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[Drama 2011] Indomitable Daughters-in-Law 불굴의 며느리

Guest C51236

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Isn't  Myung Joon a bit late with her request for YS not to consummate the marriage?

Should she have said that before the honeymoon?  :phew:

Congratulations to SW and YS!  Here's hoping for a miracle honeymoon baby.  It took 102 episodes for them to get married.  I don't think I can last another 102 episodes for them to have a baby.  :lol:



Jang Di and Yun Jung  or  Mr. Coffee and Hye Ja. 

My vote is on Jang Di and Yun Jung because I think Hye Ja will convince Mr. Coffee not to put their children through a life such as theirs.  And, the feelings they have for each other has endured for 30+ years and will never diminished.  And, not to ruin the relationship of the youngsters.   :huh:

My vote is for JD and YJ. The parents will give in for the the sake of their childred's love and happiness.

Does anyone know how many eps this will be. I'm really surprised at the about face of HW towards YS. More troubles for YS. Does this girl ever get a break. I hope YS gets pregnant real soon. It's really time for MJ to be brought down a peg or two. I've had enough of her.

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Guest psj101209

Silent lurker for the past 2 weeks!

Thanks semi-fly for your awesomeness!!! Really!

Am I being evil when I'm hoping that HyeWon isn't pregnant? I hope she really isn't.

Also, it was so sweet what Shin Woo told Young Shim that they'll live; she'll be his daughter and he'll be her son.

Have a nice weekend!

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Highlight of Episode 103

Jin Woo, Hye Won, Young Shim and Shin Woo met at the Jeju-do resort. Young Shim asked how was Viviana but addressed Hye Won as she did before as "Second Sister in law". Hye Won asked that Young Shim should called "Hyung Nim" since Hye Won was married to the older brother. Shin Woo mentioned to be casual about the titles but Hye Won insisted. Jin Woo tried to put a word in but Hye Won pinched him instead to keep quiet.

Shin Woo asked whether Young Shim had somehow wrong Hye Won. Young Shim said she did not know. However, the proper way should be followed although she found it all strange suddenly.

Hye Won continued on with Jin Woo insisting that she should be called as per her current position. Jin Woo agreed with her

Hye Ja had to prick Halmeoni's finger asking her whether they should go to the hospital as Halmeoni was still unwell. Hye Ja said that she would worried a lot if Halmeoni insisted on not seeking medical assistance. Halmeoni said she was fine.

Jan Di told Yun Jung that his father would not give up on Hye Ja. Yun Jung told Jan Di her mother was also on the same thought. Yun Jung asked Jan Di whether they should break up instead and Jan Di told Yun Jung not to even think about it

Suk Nam and Hye Ja met and had the same talk saying that Yun Jung and Jan Do would not give up on their relationship

Shin Woo flattered Hye Won saying that since she and Viviana entered their household, life had been happy. Young Shim said that she would also changed her addressed to Hye Won as "Hyung Nim". Hye Won said that proper ethics should be followed but told Young Shim she could take her time adjusting to it.

Viviana insisted Myeong Joo to study with her but Myeong Joo refused and told Viviana off causing her to cry. President Moon came home to console the crying Viviana. Viviana told him that Myeong poked at her forehead and mouth.

Ban Gun gave his jacket to Soon Jung to keep her warm. Soon Jung asked why Ban Gun treated her well. Soon Jung said she would be greedy if he continued to treat her so well. Ban Gun asked what she meant and Soon Jung admitted that she liked Ban Gun. Soon Jung said that she knew he still loved Hanari's mother but she would do her best to be a good mother to Hanari. Ban Gun said that Soon Jung was still so pretty and would have a chance to meet someone else again. Soon Jung said she did not want anybody else. Ban Gun told Soon Jung that he never saw her anything other than a younger sister. Soon Jung said she had to go as she was embarrassed at the rejection. Soon Jung returned the jacket while Ban Gun gave chase asking her to be careful

Shin Woo came out from his shower to find Young Shim asleep due to tiredness. Shin Woo promised for all she had suffered, he will make sure the coming days will all be happiness.

Shin Woo at the breakfast table asked Young Shim what she wanted to eat. Hye Won also send Jin Woo to get her breakfast not to lose out in husbandry treatment. Hye Won then asked Young Shim to get her an orange juice as well.

Suk Nam still persuading to Hye Ja on to give up on them. Hye Ja said what can be done since Halmeoni objected to them and Jan Di and Yun Jung loved each other. Halmeoni overheard and found out that Jan Di was Suk Nam's son.

