrees with that, but asks if he could just quietly tell her father that they're dating.  She shoots down that idea as well, because if he appa gets close to him, people will still talk since there's so many eyes on him at the Company.  Tae-yang asks if the Chairman has any secrets himself, when Ga-on slams her soup spoon down on the table to get her point across and yells at him to wake up -- the real challenge for his work starts right now.  Tae-yang says that whatever challenge comes his way, he'll gratefully run with it, and goes back to wolfing down his food, still saying that he still wants to formally meet her father... as Ga-on gets that worried look on her face.

[Commercial Break #2]

Back at Mok Yeong Group Headquarters, Our Bachelors are in a conference room with the Contest Team getting ready to sign their contract for the six months' free rent on a veggie store.  Tae-yang thumbprints next to his chop and hands the paperwork back to the Team Leader.  He tells the boys thank you, you're all set, but they will be watched over the six months.  If they don't do well during that time, they will have to leave the Store.  Tae-yang just stares at the paperwork and tells the Leader that's not going to happen -- within six months, it will become an awesome shop that anyone will approve of.  At that point, an assistant comes in and whispers in the Leader's ear, and he tells Tae-yang that he needs to accompany the Leader somewhere.  Tae-yang looks stunned, but follows the Leader out of the conference room and leaves his hyungs sitting there wondering what's up but passing around the contract to stare at it once more.

Down the hallway from the conference room, the Leader tells Tae-yang that the Hwejangnim (CEO) requested him to come by after the contract signing.  Knowing that the Head Dude is Ga-on's father makes Tae-yang quite nervous, and he flashes back to the dinner when he said it might be time to meet Ga-on's parents and Ga-on kinda freaked out.  Hearing his phone ring snaps him out of his stupor, and when he looks at the screen, it's the Tosa Jung calling him!!  He must have told the Tosa that the Mok Yeong Group was setting up a store for him, because the Tosa repeats that back into the phone at Tae-yang.  Tae-yang was expecting the Tosa to call him about that, but that he's going to have to call him back because he's on his way to see the Chairman at that moment.  Tosa says he understands, but come by the Market later because he has something to tell him, and hangs up.  He wonders what that crazy family has in store for Tae-yang.

And then we have Crazy Mom-to-Be sitting out in her Town Car taking a look at the baby book she's started with her ultrasound pictures.  Secretary Yang runs back to the car with an envelope from a registry office.  He hops in (and does he tell her she looks radiant and peaceful because of the baby?  EW.) and she tells him to drive on.

A knock at the Fake Dad's office door, and there is Tae-yang announcing himself with a deep bow.  Fake Dad looks positively pleased to see him.  Fake Dad congratulates him and invites Tae-yang to sit, looking all nervous like he's meeting his future father-in-law or something.  Fake Dad tells him that he was pleased to see the crowd reaction to their little sales skit, and it is the sign of a great leader to pull off something like that.  Tae-yang (being ever humble) says that it was his team that won the contest, and one of his hyungs was the one to suggest the Snow White bit.   Fake Dad insists that his actions there show the sign of a great leader!

Tae-yang thanks him again for giving them the opportunity for making his dream come true, and that they're going to work really hard so that they don't waste such a precious opportunity.  It's always been Tae-yang's dream to have his own vegetable store, to which Fake Dad wonders if he's not saying that just because he won the contest.... then Tae-yang must have a lot of interest in vegetables.  Then playing Devil's Advocate, Fake Dad asks Tae-yang what if the business doesn't go well, and they have to leave the shop?  Tae-yang says pffffft, that's not going to happen, but if it does, he's just going to have to work harder to find another way to open another shop.  Fake Dad says if it ever gets to that point, for Tae-yang to come see him.  Tae-yang goes DUH?, but Fake Dad says he will find a way to make a position for him at the market they're going to open soon.  Tae-yang looks stunned.

We see Crazy Mom-to-Be's car pull up to the front of the Mok Yeong Group, where she gets out and enters the building... at the same time that Fake Dad is walking Tae-yang out to the lobby.  They exchange good-byes and promise to see each other again soon.  All of a sudden, Secretary Yang stops dead in his tracks and points to the mezzanine.  When Crazy Mom asks WTF is wrong, Yang says why is that guy there talking with Fake Dad?!?  Crazy Mom's face goes all blank but she proceeds on anyway.  As Tae-yang runs down the stairs, he gets a call from Woo-bong that distracts him from crossing Crazy Mom's path.  She and Yang get onto the elevator just as the doors close on Tae-yang, still not looking up from his phone while telling Woo-bong that there's no bonus check coming... (hee!)

