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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Thanks babyfaceyoochun for all the article u posted and the youtube video links .Good to hear Ripley is No.1.

Thanks Semi-fly for the link.

I don't know how is everything going to wrap up in just 3 episodes? Thanks DoubleS-501and singapore0950 for the recap.Even i have missed watching lots of part in today episode.

Did miri and Yh broke off i didn't understand what they were talking ?Even if Yh broke off i won't be surprise after all what miri did to him was also wrong ?

I find Miri real mom more evil ,how come she slaps miri ? I mean what right does she have from start only she was not happy with YH and Miri relationship ,she always treats her like some doormat.Even if someone has the right to treat miri badly then its YH,She did wrong to him and he can punish her.He is the person who is pain right now ,its not easy to ignore ur love.

Idk how come LH doesn't know she is her daughter,miri's date of birth must be same. The more i see Lee hwa i find she cares more abt company and its assets rather then her own daughter or even his step son .

I think the reason he ran after miri was to know what LH told her,since she was crying like that ?He knows how cruel his stepmom is? I hope Miri doesn't run away and surrender herself and start a new life after coming out of jail.I won't be surprised if this series show leap if miri is alive.

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

[NEWS] Yoohyun Breaks off Marriage with Miri in Ripley

Miss Ripley Park Yoochun, Announce the Breaking of the Engagement to Lee Dahae. “Engagement is Too Difficult.”


Song Yoohyun in the end announced the break of their engagement to Zhang Miri.

On the 13th episode of the MBC Monday-Tuesday drama Miss Ripley which was broadcasted on July 11, Song Yoohyun came to know of Zhang Miri’s past. It is that she worked in a hostess bar (T/N: literally, “liquor place”) and has lied about her academic credentials. He heard it all from Hirayama.

Song Yoohyun hesitated for a long time. Zhang Miri went to visit Song Yoohyun’s parents to be affectionate and to plead with tears but it did not work.

Song Yoohyun came to visit Zhang Miri. He said: “I will not ask whether it is true. Because it is truth that will not change whether I ask or not. I also wish that it was not truth. However even if you say it is truth there is nothing that will change. Does my heart that loves you need to change? But why were you not able to tell me the story.” It was that his love would change.

Zhang Miri tried to give some excuses but Song Yoohyun continually blocked her. Song Yoohyun said: “Why did you fool me. Now I can only tell you this. Until you accept yourself honestly an engagement is difficult. If that is not the case then I am sorry.” It is that for all intents and purposes the engagement is broken off.

At the same time Zhang Miri has been wrapped up in a controversy of having fabricated her academic credentials. In a internet posting board of the (TV) program that she was appearing, related materials started to surface. Zhang Miri came to step off from the program.



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Guest bluemoonlight

First, I have to say the cliffhanger...wasn't much of a cliffhanger. Come on Miss Ripley team...I know it's getting towards the end, but you need a better hook than that. Just be glad it's for the next day's episode and not next week.

Anyhoo, I kinda saw the breakup coming...but in a way, I was disappointed in how "nice" he was. I mean, I know he's the quiet, reserved type, but you just found out your fiance, the woman who you "loved" was basically lying to you this whole time about practically everything. It's a real conflict of emotions for me cuz I was really rooting for the YuRi couple, but at the same time, any sane man would not stay with this kind of woman.

From the preview, it seems like Yuhyun knows more about Miri's childhood and adoption (& he's definitely showing more sympathy)...and maybe he even finds out that his step-mother's her birth mother! Although I don't think so yet, maybe in ep. 15? I think Lee Hwa's got some suspicions of her own...

On another note, I think the double-slap was way harsh. I can't wait for Lee Hwa to realize that Miri was her daughter all along. I'm actually waiting for Lee Hwa's demise. Of course, I believe Miri should pay for her crimes/lies, but more than that I want to see Lee Hwa lose everything. I have absolutely no sympathy for her, not even when she was reminiscing about Miri when she was a child back at their old apartment. Felt nothing when she cried.

Gosh, only 3 more eps to go...so sad...really gonna miss this drama and all the discussions here.

I just really really hope Miri does not go back with Hirayama...I think I'd throw something at my TV!

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Guest ngthuhien149

First, I have to say the cliffhanger...wasn't much of a cliffhanger. Come on Miss Ripley team...I know it's getting towards the end, but you need a better hook than that. Just be glad it's for the next day's episode and not next week.

Anyhoo, I kinda saw the breakup coming...but in a way, I was disappointed in how "nice" he was. I mean, I know he's the quiet, reserved type, but you just found out your fiance, the woman who you "loved" was basically lying to you this whole time about practically everything. It's a real conflict of emotions for me cuz I was really rooting for the YuRi couple, but at the same time, any sane man would not stay with this kind of woman.

From the preview, it seems like Yuhyun knows more about Miri's childhood and adoption (& he's definitely showing more sympathy)...and maybe he even finds out that his step-mother's her birth mother! Although I don't think so yet, maybe in ep. 15? I think Lee Hwa's got some suspicions of her own...

On another note, I think the double-slap was way harsh. I can't wait for Lee Hwa to realize that Miri was her daughter all along. I'm actually waiting for Lee Hwa's demise. Of course, I believe Miri should pay for her crimes/lies, but more than that I want to see Lee Hwa lose everything. I have absolutely no sympathy for her, not even when she was reminiscing about Miri when she was a child back at their old apartment. Felt nothing when she cried.

Gosh, only 3 more eps to go...so sad...really gonna miss this drama and all the discussions here.

I just really really hope Miri does not go back to Hirayama...I think I'd throw something at my TV!