Shin Woo, Young Shim with Hye Won and Jin Woo returned from Jeju-do. However, Young Shim and Shin Woo will returned to Manwoldang for one night before returning home.

Myeong Joo waited at Manwoldang for Shin Woo and Young Shim. Young Shim and Shin Woo paid their respect to Halmeoni. However, Myeong Joo insisted that they followed her home right now. Myeong Joo commented that Shin Woo was not her son anymore but her daughter in law's husband. Young Shim and Shin Woo had no choice but to comply but told Halmeoni they would visit on another day.

Hye Won was surprised to see Young Shim and Shin Woo. Viviana came out and called Young Shim as older Aunt. Myeong Joo said that was why she objected to the marriage as the relationship was all so confusing. Young Shim apologized to Hye Won and made the mistake of calling Hye Won "Second Sister in law" incur more anger from Myeong Joo. However, Hye Won looked rather pleased about it.

Shin Woo said his mother never changed. Shin Woo suggested they should stay on their own soon. Young Shim said she was fine with it. Shin Woo warned Young Shim not to suffer alone.

Myeong Joo shouted from downstairs on what they were doing and Young Shim quickly changed into her hanbok and helped Hye Won in the kitchen. Hye Won informed Young Shim that Myeong Joo had the maid off on leave so that Young Shim will had to do all the household. Young Shim took it in stride and said she would do her best.

Shin Woo asked Myeong Joo to accept Young Shim as Young Shim was a good person. Shin Woo appealed to his mother to treat Young Shim better. Myeong Joo refused and Shin Woo started to worry

Myeong Joo excused Hye Won from the housework and told Young Shim that she need to be responsible for the 3rd generations in their household including Viviana. Myeong Joo put Hye Won to supervise Young Shim much to Hye Won's delight. Young Shim had no choice but to comply.

Suk Nam tried to get Yun Jung to give up on Jan Di while Jan Di worked on Hye Ja to get her to give up Suk Nam. It ended in a deadlock.

Ban Gun asked Halmeoni on the family history

Jin Woo complimented on Young Shim excellent cooking. President Moon told the family to leave happily and the daughters in law to listen to Myeong Joo. Myeong Joo listen with no interest and carry on eating.

Next day, Myeong Joo had Young Shim cleaned all the pots in the house. Myeong Joo listed the other chores and told Young Shim that the war was just beginning.

Preview of Episode 104


Hye Won tried to help Young Shim with the chore but Myeong Joo forbids it. Hye Won had a show of nausea and Myeong Joo looked delighted

Jin Woo announced to President Moon that Hye Won was "pregnant"

Halmeoni approved Yun Jung's marriage to Jan Di much to the horrors of Hye Ja. Suk Nam came by to say he object to the marriage.

Both Jan Di and Yun Jung received backlash tactics from their respective parent.

Shin Woo consoling Young Shim that they would live as if Young Shim was his daughter and Shin Woo would be her son.

Hye Won asked whether Jin Woo was sleeping. Jin Woo asked whether she was ill. Hye won asked what she was suppose to do now.

(I will be off to London tonight for my family holidays so see you all in two weeks time. Whew!!! At least I managed to watch the wedding)

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Well, from what I can surmised from just the visual, since I don't speak Korean, HW is pregnant  So, all the Moon's are deliriously happy.  MIL rewarded HW, for the pregnancy, with a golden jewel-encrusted frog.  U-g-l-y!  (Seriously, I can do with a lot less screen time for that 'rabid dog' of a MIL.)

YS is happy about HW's pregnancy, but also sad at the same time.  SW is an absolute saint for understanding and consoling her, even when she is presenting a brave face to everyone.  Since HJ knows about the issue of YS' becoming pregnant, YS called her with the news of HW's pregnancy and also as someone to whom she could reveal her true feelings.  (It was a really heart-wrenching scene.)

The situation between the dueling couples, i.e. Mr Coffee & HJ versus Jang Bi and Yun Jung continues.

Halmoni was examined at the hospital by a doctor.  So, a medical condition may be the next big topic for the drama.

Last, but not least, I think MIL overheard YS telling HW that she couldn't have children.  Here we go . . .

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It looks like from the end of ep 105 the news reports that MJ stole the rice. I think this all came about from GM journals being published. I'm thinking that MJ stole the rice and the Chairman was able to start up his company. If this is so, then the stolen rice was the beginning of their success and their road to richness. This will surely bring MJ down a beg or two or three off her high horses. She's a thief and has lived high on the hog from that theft. How embarassing for her husband and sons.

