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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest malonowa

looks like our beloved couple is filming today! kekeke!i'm so happy!


Sora looks really cute! :D

Thanks for sharing! *shouting and happy dance*

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Dernière nouvelle à confirmer : notre Teukie partirait pour l'armée le 13 septembre 2012, je viens de voir ça sur twitter : http://teukeyesabsarmsdimple.tumblr.com/post/28964285455/why-elf-chose-super-junior A confirmer par les ELF dés qu'elles seront au courant... J'espère sincèrement que notre Teukie dira la date de son départ aux ELF... Je rechercherais des nouvelles dans la journée... Vivement samedi.... bonne journée et prenez soin de vous ^_^
Last news (not sure) :  Teukie will leave for the army the September 13, 2012, I just saw this on twitter:  http://teukeyesabsarmsdimple.tumblr.com/post/28964285455/why-elf-chose-super-juniorRumor or real ? I sincerely hope that our Teukie tell the date of his departure to ELF ... I  look to news during the day ...Good day and take care of you ^ _ ^

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Guest lennycsn

oh dear...my heart sank after hearing this despite the confirmation date yet to be announced. whatever it us, i hope today's filming would be a fruitful one and cherish each other's company. :-)

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I'm so happy hearing the news that they're filming today. Can't wait for this saturday too! Worth our waits, huhu...

Regarding teukie's enlist, he had told us before that he won't just dissapear suddenly. So he surely will inform his fans. I couldn't imagine the last episode for them.. I couldn't imagine how sora's going to react. And I hope after 2 years, he will come back and announced their real marriage :D

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@shymaldita - you are doing a good job - especially for us who can't get on this thread during office hours.  Your research and findings and observations are fun to read.  And of course, the rest of the gang who comes here non-stop to share theirs too - you all know who you are.

good to know they are filming again.  I like that loose t-shirt on LeeTeuk - loose shirt and rolled sleeves - more manly and makes him bigger.

I hope the September enlistment is not true - he once mentioned first week of October.  And yes @witeku - he said that too - inspite of his busy schedule, WGM is very important to him too so he won't go away this soon.  He is dating openly because of WGM.  They have yet to go on their honeymoon which the two of them are also anticipating.  I hope both of them try to make time for this.

Well FDs, off to work again!  Los Angeles is suffering from heat - earthquake last nite - rising gas prices, blah blah blah blah!  Who cares - as long as I see our Dimple Couple, that is more than enough to make me smile!!


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Let's see if it's broken? I'll try and post...

I found it interesting that Leeteuk and Sora both were dressed quite simply in the picture we saw...usuallly a new couple

tries to impress each other and wear somewhat nice close and dress up a bit. Maybe they are quite comfortable now and

don't need that superficial stuff... 

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Guest lallinachan

atl5 said: Dernière nouvelle à confirmer : notre Teukie partirait pour l'armée le 13 septembre 2012, je viens de voir ça sur twitter : http://teukeyesabsarmsdimple.tumblr.com/post/28964285455/why-elf-chose-super-junior A confirmer par les ELF dés qu'elles seront au courant... J'espère sincèrement que notre Teukie dira la date de son départ aux ELF... Je rechercherais des nouvelles dans la journée... Vivement samedi.... bonne journée et prenez soin de vous ^_^
Last news (not sure) :  Teukie will leave for the army the September 13, 2012, I just saw this on twitter:  http://teukeyesabsarmsdimple.tumblr.com/post/28964285455/why-elf-chose-super-juniorRumor or real ? I sincerely hope that our Teukie tell the date of his departure to ELF ... I  look to news during the day ...Good day and take care of you ^ _ ^

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Today, when I was looking for a news about our dimple couple in the twitter ..I descover 2 things:1st: that leeteuk don't follow our princess  :(2nd: that sora follow Jay Park @Jaypjw (He is .. World Professional Latin Finalist. Korea former Latin Champion.).
So i remember that Sora said : "I want to learn more (about tango dance) .."
everyone here remember the episode when Sora and teukie dancing a tango (Ep. 23) .. ♥
Jay Park Twit:(Kor) @reveramess 바쁘네요. 언제 오실래요?ㅎㅎ(Eng trans) @reveramess Rush. When can you come? hh
.. This is mean that sora started to learn tango ~ (Just for Teuki ♥) Fighting Unnie ~

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@ChoonHee21 - it's okay for LT not to follow Sora - both of them will get a lot of bashing from antis if they follow each other again.

Jay Park is a famous dance instructor; I believe he trained Jessica Gomez when she participated in DWTS Korea.

Sora learning the tango; she is not a dancer and she needs to work on her body movements so she needs an instructor to dance equally with husband Teuk.  They may be surprising us with a dance number one of these days.

The thread is not broken - just like me, I couldn't get into the forum while at work.  The heat is a killer - and to add earthquakes now and then.

@ones.n.twos - that's new to me.  We need our detectives to come out!!  Please help!!

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Guest lennycsn

cr: Sujuhwaiting10 YT
original search and cr: www.sup3junior.wordpress.com

Rough translation for the clip:

LT: Hello everyone. We are..Super Junior.(Mandarin)
LT & EH: We are..Super Juni..OR! (Korean)
LT: Im Letteuk
EH: Im Eun Hyuk
LT: There must be some reason we are standing in front of the camera, right, EH?
EH: Yeap...err..something big is happening..
LT: that is iWedding Network is entering China market.
LT&EH: Waaah...
EH: At the moment, Korean waves is hitting the whole world, especially in China. We Super Junior once went to China to meet the fans, So we thought we would like to meet fans through iWedding Network.
LT: The Chinese population is high, so the number of couples would be a lot too. Married is iWedding!  Let's be together. So, please give attention to iWedding and Super Junior. That's all from Super Junior. See ya.
LT& EH: We are Super Juni-or!

Some basic idea about iWedding Networks: What I understand from the iWedding Nework website, it is a korean-based wedding services company. Established since 10 years ago, mostly serving the korean VVIP or customers who seek for special kind of wedding.

[EDIT] To add more...this wedding services company is well known among the celebrities. From their customer-base history log summary, they have quite a handful celebrities subscribed their services including Han Ga In in 2005. Their services including wedding venue, honeymoon and travelling package, spa, wedding gifts and etc.

This is the webiste:

The website is written in Chinese..think the company is really targeting the Chinese market to come to Korea for the wedding services etc. because the website directing them to their company address in Korea.

[EDIT] What's on your mind? Are you thinking the same as to what Im thinking? Why Super Junior as a package, and not just LT alone? ^^
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Kim Jin Pyo is a friend of Kim won joon who was on wgm as Brave couple-the older couple. He came on their episode with his beautiful wife and 2 kids.

He was the MC of the show ChoonHee21 gave a link to...it's funny they call it a date on the show but whatever.

I guess Sora had experience in a Ferrari so when she said Oppa Leeteuk was like a Ferrari in terms of wanting skinship/kiss she can relate it to this experience.

That tango teacher was on another show recently...I remember hearing he danced with Jessica Gomez on the DWTS show.

It was Strong Heart maybe when there was a middle aged actress on who danced well..and he came out to dance with her.



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Guest bulkie



Today, when I was looking for a news about our dimple couple in the twitter .. i descover 2 things:

1st: that leeteuk don't follow our princess  

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