In Fake Dad's office, Crazy Mom slowly steams as she waits for him to return after walking Tae-yang out.  She says she saw him talking to 'that boy,' and when Fake Dad can't figure out what she's talking about, he wakes up and suddenly tells her that he was the one that won the Survival Challenge.  She starts sputtering that he can't win and Fake Dad needs to cancel him winning the contest.  Fake Dad says he can't do that; he likes the boy and wants to see how things work out.  Crazy Mom-to-Be says it can't happen, because she knows that boy.  Fake Dad wants to know how, but she waves him off with a "you don't need to know right now."   Fake Dad tells her to back off because he can't do that on his own without a halfway decent reason.  She then offers up her trump card -- that he's the boy that keeps hanging around Ga-on without knowing his position.  Fake Dad is all so big freakin' what about them being friends from working at the Market, when Crazy Mom stands up and starts yelling at him to cancel the contract.  She apologizes and blames it on the pregnancy.

Tae-in comes running into their place yelling about hearing that Seul-woo's company went bankrupt, when she runs into Dan-bi entertaining Imo and Second Mom.  OOPSIE!!  She stops and apologizes for her outburst, and when Dan-bi introduces Imo as Seul-woo's mom, Tae-in gets all flustered and deeply apologizes before running into the kitchen for water.  She voiceovers about so what that's Seul-woo's mom out there?  His household is completely ruined anyway...

Dan-bi apologises to Imo, and she just waves it off.  Imo engages Second Mom into conversation about how Dan-bi never invited Second Mom over until this day (of all days), and that gives Imo the excuse to tease her a bit.  (I really like Second Mom's new hairdo way more than Seul-woo's new bowl cut.)  Second Mom thanks Imo for calling her over, even when she's so upset right now.  Imo explains that she had a good reason to call Second Mom over to Dan-bi's because she has something to give to her.  Imo suddenly pulls out a ring and passes it over to Second Mom.  Dan-bi's late mother was her friend, and she passed that ring on to Imo before she died.  Dan-bi's dead mother told Imo to give it to her when she finally got married, but now with jail time hanging over Imo's head, it wouldn't be good to have this in her possession.  Imo says she's always thought of Dan-bi as her own daughter, and reminds Dan-bi to be good to her (Second) Mom from now on.

Tae-in overhears all of this and wonders if Seul-woo's heart is breaking too... while Seul-woo is at the front door of Dan-bi's apartment, trying to ring the doorbell but ends up slouching down on the floor instead.

Crazy Mom is pacing awaiting Secretary Yang to arrive with the envelope he attempted to give her a few days prior.  When she opens it and sees that it's Tae-yang, breathlessly saying his name, Secretary Yang asks if she knows the man.  Crazy Mom then flashes back to the time Jin-shim told Crazy Mom that Tae-yang was not a bad boy and he's very remorseful about what happened to the real Ga-on.  When she reads the address of his hometown listed on his CV, she's sure it's the same Tae-yang and drops the envelope.  She gets up and almost collapses into Secretary Yang's arms.  Later upstairs in bed resting, she flashes back to the time at the hospital after the real Ga-on died when she told Tae-yang to die himself instead, and the time when she basically killed their grandmother, and thinks...

We're now with our Very Happy Bachelors, as they run through the construction site of their new store yelling and screaming in delight.  They hug together and dance around, with poor Woo-bong being the tallest left out of the circle. (Awwww...) They all pick up an instrument of destruction (drills, sledghammers, etc.), and with a huge AJA AJA AJA, they attack the front wall to take it down.  All the hyungs are having a rough time of it, when Scruffy Guy comes up and with one big swing of his sledgehammer, takes it down in one shot.  The boys are really impressed and start feeling his arms for muscles!!  They then have to haul the debris away, as we see Tae-yang drop a big chunk of concrete on his foot and Woo-bong strains something picking up a refuse bag.  Wussies!

Later that night, Ga-on is on the phone with Tae-yang as she walks home as he tells her about his day, and she asks what he's going to do about acquiring the produce for his new store since he's banned from the Market by the Tosa.  Tae-yang says he'll just have to find a way to get into the auction area, because no matter what, he still has to deal with them to get his products.  They banter for a bit, when she reaches the door of her house and he orders her to go inside because it's cold.  He tells her he misses her, and she tells him she misses him too and they need to hang up... but instead play the old "you hang up first -- no, you hang up first" routine.  Sigh...

Crazy Mom is there waiting for Ga-on to return, when she flashes back to Ga-on telling her that he's just someone that she works with, and confirms that Ga-on was lying to her the entire time.  When Ga-on announces that she's home, Crazy Mom turns her head and yells at her "why did you not tell me that you were meeting Han Tae-yang, that bastard?!?"  Ga-on goes all white... and we end Episode 12!

PREVIEW:  Seul-woo meeting up with Ga-on again.  Tae-yang back at the Market, where the Tosa returns the keys to his truck to Tae-yang and apologizes.  Tae-yang driving the truck to the new store, where Ga-on meets him and tells him... freeze frame!  ARRRRRGH!!