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It looks like from the end of ep 105 the news reports that MJ stole the rice. I think this all came about from GM journals being published. I'm thinking that MJ stole the rice and the Chairman was able to start up his company. If this is so, then the stolen rice was the beginning of their success and their road to richness. This will surely bring MJ down a beg or two or three off her high horses. She's a thief and has lived high on the hog from that theft. How embarassing for her husband and sons.

Just as what we all had suggested right from the beginning!  The rice was the seed money on which they started their business.  I'm so glad that the 'rabid dog' will get her comeuppance.

And, this is the reason that HJ had to marry into Manwoldong because it caused a financial crises in her family.  So, the unfilled love between HJ and Mr. Coffee was a result of the theft, too. :o

As I've already said, perhaps Fate will not reward them with grandchildren because of misdeeds by both Moon parents.  But, this is a daily drama where all is always forgiven because the protagonists always miraculously 'see the light and are reborn'.  -_-

Okay, couldn't tell much from the action in ep. 106.  Most of the dialog centered around the MJ issue.  It seems like she is still defensive about her actions.    She is really acting like a 'rabid dog'.  At the end of the episode, it looks like she was headed for Manwoldong.  For what reason, I don't know.  But, even President Moon looked exasperated with her when she left.

The most heart-wrenching scene was about Mr. Coffee and HJ.  I think it was his birthday and he was eating alone at a street food stand.  HJ found him there.  And, HJ got drunk with him.  When he took her back to Manwoldong, there was a big fracas between him and halmoni.  And, since liquor loosens all inhibitions, I think both he and HJ said things they've been holding in, which caused halmoni to calling for 'harabuji' . . . again.  (Even if the guy doesn't show up soon, he should be turning over in his grave by now.)  :P

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From what a friend of mine can make out the news had something to do with MJ's spending habits. But later when HJ and MJ argue about YS and the stolen rice, the Chairman heard what MJ did. (not sure about this part) Chairman told HJ to apologize. MJ refuses. Chairman told her to apologize or get out the house. MJ leaves.

I've had enough of MJ. It's really time for her to be taken down. From the preview of ep 107 I think the Chairman has had enough of her too. He sends her belongings to her.

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My friend, who is not watching dramas, did give me the basics of the fracas at Manwoldong when Mr. Coffee brought back a drunk Hye Ja.

Here's what she told me:

Hye Ja  asked Mr. Coffee to break up and got

drunk. Then when he brought her home.

Halmoni scolded her saying 'behave yourself, don't forget

your responsibility as the first daughter in law in the family? you

should be ashamed of yourself in front of your ancestors'

Mr. Coffee said: Living one is more important than those who passed away.

Halmoni: watch your mouth! E-Nom! (addressed him in a way to call

someone very young and in low social status)

Hye Ja defended him: how can you call him like

that? He will be 60 year old soon. Please respect him.

Halmoni was upset: what is she saying?? what? what?

Hye Ja: Ha! Suk! Nam! he has a good name. why don't you

call him by his name instead of calling him 'E-Nom'

GS jumped into the situation and tried to stop her saying

further. 'She must be drunken badly'

Halmoni: She has never been against me for 40 years. You (she called him:

E-Nom) flirted with her and tempted her and now look! what is going


SukNam: You have slaved her for 40 years since she came to this

family. how longer does she have to serve you and babysit? You have

been greedy too much. Don't you worry about regretting as you pass


Halmoni: what the hell are you talking about?

GS: you are drunk too. you should come back later when you are

sober. (to Ban Gun): Please take him out.

SukNam: After you die, who will be next to Hye Ja

as her kids get married? you shouldn't do this if you care about Hye Ja a

little bit.

SukNam was taken out of the house and both were sitting down.

Halmoni was shocked and calling her husband's name and asking him to take

her as well (implying I wouldn't mind dying. better to die than seeing

this crazy situation). As Hye Ja mumbles..halmoni says I live too long to

put up with this. I lived too long..I lived too long.

The drama seems to have lost momentum because it's feeling contrived and draggy.    On the other hand, I may be bored because there's too much focus on the 'rabid dog'.  She's got no shame at all.  How could she even consider imposing on Hye Ja and Manwoldong, after how she's treated that family.  :crazy:

Have a nice weekend~

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My friend, who is not watching dramas, did give me the basics of the fracas at Manwoldong when Mr. Coffee brought back a drunk Hye Ja.

Here's what she told me:

Hye Ja  asked Mr. Coffee to break up and got

drunk. Then when he brought her home.

Halmoni scolded her saying 'behave yourself, don't forget

your responsibility as the first daughter in law in the family? you

should be ashamed of yourself in front of your ancestors'

Mr. Coffee said: Living one is more important than those who passed away.