I almost agree with u in everything. First I am disappointed about how nice Yuhyun is. Come on, he has been lied to the whole time. 2nd, there is no cliffhanger at all. Nothing that we can actually look forward to. 3rd, I dun like how the writer makes Miri say "I Love Yuhyun" the whole time, sometimes there are things that you should not do so much, if u do it becomes really fake, writer, please don't think because u make that sentence repeated so many times we can believe the love is sincere, do sth else =.= I am going to say about Miri's attitude toward MH and step mom but then again, like some of u said, that is what the writer wants so there is no point to talk about that any more.

Other than that, everything is actually not bad, it is just not so good.

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Episode 12 ended on such an important cliff-hanger that I think we were all expecting a lot from Episode 13. Unfortuantely, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. But based on the little bits that I've gleaned from others, it looks like most are pretty disappointed and that not much happens in Episode 13. How am I supposed to get any work done when I want to know what's going to happen? I'm glad I started watching this late because I can't imagine being on tenterhooks like this for 8 whole weeks.

I don't think that Miri will end up with Hirayama. And while he is a despicable character, there is something almost respectable in his consistency and his understanding that he is evil.

Anyway, while I don't think that she'll end up with him, I don't see a happy ending for her. I don't think she'll end up with YH, who I think will sadly end up losing a lot in the end. I wonder if the shock of all the lies and deceit will cause his father to collapse and also die. BTW, does anyone know what exactly is wrong with YH's dad? I think I may have missed where an actual diagnosis was given. YH's never been close with his stepmom so no loss there, except that I think he will be sad for his father when the truth about her background is revealed.

Anyone who has already seen Episode 13 who can share any more information, please share. I take it Lee Hwa gave Miri a double-slap? Once it a slap followed a few second later with another slap on the same cheek with the same hand? Or was it a slap-slap on both cheeks with both hands? Obviously, I haven't seen it and the circumstances surrounding it. But I think I would have to agree with bluemoonlight that it at least sounds harsh. The slap from HJ was loooong overdue. But, even without knowing that Lee Hwa is Miri's mother, the slap seems harsh. On the other hand, maybe it's not that harsh considering that Miri was aspiring to marry into a prominent chaebol family with all of her lies. Maybe the first slap was for lying. And the second slap was for getting caught.

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Guest bluemoonlight

I don't think Miri will go with Hirayama either, but it just irks me that they're even trying to make it a possibility. I'd rather her go to jail for a long time than go back to her horrible life in Japan with Hirayama.

Yes, Lee Hwa gave Miri a double slap. The first was when Miri walked into the room and before either one of them said anything, she slapped Miri pretty hard. The 2nd time was a few minutes later when Miri was kneeling while confessing to lying about some of the things(not everything) and begging for forgiveness I believe. Lee Hwa told her to get up and then that's when she slapped her a 2nd time.

It's just really hypocritical coming from Lee Hwa who we know abandoned her daughter and gold-dug (sounds weird) her way up and while we don't know the extent of her lies at this point, we know she lied as well. Also, I believe Lee Hwa's anger arose from Hirayama blackmailing/threatening her (the company), so that's what triggered the slaps IMO. Miri totally deserved Heejoo's slap and I was yelling, "about time!"...but these slaps just felt harsh...maybe Miri did deserve them, but it didn't feel right coming from Lee Hwa (and not just cuz we know she's her biological mother).

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

<span class="Apple-style-span" >YC: I wonder if it’s okay to say this…It is still yet to be determined but there is a chance that we will come to perform in Japan before the end of this year. This time we feel that we should come and see you all, so we would really like to have a concert. It’s raining today so be careful in returning home. Thank you very much.

source: @yoosutique<br style="font-size: 11px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; line-height: 1.4em; ">trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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Guest lavender.room

i'm kind of upset that they aren't extending this drama. i'm really really enjoying it. :( but i guess that might be better cause then they aren't dragging it on.

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((( Episodes 01-12 )))

"Miss Ripley (2011) ViKi Softsubs"

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Shallow I might be, but the only parts I’ve enjoyed so far were the sweet moments between Miri and YH. Unfortunately, Miri has turned out to be disappointing. Though I’ve stopped watching the past few episodes, I am still reading the posts on the forums and watching the previews. There is not much time left, Miri needs to realize and admit her lies and mistakes. I am still waiting for Miri to confess to YH or to show what she calls true love, some sacrifice on her part for YH will be nice. Please she cannot run away with Hirayama, why would the writers even put that in, unless they decide that Miri is not to redeem herself and she is lose everything in the end. Or if Miri might end up with a nervous breakdown and decides to live in world of make-believe, that may explain the scene from the first episode when she was playing with the children, perhaps from the orphanage. I certainly do not want either scenario to happen. Hopefully there is some sort of a good YH-Miri ending so that I can go back to watching the episodes.

I agree that the worst character besides Hirayama is Lee Hwa. From the preview, instead of making up for the abandonment of her daughter and coming to her rescue, she’s worried that her daughter has suddenly shown up in 20 years. It appears that YH will be the one who ultimately saves Miri. Miri’s life is such a tragedy. I want to see Lee Hwa’s downfall.

Looking forward to a text preview of next week's episodes.

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Hey I made a photo video of Yoochun over this week & just wanted to shared.

It took me forever, because I had to photoshop some pictures together & had had to cut verses of Yoochun's part from his DBSK's days & his current songs.

So check it out: b]

As for today's episode, I find it interesting, especially YH reaction toward Miri. He clearly still loves her (alooooot). The way he look at Miri ( when she was next to MH) at the end of the episode was just pure LOVE. As for Miri, I believe apart of her is realizing that she's losing someone who loves her truly w/out wanting anything in return (like her body).

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