Couldn't figure out what to put for the Teaser Picture, since there were soooo many good shots in this Episode 12.  But I think my favorite was that few seconds before the Fresh Men realized... aw, I'm not gonna spoil it for those who haven't watched.  And don't you agree that those uniforms need just a bit MORE FLAIR on them?  LOL LOL LOL!!  ::snort::


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Guest deeana88

so cute...the teaser pic that cherkell put up. love it so much. :w00t:  and tae yang is wearing my fav color too... swoon..:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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Since I have a "No Commitments Weekend" ahead of me, I'm going to be doing some major overhauling on the Forum in fixing the broken links and putting the screencaps back and moving some stuff around.  Once that's done (and starting from Episode 12), I'm going in and tweak the narratives somewhat.  As always, thanks for your patience as I get this place organized again. 

A few more selcas were posted via JCW's Twitter feed over the past few days.  The first one you've already seen, so I'll add the captions below each shot:


In this one, he asks everyone, "Can you see The Sun?" (his character's name Tae-yang meaning "Sunshine").


Here he shows off some of the gifts that his Fan Cafe brought him during the filming in Hongdae last week.

247e537a.jpg     7e95aaac.jpg

He says about these two shots, "Always waiting..."  Not sure if he's waiting for the scene to start, or just catching a breather in between takes, but dammit he looks so exhausted here!!

Okay, enough of a break.  Getting back to work!!  


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It is with heavy hearts that we have to make this official announcement to all our members. As of 1st February 2012, AM-Addiction will no longer continue to upload and will close its doors for the final time. 

We would have really liked to carry on uploading at AM-Addiction but with the recent seizure of MU, the loss of all our files and all major uploaders deciding to retire, we have decided that this is the perfect time to say goodbye. We know a lot of you were hoping we would continue uploading as usual but after much deliberation, we know this is the best route for us to take. It really saddens us to leave so suddenly under these circumstances but we really do hope you understand where we're coming from.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our current/former staff members, donators, uploaders, subbing teams and friends who have supported us these 3 years. We will never forget all of you who so tirelessly devoted your time, effort and money to share and contribute dramas, soundtracks, MVs, music albums, news articles and subtitles with the whole community - you were the true backbone of AM-Addiction and we couldn't have done any of this without you.

To all our members: We hope that in some way, AM-Addiction has made a difference in your lives because all you wonderful people have certainly made an impact in ours! You made AM-Addiction a truly wonderful place to visit daily and it was our greatest pleasure to have been able to share dramas, movies and music with you since 2009.

From the bottom of our hearts again - Thank You.

Goodbye, AM-Addicts.

With love and gratitude,

AM-Addiction Admin.

Editor's Note:  It is with my own heavy heart that I have to post this message.  If it wasn't for AM-A, I would have never found you kind people on Soompi.  I am in immense pain for the friends I have made over the past 3+ years that put so much time, trouble, blood, sweat and tears into the site, only to have it be ripped away like this due to some selfish bastards wanting to line their pockets with wads of money.  And like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, another site will eventually come along to replace AM-A, bigger and better than ever.  But in the meantime, please go over there and share some love for their efforts, because it was not all for naught.  RIP, AM-Addiction... we'll meet again on the other side!!


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Ohayou minasan!  Lots of news happening in Bachelor Land now that we've passed the halfway point of the Show.  First off, the OST Part 3 dropped this morning -- it's by Min (from Miss A), entitled "바보같이 살았죠" ("Living Like A Fool"). You may remember this tune from when Tae-yang and Ga-on were at the church and on their way back riding on the bus. I have a sinking feeling this tune may play a large part in Our Hero's eventual heartbreak.  Sigh.

First Impressions -- meh.  It reminds me a lot of the song that Kara gal (Seung-yung) sang for the WBDS OST, all breathy and stuff.  But beggars can't be choosers -- I've read that the Producers have been getting a lot of flack for not releasing OST songs fast enough, so maybe we'll see more tunes than once every four weeks.  I'll post a link on the front page as soon as I get it uploaded to the site.


So let's get to some question answering, ne?


anyone have live streaming link other than the official Channel A on air?

I've been following iOnAirTV.com (iOnAirTV) quite closely over the past few months to see if they were ever going to pull the cable channels out of Beta testing before making an announcement here.  They finally went live on 1 February, and the answer to that is NOPE.  In fact, they pulled *all* the cable streams off their site completely -- only the Big Three (KBS1 and 2/SBS/MBC) plus SBS Golf (WTF?) and MNet made the cut.  There is a "Coming Soon" title card over the cable channels, so maybe we'll see something eventually.  But I'm not holding out hope we'll have another live-streaming site before the Show ends.  ARRRRRGH!

I don't think so. He was a model previously so this might be his drama debut?

I guess now that Tae-yang has referred to him as Ki-young, I guess I'll stop having to call him "Scruffy Guy."  Besides, he's cleaned up quite nicely!  Yup, Sung Ha's only claim to fame is that he was/is a model, and already the Korean media is referring to him as the "next Hyun Bin" (as in starting out as a model and then becoming a huge freakin' drama mega-star).  Well, I think it's too early to stick the poor cutie with that label, but we shall see.  Sung Ha has tweeted that he's been taking drama classes, and that's how he was casted for BVS.  Way to go, Scruffy Guy Sung Ha!!  FIGHTING!!

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