Halmoni: watch your mouth! E-Nom! (addressed him in a way to call

someone very  young and in low social status)

Hye Ja defended him: how can you call him like

that? He will be 60 year old soon. Please respect him.

Halmoni was upset: what is she saying?? what? what?

Hye Ja: Ha! Suk! Nam! he has a good name. why don't you

call him by his name instead of calling him 'E-Nom'

GS jumped into the situation and tried to stop her saying

further. 'She must be drunken badly'

Halmoni: She has never been against me for 40 years. You (she called him:

E-Nom) flirted with her and tempted her and now look! what is going


SukNam: You have slaved her for 40 years since she came to this

family. how longer does she have to serve you and babysit? You have

been greedy too much. Don't you worry about regretting as you pass


Halmoni: what the hell are you talking about?

GS: you are drunk too. you should come back later when you are

sober.  (to Ban Gun): Please take him out.

SukNam: After you die, who will be next to Hye Ja

as her kids get married? you shouldn't do this if you care about Hye Ja a

little bit.

SukNam was taken out of the house and both were sitting down.

Halmoni was shocked and calling her husband's name and asking him to take

her as well (implying I wouldn't mind dying. better to die than seeing

this crazy situation). As Hye Ja mumbles..halmoni says I live too long to

put up with this. I lived too long..I lived too long.

The drama seems to have lost momentum because it's feeling contrived and draggy.    On the other hand, I may be bored because there's too much focus on the 'rabid dog'.  She's got no shame at all.  How could she even consider imposing on Hye Ja and Manwoldong, after how she's treated that family.  :crazy:

Have a nice weekend~

I think the one to break that rabid dog and humble her is YS.

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Looks like there's trouble brewing in the Moon household between the brothers about their wives. HW is turning out to be a piece of work. Now that MJ has calmed down out jumps HW the snake.

Actually, it's not a surprise that HW would finally show her dissatisfactions/insecurities.  I think she's always been a bit estranged from the rest of the family. Perhaps, it was because they lived away from the rest of the family.  And, possibly, they lived apart because she didn't want to be the least senior member of a big household and the person that had to be at everyone's beck and call.  So, she probably didn't  form a tight-knit bond with the other family members.

Also, her maiden family must have had some status since she and SR attended the same university. Unlike YS, who came from an orphanage and only a high school education.  Yet, YS being the wife of the eldest son was more senior to her, in status.

Now, that she is the eldest DIL of the Moon family, it is natural, although not magnanimous, for her to feel that her position in the family hierarchy has been elevated.  Actually, on this part, I do fault YS when she didn't address HW as 'wife of elder brother', in the scene during the honeymoon.  Even though HW was less senior, in the past, she is now above YS, in hierarchy.  And, YS and SW were wrong for not giving her her due respect.

And, it's only natural that she was looking forward to her in-law's favoritism because she's carrying their grandchild, which is something that YS supposed can never do for her in-laws. 

Hopefully, the disputes will not amount to much.

I thought the most unusual thing in ep. 107 was how happy and peaceful President Moon was with just HW, JW and Vivienne at home; without 'rabid dog' being around. :lol:

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Final week. Text preview is out

Episode 109

막녀는 위암 진단을 받고, 혜자와 석남, 비와 연정을 만월당을 불러들인다. 결국 혜자와 석남 사이를 인정하는 막녀. 비는 절대 받아들일 수 없다며 자리를 박차고 나간다. 혜자는 막녀의 병을 알고 하얗게 질리는데...

Episode 110

현여사는 영심에게 금거북이를 하사하며 정식으로 며느리로 인정해주겠다고 한다. 혜원은 영심과 현여사가 친해진 사실에 샘이 난다. 신우는 영심의 일로 혜원과 신경전을 벌인다. 혜자는 석남에게 만월당을 지키겠다고 하는데...

Episode 111

막녀는 영정 사진을 찍어두며 조금씩 죽음을 준비한다. 연정과 비는 갑작스런 석남과 혜자의 결정이 이해되진 않지만 그 마음을 이해하려 애쓴다. 드디어 막녀의 책이 출판되고, 만월당에선 기념파티를 하기 위해 모든 식구들이 모여드는데...

Episode 112

막녀는 세상을 떠나고, 만월당 여자들은 각자의 방법대로 아픔을 이겨낸다. 석남은 혜자에게 옷을 보내며 마지막으로 고향인 강경에 다녀오자고 한다. 참다못한 진우는 문회장에게 분가하겠다고 하는데... 마지막회는 안나왔음

Anyone can translate?

Cannot believe it is final week:(

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